ORD 2001-11TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2001 - 11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE T+ AFFECTING PARTICIPATION O MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYS', UNDER SECTION 854.202(g) OF WHICH ALLOWS A QUALIFIED (20) YEARS OF CREDITED SER )WN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, TOWN EMPLOYEES IN THE TEXAS `EM BY AUTHORIZING ELIGIBILITY THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, MEMBER WITH AT LEAST TWENTY VICE PERFORMED FOR ONE (1) OR MORE MUNICIPALITIES TO RETIRE AND RETIREMENT BENEFIT; PROVIDING PROVIDING ENGROSSMENT AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECEIVE A SERVICE FOR SEVERABILITY; ENROLLMENT; AND NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas is empowered under Texas Local Government Code Section 51.001 to adopt an ordinance or rule that is for the good government of the Town; WHEREAS, Section 854.202(g) of the Texas Government Code contains provisions for the Town of Trophy Club, Texas to authorize its employees, as members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System ("TMRS"), to retire and receive a service retirement benefit if an eligible member has at least 20 years of credited service performed for one (1) or more municipalities that authorize participation under Section 854.202, and WHEREAS, prior to the adoption of this ordinance, an actuarial analysis of member retirement annuities at 20 years of service was prepared and a public hearing meeting the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act was held by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council has determined that it is in the best interests of efficient local government to authorize Town employees to receive service retirement benefits for twenty (20) years of service as eligible under Section 854.202(g) of the Texas Government Code. SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 854.202(g) of Subtitle G of Title S,Texas Government Code, as amended, which Subtitle shall herein be referred to as the "TMRS Act," the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, adopts the following provisions affecting participation of its eligible employees in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (hereinafter referred to as the "System")., QATOWNSECTending Ordinances120 YR Ret TMRS 52101.doc (a) Any employee of the Town who is a member of the System is eligible to retire and receive a service retirement annuity if the member has at least twenty (20) years of credited service in the System performed for one (1) or more municipalities that have adopted a like provision under Section 854.202(g) of the TMRS Act. (b) Prior to adopting this Ordinance, the Town Council has: (1) prepared an actuarial analysis of member retirement annuities at twenty (20) years of service; and (2) held a public hearing pursuant to the notice provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. (c) The rights hereinabove authorized shall be in addition to the plan provisions heretofore adopted and in force at the effective date of this ordinance pursuant to the TMRS Act. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. ENGROSSMENT AND ENROLLMENT The Town Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this Ordinance by copying the caption and effective date clause in the minutes of the Town Council and by filing this Ordinance in the ordinance records of the Town. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this the 21St day of May, 2 00 1. Marshall Engelbeck, Ma or Town of Trophy Club, Texas Q \TOWNSECTending Ordinancesl20 YR Ret TMRS 52101.doc ATTEST: Diane i7ockrell, Ttb, n Secretary Town of Trophy Texas [SEAL] APPROVED AS TO FORM: Patricia A. Adams, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Q:ITOWNSECTending Ordinances120 YR Ret TMRS 52101.doc