ORD 2000-12TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 2000-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS, INCLUDING THE RETURNS OF EARLY VOTING BALLOTS CAST IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON MAY 6, 2000, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERMS EACH; VOTING ON TWO PROPOSITIONS RELATED TO A SALES AND USE TAX FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION; AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF CANVASS OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on February 15, 2000, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town") passed and approved Ordinance No 2000-04, which Ordinance ordered a Joint General and Special Election between the Town of Trophy Club, the Trophy Club Mtnucipal District #1, and the Trophy Club Municipal District 42, to be held on May 6, 2000, for the purpose of electing three (3) Council Members for two (2) year terms each to the Town Council, for electing two (2) Directors to the Municipal Utility District #1 for four (4) year terms each, and for electing three (3) Directors to the Municipal Utility District #2 for four (4) year teres each; and, WHEREAS, on March 7, 2000, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas passed and approved Ordinance No. 2000-05, which Ordinance ordered appointment of a Presiding Election Judge and an Alternate Presiding Election Judge, for the purpose of conducting said election; and, WHEREAS, on March 21, 2000, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas passed and approved Ordinance No. 2000-07, which Ordinance repealed Ordinance No. 2000-05 and called an election to be held on May 6, 2000 to consider whether to impose a one-half of one percent sales and use tax for Economic Development; and WHEREAS, the appropriate authority of the Town has heretofore caused to be posted and published, in accordance with the election laws of the State of Texas, notice of the General and Special Election; and WHEREAS, the General and Special Election was duly and Iegally held on May 6, 2000, in the Town and in conformity with the election laws of the State of Texas, and the results of the General and Special Election, including the early voting results, have been certified and returned to the proper judges and clerics thereof; and WHEREAS, the official returns of the presiding judges of the General and Special Election, including the returns of early voting ballots in corinection therewith have been presented to the Town Council acting in its capacity as the Canvassing Board; and PAGE l OF 5 WHEREAS, the Town Council has considered the returns of the General and Special Election, including the returns of early voting ballots cast in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the returns of the General and Special Election, including the returns of early voting ballots, duly and legally made, showed that there were cast at the Election the following valid and legal votes: and; WHEREAS, the returns of the General Election, including the retunis of the early voting ballots, duly and legally made, showed that each candidate received the following votes: TOWN. OF TROPHY CLUB COUNCIL „MEMBER FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERM TOTAL EARLY TOTAL VOTES ELECTION VOTING CAST AT POLL TOTAL VOTES CANDIDATE VOTES CAST ON ELECTION DAY CAST General and VOTES RECEIVED POLL ON RECEIVED Special Election 403 689 1,092 and; WHEREAS, the returns of the General Election, including the retunis of the early voting ballots, duly and legally made, showed that each candidate received the following votes: TOWN. OF TROPHY CLUB COUNCIL „MEMBER FOR TWO (2) YEAR TERM and; WHEREAS; pursuant to State Law, in order to be declared elected, a candidate must receive the highest number of votes of the entire Town cast for the office for which such person is a candidate. WHEREAS, the returns of the Special Election showed that each proposition received the following votes: PAGE 2 of 5 TOTAL NUMBER NAME OF TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES TOTAL NUMBER CANDIDATE OF EARLY VOTING RECEIVED AT OF VOTES VOTES RECEIVED POLL ON RECEIVED ELECTION DAY Susan Edstrom 242 455 697 - Barry L. Huizenga 199 428 627 Pan? Irwin 223 312 535 Bill Matthai 223 432 655 and; WHEREAS; pursuant to State Law, in order to be declared elected, a candidate must receive the highest number of votes of the entire Town cast for the office for which such person is a candidate. WHEREAS, the returns of the Special Election showed that each proposition received the following votes: PAGE 2 of 5 PROPOSITION FOR AGAINST Proposition #1 (Adoption of a 551 314 Sales and Use Tax) Two (2) Years Barry L. Huizenga Proposition #2 (Sales Tax to 597 250 be Managed by a 4A EDC for Parks) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section 1. Incorporation of Premises. The above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 2. Confinnation of Vote Tabulations. The results of the General and Special Election, as canvassed and tabulated above, reflect the expressed desires of the resident, qualified voters of the Town. Section 3. Elected Officials; Terms of Office. Iii accordance with the canvass and tabulation of the results of the General Election, the duly elected Council Members elected on May 6, 2000, and the corresponding terms of office, subject to the taking of the oaths of office as required by State Law, are as follows: OFFICE TERM NAME Council Member Two (2) Years Susan Edstrom Council Member Two (2) Years Barry L. Huizenga Council Member Two (2) Years Bill Matthai Section 4. Special Election. In accordance with the canvass and tabulation of the Special Election, the results are as follows: PROPOSITION PASSED/FAILED Proposition #1 (Adoption of a Sales Passed and Use Tax) ition #2 (Sales Tax to be F Passed ed by a 4A EDC for Parks) Section S. Issuance of Certificates of Election. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver Certificates of Election to the successful candidates elected at the General Election, as specified in Section 3 hereof. PAGE 3 QF 5 Section 6. Issuance of Canvass of General and Special Election. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Canvass of the General and Special Election, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, in accordance with the election laws of the State of Texas, and to take all other action necessary in cormection therewith. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Torun Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 9th day of May, 2000. Marshall Engelbeck, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas ATTEST: j` 1l jT Diane Cocicrell,ity Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tiffan ertling, Town 4orney PAGE 4 OF 5 EXHIBIT A TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION 1, the undersigned Mayor of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, and Presiding Officer of the Canvassing Authority of the Town, met on May 9, 2000, with the Town Council of the Town, sitting as the Canvassing Board to canvass the returns of the General Election held on May 6, 2000, at the Trophy Club Town Hall Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the figures on the tally sheets correspond with the figures on the returns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas to be affixed hereto, this 9"' day of May, 2000. 11 (Seal) V V Mayor at d Presiding Officer of the Canvassing Authority Trophy Club, Texas PACE 5 OF 5 Prescribed by Secretary of SIatc 5eclion 65.014, V.T.CA., Election Code RETURN SHEET (PAGINA DE DATOE SOBRE EL IIESULTADO DE Lit ELECCION) Pct. No. (Nunn.de Pet.) / Authorily conducting election (.hnar'd." nrinrinistrrrado la elecrian) /Qwn o ro CIN Date of Elcttion fFcclta de lu l lcccime) Type of Election (Tina rte Elcctian) 6e^aw-1 Name orcandidate (or "For" and "Against") f Nona• del candidata) (a "A favorde" p "En cwnra de") D tee Sought or Proposition (Puestu ofrcial sulicilado n Proposition} No. of votes received (Nan+- rle vomsreciNdar) 00r7C I Meezf 6 c u r� cf. t�ovr�ciIMembe,r (pa 7* h7 / C.DU I G ex- 43 13,'11 6d &h Oa --7,: r •/ dor 5.51 Q' ! E/ec?�ivr� ,Z7ay �.a,el� Total number of voters who voted as indicated by poll list. ! /O l Q ^L (Nuf+lernlnruldevurwtte,[lues'ofara+segunlalisladevotantt•.s.J LU -t- 402 � /07 E, the undersigned, fire presiding judge for the above described election held at the above designated election precinct, do hereby certify that the above return is a true and correct return for said election. 1 Yo, el abajo ffrnrado jue: presidente de lu election .senaluda arriha que .se flew a ratio en el precurto electoral designado arrihu. Por fa presenle certrfico que los +6ttos de arriba sort las resu�aha'dos eerdaderas y correctn.s de dicha eltecion.J • "71 717 DATED this the 16�-- dny of.. 20 lkC..& ��` on (FECHADAesledin de 20- PresuongJudge (Jue. Presidente) PLACE THIS COPY ON ENVELOPE NO. 8 m "usJHITZ