ORD 1991-01ORDINANCE 91-01
July 7, 1994
WHEREAS, on February 9, 1987, by the passage of Ordinance No. 87-04, the Town
Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town"), upon the
recommendation of the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, adopted the
1987 Comprehensive Plan and said plan is in full force and effect on the date
hereof; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission, pursuant
to the directives and mandates contained in the Comprehensive Plan have, by
its authority outlined in the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 211, as
amended (formerly Articles 1011a through 1011f, Texas Revised Civil Statutes
Annotated), proceeded to take all necessary steps to implement the said Plan;
WHEREAS, after public notices were given in compliance with State law and public
hearings were conducted, the Planning and Zoning Commission has
recommended to the Town Council the adoption of certain procedural
changes to the zoning regulations contained in Ordinance No. 87-23; and
WHEREAS, after due deliberation and consideration of the information submitted
during the public hearings and the recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of
this ordinance, so as to amend and restate Ordinance No 87-23 with said
procedural changes incorporated herein, is in the best interest of the public
health, safety and welfare.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy
Club, Texas this the _ _ j_ of January, 1991
kyor,Town of Tr6phy Club, Texas
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own ecretary
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Town Attorney
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
January, 1991
January 1991
Prepared By
Planning Resources Group
Section 1.
Short Title
Section 2.
Section 3.
Establishment of Districts
Section 4.
Official Zoning Map
Section 5.
Rules for Interpretation of District Boundaries
Section G.
General Provisions
Section 7.
Newly Annexed Territory
Section S.
Zoning Designation of Vacated Streets and Alleys
Section 9.
Water Areas
Section 10. Catchlines 2.1
Section 11. Definitions 2.1
Section 12. R-12 Single Family District Regulations 3.1
Section 13. R-10 Single Family District Regulations 3.5
Section 14. R-7.5 Single Family District Regulations 3,8
January, 1991
Section 15A.
R -Sections 1 and 2 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15B.
R -Section 3 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15C.
R -Section 4 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15D.
R -Section 5 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15E.
R -Section 6 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15F.
R -Section 7 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15G.
R -Section S Single Family District Regulations
Section 15H.
R -Section 9 Single Family District Regulations
Section 151.
R -Section 10 and 11 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15J.
R -Section 12 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15K.
R -Section 13 Single Family District Regulations
Section 15L.
R -Lake Forest Village, Phase I Single Family
District Regulations
Section 15M.
R -Lake Forest Village, Phase II Single Family
District Regulations
Section 15N.
R -Fairway Village, Single Family District Regulations
Section 150.
R -Twenty In Trophy, Single Family District Regulations
Section 15P.
R -Village West, Section A Single Family
District Regulations
Section 15Q,
R -Village West, Section B Single Family
District Regulations
Section 15R.
R -Oak Hill, Single Family District Regulations
Section 15S,
R -Oak Hill Patio, Single Family District
Section 15T. R -Summit Single Family District Regulations 3.70
Section 16. PD - Planned Development District Regulations 3.73
January, 1991
Section 17.
CG - Commercial General District Regulations
Section 18.
CR - Commercial Recreation District Regulations
Section 19.
GU - Governmental Use District Regulations
Section 20.
H --Historic Landmark
Section 21.
Temporary Uses
Section 22.
Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Section 23.
Accessory Buildings
Section 24.
Height Limits
Section 25.
Required Yards
Section 26.
Projections into Required Yards
Section 27.
Right -of -Way and Easement Dedication Requirements
Section 28.
Nonconforming Uses and Structures
Section 28-A
Site Plan Requirements
Section 29,
Conditional Uses
Section 30.
Special Use Permits
Section 31.
Screening and Fencing
Section 32.
Tree Preservation
Section 33.
Landscaping Regulations
Section 34.
Off -Street Parking Requirements
January, 1991
Section 35.
Off -Street Loading Requirements
Section 36.
Parking and Loading Area Development Standards
Section 37.
Administration and Enforcement
Section 38.
Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance
Section 39.
Section 40.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Section 41.
Board of Adjustment
Section 42.
Public Hearings
Section 43.
Determination of Vested Rights
Section 44.
Section 45.
Severability Clause
Section 46.
Exceptions and Exemptions not Required to be
Section 47.
Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances
Section 48.
Effective Date
A Illustrations and Drawings
January, 1991
WHEREAS, on February 9, 1987, by the passage of Ordinance No. 87-04, the Town
Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town"), upon the
recommendation of the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, adopted the
1987 Comprehensive Plan and said plan is in full force and effect on the date
hereof; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission, pursuant
to the directives and mandates contained in the Comprehensive Plan have, by
its authority outlined in the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 211, as
amended (formerly Articles 1011a through 1011f, Texas Revised Civil Statutes
Annotated), proceeded to take all necessary steps to implement the said Plan;
WHEREAS, after public notices were given in compliance with State law and public
hearings were conducted, the Planning and Zoning Commission has
recommended to the Town Council the adoption of certain procedural
changes to the zoning regulations contained in Ordinance No. 87-23; and
WHEREAS, after due deliberation and consideration of the information submitted
during the public hearings and the recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission, the Town Council has concluded that the adoption of
this ordinance, so as to amend and restate Ordinance No 87-23 with said
procedural changes incorporated herein, is in the best interest of the public
health, safety and welfare.
That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated
into the body of this ordinance as if copied in their entirety.
That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in
accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the purpose of promoting health, safety,
morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed with
respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist
in the foreseeable future, to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from
fire, panic, flood and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent
overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the
adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water,
parks and other public requirements, and to make adequate provisions for the normal
business, commercial needs and development of the community.
The Town of Trophy Club is hereby divided into the following zoning districts, which
districts are shown and described on the Zoning Map of the Town of Trophy Club,
which Map is incorporated herein by this reference:
R-12 Single Family Residential District: A zone designed to accommodate
single family development on lots that are a minimum of 12,000 square feet in
R-10 Single Family Residential District: A zone designed to accommodate
single family development on lots that are a minimum of 10,000 square feet in
R-7.5 Single Family Residential District: A zone designed to accommodate
single family development on lots that are a minimum of 7,500 feet in area.
R -Sections 1 and 2; R -Section 3; R -Section 4; R -Section 5; R -Section 6; R -
Section 7; R -Section 8; R -Section 9; R -Sections 10 and 11; R -Section 12; R -
Section 13; R -Lake Forest Village, Phase I; R -Lake Forest Village, Phase
II; R -Fairway Village; R -Twenty In Trophy; R -Village West -Section A; R -
Village West -Section B; R -Oak Hill; R -Oak Hill Patio; R -Summit: These are
zones designed to accommodate single fancily residential areas already platted
and either developed or undeveloped on the date of adoption of this ordinance.
January, 1991
PD Planned Development District: A zone designed to accommodate
development with a variety of types of uses in accordance with a site plan.
CG Commercial General District: A zone designed to provide locations for
local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of the surrounding area,
to accommodate general retail shopping and to accommodate low intensity
business or professional offices that are designed and sited to be compatible
with nearby residential uses and which primarily provide services to residents of
the community.
CR Commercial Recreation District: A zone designed to accommodate
development of privately owned recreational areas and law intensity business
offices that are directly related to and designed and sited to be compatible with
the recreational use.
GU Governmental Use District: A zone intended to apply to those lands
where national, state or local governmental activities are conducted and where
title to such lands is held by a governmental entity.
H Historic Landmark Designation District: A designation intended to apply
to areas of historic, architectural, archaeological or cultural importance or value
which merit protection, enhancement and preservation in the interest of the
culture, prosperity, education and welfare of the public.
The Town is hereby divided into the districts listed in Section 3 of this ordinance as
shown on the Official Zoning Map, which Zoning Map, together with all explanatory
matter thereon, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this
A. The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor
attested by the Town Secretary, and bearing the seal of the Town under the
following words: "This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map referred
to in Section 4 of Ordinance Number 87-23 of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas"
together with the date of the adoption of this ordinance.
B. If, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, changes are made in
district boundaries or other matters, the same shall be portrayed on the Official
Zoning Map promptly after the amendment has been approved by the Town
Council. No amendments to this ordinance which involve matters portrayed on
the Official Zoning Map shall become effective until after such change and entry
has been made on said map.
C. No changes of any nature shall be made on the Official Zoning Map or matter
shown thereon except in conformity with the procedures set forth in this
ordinance. Any unauthorized change of whatever kind by any person or persons
shall be considered a violation of this ordinance.
January, 1991
D. Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the Official Zoning Map which
may from time to time be made or published, the Official Zoning Map, which
shall be located in the Office of the Town Secretary, shall be the final authority
as to the current zoning status of land and water areas, building, and other
structures in the Town.
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of zoning districts as shown on the
Official Zoning Map, the following shall apply:
A. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets,
highways or alleyways shall be construed to follow center lines.
B. Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be
construed as following the said lot lines.
C. Boundaries indicated as following Town limit lines shall be construed as
following such Town limits.
D. Boundaries indicated as following railroad lines shall be construed to be midway
between the main tracks.
E. Boundaries indicated as following shorelines of bodies of water shall be
construed to follow such shorelines, and in the event of change in the shoreline
shall be construed as moving with the actual shoreline; boundaries indicated as
approximately following the center lines of streams, rivers, canals, lakes or other
bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines.
F. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in
Subsections A through E above shall be so construed. Distances not
specifically indicated on the Official Zoning Map shall be determined by the scale
of the map.
G. Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with
those shown on the Official Zoning Map or in other circumstances not covered
by Subsections A through F above, the Board of Adjustment shall interpret the
district boundaries.
H. Where a district boundary line divides a lot which was single ownership at the
time of passage of this ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may permit, as a
special exception, the extensions of the regulations for either portion of the lot
not to exceed fifty (50) feet beyond the district line into the remaining portion of
the lot.
A. Territorial Application: The regulations and restrictions in this ordinance shall
apply to all buildings, structures, land and uses within the corporate limits of the
Town of Trophy Club.
January, 1991
B. General Application: After the effective date of this ordinance, all buildings
and structures erected, remodeled, altered and/or relocated and any use of land,
buildings or structures established shall comply with the applicable provisions of
this ordinance. Existing buildings, structures and uses of land not complying
with the provisions of this ordinance may continue subject to the provisions of
Section 28 of the ordinance.
C. General Prohibition: No building or structure; no use of any building, structure
or land; and no lot of record or zoning lot, now or hereafter existing, shall
hereafter be established, altered, moved, divided or maintained in any manner
except as authorized by the provisions of this ordinance.
D. Private Agreements: This ordinance is not intended to abrogate, annul or
otherwise interfere with any easement, covenant or private agreement; provided,
however, that where the regulations of this ordinance are more restrictive or
impose higher standard or requirements than such easement, covenants or other
private agreements, the regulations of this ordinance shall govern.
E. Other Laws and Regulations: The provisions of this ordinance shall be
considered the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health,
safety, comfort, morals and general welfare. Where the provisions of this
ordinance impose greater restrictions than those of any statute, other ordinance
or regulation, the provisions of this ordinance shall be controlling. Where the
provisions of any statute, other ordinance or regulation impose greater
restrictions than this ordinance, the provisions of such statute, other ordinance
or regulation shall be controlling.
F. Applicability - Building Permits Issued Prior to Effective Date: This
ordinance shall not invalidate any unexpired building permits properly issued
prior to the effective date of this ordinance pursuant to which construction has
commenced; provided, however, that if any building, structure or use constructed
or established pursuant to such building permit does not comply with the
provisions of this ordinance, such building, structure or use shall be subject to
the provisions of Section 28 of this ordinance relating to nonconforming uses.
G. Applicability - Pending Applications: From and after the effective date of this
ordinance, the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all pending applications
upon which no final decision has been made, subject, however, to the provisions
of Section 41 relating to vested rights determinations.
H. Appendix - The attached Appendix is hereby made a part of this ordinance.
However, all illustrations are intended to represent graphic descriptions only.
The text of this ordinance shall govern in the event of any conflict that may exist
or occur between the illustrations located in the Appendix and the text of this
January, 1991
All territory added or annexed to the Town of Trophy Club after the date of passage of
this ordinance shall be automatically classified for R-12 Single -Family District
purposes until permanently zoned by the governing body of the Town of Trophy Club.
The Town Planning and Zoning Commission shall, as soon as practicable after
annexation of any territory to the Town of Trophy Club, institute proceedings on its
own motion to give the newly annexed territory a permanent zoning, and the procedure
to be followed shall be the same as is provided by law for the adoption of original
zoning regulations.
Whenever any street, alley or other public way is vacated by official action of the
Town Council, the zoning district adjoining each side of such street, alley or public way
shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacated street, alley or public
way and all areas included in the vacated street, alley or public way shall then and
thenceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended district.
The water surface and the land under the water surface of all rivers, waterways,
ponds, lakes and other water areas in the Town of Trophy Club not otherwise zoned
are hereby placed in the same zoning district as the land on which such water areas
abut, as shown on the Official Zoning Map. Where the zoning districts shown on the
Official Zoning Map are different on opposite sides of a water area, then the zoning
district boundary shall be at the center line or mid -point of the water area.
January, 1991
The catchlines of the several sections of this ordinance immediately following
each section number or subsection letter or number are intended as mere
catchwords to indicate the contents of the section or subsection, and shall not be
deemed or taken to be titles of such sections nor as any part of the section nor,
unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed when any of such sections,
including the catchlines, are amended or reenacted.
A. The following words, when used in this ordinance, shall have the meanings
respectively ascribed to them in this section, unless such construction would
be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the Town Council or where the
context of this ordinance clearly indicates otherwise:
1. Accessory Building or Accessory Structure shall mean a
subordinate building or structure of masonry and/or wood
construction, detached from the main building, and customarily
incidental to the principal building. Examples of accessory
buildings include, but are not limited to storage buildings, private
Iaundry or utility buildings, cabanas, carports or garages, tool house,
lath or greenhouse (as hobby not business), home workshop,
children's playhouses, storage house or garden shelter, excluding
metal buildings; and shall not be on skids but attached permanently
to the ground.
2. Accessory Use shall mean a use subordinate to and incidental to
the principal use.
3. Acreage, Gross shall mean the total acreage of a subdivision,
including areas dedicated to the public use, such as streets and alley
right-of-ways and open spaces, but not including public parks.
4. Acreage, Net shall mean the total acreage of a subdivision less those
areas dedicated to public use, such as street and alley right--of-ways,
open spaces and public parks. Provided, however, that easements
shall be included in net acreage calculations.
5. Airport shall mean a landing facility for aircraft approved by the
United States Federal Aviation Agency.
January, 1991
6. Alcoholic Beverage shall mean alcohol, or any beverage
containing more than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume,
which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when
7. Alley shall mean a public way, public space or thoroughfare which
affords only secondary means of access to property abutting
S. Apartment shall mean a room or suite of rooms arranged, designed
or occupied as a residence by a single family, individual or groups of
9. Apartment House shall mean any building, or portion thereof
which is designed, built, rented, leased, Iet or hired out to be
occupied as three (3) or more apartments or which is occupied as
the home or residence of three (3) or more families living
independently of each other and maintaining separate cooking
10. Area of lot shall mean the net area of the lot and shall not include
portions of streets and alleys.
11. Attached shall mean physical connection above top of the floor
line of the first floor.
12. through 27. (Reserved for future use).
28. --- Basement shall mean that portion of a building between floor and
ceiling, which is partly below and partly above grade, but so located
that the vertical distance from grade to the floor below is more than
the vertical distance from grade to ceiling.
29. Bedroom shall mean a room in a dwelling other than a kitchen,
dining room, living room, bathroom or closet. This definition shall
include extra dining rooms, living rooms, all dens, studies, game
rooms, sun rooms or similar extra rooms, all of which are capable of
being used as a bedroom.
30. Blind Fence or Wall shall mean a fence or wall through which a
person is unable to see standing six (6) feet from such fence or wall
at ground level.
31. Block shall mean an area within the Town enclosed by streets and
occupied by or intended for buildings; or, if said word is used as a
term of measurement, it shall mean the distance along a side of a
street between the nearest two (2) streets which intersect said street
on said side.
January, 1991
32. Breezeway shall mean a covered passage one story in height
connecting a main structure and an accessory building.
33. Building shall mean a structure built for the support, shelter and
enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or movable property of any
kind; and shall not be of metal construction.
34. Building Setback Line shall mean a line parallel or approximately
parallel to the street line and beyond which a building or structure
may not be erected, encroach or project.
35. Business Service shall mean a commercial use, other than retail
sales and professional services, devoted to:
(a) The fabrication, processing, assembly, cleaning or repair of
articles of goods, wares, merchandise, foods, liquids or plants,
but excluding the manufacturing of such articles and
automobile repair garages.
(b) The instruction, training or physical treatment of animals, but
excluding animal shelters or places where animals are kept on
the premises overnight.
(c) The providing of temporary abodes for transient persons
such as a hotel or motel.
(d) _ The providing of food, drink or entertainment -to -persons.
36. through 59. (Reserved for future use.)
60. Cabana shall mean a secondary structure on a lot incidental to a
swimming pool or recreational area, but excluding sleeping and
cooking facilities.
61. Church shall mean a place of worship and religious training of
recognized religions, including the on-site housing of ministers and
families, priests, rabbis and nuns.
62. Clinic shall mean an institution or facility for examining, consulting
with or treating patients, including offices, laboratories and out-
patient facilities, but not including hospital beds and rooms for
acute or chronic care.
63. Club shall mean an association of persons for promotion of some
common object, such as Iiterature, science or good fellowship, and
jointly supported by its members and carries the privilege of
exclusive use of a club building and premises.
January, 1991
64. Commercial shall mean any business, other than a customary home
occupation or manufacturing business, which involves the exchange
of goods or services for the remuneration of a person occupying
the premises upon which the transaction or part thereof takes
65. Commercial Amusement shall mean an amusement enterprise
offering entertainment or games of skill to the general public for a
fee or charge.
66. Comprehensive Plan shall mean the Comprehensive flan of the
Town of Trophy Club and includes any unit or a part of such unit
separately adopted and any amendment to such plan or parts
67. Condominium means the separate ownership of single units or
apartments in a multiple unit structure or structures with common
elements as defined in Article 1301a, Texas Revised Civil Statutes
Annotated, as amended.
68. Convalescent Home shall mean any structure, other than a
hospital, used for or occupied by persons recovering from illness
or suffering from the infirmities of old age.
69. Corner Lot shall mean a lot situated at the junction of two (2) or
more streets.
70. Country Club shall mean an area containing a golf course and a club
house available only to the membership of the country club and
their guests, including facilities for dining and entertainment,
swimming, tennis and similarrecreationalfacilities and services: - --
71. Cul -De -Sac shall mean a short, minor street having but one outlet to
another street and terminating on the opposite end by an
appropriate vehicular turnaround as shown in the Town Subdivision
72. Customary Home Occupation shall mean an occupation
customarily carried on in the home by a member of the occupant's
family without structural alteration of the building or any of its
rooms and without the installation of machinery or additional
equipment other than that customary to normal household
operations, provided that no person other than a member of the
family or the owner or user of the principal single-family dwelling
shall be employed or work in or at such home occupation. A
customary home occupation shall not include the physical or
medical treatment of persons or animals, barbershops, beauty
shops, dance studios, carpenter shops, electrical shops, plumber
shops, radio or television shops, auto repairing or painting, furniture
repairing or sign painting.
January, 1991
73. through 92. (Reserved for future use.)
93. Day Nursery shall mean a place where children are left for care
between the hours of 7:00 a.m, and 7:00 p.m.
94, Dedication, shall mean the setting aside of a lot, parcel, or tract of
land for a special use by the public. Such setting aside shall
constitute a transfer of ownership from the current owner to the
Town of Trophy Club and shall be accomplished through platting
the property or by a special instrument.
95. Density shall mean the number of dwelling units per gross acre,
excluding any areas that are designated to be used for commercial or
governmental purposes.
96. Depth of Front Yard shall mean the minimum distance from the
front lot line to the front line of a building.
97. Depth of Rear Yard shall be defined as the mean horizontal
distance between the rear line of a building other than an accessory
building and the rear lot line.
98. Development shall mean the construction of one or more new
buildings or structures on one or more building lots, or the use of
open land for a new use. "To develop" shall mean to create
99. Detached shall mean having no physical connection above the top
floor line of the first floor with any other building or structure.
100. District shall mean a section of the Town of Trophy Club for which
the regulations governing the area, height and use of buildings are
101. Duplex shall mean a detached building having separate
accommodations for two (2) single-family dwellings or occupied by
two (2) families.
102. Dwelling shall mean an enclosed building or portion thereof having
accommodations for only one family or occupied by one family.
103. through 118. (Reserved for future use.)
119. Easement shall mean an interest in land granted to the Town or
other governmental entity, to the public generally and/or to a
private utility corporation.
120, Efficiency Apartment shall mean a dwelling unit in a multifamily
structure, consisting of not more than one habitable room, together
with kitchen or kitchenette and sanitary facilities, and having a
January, 1991
minimum of six hundred (600) square feet of floor area. A habitable
room shall be defined as being a space in a structure for living,
sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments,
closets, halls, storage or utility space, and similar areas, shall not be
considered habitable space.
121. Enclosed Building shall mean a structure which is floored, roofed
and surrounded by outside walls, which contains no opening larger
than one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area normally open to
the air and which contains no series of openings forming a divided
opening larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area
normally open to the air.
122. Engineer shall mean a person duly authorized under the provisions
of the Texas Engineering Registration Act, as amended, to practice
the profession of engineering.
123. through 139 (Reserved for future use.)
140. Family shall mean any number of individuals Iiving together as
single housekeeping unit interdependent upon one another.
141. First Floor shall mean the highest story of a building having its
interior floor surface at ground level or not more than four (4) feet
above ground level. Such ground level shall represent the average
level along the side of the building having the lowest ground
elevation, and shall be measured at a maximum of four (4) feet from
the building. The first floor in a single family residential building
shall be designated as the main Iiving area. In a split level residence,
the floors located below and above the first floor shall be designated
as half (1/2) floors.
142. Four -Unit Apartment House shall mean a detached building
containing four (4) single-family attached dwellings.
143. Front Yard shall mean an open, unoccupied space on a lot facing a
street and extending across the front of a lot between the side yard
lines. On a cul-de-sac, as that term is defined in the Town's
subdivision rules and regulations, the front building line is to be
determined by establishing a thirty foot setback from the front
property pins on the front property or lot lines. A chord
connecting these two (2) points shall be the front building line.
Where a front property line has a curved section and a straight
section, the front building line shall be determined by establishing a
setback on the side property lines, measured a distance not being
less than that provided by the specific district. A Iine perpendicular
to the straight section will be established at the property pin where
the curve begins. A point will be established on this line, behind
January, 1991
the property pin, a distance not less than that provided for a front
building line by the specific district., The building line will be
established by connecting these two (2) points. The term
"property pins" refers to the front corners of the property
contiguous to the street right-of-way as shown on the subdivision
plat. Provided, however, that in no instance shall the front building
setback line be closer than permitted in any zoning district herein.
144. through 165. (Reserved for future use.)
166. Garage, Private, shall mean an accessory building or a portion of a
main building for the storage or parking of motor vehicles as may
be required in connection with the permitted use of the main
building. A private garage shall be totally enclosed with the only
exceptions being openings used for access or ventilation, shall be
constructed of similar style and material as the main structure, and
shall be measured a minimum of 21 feet by 22 feet. The garage shall
not face the golf course or any street, unless otherwise provided for
by ordinance.
167. Garage, Front Entry, shall mean a structure or portion thereof for
the accessory use of storing or parking of private motor vehicles
owned by the occupant of the premises, located in front of or
beside the living area, the access thereto being from the front
property line.
168. Garage, Rear Entry, shall mean a structure or portion thereof for
the accessory use -of -storing or parking of private motor vehicles - -- ---
owned by the occupant of the premises with access or door facing
the side or rear property line. Said structure shall be located
partially or totally behind any portion of the living area.
169. Gasoline Service Station shall mean a place or establishment
where gasoline, oil, grease or motor vehicle accessories are sold,
supplied or dispensed to the retail motor vehicle trade, or the
minor repair of motor vehicles is performed, or the washing of
motor vehicles is conducted.
170. Gazebo shall mean a secondary structure on a lot incidental to the
main residence and being an open air garden pavilion, but excluding
sleeping, cooking (excepting an outdoor charcoaler or grill) and
bath facilities.
171. Graphic Plan shall mean a map indicating the proposed areas of
common land usage by generalized drawing.
172. Guest House shall mean a secondary structure on a lot which may
January, 1991
contain dwelling accommodations for the temporary occupancy by
guests and not for rent or permanent occupancy, and such building
not having a separate utility meter.
173. through 192. (Reserved for future use.)
193. Half Story shall mean a story under a gable, hip or gable roof, the
wall plates of which on at least two (2) exterior walls are not more
than two (2) feet above the floor of such story,
194. Height shall mean, when referring to the height of a building or
portion thereof, the vertical distance measured from the average
established grade at the street curb, or from the average front yard
grade, or exterior surface closest to the front property line if the
structure is an accessory building, measured a maximum of four (4)
feet from the exterior surface of the structure, whichever is higher.
Said vertical distance shall be measured to. (1) the highest point of
the roof's surface, if a flat surface; (2) to the deck line of a mansard
roof; and (3) to the highest point of the roof's ridge for hip and
gable roofs. Chimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, radio
towers, ornamental cupolas, domes or spires, and parapet walls are
not included in the height measurement.
195. through 209. (Reserved for future use.)
210. Kindergarten shall mean school for children of preschool age, in
which construction endeavors, object lessons and helpful games are
prominent features of the curriculum.
211. through 221. (Reserved for future use.)
222. Lot shall mean an undivided tract or parcel of land having frontage
on a public street or an approved open space having direct street
access, and which is, or in the future may be, offered for sale,
conveyance, transfer, or improvement, which is designated as a
distinct and separate tract, and which is identified by a tract, or lot
number, or symbol in a duly approved subdivision Plat which has
been properly filed of record, as shown in the Town Subdivision
223. Lot Coverage shall mean the total area of a lot upon which is placed
a building, buildings or other structures.
224. Lot Depth shall mean the length of a line connecting the midpoints
of the front and rear lot lines.
225. Lot, Double Frontage or Through shall mean any lot, but not
including a corner lot, with frontage on two (2) streets which are
January, 1991
parallel to each other or within forty-five (45) degrees of being
parallel to each other.
226. Lot Frontage shall mean the length of street frontage between
property lines.
227. Lot, irregular shall mean any lot not having equal front and rear lot
Iines, or equal side lot lines; a lot, the opposite lot lines of which vary
in dimension and the corners of which have an angle of either more
or less than ninety (90) degrees.
228. Lot of Record shall mean a lot which is part of a subdivision, the
plat of which has been recorded in the office of the county clerk of
the County where the Iot is located, or a parcel of land, the deed of
which was recorded in the office of the county clerk of the County
where the Iot is located prior to the effective date of this ordinance.
229. Lot Width shall mean the average distance between the side Iot
lines, which is normally that distance measured along a straight Iine
connecting the midpoint of the two side lot lines.
230. through 247. (Reserved for future use.)
248. Mechanical Equipment shall mean any machinery designed or
manufactured for permanent installation in one place, either outside
of a building or inside of a mechanical equipment building or room.
249. _Minimum Square Footage of Dwelling Unitshallmean the
minimum square footage of living space required per dwelling unit,
excluding open porches, breezeways, patios or areas designated for
automobile parking, but including enclosed porches.
250. Mobile Home shall mean any vehicle used or manufactured to be
used as a temporary or permanent dwelling or sleeping place for
one or more persons, and having no foundation other than wheels,
jacks or skirtings so arranged as to be integral to or portable by the
vehicle, and shall include self-propelled and non self-propelled
vehicles so designed, constructed, reconstructed or added to by
means of accessories in such manner as will permit the occupancy
thereof as a temporary or permanent dwelling or sleeping place for
one or more persons.
251. Modular Home shall mean a structure or building module that is
manufactured at a location other than the location where it is
installed and used as a residence by a consumer, transportable in
one or more sections on a temporary chassis or other conveyance
device, and to be used as a permanent dwelling when installed and
placed upon a permanent foundation system, The term includes the
January, 1991
plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems contained
in the structure. The term does not include a mobile home as
defined in the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act, nor does
it include building modules incorporating concrete or masonry as a
primary component.
252. Multifamily Dwelling shall mean a building or buildings containing
or aggregating four or more single-family dwelling units.
253. through 273. (Reserved for future use.)
274. Natural Grade or Grade shall mean the natural grade existing prior
to any site preparation, grading or filling. The natural grade is that
area or point adjacent and contiguous to a proposed building or
structure prior to construction or placement of the same.
275. Natural Vegetation shall mean living plant material.
276. Noncommercial shall mean a person, endeavor, organization,
agency, or operation that does not involve the exchange of goods or
services, as a principal or secondary use, for the remuneration of a
person, venture, partnership, corporation, or organization
occupying the premises upon which the transaction or part thereof
takes place.
277. Nonconforming Use shall mean a building, structure or use of land
lawfully occupied at the time of the effective date of this ordinance
or amendments thereto, and which does not conform to the use
regulations of the districts in which it is situated.
278. through 300. (Reserved for future use.)
301. Off -Street Parking shall mean concrete surface areas upon which
motor vehicles may be parked and which area has access to a public
302. Open Space shall be all land designated for the recreational
enjoyment and/or natural beauty of the area.
303. Outdoor Advertising Sign shall mean a signboard advertising a
service commodity, goods, wares, merchandise or opinion not sold
or offered to the public at the site upon which the signboard is
304. Outside Storage shall mean the storage of commodities, goods
and/or refuse outside of an enclosed building,
305. through 323. (Reserved for future use.)
324, Park shall mean land dedicated to, purchased by or otherwise
January, 1991
acquired by the Town for the purpose of providing public
recreational and/or open areas.
325. Pavement Width shall mean that portion of a street available for
vehicular traffic; where curbs are laid, it is the portion between the
face of the curbs.
326. Pavilion shall mean an open structure without walls but covered
with a roof. The structure may be of wood construction and shall
have a roof construction consistent with residences within the
327. Perimeter Plan shall mean a map indicating the proposed areas of
common land usage on a tract of land three hundred (300) feet in
depth adjacent to and within the total perimeter of the district.
325. Person shall mean any individual, association, firm, partnership,
corporation, governmental agency, political subdivision or any
other entity recognized in Iaw.
329, Pedestrian Path shall mean a paved pedestrian way generally
located within the public street right-of-way, but outside of the
street or roadway.
330. Planned Development shall mean a subdivision that consists of
commercial and/or residential land uses, public land uses, and
common open space and park and recreational areas, adequate to
serve the needs of the tract when fully developed and populated,
which is to be developed as a single entity, under unified control_
331. Plat shall mean a final plat that has been approved by the Town in
accordance with the Town Subdivision Regulations and filed in the
Deed Records of the county where the land is located.
332. Playground shall mean an area used primarily for recreational
purposes for children and which generally includes equipment such
as, but not limited to, swingsets, slides and merry-go-rounds;
provided, however, that a playground shall not mean any play area
located in the rear yard of a developed residential lot and used
primarily by a person or persons residing on the developed
residential lot.
333. Premises shall mean a piece of land or real estate owned, rented,
leased, used or occupied distinct from those adjacent to the same by
virtue of different ownership, rental, lease, usage or occupancy.
334. Principal Structure shall mean a building or structure, the use of
which is a principal use.
335. Principal Use shall mean a use which, in comparison with another
January, 1991
use occurring on the same property, has the greatest effective
producing power.
336. Private shall mean the exclusion of those who have not been
337. Private Club shall mean a social organization to which
membership is by invitation only, and its meeting place in which
only members and their guests are permitted, but excluding private
clubs in which alcoholic beverages are stored, possessed or
338. Professional Service shall mean work performed by a member
of a profession licensed as a profession by the State of Texas.
339. Public shall mean promotion of a public cause or service, including
utilities having a franchise from the Town of Trophy Club, but
excluding other profit-making organizations.
340. Public Right -OF -Way shall mean a strip of Iand used or intended to
be used, wholly or in part, as a public street, alley, crosswalk,
pedestrian path, drainage way or other public way.
341. through 361. (Reserved for future use.)
362. Rear yard shall mean a space unoccupied by a principal structure
extending for the full width of the lot between the principal
structure and the rear lot Iine.
363, Religious Institution shall be held to include a church as defined
364. Retail Store shall mean a place where goods, wares, merchandise
and commodities are sold and transferred directly to the purchaser
or consumer in small quantities such as by the single yard, pound,
gallon or single articles as opposed to wholesale trade.
365. Reverse Frontage Lots: a corner lot, the rear of which abuts the
side of another lot.
366. through 379. (Reserved for future use.)
380. Screening shall mean a wall or fence, the surface of which does not
contain openings more than forty (40) square inches in each one
square foot of surface of such wall or fence, and which surface shall
constitute a visual barrier. Any wall or fence constructed to comply
with any screening provision specified within this ordinance shall be
in accordance with the provisions of Section 31 of this ordinance
and all other ordinances of the Town.
381. Servants' Quarters shall mean an accessory dwelling located on a
lot with a main residence structure and used as living quarters for
persons employed on the premises only, and not for rent or use as
fanuary, 1991
a separate domicile of other than persons employed on the
premises, and with no separate utility meters.
382. Side Yard shall mean an open unoccupied space on the same lot
with a building, situated between the building and the side line of the
lot, and extending through from the side street or from the front
yard to the rear line of the lot. Any lot line not a rear line or a front
line shall be deemed a side line.
383. Single -Family Attached Dwelling shall mean a portion of an
enclosed building having accommodations for and occupied by only
one family, attached to like units, which units may be sold
individually provided that the entire building meets all lot area, front
yard, side yard, rear yard, height and other zoning requirements.
384. Swingle -Family Detached Dwelling shall mean an enclosed
building having accommodations for and occupied by only one
family, .which building must of itself meet all the lot area, front yard,
side yard, rear yard, height and other zoning requirements.
385. Site Plan shall mean a map, drawing or chart showing the location
of all existing and planned structures, landscaping design, ingress
and egress, parking, height of structures and/or any other elements
or design standards required by this ordinance or the Town
Subdivision Regulations and which has been approved in
accordance with the Town Subdivision Regulations.
386. Storage shall mean a space or place for storing and safekeeping of
goods in a warehouse or other depository,
387. Story shall mean that portion of a building between the surface of
any floor and the surface of the floor next to it, or if there be no
floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling
next above.
388. Street shall mean any parcel of land designated for specific use as a
thoroughfare for vehicular traffic and not designated as an alley.
389. Street, Private shall mean any parcel of land designated and used
specifically as a thoroughfare for vehicular traffic, but not dedicated
to the public.
390. Street, Public Dedicated shall mean any parcel of land dedicated
to the public and used or which may be used specifically as a
391. Street Right -Of -Way shall mean a street, including its pavement
and all the publicly owned property adjacent to it, dedicated for
street purposes.
January, 1991
392. Structural Alterations shall mean any change in the supporting
members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or
393. Structure shall mean that which is built, erected or constructed, an
edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work built up or
composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
394. Subdivider shall mean any person or any agent thereof dividing or
proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision as that
term is defined herein. In any event, the term "subdivider" shall be
restricted to include only the owner, equity owner, or authorized
agent of such owner or equity owner, of land to be subdivided.
395. Subdivision shall mean a division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land
into two (2) or more parts, lots or sites for the purpose, whether
immediate or future, of sale, division of ownership or building
development. Subdivision includes resubdivision of land or lots
which are part of a previously recorded subdivision.
396. through 410. (Reserved for future use.)
411. Town shall mean the Town of Trophy Club, Texas.
412. Town Engineer shall mean the duly authorized person in charge of
engineering for the Town, or that person's designated
413. Townhouse/Townhome shall mean a single-family attached
dwelling unit on a separately platted lot which is joined at another
selling unit on one or more sides by a party wall or abutting walls
and occupied by not more than one family.
414. Triplex shall mean a detached building containing three (3) single-
family attached dwelling units.
415. through 436. (Reserved for future use.)
437. Wholesale Business shall mean a commercial use devoted to the
sale of goods and commodities in large lots to retail outlets and
stores and manufacturers.
438. Width of Lot shall mean the distance between the side property
lines measured at the building nearest the front property line at the
front property line, measuring parallel to the front property line,
perpendicular to a line bisecting the angle between two (2) side
lines, whichever is least.
439. Width of Side Yard shall mean the least distance between a side
January, 1991
wall of a building and the side line of the lot
140. Yard shall mean a required open space, other than a court,
unoccupied and unobstructed by any structure or portion of a
structure from the general ground level of the graded lot upward;
provided, however, that fences, walls, poles, posts, and other
customary yard accessories, ornaments, and furniture are not
deemed to be obstructions if height limitations and requirements
Iimiting obstruction of visibility are observed.
B. Amendments to the definitions in this section, or additional definitions to
be added to this section, may be made by the Town Council of the Town of
Trophy Club after receiving the recommendations and report of the
Planning and Zoning Commission on such amendments or additions, and
after a public hearing before the Town Council, as provided by law, Public
hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on any proposed
amendment or addition to the definitions of this section shall be held by the
Planning and Zoning Commission after such notice of such hearing shall
have been given by publication at least one time in a newspaper of general
circulation in the Town Trophy Club, of the time and place of such hearing
at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of such hearing.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R-12 Single Family District is to allow single family
detached dwellings on lots of not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet,
together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to promote
medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots in a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the
Denton County Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance which do
not met the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R-12 Single Family District no land shall be used and no
building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than as
hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R-12 single
Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 23 of
this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R-12
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of
January, 1991
the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in
the official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Density Regulations: The maximum density within the R-12 District shall not
exceed three (3) units per acre of gross area.
F. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall exceed 30 feet or two (2) stories in height.
G. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of twelve thousand (12,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
Maximum Building ............. The combined area covered by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not
exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total lot
area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be
included in determining maximum building
4. Maximum impervious.......... The combined area occupied by all buildings,
Area structures,off-street parking and paved areas
shall not exceed 50 percent of the total lot
5. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
Golf Course Lots All Other Lots
2,500 2,000
2,500* 2,000*
2,500* 2,500*
*Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first
floor area of 2,000 square feet.
January, 1991
6. Depth of front yard ....................... 25
7. Depth of rear yard, feet** ............... 25
(No rear yard shall face any
street; provided, however, that
this requirement shall not apply
where the rear yard of a lot
abuts a street which is
contiguous to the perimeter of
the Town)
8. Width of side yard on each side........ Not less than ten percent (10%) of the
feet** average width or ten feet (10')
whichever is greater
9. Width of side yard adjacent...... ....... 20
to side street, feet **
10. Width of lot, feet ......................... 90
(measured at front
building line)
11. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at front
building line)
12. Depth of lot, cul-de-sac .................. 100
or corner lot, feet
*All required yards shall comply with Section 25 of this ordinance.
H. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R-12 Single Family development is
located adjacent to an existing multi -family development or a non-residential
district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park or permanent
open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of
twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall
contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to adequately buffer
adjoining uses.
1. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located
in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town. Every structure shall have a garage and shall be a minimum of 21
feet by 22 feet.
January, 1991
Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R-12 District for
residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
K. Masonry Requirements: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R-10 Single Family District is to allow single family
detached dwellings on lots of not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet,
together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to promote
medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots in a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the
Denton County Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance which do
not meet the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section,shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section,shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R-10 Single Family District no land shall be used and no
building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than as
hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R-10 Single
Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 23 of
this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R-10
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of
the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in
the official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Density Regulations: The maximum density within the R-10 District shall not
exceed three (3) units per acre of gross area.
January, 1991
F. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall exceed 30 feet or two (2) stories in height.
G. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ...........................
2. Minimum Open Space..........
Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) square
All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Maximum Building ............. The combined area covered by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not
exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total lot
area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be
included in determining maximum building
4. Maximum Impervious ..... The combined area occupied by all
Area buildings,structures, off-street parking and
paved areas shall not exceed 55 percent of the
total lot area.
5. Minimum Floor Area ............ The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit,
exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Tyne of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
Golf Course Lots All Other Lots
2,250 2,000
2,500* 2,000*
2,500* 2,250*
*Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first
floor area of 2,000 square feet.
6. Depth of front yard, feet** .............. 25
January, 1991
7. Depth of rear yard, feet** ..............
(No rear yard shall face any
street; provided, however, that
this rerment shall not apply
where the rear yard of a lot abuts
a street which is contiguous to
the perimeter of the Town.)
8. Width of side yard on each
side, feet**
Not less than ten percent (10%Q) of the
average width or ten feet (10') feet,
whichever is greater
9. Width of side yard adjacent ............. 15
to side street, feet **
10. Width of lot, feet ......................... 80
(measured at front
building line)
11. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
12. Depth of lot, cul-de-sac .................. 100
or comer lot, feet
**All required yards shall comply with Section 25 of this ordinance.
H. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R-10 Single Family development is
located adjacent to an existing multi -family development or a non-residential
district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park or permanent
open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of
twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall
contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to adequately buffer
adjoining uses.
1. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town. Every structure shall have a garage and shall be a minimum of 21 ft.
by 22 ft.
J. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R-10 District for
residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
K. Masonry Requirements: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R-7.5 Single Family District is to allow single
family detached dwellings in areas not to exceed five (5) contiguous acres on lots
of not less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet, together with
the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to promote medium population
densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots in a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the
Denton County Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance which do
not meet the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R-7.5 Single Family District no land shall be used and no
building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than as
hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R-7.5
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R-7.5
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of
the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in
the official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Density Regulations: The maximum density within the R-7.5 District shall not
exceed five (5) units per acre of gross area.
January, 1991
F. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall exceed 30 feet in height.
G. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required,
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots forany permitted use shall have a minimum
area of seven thousand (7,500) square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Maximum Building ............. The combined area covered by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not
exceed thirty-five percent (3501o) of the total lot
area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be
kduded in detem*u ng maximum building coverage.
4. Maximum Impervious.......... The combined area occupied by all buildings, structures,
Area off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed 60
petuent of the total lot area.
5. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the following:
Tyne of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
Golf Course Lots All Other Lots
2,000 1,800
2,000* 1,800*
2,000* 2,000*
*Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first
floor area of 1,800 square feet.
6. Depth of front yard, feet** ............. 25
7. Depth of rear yard, feet** ......... I.... 25
(No rear yard shall face any
street; provided, however, that
this requitement shall not apply
where the tear yard of a lot abuts
a street which is contiguous to
the perimeter of the Town.)
January, 1991
Width of side yard** ....................
Not less than fifteen (15) feet to any
one side and no building shall be closer
than fifteen (15) feet to any adjacent
Width of side yard adjacent .............
to side street, feet **
Width of lot, feet .........................
(measured at front
building line)
Depth of lot, feet .........................
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
Depth of lot, cul-de-sac ..................
or corner lot, feet
**All required yards shall comply with Section 25 of this ordinance.
H. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R-7.5 Single Family development is
located adjacent to an existing multi -family development or a non-residential
district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park or permanent
open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of
twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall
contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to adequately buffer
adjoining uses.
1. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town. Every structure shall have a garage and shall be a minimum of 21
feet by 22 feet.
I Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R-7.5 District for
residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
K. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Sections I and 2 Single Family District is to
allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eleven thousand
(11,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 1 and
Trophy Club Section 2 (a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in
the Denton County Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance).
Those lots which do not meet the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this
Section shall not be considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements
and, for purposes of this Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum Iot
size required in this Section.
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Sections 1 and 2 Single Family District no land shall
be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use
other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Sections
1 and 2 Single Family Districts in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Sections
1 and 2 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements
of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town and recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eleven thousand (11,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure Golf Course Lots* All Other Lots
One story residence 2,000 2,000
One and one-half story 2,500 2,000*
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot 2,500 2,000*
(without regard to
number of stories)
*Golf course lots shall refer to lots 1 through 29, 42 and 56 in Trophy Club
Section One, and lots 124 through 137, 147 and 148 in Trophy Club Section
4. Depth of front yard,
S. Depth of rear yard,
Golf Course Lot
Res. Bldg. Acces. Bldg.
30 -0)
25 25
Golf Course Lot
Res. Bldg. Acces. Bldg.
Width of side yard {2) 15 15 (3)
on each side, feet
Width of side yard
adjacent to street, feet
January, 1991
20 20
Other Lot
Res. Bldg. Access Bldg._
30 -0)
5 5
Other Lot
Res. Bldg. Access Bldg.
5 5
20 20
MDetached garages will be located at least sixty-five (65) feet from the
front property line.
(2)In no event shall the sum of the widths of the side yards of any lot be less
than fifteen (15) percent of the width of the lot measured (to the nearest
foot) along the front setback line.
(3) A garage or other permitted accessory building located sixty-five (65) feet
or more from the front lot line may be located within ten (10) feet of an
interior lot line.
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 75
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 90
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Sections 1 and 2
District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be
required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town
I. Masonry Requirement: All residential structures constructed prior to
September 21, 1987 shall have not less than fifty-one (5 1) percent masonry
construction except that detached garages may have wood siding of a type and
design as approved by the Town. Structures constructed after September 21,
1987 shall have 80% masonry construction. Other materials of equal
characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 3 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eleven thousand
(11,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 3 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 3 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be instaIIed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section 3
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
3 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eleven thousand (11,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area..
Type of Structure
One story residence
The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Golf Course Lots* All Other Lots
2,000 2,000
One and one-half story 2,500 2,000
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot 2,500 2,000
(without regard to
number of stories)
*Golf course lots shall refer to lots 154 through 159, lots 160-A and 160-B,
lots 161 through 170, and lots 267 and 303 in Trophy Club Section Three.
Golf Course Lot Other Lot
Res. Bldg Acces. Bldg. Res. Bldg. Access Bldg.
4. Depth of front yard, 30 -til 30 -ttl
5. Depth of rear yard, 25 25 5 5
6. Width of side yard (2) 15 15 (3) 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 20 20 20 20
adjacent to street, feet
(I)Detached garages will be located at least sixty-five (65) feet from the
front property line.
January, 1991
tel In no event shall the sum of the widths of the side yards of any lot be less
than fifteen (15) percent of the width of the lot measured (to the nearest
foot) along the front setback line.
t31A garage or other permitted accessory building located sixty-five (65) feet
or more from the front lot line may be located within ten (10) feet of an
interior lot line.
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 60
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 3 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All residential structures constructed prior to
September 21, 1987 shall have not less than fifty-one (51) percent masonry
construction except that detached garages may have wood siding of a type and
design as approved by the Town. Structures constructed after September 21,
1987 shall have 80% masonry construction. Other materials of equal
characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 4 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than fourteen thousand two
hundred and fifty (14,250) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and
accessory uses, in order to promote medium population densities within integral
neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 4 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 4 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section 4
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
4 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-112) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of fourteen thousand two
hundred and fifty (14,250) square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
(without regard to
number of stories)
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
Res. Bldg_ Acces.Bldg.
4. Depth of front yard, 30 (t}
5. Depth of rear yard, 15 5
6. Width of side yard (Z) 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 15 15
adjacent to street, feet
(1)A detached garage shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet or more
from the front lot line.
(2) In no event shall the sum of the widths of the side yards of any lot be less
than fifteen (15) percent of the width of the lot measured (to the nearest
foot) along the front setback line.
January, 1991
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 95
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 145
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 4 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council,
I. Masonry Requirement: All residential structures constructed prior to
September 21, 1987 shall have not less than fifty-one (51) percent masonry
construction except that detached garages may have wood siding of a type and
design as approved by the Town. Structures constructed after September 21,
1987 shall have 80% masonryJanuary, 1991 construction. Other materials of
equal characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 5 Single Family District is to allow single
family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eleven thousand (11,000) square
feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to promote
medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 5 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be considered
to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this Section,
shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this Section.
C. Uses Generally: in an R -Section 5 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than as
hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section 5
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
5 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-112) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required measured
from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eleven thousand (11,040)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........
Type of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
(without regard to
number of stories)
4. Depth of front yard,
The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
Res. Bldg.
Acces. Bldg.
5. Depth of rear yard, 15 5
6. Width of side yard (2) 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 25
adjacent to street, feet
(1)A detached garage shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet or more
from the front lot line.
January, 1991
(2) In no event shall the sum of the widths of the side yards of any lot be less
than fifteen (I5) percent of the width of the lot measured (to the nearest
foot) along the front setback line.
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 55
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 5 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
1. Masonry Requirement: All residential structures constructed prior to
September 21, 1987 shall have not less than fifty-one (51) percent masonry
construction except that detached garages may have wood siding of a type and
design as approved by the Town. Structures constructed after September 21,
1987 shall have 80% masonry construction. Other materials of equal
characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 6 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eleven thousand
(11,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 6 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 6 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section 6
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
6 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-112) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eleven thousand (11,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure Golf Course Lots* All Other Lots
One story residence 2,000 2,000
One and one-half story 2,500 2,000
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot 2,500 2,000
(without regard to
number of stories)
*Golf course lots shall refer to lots 565 through 572 in Trophy Club Section
4. Depth of front yard,
5. Depth of rear yard,
6. Width of side yard (4)
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard
adjacent to street, feet
Golf Course Lot Other Lot
Res. Bldg. Acces. Bide. Res. Bldg. Access Bldg.
250) _(2) 25(1) -(2)
15 15 10 5
7.5(3) 7.5(3) 5 5
15 15 15 15
(')All cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum front yard of fifteen (15) feet.
January, 1991
(2)Detached garages shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet from the
front property line.
(3) Side yard lines that abut and parallel any portion of the golf course shall
have a yard width of fifteen (15) feet.
(4) In no event shall the sum of the widths of the side yards of any lot be less
than fifteen (15) percent of the width of the lot measured (to the nearest
foot) along the front setback line.
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 70
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 6 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
1. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 7 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eleven thousand
(11,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 7 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section. shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 7 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section 7
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
7 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size Lots for anyermitted use sh h
a 11
p ave a
minimum area of eleven thousand (11,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure Golf Course Lots* All Other Lots
One story residence 2,000 2,000
One and one-half story 2,000 2,000
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot 2,000 2,500
(without regard to
number of stories)
*Golf course lots shall refer to lots 457 through 465 in Trophy Club Section
4. Depth of front yard,
5. Depth of rear yard,
6. Width of side yard (4)
on each side, feet
January, 1991
Golf Course Lot Other Lot
Res. Bldg. Acces. BIde. Res. Bide. Access Bldg.
30(1) -(2) 30 (1) _(2)
15 15 10 5
7.5(3) 7.5(3) 5 5
Golf Course Lot Other Lot
Res, Bldg. Acces. Bldg. Res. Bldg. Access Bldg.
7. Width of side yard 15 15 15 15
adjacent to street, feet
M All cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum front yard of fifteen (15) feet.
(2)Detached garages shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet from the
front property line.
(3) Side yard lines that abut and parallel any portion of the golf course shall
have a yard width of fifteen (15) feet.
(4)In no event shall the sum of the widths of the side yards of any lot be less
than fifteen (15) percent of the width of the lot measured (to the nearest
foot) along the front setback line.
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 80
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 7 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
1. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at Ieast eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 8 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eleven thousand
(11,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 8 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 8 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section 8
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
8 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 in
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eleven thousand (11,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot
(without regard to
number of stories)
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
Res. Bldg. Acces. Bldg.
4. Depth of front yard, 20 {t)
5. Depth of rear yard,
10 5
6. Width of side yard 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 10 10
adjacent to street, feet
(t)A detached garage shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet or more
from the front property line.
January, 1991
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 70
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ........................ 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 8 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town. Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fixe resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 9 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eleven thousand
(11,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 9 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 9 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
C. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section 9
Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
9 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eleven thousand (11,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
One story residence 1,800
One and one-half story 1,800
or two story residence
Residence on corner lot 1,800
(without regard to
number of stories)
Res. Bldg. Acces. B1dQ.
4. Depth of front yard, 25(1) -(2)
5. Depth of rear yard, 10 5
b. Width of side yard 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 15 15
adjacent to street, feet
(')All cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum front yard of twenty (20) feet.
(Z) Detached garages shall be located at least sixty-five (55) feet from the
front property line.
January, 1991
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 70
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 9 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Sections 10 and 11 Single Family District is to
allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eight thousand
(8,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 10 and
Section 11 (subdivisions legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton
County Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which
do not meet the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not
be considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of
this Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Sections 10 and 11 Single Family District no land shall
be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use
other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Sections
10 and 11 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided
in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Sections
10 and 11 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided
in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two (2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eight thousand (8,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
One story one and one- 1,800
half story or two story
Res. Bldg. Acces. Bld .
4. Depth of front yard, 25tt1 (2)
5. Depth of rear yard, 10 5
6. Width of side yard 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 15 15
adjacent to street, feet (3)
MAll cul-de-sacs, in Trophy Club Section 10, shall have a minimum front
yard of twenty (20) feet; lots 1410 through 1420 shall have a minimum front
yard of thirty (30) feet.
(2) A detached garage shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet or more
from the front property line.
January, 1991
(3)Lots 1338 and 1421 shall have a side yard adjacent to the street of thirty
(30) feet; lots 1367, 1454, 1455, and 1423 shall have a side yard adjacent to
the street of twenty-five (25) feet.
11 Lot
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 70
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 100
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Sections 10 and
11 District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be
required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 12 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eight thousand (8,000)
square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to
promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 12 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 12 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section
12 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
12 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two 2 stories, nor exceed 30 feet in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eight thousand (8,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure , Golf Course Lots* All Other Lots
One story, one and one- 2,200 1,600
half story and two story
*Golf course lots shall refer to lots 1541 through 1554 in Trophy Club
Section Twelve.
Golf Course Lot Other Lot
Res. Blde. Acces. Bldg. Res. Bldg. Access Bldg.
4. Depth of front yard, 25 (1) -(2) 25(1) ,(2)
5. Depth of rear yard, 25 25 10 5
6. Width of side yard 15 15 (3) 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 15 15 15 15
adjacent to street, feet
(1)Front setbacks for lots 1531 through 1538 and lots 1572 through 1581
shall be thirty (30) feet.
(2)Detached garages will be located at least sixty-five (65) feet from the
front property line.
January, 1991
(3)A garage or other permitted accessory building located sixty-five (65) feet
or more from the front lot line may be located within ten (10) feet of an
interior lot line.
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 70
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 12 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Section 13 Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than ten thousand (10,000)
square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to
promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Trophy Club Section 13 (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Section 13 Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than
as hereinafter provided.
Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Section
13 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Section
13 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of
the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in
the official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall exceed thirty (30) feet or two (2) stories in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) square
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Maximum Building ............. The combined area by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not
exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total lot
area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be
included in determining maximum building
4. Maximum Impervious.......... The combined area occupied by all buildings,
Area structures, off-street parking and paved areas
shall not exceed 55 percent cf the total lot area.
5. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
and two story residences**
Residence on corner lots**
Golf Course Lots* All Other Lots
2,250 2,000
2,500* 2,000**
2,500** 2,250**
*Golf course lots shall refer to lots 1688 through 1691 and lots 1702 through 1708
in Trophy Club Section Thirteen.
**Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor
area of 2,000 square feet.
Golf Course Lot Other Lot
Res. Bldg. A.cces. Bldg. Res. Bldg. Access Bldg,
6. Depth of front yard, 25 -fit) 25 -07
7. Depth of rear yard, 25 25 10 5
January, 1991
Golf Course Lot Other Lot
Res. Bldg. Acces. Bldg. Res. Bldg. Access Bldg.
Width of side yard 15 15(2) 5 5
on each side, feet
9. Width of side yard 15 15 15 15
adjacent to street, feet
MDetached garages will be located at least sixty-five (65) feet from the
front property line.
(2) In no event shall the sum of the widths of the side yards of any lot be less
than fifteen (15) percent of the width of the lot measured (to the nearest
foot) along the front setback line.
All Lots
10. Width of lot, feet ......................... 80
(measured at front
building line)
11. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
12. Depth of lot, cul-de-sac .................. 100
or comer lot, feet
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever a Section R-13 Single Family
development is located adjacent to an existing multi -family development or a non-
residential district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park or
permanent open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a
minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback
area shall contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to adequately
buffer adjoining uses.
H. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
January, 1991
1. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Section 13 District
for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as
determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council.
J. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (SO) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Lake Forest Village, Phase I Single Family
District is to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than nine
thousand (9,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory
uses, in order to promote medium population densities within integral
neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Lake Forest Village, Phase I
(a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section,shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Lake Forest Village, Phase I, Single Family District
no land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to
any use other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Lake
Forest Village, Phase I Single Family District in accordance with the
regulations provided in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Lake
Forest Village, Phase I Single Family District in accordance with the
regulations provided in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited.
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ...........................
2. Minimum Open Space..........
Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of nine thousand (9,000) square
All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story, one and one-
half story, two story,
two and one-half story
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
*Those residences with two and one-half (2-1/2) stories shall have a
minimum first floor area of 1,200 square feet.
Res. Bldg. Acces. Bldg.
4. Depth of front yard, 25(1) 42)
5. Depth of rear yard, 10 5
6. Width of side yard 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 25 25
adjacent to street, feet
(1)Lot 20 shall have a fifteen foot front setback line.
(2) A detached garage shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet or more
from the front lot line.
January, 1991
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 65
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Lake Forest
Village, Phase I District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional
uses may be required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and
Town Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (84) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the PIanning and Zoning Commission,
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Lake Forest Village, Phase II Single Family
District is to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than nine
thousand (9,400) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory
uses, in order to promote medium population densities within integral
neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Lake Forest Village, Phase II
(a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum Iot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Lake Forest Village, Phase II, Single Family District
no land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to
any use other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
a Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Lake
Forest Village, Phase II Single Family District in accordance with the
regulations provided in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Lake
Forest Village, Phase II Single Family District in accordance with the
regulations provided in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ...........................
2. Minimum Open Space..........
Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of nine thousand (9,000) square
All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story, one and one-
half story, two story, and
two and one-half story
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
*Those residences with two and one-half (2-1/2) stories shall have a
minimum first floor area of 1,200 square feet.
Res. Bldg,, Acces. Bldg,
4. Depth of front yard, 25{1) (2)
5. Depth of rear yard, 10 10
6. Width of side yard 5 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard 10 10
adjacent to street, feet
(I)Lot 78 shall have a twenty (20) foot front setback line.
(2)A detached garage shall be located at least sixty-five (65) feet or more
from the front lot line.
January, 1991
All Lots
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 70
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Lake Forest
Village, Phase II District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional
uses may be required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and
Town Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Fairway Village Single Family District is to
allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than three thousand
(3,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Fairway Village (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section,shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and,for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Fairway Village Single Family District no land shall be
used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other
than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Fairway
Village Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Fairway
Village Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of three thousand (3,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story residence
One and one-half story
two story, two and
one-half story
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
*Those residences with one and one-half stories or greater shall have a
minimum fust floor area of 1000 square feet.
4. Depth of front yard, feet .................
5. Depth of rear yard, feet ..................
b. Width of lot, feet .........................
(measured at front
building line)
7. Depth of lot, feet .........................
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
10 (Lots 10, 12 through 17)
15 (Lots 1 through 9, 11)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
January, 1991
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Fairway Village
District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be
required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town
1. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Twenty in Trophy Single Family District is to
allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eight thousand
(5,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in
order to promote medium population densities within integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Twenty in Trophy (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Twenty In Trophy Single Family District no land shall
be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use
other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Twenty
in Trophy Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided
in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Twenty
in Trophy Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided
in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited.
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall have more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35 feet
in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
I. Lot Size ...........................
Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eight thousand (8,000)
square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space..........
All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area...........
The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
One story, and one-half story,
two story, two and one-
half story residences
*These residences shall have
a minimum first floor area of 1,000 square feet.
4. Depth of front yard, feet ................. 15
5. Depth of rear yard, feet ..................
6. Width of side yard on one ...............
side only, feet
7. Width of side yard adjacent ............. 10
to side street, feet
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 45
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 95
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard., with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
January, 1991
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Twenty In Trophy
District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be
required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Village West, Section A, Single Family District
is to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than seven
thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet, together with the allowed incidental
and accessory uses, in order to promote medium population densities within
integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Village West, Section A (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section,shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Village West, Section A, Single Family District no
land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to
any use other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Village
West, Section A, Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Village
West, Section A, Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
C. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall be more than two (2) stories, nor exceed 30 feet in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of seven thousand five hundred
(7,500) square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
One story residence
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
One and one-half story, 1,600*
or two story residences
*These residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first
floor area of 800 square feet.
4. Depth of front yard, feet ................. 25(i)
5. Depth of rear yard, feet .................. 10
6. Width of side yard (2)> ................... 5
on each side, feet
7. Width of side yard ....................... 15 (2)
adjacent to street, feet
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 60
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
January, 1991
(')All cul-de-sac lots shall have a front yard setback of twenty (20) feet.
(2) Lots 800, 806, 807, 812, 813, 817 and 848 shall have ten (10) foot side yard
setbacks adjacent to streets.
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Village West,
Section A District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses
may be required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and
Town Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Village West, Section B, Single Family District
is to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than seven
thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet, together with the allowed incidental
and accessory uses, in order to promote medium population densities within
integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in Village West, Section B (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat
Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do not meet
the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not be
considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for purposes of this
Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot size required in this
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Village West, Section B, Single Family District no
land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to
any use other than as hereinafter provided.
Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Village
West, Section B, Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Village
West Section B, Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a
building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has been recorded in the
official records of the County in which the property is located.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance, no
building shall be more than two (2) stories, nor exceed 30 feet in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of seven thousand five hundred
(7,500) square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.......... All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted to
grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable
landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
One story residence 1,450
One and one-half story, 1,600*
or two story residences
*These residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum
first floor area of 800 square feet.
4. Depth of front yard, feet ................. 25(1)
5. Depth of rear yard, feet .................. 10
6. Width of side yard on each .............. 5
side, feet
7. Width of side yard adjacent ............. 15(2)
to side street, feet
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 60
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
January, 1991
(')All cul-de-sac lots shall have a front yard set -back of twenty (20) feet; lots 931,
1166 and 1167 shall have a twenty (20) foot front set -back.
(2)Lots 970, 975, 1159, and 1164 shall have a twenty (20) foot side set -back adjacent
to streets.
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces
shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be Iocated on a
required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in
the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not
include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a
state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances
of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Village West,
Section B, District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses
may be required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and
Town Council.
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and structures
shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent
of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of
brick, stone or other masonry material. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Oak Hill Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eight thousand eight
hundred (8,800) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and
accessory uses, in order to promote medium population densities within
integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in the Oak Hill (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County
Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lotswhich do
not meet the minimum Iot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not
be considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for
purposes of this Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot
size required in this Section.
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Oak Hill Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other
than as hereinafter provided.
I. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -Oak
Hill Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Oak
Hill Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the
construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has
been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is
January, 1991
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance,
no building shall be more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, nor exceed 35
feet in height as shown below:
Golf Course Lakefront
Lots* Lots*
Maximum Height 30 ft. 30 ft.
35 ft.
Maximum Stories 1-1/2 1-1/2
Town and Town and
Country Country
View Lots* Lots*
30 ft.
*Golf course lots shall refer to lots 21 through 39 and lots 67 through 72
of replat of Trophy Club Oak Hill; Lakefront lots shall refer to lots 40
through 43 of replat of Trophy Club Oak Hill; Town and Country View
Iots shall refer to lots 44 through 60 and lot 66 of Replat of Trophy Club
Oak Hill; and, Town and Country lots shall refer to lots 61 through 65 of
replat of Trophy Club Oak Hill.
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of eight thousand eight
hundred (8,800) square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space........ All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted
to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other
suitable landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town,
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Golf Course
Town and
Town and
of Structure
View Lots
One story
One and 1/2
sto ry
Two story
Two and 1/2
January, 1991
6. Width of side 5(5) 5(5) 5 5
yard on each
side, feet
7. Width of side 20(6) 20 15 _
yard adjacent
to street, feet
(I)Front yard setback line shall be twenty (20) feet for lots 22 through 25,
lots 26 and 27, and lots 67 through 72.
(2)Front yard setback line shall be thirty (30) feet on lot 46; fifteen (15)
feet for lot 59, 60, and 66.
(3)Front yard setback line shall be twenty-five (25) feet on lot 61 and
fifteen (15) feet on lots 64 and 65.
(4)Rearyard setback shall be forty-five (45) feet on lot 40.
(5)Thenorthwest side lot line of lot 24, southwest side lot line of lot 43,
and northeast side lot line of lot 72 shall have a side yard setback of
fifteen (15) feet; the southwest side lot line of lot 27 and the northwest
side lot line of lot 36 shall have a side yard setback of twenty (20) feet;
and the north side lot line of lot 42 shall have a side yard setback of ten
(10) feet.
(6)A side street setback line of fifteen (15) feet shall be located on lot 25.
Width of Iot, feet ......................... 75
(measured at front
building line)
Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
January, 1991
Town and
Town and
Golf Course
View Lots
4. Depth of front
25 (1)
25 (2)
yard, feet
5. Depth of rear
20 (4)
yard, feet
6. Width of side 5(5) 5(5) 5 5
yard on each
side, feet
7. Width of side 20(6) 20 15 _
yard adjacent
to street, feet
(I)Front yard setback line shall be twenty (20) feet for lots 22 through 25,
lots 26 and 27, and lots 67 through 72.
(2)Front yard setback line shall be thirty (30) feet on lot 46; fifteen (15)
feet for lot 59, 60, and 66.
(3)Front yard setback line shall be twenty-five (25) feet on lot 61 and
fifteen (15) feet on lots 64 and 65.
(4)Rearyard setback shall be forty-five (45) feet on lot 40.
(5)Thenorthwest side lot line of lot 24, southwest side lot line of lot 43,
and northeast side lot line of lot 72 shall have a side yard setback of
fifteen (15) feet; the southwest side lot line of lot 27 and the northwest
side lot line of lot 36 shall have a side yard setback of twenty (20) feet;
and the north side lot line of lot 42 shall have a side yard setback of ten
(10) feet.
(6)A side street setback line of fifteen (15) feet shall be located on lot 25.
Width of Iot, feet ......................... 75
(measured at front
building line)
Depth of lot, feet ......................... 110
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
January, 1991
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved
surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be
located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive
may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be
temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles,
other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of major disrepair. Off-street parking
shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 34 of this
ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Oak Hill
District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be
required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and
structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eight
(80) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and
porches, constructed of brick, stone or other masonry material. Other
materials of equal characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Oak Hill Patio Single Family District is to
allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than five thousand
five hundred (5,500) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and
accessory uses, in order to promote medium population densities within
integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in the Oak Hill Patio (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County
Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do
not meet the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not
be considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for
purposes of this Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot
size required in this Section.
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Oak Hill Patio Single Family District no land shall
be used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use
other than as hereinafter provided.
I. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses;
a. Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R --Oak
Hill Patio Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -Oak
Hill Patio Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 29 of this ordinance,
4. Limitation of Uses:
a. Garage sales are prohibited.
b . Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the
construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has
been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance,
no building shall be more than two (2) stories, nor exceed 28 feet in height.
January, 1991
Area Regulations; The following minimum standards small be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size ........................... Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of five thousand five hundred
(5,500) square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space........ All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted
to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other
suitable landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area........... The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Golf Course
Type of Structure Patio LotsPatio Lots
One story residence 1,500 1,200
One and one-half story 1,800(3) 1 500")
two, two and one-half '
story residences
(1)Golf course patio lots shall refer to lots 9 through 17 of replat of
Trophy Club Oak Hill; and, patio lots shall refer to Iots 1 through 8 and
18 through 20 of Replat of Trophy Club Oak Hill.
(2)Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum
first floor area of 1,000 square feet.
(3)Theseresidences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum
first floor area of 1,200 square feet.
Golf Course
Patio Lots 1)
Patio Lots(i)
4. Depth of front yard, 20 (2) 15 (2)
5. Depth of rear yard, 20 20
January, 1991
Golf Course
Patio Lot 1) Patio Lots(i)
6. Width of side yard 8(3) 5033
on one side, feet
7. Width of side yard 10 10
adjacent to street, feet
(1)Zero (0) building lines shall be referred to and located as the
northwest side lot lines of lots 1 through 8; the northeast side lot lines of
lots 9, 19, and 20; and the northwest side lot line of lots 12 through 17.
(2)Front yard setback line shall be ten (10) feet for lot 10, 15, 16 and 17;
and shall be fifteen (15) feet for lots 18 through 20.
C3)Side yard setback shall be eight (8) feet for lot 18 and 19; fifteen (15)
feet on lot 9; and, ten (10) feet on the northeast lot Iine of lot 10,
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 45
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 100
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved
surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be
located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive
may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be
temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles,
other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of major disrepair. Off-street parking
shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 34 of this
ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Oak Hill Patio
District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be
required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town
Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and
structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty
(80) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and
porches, constructed of brick, stone or other masonry material. Other
materials of equal characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the R -Summit Single Family District is to allow
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than five thousand seven
hundred fifty (5,750) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and
accessory uses, in order to promote medium population densities within
integral neighborhood units.
B. Application: Lots within this district are located in the Summit (a
subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County
Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance). Those lots which do
not meet the minimum lot size requirements set forth in this Section shall not
be considered to be in violation of said lot size requirements and, for
purposes of this Section, shall be deemed to conform to the minimum lot
size required in this Section.
C. Uses Generally: In an R -Summit Single Family District no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other
than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a Single family detached dwellings.
b. Parks, playgrounds, and nature preserves, publicly owned.
c. Public utility uses required to service the district.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R -
Summit Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R -
Summit Single Family District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Sectio: 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses:
a Garage sales are prohibited.
b. Private or public alleys shall not be allowed.
c, Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is
D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the
construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat has
been recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance,
no building shall be more than two and one-half stories (2-1/2), nor exceed 35
feet in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required
measured from property lines:
1. Lot Size.._. ................ ..........
Lots for any permitted use shall have a
minimum area of five thousand seven
hundred fifty (5,750) square feet.
2. Minimum Open Space.__
All areas not devoted to buildings, structures
or off-street parking area shall be devoted
to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other
suitable landscape material. In addition, all
developments shall reserve open space in
accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Minimum Floor Area...........
The minimum square footage of a dwelling
unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and
porches, shall be in accordance with the
Type of Structure
Minimum Exterior Area
(in square feet)
One, one and one-half
story, two story, two
and one-half story
*Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum
first floor area of 1,000 square feet.
All Lots
Depth of front yard ...................... 15Ci)
Depth of rear yard ........................ 15Cz)
Width of side yard ....................... 15(3)
on one side, feet
Width of side yard ....................... 15 (4)
adjacent to street, feet
(1)The front yard setback line for lot 6 shall be ten (10) feet.
January, 1991
(2)The rear yard setback for lots 7 through 15 and the southern most lot
line of lot 6 shall be twenty (20) feet; and the rear yard set back for lots 1
through 5 and the western most lot line of lot 6 shall be thirty (30) feet.
(3)Theside yard line of each lot which has no building setback line
adjacent and parallel to it as shown on the subdivision plat, shall be
known as the "zero lot line." Side yard line for lots 14 and 15 shall be
twenty (20) feet; the joint side yard line for lots 6 and 7 shall be seven
and one-half (7.5) feet; and the joint side yard line for lots 9 and 10 and 11
and 12 shall be five (5) feet.
(4)Side yard setback adjacent to streets shall be twenty (20) feet for lots
14 and 15; and shall be ten (10) feet for lot 7.
8. Width of lot, feet ......................... 45
(measured at front
building line)
9. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 105
(measured at the mid-
point of the frontage)
G. Off -Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved
surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be
located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive
may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be
temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles,
other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of major disrepair. Off-street parking
shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 34 of this
ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Town.
H. Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R -Summit
District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be
required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town
I. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and
structures located in each of the zoning districts herein shall be of exterior
fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent of the total
exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick,
stone or other masonry materials. Other materials of equal characteristics
may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: In certain instances, the purposes of the zoning ordinances may
be achieved by the development of planned units which do not conform in
all respects with the land use pattern designated on the Zoning Map or the
district regulations prescribed by this ordinance or the Subdivision
Regulations. A planned development (PD) is on tracts of land of not to
exceed more than 250 acres and may include a combination of different
dwelling types and/or a variety of land uses which creatively complement
each other and harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the
vicinity. The purpose of the district is to encourage creative development of
the land, provide locations for well planned comprehensive developments,
and provide for variety and flexibility in the development patterns of the
Town which promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the
community. The Town Council is empowered to grant permits for planned
developments only after review and recommendation by the Planning and
Zoning Commission under the procedure established herein.
B. Uses Generally: In a PD Planned Development District, no land shall be
used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use
other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: All uses permitted in the districts included herein as
follows, shall be permitted as part of an approved Planned
a. R-12 Single Family Residential District
b. R-10 Single Family Residential District
c. R-7.5 Single Family Residential District
d. CG Commercial General District
e. CR Commercial Recreation District
f. GU Governmental Use District
g. Other uses that lend themselves to planning concepts that may not
be allowed in other zoning districts.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted in a PD in
accordance with the regulations provided in Section 23 of this
ordinance. Any accessory use permitted within the districts in Paragraph
B1, above shall be permitted as accessory uses to a principal use
provided that no accessory use permitted in the R-12, R-10 and R-7.5
Single Family Residential Districts shall be a source of income to the
owner or occupant of the principal use.
3. Conditional Uses: Any conditional use permitted within the permitted
uses listed in Paragraph B1. above may be permitted provided the
provisions of Section 29 of this ordinance are met and a conditional use
permit is issued.
January, 1991
Prohibited Uses:
a Any building erected or land used for other than the use shown on
the Site Plan, as approved by the Town Council.
b. Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot
size; front, side and rear yard dimensions; and/or lot width, or
exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross
acreage as shown in the development's recorded Site Plan, as
approved by Town Council.
c. Any use deemed by the Town Council as being detrimental to the
health, safety, or general welfare of the citizens of Trophy Club.
C. Density, Area and Height Regulations: The following density, area and
height regulations shall apply:
1. Density, area and height regulations for each use shall meet or exceed the
maximum and minimum standards applicable to such uses as if those
uses were situated in the least restrictive district in which such uses are
permitted or as listed in this section, or demonstrate that the intent of
the standards has been met in accordance with good planning practices.
2. Modification of the density, area and height regulations contained in this
ordinance may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and
the Town Council when all of the following circumstances are met:
a The proposed modifications substantially meet the intent of this
ordinance, the Subdivision Regulations and the Comprehensive Plan.
b. The proposed modification provides for better project design.
c. The combination of different dwelling types and/or the variety of
land uses in the development will complement each other and will
harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity.
d. The development will not generate more traffic than the streets in
the vicinity can carry without congestion and the development will
not overload utilities as determined by the City Engineer/Planner.
e. Financial reasons shall not be the sole reason for modification of
In approving the Planned Development Ordinance and Site Plan, the
Town Council shall, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning
Commission, specify such land uses, maximum height, area restrictions,
density, minimum off-street parking and loading standards, setbacks, site
coverage, building spacing, access, screening walls or landscaping,
building area, open space pedestrian ways, public or private streets,
alleys, and other development and protective requirements considered
necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare, and to create a
January, 1991
reasonable transition to and protection from property adjacent to a
Planned Development District. Such standards shall be specified in the
ordinance establishing the district, and in the Site Plan, which shall be
made a part of the ordinance establishing the district.
Approval of the ordinance, resulting in a PD designation being given to
the property, may occur without the site plan or specific regulations
being provided at the time of initial approval. However, conditional to
the development of PD zoned property is the requirement that the site
plan and specific density, area, and height regulations must be approved
by the Town Council prior to issuance of a building permit by the Town.
D. Ownership: An application for approval of a Site PIan under the Planned
Development District regulations may be filed by a person having a legal
interest in the property to be included in the Site Plan. In order to ensure
unified planning and development of the property, the applicant shall
provide evidence, in form satisfactory to the Town Attorney, prior to final
approval of the Site Plan, that the property is held in single ownership or is
under single control. Land shall be deemed to be held in single ownership or
under single control if it is in joint tenancy, tenancy in common, a
partnership, a trust, or a joint venture. The Site Plan shall be filed in the
name(s) of the record owner(s) of the property, which shall be included in
the application.
P. Development Schedule. An application for a Planned Development
District shall be accompanied by a development schedule indicating the
approximate date on which construction is expected to begin and the rate of
anticipated development to completion. The development schedule, if
adopted and approved by the Town Council, shall become part of the
Planned Development Ordinance and shall be adhered to by the owner,
developer, and his assigns or successors in interest.
Annually, upon the anniversary date, or more frequently if required, the
developer shall provide a written report to the Planning and Zoning
Commission concerning the actual development accomplished as compared
with the development schedule.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may, if in its opinion the owner or
owners of the property are failing or have failed to meet the approved
development schedule, initiate proceedings to amend the Official Zoning
map or the Planned Development District by removing all or part of the
Planned Development District from the Official Zoning Map and placing the
area involved in another appropriate zoning district, After the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and for good cause
shown by the owner and developer, the Town Council may extend the
development schedule as may be indicated by the facts and conditions of the
P. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the
construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat,
meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by
the Town Council and recorded in the official records of the County in which
the property is located.
January, 1991
G. Site Plaza: No applicant shall be granted development approval and no
building permit shall be issued until a Site Plan has been approved by the
Town Council in accordance with this Section. The following items shall be
shown on the Site Plan:
1. The location of all existing and planned structures on the subject
property and approximate locations of structures on adjoining property
within 100 feet.
2. Landscaping lighting and/or fencing and/or screening of yards and
setback areas and proposed changes.
3. Design of ingress and egress.
4. Off-street parking and loading facilities, and calculations showing how the
quantities were obtained.
S. Height of all structures.
6. Proposed uses.
7. The location and types of all signs, including lighting and heights.
8. Elevation drawings citing proposed exterior finish materials.
9. Street names on proposed streets.
10. Proposed water, wastewater collection, and storm sewer lines; proposed
grading and drainage patterns.
11. Engineering drawings of all improvements to be dedicated to the Town
or M.U.D. if the property is not to be final platted or if engineering
drawings have not been previously submitted for the site, if the
property is to be final platted, these may be provided at that time.
12. Utility and drainage easements for dedicated infrastructure, if required.
13. Such additional terms and conditions, including design standards, as the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council deem necessary.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the CG Commercial General District is to provide
locations for local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of the
surrounding area, to accommodate general retail shopping and to
accommodate low intensity business or professional offices that are designed
and sited to be compatible with nearby residential uses and which primarily
provide services to residents of the community.
B. Uses Generally: In a CG Commercial General District, no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other
than as hereinafter provided. Hours of operation for the uses hereinafter
enumerated shall be no longer than from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Deliveries
and service calls are allowed only between 8;00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. No outside
sales of any kind shall be conducted, including but not limited to truck lot,
pedestrian walkway, tent or other sales.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal
a. Professional Office. Professional office uses shall include:
(1) Administrative, executive and editorial offices for business,
professional or industrial organizations.
(2) Professional offices for the conduct of the following
professional and semi-professional occupations: accountant,
architect, attorney, physician, dentist, engineer, insurance agent,
personal or family counselor, public secretary, or any other
office of profession which is of the same general character as the
b. Limited Business. All Merchandise in a limited business use shall be
displayed inside the premises. Limited business uses shall include:
(1) Grocery stores and food markets, bakery shops, confectionary
shops (candy, nuts, etc.), ice cream shops and dairy food stores,
for retail sale only.
(2) Drug stores, apothecary and pharmacies, bookstores, stationery
and variety goods shops.
(3) Jewelry and watch stores.
(4) Florist shops -- retail sales only.
(5) Camera and photo services.
(6) Arts, crafts and hobby shops.
(7) Household furnishing and fixtures.
January, 1991
(S) Wallpaper and paint stores.
(9) Antique shops.
(10) Hardware and domestic household appliance stores. All
merchandise must be displayed inside premises.
(11) Bicycle shops, excluding motorcycle shops.
(12) Wearing apparel shops.
(13) Electrical goods and fixtures stores, excluding outside display or
(14) Sporting goods stores.
(15) Fabrics and knitting shops.
(16) Video and electronics -- retail sales only.
(17) Restaurant (excluding drive-in or drive-through, private clubs,
lodges or fraternal organizations), including alcoholic beverage
sales provided a conditional use permit is issued in accordance
with Section 29 of this ordinance. The sale of alcohol in
association with food shall not exceed 40% of gross sales.
Provided, however that the requirements of Section 22 of this
ordinance relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages shall be
complied with.
c. Personal Service. Personal Service uses shall include:
(1) Barber and beauty shops and salons.
(2) Music, art, dance and photographic services and studios
(3) Health, athletic and weight reducing studios, but excluding
massage parlors. The term "massage" means any process
consisting of kneading, rubbing, or otherwise manipulating the
skin of the body of a human being, either with the hand or of
other special apparatus, but shall not include massage by duly
licensed physicians, osteopaths, chiropractors, and registered
physical therapists or registered nurses or licensed vocational
nurses who treat only patients recommended by a licensed
physician and who operate only under such physician's
direction. The term "massage" shall not include massages
authorized by the State in beauty shops and barber shops
staffed by licensed barbers and beauticians. The term "massage
parlor" means any building, room, place or establishment, other
than a regularly licensed hospital, where manipulated massage or
manipulated exercises are practiced upon the human body by
anyone not a duly licensed vocational nurse acting at the
direction of a doctor whether with or without the use of
mechanical, therapeutic or bathing device, and shall include
January, 1991
Turkish bathhouses. This term shall not include, however, duly
licensed beauty parlors or barber shops or a place wherein
registered physical therapists treat only patients recommended
by a licensed physician and operate only under such physician's
(4) Travel bureau offices.
C5) Duplication and mailing services.
(Ca) Dry cleaning and dyeing establishments and plants for apparel,
curtains, drapes, rugs and carpets, provided the gross floor area
does not exceed two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet.
(7) Printing, publishing and engraving establishments, provided the
gross floor area does not exceed two thousand five hundred
(2,500) square feet.
(S) Medical, dental, chiropractic, optometry and podiatry offices
and clinics.
(9) Allied service facilities such as medical, surgical, dental or
optometry laboratories.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the CG -
Commercial District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the CG -
Commercial District in accordance with the regulations provided in
Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by
permit herein is prohibited.
C. Plana. Requirements: No application for a building permit for the
construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless:
1. A plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been
approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of
the County in which the property is located;
2. Site Plan: A Site Plan has been approved meeting the conditions as
provided in Section 28-A.
3. A Landscape Plan, meeting the requirements of Section 33, has been
D, Density Regulations: None,
January, 1991
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance,
no building shall exceed 35 feet or two (2) stories in height. Any building or
structure adjoining or contiguous to a residentially zoned district shall not
exceed 20 feet or one (1) story in height.
F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required,
measured from property lines:
1. Minimum Open Space .......... At least twenty percent (20%) of the total lot
area shall be devoted to nonvehicular open
space. (nonvehicular open space is any area
not devoted to buildings, parking, load,
storage, or vehicular use.)
2. Maximum Building................The combined area covered by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not
exceed sixty percent (60%) of the total lot
3. Maximum Impervious.......... The combined area occupied by all buildings,
Area structures, off-street parking and paved
areas shall not exceed eighty percent ($0%)
of the total lot area.
4. Depth of front yard, feet* ............... 30
5. Depth of rear yard, feet` ................ 30
(No rear yard shall
face any street)
6. Width of side yard on each..............15
side, feet*
7. Width of lot, feet ......................... 100
8. Depth of lot, feet ......................... 120
*All required yards shall comply with Section 25 of this ordinance.
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever a CG Commercial General
Development is located adjacent to an existing residential development or an
area zoned for residential purposes, all principal buildings or structures shall
be set back a minimum of forty (40) feet from the adjoining property line.
The setback area shall contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or
trees to provide visual and acoustical privacy and to adequately buffer
adjoining uses.
H. Off -Street Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance and all other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
I. Off -Street Loading. Off-street loading shall be provided as required by
Section 35 of this ordinance.
January, 1991
J. Landscaping Requirements: Landscaping shall be required in accordance
with Section 33 of this ordinance.
K. Design. Requirements: The following design requirements shall apply in
the CG District:
No outdoor storage, except for refuse disposal, shall be permitted.
Refuse disposal areas shall be landscaped and screened from view.
2. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units,
shall be designed, installed and operated to minimize noise impact on
surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from
public view.
3. Lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any adjacent residential
L. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and
structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having one hundred
(100) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and
porches, constructed of brick, stone or other masonry material. Other
materials of equal characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purpose of the CR Commercial Recreation District is to
accommodate and allow development of privately owned recreation areas
and low intensity commercial uses that are directly related, designed and sited
to be compatible with the recreational use.
B. Uses Generally: In a CR Commercial Recreation District, no land shall be
used and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use
other than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal
a Golf Course, private.
b. Stable, private.
C. Swimming Pool, private.
d. Tennis Courts, private.
e. Country Club, private.
f. Public utility uses required to service the district.
g. Health club, private.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the CR -
Commercial Recreation District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the CR -
Commercial Recreation District in accordance with the regulations
provided in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by
permit herein is prohibited.
C. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the
construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat,
meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved
by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of the County in
which the property is located.
D. Density Requirements: None.
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Sectio: 24 of this
ordinance, no building shall exceed 35 feet or two (2) stories in height.
January, 19910
F. Minimum Open Space: All areas not devoted to buildings, structures or
off-street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or
other suitable Iandscape material. In addition, all developments shall reserve
open space in accordance with the Town Park Land Dedication Ordinance
and other applicable ordinances of the Town.
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever a CR Commercial Recreation
development is located adjacent to a residentially zoned area, without any
division such as a dedicated public street, park or permanent open space, all
principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of forty (40)
feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain
landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to provide visual and
acoustical privacy and to adequately buffer adjoining uses.
H. Site Plan: A Site Plan has been approved meeting the conditions as
provided in Section 28-A.
I. Landscape Pian: No application for a building permit for any
construction shall be approved unless a Landscape Plan in accordance with
the requirements of Section 33 has been approved.
J. Design Requirements: The following design requirements shall apply:
1. No outdoor storage, except for refuse disposal, shall be permitted.
Refuse disposal areas shall be landscaped and screened from view.
2. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units,
shall be designed, installed and operated to minimize noise impact on
surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from
public view.
3. Lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any adjacent residential
K. Off -Street Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance
with the provisions of Section 34 of this ordinance.
L. Off -Street Loading: Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance
with Section 35 of this ordinance.
M. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and
structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having one hundred
(100) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and
porches, constructed of brick, stone or other masonry material. Other
materials of equal characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The GU Governmental Use District is established to apply to
those lands where national, state or local governmental activities are
conducted and where governments hold title to such lands. Any lawful
governmental activity is permitted in these districts. It is not intended to
classify all lands owned by government into this district, but only those lands
particularly and peculiarly related to the public welfare. It is generally
intended to utilize this district to implement the Comprehensive Master Plan.
B. Uses Generally. In a GU Governmental Use District, no land shall be used
and no building shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other
than as hereinafter provided.
1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses:
a. Parks, playgrounds, and recreation areas.
b, Government, administrative and judicial buildings.
c. Public schools and libraries.
d. Other public facilities of a like nature, including fire and police stations.
2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the GU -
Governmental Use District in accordance with the regulations provided
in Section 23 of this ordinance.
3. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the GU -
Governmental Use District in accordance with the regulations provided
in Section 29 of this ordinance.
4. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by
permit herein is prohibited.
C. Plan Requirements. No application for a building permit for the
construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless:
1. A plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been
approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of
the County in which the property is located.
2. A Site Plan has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in
Section 28-A, and
3. A Landscape Plan, meeting the requirements of Section 33, has been
D. Density Regulations: None
E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 24 of this ordinance,
no building shall exceed 35 feet or two (2) stories in height.
January, 1991
F. Area Regulations: The yard requirements shall not be less than the
requirements of the most restrictive abutting property.
1. Lot Size ........................... None.
2. Minimum Open Space......... At least twenty percent (20%) of the total lot
area shall be devoted to nonvehicular open
space. (Nonvehicular open space is any area
not devoted to buildings, parking lots, storage,
or vehicular use.) All areas not devoted to
buildings, structures or off-street parking area
shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs
or other suitable landscape material. In
addition, all developments shall reserve open
space in accordance with the Town Park Land
Dedication Ordinance and other applicable
ordinances of the Town.
3. Maximum Building ............. The combined area covered by all main and
Coverage accessory buildings and structures shall not
exceed sixty percent (60%) of the total lot area.
4. Maximum Impervious.......... The combined area occupied by all buildings,
Area structures, off-street parking and paved areas
shall not exceed eighty percent (gfl°/a) of the
total lot area.
5. Minimum Floor Area........... None.
6. Front, Rear and Side Yard.... The yard requirements shall not be less than
the requirements of the most restrictive
abutting property. Required yards shall
comply with Section 25 of this ordinance.
G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever any conditional use that is
allowable in the GU Governmental Use District abuts a residentially zoned
district, a landscaped buffer zone of not less than forty (40) feet in depth shall
be provided between the lot line and any building, structure or activity area.
All buildings, structures and loading or storage area shall be landscaped to
provide visual and acoustical privacy to adjacent property. In addition,
screening shall occur in the buffer area and such area shall be provided in
accordance with the provisions of Section 25 of this ordinance.
H. Off -Street Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with
Section 34 of this ordinance.
L Off -Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the GU District.
J. Masonry Requirement: All principal and accessory buildings and
structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having one hundred
(100) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and
porches, constructed of brick, stone or other masonry material. Other
materials of equal characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
January, 1991
A. Historic Landmark: Any zoning district designation appearing on the
Zoning District Map may be followed by the suffix 11H" indicating a Historic
Landmark subdistrict. Such historical, architectural, archaeological or cultural
structures of importance or value which merit protection, enhancement, and
preservation in the interest of the culture, prosperity, education and welfare
of the people shall be worthy of consideration for application for this
district. The 11H" designation shall apply to those premises, lots, or tracts
designated through the procedures set forth herein. Additional uses may be
permitted in any specific "H11 subdistrict and shall be enumerated in the
ordinance establishing such subdistrict. Such suffix shall not affect the legal
use of the property except as provided in the ordinance establishing the
B. Historic Landmark - Defined: As used in this section, the term "Historic
Landmark" shall mean any buildings, land, areas or districts of historical,
architectural, archaeological or cultural importance or value, which the Town
Council determines shall be protected, enhanced, and preserved in the
interest of the culture, prosperity, education and welfare of the people.
C. Declaration of Policy: The Town Council hereby finds and declares as a
matter of public policy that the protection, enhancement preservation and
use of historic landmarks is a public necessity and is required in the interest of
the culture, prosperity, education and welfare of the people.
D. Historic Landmarks - Designation: The Town Council may designate
certain buildings, land, areas and districts in the Town as historic landmarks
and define, amend and delineate the boundaries thereof. The procedure to
be followed to establish a historic landmark designation shall be the same as
that required to amend, repeal or alter the zoning on a tract or parcel of land.
After all notice requirements of State zoning statutes, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat, Ann.
Art. 1011a through 1011f, as amended, have been complied with and all
required public hearings have been conducted pursuant to said State statutes
and this ordinance, and upon receipt of the Planning and Zoning
Commission's recommendation, the Town Council may designate the
building, land, area or district with the 111-111 suffix. The suffix 11H11 shall indicate
the zoning subdistrict designation of those buildings, land, areas and districts
which the Town Council has designated historic landmarks. Such designation
shall be in addition to any other zoning district designation established in this
ordinance. All Zoning District Maps shall reflect the designation of a
historical Iandmark subdistrict by the letter 111-111 as a suffix.
E. Historic Landmarks - Criteria: In making an historic landmark
designation as set forth in the immediately preceding paragraph, the Town
Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider one or more
of the following criteria;
1. Character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or
cultural characteristic of the Town of Trophy Club, State of Texas or the
United States;
January, 1991
2. Identification with a person or persons who significantly contributed to
the culture and development of the Town;
3. Location as the site of a significant historic event;
4. Exemplification of the cultural, economic, social or historical heritage of
the Town;
5. Relationship to other distinctive buildings, sites or areas which are
eligible for preservation according to a plan based on historical, cultural
or architectural motif;
6. Unique location of singular physical characteristics representing an
established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood or community
of the Town; and
7. Value as an aspect of community sentiment or public pride.
F. Removal, Demolition or Substantial Alteration of a Historic
Landmark: No historic landmark designated as such pursuant to the
procedures set forth herein shall be demolished, removed, altered,
remodeled, razed or substantially reconstructed unless a permit for the same
has been issued by the Town Council. If an application for such a permit is
received by the Town Secretary for demolition, removal, razing or substantial
reconstruction of any designated historic landmark, the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall hold a public hearing, make findings of fact in each
situation, and make appropriate recommendations to the Town Council. No
permit shall be issued to demolish, remove, raze or substantially alter or
reconstruct until such matter is resolved through all means available. The
Planning and Zoning Commission shall conduct a hearing within 30 days of
receipt of the application by the Town Secretary. After the public hearing,
the Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend to the Town Council
whether to grant or deny the application.
G. Council Action: The Town Council shall consider the Planning and Zoning
Commission's recommendation within thirty days of passage of same. The
Town Council, after conducting a public hearing and taking into consideration
all of the factors presented, may approve or disapprove the application for a
permit to demolish, remove, raze or substantially alter or reconstruct. The
Council's action shall be final.
H. Present Use Not Affected: Use classifications of all property included in a
historic landmark subdistrict shall continue to be governed by the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town.
1. Penalty: It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, structurally alter,
remodel, renovate, restore, demolish, raze or maintain any historic Iandmark
in violation of this ordinance.
January, 1991
A. Permitted Uses: The following uses, which are classified as temporary uses,
may be permitted by the Town Council in any district for a period not to exceed a
period of thirty (30) days except for item 7. as listed below, which shall be issued
for a period of one year or less, subject to compliance with all other applicable
Town ordinances and fees:
Religious assemblies.
Sports events.
Political rallies.
7. Concrete mixing or batching plant used temporarily by contractors during the
construction of public improvements or buildings and, in such cases, the
period of time for which the use is granted may be for a period of time
provided in the contract for completion of such public improvement or building,
providing such temporary use is renewed annually.
8. Armed forces displays.
9. Educational or informational displays.
10. Temporary sales of merchandise by non-profit organizations.
B. New Residential Districts: A temporary use shall not be permitted nearer than
two hundred fifty (250) feet to a residentially zoned district except for A.7
(above) which shall not be located closer than one thousand (1,000) feet to a
developed residential district.
C. Temporary Use Permit: A permit for the temporary use of any property for the
above listed uses shall be secured from the Town Planning and Zoning
Administrator prior to such use, after approval by the Town Council and payment
of all applicable fees.
January, 1991
D. Time Period: Use of a parcel of property for any of the above listed uses at any
time on any day shall constitute a day's use. Use of a parcel of property for any
of the above listed uses for more than thirty (30) days, except for concrete mixing
or batching plants, during any one year shall constitute a permanent use and such
parcel or property shall automatically again be subject to the district regulations
of the zoning district in which such parcel or property is located.
E. Special Privilege: Permission may be granted for a period not to exceed seven
(7) days by the Town Council as a special privilege to civic organizations and
other nonprofit organizations to allow temporary uses A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5,
A.8, A.9, and A.10, which shall not be located closer than sixty (60) feet to a
residential district.
January, 1991
Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance, the storage, possession, sale,
serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages, except for the consumption of the
occupants or owners of the premises and their guests at no charge, when permitted by
the laws of the State of Texas, shall be regulated and governed by the following use
regulations and requirements:
A. Definitions: For the purpose of this ordinance, the following words and phrases
shall have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:
I. Alcoholic Beverage means alcohol, or any beverage containing more than
one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for
beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted.
2. Restaurant shall mean a restaurant or eating establishment whose gross
sales in Trophy Club from food on an annual basis at the location represent at
least sixty (60) percent of total sales.
B. Zoning Required: The storage, possession, sale or serving of alcoholic
beverages by any party for either on premises or off premises consumption shall
be illegal unless on property zoned specifically for that purpose as a conditional
use in accordance with and pursuant to Section 29 of this ordinance.
C. Conditional Use Permit Required: No party shall sell or serve alcoholic
beverages for on premises consumption as the holder of a mixed beverage or
private club permit except in operating pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit
issued in accordance with and pursuant to Section 29.
D. Affidavit Reflecting Gross Sales: The party or entity operating a restaurant or
private club that permits the sale of alcoholic beverages for on premises
consumption shall, on an annual basis, no later than the thirteenth day of the
month following (12) months of operation, file with the Town Secretary an
affidavit, on an officially approved form provided by the Town Secretary, that
reflects gross sales for the preceding twelve (12) months, breaking down the
sales of food, alcoholic beverages and other items. The party shall also file on an
annual basis, at the same time the affidavit is filed, a copy of the filing supplied to
the State of Texas for sales tax and alcoholic beverage tax purposes.
E. Certificate of Occupancy Requirements: A certificate of occupancy shall be
issued by the Town's building inspection department at such time as the party
complies with all aspects of this zoning ordinance and all other applicable
ordinances. No certificate of occupancy may be assigned or transferred and the
same is valid only as to the recipient. No party may operate a restaurant or
private club that is zoned pursuant to this Section and Section 29 of this
ordinance without a valid and current certificate of occupancy.
January, 1991
1. The Town Building Official, upon receipt of information from the Town
Secretary that the holder of a certificate of occupancy under this Section has
failed to comply with one or more of the requirements, may cancel and
terminate the party's certificate of occupancy by giving the party written
notice that specifies the violation.
2. The notice requirement from the Town shall be satisfied by placing said
notice in the United States mail addressed to the last address provided to
the Town by the entity or party that holds a certificate of occupancy. The
notice from the Town shall state that the certificate of occupancy shall be
cancelled unless the party or entity corrects the violation within thirty (30)
days of receipt of the notice, except as hereinafter set out. However, a party
or entity that submits an annual report pursuant to this Section that does not
satisfy the sixty (60) percent requirement relating to food sales shall have
the alternative of filing monthly reports for a period of six (6) months.
3. The monthly reports shall contain the same information and be in the same
form as.the annual reports except that said monthly reports shall reflect an
accumulation of total sales for the preceding twelve-month period reflected in
the annual report added to the monthly sales.
January, 1991
An accessory buildings and uses shall comply in all respects with the requirements of
this ordinance applicable to the main building, with the following exceptions:
A. Residential Accessory Uses:
The following districts, R-12, R-10, R-7.5, R -Sections 1 and 2, R -Section 3, R -
Section 4, R -Section 5, R -Section 6, R -Section 7, R -Section 8, R -Section 9, R -
Sections 10 and 11, R- Section 12, R -Section 13, R -Lake Forest Village
Phase I, R -Lake Forest Village Phase II, R -Fairway Village, R -Twenty in
Trophy, R -Village West Section A, R -Village West Section B, R -Oak Hill,
R -Oak Hill Patio, R -Summit, and PD (when used as residential) Districts shall
be subject to the following regulations for accessory use for residential purposes.
1. Permitted Accessory Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as
accessory uses provided that none shall be a source of income to the owner
..... ... ............. .
or user o the principal single-family dwelling, except for customary h.o.me
a. Off-street parking and private garage in connection with any use
permitted in this district, provided that no such garage shall face any
street or golf course; provided, however, that the requirement that no
such garage face any street shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot
abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town, unless
otherwise provided by ordinance.
b. Cabana, pavilion or roofed area.
c. Private swimming pool.
d. Signs subject to the provisions of the Town Sign Ordinance.
e. Customary home occupation.
f. Storage buildings
g. Private laundry or utility building
h. Tool house or shed
i. Lath or Greenhouse (as hobby not business)
j. Home workshop
k. Childrens playhouse
1. Garden Shelter
January, 1991
2. Regarding accessory uses and buildings located in R-12, R-10, R-7.5, and
PD (when used as residential) Districts, when any of the foregoing
permitted residential accessory uses are detached from the principal single-
family dwelling, said uses shall be located not less then forty-five (45) feet
from the front lot line nor less than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-
way, and six (6) feet from rear and side lot lines, nor within any identified
easement. In addition, accessory buildings permitted in these districts shall
not exceed 15 feet in height..
3. Accessory uses and buildings located in R -Sections 1 and 2, R -Section 3,
R -Section 4, R -Section 5, R -Section 6, R -Section 7, R -Section S, R -
Section 9, R -Lake Forest Village Phase I, R -Lake Forest Village
Please II, R -Fairway Village, R -Twenty in Trophy, R -Oak Hill, R -Oak
Hill Patio,and R -Summit Districts shall not exceed one (1) story in height.
4. Accessory uses and buildings located in R -Sections 10 and 11, R- Section
.12, R -Section .13, R -Village West Section A, and R -Village West Section
B and constructed after the effective date of this ordinance shall not exceed
one (1) story in height.
B. Non -Residential Accessory Uses: The following districts, CG, CR,GU, and PD
(when used as non-residential) shall be subject to the following non-residential
accessory use regulations.
Permitted Accessory Uses in CG -Commercial District: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory uses, provided that such use shall be
located not less than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-way:
a. Screened garbage storage on a concrete pad and no nearer than fifty (50)
feet to a residentially zoned district and not located between the front of
the building and any street right-of-way.
b. Parking of automobiles, provided that such facilities that are within sixty
(60) feet of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said
district by a blind fence or wall at least eight (8) feet high or a
combination of berm and fence at least eight (8) feet in height.
d. Accessory buildings incidental to the use, provided the same is properly
screened and provided they conform to the standards set forth in Section
21.0 of this ordinance.
e. Signs subject to the provisions of the Town Sign Ordinance.
2. Permitted Accessory Uses in CR -Commercial District: The following
uses shall be permitted as accessory uses provided that none shall be a
source of income to the owner or user of the principal use:
a. Off-street parking in connection with any use permitted in this district.
January, 1991
b. Cabana, pavilion or roofed area
c. Signs subject to the provisions of the Town Sign Ordinance
d. Uses and structures which are customarily accessory and are clearly
incidental to the permitted and conditional uses and structures.
3. Permitted Accessory Uses in GU -Governmental Use District: The
following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses provided that none shall
be a source of income to the owner or user of the principal use:
a. Signs subject to the provisions of the Town Sign Ordinance
b. Uses and structures which are customarily accessory and are clearly
incidental to the permitted and conditional uses and structures.
C. Prohibited Uses: The following uses and structures shall be prohibited:
1. Treehouses
2. Metal buildings
3. Temporary buildings on skids
D. Permit Requirement: An Accessory Building Permit shall be obtained from the
Town Planning and Zoning Administrator and the fee for said permit paid prior to
the construction of any accessory building, if any of the following conditions are
1. An accessory building exceeds a total of eight feet in height;
2. An accessary building excel --ds 100 square feet in area.
E. Location: An accessory building shall not be located in any front yard, as defined
by this ordinance; and shall be located at least ten (10) feet from any dwelling,
building or structure existing or under construction on the same lot or any
adjacent lot, except swimming pools, which may be located nearer than ten (10)
feet from any dwelling existing as long as the excavation of the swimming pool
does not in any way harm or endanger the existing building or dwelling.
F. Yard Requirements: Unless otherwise permitted by this ordinance, accessory
buildings shall be subject to the same yard requirements as the principal
structure. In the case of a corner lot, no accessory building shall be located within
any side yard required on the street side.
G. Garage Requirements: A detached garage permitted as an accessory use in a
residential district shall be a minimum of 21 feet by 22 feet, and be constructed so
January, 1991
as to accommodate the enclosed parking of at least two automobiles. In addition
all detached garages shall be located at least sixty-five (55) feet from the front
property line of a residential lot. This subsection shall not be applicable to
developed lots located within Sections 15A through IST of this ordinance.
H. Masonry Requirements: All accessory buildings shall conform to the masonry
requirements as recorded in each zoning district for main structures.
1. The exterior surfaces of all accessory buildings shall be consistent with the
primary structure. However, accessory structures that are normally
constructed in such a manner that masonry exterior surfaces are not practical
nor appropriate are excluded from the masonry requirements. Examples of
excluded accessory structures may include, but not be limited to, the
following: gym sets, playhouses, greenhouses, garden shelters, gazebos,
pavilions, etc.
2. If a question exists as to whether or not an accessory use is exempt, the
..Town. Planning. and Zoning Administrator or the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall determine which structures are exempted from the
masonry requirement; however, the Zoning Board of Adjustments will
provide the final determination of exempted accessory structures if the
decision of the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator or Planning and
Zoning Commission is appealed.
January, 1991
Height limitations stipulated elsewhere in this ordinance shall be modified such that
chimneys, water towers, monuments, cupolas, church spires, standpipes, false
mansards, parapet walls, similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances
may be erected as to their height in accordance with existing or hereafter adopted
ordinances of the Town. All such portions of buildings and/or structures extending in
excess of ten (10) feet above the permitted height as provided in each zoning district
shall require approval of the Town Council prior to issuance of a building permit. In the
case of non-residential structures all such extensions shall be clearly noted and
detailed on a site plan.
A. Adjacent to Streets: Where the front or side yards facing one side of a street
between two (2) intersecting streets is zoned for two (2) classes of districts, the
setback on the most restricted district shall apply to the entire block.
B. Average Calculation for Improved Areas: If thirty (30) percent or more of the
frontage on one side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets is improved
with buildings that have observed an average front yard line with a variation in
depth of not more than six (6) feet, then the average front yard so established
shall be observed; but this regulation shall not be interpreted to require a front
yard of more than one and one-half (1-1/2) times the depth of the front yard
otherwise required,
C. Minimum Requirement: The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend
and the Town Council may require a minimum front yard, rear yard or side yard
- greater than that required as a minimum setback by the specific use categories in
the ordinance rezoning any property when the safety of the traveling public and
the general health, welfare and morals of the community require greater set back
D. Garages: The face (door) of a private garage, either attached or detached, shall
not be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any side or rear lot line in any
residential district. Provided, however, that no face (door) of a private garage
constructed on a lot abutting a golf course shall face the golf course or street.
E. Play Area Equipment: Play area equipment shall be located in the required rear
Certain architectural features, fences, walls, and hedges may project into or be located
in required yards as follows:
A. Cornices, Eaves and Sills shall be not more than two (2) feet into any required
January, 1991
B. Balconies, Bay Windows and Chimneys shall be not more than three (3) feet
into front yards, or two (2) feet into side and rear yards.
C. Patios and Open Porches may be located no closer than five (5) feet to any side
yard property line nor closer than ten (10) feet to the rear property Iine. In the
case of a corner lot, patios or porches shall be subject to the regular street side
yard requirements of the district.
D. An Open Fire Escape shall be not more than three and one-half (3-1/2) feet into
rear yards, provided that such structure does not obstruct ventilation or light.
E. Any Fence, Wall, Hedge, Shrubbery, Etc. shall be no higher than a base line
extending from a point two and one-half (2-1/2) feet above the front walk grade to
a point four and one-half (4-1/2) feet above walk grade at the depth of the front
yard, and single trees having single trunks which are pruned to a height of seven
(7) feet above walk grade. Comer lots where the side yard on the street side is
required to be the.same as the. front yard shall also observe front yard regulations
with regard to fences, walls, hedges, shrubbery, etc. on the side street except
that the Town Council may, by special ordinance, permit the construction of a
fence not to exceed six (6) feet in height, which does not project more than five
(5) feet into the required side yard setback area.
F. Mechanical Equipment: In districts zoned CG, CR or GU, no mechanical
equipment designed or manufactured for permanent installation in one place,
either outside of a building or projecting through an opening in a building, shall be
permitted in the required side yard or rear yard abutting a residentially zoned
Right-of-way and easement dedication shall be made in accordance with the Town
Subdivision Regulations and Comprehensive Plan.
January, 1991
Hereinafter provided, no nonconforming use of land or buildings, nor any nonconforming
structure, shall be constructed upon, erected, enlarged, changed, altered or repaired,
except in conformity with the following regulations:
A. Types of Nonconformity: Any use of land, buildings or structures which does
not conform to use regulations prescribed in this ordinance shall be deemed to be
a nonconforming use.
B. Nonconforming Status: Any building or structure which does not conform to the
lot area, front yard, side yard, rear yard, coverage, height or area requirements in
the district in which it is located. A nonconforming status under the provisions of
this ordinance shall exist:
1. When a use or structure, which does not conform to the regulations
prescribed for the district in which such use or structure is located, was in
existence and lawfully constructed, located, and operating on the effective
date of this ordinance and has since been in regular and continuous use; or
2. When a use or structure, which does not conform to the regulations
prescribed in the district in which such use or structure is located, was in
existence at the time of annexation to the Town of Trophy Club and has since
been in regular and continuous use.
C. Termination of Nonconforming Uses:
1. A nonconforming use may be occupied, used, and maintained in good repair,
-- but it shallnotbe remodeled or enlarged except as hereinafter provided. -
2. The right to operate a nonconforming use shall cease and such use shall be
terminated under any of the following circumstances:
a. Whenever a nonconforming use is abandoned, all nonconforming right
shall cease, and the use of the premises shall henceforth be in
conformance to this ordinance. Abandonment shall involve the intent of
the user or owner to discontinue a nonconforming operation and the
actual act of discontinuance. Any nonconforming use which is
discontinued, or which remains vacant, for a period of six (6) months
shall be presumed to have been abandoned.
b. The violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance or violation of any
ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club with respect to a nonconforming
use shall terminate immediately therighttooperate such nonconforming use.
c. Whenever a nonconforming use is changed to a conforming use by
rezoning so as to achieve compliance with the provisions of a new or
different zoning district.
January, 1991
d. Whenever a nonconforming use is changed to a conforming use under the
provisions of this Section.
e. Whenever the building or structure in which a nonconforming use is
housed, operated, or maintained, is destroyed or damaged by fire or
other causes to the extent of more than sixty (60) percent of the
replacement cost of the structure, on the date of the damage, the right to
operate such nonconforming use shall terminate.
f. The right to maintain or operate a nonconforming use may be terminated
by the Zoning Board of Adjustment in accordance with provisions of
Section 41 of this ordinance.
D. Changing Nonconforming Uses:
1. Any nonconforming use may be changed to a conforming use; and, once such
change is made, the use shall not thereafter be changed back to a
nonconforming use.
2. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may grant a change of use from one
nonconforming use to another nonconforming use provided such change is to
a use permitted in a zoning district where the original nonconforming use
would be permitted, or provided that such change is to a use permitted in a
more restrictive classification. Upon review of the facts in accordance with
Section 41, the Zoning Board of Adjustment may establish a specific period
of time for the return of the occupancy to a conforming use.
I The Zoning Board of Adjustment may approve the remodeling or enlargement_
of a nonconforming use when such an enlargement would not tend to prolong
the life of the nonconforming use. Upon review of the facts, the Zoning Board
of Adjustment may establish a specific period of time for the return of the
occupancy to a conforming use.
E. Limitations On Changing Nonconforming Uses: No nonconforming use shall be
changed to another nonconforming use which requires more off-street parking
spaces or off-street loading space than the original nonconforming use, unless
additional off-street parking and loading space is provided so as to comply with
the requirements of Sections 34 and 35.
The number of dwelling units or roams in a nonconforming residential use shall
not be increased so as to exceed the number of dwelling units or rooms existing
on the effective date of this ordinance.
No nonconforming use may be expanded or increased beyond the lot or tract upon
which such nonconforming use is located as of the effective date of this ordinance,
except to provide off-street loading or off-street parking space upon approval of
the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
January, 1991
All nonconforming uses being expanded under the provisions of this ordinance
shall comply with the other applicable provisions of this ordinance.
F. Termination of Nonconforming Structures:
1. In the event of damage or destruction of a nonconforming structure to the
extent of sixty (60) percent of the replacement cost of such structure on the
date of such damage, such nonconforming structure may be rebuilt only after
public hearing and favorable action by the Zoning Board of Adjustment as
provided by Sections 28 and 41.
2. Whenever a nonconforming structure is determined to be obsolete,
dilapidated or substandard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the right to
operate, occupy or maintain such structure may be terminated by action of the
Zoning Board of Adjustment as provided in Sections 28 and 41, and such
structure shall be demolished.
G. Special Regulations for Public and Denominational Schools: All public and
denominational schools having a curriculum equivalent to public elementary or
secondary schools, and all accessory buildings and structures normally
associated therewith, which are built and existing on the effective date of this
ordinance, shall be considered as conforming to the provisions of this ordinance.
In the event such school building has been constructed with smaller front yards or
rear yards, or with greater coverage or area requirements than herein specified,
such building may be altered, remodeled, enlarged, or increased in height, but no
provisions herein shall be construed so as to require greater yards, or lesser
coverage or area requirements than provided by the existing construction and
building permits shall be issued if in compliance with the provisions of the uniform
building code.-
January, 1991
Whenever a site plan is required by this Ordinance, such site pian must conform
to the regirements of this Section. Except as otherwise provided herein, all site
plans must be approved by the Town Council upon recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
A. Requirement prior to Building Permit: When required by this
ordinance, a site plan must be approved prior to issuance of a building
permit by the Town.
B. Changes to the Site Plan: Changes to any site plan shall be processed in
the same manner as the original approved site plan.
1. Except as otherwise provided in Section 28-A(B)(3) below, any site plan
that is amended shall require approval of the Tow Council upon
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
2. Changes to the site plan which will affect the use of the land shall require
either an amendment to a PD or a rezoning of property, whichever
applies, and shall require the appropriate public hearings.
3. Changes of detail within a site plan which do not alter the basic physical
relationship of the property to adjacent property; do not alter the uses
permitted; increase the density, floor area, height, or reduce the yards
provided at the boundary of the site as indicated on the approved site
plan, may be authorized by the Town's designee.
C. Grievances and Appeals: An aggrieved party may appeal the decision of
the Town's designee to the Zoning Board of Adjustment in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance.
D. Council Approval: Council approval of a site plan that accompanies a
zoning change request shall become part of the amending ordinance.
Hearings held by the Council for consideration of approval of such zoning
changes and accompanying site plans shall be conducted in accordance with
the provisions of Section 42 - Public Hearings.
E. Compliance with Town Design Standards: The site plan must comply
with design standards, policies, and any design criteria deemed necessary to
the safety, health, and welfare of the Town.
F. Site Plan Contents: The site plan shall contain the information listed below
and any or all of the required features may be incorporated on a single
drawing if such drawing is clear and capable of evaluation by the Planning and
Zoning Commission, the Town Council and the staff personnel required to
enforce and interpret this Ordinance.
January, 1991
1. The location of all existing and planned structures on the subject
property and approximate locations of structures on adjoining property
within 100 feet.
2. Landscaping lighting and/or fencing and/or screening of yards and
setback areas and proposed changes.
3. Design of ingress and egress.
4. Off-street parking and loading facilities, and calculations showing how the
quantities were obtained.
5. Height of all structures.
6. Proposed uses.
7... The location and types of all signs, including lighting and heights.
8. Elevation drawings citing proposed exterior finish materials.
9. Street names on proposed streets.
10. Proposed water, wastewater collection, and storm sewer lines; proposed
grading and drainage patterns.
11. Engineering drawings of all improvements to be dedicated to the Town
or M.U.D. if the property is not to he final platted or if engineering
drawings have not been previously submitted for the site. If the
property is to be final platted, these may be provided at that time.
12. Utility and drainage easements for dedicated infrastructure, if required,
13. Such additional terms and conditions, including design standards, as the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council deem necessary.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: In each zoning district there are some uses which would be
appropriate in some but not all locations within the district. Typically, these are
uses that may have some special impact or uniqueness which require a careful
review of their location, design, configuration and special impact to determine,
against fixed standards, the desirability of permitting their establishment on any
given site. They are uses which may or may not be appropriate in a particular
location depending on a weighing, in each case, of the public need and benefit
against the local impact and effect. In this ordinance such uses are classified as
conditional uses and before they may be established, the Planning and Zoning
Commission must, based upon findings of fact derived from evidence received at
public hearing, recommend approval and the Town Council must, by ordinance,
approve the establishment of the use.
B. Authorization: The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the
Town Council may authorize, the establishment of those conditional uses that
are expressly authorized to be permitted as a conditional use in a particular
zoning district or in one or more zoning districts. No conditional use shall be
authorized unless this ordinance specifically authorizes such conditional use to
be granted and unless such grant complies with all of the applicable provisions of
this ordinance.
C. Initiation: An application for a conditional use permit may be filed by the owner
or other person having a contractual or possessory interest in the subject
property. Any application filed by a person who is not the owner of the property
for which the conditional use permit is sought shall be accompanied by evidence
of the consent of the owner.
D. Application for Conditional Use Permit: An application for a conditional use
permit shall be filed in duplicate with the Town Planning and Zoning
Administrator, who shall forward, without delay, one copy to the Planning and
Zoning Commission. The application shall include the conditional use permit fee,
a site plan in accordance with the Town's subdivision ordinance, and the
following information, as well as such additional information as may be
prescribed by rule of the Commission or the Town Planning and Zoning
The applicant's name and address and his interest in the subject property;
2. The owner's name and address, if different than the applicant, and the
owner's signed consent to the filing of the application;
January, 1991
3. The street address and legal description of the property;
4. The zoning classification and present use of the subject property;
5. The particular provision of this ordinance authorizing the proposed
conditional use;
6. A general description of the proposed conditional use;
7. An application for site plan approval, as required by the subdivision
A statement or diagram showing compliance with any special conditions or
requirements imposed upon the particular conditional use by the applicable
district regulations;
9. A statement as to why the proposed conditional use will not cause
substantial injury to the value, use or enjoyment of other property in the
10. A statement as to how the proposed conditional use is to be designed,
arranged and operated in order to ensure that development and use of
neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations
will not be prevented or made unlikely.
E. Hearing on Conditional Use Permit Application: A public hearing on the
application shall be held and notice thereof given in the manner and form required
for amendments as set out in Section 39_of_this _ ordinance and as provided by
State law.
F. Residential Conditional Uses: The following districts: R-12, R-10, R-7.5, R -
Sections 1 and 2, R -Section 3, R -Section 4, R -Section 5, R -Section 6, R -
Section 7, R -Section 8, R -Section 9, R -Sections 10 and 11, R- Section 12, R -
Section 13, R -Lake Forest Village Phase I, R -Lake Forest Village Phase
H, R -Fairway Village, R -Twenty in Trophy, R -Village West Section A, R -
Village West Section B, R -Oak Hill, R -Oak Hill Patio, R -Summit, and PD
(when used as residential) Districts shall be subject to the following regulations
for residential conditional use purposes.
1. Permitted Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as
conditional uses provided that a Conditional Use Permit is issued:
a. Non-profit community centers and swimming pools and tennis courts;
b. Public and private country clubs and golf courses excluding miniature
golf courses;
January, 1991
C. Real estate sales offices, but only during the development of
residential subdivisions, provided that such use shall not be
permitted for more than three (3) years and such offices shall only be
located in a permanent residential structure;
d. Churches;
e. Tennis courts, private;
f. Public or private school.
G. Non -Residential Conditional Uses: The following districts: CG, CR,GU, and
PD (when used as non-residential) shall be subject to the following non-
residential conditional use regulations.
1. Permitted Conditional Uses in CG -Commercial General District: The
following uses shall be permitted as conditional uses provided a
Conditional Use Permit is issued:
a. Any use which is a permitted use where more than 40,000 square
feet of space will be used.
2. Permitted Conditional Uses in CR -Commercial Recreational District:
The following uses shall be permitted as conditional uses provided a
Conditional Use Permit is issued:
a. Restaurant (private), including alcoholic beverage sales. Drive-in
and drive-through restaurants shall not be allowed.
b. Caretaker or guard residence.
3. Permitted Conditional Uses in GU -Governmental Use District: The
following uses shall be permitted as conditional uses provided a
Conditional Use Permit is issued:
a. Governmental maintenance facilities;
b. Public utility facilities;
C. Detention facilities.
H. Standards: As application for a conditional use permit shall be granted only if
evidence is presented at the public hearing which establishes:
1. That the proposed conditional use will be consistent with the adopted
policies in the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Trophy Club;
January, 1991
2. That the proposed conditional use will not have a substantial or undue
adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood,
traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the
public health, safety and general welfare;
3. That the proposed conditional use will be constructed, arranged and
operated so as not to dominate the immediate vicinity or to interfere with
the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the
applicable district regulations. In determining whether the proposed
conditional use will so dominate the immediate neighborhood,
consideration will be given to:
a. The location, nature and height of building, structures, walls or fences
on the site; and
b. The nature and extent of landscaping and screening on the site;
4. That the proposed conditional use complies with all applicable regulations
of this ordinance, including lot size requirements, use Iimitations, and
performance standards;
5. That the proposed conditional use at the specified location will contribute
to or promote the welfare or convenience of the public;
6. That off-street parking and loading areas will be provided in accordance
with the standards set out in Sections 35 and 36 of this ordinance, and
such areas will be screened from any adjoining residential uses and
located so as to protect such residential uses from any injurious effect;
7. That adequate access roads or entrance and exit drives will be provided
and will be designed so as to prevent traffic hazards and to minimize traffic
congestion in public streets and alleys;
8. That the proposed conditional use will be served adequately by essential
public facilities and services such as highways, streets, parking spaces,
police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and
sewers, and schools; or that the persons or agencies responsible for the
establishment of the proposed use will provide adequately for such
9. That the proposed conditional use will not result in the destruction, loss or
damage of any natural, scenic or historic feature of significant importance;
10. That the proposed conditional use will comply with any additional
standards imposed on it by the particular provision of the ordinance
authorizing such use.
I. Conditions and Restrictions: In granting a conditional use, the Planning and
Zoning Commission may recommend, and the Town Council may impose such
January, 1991
conditions, safeguards and restrictions upon the premises benefited by the
conditional use as may be necessary to comply with the standards set out in this
Section to avoid, or minimize, or mitigate any potentially injurious effect of such
conditional uses upon other property in the neighborhood, and to carry out the
general purpose and intent of this ordinance. Such conditions shall be set out in
the ordinance approving the conditional use permit.
J. Affidavit of Compliance with Conditions: Whenever any conditional use
permit authorized pursuant to this Section is made subject to conditions to be
met by the applicant, the applicant shall, upon meeting such conditions, file an
affidavit with the Town Secretary so stating.
K. Effect of Issuance of a Permit for a Conditional Use: The issuance of a
permit for a conditional use shall not authorize the establishment or extension of
any use nor the development, construction, reconstruction, alteration or moving
of any building or structure, but shall merely authorize the preparation, filing and
processing of applications for any permits or approvals which may be required by
the codes and ordinances of the Town, including, but not limited to, a building
permit, a certificate of occupancy and subdivision approval.
L. Period of Validity: No conditional use permit shall be valid for a period longer
than one (1) year from the date on which the Town Council grants the
conditional use unless within such one (1) year period: (1) a building permit is
obtained and the erection or alteration of a structure is started; or (2) an
occupancy permit is obtained and a use commenced. The Town Council may
grant one additional extension not exceeding one (1) year, upon written
application, without notice or hearing. No additional extension shall be granted
without complying with the notice and hearing requirements for an initial
application for a conditional use permit.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The special use permit procedure is designed to provide the Planning
and Zoning Commission and the Town Council with an opportunity for
discretionary review of requests to establish or construct uses or structures
which may be necessary or desirable for, or which have the potential for a
deleterious impact upon the health, safety and welfare of the public, for the
purpose of determining whether the proposed location of the use or structure is
appropriate and whether it will be designed and located so as to avoid, minimize
or mitigate any potentially adverse effects upon the community or the other
properties in its vicinity. The discretionary special use permit procedure is
designed to enable the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council
to impose conditions upon such uses and structures that are designed to avoid,
minimize or mitigate potentially adverse effects upon the community or other
properties in the vicinity of the proposed use or structure, and to deny request
for a special use permit when it is apparent that a proposed use or structure will
or may occasionally harm the community or cause substantial injury to. the value,
lawful use, and reasonable enjoyment of other properties in the vicinity of the
proposed use or structure.
B. Authorized Special Uses: The following uses and structures may be
established or constructed only upon the issuance of a special use permit in
accordance with the provisions of this Section.
1. Radio, television, or microwave towers in any commercial district.
2. Public utility distribution facilities and equipment in any district.
3. Microwave antennas and receivers in any district.
4. Privately owned and operated children's playgrounds in the term
"playground" as defined in this ordinance.
5. Flagpoles.
C. Application: An application for a special use permit may be filed by the owner
of, or other person having a contractual or possessory interest in, the subject
property. Any application filed by a person who is not the owner of the property
for which the special use permit is sought shall be accompanied by evidence of
the consent of the owner.
D. Contents of Application: An application for a special use permit, along with the
special use permit fee, shall be filed in duplicate with the Town Planning and
Zoning Administrator, who shall forward, without delay, one copy to the
secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The application shall contain
the following information, as well as such additional information as may be
prescribed by rule of the Commission:
January, 1991
I. The applicant's name and address and his interest in the subject property;
2. The owner's name and address, if different than the applicant, and the
owner's signed consent to the filing of the application;
3. The street address and legal description of the property;
4. The zoning classification and present use of the subject property;
5. A description of the proposed special use;
6. An application for site plan approval, as required by the subdivision
ordinance of the Town;
7. A statement as to why the proposed special use will not cause substantial
injury to the value, use or enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood;
8. A statement as to how the proposed special use is to be designed,
arranged and operated in order to ensure that development and use of
neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations
will not be prevented or made unlikely, and that the value, use and
reasonable enjoyment of such property will not be impaired or adversely
9. An identification of any potentially adverse effects that may be associated
with the proposed special use, and of the means proposed by the applicant
to avoid, minimize or mitigate such effects.
E. Hearing on Special Use Permit Application: A public hearing on an
application for a special use permit shall be held and notice thereof given in the
manner and form required for amendments as set out in Section 39 of this
ordinance and as required by State law.
F. Consideration of Special Use Permit Application: In considering an
application for a special use permit, the Planning and Zoning Commission and
the Town Council shall take into consideration the following factors:
I. Whether the proposed special use will adversely affect the safety of the
motoring public and of pedestrians using the facility and the area
immediately surrounding the site;
2. Whether the proposed special use will adequately provide for safety from
fire hazards and have effective measures of fire control;
3. Whether the proposed special use will adequately protect adjacent
property from flood or water damage;
4. Whether the proposed special use will have noise producing elements;
January, 1991
S. Whether the glare of vehicular and stationary lights will affect the
established character of the neighborhood;
6. Whether the location, lighting and type of signs and the relationship of
signs to traffic control is appropriate for the site;
7. Whether such signs will have an adverse effect on adjacent properties;
8. Whether the street size and pavement width in the vicinity will be
adequate for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed
9. Whether the proposed special use will have any substantial or undue
adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood,
traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the
public health, safety and general welfare;
10. Whether the proposed special use will be constructed, arranged and
operated so as not to dominate the immediate vicinity or to interfere with
the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the
applicable district regulations. In determining whether the proposed
special use will so dominate the immediate neighborhood, consideration
shall be given to:
a. The location, nature and height of buildings, structures, walls, and
fences on the site; and
b. The nature and extent of landscaping and screening on the site;
11. Whether the proposed special use otherwise complies with all applicable
regulations of this ordinance, including lot size requirements, bulk
regulations, use limitations, and performance standards;
12. Whether the proposed special use at the specified location will contribute
to or promote the welfare or convenience of the public;
13. Whether off-street parking and loading areas will be provided in
accordance with the standards set out in Sections 35 and 36 of this
ordinance, and such areas will be screened from any adjoining residential
uses and located so as to protect such residential uses from any injurious
14. Whether adequate access roads or entrance and exit drives will be
provided and will be designed so as to prevent traffic hazards and to
minimize traffic congestion in public streets and alleys;
January, 1991
15. Whether the proposed special use will be served adequately by essential
public facilities and services such as highways, streets, parking spaces,
policy and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and
sewers, and schools; or that the persons or agencies responsible for the
establishment of the proposed use will provide adequately for such
16. Whether the proposed special use will result in the destruction, loss or
damage of any natural, scenic or historic feature of significant importance.
G. Conditions and Restrictions: In considering a special use permit application,
the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the Town Council
may impose, such conditions, safeguards and restrictions upon the premises
benefited by the special use as may be necessary to avoid, minimize, or mitigate
any potentially injurious effect of such special uses upon other property in the
neighborhood, and to carry out the general purpose and intent of this ordinance.
Such conditions shall be set out in the ordinance approving the special use
H. Affidavit of Compliance with Conditions: Whenever any special use permit
authorized pursuant to this Section is made subject to conditions to be met by
the applicant, the applicant shall, upon meeting such conditions, file an affidavit
with the Town Secretary so stating.
I. Effect of Issuance of a Permit for a Special Use: The issuance of a permit
for a special use shall not authorize the establishment or extension of any use
nor the development, construction, reconstruction, alteration or moving of any
building or structure, but shall merely authorize the preparation, filing and
processing of applications for any permits or approvals which may be required by
the codes and ordinances of the Town, including, but not limited to, a building
permit, a certificate of occupancy and subdivision approval.
Period of Validity: No special use permit shall be valid for a period longer than
one (1) year from the date on which the Town Council grants the special use,
unless within such one (1) year period: (1) a building permit is obtained and the
erection or alteration of a structure is started; or (2) an occupancy permit is
obtained and a use commenced. The Town Council may grant one additional
extension not exceeding one year, upon written application, without notice or
hearing. No additional extension shall be granted without complying with the
notice and hearing requirements for an initial application for a special use permit.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: To encourage the most appropriate use of land and conserve and
protect the privacy and value of adjacent permitted uses, regulations are
prescribed herein for the location and type of various screening devices to be
used when required in the various zoning districts or in this Section in
accordance with the following standards. Provided, however, that nothing in this
Section shall be deemed to repeal any provision of the Town fence ordinance,
and all provisions of said ordinance shall be complied with and are hereby
ratified, verified, approved and affirmed.
B. Screening Standards: The following screening standards shall be complied
Fences, walls and dense landscaped hedges or plantings are permitted in
any zoning district as a screening element; however, such screening
elements shall conform to the restrictions set forth herein.
2. Where a non-residential use abuts a residential lot, use or district, the
side and rear property lines abutting said residential lot, use or district
shall be solidly fenced by the non-residential use so as to obscure the view
from the residential lot, use or district to the non-residential use to a
height of eight (8) feet. Where the district boundary dividing a residential
district from a non-residential district is along a street or alley, and an
automobile parking lot or parking area is located in the front yard of the
non-residential use, the said parking lot or parking area facing the
residential lot, use or district shall be suitably screened to a height of not
less than four (4) feet.
3. In non-residential areas, garbage, refuse and trash collection/storage areas
shall be fully screened from view by a fence or wall of at least eight (8)
feet in height.
4. Off-street loading areas shall be adequately screened from view of any
residential dwelling from any other adjacent land use.
S. In any district, exterior appliances and equipment shall be screened so as
not to be visible from any street.
5. On lots abutting a golf course in residentially zoned areas, screening along
the golf course shall be limited to see-through ornamental metal fence.
January, 1991
7. Screening, as herein referred, shall mean any of the following:
a. Any material constructed of masonry, or of a concrete or metal frame,
or wood base which supports a permanent type material, the vertical
surface of which is not more than 30% open; or
b. Any dense evergreen hedge or plant material suitable for providing a
visual barrier, for which such material shall be maintained in a
healthy growing condition.
C. A solid wood fence.
8. No screening element shall be constructed, erected, placed, planted or
maintained in such position or location so as to be dangerous or
detrimental to the health or safety of persons, or in any way obstruct the
view so as to constitute a traffic hazard to or on any public or private
street, alley or driveway. Provided, however, that the natural existing
terrain which cannot be removed by reasonable landscaping techniques,
including retaining walls constructed below or at the same grade of said
natural existing terrain, shall be excluded from the objects otherwise
9. Landscaped earth berms may, when appropriate in scale, be used as a
screening element in lieu of a fence, wall, hedge or other dense planting
10. Fences, Walls, Hedges: With the exception of other provisions of this
ordinance, fences, walls, and hedges may be permitted in any required rear
or side yard, or along the edge of any such yard as a screening, decorative
or containment element not to exceed six feet in height, provided the
following shall be observed:
a. Nothing shall be erected placed, planted or maintained on a corner lot
or parkway adjacent thereto so as to interfere with the visual line of
sight at an elevation between two and one-half feet (2-1/2') and eight
feet (8') above the top of the adjacent street curb, or if there is no
curb then from the average street grade, within a triangular area
formed by the intersection of the adjacent street right-of-way lines
and a line formed by connecting a point 35 feet from the street
intersection on one street right-of-way line with a corresponding
point on the other street right-of-way line. Any object so erected,
placed, planted or maintained shall be prima facie evidence that said
object, or combination of objects, is an obstruction constituting a
traffic hazard.
b. At Interior Lots: On an interior lot in any district, nothing shall be
erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as to
impede vision or in any way create a traffic hazard to motorists,
whether the impediment includes entering or exiting any public
January, 1991
highway, street, alley or private street or highway, driveway from or
to adjacent private property.
C. Any object or combination of objects placed, planted or maintained in
violation of this ordinance, shall be removed upon written notice by
certified mail from the Town Marshal of the Town of Trophy Club, or
his representative, to the owner, agent or occupant of the premises
or property where such obstruction has been erected, placed, planted
or maintained.
C. Maintenance and Repair: All required screening materials shall be maintained
and repaired in a neat and orderly manner at all times. This shall include, but not
be limited to pruning, fertilizing, watering, mowing, weeding, and other such
activities common to the maintenance of landscaping. Appropriate facilities for
watering any plant material shall be installed at time of planting. Screening
areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds, and other such materials or plants
not a part of the screening or landscaping. All plant material shall be maintained
in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year.
All plant material which dies shall be replaced with plant material of similar
variety and size.
D. Additional Screening, Fencing, Landscaping: The Planning and Zoning
Commission may recommend and the Town Council may require screening,
fencing and landscaping requirements on any zoning case in addition to or in lieu
of screening or fencing requirements set out specifically in each use district when
the nature and character of surrounding or adjacent property dictate a need to
require such devices in order to protect such property and to further provide
protection for the general health, welfare and morals of the community in general.
E. Perimeter Fencing: A wall or fence in accordance with this ordinance and all
other applicable ordinances of the Town shall be constructed on property lying
along the perimeter Town Limits line of the Town in conjunction with
development of that property, unless otherwise approved by the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Where a tract of land has been platted or is owned under
single ownership or under single control, which tract of land touches any part of
the perimeter or corporate limits of the Town, the owner, subdivider or developer
of that tract of land shall build, erect or place a continuous wall or fence at least
six (6) feet in height at the time any street improvements are constructed within
the subdivision, or the commencement of construction, or the development of any
kind upon the said tract of land.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: The purposes of this Section are to establish rules and regulations
governing the protection of trees and vegetation cover within the Town of Trophy
Club, to encourage the protection of healthy trees and vegetation and to provide
for replacement and replanting of trees that are unnecessarily removed during
construction, development or redevelopment. The provisions of this Section
allow trees located within necessary public right-of-ways and easements to be
removed prior to issuance of a building permit. Upon issuance of a building
permit, trees within the buildable area of a property may also be removed. All
other tree removal requires a tree permit.
B. Definitions: The following definitions shall apply to this Section:
1. Buildable Area: That portion of a building site exclusive of the required
yard areas on which a structure or building improvements may be erected,
and including the actual structure, driveway, parking lot, pool, and other
construction as shown on a site plan.
2. Drip Line: A vertical line run through the outermost portion of the crown
of a tree and extending to the ground.
3. Historic Tree: A tree which has been found by the Town to be of notable
historic interest because of its age, type, size or historic association and
has been so designated by the official records of the Town.
4. Person: Any corporation, partnership, association or other artificial
entity; or any individual; or any agent or employee of the foregoing.
S. Specimen Tree: A tree which has been determined by the Town to be of
high value because of its type, size or other professional criteria, and
which has been so designated a part of the official records of the Town.
6. Tree: Any self-supporting woody perennial plant which has a trunk
diameter of three (3) inches or more when measured at a point four and
one-half (4-1/2) feet above ground level and which normally attains an
overall height of at least twenty (20) feet at maturity, usually with one (1)
main stem or trunk and many branches. It may appear to have several
stems or trunks as in several varieties of oak.
7. Yard Area: The front, side and rear yard areas as required under the
comprehensive zoning ordinance and the zoning district requirements
applicable thereto.
C. Applicability: The terms and provisions of this Section shall apply to real
property as follows:
1. All real property upon which any designated specimen or historic tree is
January, 1991
2. All vacant and undeveloped property.
3. All property to be redeveloped, including additions and alterations.
4. The yard areas of all developed property, excluding developed and owner -
occupied single-family residential property.
D. Tree Preservation Permit Required: No person, directly or indirectly, shall
cut down, destroy, remove or move, effectively destroy through damaging any
tree, specimen tree or historic tree situated on property described above without
first obtaining a tree permit unless the conditions of Section 32 apply.
E. Application: Permits for removal or replacement of trees covered herein shall
be obtained by making application on a form prescribed by the Town to the
Planning and Zoning Commission. The application shall be accompanied by a
preliminary plat showing the exact location, size (trunk diameter and height) and
common name of all trees to be removed. The application shall also be
accompanied by a written document indicating the reasons for removal or
replacement of trees and two copies of a legible site plan drawn to the largest
practicable scale indicating the following:
I. Location of all existing or proposed structures, improvements and site
uses, properly dimensioned and referenced to property lines, setback and
yard requirements and special relationships.
2. Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and major contours.
3. Location of existing or proposed utility easements.
4. The location of trees on the site to be removed or replaced.
5. Tree information required above shall be summarized in legend form on the
plan and shall include the reason for the proposed removal or replacement.
5. Application involving developed properties may be based on drawings
showing only that portion of the site directly involved, adjacent structures,
and landscaping or natural growth incidental thereto.
7. Aerial photographs at an appropriate scale may be substituted, at the
discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, for a site plan, if
adequate site information is supplied on the aerial photographs.
F. Application Review: Upon receipt of a proper application, the Planning and
Zoning Commission shall review the application for new subdivisions and
platted lots. Said review may include field inspection of the site, and the
application may be referred to such departments as deemed appropriate for
review and recommendations. If the application is made in conjunction with a
January, 1991
site plan submitted for approval, the application will be considered as part of the
site plan; and no permit shall be issued without site plan approval. Following the
review and inspection, the permit application will be approved, disapproved or
approved with conditions by the Planning and Zoning Commission, in accordance
with the provisions of this Section.
G. Tree Removal:
No tree or trees shall be removed prior to the issuance of building permits
unless one of the following conditions exist:
a. The tree is located in a utility easement, public street right-of-way, or
drainage easement. In the event that certain trees outside the above
areas are requested to be removed to allow the operation of
equipment, the applicant shall submit a plat and site plan which
indicates the exact operation area needed. The Planning and Zoning
Commission may approve selected removal under this condition.
b. The tree is diseased, injured, in danger of falling, interferes with
utility service, creates unsafe vision clearance, or conflicts with other
ordinances or regulations.
C. The trees are willows or thorn trees.
d. Except for the above, under no circumstances shall there be clear
cutting of trees on a property prior to issuance of a building permit.
?. Upon issuance of a building permit, builders shall be allowed to remove
trees located on the buildable area of the property. Trees located in
required yard areas, buffers and open space areas shall be maintained. The
buildable area shall include sufficient adjacent area to allow the normal
operation of construction equipment.
H. Replacement: In the event that it is necessary to remove a tree or trees
outside the buildable area, the developer, as a condition to issuance of a tree
removal permit, may be required to replace the tree(s) being removed with
comparable trees somewhere within the site.
A sufficient number of trees shall be planted to equal, in caliper, the diameter of
the tree removed. Said replacement trees shall be a minimum of 3" caliper and 7
feet in height when planted.
I. Tree Protection: During any construction or land development, the developer
or subdivider shall clearly mark all trees to be maintained and may be required to
erect and maintain protective barriers around all such trees or groups of trees
and shall provide the Town with a map of such survey. The developer shall not
allow the movement of equipment or the storage of equipment, materials, debris
or fill to be placed within the drip line of any tree. In addition, during the
construction stage of development, the developer shall not allow cleaning of
January, 1991
equipment or material under the canopy of any tree or group of trees to remain.
Neither shall the developer allow the disposal of any waste material such as,
but not limited to, paint, oil, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, etc., under the
canopy of any tree or groups of trees to remain. No attachments or wires of any
kind, other than those of a protective nature, shall be attached to any tree.
J. Exceptions: In the event that any tree shall be determined to be in a hazardous
or dangerous condition so as to endanger the public health, welfare or safety,
and require immediate removal without delay, authorization may be given by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the tree may then be removed without
obtaining a written permit as herein required. However, utility companies
franchised by the Town may remove trees which endanger public safety and
welfare by interfering with utility service, except that where such trees are on
owner -occupied properties developed for one -family use, disposal of such tree
shall be at the option of the property owner. In addition, during the period of an
emergency, such as a tornado, storm, flood or other act of God, the requirements
of this ordinance may be waived as may be deemed necessary by the Town
K. Exemption: This section shall apply to all new development and construction.
Development completed prior to the enactment of this section shall not apply.
January, 1991
A. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Section to establish certain regulations
pertaining to landscaping within the Town. These regulations provide standards
and criteria for new landscaping which are intended to promote the value of
property, enhance the welfare, and improve the physical appearance of the Town.
B. Scope: The standards and criteria contained within this Section are deemed to
be minimum standards and shall apply to all new construction occurring within
the Town.
C. Enforcement: The provisions of this Section shall be administered and enforced
by the Building Official or his designee. If, at any time after the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy or Building Permit, which ever is applicable,
landscaping is found to be non -conforming to the standards and criteria of this
Section, the Building Official shall issue notice to the owner, citing the violation
and describing what action is required to comply with this Section. The owner,
tenant, or agent shall have thirty (30) days from date of said notice to restore
the landscaping required. If the landscaping is not restored within the allotted
time, such person shall be deemed to be in violation of this ordinance.
D. General Standards: The following criteria and standards shall apply to
landscape materials and installation:
1. Quality: Plant materials used in conformance with the provisions of this
ordinance shall conform to the standard of the American Standard for
Nursery Stock, or equal thereto. Grass seed, sod and other material shall
be clean and reasonably free of weeds and noxious pests and insects.
2. Trees: Trees referred to in this Section shall be of species common to
this area of Texas and shall have an average spread of crown of greater
than fifteen (15) feet at maturity. Trees having a lesser average mature
crown of fifteen (15) feet may be substituted by grouping the same so as
to create the equivalent of fifteen (15) feet crown or spread. Trees shall be
of a minimum of seven (7) feet in height at time of planting.
3. Shrubs and Hedges: Shrubs shall be a minimum of two feet in height
when measured immediately after planting. Hedges, where installed, shall
be planted and maintained so as to form a continuous, unbroken, solid,
visual screen which will be three (3) feet high within one year after time of
4. Vines: Vines shall be a minimum of two feet in height immediately after
planting and may be used in conjunction with fences, screens or walls to
meet screening requirements as specified.
5. Ground Cover: Ground covers used in lieu of grass in whole and in part
shall be planted in such a manner as to present a finished appearance and
reasonably complete coverage within one year of planting.
6. Lawn Grass: Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded
except that solid sod shall be used in swales, berms or other areas subject
to erosion.
January, 1991
7. Credit for Existing Trees: Any trees preserved on a site meeting the
specifications herein shall be credited toward meeting the tree requirement
of any landscaping provision of this Section. Trees of exceptional quality
due to size, large canopy cover, trunk diameter, rareness, age or species
may, at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, be credited
as two trees for the herein minimum requirements.
E. Maintenance: The Owner, tenant and their agent, if any, shall be jointly and
severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping. All required
landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. This
shall include mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding and other
such activities common to the maintenance of landscaping. Landscaped areas
shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such material or plants not a
part of the landscaping. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and
growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. Plant materials
which die shall be replaced with similar plant material.
F. Sight Distance and Visibility: Rigid compliance with these landscaping
requirements shall not be such as to cause visibility obstructions and/or blind
corners at intersections. Whenever an accessway intersects a public right-of-
way or when the subject property abuts the intersection of two or more public
right-of-ways, a triangular visibility area shall be created.
In the event other visibility obstructions are apparent in the proposed Landscape
Plan, as determined by the Building Official, the requirements set forth herein
may be reduced to the extent required to remove the conflict.
G. Requirements for Residential Districts: In addition to the above listed
requirements, all areas within the town which are zoned for residential use, by
either "straight zoned" districts or by Planned Developments, shall have the
following requirements:
1. No permit shall be issued for building or construction on any residential lot
or tract until a Landscape Plan has been submitted and approved by the
Town Planning and Zoning Administrator.
2. Landscape Plans: Prior to the issuance of a building, paving, grading or
construction permit for any residential use, a Landscape Plan shall be
submitted to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator. The
Administrator shall review such plans and shall approve same if the plans
are in accordance with the criteria of these regulations. If the plans are not
in accord, they shall be disapproved and shall be accompanied by a written
statement setting forth the changes necessary for compliance.
The Landscape Plan may be revised by the owner at anytime the plan varies
substantially from what was originally approved. Such revision should be
submitted to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator for approval.
Planting of the landscaping may be postponed for one year following
completion of construction if the building party represents a builder and is
not intended to reside at that location. In such cases, the permanent
January, 1991
resident/owner may revise any landscape plan which has been previously
submitted by a builder and approved by the Town, and must complete the
planting of either the previously approved or revised landscaping within a
twelve (12) month period.
3. Content of the Landscape Plan: The owner/builder shall provide a
drawing illustrating all landscaping plans. The Landscape Plan shall
contain, as a minimum, the following information:
a. It is not necessary that the drawing be to scale; however, it is to be
drawn such that the physical relationship of property, structures, and
landscaping are easily discernable;
b. Show the location of all trees to be preserved;
c. Location of all plants and landscaping material to be used including
plants, paving, benches, screens, fountains, statues, or other landscape
d. Species of all plant material to be used;
Size of all plant material to be used;
f. Spacing of plant material where appropriate;
g. Layout and description of irrigation, sprinkler or water systems,
including placement of water sources;
H. Requirements for Non -Residential Districts: The following requirements
shall be additional requirements for landscaping located in all districts not
specifically zoned for residential use, by either "straight zoned" districts or by
Planned Unit Developments.
Permits: No permits shall be issued for building, paving, grading or
construction until a Landscape Plan is submitted and approved by the
Planning and Zoning Commission. In the event that the proposed
development requires an approved subdivision plat or site plan, no such final
approval shall be granted unless a Landscape Plan is submitted and
In any case in which a Certificate of Occupancy is sought at a season of the
year in which the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that it would
be impractical to plant trees, shrubs or grass, or to lay turf, a Certificate of
Occupancy may be issued notwithstanding the fact that the landscaping
required by the Landscape Plan has not been completed. Provided, however,
that the required landscaping shall be installed within twelve (12) months of
the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.
2. Landscape Plans: Prior to the issuance of a building, paving, grading or
construction permit, a Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Town
Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission shall review such plans
and shall approve same if the plans are in accordance with the criteria of
these regulations. If the plans are not in accord, they shall be disapproved
January, 1991
and shall be accompanied by a written statement setting forth the changes
necessary for compliance.
3. Content of Landscape Plans: Landscaping Plans shall be prepared by a
landscape architect, landscape contractor or landscape designer
knowledgeable in plants, materials and landscape design. Landscape Plans
shall contain the following information:
a. Minimum scale of one inch equals 50 feet;
b. Location of all trees to be preserved;
c. Location of all plants and landscaping material to be used including
plants, paving, benches, screens, fountains, statues, or other landscape
d. Species of all plant material to be used;
e. Size of all plant material to be used;
f. Spacing of plant material where appropriate;
g. Layout and description of irrigation, sprinkler or water systems,
including placement of water sources;
h. Description of maintenance provisions for the Landscape Plan;
i. Person(s) responsible for the preparation of the Landscape Plan.
4. Minimum Requirements for Off -Street Parking and Vehicular Use
Areas: Parking lots, vehicular use areas and parked vehicles are to be
effectively screened from the public view and adjacent property. Both the
interior and perimeter of such areas shall be landscaped in accordance to the
following criteria. Areas used for parking or vehicular storage which are
under, on or within buildings or exempt from these standards.
a. Interior Landscaping: A minimum of ten (10) percent of the gross
parking areas shall be devoted to living landscaping which includes
grass, ground cover, plants, shrubs and trees. Gross parking area is to
be measured from the edge of the parking and/or driveway paving and
sidewalks. The following additional criteria shall apply to the interior of
parking lots:
(1) Interior landscape areas shall be protected from vehicular
encroachment of overhang through appropriate wheel stops or
(2) There shall be a minimum of one (1) tree planted for each four
hundred (400) square feet or fraction thereof of required interior
landscape area.
January, 1991
(3) Interior areas of parking lots shall contain planter islands located
so as to best relieve the expanse of paving. Planter islands
must be located no further apart than every twelve (12) parking
spaces and at the terminus of all rows of parking. Such islands
shall contain at least one (1) tree. The remainder shall be
landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other
appropriate material not to exceed three (3) feet in height.
Interior planter islands shall have a minimum size of ten (10) by
twenty (20) feet.
(4) The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve planter
islands required by this Section to be located further apart than
twelve (12) parking spaces in order to preserve existing trees in
interior parking areas. Off-street parking and drive areas located
within the drip line of a tree shall be paved with permeable
material approved by the Commission when the drip line of an
existing tree is larger than planter islands required by this
b. Perimeter Landscaping: All parking lots and vehicular use areas
shall be screened from all abutting properties and/or public right-of-
ight-ofways with a wall, fence, hedge, berm or other durable landscape barrier.
Any living barrier shall be established in a two (2) feet minimum width
planting strip. Plants and materials used in living barriers shall be at
least thirty (30) inches high at the time of planting and shall be of a
type and species that will attain a minimum, height of three (3) feet one
year after planting.
Any landscape barrier not containing live plants or trees shall be a
minimum of three (3) feet high at time of installation. Perimeter
landscaping shall be designed to screen off-street parking lots and
other vehicular use areas from public right-of-ways and adjacent
(1) Whenever an off-street parking or vehicular use area abuts a
public right-of-way, a perimeter landscape area of at least fifteen
(15) feet in depth shall be maintained between the abutting
right-of-way and the off-street parking or vehicular use area. An
appropriate landscape screen or barrier shall be installed in this
area and the remaining area shall be landscaped with at least
grass or other groundcover.
Necessary accessways from the public right-of-way shall be
permitted through all such landscaping. The maximum width for
accessways shall be: fifty (50) feet for non-residential two way
movements; thirty (30) feet for residential two way movements;
twenty (20) feet for non-residential one way movements; and
fifteen (15) feet for residential one way movements.
(2) Whenever an off-street parking or vehicular use area abuts an
adjacent property line a perimeter landscape area of at least ten
(10) feet in width shall be maintained between the edge of the
parking area and the adjacent property line. Landscaping will be
designed to visually screen the parking area. Whenever such
January, 1991
property is zoned or used for residential purposes, the landscape
buffer shall include a wall, hedge, or berm not greater than eight
(8) feet in height nor less than four (4) feet in height.
(3) Perimeter landscape areas shall contain at least one tree for
each fifty (50) lineal feet of fraction thereon of perimeter area.
5. Landscaping Requirements for Nonvehicular Open Space: In addition to
the landscaping of off-street parking and vehicular use areas, all remaining
open spaces on any developed lot or parcel shall conform to the following
minimum requirements:
a. Grass, ground cover, shrubs and other landscape material shall be used
to cover all open ground within twenty (20) feet of any building or
paving or other use such as storage.
b. All structures shall be treated with landscaping so as to enhance the
appearance of the structure and to screen any detractive or unsightly
C. Landscaping shall be provided on each developed lot in accordance with
the following standards:
(1) In all residential zoning districts, a minimum of fifteen (15)
percent of the landscaping shall be located in the required front
(2) In all non-residential zoning districts, a minimum of fifteen (15)
percent of the total site area shall be devoted to feature
landscaping with not less than fifty (50) percent of the
landscaping being located in the required front yard.
d. Trees shall be planted in nonvehicular open space to meet the following
requirements. Existing trees that are preserved on a developed site
may be credited to the following requirements:
Percentage of Site in
Non -Vehicular Oven Space
Less than 30
Over 50
January, 1991
Tree Ratio Per Non -
Vehicular Open Space
1 tree/2,500 sq. ft.
1 tree/3,000 sq. ft.
1 tree/4,000 sq, ft.
In all zoning districts there shall be provided, in connection with appropriate allowable
uses, off-street parking space in accordance with the following requirements:
A. Minimum Off -Street Parking Requirements: The minimum number of off-
street parking spaces herein required shall be computed and provided in
accordance with the following specifications:
1. The number of spaces required shall serve resident, customers, patrons,
visitors and employees.
2. Each parking space shall have adequate drives and room for ingress and
egress to each parking space with a minimum size of eight (8) feet by
twenty-two (22) feet for each parallel parking space and nine (9) feet by
eighteen (18) feet for each angular head -in parking space, and shall be
designed in accordance with minimum Town standards.
3. All maneuvering for off-street parking shall be accomplished on private
B. Unclassified Use: Where the proposed land use cannot be classified within the
uses herein specified, the Town Council shall determine the specified use most
clearly related to the proposed use and the minimum requirements for the
specified use so determined shall apply to the proposed use.
C. Number of Parking Spaces Required: The minimum number of off-street
parking spaces required shall be as follows:
No. of
Uses Spaces Required for Each
1. Residential Uses:
Single-family dwellings; 2 Dwelling Unit
attached, detached,
townhouse, duplex
Apartment, condominiums 2-1/2 Dwelling Unit
triplex, fourplex
2. Institutional Uses:
Church 1 4 seats in main sanctuary, or
for each 28 square feet i n the
main sanctuary, or for each
200 square feet of building
area, whichever is greatest
January, 1991
No. of
Reguired for Each
Public, community, health
200 sq. ft. of gross floor
welfare center
Institution; religious,
200 sq. ft. of gross floor
charitable or philan-
thropic organization
Place of public assembly
3 seats
Day camp, kindergarten,
5 pupils
or day nursery
Governmental office
200 sq. ft. of gross floor
buildings, libraries,
School, Elementary
20 students (design
School, Junior High
15 students (design capacity)
School, Senior High
3 students (design capacity)
School, Private
10 students
Lodge or fraternal
200 sq. ft. of gross floor
Eating or drinking
plus 1 for each 3 seats (design
establishment, no
service to auto
Office, Professional or Financial Uses:
Bank or savings and
300 sq. ft. of gross floor
loan office
Medical or dental clinics
plus I space for each 150 sq. ft.
of gross floor area
Office, general
plus I space for each 300 sq. ft.
of gross floor area
Dance, drama or
2 students (design
music studio
January, 1991
4. Professional Service,
Retail Uses:
Personal service
Retail establishments
in buildings
Beauty/barber shop
Outside retail shop
Coin-operated or
self -serve laundry
or dry cleaning
Drive-through eating
Drive-in eating
Cafe, restaurant,
No. of
Spaces rPd�
Re ui for Each
p �,„.
5 plus 1 space for each 200 sq. ft.
of gross floor area
5 plus 1 space for each 200 sq. ft,
of gross floor area
1 50 sq. ft. of gross floor area
1 600 sq. ft. gross floor area
1 2 washing machine
1 75 sq. ft. gross
floor area
1 150 sq, ft. gross
floor area
1 125 sq. ft. gross
floor area
5. Recreation, Social and
Entertainment Uses:
Indoor commercial I Per 100 sq, ft. of enclosed
amusements floor area
Theater 1 4 seats
Batting cage, 1 cage or tee
driving range
Golf Course 30 plus 3 spaces for each tee
D. Exceptions: Groups of uses requiring vehicle parking space may join in
establishing group parking areas with capacity aggregating that required for each
particular use. Where it can be established before the building official that
parking for two (2) specific uses occurs at alternating periods, the parking space
requirements of the use requiring the greater number of spaces may be applied
to both uses in a combined parking area.
Example: Church and professional office building.
January, 1991
E. Garages: Garages, with the exception of detached garages which are
regulated as an accessory use in Section 23, will be restricted as to the
direction in which a garage may face in accordance with the following table:
District Restrictions Pertaining to Direction In Which a Gara a May Not Face
Zoning District Direction In Which a Garagel May Not Face
Any Golf Trophy Indian T.W. King Trophy Village
Street Course Club Dr. Creek Dr. Dr. Lake Dr. Trail Dr. S.H. 114
R -I0
R -Trophy Club Section 1 & 2
R -Trophy Club Section 3
R -Trophy Club Section 4
R -Trophy Club Section 5
R -Trophy Club Section b
R -Trophy Club Section 7
R -Trophy Club Section 8
R -Trophy Club Section 9
R -Trophy Club Section 10 & 11
R -Trophy Club Section 12
R -Trophy Club Section 13
R -Lake Forest Village Ph. 1
R -Lake Forest Village Ph. 2
R -Fairway Village
R -Twenty in Trophy
R -Village West Section A
R -Village West Section lB
R -Oak Hill
R -Oak Hill Patio
R -Summit
- - X X
I Shall not apply to detached garages. For detached garages see Section 23
2 An exception may be made for corner lots upon review by the Plan Review Committee
January, 1991
l -
In all zoning districts there shall be provided, in connection with appropriate allowable
uses, off-street loading facilities in accordance with the following requirements:
A. Minimum Off -Street Loading Requirements: The minimum number of off-
street loading spaces herein required shall be computed and provided in
accordance with the following classifications:
I. Any department store, retail establishment, storage warehouse, or
wholesale establishment, which has an aggregate gross floor area of ten
thousand (10,000) square feet or more, arranged, intended or designed for
such use shall be provided with off-street truck loading zones or docks at
least twelve (12) feet wide, fourteen (14) feet high and thirty-five (35) feet
long in accordance with the following table:
Square Feet of Aggregate
Gross Floor Area
0 to 40,000
40,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 160,000
160,001 to 240,000
240,001 to 320,000
320,001 to 400,000
400,001 to 490,000
For each 90,000 over 490,000
Required Number
Of Spaces
1 additional
2. Any restaurant arranged, intended or designed for such use shall be
provided with off-street truck loading zones or docks at least twelve (12)
feet wide, fourteen (14) feet height and thirty-five (35) feet long in
accordance with the following table:
Square Feet of Aggregate
Gross Floor Area
150,000 or less
150,001 to
400,001 to
660,001 to
970,001 to
1,300,001 to
1,630,001 to
1,960,001 to
For 350,000 over 2,300,000
January, 1991
Required Number
Of Berths
1 additional
A. Location of Parking Facilities: The off-street parking facilities required for the
uses mentioned in this ordinance and other similar uses shall be on the same lot
or parcel of land as the structure they are intended to serve, or upon a lot or
parcel of land within three hundred (300) feet of the lot or tract of land upon
which the structure they are intended to serve is located and shall be exclusive
of landscaping requirements.
B. Site Approval: All off-street parking and loading shall be subject to site specific
approval by the Town Engineer.
C. Entrances and/or Exits: Entrances and/or exits on a public street shall not be
located less than one hundred fifty (150) feet from the nearest point of
intersection of two (2) street right-of-way lines unless the tract is not of
sufficient size to accommodate this restriction. In that instance, the driveway
shall be located as far as possible from the intersection. The width of opening on
entrances and/or exits shall not be less than twelve (12) feet nor more than forty
(40) feet depending on the amount of lot frontage where such opening is to be
located. Only one driveway approach shall be permitted on any parcel of
property with a frontage on a public street with a lot width of one hundred fifty
(150) feet or less. Additional openings for parcels of property having a frontage
of one hundred fifty (150) feet or less, may be permitted after proof of necessity
and convenience has been established by evidence submitted to the Town
Engineer. Between any two (2) adjacent entrances and/or exits serving the
same parking facility, there shall be no less than twenty (20) feet.
D. Relation to Residential Districts: No loading space shall be located closer
than fifty (50) feet to any lot in any residential district, unless wholly within a
completely enclosed building or unless enclosed on all sides by a wall not less
than eight (8) feet in height.
E. Lighting Facilities: Lighting facilities, if provided, shall be so arranged as to be
reflected away from residentially zoned or used property. They shall provide
illumination within the parking facility not to exceed one footcandle at ground
level, and shall distribute not more than two-tenths of one (0.2) footcandle of
light upon any adjacent residentially zoned district.
F. Use: The parking area shall be used for passenger vehicles only, and in no case
shall be used for sales, repair work, storage, dismantling or servicing of any
vehicles, equipment, materials or supplies.
G. Location of Off -Street Loading Facilities: The off-street loading facilities
required for the uses mentioned in this ordinance and other similar uses, shall be
on the same lot or parcel of land as the structure they are intended to serve, or
on a lot or parcel of Iand abutting the structure they are intended to serve.
January, 1991
H. Vehicle Stopping Device: All parking, loading spaces, and vehicle sales areas
on private property shall have a vehicle stopping device installed so as to
prevent parking of motor vehicles in any required landscaped areas, to prevent
any parked vehicle from overhanging a public right-of-way line or public
sidewalk. An overwide sidewalk on private property may be permitted so as to
allow encroachment of vehicle overhang while maintaining an unobstructed
three-foot minimum sidewalk width. This requirement shall apply only where
spaces are adjacent to the walks, right-of-way, and landscaping. Parking shall
not be permitted to overhang public right-of-way in any case.
I. Driving Lane Widths: Driving lane widths in all private parking lots shall
conform to the following standards:
0 degrees - 34 degrees ........................... 18 feet minimum
35 degrees - 90 degrees ......................... 25 feet minimum
All turning radii ................................... 25 feet minimum
I Front Yard Parking in Non -Residential Districts: In nonresidential districts,
surface parking may extend to the front property line, except for required
screening and landscaping as set forth in the various sections of this ordinance.
K. Fractional Spaces: In determining the required number of parking spaces,
fractional spaces shall be counted to the next whole space.
L. Parking Structures: Floor area of structures devoted to off-street parking of
vehicles shall be excluded in computing the floor area for off-street parking
M. Use of Private Drives: Kindergartens, day schools, and similar child training
and care establishments shall provide loading and unloading space on a private
drive and off-street to accommodate one motor vehicle for each ten (10) students
or children cared for by the establishment.
January, 1991
A. Authorization: The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club shall
designate the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The Town Planning and
Zoning Administrator shall be authorized to carry out the duties of the office
of Planning and Zoning Administrator under this ordinance and expend
funds as shall be approved from time to time by the Town Council.
B. Duties of the Planning and Zoning Administrator: In furtherance of
this authority and in addition to the duties designated to him under this
ordinance and other ordinances of the Town, the Planning and Zoning
Administrator or his duly designated and authorized representative shall:
Receive applications for building permits for the construction,
erection, alteration, enlargement, and removal of buildings, structures
and signs; receive applications for permits for the use of any premises
for a parking lot, open sales lot, or other purposes where a building
permit is not required; notify applicants of all Town ordinances
pertaining to said applications; issue permits applied for as soon as
practicable where the plans are found to comply with the provisions
of this ordinance and all other Town laws and ordinances applicable
thereto; make and maintain records thereon; and in connection with
such duties interpret the provisions of this ordinance.
2. Receive applications for Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance for
buildings, structures and signs for which building permits have been
issued, and which have been constructed, erected, altered, enlarged or
moved in accordance with such permits and are ready for use and
occupancy; receive applications for Certificates of Use and Occupancy
for any premises developed or improved as a parking lot, open sales
Iot or other purposes where a building permit is not required; notify
applicants of Town ordinances pertaining to said applications; issue
Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance applied for as soon as
possible after verification of each written application; and in
connection with such duties interpret the provisions of this ordinance.
3. Receive applications for variances pursuant to Section 41 of this
ordinance and for vested rights determinations pursuant to Section
43 of this ordinance.
4. Receive applications for conditional use permits and for special use
permits pursuant to Sections 28 and 29 of this ordinance.
S. Receive petitions for amendments to the text of the zoning ordinance
and for the rezoning of property that is subject to this ordinance.
January, 1991
G. Provide such clerical and technical assistance to the Town Council,
Planning and Zoning Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment as
they may require in the performance of their duties under this
Conduct inspections of buildings, structures, and uses of any premises
to determine compliance with the terms of this ordinance and issue
certificates of inspection where compliance with the ordinance has
been verified.
S. Conduct inspections of buildings, structures, signs and uses of any
premises to determine compliance with the terms of any application,
permit or certificates issued by his office.
9. Maintain permanent and current records of official actions on all
building permits, certificates of inspection, conditional uses, special
uses, variances, vested rights determinations, appeals and applications
therefor and all functions of the office of Planning and Zoning
Administrator related to the administration of this ordinance.
10. Prepare and have available in book, pamphlet or map form, on or
before March 1 of each year:
a The compiled text of the Zoning Ordinance and amendments
thereto, including all amendments adopted through the
preceding December 31; and
b. A zoning map or maps, showing the zoning districts, divisions
and classifications in effect on the preceding December 31.
11. Maintain for distribution to the public a supply of copies of the zoning
map or maps, the compiled text of the Zoning Ordinance, and the
rules of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Planning and Zoning
Commission. A reasonable fee for each copy shall be charged to
defray the cost of printing.
C. Inspection and Right of Entry: The Planning and Zoning Administrator,
or his duly authorized representatives, including, but not limited to, the
Town Building Official, are hereby authorized to make inspections of all
buildings, structures and premises located within the Town to determine
their compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. For the purpose of
making such inspection, the Planning and Zoning Administrator, and his
authorized representatives, are hereby authorized to examine and survey all
buildings, structures and premises within the Town. Such inspections shall
be made between the hours of eight o'clock ($:{}0) a.m. and eight o'clock
(5:00) p.m. on any days except Sunday, subject to the following standards
and conditions:
January, 1991
Such inspections may take place if a complaint respecting said
Premises has been received by the Planning and Zoning Administrator
and such complaint, in his opinion, provides reasonable grounds for
belief that a violation exists, or such inspection is undertaken as part of
a regular inspection program whereby certain areas of the Town are
being inspected in their entirety.
2. Such inspection shall be made by the Planning and Zoning
Administrator or by any duly authorized representative upon his
3. Any person making such inspection shall furnish to the owner or
occupant of the structure sought to be inspected sufficient
identification and information to enable the owner or occupant to
determine that he is a representative of the Town and to determine the
purpose of said inspection.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator, or his duly authorized
representative, may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a
search warrant or other legal process for the purpose of securing entry to
any premises if the owner shall refuse to grant entry.
D. Notice of Violation: Whenever the Planning and Zoning Administrator, or
one of his authorized representatives, determines that there are reasonable
grounds to believe that a violation of any provision of this ordinance exists
on any parcel of land within the Town, he shall give notice of such alleged
violation to the owner or agent or occupant of said parcel as hereinafter
provided. Such notice shall:
L Be in writing and include a statement of any alleged violations.
2. Allow a reasonable time for the correction of any violation or the
performance of any other required act.
3. Be served upon the owner or his agent or the occupant, as the case
may require; provided that such notice shall be deemed to be properly
served upon such owner or agent, or upon such occupant, if a copy
thereof (1) is served upon him personally, or (2) is sent by certified
mail to his last known address; or (3) is posted in a conspicuous place
in or about the building, structure or premises affected by the action.
When an inspection of a building, structure or premises indicates that no
violations of this ordinance exist, and that no violations of any other
ordinance administered by the Planning and Zoning Administrator exist, he
shall cause to be issued to the owner of said property a Certificate of
Inspection attesting to the fact.
January, 1991
A. Issuance of Certificate Of Occupancy: No existing building and no
building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be occupied, used,
changed in use or changed in occupancy, until a certificate of occupancy and
compliance shall have been issued by the Building Official stating that the
building and proposed use of the building or land complies with all of the
health laws, building code ordinances, ordinances relating to electrical and
plumbing installations, with the provisions of this ordinance and all other
applicable Town ordinances. Certificates of occupancy and compliance
shall be applied (for) to coincide with the application after the erection or
structural alteration of such building shall have been completed in
conformity with the provisions of this ordinance and the laws and
ordinances above mentioned. A record of all certificates shall be kept on
file in the office of the Building Official and copies shall be furnished on
request to persons having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building
or land affected.
B. Pre-existing Structures: The use of a building already erected at the time
of passage of this ordinance shall not be changed from one class of use to
another or changed by a change in the party or parties occupying the
building, unless and until a certificate of occupancy and compliance under
the provisions of this ordinance shall have been obtained from the Building
C. Connection of Utilities: It shall be unlawful for any public utility, including
the Town of Trophy Club, or any person within their employment to
connect any water, gas or electrical service to any building or property
unless a certificate of occupancy and compliance has been issued by the
Building Official of the Town.
Jana 7.4
ary, 1991
A. Application for Zoning Changes:
Any person, firm or corporation requesting change in zoning of any
property from one district classification to another district
classification under this ordinance shall make an application in writing
to the Town Planning and Zoning Commission requesting change in
zoning, which application shall contain the following information:
a Legal description of the land on which a zoning change is
requested, together with the local street address.
b. Name and address of the owner of the property.
Name and address of the person making the application, if made
by anyone other than the owner, together with a statement that
the person making the application is authorized to act for the
owner in making the application.
d. District use under which the property is regulated at the time of
making application and the district use requested by the
e. Any other information concerning the property as may be
reasonably requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
2. Upon the filing of an application for a change in zoning with the
Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant shall pay to the Town
a fee as defined in the adopted schedule of fees of the Town, no part of
which shall be returnable, regardless of the action taken on the request.
3. A waiting period of one year is hereby established between the date an
application for amendment to the zoning ordinance or a requested
change in zoning is denied by the Town Council and a new application
for such a change or amendment is accepted. The one-year waiting
period shall be applicable to all requested amendments and changes
for the same zoning district, or districts and/or principal use(s), on all
or any portion of the property previously considered for amendment
or change in zoning, provided, however, said one-year waiting period
shall be not applicable to any proposed amendment or change
instituted by the Town Council or Planning and Zoning Commission,
or any proposed amendment or change denied without prejudice by
the Town Council.
4. The Town shall have at least one sign erected on any property upon
which a zoning change requested has been filed. Such sign or signs
shall, if possible, be located adjacent to a public thoroughfare in a
visible location. Such sign shall be removed immediately after final
January, 1991
action by the Town Council or when the applicant withdraws the
request, whichever comes first. The sign shall contain a notice of the
rezoning, and the agency and telephone number from which
information relative to the rezoning request may be obtained.
Accompanying every petition for amendment of this ordinance shall
be a required statement signed by the applicant authorizing the
placement of such or signs by the Town. The erection or continued
maintenance of the sign or signs shall not be deemed a condition
precedent to the granting of any zoning change or the holding of any
public hearing.
B. Changes and Amendments:
Any person, corporation or group of persons having a proprietary
interest in any property, upon proof of such interest, may petition the
Town Council for a change or amendment to the provisions of the
ordinance, or the Town Planning and Zoning Commission may, on its
own motion, institute proposals for change and amendment in the
public interest. All petitions for the amendment of this ordinance
shall bear the signature of the owners of all property within the area of
2. The Town Council may from time to time amend, supplement, or
change by ordinance the boundaries of the district or regulations
herein. Before taking action on any proposed amendment,
supplement, or change, the Town Council shall submit the same to the
Town Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation and
3. If such proposed amendment, supplement or change has been denied
by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, or if a protest against
such proposed amendment, supplement or change has been filed with
the Town Secretary, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of
twenty (20%) percent or more, either of the area of the lots included in
such proposed change or those immediately adjacent to and extending
two hundred (2.00) feet therefrom, such amendment shall not be come
effective except by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of the
Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club.
January, 1991
A. Composition: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be composed of
seven (7) members to be appointed by the Town Council.
B. Terms of Office: Members of the Commission shall be appointed by the
Town Council for an indefinite period of time, but serve at the pleasure of
the Town Council. In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Planning and
Zoning Commission, the Town Council will appoint a new member to
complete the unexpired term. A member of the Commission ceasing to
reside in the Town or Trophy Club or filing for public office during his or
her term of office shall immediately forfeit his or her office.
C Quorum: Any four (4) members shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. The affirmative vote of a majority of those attending
any meeting at which there is a quorum present shall be necessary to pass
any motion, recommendation or resolution of the Planning and Zoning
D. General Duties: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall, from time
to time, either at its discretion or as requested by the Town Council submit
its reports, plans and recommendations for the orderly growth,
development and welfare of the Town in accordance with Chapter 283, Acts
of the Regular Session of the Legislature, 1927, being Articles 211.001 to
211.013 of the Texas Local Government Code. Such Commission shall also
perform other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance or state law, or as
To recommend the boundaries of the various districts and appropriate
regulations to be enforced therein under this ordinance, the
ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, or the laws of the State of
2. To recommend approval or denial of zoning changes and regulations
under this ordinance, the ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club or
the laws of the State of Texas; and
3. To hear, recommend, or determine any matter relating to zoning,
planning or subdivision control as may be specified or required under
this ordinance, the ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, or the laws
of the State of Texas; and
4. To exercise such duties and powers as may be now or hereafter
conferred by this ordinance, the ordinances of the Town of Trophy
Club, or applicable laws of the State of Texas; and
To recommend to the Town Council amendments to the Town's
Zoning Ordinances which it deems necessary to clarify the
classification of any use, new or otherwise not listed or identified
January, 1991
within this ordinance, for the purpose of establishing the appropriate
zoning district into which such use should be placed;
To interpret the intent of the official zoning map where uncertainty
exists because the physical features on the ground vary from those on
the official zoning map and none of the rules set forth in this ordinance
apply, and
7. Upon request by the Building Official, to recommend to the Town
Council amendments to the Town's Zoning Ordinances which it
deems necessary to clarrify the intent or meaning of any provision of
this ordinance where uncertainty exists regarding the interpretation of
such provision.
E. Citizen of Trophy Club: Each member of the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall be a resident citizen of the Town of Trophy CIub at the
time of his or her appointment.
F. Removal: Any member of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be
removed from office for any cause deemed by the Town Council to be
sufficient for removal of said member. If a vacancy should exist in the
Planning and Zoning Commission membership due to removal from office,
resignation, death, refusal or inability to serve, the Town Council shall
appoint a new member to fill the vacancy.
G. Attendance: Three consecutive absences that are not excused by the
Commission, or the absence of a regular member from more than twenty-
five percent of the posted meetings in any six month period, shall cause the
Planning and Zoning Commission to review the attendance record of the
member and make a recommendation to the Council on the appointment.
H. Officers: The Town Council shall appoint a chairman and vice-chairman of
the Planning and Zoning Commission to serve at the pleasure of the Town
Council. The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Commission.
The Vice -Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in his or her
absence or inability to act.
I. Meetings: All meetings to the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be
open to the public. The Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings
showing the vote of each member upon each question, or if absent or failing
to vote, indicating such fact, and shall keep record of its examinations and
other official actions, all of which shall be filed in the office of the Planning
Administrator and shall be a public record. The Planning Administrator of
the Town of Trophy Club shall be the custodian and possessor of the
records and minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be held as often as
necessary to conduct the business coming before the Commission and shall
be held at the call of the Chairman and at such other times as the
commission may determine.
January, 1991
A. Creating Zoning Board of Adjustment: There is hereby created a
Zoning Board of Adjustment which shall consist of five (5) regular members,
each to be appointed by a majority of the Town Council for a term of two
(2) years.
B. Membership: In addition to the five (5) regular members of the Zoning
Board of Adjustment, four (4) alternate members of the Zoning Board of
Adjustment, who shall serve in the absence of one or more regular
members when requested to do so by the Mayor, shall be appointed by a
majority of the Town Council, so that all cases heard by the Zoning Board of
Adjustment will always be heard by a minimum of four (4) members.
C. Term of Membership: Regular members and alternate members of the
Zoning Board of Adjustment shall serve a term of two (2) years and until
their successors are appointed and qualified. Regular and alternate members
of the Zoning Board of Adjustment may be removed from office for cause
by the Town Council upon written charges and after a public hearing.
D. Officers: The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall select from among its
regular members, a chairman, an acting chairman to act in the absence of the
chairman, and a secretary.
E. Rules Governing Zoning Board of Adjustment: The Zoning Board of
Adjustment may adopt rules to govern its proceedings and conduct of the
business before the Board. Any rule or rules shall be adopted by a
resolution by the Board, entered upon the minutes of the Board and a copy
thereof shall be filed with the Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club,
F. Meetings: Meetings of this Board shall be held at the call of the chairman,
and at such other times as the Board may determine. Such chairman or, in
his absence, the acting chairman, shall administer oaths and compel
attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the
public. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote
of each member upon such question or, if absent or failing to vote,
indicating such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and other
official actions, all of which shall be filed in the office of the Board and shall
be a public record.
G. Appeals to Zoning Board of Adjustment: Appeals to the Zoning Board
of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved, or by any officer,
department, board, bureau or agency of the Town affected by any decision
of the Building Inspector or other administrative officer of the Town relative
to the Zoning Ordinance. Such appeal shall be taken within fifteen (15) days
after the date of the decision of the Building Inspector or other
administrative officer has been rendered, by filing with the officer from
whom the appeal is taken and with the Zoning Board of Adjustment a notice
January, 1991
of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The officer from whom the
appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board all papers constituting
the record from which the appeal was taken.
1. A filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to help pay a part of the
cost of legal publication, accumulating engineering data, and other
administrative costs shall accompany each notice of appeal filed with
the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
2. An appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action
appealed from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken
certifies to the Zoning Board of Adjustment after the notice of appeal
shall have been filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the
certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or
property. In such case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than
by a restraining order which may be granted by the Zoning Board of
Adjustment or a court of record on application on notice to the officer
from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown.
3. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the
hearing of an appeal, give notice thereof, as well as due notice to the
parties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time.
Upon hearing, any party may appear in person, by agent or by
H. Authority of Zoning Board. of Adjustment: The Zoning Board of
Adjustment shall have the following powers:
I. To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any
order, requirement, decision or determination made by an
administrative official of the Town in the enforcement of this
2. To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this ordinance
upon which the Board is required to pass under this ordinance, if any.
3. To authorize upon appeal in special cases, such variances from the
terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest,
where, owing to special conditions, the literal enforcement of the
provision of this ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship, so that
the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice
4. To permit in any district such modification of the requirements of the
district regulations as the Board may deem necessary to secure an
appropriate development of a lot where adjoining such lot on two (2)
or more sides there are lots occupied by buildings which do not
conform to the regulations of the district.
January, 1991
1. Exercising of Powers: In exercising its powers, the Zoning Board of
Adjustment may, in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance and
the provisions of Articles 1011a to 1011j, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. (Vernon),
as amended, reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order,
requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may make such
order, requirement, decision or determination as should be made, and to
that end shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is
1. The concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be
necessary to revise any order, requirement, decision or determination
of any such administrative official, or to decide in favor of the applicant
on any matter upon which it is required to pass under the ordinance,
or to effect any variation to this ordinance.
2. Any person or persons, jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision
of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, or any taxpayer, or any officer,
department, board or bureau of the Town may present to a court of
record a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is illegal,
in whole or part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such petition
shall be presented to the court within ten (10) days after the filing of
the decision in the office of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Waiting Period; No appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall be
allowed on the same piece of property or on the same or similar question
prior to the expiration of one year from the date of a ruling of the Zoning
Board of Adjustment on any appeal to such body unless other property in
the same zoning area shall have, within such one-year period, been altered
or changed by a ruling of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, in which each
such change of circumstances shall permit the allowance of an appeal.
January, 1991
A. Requirements For Public Hearing: The Town Planning and Zoning
Commission shall hold a public hearing on any application for amendment,
supplement, or change in zoning classification prior to making its
recommendation and report to the Town Council. Written notice of all
public hearings before the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, on a
proposed amendment, supplement or change shall be sent to all owners of
real property lying within two hundred (200) feet of the property on which
the change is requested. Such notice shall be given not less than ten (10)
days before the date set for hearing, by depositing a notice properly
addressed and postage paid in the United States Post Office to such
property owners as the ownership appears on the last approved Town tax
B. Notice of Public Hearing: A public hearing shall be held by the Town
Council before adopting any proposed amendment, supplement, or change
in zoning classification. At least fifteen (15) days notice of the time and place
of such hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the Town of
Trophy Club. Such hearing may be held jointly with the hearing before the
Town Planning and Zoning Commission required pursuant to Section 42(A)
of this Ordinance.
C. Zoning Changes that do not Affect Specific Property: These changes
are usually associated with textual changes. When any proposed
amendment, supplement, or change of zoning map or text of this zoning
ordinance does not affect the land use character or zoning classification of
specific property, notice of public hearing of the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general
circulation in the Town of Trophy Club without the necessity of notifying
property owners by mail. Such notice shall state the time and place of such
hearing and the nature of the subject to be considered. Such notice shall be
published not less than ten (15) days prior to the public hearing.
D. Public Hearing Requirements For Vested Rights Determination: A
public hearing shall be held by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on an
application for a vested rights determination. At least fifteen (15) days
notice of the date, time and place of such hearing shall be published in the
official newspaper of the Town of Trophy Club and shall be sent to the
applicant and all other persons who are owners of real property, as the
ownership appears on the last Town tax roll, lying within two hundred (200)
feet of the property which is the subject of the application.
January, 1991
A. Authorization of Special Exception: Upon application, the Zoning
Board of Adjustment may authorize, as a special exception to the otherwise
applicable provisions of this ordinance, the issuance of building permits for
a specific proposed development that is not permitted by the terms of the
zoning ordinance whenever the Board finds that the applicant has
demonstrated that he had a pre-existing, investment -backed, good faith
expectation that he would be permitted to commence and complete a
specific proposed development that he has vested under the standards set
out in Paragraphs C, D, and E of this Section.
B. Investment Backed Expectation: For the purpose of this Section, an
"investment backed expectation" is defined as the expenditure of substantial
sums of money which cannot be recovered or an irreversible change of
position that imposes on the applicant an obligation to expend substantial
sums of money in the future.
C. Considerations for Determination of Vested Rights: In considering
whether a development expectation has vested, the Board shall consider:
1. Whether there has been an act of the Town of Trophy Club or an
officer or agency of the Town upon which the applicant in good faith
has relied to his detriment in a manner that makes it inequitable to
enforce the terms of the currently effective zoning regulations with
respect to the applicant's property.
2. The extent to which the applicant has, prior to the date of notice that
rezoning is in progress, made a substantial commitment of money or
resources directly associated with physical improvements on the land
such as grading, land balancing, installation of utility infrastructure or
other public improvement, or for the design of specific buildings and
improvements to be constructed on the site.
3. The extent to which the applicant has secured permits for, and
commenced or completed, the construction of subdivision
improvements and buildings in part but not all of a development that
was contemplated to extend over a period of months or years.
4. Whether the applicant, prior to the date of notice that rezoning is in
progress, has made contractual commitments to complete buildings
and deliver title thereto or occupancy thereof.
S. Whether the applicant, prior to the date of notice that rezoning is in
progress, has incurred financial obligations to a lending institution
which, despite a thorough review of alternative solutions, the applicant
will be unable to meet unless he is permitted to proceed with the
proposed development.
January, 1991
6. Whether enforcement of the terms of the currently effective zoning
regulations will expose the applicant to substantial monetary liability to
third persons; or will leave the applicant completely unable, after a
thorough review of alternative solutions, to earn a reasonable return on
the property.
7. Whether the right of the applicant to commence and complete the
proposed development may have vested only with respect to an
identifiable and discrete portion of the proposed development.
D. Might of the Applicant: The right of the applicant to commence and
complete construction of a specific proposed development, or a portion
thereof, is vested if the applicant can demonstrate that:
1. The applicant owned the parcel proposed to be developed on the
date of notice that rezoning was in progress with respect to such
parcel and the specific development proposed for the parcel was then
lawful and permitted.
2. Applying the considerations set out in Paragraph C of this Section, the
development expectations of the applicant were reasonable and final
when formulated and investment backed.
3. Requiring that the applicant's property be developed in accordance
with the currently effective zoning restrictions will, considering the
investment of applicant prior to the date of notice that rezoning is in
progress, deprive the applicant of a reasonable rate of return on his
investment. In determining the reasonableness of the projected rate of
return, the following categories of expenditures shall not be included
in the calculation of the applicant's investment:
(a) Expenditures for professional services that are unrelated to the
design or construction of the improvements proposed for the
projected development;
(b) Expenditures for taxes, except for any increases in tax
expenditures which result from governmental approvals or the
construction of improvements on the property of the applicant;
(c) Expenditures which the applicant has allocated to the particular
proposed development but which the applicant would have
been obliged to incur as an ordinary and necessary business
expense (for example, employee salaries, equipment rental,
chattel mortgage payments) had the plan for the particular
development not been formulated.
E. Relationship of Property: The fact the property has been or is in a
particular zoning classification under this ordinance, or any prior zoning
January, 1991
ordinance of the Town, shall not, in itself, establish that an applicant's right
to develop has vested.
F. Filing of Application for Determination of Vested Rights: Any
person, firm, or corporation having an ownership interest in property may
file an application for a determination that the right to commence and
complete a specific development on that property has vested. Such
application shall be filed with the Zoning Board of Adjustment, shall contain
a recital of the facts which are claimed to support the vested rights claim,
and shall contain such other information as the Town Staff may specify.
G. Records: A stenographic transcript of the public hearing and the
deliberations of the Zoning Board of Adjustment on vested rights
applications shall be kept.
H. Written Findings: Within thirty (30) days after the public hearing on an
application, the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall file its written findings of
fact and conclusions and serve the same by certified mail on the applicant
and each person who filed an appearance in the public hearing.
I. Minimum Rate of Return: Any determination made by the Board with
respect to the vesting of development rights shall be the minimum
necessary to provide the applicant with a reasonable rate of return on his
investment made before a notice of rezoning in progress with respect to his
J. Expiration Period: A determination of the Board with respect to vested
rights under this Section shall expire and be of no further force or effect
unless construction is actually commenced within one (1) year of the date
the determination is made.
X. Time Limit: Any person, firm or corporation claiming a vested right to
commence and complete a specific proposed development who does not
file an application for a determination under this Section within six (G)
months after the effective date of an amendatory ordinance rezoning his
property so as to prohibit his proposed development shall be deemed to
have waived his right to seek such a determination.
January, 1991
Any person violating or failing to comply with any provisions of this ordinance
shall be fined, upon conviction, not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than two
thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and each day any violation or noncompliance occurs
or continues shall constitute a separate offense.
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Council of the Town of
Trophy Club that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clause and phrases of this
ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section
of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such
unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases,
clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this ordinance, since the same would
have been enacted by the Town Council without the incorporation in this
ordinance of any such unconstitutional or invalid phrase, clause, sentence,
paragraph or section.
In any complaint and in any action or proceeding brought for the enforcement of
any provision of this ordinance, it shall not be necessary to negate any exception,
excuse, provision or exception contained in this ordinance, and the burden of
proof of any such exception, excuse, provision or exemption shall be upon the
That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town and
shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances
where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of
this ordinance. Provided, however, that Ordinance No. 87-23 is hereby repealed
in its entirety.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its date of passage
and publication as required by law.
January, 1991
PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy
Club, Texas this the 15 of Ja uary, 1991 ,
yor, Town of t, 3phy CIub, Texas
J�ow ecreta
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Town Attorney
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
January, 1991
Appendix A
Illustrations and Drawings
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BnAdh:g Linc
Dalldtag Line
Front Yard
STREET Front Yard
Sim i
Yard I
11 Yard
I -------I
Rear Yard 1---------I
Rcar Yar
R -1Z
r s § -'
8! fij 3 k k 't.
25' B/L
25' from center line 50' R. plus 25' BIL
to property line plus
25' B/L
Determining Set -Back Distance Along
Curved Property Lines
13 f
�3 upo
S �k 47)
Wis3 S h! !4lf:'!:`i ��`�IM ii��Si�III!1100
Hill !u oil. e
:° § _°i°
4'i'g"g� !4' Ai E'j%d
Minimum Front Yard Distance Street R.O.W.
'2J„3g^°I:5�1.§�'' i ¢1y11�� g! k•F
ii,'�F S;3114.nS.�wini.�;lypyprs53s�Y��!I"�
{5k %% l�gl�gl�l k3 't 85
Method of Measuring Front Yard
ng the Front Yard Remains Uniformhe
Block...Even though one districtstricEive
than the other
T 77
runt Yard here Zoning Chanes tn,
_ R
_._. a Block
R -1Z
Uphill side
(Main Living Area)
Fluor level is less than four (4) feet above
ground level ... First floor is designated as
"Main Living Area"
Height measured to
Ar� top of structure
1-1/2 Point of measurement
Story not to exceed four (4) feet
from building
112 Story I
First Floor Desi nation and Measurement
of Hei ht of Structure
Front Property Line
Primary Structure Accessory Building
Height measured to top of Structure
Height measurement four (4) foot from Structure
on low side of grade
Height measured to top of Structure
HeiRht„Measurement for Primary„Stucture
and Accessary Building
downhill side
Rear Property line
Property Line
------ Obstruction Zone
Curly Line
& feet_ Centerline
of street
Obstruction Zone
(Elevation View)
35 feet
Sight Distance
Zone 35 feet
Sight Distance zone
(Plan View)
Min. Aisle Width
Module Width
One -Way
Two -Way
One Way
(G) _
. ,.._M)