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Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called the August 6, 2015, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting , 2015, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and announced a quorum present (5 members). members). nd announced a quorum present ( 5 Present: 5 - Commissioner Card, Commissioner Senelly, Commissioner Oldham, Commissioner Card, Commissioner Senelly, Commissioner Oldham, Commissioner Card, Commissioner Senelly, Commissioner Oldham, Chairman Sheridan, and Vice Chairman Vowell Chairman Sheridan, and Vice Chairman VowelChairman Sheridan, and Vice Chairman Vowell Absent: 1 - Commissioner Ross STAFF PRESENT: Town Planner Ron Ruthven Community Development Manager Pat Cooke Recording Secretary Robbie Killingsworth (Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Citizen The agenda items were presented in thThe agenda items were presented in th Presentations; Consent Agenda; Item No. 1; Item No. 2; Item No. 3; Item No. 5; Item No.12; Item No. 14; Presentations; Consent Agenda; Item No. 1; Item No. 2; Item No. 3; Item No. 5; Item No.12; Item No. 14; Presentations; Consent Agenda; Item No. 1; Item No. 2; Item No. 3; Item No. 5; Item No.12; Item No. 14; Item No.4-; Item No. 6; Item No. 7; Item No. 8; Item No. 9; Item No. 10; Item No. 11; and Item No. 13) 9; Item No. 10 ; Item No. ; Item No. 1 8 PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING - OPENED AT 7:04 P.M. OPENED AT 7:04 P.M. - G OPENED AT 7:04 P.M. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy orpolicy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy or REQUEST(S ) TO SPEAK AT PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST(S ) TO SPEAK AT PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Greg George, 12 Hanna Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262, AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 Greg George, 12 Hanna Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262, AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 1. 2015-0490-T Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone 5.596 acres, located in the 100 block of Public Hearing regarding a request to rezone 5.596 acres, located in the 100 block of Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B in the Trophy Wood Business Center, from the PD- Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B in the Trophy Wood Business Center, from the PD Planned Development zoning district to the GU-Government Use zoning district, Case ZC-15-001. Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends approval. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. Greg George, 12 Hanna Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262, is one of the property owners. After a homeowners meeting in May, found out the police station and municipal building was going to be built. He would like to welcome what he hopes will be his new neighbors on the other side of his fence. He has been unable to find information showing the plot plan. He brought up buffer, fence, fence line, fence maintenance, fence condition, co-oping on a fence, and wanting on agenda when plot plan is discussed. 2015-0491-T Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2013-09, PD-Planned Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2013 Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total common areas of Lot 1A, Block J in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PD-AMD-15-045. in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PD Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Gil Marques, 21 Oxford Place, Trophy Club, TX Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Gil Marques, 21 Oxford Place, Trop 76262. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends approval. for staff report. Staff recommends approval. 2015-0492-T Public Hearing regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Wastewater Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, Case CUP-15-005 Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Attachments: Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit B.pdfExhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Jennifer McKnight, General Manager for Trophy Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Jennifer McKnight, General Manager for Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club,TX 76262. She does not have a Club Municipal Utility District, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club,TX 76262. She does not have a presentation for this item and defers to staff report. presentation for this item and defers to staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. PUBLIC HEARING - CLOSED AT 7:22 P.M. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 REGULAR SESSION REGULAR SESSION - OPENED AT 7:22 P.M. 2015-0500-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2013-09, PD-Planned Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total common area of Lot 1A, Block J in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PD-AMD- 15-045. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Gil Marques, 21 Oxford Place, Trophy Club, TX Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Gil Marques, 21 Oxford Place, Trophy Club, 76262. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. No further comments were made. for staff report. No further comments were made.for staff report. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or discussion regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or discussion regardinga request to amend Ordinance No. a request to amend Ordinance No. 2013-09, PD-Planned Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total Planned Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total Planned Development District No. 32, Exhibit “B” Concept Plan, in order to amend the total common area of Lot 1A, Block J in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PD-AMD-15-045. common area of Lot 1A, Block J in Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case PDAMD 15 -- Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, to approve request. , seconded by Vice Chairman VowellVice Chairman Vowell The motion passed unanimously. 2015-0494-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for Meat- Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for MeatDiscussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for Meat U-Anywhere B-B-Q Restaurant, Trophy Club Drive, Lot 3, The Village, Trophy Club, TX, Restaurant, Trophy Club Drive, Lot 3, The Village, Trophy Club, TX, Restaurant, Trophy Club Drive, Lot 3, The Village, Trophy Club, TX, Case SP-15-032. Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Attachments: Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit B.pdfExhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit C.pdfExhibit C.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Travis J. Bousquet, PE, President/CEO of The asked for comments from applican Bousquet Group, Inc., 501 South Carroll Blvd., Suite 201, Denton, TX 76201. Bousquet Group, Inc., 501 South Carroll Blvd., Suite 201, Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan askedfor staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. if there were any public asked Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Chairman Sheridan, to approve request. The motion passed unanimously. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 6 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 2015-0498-T Discussion and recommendation regarding an amendment to the approved Site Plan for Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Wonderland Plaza Addition, Case SP-15-031. Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant, Steven R. Homeyer, PE, Civil Engineer with Homeyer Engineering, Inc., 206 Elm Street, Suite 105, Lewisville, TX 75029. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Oldham, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, to approve request Chairman Vowell, to approve request with the following condition: Provide a queuing analysis to assure there is sufficient stacking queuing analysis to assure there is sufficient stacking queuing analysis to assure there is sufficient stacking space in each direction. The motion passed unanimously. 2015-0499-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to rezone 5.596 acres, located in Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to rezone 5.596 acres, located in Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to rezone 5.596 acres, located in the 100 block of Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B in the Trophy Wood Business the 100 block of Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B in the Trophy Wood Businessthe 100 block of Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B in the Trophy Wood Business Center, from the PD-Planned Development zoning district to the GU-Government Use Planned Development zoning district to the GUPlanned Development zoning district to the GU zoning district, Case ZC-15-001. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. No further comments were made. for staff report. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. there were any publicrequests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Commissioner Oldham, to approve request Commissioner Senellyseconded by Commissioner Oldham Commissioner Senelly , as presented. The motion passed unanimously. The motion passed unanimously.passed unanimously. 2015-0501-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a recommendation regarding a request for a Discussion and Wastewater Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Wastewater Treatment Facility on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, Case Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility CUP-15-005. 15005. - Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant. No further comments were made. idan asked for comments from applicant. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. No further comments were made. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, to approve request as presented. The motion passed unanimously. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 7 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Without objection, Chairman Sheridan asked to take the minutes, 5 agenda items, as one motion and one vote. Chairman Sheridan asked for corrections or comments over the minutes presented. None given. 2015-0483-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 5, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0484-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the February 19, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0485-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the April 2, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0488-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the April 9, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. 2015-0489-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the May 7, 2015 Planning and Zoning Consider and take appropriate action regarding the May 7, 2015 Planning and Commission minutes. Attachments: MeetingMinutes 020515.pdf MeetingMinutes 021915.pdf MeetingMinutes 040215.pdf MeetingMinutes 040915.pdf MeetingMinutes 050715.pdf Motion made by Vice Chairman Vowell, seconded by Commissioner Senelly, to approve the Vice Chairman Vowell, seconded by Commissioner Senelly February 5, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; February 19, 2015 Planning and February 5, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; February 19, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; April 2, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; April 9, Zoning Commission minutes; April 2, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; April 9, Zoning Commission minutes; April 2, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; April 9, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; and the May 7, 2015 Planning and Zoning 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; and the May 7, 2015 Planning and Zoning 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes; and the May 7, 2015 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes. The motion passed unanimously. Commission minutes. The motion passed unanimously. 2015-0497-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Preliminary Plat Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Preliminary PlatDiscussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Preliminary Plat of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Trophy Club, Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, TX, Case PP-15-028. Attachments:Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Attachments: Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit A.pdfExhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit B.pdfExhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant. The following spoke on behalf of the Trophy Chairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicantChairman Sheridan asked for comments from applicant Club Municipal Utility District: Club Municipal Utility District : Jennifer McKnight, General Manager for Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1, 100 Jennifer McKnight, General Managerfor Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262. Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Kevin R. Glovier, P.E., Senior Project Manager with the Wallace Group, which is now CP&Y Senior Project Manager with the er, P.E., th th Street, Suite 1500, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Company, 115 W. 7 Company, 115 W. 7Street, Suite 1500, Fort Worth, TX 76102 th Street, Suite 1500, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Adam Marsh, Engineer with CP&Y, 115 W. 7 CP&Y, 115 W. 7 Engineer with Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends denial due to technical noncompliance. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 8 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Motion made by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Chairman Senelly, for approval of a Preliminary Plat of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Trophy Club, TX, Case PP-15-028 with the following conditions: 1. Deny M.U.D. request for a Right-of-Way waiver. 2. Require a future road designation that goes from the end of concrete Junction Way, West, starting at M.U.D. property curving before it gets to the future construction basin. 3. Approve M.U.D. request for concrete waiver. 4. Impact fees and dollar cost be deferred to future when the road construction occurs. The Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, that this meeting be Vice Chairman Vowell, that this meeting be adjourned. Motion passed unanimously. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, Chairman Ron Ruthven, Town Planner R Ron uthvenTown Planner , Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texa Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 9 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0667-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Draft File created:9/28/2015 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:10/1/2015 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Site Plan for the expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Facility including consideration and action on related waivers to the Town’s Landscaping, Parking Lot Paving and Fire Lane Requirements on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Attachments:Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequestforaSitePlanfortheexpansionoftheWastewaterTreatment FacilityincludingconsiderationandactiononrelatedwaiverstotheTown’sLandscaping,ParkingLotPavingandFire LaneRequirementson10.58acreslocatedintheMaryMedlinSurvey,Abstract832onJunctionWay;Applicant:Trophy Club Municipal Utility District Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 10 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission October 1, 2015 SP-15-033: Site PlanApproval for Trophy Club MUD Wastewater Treatment Plant SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Site Plan for the expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Facility including consideration and action on related waivers to the Town’s Landscaping, Parking Lot Paving and Fire Lane Requirements on 10.58 acres located in the Mary Medlin Survey, Abstract 832 on Junction Way; Applicant: Trophy Club Municipal Utility District REQUEST: The Trophy Club Municipal Utility District (MUD) is requesting approval of a site plan on10.58 acres owned by the MUD in order to expand the existing wastewater treatment plant located off of Junction Way west of Indian Creek Drive. The plant was constructed approximately 40 years ago and was expanded ten years later, all of which was completed prior to the incorporation of the Town in 1985. CURRENT CONDITIONS AND ZONING: The subject property contains 10.58 acres which is not platted. In terms of zoning, the southern 6.589 acres is zoned GU-Government Use district and the northern 3.991 acres is zoned CR-Commercial Recreation district. Utility facilities, such as a wastewater treatment plant, are only permitted within the GU district with the approval of a CUP, which was approved by the Town Council on August 11, 2015. DEVELOPMENT DETAILS: According to the attached plans, in addition to expanding the wastewater capacity of the plant and modernizing equipment, there will also be significant demolition of facilitiesto make room for new facilities including new holding tanks, a new fire lane and parking and new structures. WAIVER REQUESTS: Based on the attached letter received from the applicant on September 24, 2015, the following are the waivers being requested as part of the site plan: Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 11 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 1.Requirement to pave the parking area next to the maintenance barn on the easternmost portion of the subject property. Section 2.05, Chapter 10-Public Safety in the Code of Ordinances requires all parking to be paved. The expansion of the plant on the subject property requires all non-conforming aspects of the site to be brought into conformance. The applicant is requesting a waiver specifically as it relates to the parking area noted abovesince it is not part of the fenced wastewater treatment plant site. 2.Fire lane dimensional requirements. The 2009 International Fire Code requires a minimum inside turning radius of 25 feet and a minimum width of 24 feet for a fire lane. Per the attached exhibit, the applicant is requesting a waiver to the radius and width requirement specifically as it relates to the southwest portion of the looped fire lane. The reason for the waiver request is due to the tight space between an existing building and a crane on the site. 3.Landscaping. Section 7.02, Chapter 13-Zoning in the Code of Ordinances requires that the property be landscaped. With the exception of 14 Cedar Elm trees to be planted along the southern property line as part of the expansion, the applicant is requesting a waiver to the landscaping requirements for the entire site in the Code of Ordinances, including the irrigation requirements. Attached is a landscape plan provided by the applicant showing the 14 trees along with an irrigation plan for this specific area. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : Given the secluded location of the site and the markedimprovement tofire access over the current site conditions, staff recommends approval of the site plan along with the waiver requests. Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Application Exhibit “B” –Site Plan Set Exhibit “C” –Landscape Plan Set Exhibit “D” –Waiver Letter from Applicant Exhibit “E”– Location and Zoning Map Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 12 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 13 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 15 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 16 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 17 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 18 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 19 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 20 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 22 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 23 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 24 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 25 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 26 Page Commission Zoning & Planning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 27 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 28 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 29 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 30 Page Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 31 Page Commission Zoning & Planning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 32 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 2015 1, October Date: (Yellow Boundary) Subject Property Meeting Location Map of 54 33 Page (Orange Boundary) CUP Area Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 1, October Date: Meeting (Yellow Boundary) Subject Property Zoning Map of 54 34 Page (Orange Boundary) CUP Area Commission Zoning & Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0668-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Draft File created:9/28/2015 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:10/1/2015 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a Meritorious Exception for a wall sign proposal located at 800 Trophy Club Drive and being located in the NS-Neighborhood Services zoning district Attachments:Staff Agenda Briefing.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingaMeritoriousExceptionforawallsignproposallocatedat800TrophyClub Drive and being located in the NS-Neighborhood Services zoning district Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 35 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission October 1, 2015 Meritorious Exception: The Church at Trophy Lakes - Wall Sign SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a Meritorious Exception for a wall sign located at 800 Trophy Club Drive,The Church at Trophy Lakes, and being located in the NS-Neighborhood Services zoning district. Explanation: Section 4.10 Sign Regulations –Meritorious Exceptions and Appeals, of the Town’s Code of Ordinances allows an interested party to make a requestto the Town Council, upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, to consider proposals that are nonconforming to the sign regulations but may have obvious merit and may be appropriate for a particular location. The Church at Trophy Lakes is requesting to place twowall signs that exceedthe maximum size and dimensions for a wall sign. Section 4.06(A)6 in the sign regulations stipulates that wall signs shall meet the following standards: “Wall signs shall be centered horizontally on the store frontage for a tenant’s space. The maximum copy height shall not exceed two feet (2’), six inches (6”). The minimum copy height shall be one foot (1’), two inches (2”). The mounted copy depth shall be five inches (5”). Wall signs shall not project more than twelve inches from the wall surface.” Additionally, the sign table in Section 4.06(B) requires the following for wall signs: “40 sq ft or the product of 2 times the lineal width of the wall, whichever greater. Shall not exceed 75% of the width or theheight of the available wall area or store frontage for a tenant’s space.” According to the plans provided by the applicant, the copy height for the south located on the south elevation will be 3 feet in height, exceeding the maximum height by six inches for the lettering portion of the sign. On the east elevation, the applicant proposes placing a 60 inch logo, which exceeds the maximum height by 2.5 feet. Finally, the proposed sign on the south elevation would exceed the maximum width and area allowed by Section 4.06(B) above by 4 feet (length) and 31 square feet (area). The total wall length is 76 feet. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 36 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 The applicantis requesting the exception for a larger sign given the distance of the building from the streets,Trophy Club Drive and Village Trail. Recommendation: The wall sign regulations contained in the sign ordinance were essentially crafted for signs atopstore frontages located inmulti-tenant lease spaces and provide little no to flexibility forlarger stand alone buildings.The proposed signs will be located 275feet from Village Trailand 300 feet from Trophy Club Driveper the attached exhibit. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the proposed wall signs given the distance of the building from the street. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Application and Exhibits Provided by Applicant Exhibit “B”– Location Maps Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 37 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 38 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 39 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 40 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 41 Page Commission Zoning & Planning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 42 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 2015 1, October Date: Meeting of 54 43 Page Commission Zoning & Planning Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 44 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0670-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Draft File created:9/28/2015 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:10/1/2015 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a Meritorious Exception for a development sign proposal located at 3000 SH 114 and being located in the PD 25 zoning district Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingaMeritoriousExceptionforadevelopmentsignproposallocatedat3000SH 114 and being located in the PD 25 zoning district Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 45 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission October 1, 2015 Meritorious Exception: Bread Winners Restaurant - Development Sign SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a Meritorious Exception for a development sign located at 3000 SH 114, Bread Winners Restaurant (future),and being located in the PD-25 zoning district. Explanation: Section 4.10 Sign Regulations –Meritorious Exceptions and Appeals, of the Town’s Code of Ordinances allows an interested party to make a request to the Town Council, upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, to consider proposals that are nonconforming to the sign regulations but may have obvious merit and may be appropriate for a particular location. Old Town Development, on behalf of Bread Winners Restaurant, is requesting an exception to the development sign requirements in order to place a 4’ x 8’ development sign(attached) on the property where the future restaurant will be located. According to the definitions in the sign regulations a development is “a temporary, on- site promotional sign pertaining to the development of land or construction of buildings on the site where the sign is erected. In residential districts, the intent of the sign shall be to promote a subdivision and not any particular builder”. According to the table shown in Section 4.06(B) in the sign regulations, a development sign cannot exceed 32 square feet in area and five feet in height. Although the proposed sign area is in compliance, the proposed height of eight feet exceeds the maximum height by three feet.The sign will be located two feet above the ground effectively creating a total height of ten feet from the ground. The sign will be located on the western corner of the property facing the intersection of Trophy Wood Drive and SH 114. Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 46 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Recommendation: The proposed sign is located in a primarily commercial area along SH 114 and will promote the location of a future destination restaurant in the Town.The increased height of the sign will serve to increase the visibility of the sign to vehicular traffic. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Application and Exhibits Provided by Applicant Exhibit “B” – Location Maps Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 47 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 48 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 49 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 50 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 48” SINGLE-FACE 1/2 WOOD (MDO) W/ DIGITAL PRINT AND HIGH PERFORMANCE LAMINATE 96” 4x4x12 WOOD POST 24” PAINTED WHITE GRADE CONCRETE SET24” BELOW GRADE Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 51 of 54Meeting Date: October 1, 2015 2015 1, October Date: Meeting Property Subject Site Map of 54 52 Page Commission Location Zoning Sign & Planning 2015 1, October Date: Meeting SH 114 Street View of 54 53 Page Wood Drive Trophy Commission Zoning & Planning 2015 1, October Date: Meeting Location Map of 54 54 Page Property Subject Commission Zoning & Planning