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Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PublichearingregardingarequesttoamendaConditionalUsePermitforawirelessantennafacilitylocatedwithinTract C,Section8,TrophyClubAdditionalongSH114betweenTrophyLakeDriveandTrophyClubDrive,southofRoaring Creek Court by expanding the total lease area from 0.006 acres to 0.016 acres, Case CUP-16-008. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-127-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 12-03-2015. Attachments:MeetingMinutes 120315.DRAFT.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 12-03-2015. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ Thursday, December 3, 2015 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called the December 3, 2015, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and announced a quorum present (5 members). Present: 5 - Commissioner Snell, Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Baron, 5 - Commissioner Snell, Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Baron 5 - Commissioner Snell, Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Baron Commissioner Windland Absent: 2 - Commissioner Card, Commissioner Ross STAFF PRESENT: Ron Ruthven, Town Planner Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: (item no. 1) 2015-0785-T; (item no. 2) 2015-0786-T; (item no. 3) 2015-0787-T; (item no. 9) 2015-0793-T; 2) 2015-0786-T; (item n2) 2015-0786-T; (item no. 3) 2015-0787-T; (item n) 2015-0787-T; (item n o. 3 (item no. 4) 2015-0788-T; (item no. 5) 2015-0789-T; (item no. 6) 2015-0790-T; (item no. 7) 2015-0791-T; ) 2015-0789-T) 2015-0789-T(io. 6o. 6) 2015-0790-T) 2015-0790-T temtem n ; ; (i .10). 11) (item no. 8) 2015-0792-T; (item no 2015-0794-T; (item no 2015-0795-T -0794-T; (item no-0794-T; (item no 20152015. 11 REGULAR SESSION 2015-0785-T Nomination and Election of Vice Chairman. Nomination and Election of Vice Chairman. Nomination and Election of Vice Chairman. Motion made by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to nominate Commissioner Motion made by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to nominate Commissioner Motion made by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to nominate Commissioner Oldham as Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The motion carried unanimously. Oldham as Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The motion carried unanimously. Oldham as Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The motion carried unanimously. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS CITIZEN PRESENTATIONSCITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED at 7:09 P.M. 2015-0786-T Public hearing regarding amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13- Zoning, Article VIII-Administration & Enforcement, Section 8.05 - Zoning Board of Adjustment in order to provide for Town Council appointment of the Chairperson for the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Case ADM-15-011. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 6 of 180March 10, 2016 2015-0787-T Public hearing regarding approval of an amendment to Planned Development District No. 25 in order to approve the final site plan for Bread Winners Café, located on Lot 2-R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center at 3000 SH 114, Case SP-15-034. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. 2 Drew Martin with DM, 6404 Inca Road, Fort Worth, TX, Development Advisor for applicant, OTD TC LLC Jace C. Motheral, P.E. with Pacheco Koch, Civil Engineering and Landscape firm James Lawrence, Project Leader with GFF, Inc. Doug Thompson, Managing Director with Construction Advisory Specialists Chris Gordon, OTD TC LLC Justin Springfield, OTD TC LLC Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:24 P.M. REGULAR SESSION OPENED at 7:24 P.M. 2015-0793-T Discussion and recommendation of a request to approve an amended plat on Lot Discussion and recommendation of a request to approve an amended plat on Lot Discussion and recommendation of a request to approve an amended plat on Lot 5, Block J, Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case AP-15-019. Block J, Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case AP- Block J, Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A, Case AP- 15 Chairman Sheridan asked for applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for applicant comments. Applicant, Guil Marques, 21 Oxford Place, Trophy Club, TX xford Place, Trophy Club, TX xford Place, Trophy Club, TX Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval conditional to items being addressed prior to going to council. recommends approval conditional to items being addressed prior to going to council.recommends approval conditional to items being addressed prior to going to council. Chairman Sheridan asked for Commissioners comments or questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for Commissioners comments or questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for Commissioners comments or questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to approve amended plat Motion made by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to approve amendMotion made by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to approve amend with the following stipulation: Applicant gets deed corrected to show the same owner as on the main lot. Chairman Sheridan asked commissioners for amendments to the motion. Motion made by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Chairman Sheridan to amend as follows: 1. The current owner listed on the plat shall match the owner listed on the conveyance deed from the HOA; 2. The missing survey segment on the metes and bounds description shall be added; 3. All building setbacks not shown on the approved plat for Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A be removed from the amending plat. 4. All changes shall be made and submitted on the plat for Council review prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting. 5ĻĭĻƒĬĻƩ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЎ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 7 of 180March 10, 2016 Amended motion accepted by Commissioner Baron and Commissioner Windland. The motion carried unanimously. 2015-0788-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 09-03-2015. 2015-0789-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 09-28-2015. 2015-0790-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 10-01-2015. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or corrections from Commissioners. None given. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Snell to approve the following minutes: P&Z Minutes dated 09-03-2015. P&Z Minutes dated 09-28-2015. P&Z Minutes dated 10-01-2015. The motion carried unanimously. 2015-0791-T Discussion and recommendation regarding amendments to the Code of Discussion and recommendation regarding amendments to the Code of Discussion and recommendation regarding amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13-Zoning, Article VIII-Administration & Enforcement, Section Ordinances, Chapter 13-Zoning, Article VIII-Administration & Enforcement, Section Ordinances, Chapter 13-Zoning, Article VIII-Administration & Enforcement, Section 8.05 Zoning Board of Adjustment in order to provide for Town Council Zoning Board of Adjustment in order to provide for Town Council Zoning Board of Adjustment in order to provide for Town Council appointment of the Chairperson for the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Case ADM- appointment of the Chairperson for the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Case ADM-appointment of the Chairperson for the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Case ADM- 15-011. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff report given by Ron Ruthven. Chairman Sheridan asked for Commissioners comments or questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for Commissioners comments or questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for Commissioners comments or questions. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Baron to approve. The motion Motion made by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Baron to approve. The motion Motion made by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Baron to approve. The motion carried unanimously. 2015-0792-T Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of an amendment to Planned Development District No. 25 in order to approve the final site plan for Bread Winners Café, located on Lot 2-R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center at 3000 SH 114, Case SP-15-034. Chairman Sheridan asked for applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for staff comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for Commissioners comments or questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Snell to recommend conditional approval with the conditions on all outstanding issues stipulated specifically: 5ĻĭĻƒĬĻƩ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЎ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 8 of 180March 10, 2016 1. Those items addressed in development review committee memos dated October 2, 2015 and December 2, 2015. All PD regulations shall be met. 2. That the alternative landscape plan provided by the applicant is approved conditional upon all planting sizes and types will meet the requirements of the code of ordinances. 3. That conditionally, final approval of site signage shall be concurrent with the approval of the SUP for alcoholic beverage sales anticipated. 4. That no development schedule is required for this development. 5. Provide specific colors for brick and gate on dumpster enclosure. 6. Add plant screen notation on the elevation plan. 7. Add specific roof type and color. 8. Fire lane configuration shall meet written authorization provided by Town fire marshal. Fire lane configuration shall meet written authorization provided by Town fire marshal. Fire lane configuration shall meet written authorization provided by Town fire marshal. 9. Label the cable line on the property. 10. Show the canopy on site plan as part of footprint. Show the canopy on site plan as part of footprint. Show the canopy on site plan as part of footprint. 11. That, save and except for the waivers and conditions that follow, the development shall meet all That, save and except for the waivers and conditions that follow, the development shall meet all That, save and except for the waivers and conditions that follow, the development shall meet all requirements of the PD 25 regulations; Motion made by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Snell to amend as follows: Motion made by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Snell to amend as follows: Motion made by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Snell to amend as follows: Motion to recommend conditional approval with the conditions on all outstanding issues stipulated Motion to recommend conditional approval with the conditions on all outstanding issues stipulated Motion to recommend conditional approval with the conditions on all outstanding issues stipulated specifically: 1. That, save and except for the waivers and conditions that follow, the development shall meet all That, save and except for the waivers and conditions that follow, the development shall meet all That, save and except for the waivers and conditions that follow, the development shall meet all requirements of the PD 25 regulations; requirements of the PD 25 regulations; requirements of the PD 25 regulations; 2. That all comments on the Development Review Committee (DRC) memos provided to the That all comments on the Development Review Committee (DRC) memos provided to the That all comments on the Development Review Committee (DRC) memos provided to the Commission dated October 2, 2015 and December 2, 2015 be addressed by the applicant prior to Commission dated October 2, 2015 and December 2, 2015 be addressed by the applicant prior to Commission dated October 2, 2015 and December 2, 2015 be addressed by the applicant prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting; the 12/8/2015 Council meeting; the 12/8/2015 Council meeting; 3. That the final fire lane configuration on the site shall require the written approval by the Fire That the final fire lane configuration on the site shall require the written approval by the Fire That the final fire lane configuration on the site shall require the written approval by the Fire Marshal prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting; 4. That a brief development schedule shall be provided prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting; 5. The dumpster enclosure masonry materials shall match the masonry materials of the main structure and the gate shall be black with a note stating such to be provided on building elevations prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting; 6. The final roof color of the main building shall require final approval of the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the issuance of the building permit; 7. Final sign details shall be deferred for approval by the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission concurrent with the approval of a Specific Use Permit for alcoholic beverage sales; 5ĻĭĻƒĬĻƩ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЎ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ѝ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 9 of 180March 10, 2016 8. That the cable line shall be labeled. 9. That the canopy on the site plan shall be shown as part of footprint. 10. The following waivers are hereby granted to the landscaping requirements of the Code of Ordinances and PD 25: Perimeter tree requirements: perimeter trees are waived such that said trees shall be planted per the submitted landscape plan dated November 2015. Non-vehicular open space tree requirements: non-vehicular open space trees are waived such that said trees shall be planted per the submitted landscape plan dated November 2015. Tree count requirements: the total amount of trees required are waived such that said trees shall be planted per the submitted landscape plan dated November 2015. Plant size requirements: all shrubs shall be planted from 5 gallon containers in size and shall Plant size requirements: all shrubs shall be planted from 5 gallon containers in size and shall Plant size requirements: all shrubs shall be planted from 5 gallon containers in size and shall be planted at a minimum height above ground level of 24 inches and ornamental grasses shall be planted at a minimum height above ground level of 24 inches and ornamental grasses shall be planted at a minimum height above ground level of 24 inches and ornamental grasses shall be planted in 1 gallon containers and shall otherwise meet the planting locations provided on be planted in 1 gallon containers and shall otherwise meet the planting locations provided on be planted in 1 gallon containers and shall otherwise meet the planting locations provided on the submitted landscape plan dated November 2015. The landscape plan shall be amended to the submitted landscape plan dated November 2015. The landscape plan shall be amended to the submitted landscape plan dated November 2015. The landscape plan shall be amended to reflect this requirement prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting. reflect this requirement prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting. reflect this requirement prior to the 12/8/2015 Council meeting. Amended motion accepted by Vice Chairman Oldham and Commissioner Snell. Amended motion accepted by Vice Chairman Oldham and Commissioner Snell. Amended motion accepted by Vice Chairman Oldham and Commissioner Snell. The motion carried unanimously. 2015-0794-T Town Planner Updates; discussion of recently approved sign ordinance Town Planner Updates; discussion of recently approved sign ordinance Town Planner Updates; discussion of recently approved sign ordinance amendments. 2015-0795-T Discussion and presentation from staff on the authority, duties and procedures of Discussion and presentation from staff on the authority, duties and procedures of Discussion and presentation from staff on the authority, duties and procedures of the Planning and Zoning Commission. the Planning and Zoning Commission. the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion made by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to adjourn. The motion Motion made by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to adjourn. The motion Motion made by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to adjourn. The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at The meeting was adjourned at ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, Chairman Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas 5ĻĭĻƒĬĻƩ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЎ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ў ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 10 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-128-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 01-21-2016. Attachments:MeetingMinutes 012116.DRAFT.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 01-21-2016. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 11 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ January 21, 2016 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called the January 21, 2016, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced a quorum present (6 members). Present: 6 - Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Card, Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, airman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, airman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Windland, Commissioner Snell Absent: 1 - Commissioner Baron STAFF PRESENT: Ron Ruthven, Town Planner Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED at 7:03 P.M. OPENED at 7:03 P.M. OPENED at 7:03 P.M. 2016-09-T Public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for the sale of Public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for the sale of Public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption in conjunction with a restaurant alcoholic beverages for alcoholic beverages for located on Lot 2-R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 3000 State located on Lot 2-R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 3000 State located on Lot 2-R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 3000 State Highway 114, Case SUP-16-007. Highway 114, Case SUP-Highway 114, Case SUP- Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. 2 Drew Martin with DM, 6404 Inca Road, Fort Worth, TX, Development Advisor for applicant, OTD TC LLC. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 12 of 180March 10, 2016 2016-10-T Public hearing regarding approval of a request to amend Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 28, in order to allow a screening wall to be constructed adjacent to Bobcat Boulevard along the common boundary of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Trophy Club on property owned by the Northwest Independent School District and within the right-of-way for Bobcat Boulevard, Case PD-AMD-16-046. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Cody Petree, Director of Community and Business Development for the City of Roanoke. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan noted and email correspondence was received from one (1) resident of trophy Club. Chairman Sheridan noted and email correspondence was received from one (1) resident of trophy Club. Chairman Sheridan noted and email correspondence was received from one (1) resident of trophy Club. Bill Rose, resident of Trophy Club, TX. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. rman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. rman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. 2016-11-T Public hearing regarding approval of a request to amend Ordinance No. 95-20, PD Public hearing regarding approval of a request to amend Ordinance No. 95-20, PD Public hearing regarding approval of a request to amend Ordinance No. 95-20, PD Planned Development District No. 13 in order to approve the signage plan for Meat Planned Development District No. 13 in order to approve the signage plan for Meat Planned Development District No. 13 in order to approve the signage plan for Meat U Anywhere restaurant, on Lot 3, The Village, located at 91 Trophy Club Drive, U Anywhere restaurant, on Lot 3, The Village, located at 91 Trophy Club Drive, U Anywhere restaurant, on Lot 3, The Village, located at 91 Trophy Club Drive, Case PD-AMD-16-047. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Kevin Kendall with Accent Graphics, for Meat U Anywhere restaurant. Graphics, for Meat U Anywhere restaurant. Graphics, for Meat U Anywhere restaurant. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff recommends Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report.Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report.Staff recommends Staff recommends Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:14 P.M. CLOSED at 7: CLOSED at 7:1414 REGULAR SESSION OPENED at 7:14 P.M. OPENED at 7: OPENED at 7: 2016-12-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption in conjunction with a restaurant located on Lot 2-R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 3000 State Highway 114, Case SUP-16-007. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. 2 Drew Martin with DM, 6404 Inca Road, Fort Worth, TX, Development Advisor for applicant, OTD TC LLC. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. WğƓǒğƩǤ ЋЊͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 13 of 180March 10, 2016 Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Snell, to approve a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption in conjunction with a restaurant located on Lot 2-R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 3000 State Highway 114, Case SUP-16-007. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners on motion. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2016-13-T Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a request to amend Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a request to amend Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a request to amend Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 28, in order to Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 28, in order to Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 28, in order to allow a screening wall to be constructed adjacent to Bobcat Boulevard along the allow a screening wall to be constructed adjacent to Bobcat Boulevard along the allow a screening wall to be constructed adjacent to Bobcat Boulevard along the common boundary of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Trophy Club on common boundary of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Trophy Club on common boundary of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Trophy Club on property owned by the Northwest Independent School District and within the right - property owned by the Northwest Independent School District and within the right -property owned by the Northwest Independent School District and within the right - of-way for Bobcat Boulevard, Case PD-AMD-16-046. -way for Bobcat Boulevard, Case PD-AMD--way for Bobcat Boulevard, Case PD-AMD-16-046. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Cody Petree, Director of Community and Business Development for the City of Roanoke. Cody Petree, Director of Community and Business Development for the City of Roanoke. Cody Petree, Director of Community and Business Development for the City of Roanoke. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve a request to amend Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve a request to amend Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve a request to amend Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 28, in order to allow a screening wall dinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 28, in order to allow a screening wall dinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 28, in order to allow a screening wall to be constructed adjacent to Bobcat Boulevard along the common boundary of the City of Roanoke and to be constructed adjacent to Bobcat Boulevard along the common boundary of the City of Roanoke and to be constructed adjacent to Bobcat Boulevard along the common boundary of the City of Roanoke and the Town of Trophy Club on property owned by the Northwest Independent School District and within the the Town of Trophy Club on property owned by the Northwest Independent School District and within the the Town of Trophy Club on property owned by the Northwest Independent School District and within the right -of-way for Bobcat Boulevard, Case PD-AMD-16-046, subject to the following conditions: -way for Bobcat Boulevard, Case PD-AMD--way for Bobcat Boulevard, Case PD-AMD- 1. That The Town Council approve an interlocal agreement with Roanoke requiring and specifying maintenance requirements and aesthetics of the wall. 2. That the Town Council review and determine if there should be a determination of value for the portion of right-of-way to be utilized for the fence and that value charged to the City of Roanoke. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners on motion. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5 Commissioner Windland, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Card, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Snell Against: 1 Chairman Sheridan WğƓǒğƩǤ ЋЊͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 180March 10, 2016 2016-14-T Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a request to amend Ordinance No. 95-20, PD Planned Development District No. 13 in order to approve the signage plan for Meat U Anywhere restaurant, on Lot 3, The Village, located at 91 Trophy Club Drive, Case PD-AMD-16-047. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Kevin Kendall with Accent Graphics, for Meat U Anywhere restaurant. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Ross to approve a request to amend Ordinance No. 95-20, PD Planned Development District No. 13 in order to approve the signage for Meat U Anywhere restaurant, on Lot 3, The Village, located at 91 Trophy Club Drive, Case PD- Meat U Anywhere restaurant, on Lot 3, The Village, located at 91 Trophy Club Drive, Case PD- Meat U Anywhere restaurant, on Lot 3, The Village, located at 91 Trophy Club Drive, Case PD- AMD-16-047. subject to the following conditions: That the sign package be approved as submitted specifying the following waivers: That the sign package be approved as submitted specifying the following waivers: That the sign package be approved as submitted specifying the following waivers: 1. That one 7 monument sign be allowed as shown on the plans to include a red LED monument sign be allowed as shown on the plans to include a red LED monument sign be allowed as shown on the plans to include a red LED band; 2. That five wall signs be allowed as shown on the plans (south elevation two signs, east That five wall signs be allowed as shown on the plans (south elevation That five wall signs be allowed as shown on the plans (south elevation elevation two signs, west elevation one sign) one sign) one sign) two signs, west elevation two signs, west elevation 3. That red LED banding be allowed on the building as shown on the plans That red LED banding be allowed on the building as shown on the plans That red LED banding be allowed on the building as shown on the plans 4. That any potential trademark That any potential trademark reviewed and reported by the Town Attorney prior to the final Council vote reviewed and reported by the Town Attorney prior to the final Council vote reviewed and reported by the Town Attorney prior to the final Council vote Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners on motion. Commissioners Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners on motion. Commissioners Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners on motion. Commissioners discussed height of monument sign. discussed height of monument sign. discussed height of monument sign. Commissioner Windland motioned to amend current motion as follows: Commissioner Windland motioned to amend current motion as follows: Commissioner Windland motioned to amend current motion as follows: That the sign package be approved as submitted specifying the following waivers: That the sign package be approved as submitted specifying the following waivers: That the sign package be approved as submitted specifying the following waivers: 1. That one monument sign be allowed as shown on the plans to include a red That one That one monument sign be allowed as shown on the plans to include a red monument sign be allowed as shown on the plans to include a red LED band; LED band; LED band; 2. That five wall signs be allowed as shown on the plans (south elevation two signs, east That five wall signs be allowed as shown on the plans (south elevation That five wall signs be allowed as shown on the plans (south elevation elevation two signs, west elevation one sign) two signs, west elevation two signs, west elevation 3. That red LED banding be allowed on the building as shown on the plans 4. reviewed and reported by the Town Attorney prior to the final Council vote Commissioner Ross agrees to the amendment. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2016-15-T Discussion Town Planner Updates; discussion of sign ordinance amendments; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. WğƓǒğƩǤ ЋЊͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ѝ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 15 of 180March 10, 2016 Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. The Commission wished to forward the following items to the Council for possible review and action at a future date: 1. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan needs to be updated; 2. across all districts; 3. Future utilization of old gas drilling sites needs to be reviewed; 4.need to be reviewed and updated to reflect current development conditions; 5. The CR-Commercial Recreation category needs to have commercial uses eliminated; 6. Zoning of Town parks needs to be consistent; 7. The wireless communication facilities ordinance needs to be updated 2016-16-T Discussion and presentation from staff on the authority, duties and procedures of Discussion and presentation from staff on the authority, duties and procedures of Discussion and presentation from staff on the authority, duties and procedures of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Motion made by Commissioner Card, seconded by Commissioner Windland to adjourn. The motion Motion made by Commissioner Card, seconded by Commissioner Windland Motion made by Commissioner Card, seconded by Commissioner Windland carried unanimously. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. :0:00 P.M. 0 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 9The meeting was adjourned at 9 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, Chairman Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas WğƓǒğƩǤ ЋЊͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ў ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 16 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-136-T Version:1 Name: Type:Executive Session Status:Executive Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated, Subchapter 551, the Planning and Zoning Commission will convene into closed executive session as authorized by: A.Section 551.071 “Consultation with Attorney” under Subsection (1) when the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and Subsection (2) for consultation with its attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act (551.071(1) and (2)). (1)Legal Advice regarding platting Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PursuanttoTexasGovernmentCode,Annotated,Subchapter551,thePlanningandZoningCommissionwillconvene into closed executive session as authorized by: A.Section551.071“ConsultationwithAttorney”underSubsection(1)whenthegovernmentalbodyseekstheadvice ofitsattorneyaboutpendingorcontemplatedlitigationandSubsection(2)forconsultationwithitsattorneyona matterinwhichthedutyoftheattorneytotheGovernmentalBodyundertheDisciplinaryRulesofProfessional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act (551.071(1) and (2)). (1)Legal Advice regarding platting Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 17 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-129-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless antenna facility located within Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition along SH 114 between Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive, south of Roaring Creek Court by expanding the total lease area from 0.006 acres to 0.016 acres, Case CUP-16-008. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoamendaConditionalUsePermitforawirelessantennafacility locatedwithinTractC,Section8,TrophyClubAdditionalongSH114betweenTrophyLakeDriveandTrophyClubDrive, south of Roaring Creek Court by expanding the total lease area from 0.006 acres to 0.016 acres, Case CUP-16-008. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 18 of 180March 10, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission March 10, 2016 CUP-15-008: CUP Amendment for a Wireless Antenna Facility SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless antenna facility located within Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition along SH 114 between Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive, south of Roaring Creek Court by expanding the total lease area from 0.006 acres to 0.016 acres, Case CUP-16-008 REQUEST: Griffin/Harris, PLLC, on behalf of Verizon Wireless, is requestingto amend the existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) allowing a wireless antenna facility along SH 114. The applicant is requesting the amendment in order to accommodate a larger parking area and driveway approach for the subject property. The resulting increase of the lease area is 0.016 acres over the current size of 0.006 acres. The applicant states that the expansion is necessaryinorder to allow a technician to servicecellular antennas, which willbe placed onan existing Oncor electrical tower on the northside of Highway 114 south of Roaring Creek Court and east of Trophy Lake Drive, on Town-owned property. The applicant proposes to install a parking area adjacent to the related ground equipmentnext to the existing tower in a 20' x 12' access easement area, which would be surrounded by an 8' 6" split faceCMU wall on all sides other than the side facing the highway. The applicant states they did not account for TxDOT notallowing the maintenancevehicle to park partially in the right of way area. Therefore, they request an amendment of the CUP to allow a parking space in the Town's property to the east of the approved lease area. The original CUP was approved by the Town Council on September 22, 2015. The conditions approved with the ordinance are as follows: A.No landscaping shall be required for this site. B.The required screening wall shall be composed of split -face concrete masonry unit material and shall, at a minimum, meet or exceed the height of any facility equipment located on the site such that said equipment is completely screened from view in all directions, except for the ice bridge between the Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 19 of 180March 10, 2016 structure and the tower. The wall color shall match a wall color agreed upon by Staff prior to construction. C. The driveway accessing the site shall be composed of concrete. CURRENT CONDITIONS: The wireless antenna facility approved by the original CUP has yet to be constructed. The propertyportion in questionis platted as part of Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition and is zoned R-9 Single Family Residential District. Tract Cis 6.56 acres in size,is owned by the Town of Trophy Club,and contains open space including a screening berm and a 30 foot wide Oncor electric transmission right-of-way adjacent to, and along, SH 114 right-of-way. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT: Per the requirements of the State of Texas and the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, a notice of public hearingconcerning the zoning requestwas published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Notice was also mailed to 11property owners within 200 feet of the subject property. To date no correspondence has been received. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The proposed expansion is being requested in order to allow a vehicle to park outside of the right-of-way for SH 114. Given that the facility will be built on property owned by the Town, an amended contractual agreement reflecting the expanded lease area will considered at the March 22, 2016 Town Council meeting in conjunction with this item. Staff recommends approval subject to the added area complying with the existing restrictions contained in the original CUP ordinance. Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Application and Related Attachments Exhibit “B” – Construction Plans and Exhibits Exhibit “C” –Ordinance 2015-36 P&Z Exhibit “D”– Location and Zoning Maps Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 20 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 180March 10, 2016 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 22 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 23 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 24 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 25 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 26 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 27 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 28 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 29 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 30 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 31 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 32 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 33 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 34 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 35 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 36 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 37 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 38 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 39 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 40 of 180March 10, 2016 2016 10, March Exhibit B 180 of 41 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit B 180 of 42 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit B 180 of 43 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit B 180 of 44 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit B 180 of 45 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit B 180 of 46 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit B 180 of 47 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit C Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 48 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit C Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 49 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit C Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 50 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit C Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 51 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit C Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 52 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit C Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 53 of 180March 10, 2016 2016 10, March Location Site Aerial Photo Exhibit D 180 of 54 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Location Site Zoning Map Exhibit D 180 of 55 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-130-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a preliminary plat for Trophy Club Town Center Addition containing 26.4 acres located within the PD 30 zoning district between State Highway 114, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive, Case PP-15-029. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingapreliminaryplatforTrophyClubTownCenterAdditioncontaining26.4acres locatedwithinthePD30zoningdistrictbetweenStateHighway114,TrophyClubDriveandIndianCreekDrive,CasePP -15-029. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 56 of 180March 10, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission March 10, 2016 PP-15-029: Preliminary Plat for Trophy Club Town Center Addition SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a preliminary plat for Trophy Club Town Center Addition containing 26.4 acres located within the PD 30 zoning district between State Highway 114, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. REQUEST: Bury-DFW, Inc., on behalf of property owner and developer JSB Properties, LP,is requesting approval of apreliminary plat of 26.4 acres in order to develop the property for a mix of retail, office and residential uses. CURRENT CONDITIONSAND ZONING: The subject property contains 26.4 acres and is not platted. There is an existing 6,942 square foot office building located on the subject property at 100 Indian Creek Drive (the south corner of Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive). The remainder of the subject property is undeveloped. The subject property is zoned Planned Development District (PD) 30. A copy of the PD 30 regulations and preliminary site plan are attached. According to the approved preliminary site plan included with the PD 30 regulations, the following development details are approved as indicated and laid out: A maximum of 157,216 square feet of retail; A maximum of 228,800 square feet of office; A maximum of 290 multifamily residential units; A maximum of 30 townhome residential units; A maximum of 200 hotel rooms; A maximum of 20,000 square feet of convention space The PD 30 regulations do not contain anyspecific platting standards or regulations. Therefore, the requirements for preliminary plats contained in the Code of Ordinances apply to this plat. Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 57 of 180March 10, 2016 PLATTING PROCEDURE Approval of a preliminary and final plat is required for the subject property given that it is not platted. According to Chapter 10-Subdivision Rules and Regulations in the Code of Ordinances, preliminary plats and final plats must be considered separately. Therefore, the final plat will follow on a separate agenda. Upon approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the preliminary plat will then be forwarded to the Town Council for final approval. PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIREMENTS Unlike the final plat, preliminary plats are not required to be filed with the County Clerk. The purpose of the preliminary plat isto establish the general layout of the subdivision. The advantage of thisprocess to an applicant is the development of a subdivision layout, without the expense of preparing final construction documents. The final plat must be in substantial conformanceand generally consistentwiththe approved Preliminary Plat. However, minor deviations, as well as changes or additional information related to final engineering constitute acceptable changes from the preliminary plat to the final plat. PLAT PHASING The attached phasing plan provided by the applicant indicates the property will be platted in five phases. All final plats must conform to the phasing plan with any changes to phasing requiring an amended preliminary plat. ATTACHMENTSINCLUDED WITH THE PRELIMINARY PLAT 1.Sheet 1 and 2: Preliminary Plat (2 pages) 2.Sheet 3: Phasing Plan 3.Sheet 4: Preliminary Site Plan 4.Sheet 5: Preliminary Water Exhibit 5.Sheet 6: Preliminary Sewer Exhibit In terms of the Commission’s consideration of this item, sheets 1 and 2 are the actual preliminary plat documents. The other sheets are provided for informational purposes only and are not part of the actual preliminary plat. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The preliminary plat satisfies the requirements of the Code of Ordinances and the PD 30 regulations. This plat requires final approval by the Town Council. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Preliminary Plat Submittal Package Exhibit “B” – PD 30 Regulations Exhibit “C”– Approved Preliminary Site Plan (Color) Exhibit “D” – Location and Zoning Maps Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 58 of 180March 10, 2016 2016 10, March SEE SHEET 2 MATCH LINE 03/01/2016 JOSHUA A. MILLSAP Exhibit A 100118 180 of 59 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March SEE SHEET 1 MATCH LINE Exhibit A 180 of 60 Page 03/01/2016 JOSHUA A. MILLSAP 100118 Commission Zoning and Planning F:\\0111457 Beck Ventures\\30005 Trophy Club Design\\x111457-05PHASING.dwg modified by jbaran on Mar 1, 16 8:57 AM SHEET 0111457-30005PROJECT NO.: Copyright © 2016 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 100118 03/01/2016 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 PLAN 3 JOSHUA A. MILLSAP Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 QA / QC: Dallas, Texas 75230 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 CONSTRUCTION PHASING Not for Construction or Permit Purposes JMDESIGNED BY: TROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTER JBDRAWN BY: APPROVALREVISIONDATENO. 2016 10, March E V I R D S N A G O H E V I R D K E E R C N A I D N I Exhibit A 180 of 61 Page E V I R D 4 B 1 U 1 L . o C N Y Y H A P W O H R TG I H E T A T S Commission Zoning and Planning F:\\0111457 Beck Ventures\\30005 Trophy Club Design\\x111457-05PHASING.dwg modified by jbaran on Mar 1, 16 8:51 AM SHEET 0111457-30005PROJECT NO.: Copyright © 2016 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 100118 03/01/2016 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 4 JOSHUA A. MILLSAP Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 QA / QC: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Dallas, Texas 75230 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 Not for Construction or Permit Purposes JMDESIGNED BY: TROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTER JBDRAWN BY: APPROVALREVISIONDATENO. RELATIONSHIP OF APPROVED SITE LAYOUT 2016 PREPARED BY TWICHELL DATED 1/29/2014 FOR BUILDING USES AND TABULATIONS. 10, REFER TO APPROVED PD-30 SITE PLAN March PLAN PROVIDED TO ILLUSTRATE AND LOT LINES NOTE: E V I R D S N A G O H E V I R D K E E R C N A I D N I Exhibit A 180 of 62 Page E V I R D 4 B 1 U 1 L . o C N Y Y H A P W O H R TG I H E T A T S Commission Zoning and Planning F:\\0111457 Beck Ventures\\30005 Trophy Club Design\\111457-05UTL.dwg modified by jbaran on Mar 1, 16 8:14 AM SHEET 0111457-30005PROJECT NO.: Copyright © 2016 TROPHY CLUB, TEXASTROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 100118 03/01/2016 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 EXHIBIT 5 JOSHUA A. MILLSAP Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 QA / QC: Dallas, Texas 75230 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 PRELIMINARY WATER Not for Construction or Permit Purposes JMDESIGNED BY: TROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTERTROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTER JBDRAWN BY: APPROVALREVISIONDATENO. 2016 10, March E V I R D S N A G O H E V I R D K E E R C N A I D N I Exhibit A 180 of 63 Page E V I R D 4 B 1 U 1 L . o C N Y Y H A P W O H R TG I H E T A T S Commission Zoning and Planning F:\\0111457 Beck Ventures\\30005 Trophy Club Design\\111457-05UTL.dwg modified by jbaran on Mar 1, 16 8:14 AM SHEET 0111457-30005PROJECT NO.: Copyright © 2016 TROPHY CLUB, TEXASTROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 100118 03/01/2016 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 EXHIBIT 6 JOSHUA A. MILLSAP Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 QA / QC: Dallas, Texas 75230 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 PRELIMINARY SEWER Not for Construction or Permit Purposes JMDESIGNED BY: TROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTERTROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTER JBDRAWN BY: APPROVALREVISIONDATENO. 2016 10, March E V I R D S N A G O H E V I R D K E E R C N A I D N I Exhibit A 180 of 64 Page E V I R D 4 B 1 U 1 L . o C N Y Y H A P W O H R TG I H E T A T S Commission Zoning and Planning F:\\0111457 Beck Ventures\\30005 Trophy Club Design\\111457-05UTL.dwg modified by jbaran on Mar 1, 16 8:14 AM SHEET 0111457-30005PROJECT NO.: Copyright © 2016 TROPHY CLUB, TEXASTROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 100118 03/01/2016 TBPE # F-1048 TBPLS # F-10107502 EXHIBIT 7 JOSHUA A. MILLSAP Tel. (972) 991-0011 Fax (972) 991-0278 QA / QC: Dallas, Texas 75230 5310 Harvest Hill Road, Suite 100 PRELIMINARY STORM Not for Construction or Permit Purposes JMDESIGNED BY: TROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTERTROPHY CLUB TOWN CENTER JBDRAWN BY: APPROVALREVISIONDATENO. 2016 10, March E V I R D S N A G O H E V I R D K E E R C N A I D N I Exhibit A 180 of 65 Page E V I R D 4 B 1 U 1 L . o C N Y Y H A P W O H R TG I H E T A T S Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ Њ EXHIBIT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THE BECK PROPERTY STATE HIGHWAY 114AND TROPHY CLUB DRIVE 26.354ACRES C.MEDLIN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 283 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 66 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ Ћ CONTENTS I.GENERAL A.Purpose B.Applicability C.Concurrent Compliance D.Definitions E.Photographs II.DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A.Permitted Uses B.Site Development C.Streetscape Standards D.Design Standards E.Non-Residential Building Design Guidelines F.Urban Residential Guidelines G.Parking Guidelines H.Signage, Clock Tower and Miscellaneous I.Lighting III.PROCEDURES A.Summary of the Process B.Concept Plan C.Preliminary Site Plan D.Site Plan E.Façade Elevations F.Process for Minor Modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site, Site Plan andFaçade Elevations IV.EXHIBITS Exhibit A Trophy Club Drive Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit A1 Parallel Parking/Valet Option Trophy Club Drive Exhibit A2 State Highway 114 and Indian Creek Drive Non Residential Frontages Exhibit A3 Parallel Parking/Valet Option SH114and Indian Creek Drive Exhibit A4 State Highway 114, Trophy Club Drive Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit A5Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit B andB1Secondary Street for Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit CandC1 Private or Mews Street Exhibit D Serviceway Exhibit E Visual Orientation Exhibit F Bridge Configurations Between Buildings Exhibit G Utilities Placement Exhibit H Concept Plan Exhibit I Preliminary Site Plan Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 67 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ Ќ GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR MIXED-USE ZONING I. A.PURPOSE. PD-30 is intended to be a high quality focal point of the community. This is achieved by promoting an efficient, homogeneous, compact land use pattern; encouraging pedestrian activity; reducing the reliance on private automobiles within the district; promoting a functional and attractive community through the use of urban design principles; and allowing the developer flexibility inland use andsite design. PD-30isto be an area with a mixture of moderately intense uses that are developed over an identifiable core. Buildings are close to and oriented toward the street. There is a connected street pattern, shared parking, andpedestrianamenities. B.APPLICABILITY. This ordinance shall establish site, building, and use standards for development within the following legally describedproperty (the Being a 26.354 Acre Overall Site in the C. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 823, Town of Trophy Club in Denton County, Texas. The Site is boundedto the South by State Highway 114,to the West byTrophy Club Drive, to the North by Indian Creek Drive andto the East by UrbanResidential Development Forest Village, Phase C.CONCURRENT COMPLIANCE. This ordinance shall apply to all development within the PD-30 boundaries. Except as otherwise set forth herein, all regulations, development standards and procedures of the Town shall apply to development within PD-30. The zoning ordinance of the Town,as amended, shall remainin full force and effect, save and except as amended by this ordinance. In the event of a conflict between any provisionin this ordinance including, but not limited to, any regulation, development standard or procedure, with any provision in a Town ordinance or resolution, the provisions in this Ordinance shall control. For purposes of the development standards set forth in this ordinance,the entire Property is considered one lot. D.DEFINITIONS. In addition to Definitions in Chapter 13, Article IIof the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance, the following terms shall have the corresponding interpretations andmeanings: 1. Active shall mean an Urban Residential facility intended for retirees andsenior citizens. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 68 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ Ѝ 2. shall mean the orientation, design and development elements set forthin the Exhibits, illustrations, and images in this Ordinance. 3. shall mean the nearest location of a structure measured from the respective right-of-way, street easement or property line. 4. Line-of-Vision shall mean a plane by which maximum height is established taking into consideration line-of-vision from the Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive. 5. shall mean the pedestrian maneuvering areas set forth in the Exhibits. 6. shall mean a general plan for development within the Property that identifies land uses, ingress/egress, and densities for development. 7. means any structural or non-structural element suchas a sign, awning, canopy, terrace, or balcony that breaks the plane of a vertical or horizontal regulatory limit, extending into a Setback, into the Public R.O.W, or above a height limit. 8. shall mean the elevations of structures tobe constructed on the Property. 9. Area shall mean the ratio of all enclosed building areas divided by the total area of the Property. 10. Service shall mean a restaurant that provides food services to patrons who order and are served (i.e. waiter/waitress service) while seated indoors or outdoors and pay after eating. They may provide this service in combination with selling alcoholic beverages, providing takeout services, or presenting live non-theatrical entertainment. 11. shall mean stand-alone, low density, two-story Urban Residential buildings with the following characteristics: lack of functionality as a component of (in terms of layout, appearance, etc.), any larger planned grouping of buildings; low density; lack of pedestrian circulation, active street-life, or a larger sense of community beyond that of the individual complex itself; no integrated mixed uses; lack of building amenities andsite enhancements; andcontain all surface parking. 12. shall mean the impervious areas within a development that are used for streets, drives, sidewalks, walkways, retaining walls, trails, and other similar features. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 69 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ Ў 13. (full- shall mean a building with habitable rooms or suites which are reserved for temporary lodging for guests who rent rooms or suites on a daily basis, and with: i.A lobby for public reception andcheck-in; ii.A minimum area of 300square feet in each guest room; iii.On-site staff required seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) hours per day; iv.A minimum of five thousand (5,000) square feet of meeting or conference room space; v.Nofewer than150 rooms; and vi.A full service restaurant (exception by SUP). 14. shall mean the area of each proposed lot that is covered by buildings. 15. Building shall be the maximum distance between the front building line and the property line or right-of-way line along that corresponding building line. 16. Building shall be the minimum distance between the front building line and the property line or right-of-way line along that corresponding building line. 17. shall mean a small street, or courtyard constructed in accordance with Exhibit 18. Use Building or shall mean a building or structure in which at least one of the upper floors of the building has uses different from the groundfloor. 19. Use Land shall mean a combination of uses integrated either vertically within structures or horizontally throughout the Property. 20. shall mean areas unobstructedto the sky designated for the recreational enjoyment and/or natural beauty of the area which serve asan amenity to the Property including, but not limited to park areas, creekways, trails, landscape features, hardscape areas, courtyards and drives incorporated into courtyards. Parking spaces and vehicular pathways shall not be creditedtowards open space requirements. 21. shall mean the areas designated for parking both on-street andoff-street. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 70 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ Џ 22. shall meanan open space primarily dedicated for pedestrian movement betweenblocks or buildings. 23. Site shall mean a preliminary detailed plan for development within the Property that identifies building location, parking, general landscaping,andother surface accommodations for the site. 24.shall meanthe tract of land describedinSection I.B. herein. 25. Owners shall meanan incorporated or unincorporated association that is designatedas the representative of the owner(s) of property inPD-30 and manages and maintains the common areas andopenspaces of the planned development. 26. Access shall mean those areas opento the public including, but not limited to patios, courts,plazas andother similar areas. 27. Service shall mean a restaurant that specializes in providing a full meal in a few minutes. Such meals often consist of a permutation of hamburger or chicken, french fries, and a soft drink or a milkshake. 28.- of 14 feet which may be used for nonretail uses, including Urban Residential. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a retail - -space is to provide the flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market demand and allowing the use in such space to change from retail uses to Urban Residential or Urban Residential to Retail in accordance with the market. 29. shall meanan interior (public or private) street within the development intendedto provide access to development and for circulation withinthe property. 30. shall meanan area whichis used for employee, delivery, and utility service access between buildings, for vehicle access for loading and delivery, trash area and trash pick-up, for maintenance and service vehicle access, andfor routing of base building and tenant utilities. 31. shall be a private drive that provides access to service areas, loading/unloading areas,andparking. 32. shall mean a kiosk structure that complies with the provisions of this Ordinance andused only for signage purposes. 33. shall mean a detailed plan for development within the Property that complies withthe regulations of this Ordinance Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 71 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ А 34. shall mean parking in which vehicles are parked immediately in front of, behind, or adjacent to other vehicles without each vehicle being adjacent to a maneuvering aisle or drive. Stacked parking is permitted for valetparking only. 35. shall mean trees required to be planted along street frontages asset forth herein. 36. shall mean Specific Use Permit asrequiredby the ordinances; provided however that the SUP shall have a 45-day approval timeline from date of official submittal to consideration on a Town Council agenda (with recommendationby the Planning and Zoning Commission). Public hearing and property owner notification shall be required and any expenses related to providing proper notification shall be paid by the applicant. If the SUP is neither approved nor denied within the 45 day period, itshall be deemed approved. 37. shall mean uses coincident with primary, permitted uses including "patio" dining; beer, wine and mixed beverage consumption; beverage sales, service, and consumption; entry vestibules; entry stoops; structured canopies; patron waiting; valet stand; bicycle racks; street furnishings; feature hardscape or landscape; water features; and/or incidental retail display and sales, or other similar uses approved by Town Staff. 38. Use shall mean the areas designated for supplemental uses asdescribedin this Ordinance. 39.shall meanthe Town Manager and/or his designee. 40.-family dwelling in a row of at least three attached units, but no more than 7, whereby each unit has its own front and rear access to the outside. No unit shall be located over another unit and each unit shall be separated from other units by one or more vertical common firewalls. 41. shall mean the drives identified on the Concept Plan that are the primary pedestrian walking corridors. Buildings along Type Drives shall be heldto the highest standardof pedestrian-oriented design. 42. shall mean the drives identified on the Concept Plan that are intended to primarily accommodate access to parking, service, and other auto-oriented functions. 43. Residential shall include,in additionto the multi-family definition containedin the Zoning Code, flats, flats with mezzanines, two floor units, Adult Active Living and Urban Residential Units groupedtogether into a single building. 44. shall mean a small, stand-alone booth used for marketing Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 72 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ Б purposes andfor the sale or rental of goods or products. E.PHOTOGRAPHS. All photographs includedin this ordinance are for illustrations purposes only of the features permitted by this planned development district and are not intended to be representative of exact construction requirements. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS II. A.PERMITTED USES. Within this planned development district the only uses permitted are the following. Uses not listed in the following schedule, but are substantially similar, may be permitted upon the approval of the Town Staff, subject to appeal directly to the Town Council: 1.RESIDENTIAL Dwelling,Urban Residential Units \[Garden Style Apartments are prohibited\] Hotels (full service) Adult Active Living Townhouse/Townhome 2.RELIGIOUS AND PHILANTHROPIC Eleemosynary Institutions (CUP Required) 3.EDUCATIONAL Day Care Center & Kindergarten Junior Colleges, Colleges & Universities (limited to 20,000 sqft or less) Schools, Private Business & Professional Schools, Vocational, Technical & Trade 4.COMMUNITY FACILITIES Auditorium,Gym Heliport/Helipad Municipal Admin Park, Playground, Playlots, Related Facilities Parking Garage Privately Owned & Operated Playground Public Safety Facilities Radio, Television, Microwave, Cellular towers attached to buildings (if camouflagedso that they are not visible to the public) Social, Recreational, Assembly Bldgs Tennis,Handball, Racquet Ball Clubs Utility Facilities, Office 5.PROFESSIONAL AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Accounting Office Admin,Executive, Editorial Office Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 73 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ В Architectural, Eng, Planning Office Office Banks and Financial Institutions Hospital Insurance Office Extended Stay Surgery Center Personal/Family Counselor Physician and/or Dentist Public Secretary Barber, Beauty, Styling Shops Health, Athletic Shops Medical,Dental, Chiropractic, Optometry, etc. Real Estate Office Travel Bureauor Agency Weight Reduction Studio 6.RETAIL Antique Shop Art Studio Art Supply Store Arts, Crafts, Hobby Shops Bakery Shops Bicycle Shop Beer, Wine and Liquor Sales (Off-Premise Consumption Only) (SUP Required) Coffee Shop Confectionary Shop Dairy FoodShop Dance Studio Dinner theater Donut Shop Drug Store, Apothecary, Pharmacy Dry Cleaners, Pick-up and Drop-off \[Dry cleaner plants are prohibited\] Duplication and Mailing Service Electrical Goods andFixtures Fabric and Knitting Shop Florist Grocery Store Hardware Store (less than 50,000 square feet) Household Appliance Store Household Furnishings, Fixtures Ice Cream Shop Jewelry,Watch Store Liquor Store (SUP Required) Music Store Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 74 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊЉ Tanning Salon Performing Arts Center Photograph Service & Studio Printing, Publishing,Engraving QuickService Restaurant (SUP Required) Restaurant Restaurant w/Alcoholic Beverage Sales (Appropriate TABC Required) (SUP Required) Sporting Goods Store Theater Wallpaper, Paint Store Wearing Apparel Store 7.RECREATIONAL Community Center (Non-Profit) Private Health Club Swimming Pool (Private Club) Swimming Pool, Tennis Court (Non-Profit) Tennis Court (Private) 8.MIXED USES: Mixed uses are permitted withinthe Property. 9.SPECIFIC USE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN RETAIL USES: Any individual retail use with a ground level floor area in excess of 50,000 square feet shall require a Specific Use Permit. 10.ACCESSORY USES: Any use accessory to any permitted use is permitted within this planneddevelopment district. 11.ANY PERMITTED USE WITH A DRIVE-THRU FACILITY. Standards in this Ordinance shall apply. B.SITE DEVELOPMENT. 1.General Requirements. a.Concept Plan. A concept plan (Exhibit is incorporated with this Ordinance. b.Building Location. Buildings shall generally be located within the Property as set forth in Exhibits - The Building Line shall be measured from the respective right-of-way, street easement or property line. c.Preliminary Site Plan - A preliminary site plan (Exhibit is incorporated withthis Ordinance. d.Maintenance of Open Space and Circulation Zones. The Property Owners Association shall be responsible for maintaining public access areas, open space and Circulation Zones within the Property. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 75 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊЊ e.Street Naming.All streets shall be named, with the exception of Serviceways. f.Gated Streets.No streets shall be gated, with the exception of Serviceways, whichcan be gated or regulatedby means of access control devices. g.Paving Materials. Hardscaped areas shall incorporate a variety of paving materials. Bricks, pavers, stone, stained concrete, or imprinted concrete may be used as hardscape area paving. The balance of hardscaped areas shall be concrete (light broom, salt finished, patterned, integrally colored). Contrasting colored pavers and concrete and/or truncated dome pavers and stamped concrete shall be used where requiredby accessibility requirements at ramps and curb ramps. h.Landscaping.Landscaping shall incorporate a variety of plant types including seasonalcolor and native low moisture foliage.Decomposed rock and decorative gravels will be considered landscaping. Appendix A shall be the planting list for landscaping withinthe development. i.Screening Walls/Fences. Screening Walls/Fences shall be constructed of brick, stone, ornamental metal with evergreen landscaping, or any other material consistent with that of the adjacent Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 76 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊЋ building or a combination thereof. j.Supplemental Uses in Public Right-of-ways andPublic Easements. i.Supplemental uses are permittedin the areas designated on Exhibits -and ii.Supplemental use zones may occur in public right of ways, public easements or on private property. iii.Supplemental use areas shall only be used by adjacent tenants. Supplemental Uses specifically exclude parking and permanent enclosed structures. k.Drive Type Designation.The Concept Plan for the Beck Property Planned Development District shall establish the following drive types: i.Type Drives Established Type Drives are intended to be the primary pedestrian walking corridors. Streets and buildings along Type Drives shall be held to the highest standardof pedestrian-orienteddesign. ii.Type Drives Established Buildings along Type Drives may be permitted to accommodate some service and vehicular traffic including surface parking and drive-thrus. l.Street Paving Enhancements. i.All street types shall employ areas of enhanced paving for speed control, to demark pedestrian crosswalks, and/or for decorative purposes. ii.Enhanced paving may include speed humps, pavement striping, pavers, stone cobbles, stamped concrete, integrally colored concrete. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 77 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊЌ 2.Tree Preservation and OpenSpace: a.General.The provisions of the Tree Preservation Ordinance shall apply except asmodified herein. b.Tree Preservation. i.A tree preservation plan shall be submitted witha Site Plan. ii.A tree preservation plan shall: Indicate the general location of existing tree canopies on the property,tree caliper sizes, and tree species; Indicate the extent to which existing environmental features are proposedto be altered to accommodate the proposed development; Locate site plan existing trees to be preserved, if any, adjoining a natural or man-made drainage creek; and Indicate the extent to which removed trees shall be mitigated throughthe tree mitigationregulations. c.Tree Removal Permit. Inadditionto the exceptions for a tree removal permit under Chapter 12, Article VIII, Sec. 8.03.C of the Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 78 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊЍ Code of Ordinances of the Town, a tree removal permit shall not be required for the removal of any tree within the proposed footprint of a structure or within a drive or street. d.Tree Replacement Standards. Any protected, specimen, historic or majestic tree removed for which a tree removal permit is required, shall be replaced with trees having a total caliper width equivalent to the total caliper width removed. Tree replacement shall not be required for any tree within the proposed footprint of a structure or within a drive or street. e.Applicability of Street Trees. All proposed street trees along public and private streets and drives shall count towards the proposed tree replacement on the property. f.Credit for Preserved Trees. A caliper-inch per caliper-inch credit shall be granted against tree replacement requirements for any protected, specimen, historic or majestic tree preserved within the Property. g.Open Space. i.Openspace shall be atleast 15%of the Property area. ii.For purposes of calculating open space, the entire Property is consideredone lot. iii.The designof openspaces shall meet the following criteria: Existing water bodies and creeks shall be preservedin a natural andcontiguous state; Pedestrian connectivity shall be providedin the form of sidewalks, natural walking paths along stream and creek corridors; and A variety of open spaces shall be provided including, but not limited to, plazas, squares, playgrounds, parks and environmental preserves. iv.Open Space may use any combination of hardscape, landscape, and/or water features provided, however, that parking spaces and vehicular pathways shall not be credited towards open space requirements. v.Public access open areas may include amenities suchas seating, bike racks, art installations, andwaste receptacles. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 79 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊЎ Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 80 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊЏ h. Public Access Area. A maximum of 50% of the required Open Space area may be satisfied by Public Access Areas. These shall be limited to breezeways, courtyards with café seating, and pedestrian paseos. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 81 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊА i.Sidewalks and Community Bicycle/PedestrianTrail. i.Minimum - wide sidewalks shall be required along Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. The sidewalk may be located within the R.O.W or in a landscaped parkway with street trees in the minimum setbackarea. ii.A public access multi-use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail shall be provided connecting to the nearest point on the Town of Trophy bicycle/pedestrian trail system contiguous with development within the Property. If the Town of Trophy bicycle/pedestrian trail system is not contiguous to the Property, then a connection point is not required. iii.The multi- use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail may cross streets of all types, at typical pedestrian crosswalks, as exclusively designed by the Owner. iv.The Property Owner shall plan and design the multi-use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail to be integrated with the internal pedestrian circulation paths. v.The minimum width of a multi-use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail shall be eight (8) feet of hardscape surface. j.Design of Drive-thru Facilities. The following standards shall apply to the designof all drive-thru facilities in the development. i.Drive-thru lanes for commercial uses may have direct access to interior streets and indirect access to any Type Drive and the perimeter streets. ii.Any buildings associated with a drive-thru use shall also have a pedestrian entrance ata Type Drive. iii.A minimum of five stacking spaces shall be provided ifa restaurant has one drive-thru serving station.If the restaurant has two or more serving stations, then a minimum of two additional stacking spaces shall be provided for the second and subsequent serving stations. iv.An escape lane shall be provided parallel to the drive-thru lane extending from the beginning of the drive-thru lane to the serving station. v.For purposes of this planned development district, a isan area measuring 8 feet by 20 feet with direct forward access to a serving station.An escape lane shall be an Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 82 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊБ area measuring a minimum of eight feet wide that provides access around the drive-thru facility. An escape lane may be part of a circulation aisle. k.Property Owners Association. Prior to approval of a final plat for the Property, a property owners association shall be established bythe owner of the Property to ensure compatibility of structures within the Property andto provide maintenance of all common areas. 3.Setbacks. a.Required Setbacks. Except as otherwise provided for State Highway 114 Frontage Road and Trophy Club Drive in this section, setbacks for buildings on the Property shall be provided as set forth on the following Setback Table: LocationMinimumsetbackMaximumSetback FrontSetbackAlongState Highway 114FrontageRoad FrontSetbackAlongTrophyClub Drive IndianCreekDrive Side andRearSetbacksexceptalongthe eastNone boundaryline whichshallbe ClockTower.NoneNone b.Encroachments. Encroachments within the required setbacks are permitted. Encroachments include architectural elements of a structure including, but not limited to decorative trim, cornice work, canopies, eaves, balconies, porches, steps, planters, window and door trim, and other similar features. In no case shall any encroachment be located over an on-street parking space or travel lane. c.Lot Coverage, Floor Area, andHeights. i.Maximum lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage is 100%. Open Space areas shall not be included in the lot area for purposes of calculating lot coverage. ii.Maximum floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio for all uses is 4:1 maximum. iii.Property considered one lot. For purposes of calculating FAR, the entire Property is consideredone lot. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 83 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЊВ iv.Maximum height. The maximum height for structures within the Property shall be as set forth in the following table (the Height Structure TypeMaximumNumberMaximumheight ofStoriesofStructure*in Feet 1.Urban460ft Residentialonly Themaximumbuilding heightforroofpeaks andtowerelementsis -fromtypical finishgradetohighest partofconstruction. 2.MixedUse570ft withUrban Residentialor Themaximumbuilding heightforroofpeaks Retail-Readyfirst andtowerelementsis floors -fromtypical finishgradetohighest partofconstruction. 3.Officeonly690ft 4.Hotelonly690ft 8(SUPRequired)**135ft. 5. Retail/Commercial240ft only Themaximumbuilding heightforroofpeaks andtowerelementsis -from typical finishgradetohighest partofconstruction. 6. MixedUsewith office690ft orhotel 7. Townhouses/ 350 ft Townhomes * For purposes of this planned development district, height is the vertical distance measured from the highest elevation at grade at the exterior surface of the structure to the highest point of the structure. **The SUP shall have a 45-day approval timeline from date of official submittal to consideration on a Town Council agenda (with recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission). Public hearing and property owner notification shall be required and any expenses related to providing proper notification shall be paid by the applicant. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 84 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋЉ v.Minimum height: The minimum height for structures within the Property is twenty (20) feet in height. vi.The following standards shall also apply to the height of buildings on the Property: 1.Residential proximity. The maximum height for structures within of residential uses adjacent to the Property shall be 2.Maximum Height Based on Building Line-of-Vision from Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive: a.Except as otherwise provided herein, a building greater than two stories may not project above the Building Line-of-Vision Plane projecting from Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive unless a structure is constructed between the property line and the building soasto block the line-of-visionin which event the building may project above the Building Line-of-Vision Plane. b.Buildings two stories or less may project above the Building Line-of-Vision Plane. c.The Building Line-of-Vision Plane shall commence six feet above the property line of the Property along Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive and project upward and inward into the Property at a 25° angle to said six foot measurement. d.The Building Line-of-Vision Maximum Height is depictedbelow: Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 85 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋЊ 3.Mezzanines. Mezzanines will not be countedasa floor. 4.Parking. The maximum height for all parking structures shall be no higher than the highest adjoining building. 5.Rooftop projections. The following structures may project a maximum of twelve (12) feet above the maximum structure height specified in the district regulations: a.Elevator penthouse or bulkhead. b.Mechanical equipment room. c.Cooling tower. d.Ornamental cupola or dome. e.Skylights. f.Visual screens shall be provided andshall surround roof mounted mechanical equipment. g.Chimney and vent stacks. h.Parapet wall. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 86 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋЋ C.STREETSCAPE STANDARDS. 1.State Highway 114 Frontage Road, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive with Non-Residential Frontage. a.General. State Highway 114 Frontage Road, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive shall comply with the Street Standards set forthin Exhibits and b.Any parking frontage along State Highway 114 and Trophy Club Drive shall be screened by a 3-foot high Street Screen. Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the principal structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of shrubs plantedto be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected from the Planting List in AppendixA. The required Street Screen shall be locatedat the edge of the R-O-W/property line along the corresponding frontage. c.Street Trees. i.Street trees shall be required onall the above streets. ii.Street trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or with the street screen or setback area, but shall be located between the travel lanes and parking/building. iii.Spacing shall be an average of 40 feet on center (measured per blockface) along all streets. iv.Street trees shall be at least three-inch caliper at the time of planting. v.Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than shall increase the required tree spacing toan average of one tree per -of street frontage. vi.Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. d.Parking Zone. i.Each side of the parking drive shall include (i) a Parking Zone for use in head-in, 60 degree or 30 degree angled parking, or (ii) optional parallel or drop-off/valet parking. ii.Parking spaces shall be - wide and- deep. A - overhang from vehicles parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into adjacent Circulation Zone. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 87 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋЌ iii.A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or - of frontage, and shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18feet. e.Circulation Zone. i.The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone andparallel to the Building Line. ii.The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum - wide clear zone dedicated for pedestrian circulation. iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings requiredto mitigate changes in grade may beplaced in the Circulation Zone. iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowedin the Circulation Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 88 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋЍ v.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks andbuildings. f.Supplemental Use Zone. i.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the building). Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 89 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋЎ ii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the Circulation Zone per descriptionin the following of provided a minimum of - wide clear zone is established for pedestrian circulation. iii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for the use of commercial tenants for accessory dining, beer, wine and mixed beverage consumption, beverage sales, service and consumption, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental display andsales. iv.Accessory dining, beer, wine and mixed beverage consumption, beverage sales, service and consumption, and patron waiting shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by planters or decorative fencing as designedby the Owner and/or Tenant. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 90 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋЏ v.The hardscape and landscape usedin the Supplemental Zone shall be consistent with the landscape and hardscape used in the Project. Landscape plants shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. vi.The Owner and/or Tenant are responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. 2.Modification of Zones. a.At the Property discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfiguredso that the Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any use. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as establishedby Ordinance. However, a minimum of - wide clear zone shall be providedfor pedestrian circulation. b.At the Property discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfiguredso the parking area may be used for patron drop-off/pick-upand /or valet service. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 91 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋА 3.Indian Creek Drive with Residential Frontage. a.General. Indian Creek Drive with Urban Residential Frontage shall comply with the Street Standards set forth in herein. b.Street Trees. Street Trees shall be provided along Indian Creek Drive asfollows: i.Street trees shall be required along Indian Creek Drive. ii.Street trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or within the setback area,but shall be located betweenthe travel lanes andbuilding. iii.Spacing shall be an average of 40 feet on center (measured per blockface) along all streets. iv.Street trees shall be at least three-inch caliper at the time of planting. v.Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A vi.Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than shall increase the required spacing of street trees toan average of one tree per -of frontage. c.Parking Zone. i.Each side of the parking drive shall include (i) a Parking Zone for use in head-in, 60 degree or 30 degree angled parking, or (ii) optional parallel or drop-off/valet parking. ii.Parking spaces shall be - wide and- deep. A - overhang from vehicles parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into adjacent Circulation Zone. iii.A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or - of frontage, and shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. One canopy tree min. caliper size at the time of planting) shall be required within each landscaped island. Canopy tree species may be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 92 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋБ d.Circulation Zone. i.The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone andparallel to the Building Line. ii.The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum - wide clear zone dedicated to pedestrian circulation. iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings requiredto mitigate changes in grade may beplaced in the Circulation Zone. iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowedin the Circulation Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 93 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЋВ v.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks andbuildings. e.Supplemental Use Zone: i.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the building). ii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowedto encroach into the Circulation Zone per descriptionin the following of provided a minimum of -wide clear zone is established for pedestrian circulation. iii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for the use of commercial tenants for accessory dining, mixed beverage, beer and wine beverage service, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape,water features, incidental display andsales. iv.Accessory dining, mixed beverage, beer and wine beverage service, and patron waiting shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 94 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌЉ buildings by planters or decorative fencing as designed by the Owner and/or Tenant. v.The hardscape and landscape usedin the Supplemental Zone shall be consistent with the landscape and hardscape used in the Project. Landscape plants shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. vi.The Owner and/or Tenant is responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. f.Modificationof Zones. i.At the Property discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any use. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as establishedby Ordinance. However, a minimum of - wide clear zone shall be providedfor pedestrian circulation. ii.At the Property discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for patron drop-off/pick-up and /or valet service. 4.Secondary Street with Non-Residential Frontage. a.General. Secondary Streets with Non-Residential Frontage shall comply with Exhibits b.Parking Frontage. Any parking frontage along any Type A Drive/Street shall be screened by a 3-foot high Street Screen. Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the principal structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of shrubs planted to be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected from the Planting List in AppendixA. The required Street Screen shall be located to screen the parking lot from the sidewalkalong that frontage. c.Street Trees. Street Trees shall be provided along these streets as follows i.Street trees shall be required along all Secondary streets. ii.Street trees shall be planted within the Circulation area between the parking lane andbuilding. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 95 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌЊ iii.Spacing shall be an average of 40 feet on center (measured per blockface) along all streets. iv.Street trees shall be at least three-inch caliper at the time of planting. v.Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A vi.Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than shall increase the required spacing of street trees to one per - of frontage. d.Parking Zone. i.Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to90-degree or 30- degree -parking spaces and parallel parking. ii.Ninety-degree and 30-degree head-in parking spaces shall be - wide and- deep. A - overhang from vehicles parkedin the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent Circulation Zone. iii.Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of wide and iv.A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or every (a) - of frontage for - parking, or (b) for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. e.Circulation Zone. i.The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone andparallel to the Building Line. ii.The Circulation Zone is dedicatedto allowing pedestrian circulation and shall be a minimum of - wide with a - wide clear pedestrian zone. iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings requiredto mitigate changes in grade may beplaced in the Circulation Zone. iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowedin the Circulation Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 96 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌЋ Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. v.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks andbuildings. vi.Doors for adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone. f.Supplemental Use Zone. i.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the building) as set forth in Exhibits ii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the Circulation Zone per description in accordance with the following of iii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for (a) the use of ground floor commercial tenants for accessory dining, mixed beverage, beer and wine beverage service, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental display and sales, or (b) the use of ground floor residential for hardscape or landscape. iv.If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting hardscaped and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any shared public circulationto adjacent buildings by planters (at sidewalk level or raised) or decorative fencing as designedby the Owner orTenant. v.The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. g.Modificationof Zones. i.At the discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any use. Any revisionto the parking shall meet the required parking count asestablishedby Ordinance. ii.At the Property discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for temporary patron drop-off/pick-up and/or valet service. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 97 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌЌ iii.Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas will follow similar requirements as stipulated above. 5.Secondary Street with Residential Frontage. a.General.Secondary Streets with Residential Frontage shall comply withthe standards set forth herein. b.Parking Frontage. Any parking frontage along any Type A Drive/Street shall be screened by a 3-foot high Street Screen. Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the principal structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of shrubs planted to be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected from the Planting List in AppendixA. The required Street Screen shall be located to screen the parking lot from the sidewalkalong that frontage. c.Street Trees. i.Street Trees shall be provided along these streets as follows: a)Ifparking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one (1) Street Tree shall be provided for every eight (8) contiguous parking spaces or fractionthereof. b)If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, two Street Trees shall be provided for of frontage. c)If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every of frontage. d)For purposes of this Section, parking is not immediately adjacent to the street if a drive aisle is located between the street andparking. e)Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall be located and centered in the Parking Zone landscaped islands. ii.Street trees shall be at least three-inch caliper at the time of planting. iii.Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than shall reduce Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 98 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌЍ the required spacing of landscaping islands to one per ten (10) contiguous parking spaces, or one tree per -of frontage. d.Parking Zone. i.Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to90-degree or 30- degree -parking spaces and parallel parking. ii.Ninety-degree and 30-degree head-in parking spaces shall be - wide and- deep. A - overhang from vehicles parkedin the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent Circulation Zone. iii.Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of wide and iv.A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or every (a) - of frontage for - parking, or (b) for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. e.Circulation Zone. i.The Circulation Zone shall be located adjacent to the Parking Zone andparallel to the frontage. ii.The Circulation Zone is dedicatedto allowing pedestrian circulation. iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings requiredto mitigate changes in grade may beplaced in the Circulation Zone. iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowedin the Circulation Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. v.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks andbuildings. vi.Doors for adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone. vii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the Circulation Zone per description in accordance with the following of Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 99 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌЎ f.Modificationof Zones. i.At the discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation Zones can be rerouted. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as establishedby Ordinance. ii.At the Property discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for patron drop-off/pick-up and /or valet service. iii.Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas will follow similar requirements as stipulated above. 6.Private Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses. a.General.Private Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses shall comply with the standards set forthin Exhibits b.Private Streets or Mews Streets provide public access bypublic right- of-way or public easement. c.Street Trees. Street Trees shall be provided along these streets as follows: i.If parkingis provided immediately adjacent to the street, one (1) Street Tree shall be provided for every eight (8) contiguous parking spaces or fraction thereof. ii.If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every of frontage. iii.If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every of frontage. iv.For purposes of this Section, parking is not immediately adjacent to the street if a drive aisle is located between the street and parking. v.Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall be located and centeredin the Parking Zone landscaped islands. vi.Street trees shall be at least three-inch caliper at the time of planting. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 100 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌЏ d.Parking Zone. i.Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to90-degree or 30- degree -parking spaces and parallel parking. ii.Ninety-degree and 30-degree head-in parking spaces shall be - wide and- deep. A - overhang from vehicles parkedin the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent Circulation Zone. iii.Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of wide and iv.A landscape island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or every (a) - of frontage for - parking, or (b) for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. e.Circulation Zone. i.This zone shall be located immediately adjacent to the Parking Zone andparallel to the frontage. ii.This zone is dedicated to allowing clear, unobstructed pedestrian circulation. iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings requiredto mitigate changes in grade can be placedin this zone. iv.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks andbuildings. v.Doors for adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone. vi.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowedto encroach into the Circulation Zone per descriptionin accordance with the following of vii.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowedin the Circulation Zone provided the required four foot wide clear zone is maintained. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 101 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌА f.Supplemental Use Zone. i.This Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the building) as set forth in Exhibits ii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for (a) the use of ground floor commercial tenants for accessory dining, beer and wine beverage service, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental display and sales, or (b) the use of ground floor residential for hardscape or landscape. iii.If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting hardscaped and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any shared public circulationto adjacent buildings by planters (at sidewalk level or raised) or decorative fencing as designedby the Owner orTenant. iv.The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. g.Modificationof Zones. i.At the discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any use. Any revisionto the parking shall meet the required parking count asestablishedby Ordinance. ii.At the Property discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for patron drop-off/pick-up and /or valet service. iii.Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas will follow similar requirements as stipulated above. 7.Serviceways. a.General. i.Serviceways shall comply with the standards set forth in Exhibit Serviceways shall be consideredas Type Drives for the purposes of this Ordinance. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 102 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌБ ii.Serviceways will be on the property and shall be used for pedestrian circulation between buildings on the same lot, for vehicle access to loading and trash areas, for maintenance and service vehicle access, and for routing of base building and tenant utilities. iii.Serviceways may be within physical separations and setbacks as requiredby building codes betweenuses andbuildings. iv.Private utilities, grease interceptors, vaults, fire mains and other similar features may belocatedin the Serviceways. v.Serviceways which are identifiedby the Fire Department for possible use shall meet Fire Department requirements. vi.Ground level pedestrian circulation and upper level connective bridges between buildings may cross the Serviceways. vii.Service Areas shall not be visible from Indian Creek, Trophy Club Drive andSH114. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 103 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЌВ b.Base Building andTenant Utilities. i.Base building and tenant utilities may be routed under serviceways whenever possible. ii.Base building and tenant utility related equipment, taps, meters, distribution, and similar equipment exposed to view shall be groupedinan ordered fashion on building walls abutting the serviceways. D.DESIGN STANDARDS. 1.Mixed Use. a.General.The following standards shall apply to all Type Drive facades and the SH 114 Frontage Road, and Trophy Club Drive facades. i.Combinations of uses permitted on the Property may be incorporated either vertically within structures or horizontally throughout the Property. Residential uses shall not be allowed on the ground floor except as otherwise provided herein. Mixed-use provisions are intended to address the standards and recommendations for the horizontal adjacency and the vertical mixing of varying uses. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 104 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍЉ ii.Close horizontal adjacency of different uses is permitted for ground floor adjacencies for commercial, office and residential uses as set forth herein. Residential and Commercial occupancies may be located on the same floor of the same Building, but residential uses shall not be located on the ground floor, except as otherwise permitted herein. iii.Close vertical adjacency of different uses is permitted for ground floor commercial and/or office uses with second floor office and/or Urban Residential uses above, and second floor office and/or Urban Residential uses with possible third floor Urban Residential uses. iv.Urban Residential is permitted on the first floor in Buildings B4, B5, and B7, as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, subject to the following: a.the first floor in such buildings is Retail Ready; b.the maximum number of units, in the aggregate on the first floor of Buildings B4, B5, and B7 is 33; c.Such space cannot be used for Urban Residential until 24 months after the issuance of the building permit for such space provided the space is being marketed for retail uses; and, Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 105 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍЊ d.The minimum area in an Urban Residential unit on the first floor is 1,200 square feet. 2.Visual Orientationand Entrance Location for Mixed-Use Development. a.Ground floor commercial, office and residential uses as set forth herein retail,in a mixed-use development shall be visually oriented toward and have their primary entrance oriented toward the street or private drive frontage. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 106 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍЋ b.Upper floor office and Urban Residential uses may use ground floor lobbies placed toward the middle or rear of buildings. These lobbies shall be clearly visible and easily accessed from the street frontages via public access open areas, public circulation paths between the street frontage and structured parking internal to the block, or similar public access patios,courts, or plazas. c.Rear facades of buildings facing Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive shall have a similar level of design and articulation as the front facades of the same respective buildings. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 107 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍЌ d.Visual orientation and entrance location for Mixed-Use Development asset forth in this section shall generally comply withExhibit 3.Uses Allowedon Specific Frontages. a.Buildings fronting on Indian Creek Drive shall be designed to accommodate the following: i.Groundfloor retail,office, commercial, Public Safety Facilities and ii.Second floor and above Urban Residential,office uses, or Public Safety Facilities. AMENDED - LEAVE THE STRIKE THROUGH IN E.NON-RESIDENTIAL/MIXED USE BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES. 1.General. The following standards shall apply to all Type Drive facades and the SH114 Frontage Road, andTrophy Club Drive Facades. a.Building design provisions are intended to address the physical appearance of buildings within the subject area and establish certain common design treatments, thus supporting individual buildings relatedness to adjacent buildings. b.Building design provisions include location relative to street rights-of-way and easements, building materials, general requirements for glazing, shading, and encroachment, building height, screening of equipment, loading, trash, and utilities, exterior lighting, and the vehicular and pedestrian circulation within blocks and between buildings, within the same blockto one another, and public pedestrian andvehicular circulation. c.Visual orientation and entrance location for buildings shall generally comply with the General Requirements for Mixed Use set forth in Section II of this Ordinance. 2.Structured Parking Garages. a.Structured parking garages shall comply with the requirements listed below. b.The facades of parking garages that are visible from Trophy Club Drive, Indian Creek Drive, or from the east boundary line must be of a similar color as the adjacent building. Screening of internal parking garages is not required. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 108 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍЍ 3.Building Locations. a.For each façade of a building facing a street, 25% of the ground floor face shall be constructed within maximum of the Building Line and 50% shall be constructed within of the Building Line. The balance of the ground floor face is unrestricted inits proximity to the Building Line. Area of the building face satisfying these proximity requirements need not be continuous andcan be divided per the building discretion. These proximity requirements are set forthin Exhibits b.Where setbacks from the property line are stipulated in this section, the setbackline shall be understood asthe Building Line. c.Building Façades shall have a change in plane of not less than- every - of frontage or of not less than- every -of frontage at the building discretion. The change in plane shall continue at least - before the Façade returns to its previous position. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 109 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍЎ d.Structured canopies may encroach into Supplemental Use Zones. e.Balconies (not allowed in facades fronting Trophy Club Drive) projecting from the building face, framed canopies, awnings, bay windows, decorative projections, moldings, cornices, trim, and signage may project - into 43 rights-of-way and easements. f.Ground floor arcades (covered walkway) with air-conditioned, enclosed space at the second floor shall be considered as meeting the requirements for percent of building within - or - of rights- of-way andeasements. g.The requirements for percent of building within - or -of right-of-ways and easements shall not apply to structures that have building elements onfacades above the second floor 4.Specific Building Requirements: a.The ground floor shall be defined as the first occupied floor occurring at the typical street frontage, finished sidewalk level, up to the bottom of the second floor. Mezzanines as definedby the building code may be allowed,but do not constitute secondfloors. b.Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, non- residential and non-parking buildings shall have a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 40% of the ground floor façade, up to- above the typical street frontage finished sidewalk level, comprised of windows, storefronts, and/or entrances. This standard shall only apply to all Type Drive facades and the SH 114 Frontage Road, and Trophy Club Drive facades. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 110 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍЏ c.Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, non- residential and non-parking buildings fronting State Highway 114 Frontage Road and Trophy Club Drive, within 400 feet of State Highway 114 frontage road, shall have a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 40% of the ground floor façade, upto - above the typical street frontage finished sidewalk level, comprised of windows, storefronts, and/or entrances. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 111 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍА d.Materials and finishes used for windows, storefronts, entrances, and entrance vestibules shall be at the discretion of the Property Owner and/or Tenants as long as a minimum of 85% of Type Drive facades are finishedin masonry (brick, stone, stucco using the 3 step process, cast stone, or glassblock). e.Variationin the size, shape, and detailing of upper floor windows is permitted. f.Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances,for each building frontage on Indian Creek Drive, secondary streets, and private and mews streets, a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 40% of the ground floor façade, up to- above the typical street frontage finished sidewalk level, comprised onwindows, storefronts, and/or entrances. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 112 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍБ g.EIFS use is limited to top cornices, top parapets and walls, second floor and above if the application is exposed from the top. the EIFS must be hail resistant or protected. h.Roofs may be flat-roofs sloped for drainage. Parapets shall be - minimum higher than the adjacent roof. i.Roof top equipment shall be screened from view from a person standing at any area of the adjoining Circulation Zone of the respective building, and the top of the equipment shall not be higher thanthe top of the parapet. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 113 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЍВ 5.Loading and Trash Zones. a.Each Non-Residential building shall have one loading zone - x - and one dumpster/compactor location - x - This requirement does not apply to Urban Residential, parking, or public access open areas. A grouping of structures may be designated by the Owner or developer to allow one dumpster/compactor locationto accommodate said grouping of structures. b.The loading and trash zones may be groupedat a single building or may be dispersed on the lot at multiple buildings. Loading and trash may be hand-truckedwithin the blockasrequired. c.The loading and trash zones shall not be opento view from Highway 114 frontage road, Trophy Club Drive, or Indian Creek. They may open onto Secondary Streets, Private Streets, or Mews Streets, but in all instances the loading and trash zones shall be fully screened with walls finishedto match orcomplement adjacent buildings and gates. d.The loading and trash zones may be located in buildings, structured parking garages, and any Serviceways. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 114 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎЉ F.URBAN RESIDENTIAL GUIDELINES: 1.General: a.Urban Residential design provisions are intended to address the physical appearance of buildings within the subject area and establish location relative to street right-of-ways and easements, building materials, general requirements for glazing, shading, and encroachment, building height, screening of equipment, loading, trash, and utilities, exterior lighting, and unit densities. b.Visual orientation and entrance location for residential buildings shall comply with the General Requirements for Mixed Use set forth in Section IIof this Ordinance. c.Urban Residential Units may not be located on the ground floor of a building except asfollows: i.Urban Residential Units may be located on the ground floor of a building facing the creek on the east side of the Property; ii.Urban Residential is permitted on the first floor in Buildings B4, B5 and B7, as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, provided the first floor is Retail Ready. iii.Adult Active Living units may be located on the ground floor of the east side of the Property; other locations shall require a SUP. d.Nominimum Open Space per residential unit shall be required. 2.Building Location: a.Building Façades shall have a change in plane of not less than - every - of Façade. The change in plane shall continue at least - before Façade returns to its previous position. b.Balconies projecting from the typical building face, framed canopies, awnings, bay windows, decorative projections, moldings, cornices, trim, and signage may project - maximum into public right- of-ways and public easements. 3.Building Materials: A minimum of 85% of the front facades of residential buildings and residential building facades along Type street or open space shall be finished in masonry (brick, stone, stucco using the 3 step process,cast stone,or glass block). Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 115 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎЊ 4.Urban Residential Specific Requirements: a.Urban Residential buildings may front on Indian Creek Drive or on a pedestrian paseo/open space, but shall not front on State Highway 114 or Trophy Club Drive unless located above the first floor of a Mixed-Use building fronting on Trophy Club Drive. b.Urban Residential facades fronting on Trophy Club Drive shall not have balconies. c.Urban Residential minimum floor areas are asfollows: i.Efficiency unit 600 sf minimum ii.One bedroom unit 800sfminimum iii.Two or more bedroom units 1,000sf minimum. for a two (2) bedroom unit, for each additional bedroom unit beyond two (2), add 200sf per bedroom d.Urban Residential maximum lot coverage is 100%. e.Urban Residential density: two hundred fifty (250) units plus a cumulative total of up to an additional 33 urban residential units are permitted on the first floors of Buildings B4, B5, and B7 provided such additional units are Retail Ready. f.Area A and B shall be simultaneously constructed; provided, however, a Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for a building in Area B prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy, which may include 26,300SF of the building area in Area A. 5.Townhome Residential Requirements: a)Townhome Residential General: i.Townhome Residential shall be single family residential units on individually platted lots. ii.The lots (and the dwelling unit primary pedestrian entry) must front on public street(s), vehicle access drives, pedestrian circulation areas, or public landscaped areas. iii.Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to public streets or vehicle access drives. iv.Accessory buildings shall not be allowed on lots. v.Townhome Residential lots shall be clustered into a maximum of 7 units per cluster separated by pedestrian circulation areas (minimum 15 feet in width) or vehicle access drives (minimum of 35 feet in width - 25 foot drive with 5 foot sidewalks both sides). Clustering must meet all building/fire code requirements. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 116 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎЋ vi.Where Townhome Residential lots are clustered, individual dwelling units shall abut one another, but must contain code compliant fire separation walls as required by the Town building and fire codes, centered on the common lot lines. vii.Each Townhome Residential lot shall be served individually by water, sewer, electric, gas, and other typical utilities. viii.Areas for recreational, open space, and service may be platted into one or more lots. b)Townhome Residential maximum density: the maximum number of Townhome/Townhouse units is 30 units. c)Townhome Residential minimum floor areas are as follows: i.Ground floor 800 sf minimum inclusive of garage parking and covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit. ii.Second floor 800 sf minimum. iii.Third floor not to exceed second floor. iv.Townhome Residential shall not exceed 3 stories. v.Townhome Residential minimum total floor area 1,400 sf. d)Townhome Residential lot size and lot coverage: i.Minimum lot size per dwelling shall be 1200 sf. ii.Minimum lot width per dwelling shall be 20 feet. iii.Minimum lot depth per dwelling shall be 60 feet. iv.Minimum lot coverage per dwelling shall be 60%. v.Maximum lot coverage shall be 80%. e)Townhome Residential Setbacks: i.Front setback 1)Front setback shall be a minimum of10 feet, dedicated to landscaping, hardscaping, and/or driveways. 2)Decorative building elements, canopies, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project up to 6 feet into this setback. 3)No off-street parking or ancillary buildings will be allowed within this setback. ii.Side setback 1)Where Townhome Residential units abut adjacent Townhome Residential units and a code compliant fire Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 117 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎЌ separation wall is provided, there shall be no required side setback. 2)Where Townhome Residential units abut public streets, vehicle access drives, or pedestrian circulation areas, a 10 foot set back shall be required dedicated to landscaping and hardscaping. Decorative building elements may project up to 5 feet into this setback except where limited by building/fire code requirements. 3)No off-street parking or ancillary buildings will be allowed within this setback. iii.Rear setback 1)The minimum rear setback shall be 5 feet. 2)No decorative building elements, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project past the lot line. f)Townhome Residential Design Guidelines: i.Aminimum of 85% of the front, side and rear façade of Townhome Residential shall be finished in masonry (brick, stone, stucco using the 3 step process, cast stone, or glass block). g)Townhome Residential Garage and Parking Requirements: i.Each town home shall have a minimum of a single car garage. ii.Garages must be sized iii.Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to public streets or vehicle access drives. iv.Each Townhome Residential unit requires one (1) guest parking space. The total of guest parking required for clustered Townhome Residential may be accommodated in nearby public street parking or in designated off-street parking areas dispersed throughout the Townhome Residential development. h)Townhome Residential Trash: i.Each dwelling unit shall individually house trash in an area not visible from adjacent units or from public drives and protected from weather and pests. ii.Each dwelling unit shall be allowed to place trash containers designated trash collection days. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 118 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎЍ i) A separate property owners association shall be created for the area developed with Townhomes. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 119 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎЎ j.Structured parking garages may be used for required parking for Urban Residential uses. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 120 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎЏ k.Roof top equipment shall be screened from view from a person standing at the sidewalk abutting and the top of the equipment shall not be higher than the top of the parapet. 6. Loading & Trash Zones for Residential: a.Loading zones are not required for UrbanResidential buildings. b.Either one (1) dumpster location, measuring - x - shall be provided for each Urban Residential building or one (1) compactor location shall be provided for each grouping of six (6) Urban Residential buildings. They shall be accessed and located along serviceways or alleys along the backs of the Urban Residential buildings. G. PARKING GUIDELINES: 1.Street Parking: a.Street parking within- of a proposed use shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements for such use. b.Street parking shall not be assigned or reserved other thanas required for accessible parking. c.Street parking may be deleted where the Property Owner is providing a valetdrop-off/pick-up lane. d.Parking is permitted between the façade of a building fronting on Indian Creek Drive and the right-of-way for Indian Creek Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 121 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎА 2.Surface Parking. Surface parking lots within the development that accommodate 75 or more cars within one contiguous area shall only be permitted with a Special Site Plan (SSP) approval by Town Staff. Applications for anSSP for a Surface Parking lot shall include a phasing plan for development on the site that would be in compliance with the standards in this Ordinance. A Surface Parking lot may be converted into a building site with Site Plan approval atany time. 3.Garaged Parking: a.Garaged parking within - of an associated non-residential use shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements for that use. Garaged parking is consideredto be shared equally by all associated non- residential uses. b.Garaged parking within - of an assigned Urban Residential unit shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements for that Urban Residential unit. c.Above-ground parking garages may be open parking structures and shall have minimum 3-ft. exterior masonry screening walls on all levels. Structured parking garages with open ground floor frontages shall have minimum 3-ft. high landscape screening on the ground floor. Post tensioning cable design shall be prohibited on exterior facing walls, but may be used on interior walls. Parking garages fronting on the SH 114 frontage road shall not have exposed concrete finishes and shall match the architectural standards of the contiguous buildings. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 122 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎБ d.Below grade parking garages may be used for required parking of Urban Residential buildings. e.Disposition of Parking within Garages: i.Within structured garage parking, individual parking spaces or groups of parking spaces may be reserved, assigned, and designated for the use of specific tenants, for the use of Urban Residential parking, for short term parking, or for employee parking. f.Location of Garages Relative to Streets: i.Structured parking garages may have frontages and vehicular access to all streets. ii.Where structured parking garages have ground floor frontages, decorative building components, low walls, or landscaping approximately - high shall be provided as a headlight screen on the ground floor. Solid enclosed walls of structures facing Type streets, shall have exterior masonry walls on the ground floor. All other floors shall have exterior masonry walls, -in height for headlight screening. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 123 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЎВ iii.Parking spaces shall be allowedat sloped garage floors or decks per the Property discretion. iv.The facades of parking garages that are visible from Trophy Club Drive, Indian Creek Drive, or from the east boundary line must be of a similar color as the adjacent building. Screening of internal parking garages is not required. v.The elevated levels of structured parking garages may utilize bridges to provide direct pedestrian circulation from garage levels to Non-Residential andResidential uses asset forth in Exhibits and Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 124 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏЉ 4.Parking Ratios: a.Parking calculations shall be based on enclosed air-conditioned areas only. Non-Residential use areas included in Supplemental Use Zones, exterior waiting, dining, beverage service, vestibules, public seating in Public Access Open Areas, and structured parking garages shall not be included in parking calculations. b.Required Parking Ratios by Use. i.Retail/Restaurant/Office 1 parking space per 275sf of gross floor area ii.Urban Residential one (1) parking space per efficiency unit and one (1) parking space per bedroom iii.Hotel 1 parking space per guest room plus 1 parking space per 275 sf of gross meeting/convention floor area iv.All other uses 1 space per 300 sf of gross floor area. c.Shared parking study: The applicant/property owner may submit a request to the Town Staff for approval of a maximum of 25% reduction of required parking based on an assessment of parking demandby uses proposed at any time. Town Staff will evaluate the proposal based on a parking study of any proposed development, specific demand for the uses proposed, any proposed parking management and/or valet parking. 5.Stacked Parking: Stacked parking is permitted within the Property subject to compliance withthe following standards: a.Stacked Parking shall only be permitted in conjunction with a valet parking plan. b.Each parking space in stacked parking shall be at least 8 feet wide by 18 feet long. c.An area reserved for stacking spaces may not double as a Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 125 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏЊ circulation driveway or maneuvering area. 6.Valet Parking: Valet parking is permitted within the Property. The following standards shall apply: a.A valet parking plan shall be required and submittedto the Town Staff for review and approval. b.A valet parking plan shall require the following information: i.A planof the proposed pickup/drop off area, ii.The number of spaces required. iii.A plan of the proposed area to be used for parking including where stackedparking is to be used; H. SIGNAGE, CLOCK TOWER AND MISCELLANEOUS : 1)Signage: All signs shall comply with the sign regulations except as those regulations are modified herein. In addition to signs permitted by the Zoning Ordinance, the following additional signs and/or revised sign definitions andstandards are permissible: General: for purposes of signage, the entire Property is considered one lot. (a) Monument signs (b) iMonument signs, for the sole purpose of identifying the development only (not tenants) (see picture to the left below) may be located anywhere on the private property side of property lines without setback restrictions, except for vehicular vision triangles asset forth by the Town of Trophy Ordinances. iiMonument signs may be lighted internally or externally and shall comply with all applicable Town ordinances. iiiMaximum number of monument signs: 5. ivMaximum height of monument signs along Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive: with a Maximum effective area of 200square feet per side. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 126 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏЋ Freestanding development identification signs (as shown in the picture to (c) the right above) by Specific Use Permit (SUP) i.Number of signs, location, size, and lighting shall be determined by the SUP. Direction Signs (d) i.Direction signs are to direct the public to various locations within the development such as (but not limited to) retail, office, Urban Residential, hotel,parking lots and structuredparking garages. ii.Direction signs may be freestanding, post mounted, wall mounted, projecting or flat mounted. iii.Where mounted to a vertical support the directional sign size shall not exceed 50 sf andnot exceed -in width. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 127 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏЌ Banners (e) i.Banners may be mounted to a vertical support, building, structured parking garage, street light pole, or may span an internal street of the PDproperty. ii.Banners may display artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to the development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic events. iii.Maximum area: 50 square feet per side. iv.Banner designisat the sole discretionof the Property Owner. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 128 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏЍ Directory Map (f) i.Directory maps shall identify the location of streets, tenants, amenities, service, and features withinthe development. ii.The directory map may be freestanding, post mounted, wall mounted,kiosk mounted, projecting or flat mounted. iii.The directory map shall not exceed 50 sf in size. Architectural Roof Signs (g) i.An architectural signis a sign which may extend above or on top of the roof top or highest point of a building roof line. ii.Architectural Roof Signs are prohibited on frontages along Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. iii.Architectural roof signs shall not exceed 150 sf, or exceed - in height. They shall be limited to two per building/roof. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 129 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏЎ Signage at Sloped Roofs (h) i.Tenant signage may be allowed at sloped roofs and/or parapets to meet signage requirements of the Tenant based upon the building Façade design. ii.Signage shall be installed at the lower leading edge of a sloping roof, canopy, or parapet and not extending above the top edge of the sloping roof material. iii.Roof signage shall not exceed one-third of the height of the sloping roof asseenin true elevation. Projecting Blade and Hanging Signs (i) i.Projecting blade and hanging signs shall be allowed within the limits of the development for the use by Tenants and Property Owner. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 130 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏЏ ii.Projecting blade and hanging signs may project a maximum of - into the public right-of-way or public easement, into any Supplemental Zone, or from the face of any building. Projecting blade signs and hanging signs are to be mounted such that their lowest edge isat least - above the typical finished sidewalk, or the minimum height to meet ADA regulation. iii.Projecting blade andhanging signs shall not exceed 50sf. Murals (j) i.Murals are permitted upon approval of Town Staff. ii.Murals may be painted or attached to the exterior building walls of any structure. iii.Murals may incorporate artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to the development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic events by means easily understood by a general audience. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 131 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏА Wall Signs (k) i.Only one sign and one logo shall be permitted per tenant per street (public andprivate) frontage. ii.The smallest rectangle encompassing all the letters may not exceed 30 inches in height, nor 40 feet in length nor 75% of the length of the frontage of the demised premises. iii.Businesses located on a corner may be permitted one sign oneach frontage. iv.Signage shall be located on the wall surface above the storefront windows andabove the storefront awnings or canopies. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 132 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏБ v.Logos or Business marks, measured separately, may not exceed 30 SF, and may be located on the façade wall or on the business awning over the primary entry. Sign Kiosks (l) i.Freestanding kiosk structures, permanent or temporary, may be placed within public right-of-ways and/or public easements, with the exception of vehicle vision triangles. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 133 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ ЏВ ii.Kiosks are limited in height to- iii.The total allowed signage for each kiosk in public right-of-ways and/or public easements is 40 sf. The allowed gross vertical (not roof) surface area for each kiosk in public right-of-ways and/or public easements is 80 sf. iv.The total allowed signage for each kiosk within the lot limits is 60 sf. The allowed gross vertical (not roof) surface area for each kiosk in public right-of-ways and/or public easements is 120 sf. v.Kiosks may incorporate directional signage, directory maps, public service announcements, artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to the development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic events. vi.Kiosks may incorporate lighting andambient audio. vii.Kiosks installed within the lot limits are not limited in number and may display commercial content. 2)Seasonal decorations. Seasonal decorations are permitted within the Property and may be attached to building elevations. Decorative tree lighting is allowed year round. 3)Existing Clock Tower. The existing clock tower,as shown on the Concept Plan, shall remain in its current location within the Property. A new Clock Tower, of similar size and scale of the existing Clock Tower, shall be allowed to replace the existing Clock Tower. 4)Vendor Kiosks. Vendor kiosks are permitted on the Property subject to the following requirements: r a.Vender kiosks ae intended for pedestrian -only. b.During hours of operation, merchandise display and customer waiting may extend beyond the kiosk enclosure. c.Kiosks are to be located in or immediately adjacent to pedestrian areas with the express intent of providing inviting and convenient casual shopping and service opportunities suitable for anactive pedestrian urbanenvironment. d.Merchandise display and patron waiting areas may be covered by awnings or canopies. Merchandise display and customer waiting area may extend beyond the kiosk enclosure in all directions (this area isto be vacated during non- operating hours). Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 134 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АЉ e.During non-business hours the kiosk and all merchandise isto be fully secured. f.Foodpreparation andsales must meet applicable health ordinances. g.Deliveries to kiosks are to be made during designated times coordinated by the Town Designee. h.Kiosk may not exceed 15 feet in height exclusive of architectural and decorative features. i.Kiosks may not exceed 400 sq. ftin floor area. j.Awnings or canopies, fixed or retractable, may extend in all directions beyond the kiosk enclosure itself with specific extent to be determined on a case-by- case basis by the Development Management. k.Kiosk construction must meet all applicable municipal building and life safety codes and shall be secure after business hours. l.Kiosks may have electrical, gas, water, cable TV/data, and/or telephone service. All utility services are to be routed underground (no overhead wiring/cabling is allowed). m.Permanent signage pertinent to the primary business of the kiosk tenant may be mounted on the kiosk itself. 5)Environmental standards. Development and uses within the Property shall comply with all Town environmental standards including, but not limited to glare, noise, vibration, andodors. 6)Utility Placement and Routing: Utility Services shall be defined as electrical service and distribution, (a) telecommunications, data and cabling, electrical service for street lighting, signal cabling and wiring, proprietary cabling, natural gas service, water, sanitary sewer & storm sewer. Overhead utility lines are prohibited withinthe limits of the development. (b) All utility lines within the limits of the development shall be placed (c) underground from the provider connection into each serviced building and in general conformance withthe location set forth in Exhibit Major provider electrical distribution, natural gas distribution, and water (d) utilities shall be routed below drive paving within public right-of-ways and/or public easements. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 135 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АЊ Private utilities shall be routed through Serviceways and similar (e) Circulation Zones and physical building separations internal to each block. Individual taps, meters, disconnects, and distribution should be locatedin these same areas, groupedin a purposeful and planned manner, easily accessed for reading and service, but visually screened into alcoves, fenced enclosures,or similar areas. (I)LIGHTING. 1)Exterior lighting shall be architecturally integrated with the style, material, andcolor. 2)Lighting intensities shall be controlled to ensure that excessive light spillage and glare are not directed toward neighboring areas and motorists. 3)Pedestrian level lighting of building entrance-ways shall be provided. 4)Illuminations of portions of buildings, direct or indirect, may be used for safety or aesthetic results. 5)Lighting shall not exceed zero foot candles atproperty line PROCEDURES: III. A)Summary of the Process: PD Standards. 1)Development of the Property shall comply with the standards set forthin this Ordinance and with all other Town regulations not otherwise in conflict with these planned development regulations. Concept Plan. 2)Development of the Property shall generally comply with the Concept Plan attached hereto, including all modifications as authorized and approvedby this Ordinance. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 136 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АЋ Preliminary Site Plan. 3)Development of the Property shall generally comply with the Preliminary Site Plan attachedas Exhibit The Preliminary Site Plan is subject to change with staff approval after design charette process. Town Staff shall approve a modified Preliminary Site Plan ifit complies with the standards set forthin the planneddevelopment district. Site Plan and Façade Plans. 4)Applicant shall submit a Site Plan and Façade plans for each phase of development to Town Staff for approval. Development of the Property shall comply with the Site Plan and Façade plans approved by the Staff as set forth herein. Phasing. 5)Each phase of development shall comply with steps 3 and 4 of this Section III. A. B)Concept Plan . a)Informationto be provided on the Concept Plan shall comply with the standards set forthin this Ordinance and all other applicable Town Ordinances and shall include: i.the general locationfor proposed land uses; ii.delineation of all undeveloped open areas except for required yards, landscaped areas, areas unobstructed to the sky, and open recreation facilities suchastennis courts and swimming pools; iii.indication of maximum heights for all structures in feet and stories; iv.location of all proposedscreening betweenthe site andadjacent property; v.location of minimum building setbacks along the site boundaries, on dedicated streets; vi.approximate location of major access points and rights-of-way to be dedicated to the Town; and vii.indication of eachphase of development if separate phases are proposed. b)There shall be no expirationdate for anapproved Concept Plan. C)Modified Preliminary Site Plan. 1)A request for a modified Preliminary Site Plan shall be submitted and may be approvedby TownStaff asset forth herein. 2)Modified Preliminary Site Plans shall contain the following information: (a)Delineation of the Property; (b)Proposed public rights-of-way; Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 137 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АЌ (c)Proposed uses; (d)General building footprints, and locations of vehicle and pedestrian ingress andegress; (e)Total number of dwelling units proposed; (f)General locationof parking; (g)General location of parks and open space with the general locations of existing tree clusters; and, 3)Process: (a)The Applicant shall submit the Modified Preliminary Site Plan and general façade standards to the Town Staff. (b)The Town Staff shall review the documents. If Town Staff determines that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan complies with the Concept Plan and the provisions of this planned development district, Town Staff shall approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan. If the Modified Preliminary Site Plan does not comply with this Ordinance, Town Staff shall specify the deficiencies. (c)Town Staff shall return one copy of the Modified Preliminary Site Plan to the Applicant with review comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any non-compliance with prevailing standards of health, safety, welfare, or infrastructure standards of the Town. (d)Town Staff shall review the re-submittal and respond whether all deviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. Should Town Staff determine that the re-submittal complies with this Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan or repeat the notice of noncompliance set forth above. (e)The Applicant may appeal any Town Staff decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission which shall review the Modified Preliminary Site Plan and make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the Commission determines that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan and the provisions of this planned development district. The Town Council shall review the Modified Preliminary Site Plan and the recommendationof the Commission, and upon making a determination that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan and the provisions of this planned development district Town Council shall approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan. No public hearing or landowner notification shall be required for the appeal process authorized by this subsection. (f)There shall be no expiration date for an approved Modified Preliminary Site Plan. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 138 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АЍ D)Site Plan: 1)Prior to the issuance of a building permit application for a building to be constructed on the Property, a Site Plan shall be approvedas set forth herein. 2)Site Plans shall contain the following information: (a)Metes and Bounds of Site Plan area; (b)Proposed Lot lines; (c)Proposed Public Rights-of-way with curbing, sidewalk, street tree locations and parking space indicated. The drawing shall also show the location of existing or proposed traffic signals, location of existing or proposed median cuts, acceleration/deceleration lanes, and turn lanes with traffic control signage and a description of special paver treatment ifproposed. (d)Proposed uses. (e)Building footprints, gross area in square feet per floor and cumulative area of all floors, number of floors above and below grade, and proposed uses for each floor, and all locations of vehicle and pedestrian ingress and egress to all proposed blocks and buildings and parking areas. (f)Total number of dwelling units proposed and the square footage of each of the proposeddwelling units. (g)Parking: On-street parking shown with parking counts, surface parking shown with parking counts, garage parking shown with parking counts. Parking Counts shall be shown by block andin total and the parking demand shall be shownby block andin total. For purposes of calculating parking,the entire property shall be considered one lot. (h)Parks, Open Space and trails shall be shown with calculation of areas to confirm compliance with these regulations. Landscape plans are not required, but the Site Plan shall show the approximate number of proposed trees to be planted and general locations of existing tree clusters, providing average size andnumber and indication of species. (i)Proposed andexisting grading contour lines. (j)Dumpster locations and proposed screening devices. (k)Location, size and lighting of Project Identification Sign(s), Monument Sign(s), Kiosks in public or other major feature readily visible from viewpoints off-site. 3)Process: (a)The Applicant shall submit the required number of copies of the Site Plan to the Town Staff. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 139 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АЎ (b)Town Staff shall review the documents to determine if they comply with the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of this planned development district. If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan complies with the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of this planned development district, Town Staff shall approve the Site Plan. If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan does not comply with this Ordinance, TownStaff shall specify the deficiencies. (c)Town Staff shall return one copy of the Site Plan to the Applicant with review comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any non-compliance with prevailing standards of health, safety, welfare, or infrastructure standards of the Town. (d)Town Staff shall review the re-submittal and respond whether all deviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. Should Town Staff determine that the re-submittal complies with this Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Site Plan or repeat the notice of noncompliance set forthabove. (e)The Applicant may appeal any Town Staff decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission which shall review the Site Plan and make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the Commission determines that the Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan, and the provisions of this planned development district. The Town Council shall review the Site Plan and the recommendation of the Commission, and upon making a determination that the Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of this planned development district, Town Council shall approve the Site Plan. Nopublic hearing or landowner notification shall be required for the appeal process authorized in this subsection. (f)There shall be no expiration date for an approved Modified Preliminary Site Plan. E)Facade Elevations: 1)Development of the Property shall comply with Façade Elevations which substantially comply with the standards set forth herein and with all other Town regulations not otherwise in conflict with these planned development regulations. Façade Elevations are requiredto be submitted byan owner, developer or subdivider and reviewed and approvedby the Town Staff prior to the issuance of a building permit. Façade Elevations may be submitted individually for separate buildings rather than for all structures to be constructedon the Property. 2)Submittal requirements for Façade Elevations shall include: (a)Data block including project name, legal description (Town, county, state, survey and abstract, subdivision, lot and block, existing and proposed zoning, overlay districts), gross acreage, drawing title, drawing Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 140 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АЏ scale, preparation/revision and submission dates, contact information (name, address, phone, and email) of the property owner, architect, engineer, surveyor, and landscape architect. (b)Elevations of every side of every building shown on the Site Plan, drawn at a scale sufficient to depict building detail. Small scale drawings may be supplemented with large scale portions of the building façade. (c)Location plan keying the drawings of the elevations to their location within the site plan and the extent of the proposed façade on each building. (d)Identification and tabulation of ground floor areas relative to residential or non-residential uses. (e)Identification and area tabulation of material finishes, including areas of glass, masonry, and EIFS. Tabulation does not include sloping roof surfaces. (f)Windows, window and door jamb, sill and head dimensions, balconies, balcony rail details, finishes, and parapets. (g)Roof in elevation or plan, as appropriate, with slopes and material identifications. (h)Identification anddimension of floor levels. (i)Vertical property lines through buildings where applicable. 3)Process: (a)The Façade Elevation submittal shall be reviewedby Town Staff for compliance to designrequirements cited in this Ordinance. (b)Town Staff shall review the submittal and respond whether the Facade Elevations meet the standards set forthby this Ordinance or shall specify the deficiencies. Should Town Staff determine that the submittal complies with this Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Facade Elevations, the submittal shall be so noted "Approved", with copies retainedby Town Staff for Town records, and one (1) copy returned eachto the Property Owner and Designer. Once the Facade Elevations has been reviewed and approved, then the Applicant may apply for a building permit. (c)Should Town Staff identify items that are not compliant, one copy of the Façade Elevations shall be returned to the Property Owner with review comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any non-compliance withprevailing codes or Ordinances. (d)Town Staff shall review the re-submittal and respond whether all deviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. Should Town Staff determine that the re-submittal complies with this Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Facade Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 141 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АА Elevations, the re-submittal shall be so noted "Approved", with copies retained byTown Staff for Town records, and one (1) copy returnedeach to the Property Owner and Designer. (e)The Applicant may appeal any decision of Town Staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the Commission determines that the Facade Elevations conform to the Site Plan and the provisions of this planned development district. The Town Council shall review the Façade Elevations and the recommendation of the Commission, and upon making a determination that, the Facade Elevations conform to the Site Plan and the provisions of this planned development district, the Council shall approve the Façade Elevations. (f)Once the Site Plan and Facade Elevations have been approved, Construction Documents and Specifications may be reviewed for building permit in accordance with the Town's Building Code. (g)There shall be no expiration date for an approved Facade Elevation, other than the specified expiration periods that apply to all Preliminary Plats andFinal Plats. F)Process for Minor Modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan, Site Plan orFacade Elevations: 1)Minor modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan, Site Plan or Façade Elevations including, but not limited to components, colors, locations, extent, number, size, area, and detailing, may be approved administratively by Town Staff, provided, however that Town Staff may not approve any one or more of the following : (a)A requested land use that isnot expressly allowed under this planned development district; (b)A proposed modification that increases maximum densities permitted under this planneddevelopment; (c)A proposed modification that increases maximum heights permitted under this planneddevelopment; and/or, (d)A proposed modification that changes required parking count except as otherwise specifically provided for in this ordinance. 2)Changes to accommodate the requirements of a Tenant may be considered a minor modification provided the changes comply with this Ordinance and all applicable codes andOrdinances. 3)Minor modifications as described above shall be incorporated into the construction documents prepared for building permits, and consideredto comply with the approved Site Plan andFacade Elevations reviews andapprovals. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 142 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit B ağƩĭŷ ЌͲ ЋЉЊЍ tğŭĻ ΋ АБ 4)The Applicant may appeal any decision of the Town Staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the Commission determines that the proposed modification satisfies the standards set forth in this ordinance. The Town Council shall approve the proposed modificationif the Council determines that the modification satisfies the standards set forthin this ordinance. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 143 of 180March 10, 2016 March 201610, Exhibit C 144 180of Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Subject Property Location Map Exhibit D 180 of 145 Page 4 1 Town of Westlake 1 H S Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Zoning Map Exhibit D 180 of 146 Page Town of Westlake Subject Property Town Boundary Trophy Club Commission Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-131-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of the Site Plan for the new Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility located at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-16-036. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingapprovaloftheSitePlanforthenewTownHallandCriminalJusticefacility located at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-16-036. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 147 of 180March 10, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission March 10, 2016 SP-15-036: Site PlanApproval for New Town Hall One Trophy Wood Drive SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of the Site Plan for the new Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility located at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-16-036 REQUEST: The Town of Trophy Clubis requesting approval of the site plan package for the new Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility to be constructed at One Trophy Wood Drive. CURRENT CONDITIONS AND ZONING: The subject property contains 5.596 acres, is platted and undeveloped. The current zoning of the property is GU-Government Use. DEVELOPMENT DETAILS: The proposed development includes a single building, which will be 24,860 square feet in size and contain 136parking spaces. The building will be a single storystructure with the exterior wall composed of brick and stone. The plans submitted include the following: Site Plan Landscape Plan Photometric Plan Building Elevations Conceptual Sign Exhibits The plans meet the requirements of the Code of Ordinances and the GU zoning district with the following exception: The Code of Ordinances requires a minimum eight (8) foot masonry wall to be constructed between non-residential uses and residential uses. Therefore, said wall is required to be constructed along the northern property line adjacent to existing single family homes. The required wall is not shown on the plans. Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 148 of 180March 10, 2016 An existing six foot wood fence with masonry columns is located along said property line. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : With exception of the screening wall requirement, the proposed development complies with the GU zoning and Code of Ordinances requirements. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Site Plan and other Plans Exhibit “B”– Location and Zoning Map Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 149 of 180March 10, 2016 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 150 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 151 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 152 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Architectural Lighting Alliance 101 Turtle Creek Blvd. Dallas TX 75207O 214-658-9000 | F 214-658-9002 www.alatx.com 2016 Units Ballast Facto 10, FcFcFcFc 1.0001.0001.0001.000 Calc. Height (Ft.) March Total Input Watts K C 0000 A B 182 916980 T E S Total Lumen Output Calculation Grid Location . Calculation Summary G D FRONT WALKWAY BACK WALKWAY L SECURED LOT B 1112322246 70162927 E PARKING D I S 5 1 ' MH: 25 . . SA .41.1 . D E MH: 25 G E N SA N MH: 25 R I A SB UL K DSX0 LED 40C 700 40K T4M MVOLTDSX0 LED 40C 700 40K T4M MVOLT C R MH: 25 E Manufacturer / Catalog Number EA SA R I CSXW LED 30C 700 40K T4M S P MH: 25 R. SB U . T U OW1316 F Qty ENARIF 9365 .. Luminaire Schedule MH: 25 R MH: 25 SA E Type SB F SASB F WR MH: 12 Symbol W MH: 12 U E W B P A MH: 25 C Exhibit A S SA MH: 12 180 of W D 16-02-03 Page 1 of 1 A 153 N L ' 0 4 Page K C A Y MH: 25 & B MH: 25 MH: 12 SA T T SA W L E E S L F . D G A A S L B H MH: 7 E R MH: 7 C N R D MH: 7 I ' W L I R S 5 O MH: 12 B 1 T WMH: 7 U MH: 7R MH: 25 P R SA E A N E L R I MH: 12 F 1,531 S.F. 1.41.0 11,143 S.F. W nufacture. D R A Y 5. Sylvania lamp data used unless otherwise noted. LED luminaire uses integrated photometric lamp data, which is provided by ma N T O R F 5 ' 4 MH: 25 SA 0.40.4 4. Luminaire description do not necessarily reflect specification model number. Contact salesperson for verification. K C A 6. Lighting power density is calculated based on estimated ballast/driver energy consumption. Engineer to verify. 0.3 B T E S G . D L B N T O R F 3 ' 0 Commission Zoning and Planning 1. Surface reflectances: Vertical/Horizontal - 50/20. FILE: 160203_TROPHYCLUBSITE_V2 2. Calculation values shown at grade. PROJECT: TROPHY CLUB SITE SALESPERSON: JIM MORROW 3. Mounting heights: As shown. CALC BY:JM SCALE:1:40 Notes: 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 154 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 155 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 156 Page Commission Zoning and Planning City of Southlake Property Subject 2016 10, March Location Map Exhibit B 180 of 157 Page Commission Zoning and 1 A 1 Planning 4 A 4 2016 10, March Property Subject U G Zoning Map Exhibit B 180 of 158 Page 1 A 1 4 A 4 Commission Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-132-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request by the Trophy Club Women's Club for a Temporary Use Permit - Special Privilege Request to allow two community garage sales in calendar year 2016, Case TUP-16-007. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequestbytheTrophyClubWomen'sClubforaTemporaryUsePermit- Special Privilege Request to allow two community garage sales in calendar year 2016, Case TUP-16-007. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 159 of 180March 10, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission March 10, 2016 TUP-16-007: Temporary Use Permit for Town Wide Garage Sale SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendationregarding a request from Trophy Club Women’s Club for a Temporary Use Permit - Special Privilege Request to allow two community garage sales in calendar year 2016. EXPLANATION: The applicant, Trophy Club Women’s Club, is requesting permission to hold two community-wide garage sales events in Trophy Clubin calendar year 2016. The Women’s Club submitted a “Temporary Use Application” and was given to the Community Development Department for placement on a P&Z and Council agenda for consideration of a “Special Privilege” request. The Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances provides the following requirements for community garage sales by a Temporary Use Permit: Chapter 13-Zoning, Section 5.01-Temporary Uses E. Community Garage Sale by Special Privilege: Upon approval by the Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning commission, a community garage sale shall be permitted by Special Privilege to civic organizations or non-profit organizations. Such events shall not occur more than twice annually; and each event shall be one day in duration. Approval of said Special Privilege shall be condition to prior approval of operations of the event and the proposed locations of the garage sale sites by the Town Department of Public Safety. The Spring garage sales event will be held on Saturday, April 30, 2016and the Fall garage sales event will occur on Saturday, October 1, 2016. No alternate rain dates have been planned or requested. The Trophy Club Women’s Club is requesting that the event be allowed from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for the above mentioned dates. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends approval as requested, with any operational conditions of approval as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Town Council. Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 160 of 180March 10, 2016 Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Event Request from Trophy Club Women’s Club Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 161 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Trophy Club Women’s Club Garage Sale Chair Susan Mills 2630 Kingsford Ln. Trophy Club, TX 76262 neilsuzanne@att.net 281-543-1587 Ron Ruthven Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Friday January 28, 2016 Dear Mr. Ruthven: The Trophy Club Women’s Club (TCWC) would like to acknowledge and accept the dates provide by the town for the TCWC 2 garage sale dates, set for the 2016 year. Saturday, April 30, 2016 as well as Saturday, October 1, 2016 We fully understand that these dates are rain or shine and cannot be moved to another time/date. We appreciate your time and patience in working with us, as we try to raise more scholarship money. Please let me know should you have questions or concerns regarding the set dates for the garage sale in 2016. Regards, Susan Mills Susan mills Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 162 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-133-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to install an electronic message board within an existing monument sign located at 101 Trophy Club Drive, Fellowship United Methodist Church, being located in the NS-Neighborhood Services zoning district, Case ME-16-002. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Discussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoinstallanelectronicmessageboardwithinanexistingmonument signlocatedat101TrophyClubDrive,FellowshipUnitedMethodistChurch,beinglocatedintheNS-Neighborhood Services zoning district, Case ME-16-002. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 163 of 180March 10, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission March 10, 2016 Special Sign Request: Electronic Sign for Fellowship United Methodist Church 101 Trophy Club Drive SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for an electronic sign located at 101 Trophy Club Drive,Fellowship United Methodist Church,and being located in the NS-Neighborhood Serviceszoning district. EXPLANATION: Legacy Signs of Texas, on behalf of Fellowship United Methodist Church, is requesting approval of an electronic sign to be placed within an existing monument sign for the church located at 101 Trophy Club Drive. Section 4.03(F)of the Sign Regulations in the Town’s Code of Ordinances requires any installation of an electronic sign to obtain the approval of the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The states specifically: F. Changeable Electronic Variable Message SignCEVMS) or Electronic Message ( Board Signs: For CEVMS or Signs with Electronic Message Boards, other than Billboard Signs, the approval of Town Council upon recommendation of the Town Planning and Zoning Commission is required to convert any existing sign into or to construct any new sign as a CEVMS or to construct any existing sign into or to convert anynew sign into a sign with an Electronic Message Board. Furthermore, the table in Section 4.09(C) of the regulations caps the maximum area of an electronic at 50 square feet with a maximum height of four feet. The following are the definitions for this type of sign in the regulations: Changeable Electronic Variable Message Sign (CEVMS) Definition: A sign which permits light to be turned on or off intermittently or which is operated in a way whereby Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 164 of 180March 10, 2016 light is turned on or off intermittently, including any illuminated sign on which such illumination is not kept stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use, including light emitting diode (LED) or Electronic Message Board or digital sign, and which varies in intensity or color. A CEVMS does not include a sign located within the right-of-way that functions as a traffic control device and that is described and identified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended. Electronic Message Board Definition: A sign with a fixed or changing display/message composed of a series of lights that may be changed through electronic means. Signs whose alphabetic, pictographic, or symbolic informational content can be changed or altered on a fixed display screen composed of electrically illuminated segments. The term includes a Programmed Electronic Display. Given these definitions, an electronic sign may change messages and scroll messages with no restrictions on animations as well. However, the sign cannot flash and cannot create a safety hazard to passing vehicle traffic. SIGN DETAILS: The electronic message board proposed by the applicant wouldreplace an existing non- electronic message sign. The new electronic sign wouldbe 4’1” in height and 8’ wide with a total area of 32 square feet and would be placed within the existing monument sign below a new 2’ x 8’ marquee, which is composed of vinyl and is not electronic. The existing sign does not contain the required masonrybase for a monument sign. The applicant intends to add a masonry base to the sign that will match the existing columns. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION: The sign regulations in the Code of Ordinances require any electronic sign to be approved by the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Other than the electronic sign request, the other elements of the sign, as proposed, comply with the sign regulations in the Code of Ordinances. Approval of the electronic sign request is at the complete discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission’s options regarding action of this request are as follows: 1. Recommend approval of the request as submitted; 2. Recommend approval of the request with additional condition(s); 3. Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose; 4. Recommend denial of the request. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Application and Exhibits Provided by Applicant Exhibit “B” –Staff Exhibits and Location Maps Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 165 of 180March 10, 2016 Exhibit A Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 166 of 180March 10, 2016 2016 10, March Exhibit A 180 of 167 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Property Subject Location Map Exhibit B 180 of 168 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Sign Location Exhibit B 180 of 169 Page Location Sign Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 10, March Existing Sign Exhibit Exhibit B 180 of 170 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-134-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:3/4/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:3/10/2016 Final action: Title:Town Planner updates: Discussion of Comprehensive Plan update. Attachments:Final TC Comp Plan RFQ.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Town Planner updates: Discussion of Comprehensive Plan update. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 171 of 180March 10, 2016 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONSFOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SERVICES TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 172 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 2 of 9 RFQ – COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SERVICES INTRODUCTION: The Town of Trophy Club is requesting submission of qualifications from any and all parties wishing to be considered for consulting services related to creating a new comprehensive plan. The current Comprehensive Land Use Plan was created in 1997.Since then the Town has doubled in population and is nearing complete build- out. ABOUT THE COMMUNITY: Trophy Club is a master planned community and wasoriginally developed in 1973and incorporated in 1985. The Town contains 4.1 square miles with a total population of approximately 13,000with completebuildout projected no later than 2020. Trophy Club’s unique history helped shape the town into the beautiful, safe, well-maintained community oasis that it is today. Over the years Trophy Club has developed from a small, golf-centric, rural getaway for Dallas executives and retirees into a premiere North Texas residential community. As the first master planned community in Texas, Trophy Club features over 1,000 acres of parks, 36 holes of golf winding through neighborhoods and environmentally secure woodlands, an efficient local government and so much more. Much of the town’s appeal is the wide range of home choices and resident participation in community activities, schools, churches, clubs, organizations and town advisory groups. Trophy Club employs the Council-Manager form of government with an elected mayor and six-member Council. The town incorporated in 1985 when the Westlake Town Council agreed to release 2,555 acres from its ETJ in order for Trophy Club residents to gain more control over the zoning and development within the town. Careful planning is integral to Trophy Club development and plans are closely reviewed to ensure that the growth of the community maintains the neighborhood atmosphere that residents have come to treasure. In 2010 Trophy Club celebrated 25 years of incorporation and much of the town’s successes come from the residents who dedicated time, expertise and Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 173 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 3 of 9 financial support toward making Trophy Club A Great Place to Call Home. A high standard of living has become central to the Trophy Club culture. Several parks in town offer a range of amenities and activities, including play grounds, tennis courts, basketball courts, exercise equipment, paved trails, geocaching, disc golf, nature trails, a dog park, athletic fields and more. The strategic location of the town places Trophy Club at the center of a major growth area in the DFW Metroplex. Located on the State Highway (SH) 114 corridor near Southlake, Westlake and Roanoke, Trophy Club’s close proximity to both the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and Alliance Airport will continue to be a major factor in town growthand redevelopment. PLAN ELEMENTS: As Trophy Clubapproaches buildout, the issues facing the community are: Ageing infrastructure, partially managed and maintained by a separately managed municipal utility district; Redevelopment and rehabilitation of older residential properties; Redevelopment of key older residential properties to commercial uses; Outdated development codes originally written 20+ years ago to accommodate new growth and development; Limited and disjointed pedestrian mobility; Abandoned gas well sites. The future ofthe 36 hole golf course and country club around which the Town is developed. Given these issues, the new plan should focus on the Town’s future from the perspectiveof a new post build-out period where the focus is shifted from quality growth to maximization of the maintenance of community’s high quality of life through quality redevelopment, pristine parks and open spaces, and strategically utilized commercial spaces. GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK: The following are the specific focus areas to be included in the comprehensive plan: Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 174 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 4 of 9 Townwide: Goals, Objectives and Policy Statements Future Land Use Redevelopment Transportation Neighborhood Integrity Infrastructure and Long Range Capital Improvements Pedestrian Mobility (primarily sidewalks and trails) Parks, Open Space and Environment Economic Development Codes: Review and recommendation on updating development codes to reflect current community preferences and development trends. Trophy Club Vision 2030 Plan: Calibrate goals and objectives from the Trophy Club Vision 2030 plan and the new planand build a strategic implementation framework for the plan that can be easily mapped to the Town’s budget planning process. Meetings and Public Engagement: The following are general expectations for the meetings and a public engagement process. The selected consultant shall also provide recommendations for this process. The final framework and process will be finalized pending negotiation of the final contract: 1.Initial meeting with Townstaff to review theproject schedule, schedule meetings and being the process of data acquisition. 2.In coordination with Townstaff, conduct akick-off workshop with the TownCouncil and the Planning &Zoning Commission. The purpose of this meeting would be to introduce the consultant team, obtain input and guidance as it relates to the Comprehensive Plan input process. Direction will be needed on the creation of a stakeholder committee(s), focus groups, town hall meetings and other engagement options. 3.Public participation process program that may include the following: Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 175 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 5 of 9 One stop information and engagement comprehensive plan web page; Focus group meetings; Townwide public workshops; An online survey and other virtual engagement tools including but not limited to interactive GIS, visual preference surveys and citizen participation web sites; Charettes for master planning of specific geographic areas. Survey of school age children on their vision of theTown’s future. 4.Final development of vision, goals and objectives based on Town Council and public input and community desires. This step may also include recommendations and a template for plan implementation that includes utilizing the Town’s strategic management plan and the capital improvements plan. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The project is expected to commence no later thanJune 2016and to conclude approximately 18 months thereafter. Any firm wishing to be considered for providing the services described in this RFQ shall submit 15 bound copies of their submittal along with the following information to: Ron Ruthven, AICP Town Planner Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Phone: (682)831-4681 Email: rruthven@trophyclub.org Statements of Qualification should include, but not be limited to, information on the following evaluation criteria: Specific Requirements. At a minimum, each submission must be arranged according to the following outline: 1.Title Sheet: The title sheet must provide the name(s) of the Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 176 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 6 of 9 team submitting with the name of the primary contact clearly identified. 2.Cover Letter: The cover letter must indicate the composition of the entire team including the Principal in Charge, Project Manager and support team. 3.Table of Contents 4.Background Information for Each Firm Included on the Team. Summarize for each firm its background and focus. List and describe the principals of each firm, their length of association and general background. Provide a list of current active projects, including the name, type of project, location, firm's role in the project and status of the project. 5.Relevant Experience of Firms Comprising the Team: For each firm list three to five (3 to 5) examples of planning/design projects comparable in scale, program, process, component parts and function to this project. 6.Planned as well as completed projects are eligible. Include drawings, photographs or published materials to illustrate the nature and scope of each example project. For all projects listed as relevant experience, include the following: Location; Client; Date of project involvement; Project description including illustrative materials and a written description of why this example is relevant to this master planning project; Probable Cost and scope of the project; Specific services performed by the firm. If the firm submitting this responsewas not the principal firm in charge of the example project, indicate the principal firm; 7.Team Composition: For each firm included in the team provide names, titles and qualifications of individuals who will be assigned to the project. This section of the responseshould include descriptions of the respective roles that will be played by team members. Discuss the experiences of team members on Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 177 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 7 of 9 the example projects referred to above. A resume (no more than one-page in length) should be included forkey team members in an addendum to theresponse. 8.Professional References: List a minimum of three (3) references for each firm. List references for the example projects. For each reference list the contact's name, address, phone number and relationship to the firm. 9.Statement of Philosophy and Project Understanding: Provide a concise statement (one page) outlining the philosophy of the team in approaching projects of this nature and the team's grasp of issues and goals to address in the study. CRITERIAFOR CONSIDERATION OF QUALIFICATIONS: The following factors will be used in evaluating Consultant's qualifications: 1.Technical Approach/Understanding of comprehensive planning for a unique, affluent suburban community that is at build-out; 2.Experience andknowledge in developing similar plans by consultant personnel who will be directly involved with the project; 3.Ability to complete the plan within the given timeframe; 4.Ability to maintain communication on plan development; 5.Ability to involve partners and stakeholders in the planning process; 6.The ability of the firm to perform the proposed work; 7.References. SELECTION PROCESS: A selection committee will review statements of qualification. The following timeframe has been established: February, 2016 -RFQ distributed. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 178 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 8 of 9 April 15, 2016 -12 noon Completed RFQ due to Town May, 2016 - Selection Committee to review submittals May, 2016 – Consultant selected. Contract negotiations begin June,2016 - TownCouncil Approval of Contract for Comprehensive Planning Services June, 2016 -Finalize Project Timeline\\Commence Project December, 2017 –Estimated Project Completion CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS: The Townexpects to select a consulting firm from the qualifications submitted, but reserves the right to request substitutions of firms. The Townalso reserves the right to reject any or all responses to the RFQ, to advertise for new responses, or to accept any response deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A response to this RFQ should not be construed as a contract or an indication of a commitment of any kind on the part of the Town, nor does it commit either to pay for costs incurred in the submission of a response to this request or for any cost incurred prior to the execution of a final contract. Uponselection a Professional ServiceContractshallbeprepared negotiated and fully executed before work is initiated. The Town reserves the right to dismiss any part or all of the contracted team when, in the Town's opinion, the project is not moving as scheduled or is hindered in any way by the actions or personalities of team members. DEADLINE FOR RESPONSES: All statements of qualification and interest,and associated submittal materials, must be submitted no later than 12 noon, Friday, April 15, 2016in order to be considered. Teams of two or more consulting firms are acceptable. Teams composed of two or more firms should combine their statements into one package. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 179 of 180March 10, 2016 Trophy ClubComprehensive Plan Requests for Qualifications Page 9 of 9 CORRESPONDENCE: All questions and general correspondence should be sent to the following: Ron Ruthven, AICP Town Planner Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Phone: (682)831-4681 Email: rruthven@trophyclub.org Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 180 of 180March 10, 2016