PRO 2016-08TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS PROCLAMATION NO. 2016-08 A PROCLAMATION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE DAY OF MAY 20, 2016 AS KAREN RUE DAY IN THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Karen Rue led a district -wide 'future -ready' philosophy shift in keeping with Northwest ISD's vision to be "the best and most sought-after school district where every student is future ready: ready for college, ready for the global workplace, and ready for personal success;" and WHEREAS, Understanding the importance of preparing today's students for tomorrow's future, Dr. Rue implemented district -wide initiatives to help strengthen student engagement, deepen student learning, and open doors for innovation, creativity, and experiential learning. This work included a focus on defined expectations, problem -based learning, and the opening of eight in-depth career academies and the development of the Outdoor Learning Center; and WHEREAS, Karen guided the advancement of classrooms as digital learning environments, including the implementation of the one-to-one digital device initiative, student technology showcase, and student e -Portfolios; and WHEREAS, Karen led the development of the Community -Based Accountability system, a local standard to help assess student learning and share a more comprehensive story of the district. Measures of success focus on four community values (Academic Preparation and College Readiness; Personal Growth and Success; Citizenship and Community Service; and Student, Parent, Community, and Staff Participation); and WHEREAS, Karen provided leadership in planning for the fast -growth school district. During her tenure, Northwest ISD experienced an increase of more than 13,000 students; and WHEREAS, To accommodate for the rapid increase in student enrollment, she assisted in the recommendation and passage of three bond elections ($224.5 million in 2005, $260 million in 2008, and $255 million in 2012) and the opening of 15 new schools (10 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and Byron Nelson, James M. Steele Accelerated, and V.R. Eaton high schools); and WHEREAS, With a focus on future -ready students, Karen Rue helped initiate a transformational shift in education to encourage innovation, creativity, and more meaningful assessment and accountability measures. Her efforts have included participation and leadership in the Visioning Institute, Texas High Performance Schools Consortium, and North Texas Regional Consortium; and WHEREAS, Karen is an advocate for public education and the students of Northwest ISD; and completed 11 years of service in Northwest ISD and 37 years of service in Public Education. NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR C. NICK SANDERS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM MAY 20, 2016 AS: KAREN RUE DAY PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, this 10th day of May 2016. 1Rop 0_ )$' - I Holly Fimbres, Town Secreta Town of Trophy Club, Texas C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas