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Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult PublichearingregardingarequesttoamendOrdinanceNo.2007-15,PDPlannedDevelopmentDistrictNo.27,Village Center,PermittedUses,inordertoallowtheuseofaVeterinaryClinicwithanOutdoorPetRunonLot2,Block1,Trophy Club Village Centre, located at 2600 Bobcat Blvd. Case PD-AMD-16-048. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 262April 21, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-212-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/14/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:4/21/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 3-10-2016. Attachments:MeetingMinutes 031016.DRAFT.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 3-10-2016. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 262April 21, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ March 10, 2016 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called the March 10, 2016, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. and announced a quorum present (6 members). Present: 6 - Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Baron, Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, irman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, irman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Windland, Commissioner Snell Absent: 1 - Commissioner Card STAFF PRESENT: Ron Ruthven, Town Planner Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Patricia Adams, Town Attorney Pat Cooke, Community Development Manager Pat Cooke, Community Development Manager Pat Cooke, Community Development Manager Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: (item no. 1) 2016-126-T;(item no. 7) 2016-131-T;(item no. 8) 2016-132-T; (item no. 2) 2016-127-T; 131T;T;(item no. 8) 2016-132-T; (item no. 2) 2016-(item no. 8) 2016-132-T; (item no. 2) 2016- - (item no. 7) 2016- (item no. 3) 2016-128-T; (item no. 5) 2016-129-T; (item no. 4) 2016-136-T; (item no. 6) 2016-130-T; (item no. 3) 2016-128-T; (item no. 5) 2016-129-T; (item no. 4) 2016-136-T; (item no. 6) 2016--T; (item no. 4) 2016-136-T; (item no. 6) 2016- (item no. 3) 2016-128-T; (item no. 5) 2016- 129 (item no. 9) 2016-133-T; (item no. 10) 2016-134-T ) 2016-) 2016-13134-T CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. CONVENED INTO PUBLIC HEARING - START TIME 7:08 P.M. CONVENED INTO PUBLIC HEARING - START TIME CONVENED INTO PUBLIC HEARING - START TIME PUBLIC HEARING 2016-126-T Public hearing regarding a request to amend a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless antenna facility located within Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition along SH 114 between Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive, south of Roaring Creek Court by expanding the total lease area from 0.006 acres to 0.016 acres, Case CUP-16-008. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Kathy Zibilich with Griffin Harris PLLC, 8150 N. Central Expressway #1475, Dallas, TX 75206 representing Verizon Wireless. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 262April 21, 2016 Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval such that the conditions that are already laid out in the original ordinance approved back in September of last year (2015) remain, those being: 1. No landscaping shall be required for this site. 2. The required screening wall shall be composed of split -face concrete masonry unit material and shall, at a minimum, meet or exceed the height of any facility equipment located on the site such that said equipment is completely screened from view in all directions, except for the ice bridge between the structure and the tower. The wall color shall match a wall color agreed upon by Staff prior to construction. 3. The driveway accessing the site shall be composed of concrete. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:14 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION START TIME 7:14 P.M. P.M. P.M. REGULAR SESSION 2016-131-T Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of the Site Plan for the new Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of the Site Plan for the new Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of the Site Plan for the new Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-16-036. B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-1616-036.-036. Item number 7. 2016-131-T referred to next meeting. Item number 7. 2016-131-T referred to next meeting. 2016-132-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request by the Trophy Club Women's Discussion and recommendation regarding a request by the Trophy Club Women's Discussion and recommendation regarding a request by the Trophy Club Women's Club for a Temporary Use Permit - Special Privilege Request to allow two Club for a Temporary Use Permit - Special Privilege Request to allow two Club for a Temporary Use Permit - Special Privilege Request to allow two community garage sales in calendar year 2016, Case TUP-16-007. community garage sales in calendar year 2016, Case TUP-community garage sales in calendar year 2016, Case TUP- Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Applicant not present. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Applicant not present. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Applicant not present. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner.Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. April 30, 2016 pril 30, 2016 pril 30, 2016 October 1, 2016 October 1, 2016 October 1, 2016 Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Snell, to approve. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2016-127-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 12-03-2015. 2016-128-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 01-21-2016. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or corrections from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. ağƩĭŷ ЊЉͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 6 of 262April 21, 2016 Motion made by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Baron, to approve the P&Z Minutes dated 12-03-2015 and the P&Z Minutes dated 01-21-2016. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2016-129-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless antenna facility located within Tract C, Section 8, Trophy Club Addition along SH 114 between Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive, south of Roaring Creek Court by expanding the total lease area from 0.006 acres to 0.016 acres, Case CUP-16-008. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. rman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. rman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Snell, to approve a request to amend a Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Snell, to approve a request to amend a Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Snell, to approve a request to amend a Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions: Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions: Conditional Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1. No landscaping shall be required for this site. No landscaping shall be required for this site. 2. The required screening wall shall be composed of split -face concrete masonry unit material and The required screening wall shall be composed of split -face concrete masonry unit material and The required screening wall shall be composed of split -face concrete masonry unit material and shall, at a minimum, meet or exceed the height of any facility equipment located on the site such shall, at a minimum, meet or exceed the height of any facility equipment located on the site such shall, at a minimum, meet or exceed the height of any facility equipment located on the site such that said equipment is completely screened from view in all directions, except for the ice bridge that said equipment is completely screened from view in all directions, except for the ice bridge that said equipment is completely screened from view in all directions, except for the ice bridge between the structure and the tower. The wall color shall match a wall color agreed upon by Staff between the structure and the tower. The wall color shall match a wall color agreed upon by Staff between the structure and the tower. The wall color shall match a wall color agreed upon by Staff prior to construction. 3. The driveway accessing the site shall be composed of concrete. The driveway accessing the site shall be composed of concrete. The driveway accessing the site shall be composed of concrete. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant questions or comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant questions or comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant questions or comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given.Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION 2016-136-T Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated, Subchapter 551, the Planning and Zoning Commission will convene into closed executive session as authorized by: A. Subsection (1) when the governmental body seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation and Subsection (2) for consultation with its attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Governmental Body under the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act (551.071(1) and (2)). Legal Advice regarding platting ağƩĭŷ ЊЉͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 7 of 262April 21, 2016 CONVENED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION - START TIME 7:26 P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION - START TIME 7:43 P.M. REGULAR SESSION 2016-130-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a preliminary plat for Trophy Club Town Center Addition containing 26.4 acres located within the PD 30 zoning district between State Highway 114, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive, Case PP-15-029. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Joshua Millsap with Bury, Inc., 5310 Harvest Hill Rd, Dallas, TX 75230 on behalf of JSB Properties. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve subject to the following Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve subject to the following Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve subject to the following conditions: 1. That the Town home lots be redesigned to conform to the PD, specifically 20 foot wide; That the Town home lots be redesigned to conform to the PD, specifically 20 foot wide; That the Town home lots be redesigned to conform to the PD, specifically 20 foot wide; 2. That property lines come off of road and not in the centerline; That property lines come off of road and not in the centerline; That property lines come off of road and not in the centerline; 3. That common areas in the circulation zone be individually identified with common area lots; That common areas in the circulation zone be individually identified with common area lots; That common areas in the circulation zone be individually identified with common area lots; 4. That the metes and bounds property description conform to the PD zoning description; That the metes and bounds property description conform to the PD zoning description; That the metes and bounds property description conform to the PD zoning description; 5. That all building lots be located outside of the flood plain. That all building lots be located outside of the flood plain. That all building lots be located outside of the flood plain. Chairman Sheridan asked for discussion from the commissioners. None was given. Chairman Sheridan asked for discussion from the commissioners. None was given. Chairman Sheridan asked for discussion from the commissioners. None was given. Chairman Sheridan asked for public comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for public comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for public comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. The motion carried unanimously. The motion carried unanimously. 2016-133-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to install an electronic message board within an existing monument sign located at 101 Trophy Club Drive, Fellowship United Methodist Church, being located in the NS-Neighborhood Services zoning district, Case ME-16-002. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Jeff Wright on behalf of Legacy Signs of Texas, 10375 Alta Vista Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76244, representing Fellowship United Methodist Church Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. ağƩĭŷ ЊЉͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ѝ ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 8 of 262April 21, 2016 Motion by Commissioner Baron to deny request. Motion dies for lack of a second. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Ross, seconded by Vice Chairman Oldham to approve request. Chairman Sheridan asked for discussion from the commissioners. None was given. Chairman Sheridan asked for public comments. None were given. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 4 Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Ross Against: 2 Commissioner Baron, Commissioner Windland Against: 2 Commissioner Baron, Commissioner Windland Against: 2 Commissioner Baron, Commissioner Windland 2016-134-T Town Planner updates: Discussion of Comprehensive Plan update. Town Planner updates: Discussion of Comprehensive Plan update. Town Planner updates: Discussion of Comprehensive Plan update. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners.Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Commissioner Ross, seconded by Commissioner Windland to adjourn. The motion seconded by Commissioner Windland to adjournseconded by Commissioner Windland to adjourn carried unanimously. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, Chairman Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas ağƩĭŷ ЊЉͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ў ƚŅ Ў Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 9 of 262April 21, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-213-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/14/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:4/21/2016 Final action: Title:Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 3-24-2016. Attachments:MeetingMinutes 032416.DRAFT.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 3-24-2016. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 10 of 262April 21, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ March 24, 2016 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALLTO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called the March 24, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meetingto order at 7:00 p.m. and announced a quorum present (7 members). Present: 7 - Commissioner Ross,Commissioner Baron,Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Commissioner Windland,Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Card Commissioner Snell, Commissioner CardCommissioner Snell, Commissioner Card STAFF PRESENT: Ron Ruthven, Town Planner Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Pat Cooke, Community Development Manager Mike Wilson, Town Engineer Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order:Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order: (item no. 1) 2016-162-T; (item no. 2) 2016-163-T; (item no. 3) 2016-164-T; (item no. 4) 2016-165-T T; (item no. 3) 2016T; (item no. 3) 2016164 164 -- CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the ) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the ) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. CONVENED INTO PUBLIC HEARING – START TIME – 7:08 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGPUBLIC HEARINGSTART TIME START TIME – PUBLIC HEARING 2016-162-T Public hearing regarding a request to amend certain Planned Development No. 30 hearing regarding a request to amend certain Planned Development No. 30hearing regarding a request to amend certain Planned Development No. 30 (PD-30) conditions on an approximate 26.4 acres of land located generally at the 30) conditions on an 30) conditions on an northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114, bordered on the north by Indian Creek Drive and on the east by the rear property lines of the residential lots located on Brook Hollow Drive, Case PD-AMD-16-048. 2016-163-T Public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Hotel (limited-service) on approximately three acres located within the PD 30 zoning district located generally at the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114, bordered on the north by Indian Creek Drive and on the east by the rear property lines of the residential lots located on Brook Hollow Drive, Case SUP- 16-008. PUBLIC HEARING – CLOSED at 7:52P.M. RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION – START TIME – 7:52P.M. REGULAR SESSION Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 11 of 262April 21, 2016 2016-164-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend certain Planned Development No. 30 (PD-30) conditions on an approximate 26.4 acres of land located generally at the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and State Highway 114, bordered on the north by Indian Creek Drive and on the east by the rear property linesof the residential lots located on Brook Hollow Drive, Case PD-AMD- 16-048. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. Mike Pacillio, 4956 N. O’Connor Blvd., Irving, TX 75062, representing applicant. Chase McCrea,4956 N. O’Connor Blvd., Irving, TX 75062, representing applicant. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. Kacey Brashear, 2 Brook Hollow Lane, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Melody Gary, 4 Brook Hollow Lane, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Robert Hoch, 245 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Erich Smith, 243 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Jeannette Tiffany, 44 Cypress Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Jeannette Tiffany, 44 Cypress Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262Jeannette Tiffany, 44 Cypress Court, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. rman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners.rman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridan motioned, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve subject to the following rman Sheridan motioned, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve subject to the following rman Sheridan motioned, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve subject to the following conditions: 1.The Exhibit B, PD 30 conditions are approved per the attached Exhibit A red line markupwith the xhibit B, PD 30 conditions are approved per the attached xhibit B, PD 30 conditions are approved per the attached applicant proposed amendments in red and the P&Z conditions shown in purple. applicant proposed amendments in red and the P&Z conditions shown in purple.applicant proposed amendments in red and the P&Z conditions shown in purple. 2.That the proposed preliminary site plan is approved as submitted. That the proposed preliminary site plan is approved as submittedThat the proposed preliminary site plan is approved as submitted Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. rman Sheridan asked for a vote.rman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried by the following vote: motion carried by the following vote:motion carried by the following vote: Aye:4Commissioner Card, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Commissioner Card, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Commissioner Card, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Windland WindlandWindland Against: 3 Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Baron 2016-165-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Hotel (limited-service) on approximately three acres located within the PD 30 zoning district located generally at the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and StateHighway 114, bordered on the north by Indian Creek Drive and on the east by the rearproperty lines of the residential lots located on Brook Hollow Drive, Case SUP-16-008. Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments. William S. Dahlstrom, 2323 Ross Avenue6th Floor,Dallas,Texas75201, representing applicant. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report. March 24, 2016 Minutes Page 2 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 12 of 262April 21, 2016 Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from the commissioners. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Chairman Sheridanmotioned, seconded by Commissioner Windland to approve subject to the following conditions: 1.That the hotel shall comply with the P&Z recommended definition of a limited service hotel as part of the PD 30 amendment motion described above. 2.That the applicant shall submit a site plan package further detailing the proposed hotel as required in Section 14.02.302 in the Code of Ordinances for final approval by the Town Council upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye:5Commissioner Card, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Commissioner Card, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Commissioner Card, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Ross, Commissioner Windland, Vice Chairman Oldham Windland, Vice Chairman OldhamWindland, Vice Chairman Oldham Against: 2 Chairman Sheridan, Commissioner Baron mmissioner Baron mmissioner Baron Motion made by Commissioner Ross,seconded by Commissioner Windlandto adjourn.The motion seconded by seconded by Commissioner WindlandCommissioner Windland carried unanimously. ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 A.M. The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 A A.M..M. The meeting was adjourned at ______________________________________________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, ChairmanRobbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning CommissionCommunity Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas March 24, 2016 Minutes Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 13 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page 1 EXHIBIT A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDSPLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THE BECK PROPERTY THE BECK PROPERTYTHE BECK PROPERTY STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND TROPHY CLUB DRIVE STATE HIGHWAY 114 AND TROPHY CLUB DRIVESTATE HIGHWAY 114 AND TROPHY CLUB DRIVE 26.354 ACRES C. MEDLIN SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 283 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |2 CONTENTS I.GENERAL A.Purpose B.Applicability C.Concurrent Compliance D.Definitions E.Photographs II. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A.Permitted Uses B.Site Development C.Streetscape Standards D.Design Standards E.Non-Residential Building Design Guidelines F.Urban Residential Guidelines G.Parking Guidelines H.Signage, Clock Tower and Miscellaneous I.Lighting III. PROCEDURES A.Summary of the Process B.Concept Plan C.Preliminary Site Plan D.Site Plan E.Facade Elevations F.Process for Minor Modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site, Site Plan Process for Minor Modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site, Site Plan Process for Minor Modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site, Site Plan and Facade Elevations IV. EXHIBITS Exhibit A — Trophy Club Drive Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit A — Trophy Club Drive Non-Exhibit A — Trophy Club Drive Non-sidential Frontagessidential Frontages Re Exhibit Al — Parallel Parking/Valet Option — Trophy Club Drive Parallel Parking/Valet Option Parallel Parking/Valet Option Exhibit A2 —State Highway 114 and Indian Creek Drive Non Residential Frontages State Highway 114 and Indian Creek Drive Non Residential Frontages State Highway 114 and Indian Creek Drive Non Residential Frontages Exhibit A3 — Parallel Parking/Valet Option — SH 114 and Indian Creek Drive Exhibit Parallel Parking/Valet Option Parallel Parking/Valet Option A4 —StateHighway 114, Trophy Club Drive Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit A5 — Highway 114, Trophy Club Drive NonHighway 114, Trophy Club Drive Non Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit B and B1 Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive NonTrophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive Non — Secondary Street for Non-Residential Frontages Exhibit C and Cl — Private or Mews Street Exhibit D — Serviceway Exhibit E — Visual Orientation Exhibit F — Bridge Configurations Between Buildings Exhibit G — Utilities Placement Exhibit H — Concept Plan Exhibit I — Preliminary Site Plan 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 15 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |3 I. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR MIXED-USE ZONING A.PURPOSE. PD-30 is intended to be a high quality focal point of the community. This is achieved by promoting an efficient, homogeneous, compact land use pattern; encouraging pedestrian activity; reducing the reliance on private automobiles within the district; promoting afunctional and attractive community through the use of urban design principles; and allowing the developer flexibility in land use and site design. PD-30 is to be an area with a mixture of moderately intense uses that are developed 30 is to be an area with a mixture of moderately intense uses that are developed 30 is to be an area with a mixture of moderately intense uses that are developed over an identifiable core. Buildings are close to and oriented toward the street. There is re. Buildings are close to and oriented toward the street. There is re. Buildings are close to and oriented toward the street. There is a connected street pattern, shared parking, and pedestrian amenities. B.APPLICABILITY. This ordinance shall establish site, building, and use standards for development This ordinance shall establish site, building, and use standards for development This ordinance shall establish site, building, and use standards for development within the following legally described property (the "Property"): egally described property (the "Property"):egally described property (the "Property"): Being a 26.354 Acre Overall Site in the C. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 823, Town of Being a 26.354 Acre Overall Site in the C. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 823, Town Being a 26.354 Acre Overall Site in the C. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 823, Town Trophy Club in Denton County, Texas. The Site is bounded to the South by State Trophy Club in Denton County, Texas. The Site is bounded to the South by State Trophy Club in Denton County, Texas. The Site is bounded to the South by State Highway 114, to the West by Trophy Club Drive, tothe North by Indian Creek Drive Highway 114, to the West by Trophy Club Drive, toHighway 114, to the West by Trophy Club Drive, tothe North by Indian Creek Drive the North by Indian Creek Drive . and to the East by Urban Residential Development "Lake Forest Village, Phase III and to the East by Urban Residential Development "Lake Forest Village, Phase and to the East by Urban Residential Development "Lake Forest Village, Phase C.CONCURRENT COMPLIANCE. This ordinance shall apply to all development within the PD-30 boundaries. Except This ordinance shall apply to all development within the PDThis ordinance shall apply to all development within the PD as otherwise set forth herein, all regulations, development standards and procedures as otherwise set forth herein, all ras otherwise set forth herein, all regulations, development standards and procedures egulations, development standards and procedures of the Town shall apply to development within PD-30. The zoning ordinance of the of the Town shall apply to development within PDof the Town shall apply to development within PD Town, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by Town, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by Town, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this ordinance. In the event of a conflict between any provision in this ordinance this ordinance. In the event of a conflict between any provision in this ordinance this ordinance. In the event of a conflict between any provision in this ordinance including, but not limited to, any regulation, development standard or procedure, including, but not limited to, any regulation, development standard or procedure, including, but not limited to, any regulation, development standard or procedure, with any provision in a Town ordinance or resolution, the provisions in this with any provision in a Town ordinance or resolution, the provisions in this with any provision in a Town ordinance or resolution, the provisions in this Ordinance shall control. For purposes of the development standards set forth in this Ordinance shall control. For purposes of the development standards set forth in this Ordinance shall control. For purposes of the development standards set forth in this ordinance, the entire Property is considered one lot. ordinance, the entire Property is considered one lot.ordinance, the entire Property is considered one lot. D.DEFINITIONS. In addition to Definitions in Chapter 13, Article II of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance, the following terms shall have the corresponding interpretations and meanings: 1. "Adult Active Living" shall mean an Urban Residential facility intended for retirees and senior citizens. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 16 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |4 2."Building Design" shall mean the orientation, design and development elements set forth in the Exhibits, illustrations, and images in this Ordinance. 3."Building Line" shall mean the nearest location of a structure measured from the respective right-of-way, street easement or property line. 4."Building Line-of-Vision Plane" shall mean a plane by which maximum height is established taking into consideration line-of-vision from the Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive. 5."Circulation Zone" shall mean the pedestrian maneuvering areas set forth "Circulation Zone" shall mean the pedestrian maneuvering areas set forth "Circulation Zone" shall mean the pedestrian maneuvering areas set forth in the Exhibits. 6."Concept Plan" shall mean a general plan for development within the "Concept Plan" shall mean a general plan for development within the "Concept Plan" shall mean a general plan for development within the Property that identifies land uses, ingress/egress, and densities for ty that identifies land uses, ingress/egress, and densities for ty that identifies land uses, ingress/egress, and densities for development. 7."Encroachment" means any structural or non-structural element such as a "Encroachment" means any structural or nonstructural element such as a structural element such as a - sign, awning, canopy, terrace, or balcony that breaks the plane of a vertical or sign, awning, canopy, terrace, or balcony that breaks the plane of a vertical sign, awning, canopy, terrace, or balcony that breaks the plane of a vertical horizontal regulatory limit, extending into a Setback, into the Public horizontal regulatory limit, extending into a Setback, into the Public horizontal regulatory limit, extending into a Setback, into the Public R.O.W, or above a height limit 8."Facade Elevations"shall mean the elevations of structures to be shall mean the elevations of structures to be shall mean the elevations of structures to be constructed on the Property. constructed on the Property.constructed on the Property. 9."Floor Area Ratio" shall mean the ratio of all enclosed building areas "Floor Area Ratio" shall mean the ratio of all enclosed building areas "Floor Area Ratio" shall mean the ratio of all enclosed building areas divided by thetotal area of the Property. total area of the Property.total area of the Property. 10."Full Service Restaurant" shall mean a restaurant that provides food "Full Service Restaurant" shall mean a restaurant that provides food "Full Service Restaurant" shall mean a restaurant that provides food services to patrons who order and are served (i.e. waiter/waitress service) services to patrons who order and are served (i.e. waiter/waitress service) services to patrons who order and are served (i.e. waiter/waitress service) while seated indoors or outdoors and pay after eating. They may provide while seated indoors or outdoors and pay after eating. They may provide while seated indoors or outdoors and pay after eating. They may provide this service in combination with selling alcoholic beverages, providing ce in combination with selling alcoholic beverages, providing ce in combination with selling alcoholic beverages, providing takeout services, or presenting live non-theatrical entertainment. takeout services, or presenting live nontakeout services, or presenting live non 11."Garden Apartments" shall mean stand-alone, low density, two-story Urban Residential buildings with the following characteristics: lack of functionality as a component of (in terms of layout, appearance, etc.), any larger planned grouping of buildings; low density; lack of pedestrian circulation, active street-life, or a larger sense of community beyond that of 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 17 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |5 the individual complex itself; no integrated mixed uses; lack of building amenities and site enhancements; and contain all surface parking. 12."Hardscape" shall mean the impervious areas within a development that are used for streets, drives, sidewalks, walkways, retaining walls, trails, and other similar features. 13. "Hotel (full-service)" shall mean a building with habitable rooms or suites which are reserved for temporary lodging for guests who rent rooms or suites on a daily basis, and with: i.A lobby for public reception and check-in; ii.A minimum area of 300 square feet in each guest room; A minimum area of 300 square feet in each guest room;A minimum area of 300 square feet in each guest room; iii.On-site staff required seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) site staff required seven (7) days a week, twentysite staff required seven (7) days a week, twentyfour (24) four (24) -- hours per day; iv.A minimum of five thousand (5,000) square feet of meeting or A minimum of five thousand (5,000) square feet of meeting or A minimum of five thousand (5,000) square feet of meeting or conference room space(exception by SUP); (exception by SUP)(exception by SUP) ; ; v.No fewer than 150 rooms(exception by SUP); and ; and; and eption by SUP)eption by SUP) vi.A full service restaurant (exception by SUP). A full service restaurant (exception by SUP).A full service restaurant (exception by SUP). Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Startat: 2 + 13.14. "Hotel (limited-service)" shall mean a building with habitable rooms or suites which service)" shall mean a building with habitable rooms or suites service)" shall mean a building with habitable rooms or suites Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tabafter: 0.4" + Indentat:0.4" are reserved for temporary lodging for guests who rent rooms or suites on a daily basis, are reserved for temporary lodging for guests who rent rooms or are reserved for temporary lodging for guests who rent rooms or suites on a daily basis, suites on a daily basis, and with no fewer than 105 roomsandorless than 2,000 square feet of meeting area. Select less than 2,000 square feet of meeting area. less than 2,000 square feet of meeting area. fFood service shall beis not required for limited-service hotels.The following shall be red for limitedred for limitedservice hotelsservice hotels - required. vii.A lobby for public reception and check-in; A lobby for public reception anA lobby for public reception an viii.A minimum area of 300 square feet in each guest room; A minimum area of 300 square feet in each guest room;A minimum area of 300 square feet in each guest room; ix.On-site staff required seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) site staff required seven (7) days a week, twentysite staff required seven (7) days a week, twenty OnOn -- hours per day; hours hours per day;per day; Formatted:Indent:Left:0.4",Firstline:0" 15."Lot Coverage" shall mean the area of each proposed lot that is covered "Lot Coverage" shall mean the area of each proposed lot that is covered "Lot Coverage" shall mean the area of each proposed lot that is covered by buildings. 156. "Maximum Building Setback" shall be the maximum distance between the front building line and the property line or right-of-way line along that corresponding building line. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 18 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |6 176. "Minimum Building Setback" shall be the minimum distance between the front building line and the property line or right-of-way line along that corresponding building line. 187. "Mews Street' shall mean a small street, or courtyard constructed in accordance with Exhibit "C" and "C 1". 198. "Mixed Use Building or Structure" shall mean a building or structure in which at least one of the upper floors of the building has uses different from the ground floor. 2019. "Mixed Use Land Use" shall mean a combination of uses integrated either . "Mixed Use Land Use" shall mean a combination of uses integrated either . "Mixed Use Land Use" shall mean a combination of uses integrated either vertically within structures or horizontally throughout the Property. vertically within structures or horizontally throughout the Property.vertically within structures or horizontally throughout the Property. 210. "Open Space"shall mean areas unobstructed to the sky designated for the shall mean areas unobstructed to the sky designated for the shall mean areas unobstructed to the sky designated for the recreational enjoyment and/or natural beauty of the area which serve as an recreational enjoyment and/or natural beauty of the area which serve as an recreational enjoyment and/or natural beauty of the area which serve as an amenity to the Property including, but not limited to park areas, creekways, amenity to the Property including, but not limited to park areas, creekways, amenity to the Property including, but not limited to park areas, creekways, trails, landscape features, hardscape areas, courtyards and drives trails, landscape features, hardscape areastrails, landscape features, hardscape areas, courtyards and drives , courtyards and drives incorporated into courtyards. Parking spaces and vehicular pathways shall incorporated into courtyards. Parking spaces and vehicular pathways shall incorporated into courtyards. Parking spaces and vehicular pathways shall not be credited towards open space requirements. not be credited towards open space requirements.not be credited towards open space requirements. 221. "Parking Zone" shall mean the areas designated for parking both on-street . "Parking Zone" shall mean the areas designated for parking both on. "Parking Zone" shall mean the areas designated for parking both on and off-street. 23."Paseo" shall mean an open space primarily dedicated for pedestrian mean an open space primarily dedicated for pedestrian mean an open space primarily dedicated for pedestrian movement between blocks or buildings. movement between blocks or buildings.movement between blocks or buildings. 24."Preliminary Site Plan" shall mean a preliminary detailed plan for "Preliminary Site Plan" shall mean a preliminary detailed plan for "Preliminary Site Plan" shall mean a preliminary detailed plan for development within the Property that identifies building location, parking, development within the Property that identifies building location, parking, development within the Property that identifies building location, parking, general landscaping, and other surface accommodations for the site. general landscaping, general landscaping, and other surface accommodations for the site.and other surface accommodations for the site. 25."Property" shall mean the tract of land described in Section I.B. herein. "Property" shall mean the tract of land described in Section I.B. herein."Property" shall mean the tract of land described in Section I.B. herein. 26."Property Owners Association" shall mean an incorporated or "Property Owners Association" shall mean an incorporated or "Property Owners Association" shall mean an incorporated or unincorporated association that is designated as the representative of the unincorporated association that is designated as the representative of the unincorporated association that is designated as the representative of the owner(s) of property in PD-30 and manages and maintains the common areas and open spaces of the planned development. 27."Public Access Area" shall mean those areas open to the public including, but not limited to patios, courts, plazas and other similar areas. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 19 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |7 28."Quick Service Restaurant" shall mean a restaurant that specializes in providing a full meal in a few minutes. Such meals often consist of a permutation of hamburger or chicken, french fries, and a soft drink or a milkshake. 28.29.“Rowhouse” shall mean an attached dwelling unit that appears to be separated from other dwelling units in a row by some architectural feature such as a vertical, unpierced wall extending from grade to roof. There is no limit on the number of rowhouses that may be connectedto each other.Each individual rowhouse shall be separated by a minimum two foot offsetper unit elevation. Balconies shall be allowed on units facing Trophy Club Drive not n units facing Trophy Club Drive not n units facing Trophy Club Drive not to exceed a total of six units. 29."Retail-ready" shall mean space constructed at a minimum interior height ready" shall mean space constructed at a minimum interior height ready" shall mean space constructed at a minimum interior height of 14 feet which may be used for nonretail uses, including Urban of 14 feet which may be used for nonretail uses, including Urban of 14 feet which may be used for nonretail uses, including Urban Residential. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a retail Residential. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a retail Residential. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a retail use in a "Retail-Ready" space, thespace must comply with all building and space must comply with all building and space must comply with all building and construction codes for retail use. The intent of "Retail-Ready" space is to construction codes for retail use. The intent of "Retailconstruction codes for retail use. The intent of "RetailReady" space is to Ready" space is to -- provide the flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market provide the flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market provide the flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market provide the flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market provide the flexibility of occupying a space in accordance with market demand and allowing the use in such space to change from retail uses to demand and allowing the use in such space to change from retail usesdemand and allowing the use in such space to change from retail uses Urban Residential or Urban Residential to Retail in accordance with the Urban Residential or Urban Residential to Retail in accordance with the Urban Residential or Urban Residential to Retail in accordance with the market. 30."Secondary Street" shall mean an interior (public or private) street within "Secondary Street" shall mean an interior (public or private) street within "Secondary Street" shall mean an interior (public or private) street within the development intended to provide access to development and for the development intended to provide access to development and for the development intended to provide access to development and for circulation within the property. circulation within the propertcirculation within the propert y.y. 31."Service Area" shall mean an area which is used for employee, delivery, "Service Area" shall mean an area which is used for employee, delivery, "Service Area" shall mean an area which is used for employee, delivery, and utility service access between buildings, for vehicle access for loading and utility service access between buildings, for vehicle access for loading and utility service access between buildings, for vehicle access for loading and delivery, trash area and trash pick-up, for maintenance and service and delivery, trash area and trash pickand delivery, trash area and trash pick vehicle access, and for routing of base building and tenant utilities. vehicle access, and for routing vehicle access, and for routing of base building and tenant utilities.of base building and tenant utilities. 32."Serviceway" shall be a private drive that provides access to service areas, "Serviceway" shall be a private drive that provides access to service areas, "Serviceway" shall be a private drive that provides access to service areas, loading/unloading areas, and parking. loading/unloading areas, and parking.loading/unloading areas, and parking. 33."Sign Kiosk" shall mean a kiosk structure that complies with the provisions "Sign Kiosk" shall mean a kiosk structure that complies with the provisions "Sign Kiosk" shall mean a kiosk structure that complies with the provisions of this Ordinance and usedonly for signage purposes. 34."Site Plan" shall mean a detailed plan for development within the Property that complies with the regulations of this Ordinance. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 20 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |8 35."Stacked Parking" shall mean parking in which vehicles are parked immediately in front of, behind, or adjacent to other vehicles without each vehicle being adjacent to a maneuvering aisle or drive. Stacked parking is permitted for valet parking only. 36."Street Trees" shall mean trees required to be planted along street frontages as set forth herein. 37."SUP"shall mean Specific Use Permit as required by the Town's ordinances; provided however that the SUP shall have a 45-day approval timeline from date of official submittal to consideration on a Town Council timeline from date of official submittal to consideration on a Town Council timeline from date of official submittal to consideration on a Town Council agenda (with recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission). ing Commission). ing Commission). Public hearing and property owner notification shall be required and any Public hearing and property owner notification shall be required and any Public hearing and property owner notification shall be required and any expenses related to providing proper notification shall be paid by the expenses related to providing proper notification shall be paid by the expenses related to providing proper notification shall be paid by the applicant. If the SUP is neither approved nor denied within the 45 day applicant. If the SUP is neither approved nor denied within the 45 day applicant. If the SUP is neither approved nor denied within the 45 day period, it shall be deemed approved. For any SUP requested per the terms of For any SUP requested per the terms of For any SUP requested per the terms of this ordinance, the Town Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning and this ordinance, the Town Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning and this ordinance, the Town Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, may waive any requirement regarding a request for an SUP as Zoning Commission, may waive any requirement regarding a request for an SUP as Zoning Commission, may waive any requirement regarding a request for an SUP as stated in Chapter 14-Zoning, Section 6.02 in the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances. he Trophy Club Code of Ordinances.he Trophy Club Code of Ordinances. 38."Supplemental Uses" shall mean uses coincident with primary, permitted "Supplemental Uses" shall mean uses coincident with primary, permitted "Supplemental Uses" shall mean uses coincident with primary, permitted uses including "patio" dining; beer, wine and mixed beverage consumption; uses including "patio" dining; beer, wine and mixed beverage consumption; uses including "patio" dining; beer, wine and mixed beverage consumption; beverage sales, service, and consumption; entry vestibules; entry stoops; beverage sales, service, and consumption; entry vestibules; entry stoops; beverage sales, service, and consumption; entry vestibules; entry stoops; structured canopies; patron waiting; valet stand; bicycle racks; street ructured canopies; patron waiting; valet stand; bicycle racks; street ructured canopies; patron waiting; valet stand; bicycle racks; street furnishings; feature hardscape or landscape; water features; and/or furnishings; feature hardscape or landscape; water features; and/or furnishings; feature hardscape or landscape; water features; and/or incidental retail display and sales, or other similar uses approved by Town incidental retail display and sales, or other similar uses approved by Town incidental retail display and sales, or other similar uses approved by Town Staff. 39."Supplemental Use Zones" shall meanthe areas designated for "Supplemental Use Zones" shall mean"Supplemental Use Zones" shall mean supplemental uses as described in this Ordinance. supplemental uses as described in this Ordinance.supplemental uses as described in this Ordinance. 40."Town Staff' shall mean the Town Manager and/or his designee. "Town Staff' shall mean the Town Manager and/or his designee. "Town Staff' shall mean the Town Manager and/or his designee. 41."Townhouse/Townhome" means a single-family dwelling in a row of at least "Townhouse/Townhome" means a single"Townhouse/Townhome" means a single three attached units, but no more than 7, whereby each unit has its own front three attached units, but no more than 7, whethree attached units, but no more than 7, whe and rear access to the outside. No unit shall be located over another unit and and rear access to the outside. No unit shall be located over another unit and and rear access to the outside. No unit shall be located over another unit and each unit shall be separated from other units by one or more vertical common firewalls. 42."Type 'A' Drive" shall mean the drives identified on theConcept Plan that are the primary pedestrian walking corridors. Buildings along Type 'A' 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |9 Drives shall be held to the highest standard of pedestrian-oriented design. 43."Type '13' Drive" shall mean the drives identified on the Concept Plan that are intended to primarily accommodate access to parking, service, and other auto-oriented functions. 44."Urban Residential Units" shall include, in addition to the multi-family definition contained in the Town's Zoning Code, flats, flats with mezzanines, two floor units, Adult Active Living and Urban Residential Units grouped together into a single building. 45."Vendor Kiosk" shall mean a small, stand- alone booth used for marketing alone booth used for marketingalone booth used for marketing purposes and for the sale or rental of goods or products. E.PHOTOGRAPHS. All photographs included in this ordinance are for illustrations purposes only of the cluded in this ordinance are for illustrations purposes only of cluded in this ordinance are for illustrations purposes only of features permitted by this planned development district and are not intended to be features permitted by this planned development district and are not intended features permitted by this planned development district and are not intended representative of exact construction requirements. II. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. PERMITTED USES.Within this planned development district the only this planned development district the only this planned development district the only uses permitted are the following. Uses not listed in the following schedule, but are permitted are the following. Uses not listed in the following schedule, but are permitted are the following. Uses not listed in the following schedule, but are substantially similar, may be permitted upon the approval of the Town Staff, subject to substantially similar, may be permitted upon the approval of the Town Staff, subject substantially similar, may be permitted upon the approval of the Town Staff, subject appeal directly to the Town Council: 1. RESIDENTIAL Dwelling, Urban Residential Units \[Garden Style Apartments are Dwelling, Urban Residential Units \[Garden Style Apartments are Dwelling, Urban Residential Units \[Garden Style Apartments are prohibited\] prohibited\] prohibited\] Hotels (full service) Hotels (full service)Hotels (full service) Hotels (limitedservice with SUP) limitedlimited Hotels (Hotels (service with SUP)service with SUP) Adult Active Living Adult Active LivingAdult Active Living Townhouse/Townhome Townhouse/Townhome Townhouse/Townhome 2. RELIGIOUS AND PHILANTHROPIC Eleemosynary Institutions (CUP Required) 3. EDUCATIONAL 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 22 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |10 Children's Day Care Center & Kindergarten Junior Colleges, Colleges & Universities (limited to 20,000 sq ft or less) Schools, Private Business & Professional Schools, Vocational, Technical & Trade 4. COMMUNITY FACILITIES Auditorium, Gym Heliport/Helipad Municipal Admin Park, Playground, Playlots, Related Facilities Parking Garage Privately Owned & Operated Playground Public Safety Facilities Radio, Television, Microwave, Cellular towers attached to Radio, Television, Microwave, Cellular towers attached to Radio, Television, Microwave, Cellular towers attached to buildings (if camouflaged so that they arenot visible to the public) not visible to the public)not visible to the public) Social, Recreational, Assembly Bldgs Tennis, Handball, Racquet Ball Clubs Tennis, Handball, Racquet Ball Clubs Tennis, Handball, Racquet Ball Clubs Utility Facilities, Office 5. PROFESSIONAL AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS PROFESSIONAL AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSPROFESSIONAL AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Accounting Office Admin, Executive, Editorial Office Admin, Executive, Editorial OfficeAdmin, Executive, Editorial Office Architectural, Eng, Planning Office Architectural, Eng, Planning OArchitectural, Eng, Planning Officeffice Attorney's Office Attorney's OfficeAttorney's Office Banks and Financial Institutions Banks and Financial InstitutionsBanks and Financial Institutions Hospital Insurance Office Insurance OfficeInsurance Office Extended Stay Surgery Center Extended Stay Surgery CenterExtended Stay Surgery Center Personal/Family Counselor Personal/Family Counselor Personal/Family Counselor Physician and/or Dentist Physician and/or DentistPhysician and/or Dentist Public Secretary Public SecretaryPublic Secretary Barber, Beauty, Styling Shops Barber, Beauty, Styling Shops Barber, Beauty, Styling Shops Health, Athletic Shops Health, Athletic ShopsHealth, Athletic Shops Medical, Dental, Chiropractic, Optometry, etc. Real Estate Office Travel Bureau or Agency Weight Reduction Studio 6.RETAIL 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 23 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |11 Antique Shop Art Studio Art Supply Store Arts, Crafts, Hobby Shops Bakery Shops Bicycle Shop Beer, Wine and Liquor Sales (Off-Premise Consumption Only) (SUP Required) Coffee Shop Confectionary Shop Dairy Food Shop Dance Studio Dinner theater Donut Shop Drug Store, Apothecary, Pharmacy Dry Cleaners, Pick-up and Drop-off \[Dry cleaner plants are off \[Dry cleaner plants are off \[Dry cleaner plants are prohibited\] Duplication and Mailing Service Electrical Goods and Fixtures Fabric and Knitting Shop Florist Grocery Store Hardware Store (less than 50,000 square feet) Hardware Store (less than 50,000 square feet)Hardware Store (less than 50,000 square feet) Household Appliance Store Household Appliance Store Household Appliance Store Household Furnishings, Fixtures Household Furnishings, FixturesHousehold Furnishings, Fixtures Ice Cream Shop Ice Cream ShopIce Cream Shop Jewelry, Watch Store Jewelry, Watch StoreJewelry, Watch Store Liquor Store (SUP Required) Liquor Store (SUP Required) Liquor Store (SUP Required) Music Store Music Store Music Store Tanning Salon Tanning Salon Tanning Salon Performing Arts Center PerforPerforming Arts Centerming Arts Center Photograph Service & Studio Photograph Service & Studio Photograph Service & Studio Printing, Publishing, Engraving Printing, Publishing, EngravingPrinting, Publishing, Engraving Quick Service Restaurant (SUP Required) Quick Service Restaurant (SUP Required)Quick Service Restaurant (SUP Required) Restaurant Restaurant w/Alcoholic Beverage Sales (Appropriate TABC Required) (SUP Required) Sporting Goods Store Theater 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 24 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |12 Wallpaper, Paint Store Wearing Apparel Store 7. RECREATIONAL Community Center (Non-Profit) Private Health Club Swimming Pool (Private Club) Swimming Pool, Tennis Court (Non-Profit) Tennis Court (Private) 8.MIXED USES: Mixed uses are permitted within the Property. 9.SPECIFIC USE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN RETAIL USES: Any USE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN RETAIL USES: Any USE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN RETAIL USES: Any individual retail use with a ground level floor area in excess of 50,000 square individual retail use with a ground level floor area in excess of 50,000 square individual retail use with a ground level floor area in excess of 50,000 square feet shall require a Specific Use Permit. 10.ACCESSORY USES: Any use accessory to any permitted use is permitted within ACCESSORY USES: Any use accessory to any permitted use is permitted ACCESSORY USES: Any use accessory to any permitted use is permitted within within this planned development district. 11.ANY PERMITTED USE WITH A DRIVE-THRU FACILITY. Standards in THRU FACILITY. Standards in THRU FACILITY. Standards in ANY PERMITTED USE WITH A DRIVE - this Ordinance shall apply. B.SITE DEVELOPMENT. 1. General Requirements. a.Concept Plan.A concept plan (Exhibit "H") is incorporated with this A concept plan (Exhibit "H") is incorporated with this A concept plan (Exhibit "H") is incorporated with this Ordinance. b.Building Location.Buildings shall generally be located within the Building LocatiBuildings shall generally be located within the Buildings shall generally be located within the on. Property as set forth in Exhibits "A"-"D". The Building Line shall be Property as set forth in Exhibits "A"Property as set forth in Exhibits "A" measured from the respective right-of-way, street easement or measured from the respective rightmeasured from the respective right property line. property line.property line. c.Preliminary Site Plan -A preliminary site plan (Exhibit "I") is incorporated Preliminary Site PlanPreliminary Site PlanA preliminary site plan (Exhibit "A preliminary site plan (Exhibit " - - with this Ordinance. with this Ordinance.with this Ordinance. d.Maintenance of Open Space and Circulation Zones.The Property Owners Maintenance of Open Space and Circulation Zones.Maintenance of Open Space and Circulation Zones. Association shall be responsible for maintaining public access areas, Association shall be responsible for maintaining public Association shall be responsible for maintaining public open space and Circulation Zones within the Property. e.Street Naming.All streets shall be named, with the exception of Serviceways. f.Gated Streets.No streets shall be gated, with the exception of Serviceways, which can be gated or regulated by means of access control 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 25 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |13 devices. g.Paving Materials.Hardscaped areas shall incorporate a variety of paving materials. Bricks, pavers, stone, stained concrete, or imprinted concrete may be used as hardscape area paving. The balance of hardscaped areas shall be concrete (light broom, salt finished, patterned, integrally colored). Contrasting colored pavers and concrete and/or truncated dome pavers and stamped concrete shall be used where required by accessibility requirements at ramps and curb ramps. h.Landscaping. Landscaping shall incorporate a variety ofplant types Landscaping.Landscaping.Landscaping shall incorporate a variety ofLandscaping shall incorporate a variety of Formatted:Indent:Left:1.19",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start including seasonal color and native low moisture foliage. Decomposed rock including seasonal color and native low moisture foliage. Decomposed rock including seasonal color and native low moisture foliage. Decomposed rock at: 8 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.56" + and decorative gravels will be considered landscaping. Appendix A shall be and decorative gravels will be considered landscaping. Appendix A shall be and decorative gravels will be considered landscaping. Appendix A shall be Indentat:1.81" the planting list for landscaping within the development. i.Screening Walls/Fences.Screening Walls/Fences shall be constructed of brick, stone, ornamental metal with evergreen landscaping, or any other material consistent with that of the adjacentbuilding or a combination thereof. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 26 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |14 j.Supplemental Uses in Public Right-of-ways and Public Easements. i.Supplemental uses are permitted in the areas designated on Exhibits Formatted:Indent:Left:1.75",Hanging: 0.25",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: "A"-"D", and "G". i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + ii.Supplemental use zones may occur in public right of ways, public Alignedat:0.35" + Tabafter:0.35" + Indent at:0.7",Tabstops:Notat0.35" easements or on private property. iii.Supplemental use areas shall only be used by adjacent tenants. Supplemental Uses specifically exclude parking and permanent enclosed structures. k.Drive Type Designation. The Concept Plan for the Beck Property The Concept Plan for the Beck Property The Concept Plan for the Beck Property Planned Development District shall establish the following drive types: Planned Development District shall establish the following drive Planned Development District shall establish the following drive Formatted:Indent:Left:1.7",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start i.Type 'A' Drives Established -Type 'A' Drives are intended to be the Type 'A' Drives are intended to Type 'A' Drives are intended to be the at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.35" + primary pedestrian walking corridors. Streets and buildings n walking corridors. Streets and n walking corridors. Streets and buildings buildings Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: along Type 'A' Drives shall be held to the highest standard of Notat0.3" along Type 'A' Drives shall be held to the highest standard of along Type 'A' Drives shall be held to the highest standard of pedestrian-oriented design. ii.Type 'IV Drives Established -Buildings along Type 'IV Drives may Buildings along Type 'IV Drives Buildings along Type 'IV Drives be permitted to accommodate some service and vehicular traffic be permitted to accommodate some service and vehicular trbe permitted to accommodate some service and vehicular tr including surface parking and drive-thrus. including surface parking and driveincluding surface parking and drive-thrus. -thrus. 1. Street Paving Enhancements. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.6",Numbered + a.i.All street types shall employ areas of enhanced paving for All street types shall employ areas of enhanced paving for All street types shall employ areas of enhanced paving for Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.25" + speed control, to demark pedestrian crosswalks, and/or for speed control, to demark pedestrian crosswalks, and/or for speed control, to demark pedestrian crosswalks, and/or for Tabafter:0.4" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: decorative purposes. decorative purposes.decorative purposes. Notat0.4" b.ii.Enhanced paving may include speed humps, pavement striping, Enhanced paving may include speed humEnhanced paving may include speed hum pavers, stone cobbles, stamped concrete, integrally colored pavers, stone cobbles, stamped concrete, integrally colored pavers, stone cobbles, stamped concrete, integrally colored concrete. concrete.concrete. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 27 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |15 2.Tree Preservation and Open Space: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.08",Numbered + i.a.General. The provisions of the Town's Tree Preservation Ordinance shall The provisions of the Town's Tree Preservation Ordinance shall The provisions of the Town's Tree Preservation Ordinance shall Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + apply except as modified herein. apply except as modified herein. apply except as modified herein. Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:0.8",Tabstops: Notat0.3" ii.b.Tree Preservation. i.A tree preservation plan shall be submitted with a Site Plan. A tree preservation plan shall be submitted with a Site Plan.A tree preservation plan shall be submitted with a Site Plan. ii.A tree preservation plan shall: A tree preservation plan shall:A tree preservation plan shall: Formatted:Indent:Left:2",Bulleted + Level: Indicate the general location of existing tree canopies on the Indicate the general location of existing tree canopies on the Indicate the general location of existing tree canopies on the 1 + Alignedat:1.45" + Indentat:1.7" property, tree caliper sizes, and tree species; property, tree caliper sizes, and tree species;property, tree caliper sizes, and tree species; Indicate the extent to which existing environmental features are Indicate the extent to which existing environmeIndicate the extent to which existing environme proposed to be altered to accommodate the proposed development; Locate site plan existing trees to be preserved, if any, adjoining a natural or man-made drainage creek; and 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 28 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |16 Indicate the extent to which removed trees shall be mitigated through the Town's tree mitigation regulations. c. Tree Removal Permit.In addition to the exceptions for a tree removal permit under Chapter 12, Article VIII, Sec. 8.03.0 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town, a tree removal permit shall not be required forthe removal of any tree within the proposed footprint of a structure or within a drive or street. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.06",Hanging: 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: d.Tree Replacement Standards.Any protected, specimen, historic or majestic a, b, c, … + Startat: 4 + Alignment:Left + tree removed for which a tree removal permit is required, shall be replaced Alignedat:0.45" + Indentat:0.7" shall be replaced shall be replaced with trees having a total caliper width equivalent to the total caliper width the total caliper width the total caliper width removed. Tree replacement shall not be required for any tree within the required for any tree within the required for any tree within the proposed footprint of a structure or within a drive or street. proposed footprint of a structure or within a drive or street. proposed footprint of a structure or within a drive or street. e.Applicability of Street Trees.All proposed streettrees along public and trees along public trees along public and All proposed streetAll proposed street private streets and drives shall count towards the proposed tree replacement private streets and drives shall count towards the proposed tree replacement private streets and drives shall count towards the proposed tree replacement on the property. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.19",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start f.Credit for Preserved Trees.A caliper-inch per caliper-inch credit shall inch per caliperinch per caliperinch credit - at: 4 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.45" + be granted against tree replacement requirements for any protected, be granted against tree replacement requirements for any be granted against tree replacement requirements for any Indentat:0.7" specimen, historic or majestic tree preserved within the Property. specimen, historic or majestic tree preserved within the Property.specimen, historic or majestic tree preserved within the Property. g.Open Space. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.44",Numbered + i.Open space shall be at least 15% of the Property area. Open space shall be at least 15% of the Property area.Open space shall be at least 15% of the Property area. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.25" + Tabafter:0.4" + Indentat:0.25",Tabstops: ii.For purposes of calculating open space, the entire Property is For purposes of calculating open space, the entire Property is For purposes of calculating open space, the entire Property is 0.65",Listtab + Notat0.4" considered one lot. considered one lot.considered one lot. iii.The design of open spaces shall meet the following criteria: The design of open spaces shall meeThe design of open spaces shall mee 1.Existing water bodies and creeks shall be preserved in a Existing water bodies and creeks shall be preserved in a Existing water bodies and creeks shall be preserved in a 1.1. natural and contiguous state; natural and contiguous state;natural and contiguous state; 1.Pedestrian connectivity shall be provided in the form of Pedestrian connectivity shall be provided in the form of Pedestrian connectivity shall be provided in the form of sidewalks, natural walking paths along stream and creek sidewalks, natural walking paths along stream and creek sidewalks, natural walking paths along stream and creek corridors; and corridors; andcorridors; and 1.A variety of open spaces shall be provided including, but not limited to, plazas, squares, playgrounds, parks and environmental preserves. iv. Open Space may use any combination of hardscape, landscape, 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 29 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |17 and/or water features provided, however, that parking spaces and vehicular pathways shall not be credited towards open space requirements. v.Public access open areas may include amenities such as seating, bike racks, art installations, and waste receptacles. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 30 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |18 Public Access Area. A maximum of 50% of the required Open Space area may be h. . A maximum of 50% of the required Ope. A maximum of 50% of the required Ope n Space area may n Space area may satisfied by Public Access Areas. These shall be limited to breezeways, courtyards satisfied by Public Access Areas. These shall be limited to breezeways, satisfied by Public Access Areas. These shall be limited to breezeways, with cafe seating, and pedestrian paseos. with cafe seating, and pedestrian paseos. with cafe seating, and pedestrian paseos. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 31 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |19 i. Sidewalks and Community Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.66",Numbered + iv.i.Minimum 6'-0" wide sidewalks shall be required along Trophy Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. The sidewalk may be at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.2" + Tabafter:0.4" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops: located within the R.O.W or in a landscaped parkway with Notat0.4" street trees in the minimum setback area. i.ii.A public access multi-use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail shall be provided connecting to the nearest point on the Town of Trophy Club's bicycle/pedestrian trail system contiguous with development within the Property. If the Town of Trophy development within the Property. If the Town of Trophy development within the Property. If the Town of Trophy Club's bicycle/pedestrian trail system is not contiguous to the Club's bicycle/pedestrian trail system is not contiguous to the Club's bicycle/pedestrian trail system is not contiguous to the Property, then a connection point is not required. ii.iii.The multi- use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail may cross streets of all use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail may cross streets of all use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail may cross streets of all types, at typical pedestrian crosswalks, as exclusively designed by types, at typical pedestrian crosswalks, as exclusively designed by types, at typical pedestrian crosswalks, as exclusively designed by the Owner. iii.iv.The Property Owner shall plan and design the multi-use The Property Owner shall plan and design the multiThe Property Owner shall plan and design the multi (bicycle/pedestrian) trail to be integrated with the internal (bicycle/pedestrian) trail to be integrated with the (bicycle/pedestrian) trail to be integrated with the pedestrian circulation paths. iv.v.The minimum width of a multi-use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail shall The minimum width of a multiThe minimum width of a multiuse (bicycle/pedestrian) trail shall use (bicycle/pedestrian) trail shall - be eight (8) feet of hardscape surface. be eight (8) feet of hardscape surface.be eight (8) feet of hardscape surface. j.Design of Drive-thru Facilities. The following standards shall apply to the thru Facilities.thru Facilities. The following standards shall apply to the The following standards shall apply to the design of all drive-thru facilities in the development. thru facilthru facilities in the development.ities in the development. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.61",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start b.i.Drive-thru lanes for commercial uses may have direct access to thru lanes for commercial uses may have direct access to thru lanes for commercial uses may have direct access to at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.2" + interior streets and indirect access to any Type 'A' Drive and interior streets and indirect access to any Type 'A' Drive and interior streets and indirect access to any Type 'A' Drive and Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:0.65",Tab the perimeter streets. stops:Notat0.45" the perimeter streets.the perimeter streets. c.ii.Any buildings associated with a drive-thru use shall also have a Any buildings associated with a driveAny buildings associated with a drive pedestrian entrance at a Type 'A' Drive. pedestrian entrapedestrian entrance at a Type 'A' Drive.nce at a Type 'A' Drive. i.iii.A minimum of five stacking spaces shall be provided if a A minimum of five stacking spaces shall be provided if a A minimum of five stacking spaces shall be provided if a restaurant has one drive-thru serving station. If the restaurant restaurant has one driverestaurant has one drive has two or more serving stations, then a minimum of two additional stacking spaces shall be provided for the second and subsequent serving stations. d.iv.An escape lane shall be provided parallel to the drive-thru lane extending from the beginning of the drive-thru lane to the serving station. e.v.For purposes of this planned development district, a "stacking space" is anarea measuring 8 feet by 20 feet with direct forward access to a serving station. An escape lane shall be an 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 32 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |20 minimum of eight feet wide that provides area measuring a access around the drive-thru facility. An escape lane may be part of a circulation aisle. k.Property Owners Association.Prior to approval of a final plat for the Property, a property owners association shall be established by the owner of the Property to ensure compatibility of structures within the Property and to provide maintenance of all common areas. 3. Setbacks. a. Required Setbacks.Except as otherwise provided for State Highway 114 Except as otherwise provided for State Highway Except as otherwise provided for State Highway Frontage Road and Trophy Club Drive in this section, setbacks for Frontage Road and Trophy Club Drive in this section, setbacks Frontage Road and Trophy Club Drive in this section, setbacks buildings on the Property shall be provided as set forth on the following buildings on the Property shall be provided as set forth on the following buildings on the Property shall be provided as set forth on the following Setback Table: LocationMinimum setbackMaximum Setback Maximum SetbackMaximum Setback 15'300' Front Setback Along State Highway 300'300' 114 Frontage Road 15'100' Front Setback Along Trophy Club 100'100' Drive Indian Creek Drive15'100' Side and Rear Setbacks0' except along the eastNone 0' except along the east0' except along the east boundary line which shall be 50' all be 50'all be 50' boundary line which shboundary line which sh Clock Tower.NoneNone NoneNone ii.b.Encroachments. Encroachments within the required setbacks are permitted. Encroachments within the required setbacks are Encroachments within the required setbacks are Formatted:Indent:Left:1.13",Hanging: Encroachments. Encroachments. 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: Encroachments include architectural elements of a structure Encroachments include architectural elements of a Encroachments include architectural elements of a a, b, c, … + Startat: 2 + Alignment:Left + including, but not limited to decorative trim, cornice work, canopies, eaves, including, but not limited to decorative trim, cornice work, canopies, eaves, including, but not limited to decorative trim, cornice work, canopies, eaves, Alignedat:1.6" + Tabafter:0.25" + Indent at:1.85",Tabstops:Notat0.25" balconies, porches, steps, planters, window and door trim, and other similar conies, porches, steps, planters, window and door trim, and other similar conies, porches, steps, planters, window and door trim, and other similar features. In no case shall any encroachment be located over an on-street features. In no case shall any encroachment be located over an onfeatures. In no case shall any encroachment be located over an on parking space or travel lane. parking space or travel lane.parking space or travel lane. v.c.Lot Coverage, Floor Area, and Heights. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + vi.i.Maximum lot coverage.The maximum lot coverage is NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + 100%. Open Space areas shall not be included in the Alignment:Left + Alignedat:2.1" + Tabafter: 0.5" + Indentat:2.6",Tabstops:Notat0.5" lot area for purposes of calculating lot coverage. vii.ii.Maximum floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio ("FAR") for all uses is 4:1 maximum. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + 1.iii.Property considered one lot.For purposes of calculating Alignment:Left + Alignedat:2.1" + Tabafter: FAR, the entire Property is considered one lot. 0.5" + Indentat:2.6",Tabstops:Notat0.5" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 33 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |21 iv. Maximum height. The maximum height for structures within the Property shall be as set forth in the following table (the "Maximum Height Table"): Structure TypeMaximum NumberMaximum height of Stories of Structure*in Feet 1. Urban46058ft FormattedTable Residential only The maximum building height for roof peaks and tower tower tower elementsrooftop ooftop projectionsis 70'64'-0"fromtypical typicaltypical fromfrom finish grade to highest ish grade to highestish grade to highest 2.MixedUse5 70 ft 70 ft70 ft with Urban The maximum building The maximum buildingThe maximum building Residential or height for roof peaks 'Retail-Ready" first height for roof peaksheight for roof peaks floorsand tower elements is and tower elements isand tower elements is 75'-0"fromtypical fromtypical 75'75'0"0" -- finish grade to highest finfinish grade to highestish grade to highest part of construction. part of construction.part of construction. 23. Office only690 ft 90 ft90 ft 34. Hotel only 690 ft 6 8 (SUP Required)** 135 ft. 8 (SUP Required)**8 (SUP Required)** 45.Retail/ Commercial2 40 ft 22 Retail/ Commercial Retail/ Commercial only The maximum building height for roof peaks and tower elements is 50' -0" from typical finish grade to highest part of construction. 56. Mixed Use with retail, 690 ft . Mixed Use with . Mixed Use with retail, retail, office, or hotel 67. Townhouses/350 ft Townhomes * For purposes of this planned development district, height is the vertical distance measured from the highest elevation at grade at the exterior surface of the structure to the highest point of the structure. **The SUP shall have a 45-day approval timeline from date of official submittal to consideration on a Town Council agenda (with recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission). Public hearing and property owner notification shall be required and any expenses related to providing proper notification shall be paid by the applicant. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 34 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |22 Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 5 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tabafter: a.v.Minimum height:The minimum height for structures 0.45" + Indentat:0.45" within the Property is twenty (20) feet in height. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + b.vi.The following standards shall also apply to the height of Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tabafter: buildings on the Property: 0.45" + Indentat:0.45" Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + 1.Residential proximity.The maximum height for structures 3. NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.1" + Tabafter: within 150' of residential uses adjacent to the Property shall 0.3" + Indentat:0.4",Tabstops:0.4",List be 60'. tab + Notat0.3" 2.Maximum Height Based on Building Line-of-Vision from 4. Vision from Vision from Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive: Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + 5.a.Except as otherwise provided herein, a building Except as otherwise provided herein, a building Except as otherwise provided herein, a building Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.35" + Tab greaterthan two stories may not project above the than two stories may not project abothan two stories may not project above the ve the after:0.25" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops:Not Building Line-of-Vision Plane projecting from Indian at0.25" Vision Plane projecting from Indian Vision Plane projecting from Indian Creek Drive and three stories from Trophy Club Drive three stories from three stories from Trophy Club Drive Trophy Club Drive unless a structure is constructed between the property constructed between the property constructed between the property line and the building so as to block the line-of-vision so as to block the lineso as to block the line in which event the building may project above the in which event the building may building may project above the project above the in which event the Building Line-of-Vision Plane.Urban Residential -of--of-Vision Plane.Vision Plane.Urban Residential Urban Residential buildings must comply with the design standards set forth buildings must comply with the design standards set forth buildings must comply with the design standards set forth in Section II.F.4.b herein. in Section II.F.4.b herein.in Section II.F.4.b herein. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 0 + a.b.Buildings two stories or less may project above the Buildings two stories or less may project above the Buildings two stories or less may project above the Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.35" + Tab Building Line-of-Vision Plane. Building Line-Building Line-ofofVision Plane.Vision Plane. after:0.3" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops:Not of- of at0.3" 6.c.The Building Line-of-Vision Plane shall commence The Building LineThe Building Line c.Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + six feet above the property line of the Property along NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + six feet above the property line of the Property along six feet above the property line of the Property along Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.35" + Tab Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive and project Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive and project Indian Creek Drive and Trophy Club Drive and project after:0.25" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops:Not upward and inward into the Property at a 25° angle to upward upward and inward into the Property at a 25° angle to and inward into the Property at a 25° angle to at0.25" said six foot measurement. said six said six foot measurement.foot measurement. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 0 + b.d.The Building Line-of-Vision Maximum Height is b.d.b.d.The Building LineThe Building Line Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.35" + Tab depicted below: depicted below:depicted below: after:0.3" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops:Not at0.3" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 35 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |23 i.not be counted as a floor. 3.Mezzanines.Mezzanines will not be counted as a floor.not be counted as a floor.Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + Mezzanines will Mezzanines will Mezzanines.Mezzanines. NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Startat: 3 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.4" + Tabafter: i.4.Parking.The maximum height for all parking Parking.Parking.The maximum height for all parking The maximum height for all parking 0.3" + Indentat:1.7",Tabstops:Notat0.3" structures shall be no higher than the highest adjoining shall be no higher than the highest adjoining shall be no higher than the highest adjoining structures structures Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + building. building. building. NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Startat: 0 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.4" + Tabafter: 0.3" + Indentat:1.7",Tabstops:Notat0.3" ii.5.Rooftop projections.The following structures may project ii.ii.Rooftop projections.Rooftop projections. 5.5. amaximum of twelve (12) feet above the maximum aximum of twelve (12) feet above the maximum aximum of twelve (12) feet above the maximum aamm structure height specified in the district regulations: Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + structure height specified in the district regulations:structure height specified in the district regulations: NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.7" + Tabafter: ii.a.Elevator penthouse or bulkhead. 0.35" + Indentat:2.05",Tabstops:Notat iii.b.Mechanical equipment room. 0.35" iv.c.Cooling tower. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.7",Firstline:0", Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, v.d.Ornamental cupola or dome. c, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Aligned vi.e.Skylights. at:1.7" + Tabafter:0.35" + Indentat: vii.f.Visual screens shall be provided and shall 2.05",Tabstops:Notat0.35" surround roof mounted mechanical equipment. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + viii.g.Chimney and vent stacks. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.7" + Tabafter: ix.h.Parapet wall. 0.35" + Indentat:2.05",Tabstops:Notat 0.35" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 36 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |24 C.STREETSCAPE STANDARDS. 1.State Highway 114 Frontage Road, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive with Non-Residential Frontage. a. General.State Highway 114 Frontage Road, Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive shall comply with the Street Standards set forth in Exhibits "Al", "A2" and "A3". b. Any parking frontage along State Highway 114 and Trophy Club Drive shall be screened by a 3-foot high Street Screen.Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the principal Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the principal Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the principal structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of shrubs structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of shrubs structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of shrubs planted to be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected from the planted to be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected planted to be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected from the from the Planting List in Appendix A. Therequired Street Screen shall be required Street Screen required Street Screen shall be shall be located at the edge of the R-O-W/property line along the corresponding W/property line along the corresponding W/property line along the corresponding frontage. c. Street Trees. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + x.i.Street trees shall be required on all the above streets. Street trees shall be required on all the above streets.Street trees shall be required on all the above streets. NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.6" + Tabafter: xi.ii.Street trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or with the street screen or Street trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or with the street screeStreet trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or with the street scree 0.35" + Indentat:1.95",Tabstops:Notat setback area, but shall be located between the travel lanes and setback area, but shall be located between the travel lanes and setback area, but shall be located between the travel lanes and 0.35" parking/building. xii.iii.Spacing shall be an average of 40 feet on center (measured Spacing shall be an average of 40 feet on center (measured Spacing shall be an average of 40 feet on center (measured per block face) along all streets. per block face) along all streets.per block face) along all streets. xiii.iv.Street trees shall be at least three-inch (3") caliper at the time Street trees shall be at least threeStreet trees shall be at least three of planting. xiv.v.Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such within the Property, or new tree in which such elsewhere preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", preserved, preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", shall increase the required tree spacing to an average of one tree per shall shall increase the required tree spacing to an average of one tree per increase the required tree spacing to an average of one tree per 60'-0" of street frontage. " of street frontage." of street frontage. 60'-060'-0 xv.vi.Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. Appendix A. Appendix A. d. Parking Zone. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + ii.i.Each side of the parking drive shall include (i) a Parking Zone for use NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.55" + Tab in head-in, 60 degree or 30 degree angled parking, or (ii) optional after:0.4" + Indentat:1.95",Tabstops: parallel or drop-off/valet parking. 1.95",Listtab + Notat0.4" iii.ii.Parking spaces shall be 9'-0" wide and 18'-0" deep. A 2'-0" overhang from vehicles parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into adjacent Circulation Zone. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 37 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |25 iii. A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or 81'-0" of frontage, and shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. e. Circulation Zone. i.The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone and parallel to the Building Line. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.55",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start v.ii.The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum 4'-0" wide clearzone The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum 4'The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum 4' at: 2 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.2" + Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:0.65",Tab dedicated for pedestrian circulation. dedicated for pedestrian circulation.dedicated for pedestrian circulation. stops:2",Listtab + Notat0.45" vi.iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.6",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start vii.iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, at: 0 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.2" + decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape Tabafter:0.4" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops: Notat0.4" feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 38 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |26 is maintained. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 39 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |27 v. This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps v. This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps v. This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings. leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings.leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings. f. Supplemental Use Zone. f. Supplemental Use Zone. f. Supplemental Use Zone. i. The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to theCirculation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the building). building). building). 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 40 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |28 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.48",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 2 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tab after:0.4" + Indentat:0.4",Tabstops:Notat a.ii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the 0.4" Circulation Zone per description in the following "Modification of Zones" provided a minimum of 4'-0" wide clear zone is established for pedestrian circulation. b.iii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for the use of commercial tenants for accessory "patio" dining, beer, wine and mixed beverage consumption, beverage sales, service and mixed beverage consumption, beverage sales, service and mixed beverage consumption, beverage sales, service and consumption, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured consumption, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured consumption, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental display and sales. c.iv.Accessory "patio" dining, beer, wine and mixed beverage nd mixed beverage nd mixed beverage Accessory "patio" dining, beer, wine a Accessory "patio" dining, beer, wine a consumption, beverage sales, service and consumption, and consumption, beverage sales, service and consumption, and consumption, beverage sales, service and consumption, and patron waiting shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any patron waiting shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and patron waiting shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by planters or shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by planters shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by planters decorative fencing as designed by the Owner and/or Tenant. decorative fencing as designed by the Owner and/odecorative fencing as designed by the Owner and/o r Tenant. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 41 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |29 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.49",Numbered + d.v.The hardscape and landscape used in the Supplemental Zone shall be Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 5 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + consistent with the landscape and hardscape used in the Project. Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:1.15",Tab Landscape plants shall be selected from the Planting List in stops:Notat0.45" Appendix A. i.vi.The Owner and/or Tenant are responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. 2.Modification of Zones. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start ii.a.At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:0.75",Tab Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be stops:Notat0.25" Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Any revision to the reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Any revision to the reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as established by parking shall meet the required parking count as established by parking shall meet the required parking count as established by Ordinance. However, a minimum of 4'-0" wide clear zone shall be provided Ordinance. However, a minimum of 4'-0" wide clear zone shall be provided Ordinance. However, a minimum of 4'-0" wide clear zone shall be provided for pedestrian circulation. i.b.At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, he Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, he Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area be used for patron drop-off/pick-up and /or valet service. -off/pick-up and /or valet service.up and /or valet service. 3. Indian Creek Drive with Residential Frontage. Creek Drive with Residential Frontage.Creek Drive with Residential Frontage. a. General.Indian Creek Drive with Urban Residential Frontage shall comply dian Creek Drive with Urban Residential Frontage shall comply dian Creek Drive with Urban Residential Frontage shall comply with the Street Standards set forth in herein. with the Street Standards set forth in herein.with the Street Standards set forth in herein. b. Street Trees.Street Trees shall be provided along Indian Creek Drive as Street Trees shall be provided along Indian Creek Drive Street Trees shall be provided along Indian Creek Drive Street Trees. Street Trees. follows: follows: follows: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.44",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start ii.i.Street trees shall be required along Indian Creek Drive. Street trees shall be required along Indian Creek Drive.Street trees shall be required along Indian Creek Drive. at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + Tabafter:0.5" + Indentat:1.2",Tabstops: iii.ii.Street trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or within the setback area, t trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or within the setback t trees shall be planted in the R.O.W or within the setback Notat0.5" but shall be located between the travel lanes and building. but shall be located between the travel lanes and building.but shall be located between the travel lanes and building. iv.iii.Spacing shall be an average of 40 feet on center (measured per block face) along all streets. v.iv.Street trees shall be at least three-inch (3") caliper at the time of planting. vi.v.Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A ii.vi.Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such preserved, 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 42 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |30 relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", shall increase the required spacing of street trees to an average of one tree per 60'-0" of frontage. c. Parking Zone. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.49",Numbered + iii.i.Each side of the parking drive shall include (i) a Parking Zone for use Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.75" + in head-in, 60 degree or 30degree angled parking, or (ii) optional Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:1.2",Tabstops: parallel or drop-off/valet parking. Notat0.45" v.ii.Parking spaces shall be 9'-0" wide and 1 8'-0" deep. A 2'-0" overhang from vehicles parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into adjacent Circulation Zone. iv.iii.A landscaped island shallbe provided every ninth parking be provided every ninth parking be provided every ninth parking space, or 81'-0" of frontage, and shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 0" of frontage, and shall be a minimum 9 feet by 0" of frontage, and shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. One canopy tree (3" min. caliper size at the time of planting) feet. One canopy tree (3" min. caliper size at the time of feet. One canopy tree (3" min. caliper size at the time of planting) planting) shall be required within each landscaped island. Canopy tree shall be required within each landscaped island. shall be required within each landscaped island. Canopy tree Canopy tree species may be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. m the Planting List in Appendix A.m the Planting List in Appendix A. d. Circulation Zone. i.The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the ParkingThe Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone and parallel to the Building Line. Zone and parallel to the Building Line.Zone and parallel to the Building Line. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.39",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start i.ii.The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum 4'-0" wide clear zone The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum 4'The Circulation Zone shall have a minimum 4' at: 2 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.1" + dedicated to pedestrian circulation. dedicated to pedestrian circudedicated to pedestrian circu Tabafter:0.55" + Indentat:0.65",Tab stops:Notat1.94" ii.iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 43 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |31 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.44",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 0 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.1" + iii.iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative Tabafter:0.5" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops: landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature Notat1.94" landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation Zone erfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation Zone erfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained.provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. v.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps Formatted:Indent:Left:1.55",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings. at: 5 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.1" + Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:0.55",Tab stops:Notat0.45" e. Supplemental Use Zone: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.5",Numbered + vi.i.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.1" + Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the Tabafter:0.5" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops: building). 2",Listtab + Notat0.5" i.ii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the Circulation Zone per description in the following 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 44 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |32 "Modification of Zones" provided a minimum of 4'-0" wide clear zone is established for pedestrian circulation. ii.iii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for the use of commercial tenants for accessory "patio" dining, mixed beverage, beer and wine beverage service, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental display and sales. vii.iv.Accessory "patio" dining, mixed beverage, beer and wine beverage service, and patron waiting shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by planters or decorative fencing as designed by the buildings by planters or decorative fencing as designed by the buildings by planters or decorative fencing as designed by the Owner and/or Tenant. a.v.The hardscape and landscape used in the Supplemental Zone The hardscape and landscape used in the Supplemental Zone The hardscape and landscape used in the Supplemental Zone shall be consistent with the landscape and hardscape used in the shall be consistent with the landscape and hardscshall be consistent with the landscape and hardscape used in the ape used in the Project. Landscape plants shall be selected from the Planting List in Project. Landscape plants shall be selected from the Planting List in Project. Landscape plants shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. i.vi.The Owner and/or Tenant is responsible for maintenance of the The Owner and/or Tenant is responsible for maintenance of the The Owner and/or Tenant is responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. f. Modification of Zones. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.55",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start ii.i.At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approvaAt the Property Owner's discretion and upon approva at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.6" + Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:1.05",Tab Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental stops:Notat0.45" Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parkAny revision to the parking shall meet the required park established by Ordinance. However, a minimum of 4'-0" wide established by Ordinance. However, a minimum of 4'established by Ordinance. However, a minimum of 4' clear zone shall be provided for pedestrian circulation. clear zone shall be provided for pedestrian circulation.clear zone shall be provided for pedestrian circulation. iii.ii.At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for patron drop-off/pick-up and /or parkinparking area may be used for patron dropg area may be used for patron drop valet service. valet service.valet service. 4.Secondary Street with Non-Residential Frontage. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.26",Numbered + i.a.General.Secondary Streets with Non-Residential Frontage shall Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + comply with Exhibits "B" and "Bl". Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:0.8",Tabstops: Notat0.3" ii.b.Parking Frontage.Any parking frontage along any Type A Drive/Street shall be screened by a 3-foot high Street Screen. Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the principal structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of shrubs planted to be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. The required Street Screen shall be located to screen the parking lot from the sidewalk along that frontage. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 45 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |33 iii.c.Street Trees.Street Trees shall be provided along these streetsas follows i.Street trees shall be required along all Secondary streets. ii.Street trees shall be planted within the Circulation area between Formatted:Indent:Left:2",Hanging:0.19", Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii, the parking lane and building. Spacing shall be an average of 40 iii, … + Startat: 2 + Alignment:Right + Aligned feet on center (measured per block face) along allstreets. at:1.69" + Indentat:1.94" iii.Street trees shall be at least three-inch (3") caliper at the time of planting. iv.Street tree species shall be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A v.Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or newtree in which such preserved, tree in which such preserved, tree in which such preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", shall relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", shall relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", shall increase the required spacing of street trees to one per 100'-0" increase the required spacing of street trees to one per 100'increase the required spacing of street trees to one per 100' of frontage. d. Parking Zone. i.Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to 90-degree or 30- Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to 90Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to 90degree or 30degree or 30 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.81",Hanging: - 0.38",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: degree "head-in" parking spaces and parallel parking. in" parking spaces and parallel parking.in" parking spaces and parallel parking. i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + i.ii.Ninety-degree and 30-degree head-in parking spaces shall be 9'- degree headdegree headin parking spaces shall be 9'in parking spaces shall be 9' Alignedat:0.05" + Tabafter:0.6" + Indent -- 0" wide and 1 8'-0" deep. A 2'-0" overhang from vehicles at:0.65",Tabstops:Notat0.6" 0" deep. A 2'0" overhang from vehicles 0" overhang from vehicles - parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent Circulation Zone. ii.iii.Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and aces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and aces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and 18'0" deep. ii.iv.A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or every (a) 81'-0" of frontage for "head-in" parking, or space, or every (a) 81'space, or every (a) 81'0" of frontage for "head0" of frontage for "head -- (b) 100'0" for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this (b) 100'0" for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this (b) 100'0" for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this Parking Zone shall bea minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. Parking Zone shall beParking Zone shall bea minimum 9 feet by 18 feet.a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. e. Circulation Zone. e. Circulation Zone. e. Circulation Zone. a.i.The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone The Circulation Zone shall be located closest to the Parking Zone Formatted:Indent:Left:1.82",Hanging: 0.38",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: and parallel to the Building Line. and parallel to the Building Line.and parallel to the Building Line. i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + b.ii.The Circulation Zone is dedicated to allowing pedestrian ii.ii.The Circulation Zone is dedicated to allowing pedestrian The Circulation Zone is dedicated to allowing pedestrian Alignedat:0.05" + Tabafter:0.6" + Indent circulation and shall be a minimum of 6'-0" wide with a 4'-0" at:0.65",Tabstops:Notat0.6" circulation and shall be a minimum of 6'circulation and shall be a minimum of 6' wide clear pedestrian zone. wide clear pedestrian zone.wide clear pedestrian zone. c.iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. d.iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the CirculationZone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. e.v.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings. f.vi.Doors for adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone. f. Supplemental Use Zone. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 46 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |34 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.59",Numbered + a)i.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the Tabafter:0.6" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: building) as set forth in Exhibits "B" and "Bl". Notat0.6" b)ii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the Circulation Zone per description in accordance with the following "Modification of Zones". c)iii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for (a) the use of ground floor commercial tenants for accessory "patio" dining, mixed beverage, beer and wine beverage service, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental display and sales, or (b) the use of ground floor residential for display and sales, or (b) the use of ground floor residential for display and sales, or (b) the use of ground floor residential for hardscape or landscape. d)iv.If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting hardscaped If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting hardscaped If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting hardscaped and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the Circulation and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the Circulation and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by planters (at sidewalk level or raised)or decorative fencing as planters (at sidewalk level or raised)planters (at sidewalk level or raised)or decorative fencing as or decorative fencing as designed by the Owner or Tenant. designed by the Owner or Tenant. e)v.The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for maintenance The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for maintenance The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. of the Supplemental Zone. of the Supplemental Zone. g.Modification of Zones. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.69",Numbered + i.At the Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking At the Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking At the Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.1" + may be redesignedand/or reconfigured so that the Circulation may be redesignedmay be redesignedand/or reconfigured so that the Circulation and/or reconfigured so that the Circulation Tabafter:0.5" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops: Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Use Zone to Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Notat0.5" be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Any be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as established by Ordinance. established by Ordinance.established by Ordinance. ii.Atthe Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town AtAtthe Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the Staff, parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for temporary patron drop-off/pick-up parking area may be used for temporary patron dropparking area may be used for temporary patron drop and /or valet service. and /or valet service.and /or valet service. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 47 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |35 iii.Use of parallel spaces to create supplementaluse areas will follow similar requirements as stipulated above. 5.Secondary Street with Residential Frontage. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.2",Numbered + iii.a.General. Secondary Streets with Residential Frontage shall comply with the Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start standards set forth herein. at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:0.8",Tabstops: Notat0.3" i.b.Parking Frontage.Any parking frontage along any Type A Drive/Street shall be screened by a 3-foot high Street Screen. Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material as the Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material Required Street Screens shall be of either the same building material principal structure on the lot or masonry or a living screen composed of composed of composed of shrubs planted to be opaque at maturity. Species shall be selected from be selected from be selected from the Planting List in Appendix A. The required Street Screen shall be Street Screen shall be Street Screen shall be located to screen the parking lot from the sidewalk along that frontage. sidewalk along that frontage.sidewalk along that frontage. iv.c.Street Trees. i.Street Trees shall be provided along these streetsas follows: Street Trees shall be provided along these streetsStreet Trees shall be provided along these streetsas follows:as follows: Formatted:Indent:Left:2.38",Numbered + ii.a)If parking is provided immediately adjacent to the If parking is provided immediately adjacent to the If parking is provided immediately adjacent to the Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start street, one (1) Street Tree shall be provided for every eight at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.2" + one (1) Street Tree shall be provided for every eight one (1) Street Tree shall be provided for every eight Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:1.45",Tab (8) contiguous parking spaces or fraction thereof. (8) contiguous parking spaces or fraction thereof.(8) contiguous parking spaces or fraction thereof. stops:Notat0.25" iii.b)If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, two Street Trees shall be provided for every 81' shall be provided for every 81' shall be provided for every 81' two Street Trees two Street Trees 0" of frontage. frontage. frontage. iv.c)If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to c) the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every 60' 0" the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every 60' 0" the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every 60' 0" of frontage. of frontage. of frontage. v.d)For purposes of this Section, parking is not d)For purposes of this Section, parking is not For purposes of this Section, parking is not d) v.v. immediately adjacent to the street if a drive aisle is located immediately adjacent to the strimmediately adjacent to the str between the street and parking. between the street and parking.between the street and parking. i.e)Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall be located and centered in the Parking Zone landscaped islands. ii.Street trees shall be at least three-inch (3") caliper at the time of planting. iii. Preservation of an existing tree, tree relocated from elsewhere within the Property, or new tree in which such preserved, relocated or new tree has a caliper greater than 8", 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 48 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |36 shall reduce the required spacing of landscaping islands to one per ten (10) contiguous parking spaces, or one tree per 100'-0" of frontage. d. Parking Zone. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.65",Numbered + ii.i.Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to 90-degree or 30- degree Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + "head-in" parking spaces and parallel parking. Tabafter:0.6" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: Notat0.6" a.ii.Ninety-degree and 30-degree head-in parking spaces shall be 9'-0" wide and 1 8'-0" deep. A 2'-0" overhang from vehicles parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent Circulation Zone. iii.Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and 18'0" deep. b.iv.A landscaped island shall be provided every ninth parking vided every ninth parking vided every ninth parking space, or every (a) 81'-0" of frontage for "head-in" parking, or (b) 0" of frontage for "head0" of frontage for "headin" parking, or in" parking, or -- 100'0" for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this 100'0" for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this 100'0" for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet.Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. e. Circulation Zone. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.65",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start c.i.The Circulation Zone shall be located adjacent to the Parking The Circulation Zone shall be locThe Circulation Zone shall be located adjacent to the Parking ated adjacent to the Parking at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Zone and parallel to the frontage. Zone and parallel to the frontage.Zone and parallel to the frontage. Tabafter:0.6" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: Notat0.6" d.ii.The Circulation Zone is dedicated to allowing pedestrian The Circulation Zone is dedicated to allowing pedestrian The Circulation Zone is dedicated to allowing pedestrian circulation. circulation.circulation. e.iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. grade may be placed in the Circulation Zone. i.iv.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative Landscape walLandscape wal ls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative ls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is Zone provided the required four (4) foot wide clear zone is maintained. maintained.maintained. f.v.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings. g.vi.Doors for adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone. h.vii.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the Circulation Zone per description in accordance with the following "Modification of Zones". 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 49 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |37 f. Modification of Zones. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.59",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start i.At the Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.55" + parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the Tabafter:0.6" + Indentat:1.15",Tabstops: Circulation Zones can be rerouted. Any revision to the parking 2.19",Listtab + Notat0.6" shall meet the required parking count as established by Ordinance. ii.At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for patron drop-off/pick-up and /or up and /or up and /or valet service. iii.Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas will follow Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas will follow Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas will follow similar requirements as stipulated above. 6. Private Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses. Private Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses. Private Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.08",Numbered + i.a.General.Private Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses shall Private Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses shallPrivate Street or Mews Street with Frontage of Any Uses shall Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start comply with the standards set forth in Exhibits "C" and "C 1". at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + comply with the standards set forth in Exhibits "C" and "C 1".comply with the standards set forth in Exhibits "C" and "C 1". Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:0.8",Tabstops: Notat0.3" i.b.Private Streets or Mews Streets provide public access by public right-of-way Private Streets or Mews Streets provide public access by public rightPrivate Streets or Mews Streets provide public access by public right or public easement. ii.c.Street Trees.Street Trees shall be provided along these streets as follows: Street Trees shall be provided along these streets as follows:Street Trees shall be provided along these streets as follows: i.If parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one (1) rovided immediately adjacent to the street, one (1) rovided immediately adjacent to the street, one (1) Street Tree shall be provided for every eight (8) contiguous Street Tree shall be provided for every eight (8) contiguous Street Tree shall be provided for every eight (8) contiguous parking spaces or fraction thereof. parking spaces or fraction thereof.parking spaces or fraction thereof. ii.If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one If no parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every 81' 0" of frontage. Street Tree shall be provided for every 8Street Tree shall be provided for every 8 iii.If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, If parallel parking is provided immediately adjacent to the street, one Street Tree shall be provided for every 60' 0" of frontage. one Street Tree shall be provided for every 60' 0" of frontage.one Street Tree shall be provided for every 60' 0" of frontage. iv.For purposes of this Section, parking is not immediately adjacent For purposes of this Section, parking is not immediately adjacent For purposes of this Section, parking is not immediately adjacent to the street if a drive aisle is located between the street and to the street if a drive aisle is locatto the street if a drive aisle is locat parking. parking. parking. v.Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall be Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall be Street Trees provided within a row of parking spaces shall be located and centered in the Parking Zone landscaped islands. located and centered in the Parking Zone landscaped islands.located and centered in the Parking Zone landscaped islands. vi.Street trees shall be at least three-inch (3") caliper at the time of planting. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 50 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |38 d. Parking Zone. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.65",Numbered + vii.i.Parking in this Parking Zone is limited to 90-degree or 30- degree Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start "head-in" parking spaces and parallel parking. at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Tabafter:0.6" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: 2.25",Listtab + Notat0.6" ii.Ninety-degree and 30-degree head-in parking spaces shall be 9'-0" wide and 1 8'-0" deep. A 2'-0" overhang from vehicles parked in the Parking Zone is allowed into the adjacent Circulation Zone. viii.iii.Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and Parallel parking spaces shall be a minimum of 7'0" wide and 18'0" deep. iii.iv.A landscape island shall be provided every ninth parking A landscape island shall be provided every ninth parking A landscape island shall be provided every ninth parking space, or every (a) 81'-0" of frontage for "head-in" parking, or (b) in" parking, or in" parking, or (b) 0" of frontage for "head0" of frontage for "head -- 100'0"for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this for parallel parking. Landscape islands in this Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet.Parking Zone shall be a minimum 9 feet by 18 feet. e. Circulation Zone. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.65",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start i.This zone shall be located immediately adjacent to the Parking This zone shall be located immediately adjacent to the Parking This zone shall be located immediately adjacent to the Parking at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Zone and parallel to the frontage. Zone and parallel to the frontage.Zone and parallel to the frontage. Tabafter:0.6" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: Notat0.6" ii.This zone is dedicated to allowing clear, unobstructed This zone is dedicated to allowing clear, unobstructed This zone is dedicated to allowing clear, unobstructed pedestrian circulation. pedestrian circulation. pedestrian circulation. iii.Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in Ramps and/or steps and railings required to mitigate changes in grade can be placed in this zone. grade can be placed in this zone.grade can be placed in this zone. iv.This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps This Circulation Zone shall connect to adjacent curb ramps leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings. leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings.leading to adjacent lots, blocks and buildings. v.Doors for adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone. Doors foDoors for adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone.r adjacent buildings cannot swing into this zone. vi.The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the The Supplemental Use Zone shall be allowed to encroach into the Circulation Zone per description in accordance with the following Circulation Zone per description in accordance with the following Circulation Zone per description in accordance with the following "Modification of Zones". "Modification of Zones"."Modification of Zones". vii.Landscape walls, steps, planters, tree wells, decorative landscape pots, site lighting, any decorative landscape feature (fountains, waterfalls, etc.) shall be allowed in the Circulation Zone provided the required four foot (4') wide clear zone is maintained. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 51 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |39 f. Supplemental Use Zone. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.75",Hanging: viii.i.This Supplemental Use Zone shall be located between the 0.5",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Circulation Zone and the Building Line (adjacent to the Alignedat:0.6" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent building) as set forth in Exhibits "B" and "B 1". at:1.15",Tabstops:Notat0.55" ix.ii.The Supplemental Use Zone is provided for (a) the use of ground floor commercial tenants for accessory "patio" dining, beer and wine beverage service, entry vestibules, entry stoops, structured canopies, patron waiting, feature hardscape or landscape, water features, incidental display and sales, or (b) the landscape, water features, incidental display and sales, or (b) the landscape, water features, incidental display and sales, or (b) the use of ground floor residential for hardscape or landscape. use of ground floor residential for hardscape or landscape.use of ground floor residential for hardscape or landscape. x.iii.If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting If used at ground floor residential uses, the resulting hardscaped and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the hardscaped and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the hardscaped and/or landscaped yards shall be separated from the Circulation Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent Circulation Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent Circulation Zone and any shared public circulation to adjacent buildings by planters (at sidewalk level or raised) or decorative buildings by planters (at sidewalk level or raised) or decorative buildings by planters (at sidewalk level or raised) or decorative fencing as designed by the Owner or Tenant. g as designed by the Owner or Tenant.g as designed by the Owner or Tenant. xi.iv.The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for The Owner and/or Tenant shall be responsible for maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. maintenance of the Supplemental Zone. g. Modification of Zones. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.7",Numbered + ii.i.At the Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, At the Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, At the Owner's discretion and upon approval of Town Staff, Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.6" + parking may be redesigned and/or reconfigured so that the parking may be redesigned and/or reconfiguparking may be redesigned and/or reconfigu Tabafter:0.55" + Indentat:1.15",Tab Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental Circulation Zones can be rerouted, allowing the Supplemental stops:Notat0.55" Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's Use Zone to be reconfigured where desired for any Tenant's use. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking use. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking use. Any revision to the parking shall meet the required parking count as established by Ordinance. count as established by Ordinance.count as established by Ordinance. iii.ii.At the Property Owner's discretion and upon approval of At the Property OwnAt the Property Own Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the Town Staff, parking can be redesigned and/or reconfigured so the parking area may be used for patron drop-off/pick-up and /or parking area may be used for patron dropparking area may be used for patron drop valet service. valet service.valet service. iv.iii.Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas Use of parallel spaces to create supplemental use areas will follow similar requirements as stipulated above. 7.Serviceways. a. General. i. Serviceways shall comply with the standards set forth in Exhibit "D". Serviceways shall be considered as Type `B' Drives for the purposes of this Ordinance. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 52 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |40 Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 2 + a.ii.Serviceways will be on the Owner's property and shall be used Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Tab after:0.55" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops:Not for pedestrian circulation between buildings on the same lot, for at0.55" vehicle access to loading and trash areas, for maintenance and service vehicle access, and for routing of base building and tenant utilities. b.iii.Serviceways maybe within physical separations and setbacks as required by building codes between uses and buildings. c.iv.Private utilities, grease interceptors, vaults, fire mains and other similar features may be located in the Serviceways. d.v.Serviceways which are identifiedby the Fire Department for by the Fire Department for by the Fire Department for possible use shall meet Fire Department requirements. possible use shall meet Fire Department requirements.possible use shall meet Fire Department requirements. e.vi.Ground level pedestrian circulation and upper level connective Ground level pedestrian circulation and upper level connective Ground level pedestrian circulation and upper level connective bridges between buildings may cross the Serviceways. bridges between buildings may cross the Serviceways.bridges between buildings may cross the Serviceways. f.vii.Service Areas shall not be visible from Indian Creek, Trophy Service Areas shall not be visible from Indian Creek, TropService Areas shall not be visible from Indian Creek, Trop Club Drive and SH 114. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 53 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |41 b. Base Building and Tenant Utilities. g.i.Base building and tenant utilities may be routed under Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + serviceways whenever possible. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Tab after:0.55" + Indentat:0.6",Tabstops:Not a.ii.Base building and tenant utility related equipment, taps, meters, at0.55" distribution, and similar equipment exposed to view shall be Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + grouped in an ordered fashion on building walls abutting the NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + grouped in an ordered fashion on building walls abutting the grouped in an ordered fashion on building walls abutting the serviceways. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Tab after:0.5" + Indentat:0.55",Tabstops:Not at0.5" D. DESIGN STANDARDS. 1.Mixed Use. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 54 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |42 a. General. The following standards shall apply to all Type 'A' Drive facades and the SH 114 Frontage Road, and Trophy Club Drive facades. i. Combinations of uses permitted on the Property may be incorporated either vertically within structures or horizontally throughout the Property. Residential uses shall not be allowed on the ground floor except as otherwise provided herein. Mixed-use provisions are intended to address the standards and recommendations for the horizontal adjacency and the vertical recommendations for the horizontal adjacency and the vertical recommendations for the horizontal adjacency and the vertical mixing of varying uses. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.58",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start b.ii.Close horizontal adjacency of different uses is permitted for at: 2 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tab Close horizontal adjacency of different uses is permitted for Close horizontal adjacency of different uses is permitted for after:0.55" + Indentat:0.55",Tabstops:Not ground floor adjacencies for commercial, office and residential at0.55" uses as set forth herein. Residential and Commercial occupancies may be located on the same floor of the same Building, but residential uses shall not be located on the ground floor, except as otherwise permitted herein. c.iii.Close vertical adjacency of different uses is permitted for ground floor commercial and/or office uses with second floor office and/or Urban Residential uses above, and second floor office and/or Urban Residential uses with possible third floor Urban Residential uses. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 55 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |43 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.53",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start a.iv.Urban Residential is permitted on the first floor inall floors of at: 0 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tab Buildings B.4, B5, and B7, as shown on the Preliminary Site after:0.6" + Indentat:0.6" Plan, subject to the following: b.the first floor in such buildings is Retail Ready; Formatted:Indent:Left:1.88",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start c.the maximum number of units, in the aggregate on the first floor at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.8" + of Buildings B4, B5, and B7 is 33; Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:1.05",Tabstops: a.Such space cannot be used for Urban Residential until 24 months Notat0.3" after the issuance of the building permit for such space provided the space is being marketed for retail uses; and, d. The minimum area in an Urban Residential unit on the first floor is 1,200 minimum area in an Urban Residential unit on the first floor is 1,200 minimum area in an Urban Residential unit on the first floor is 1,200 square feet. 2. Visual Orientation and Entrance Location for Mixed-Use Development. Use Development.Use Development. a. Ground floor commercial, office and residential uses as set forth herein Ground floor commercial, office and residential uses as set forth Ground floor commercial, office and residential uses as set forth retail, in a mixed-use development shall be visually oriented toward and have evelopment shall be visually oriented toward and have evelopment shall be visually oriented toward and have their primary entrance oriented toward the street or private drive frontage. their primary entrance oriented toward the street or private drive frontage.their primary entrance oriented toward the street or private drive frontage. b. Upper floor office and Urban Residential uses may use ground floor lobbies placed toward the middle or rear of buildings. These lobbies shall be clearly visible and easily accessed from the street frontages via public access open 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 56 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |44 areas, public circulation paths between the street frontage and structured parking internal to the block, or similar public access patios, courts, or plazas. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 57 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |45 c. Rear facades of buildings facing Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive shall c. Rear facades of buildings facing Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive shall c. Rear facades of buildings facing Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive shall have a similar level of design and articulation as the front facades of the same have a similar level of design and articulation as the front facades of the same have a similar level of design and articulation as the front facades of the same respective buildings. d. Visual orientation and entrance location for Mixed-Use Development ededUse DevelopmentUse Development -- as set forth in this section shall generally comply with Exhibit "E". as set forth in this section shall generally comply with Exhibit "E".as set forth in this section shall generally comply with Exhibit "E". 3. Uses Allowed on Specific Frontages. a. Buildings fronting on Indian Creek Drive shall be designed to a. Buildings fronting on Indian Creek Drive shall be designed to a. Buildings fronting on Indian Creek Drive shall be designed to accommodate the following: Ground floor retail, office, commercial, Public Safety Facilities and Ground floor retail, office, commercGround floor retail, office, commercial, Public Safety Facilities ial, Public Safety Facilities Ground floor retail, office, commercGround floor retail, office, commerc Second floor and above Urban Residential, office uses, or Public Safety Facilities. Second floor and above Urban Residential, office uses, or Public Second floor and above Urban Residential, office uses, or Public E. NON-RESIDENTIAL/MIXED USE BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES. RESIDENTIAL/MIXED USE BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES.RESIDENTIAL/MIXED USE BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES. 1.General.The following standards shall apply to all Type 'A' Drive facades and the The following standards shall apply to all Type 'A' Drive facades The following standards shall apply to all Type 'A' Drive facades SH 114 Frontage Road, and Trophy Club Drive Facades. SH 114 Frontage Road, and Trophy Club Drive Facades. SH 114 Frontage Road, and Trophy Club Drive Facades. Formatted:Indent:Left:1",Numbered + d.a.Building design provisions are intended to address the physical Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.6" + appearance of buildings within the subject area and establish certain common Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:1.85",Tab design treatments, thus supporting individual buildings relatedness to adjacent stops:Notat0.25" buildings. e.b.Building design provisions include building's location relative to street rights-of-way and easements, building materials, general requirements for glazing, shading, and encroachment, building height, screening of equipment, loading, trash, and utilities, exterior lighting, and the vehicular and pedestrian circulation within blocks and between buildings, within the same block to one another, and public pedestrian and vehicular circulation. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 58 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |46 a.c.Visual orientation and entrancelocation for buildings shall generally comply with the General Requirements for Mixed Use set forth in Section II of this Ordinance. 2.Structured Parking Garages. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.06",Numbered + d.a.Structured parking garages shall comply with the requirements listed below. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.6" + Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:1.85",Tabstops: e.b.The facades of parking garages that are visible from Trophy Club Notat0.3" Drive, Indian Creek Drive, or from the east boundary line must be of a similar color, architectureand materialsas the adjacent building. Screening of internal parking garages is not required. 3.Building Locations. h.a.For each facade of a building facing a street, 25% of the ground floor face Formatted:Indent:Left:1.13",Numbered + For each facade of a building facing a street, 25% of the ground floor face For each facade of a building facing a street, 25% of the ground floor face Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start shall be constructed within 6'0" maximum of the Building Line and 50% shall shall be constructed within 6'0" maximum of the Building Line and 50% shall shall be constructed within 6'0" maximum of the Building Line and 50% shall at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tab be constructed within 12'0" of the Building Line The balance of the ground after:0.25" + Indentat:0.25",Tabstops:Not be constructed within 12'0" of the Building Line The balance of the ground be constructed within 12'0" of the Building Line The balance of the ground at0.25" floor face isunrestricted in its proximity to the Building Line. Area of the unrestricted in its proximity to the Building Line. Area of the unrestricted in its proximity to the Building Line. Area of the building face satisfying these proximity requirements need not be requirements need not be requirements need not be continuous and can be divided per the building designer's discretion. continuous and can be divided per the building designer's discretion. building designer's discretion. These proximity requirements are set forth in Exhibits "A", "Al", "A2", "A3", These proximity requirements are set forth in Exhibits These proximity requirements are set forth in Exhibits "A", "Al", "A2", "A3", "A", "Al", "A2", "A3", "B", "Bl", "C" and "Cl". i.b.Where setbacks from the property line are stipulated in this section, the Where setbacks from the property line are stipulated in this section, Where setbacks from the property line are stipulated in this section, setback line shall be understood as the Building Line setback line shall be understood as the Building Linesetback line shall be understood as the Building Line j.c.Building Facades shall have a change in plane of not less than 5'-0" every Building Facades shall have a change in plane of not less than 5'Building Facades shall have a change in plane of not less than 5' 200'-0" of frontage or of not less than 2'-0" every 100'-0" of frontage at the 0" of frontage or of not less than 2'0" of frontage or of not less than 2' 0" every 100'0" every 100' -- building designer's discretion. The change in plane shall continue at least building designer's discretion. The change in plane building designer's discretion. The change in plane 10'-0" before the Facade returns to its previous position. 0" before the Facade returns to its previous position.0" before the Facade returns to its previous position. 15838215v.4 - Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 59 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |47 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: 0.25",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: a.d.Structured canopies may encroach into Supplemental Use Zones. a, b, c, … + Startat: 4 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0" + Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat: 0.2" b.e.Balconies (not allowed in facades fronting Trophy Club Drive) projecting from the building face, framed canopies, awnings, bay windows, decorative projections, moldings, cornices, trim, and signage may project 6'-0" into 43 rights-of-way and easements. c.f.Ground floor arcades (covered walkway) with air-conditioned, enclosed space at the second floor shall be considered as meeting the requirements for percent of building within 6'-0"or 12'-0" of rights-of-way and easements. g.The requirements for percent of building within 6'-0" or 12'-0" of right-of- rements for percent of building within 6'rements for percent of building within 6' ways and easements shall not apply to structures that have building elements ways and easements shall not apply to structures that have building elements ways and easements shall not apply to structures that have building elements on facades above the second floor on facades above the second flooron facades above the second floor 4. Specific Building Requirements: Specific Building Requirements:Specific Building Requirements: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.08",Numbered + a.The ground floor shall be defined as the first occupied floor occurring at the The ground floor shall be definThe ground floor shall be defined as the fied as the fi Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.35" + typical street frontage, finished sidewalk level, up to the bottom of the second typical street frontage, finished sidewalk level, up to the bottom of the typical street frontage, finished sidewalk level, up to the bottom of the Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:0.65",Tabstops: floor. Mezzanines as defined by the building code may be allowed, but do not floor. Mezzanines as defined by the building code may be allowed, but do not floor. Mezzanines as defined by the building code may be allowed, but do not 1.38",Listtab + Notat0.3" constitute second floors. constitute second floors.constitute second floors. b.Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, nonresidential and non-parking buildings shall have a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 40% of the ground floor facade, up to 10'-0" above the typical street frontage finished sidewalk level, comprised of windows, storefronts, and/or entrances. This standard shall only apply to all Type 'A' Drive facades and the SH 114 Frontage Road, and Trophy Club Drive facades. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 60 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |48 mr- Typical Non-Residential / Non-Parking StreetFrontage Opening Wall Ratio c. Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, non- Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, nonUnless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, non residential and non-parking buildings fronting State Highway 114 Frontage parking buildings fronting State Highway 114 parking buildings fronting State Highway 114 residential and non- Road and Trophy Club Drive, within 400 feet of State Highway 114 Road and Trophy Club Drive, within 400 feet of State Road and Trophy Club Drive, within 400 feet of State frontage road, shall have a minimum of 30% and a maximum of frontage road, shall have a minimum of 30% frontage road, shall have a minimum of 30% 40% of the ground floor facade, up to 10'-0" above the typical 40% of the ground floor 40% of the ground floor facade, up to facade, up to street frontage finished sidewalk level, comprised of windows, street frontage finstreet frontage finished sidewalk level, ished sidewalk level, storefronts, and/or entrances. storefronts, and/or entrances.storefronts, and/or entrances. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 61 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |49 c.d.Materials and finishes used for windows, storefronts, entrances, and Formatted:Indent:Left:1.06",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start entrance vestibules shall be at the discretion of the Property Owner and/or at: 4 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Tenants as long as a minimum of 85% of Type 'A' Drive facades are Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:0.3",Tabstops: Notat0.25" finished in masonry (brick, natural and manmade stone, architectural- colored concrete masonry block both smooth and split-face, cementitious plank and siding, stuccousing the 3 step process, tile, cast stone, or glass block).(Cementious plank and siding may be utilized in recessed areas only not visible from the street). i.e.Variation in the size, shape, and detailing of upper floor windows is Formatted:Indent:Left:1.01",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start permitted. at: 0 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.05" + Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:0.35",Tabstops: d.f.Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, for each Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, for Unless otherwise dictated by applicable codes and ordinances, for each 0.35",Listtab + Notat0.3" + 0.45" building frontage on Indian Creek Drive, secondary streets, and d building frontage on Indian Creek Drive, secondary streets, building frontage on Indian Creek Drive, secondary streets, an private and mews streets, a minimum of 30% and a maximum of maximum ofmaximum of private and mews streets, a minimum of 30% and a private and mews streets, a minimum of 30% and a 40% of the ground floor facade, up to 10'-0" above the typical abovabove the typical e the typical 0" 0" street frontage finished sidewalk level, comprised on windows, ished sidewalk level, comprised ished sidewalk level, comprised on windows, on windows, storefronts, and/or entrances. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 62 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |50 O O Indian Creek Dr Non-Residential / Non-Parking Street Frontage Opening Wall Ratio Indian Creek Dr Non-Residential / Non-Parking Street Residential / NonParking Street Parking Street - Frontage Opening/Wall Ratio 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 63 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |51 EIFS use is limited to top cornices, top parapets and walls, g. second floor and above if the application is exposed from the top. the EIFS must be hail resistant or protected. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.5",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start i.h.Roofs may be flat-roofs sloped for drainage. Parapets shall be 3'-6" at: 8 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.1" + minimum higher than the adjacent roof. Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:0.35",Tab stops:0.35",Listtab + Notat0.25" + 0.4" ii.i.Roof top equipment shall be screened from view from a person standing at any area of the adjoining Circulation Zone of the respective building, and the top of the equipment shall not be higher than the top of the parapet. 5. Loading and Trash Zones. 5. Loading and Trash Zones. 5. Loading and Trash Zones. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.13",Numbered + iii.a.Each Non-Residential building shall have one loading zone 10' Each NonEach NonResidential building shall have one loading zone 10' Residential building shall have one loading zone 10' Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start -- at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.9" + -0" x 25' -0" and one dumpster/compactor location 10'-0" x 0" 0" x 25' x 25' 0" and one dumpster/compactor location 10'0" and one dumpster/compactor location 10' ---- Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:1.15",Tab % %% 250". This requirement does not apply to Urban Residential, 25250". This requirement does not apply to Urban Residential, 0". This requirement does not apply to Urban Residential, stops:Notat0.25" parking, or public access open areas. A grouping of structures parking, or public access open areas. A grouping of structures parking, or public access open areas. A grouping of structures may be designated by the Owner or developer to allow one may be designated by the Owner or developer to allow one may be designated by the Owner or developer to allow one dumpster/compactor location to accommodate said grouping of dumpster/compactor ldumpster/compactor l structures. structures.structures. iv.b.The loading and trash zones may be grouped at a single building or may be dispersed on the lot at multiple buildings. Loading and trash may be hand-trucked within the block as required. v.c.The loading and trash zones shall not be open to view from Highway 114 frontage road, Trophy Club Drive, or Indian Creek. They may open onto Secondary Streets, Private Streets, or Mews Streets, but in all instances the loading and trash zones 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 64 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |52 shall be fully screened with walls finished to match or complement adjacent buildings and gates. d. The loading and trash zones may be located in buildings, structured d. The loading and trash zones may be located in buildings, structured d. The loading and trash zones may be located in buildings, structured parking garages, and any Serviceways. parking garages, and any Serviceways. F.URBAN RESIDENTIAL GUIDELINES: URBAN RESIDENTIAL GUIDELINES:URBAN RESIDENTIAL GUIDELINES: 1. General: a. Urban Residential design provisions are intended to address a. Urban Residential design proa. Urban Residential design provisions are intended to address visions are intended to address the physical appearance of buildings within the subject physical appearance of buildings within the subject physical appearance of buildings within the subject area and establish location relative to street right-of-ways area and establish location relative to street rightestablish location relative to street right area and and easements, building materials, general requirements for and easements, and easements, building materials, general requirements for building materials, general requirements for glazing, shading, and encroachment, building height, screening glazing, shading, and glazing, shading, and encroachment, building height, screening encroachment, building height, screening of equipment, loading, trash, and utilities, exterior lighting, and of equipment, loading, of equipment, loading, unit densities. unit densities.unit densities. b. Visual orientation and entrance location for residential buildings b. Visual orientation and entrance location for residential buildings b. Visual orientation and entrance location for residential buildings shall comply with the General Requirements for Mixed Use set shall comply with the General Requirements for Mixed Use set shall comply with the General Requirements for Mixed Use set forth in Section II of this Ordinance. c. Urban Residential Units may not be located on the ground floor of a building except as follows: Urban Residential Units may be located on the ground floor of a building facing the creek on the east side of the Property; 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 65 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |53 Urban Residential is permitted on the first floor in Buildings B4, B5 and B7, as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, provided the first floor is Retail Ready. Adult Active Living units may be located on the ground floor of the east side of the Property; other locations shall require a SUP. cd. No minimum Open Space per residential unit shall be required. 2. Building Location: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.01",Numbered + i.a.Building Facades shall have a change in plane of not less than 5'-0" Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.6" + every 200'-0" of Facade. The change in plane shall continue 0" of Facade. The change in plane shall continue 0" of Facade. The change in plane shall continue Tabafter:0.3" + Indentat:1.9",Tabstops: at least 10'-0" before Facade returns to its previous position. e Facade returns to its previous position.e Facade returns to its previous position. Notat0.3" 1)b.Balconies projecting from the typical building face, framed Balconies projecting from the typical building face, framed Balconies projecting from the typical building face, framed canopies, awnings, bay windows, decorative projections, moldings, canopies, awnings, bay windows, decorative projections, moldings, canopies, awnings, bay windows, decorative projections, moldings, cornices, trim, and signage may project 6'-0" maximum into trim, and signage may project 6'trim, and signage may project 6'0" maximum into 0" maximum into - public rightof-ways and public easements. lic easements.lic easements. 3. Building Materials:A minimum of 85% of the front facades of A minimum of 85% of the front facades of A minimum of 85% of the front facades of residential buildings and residential building facades along Type buildings and residential building facades along Type buildings and residential building facades along Type 'A' street or open space shall be finished in masonry (brick, open space shall be finished in masonry open space shall be finished in masonry natural and manmade stone, architectural-colored concrete architecturalarchitecturalcolored concrete colored concrete stone, stone, -- masonry block both smooth and split-face, stuccousing the 3 step masonry block both smooth and splitmasonry block both smooth and splitface, stuccoface, stucco -- process, tile, cast stone, or glass block).(Cementious plank and siding cast stone, or glass block).cast stone, or glass block).(Cementious plank and siding (Cementious plank and siding may be utilized in recessed areas only not visible from the may be utilized in recessed areas only not visible from the may be utilized in recessed areas only not visible from the street).(brick, natural and manmade stone, architectural-colored natural and manmade natural and manmade stone, stone, concrete masonry block both smooth and split-face, cementitious concrete masonry block both smooth and splitconcrete masonry block both smooth and split plank and siding, stucco using the 3 step process, tile cast stone, or plank and siding, plank and siding, stucco using the stucco using the glass block). glass block).glass block). 4. Urban Residential Specific Requirements: Urban Residential Specific Requirements:Urban Residential Specific Requirements: a. Urban Residential buildings and townhomes/townhouses Urban Residential buildings Urban Residential buildings may front on Indian Creek Drive or on a pedestrian may frmay front on Indian Creek Drive or ont on Indian Creek Drive or paseo/open space, but shall not front on State Highway paseo/open space, but shall not front on State paseo/open space, but shall not front on State 114114 or Trophy Club Drive unless located above the first floor of a Mixed-Use building fronting on Trophy Club Drive. b.Urban Residential buildings facing Trophy Club Drive shall be designed as rowhouses and each ground floor urban residential unit facing Trophy Club Drive shall be designed as have a separate pedestrian entrance,exceptfor a maximum six units containing a balcony. c.Except where provided herein, Urban Residential facades 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 66 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |54 fronting on Trophy Club Drive shall not have balconies. cd. Urban Residential minimum floor areas are as follows: 2)i.Efficiency unit —600 sf minimum Formatted:Indent:Left:1.56",Hanging: 0.25",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: 3)ii.One bedroom unit — 800 750 sf minimum i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + 4)iii.Two or more bedroom units —1,000 sf minimum. for a Alignedat:0.6" + Tabafter:0.45" + Indent at:1.05",Tabstops:Notat0.45" two (2) bedroom unit, for each additional bedroom unit beyond two (2), add 200 sf per bedroom ed.The average unit size shall be 1,000 square feet. f. Urban Residential maximum lot coverage is 100%. ge. Urban Residential density: two hundred fifty (250) units. Urban Residential density: two hundred fifty (250) unitsUrban Residential density: two hundred fifty (250) units plus a cumulative total of up to an additional 33 urban residential cumulative total of up to an additional 33 urban residentcumulative total of up to an additional 33 urban residential units are permitted on the first floors of Buildings B4, B5, and B7 units are permitted on the first floors of Buildings B4, B5, and B7 units are permitted on the first floors of Buildings B4, B5, and B7 provided such additional units are Retail Ready. provided such additional units are Retail Readyprovided such additional units are Retail Ready . f. Area A and B shall be simultaneously constructed; provided, f. Area A and B shall be simultaneously constructed; provided, f. Area A and B shall be simultaneously constructed; provided, however, a Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for a Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for a Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for a building in Area B prior to issuance of Certificates of prior to issuance of Certificates of prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy, which may include "shell Certificates of Occupancy, which may include "shell Certificates of "shell Certificates of Occupancy, which may include Occupancy", for 26,300 SF of the building area in Area A. Occupancy", for 26,300 SF of the building area in Area AOccupancy", for 26,300 SF of the building area in Area A h.Driveways and public infrastructure necessary for future Driveways and public infrastructure necessary for future Driveways and public infrastructure necessary for future development in the areas designated as Buildings A-2, A-3, A-4 development in the areas designated as Bdevelopment in the areas designated as Builuil and A-5 shall be constructed at the same time as the development 5 shall be constructed at the same time as the 5 shall be constructed at the same time as the of Urban Residential units in Block B. of Urban Residential units in Block B.of Urban Residential units in Block B. 5. Townhome Residential Requirements: Townhome Residential Requirements:Townhome Residential Requirements: a.Townhome Residential General: Townhome Residential General:Townhome Residential General: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.48",Numbered + 2)i.Townhome Residential shall be single family residential i.i. 2)2)Townhome Residential shall be single family residential Townhome Residential shall be single family residential Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.8" + units on individually platted lots. nits nits on individually platted lots.on individually platted lots. uu Tabafter:0.4" + Indentat:1.2",Tabstops: 3)ii.The lots (and the dwelling unit primary pedestrian entry) 3)3)ii.ii.The lots (and the dwelling unit primary pedestrian entry) The lots (and the dwelling unit primary pedestrian entry) Notat0.4" must front on public street(s), vehicle access drives, must must pedestrian circulation areas, or public landscaped areas. pedestrian circulation areas, or public landscaped areas.pedestrian circulation areas, or public landscaped areas. 4)iii.Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to public streets or vehicle access drives. iii.iv.Accessory buildings shall not be allowed on lots. 1)v.Townhome Residential lots shall be clustered into a maximum of 7 units per cluster separated by pedestrian circulation areas (minimum 15 feet in width) or vehicle access drives (minimum of 35 feet in width - 25 foot drive with 5 foot sidewalks both sides). Clustering must meet all building/fire code requirements. 2)vi.Where Townhome Residential lots are clustered, 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 67 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |55 individual dwelling units shall abut one another, but must contain code compliant fire separation walls as required by the Town building and fire codes, centered on the common lot lines. 3)vii.Each Townhome Residential lot shall be served individually by water, sewer, electric, gas, and other typical utilities. viii.Areas for recreational, open space, and service may be platted into one or more lots. 4)ix.Add language requiring controlled access gates on the road accessing the townhomes. b.Townhome Residential maximum density: the maximum number of Townhome Residential maximum density: the maximum number of Townhome Residential maximum density: the maximum number of Townhome/Townhouse units is 30 39 units. c.Townhome Residential minimum floor areas are as follows: Townhome Residential minimum floor areas are as follows:Townhome Residential minimum floor areas are as follows: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.43",Numbered + i.Ground floor - 800 sf minimum inclusive of garage parking Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start 800 sf minimum inclusive of garage parking 800 sf minimum inclusive of garage parking at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.3" + and covered breezeways and vestibules associated with and covered breezeways and vestibules associated with and covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:0.75",Tab Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit. Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit.Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit. stops:1.88",Listtab + Notat0.45" ii.Second floor -800 sf minimum. 800 sf minimum.800 sf minimum. iii.Third floor-not to exceed second floor. not to exceed second floor.not to exceed second floor. iv.Townhome Residential shall not exceed 3 stories. Townhome Residential shall not exceed 3 storTownhome Residential shall not exceed 3 stor v.Townhome Residential minimum total floor area -1,400 sf. Townhome Residen Townhome Residential minimum total floor area tial minimum total floor area d.Townhome Residential lot size and lot coverage: Townhome Residential lot size and lot coverage:Townhome Residential lot size and lot coverage: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.44",Numbered + i.Minimum lot size per dwelling shall be 1200 sf. Minimum lot size per dwelling shall be 1200 sf.Minimum lot size per dwelling shall be 1200 sf. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.35" + ii.Minimum lot width per dwelling shall be 20 feet. Minimum lot width per dwelling shall be 20 feet.Minimum lot width per dwelling shall be 20 feet. ii. ii. Tabafter:0.4" + Indentat:0.35",Tabstops: iii.Minimum lot depth per dwelling shall be 60 feet. iii.iii.Minimum lot depth per dwelling shall be 60 feeMinimum lot depth per dwelling shall be 60 fee Notat0.4" iv.Minimum lot coverage per dwelling shall be 60%. iv.iv. Minimum lot coverage per dwelling shall be 60%.Minimum lot coverage per dwelling shall be 60%. v.Maximum lot coverage shall be 80%. Maximum lot coverage shall be 80%.Maximum lot coverage shall be 80%. v.v. e. Townhome Residential Setbacks: Townhome Residential Setbacks:Townhome Residential Setbacks: i. Front setback a.1)Front setback shall be a minimum of 10 feet, Formatted:Indent:Left:1.94",Hanging: 0.19",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: dedicated to landscaping, hardscaping, and/or 1,2,3, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + driveways. Alignedat:1" + Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat: 1.25",Tabstops:Notat0.25" b.2)Decorative building elements, canopies, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project up to 6 feet into this setback. c.3)No off-street parking or ancillary buildings 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 68 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |56 will be allowedwithin this setback. ii.Side setback 1) Where Townhome Residential units abut adjacent Townhome Residential units and a code compliant fire separation wall is provided, there shall be no required side setback. a.2)Where Townhome Residential units abut public Formatted:Indent:Left:1.88",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start streets, vehicle access drives, or pedestrian circulation at: 2 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1" + Tab areas, a 10 foot set back shall be required dedicated to after:0.25" + Indentat:1.25",Tabstops:Not landscaping and hardscaping. Decorative building at0.25" elements may project up to 5 feet into this setback elements may project up to 5 feet into this setback elements may project up to 5 feet into this setback except where limited by building/fire code except where limited by building/fire cexcept where limited by building/fire c requirements. b.3)No off-street parking or ancillary buildings street parking or ancillary buildings street parking or ancillary buildings will be allowed within this setback. will be allowed within this setback.will be allowed within this setback. 2.iii.Rear setback a.1)The minimum rear setback shall be 5 feet. The minimum rear setback shall be 5 feet.The minimum rear setback shall be 5 feet. g.2)No decorative building elements, eaves, covered No decorative building elements, eaves, covered No decorative building elements, eaves, covered breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome breezeways and vestibules associated with Townhome Residential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay sidential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay sidential pedestrian entry/exit, balconies, and bay windows may project past the lot line. windows may project past the lot line.windows may project past the lot line. f.Townhome Residential Design Guidelines: Townhome Residential Design Guidelines:Townhome Residential Design Guidelines: i. A minimum of 85% of the front, side and rear A minimum of 85% of the front, side and rear A minimum of 85% of the front, side and rear facade of Townhome Residential shall be finished in facade of facade of Townhome Residential shall be finished in Townhome Residential shall be finished in masonry (brick, stone, stucco using the 3 step process, masonry (brick, masonry (brick, e, stucco using the 3 step process, e, stucco using the 3 step process, stonston cast stone, or glass block). cast stone, or glass cast stone, or glass g.Townhome Residential Garage and Parking Requirements: Townhome Residential Garage and Parking Requirements:Townhome Residential Garage and Parking Requirements: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.36",Numbered + i.Each town home shall have a minimum of a single car Each town home shall have a minimum of a single car Each town home shall have a minimum of a single car Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.3" + garage. garage.garage. Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:0.75",Tab ii.Garages must be sized to be a minimum of ten feet (10') stops:Notat0.45" Garages must be sized to be a minimum of ten feet (10') Garages must be sized to be a minimum of ten feet (10') by eighteen feet (18') iii.Townhome Residential garages shall be oriented to public streets or vehicle access drives. iv.Each Townhome Residential unit requires one (1) guest parking space. The total of guest parking required for clustered Townhome Residential may be accommodated in nearby public street parking or in designated off-street parking areas dispersed throughout the Townhome Residential development. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 69 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |57 h.Townhome Residential Trash: v.i.Each dwelling unit shall individually house trash in an area Formatted:Indent:Left:1.38",Hanging: 0.38",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: not visible from adjacent unitsor from public drives and i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + protected from weather and pests. Alignedat:0.3" + Tabafter:0.45" + Indent at:0.75",Tabstops:Notat0.45" vi.ii.Each dwelling unit shall be allowed to place trash containers in a designated area adjacent to the unit's garage on designated trash collection days. i.A separate property owners association shall be created for the area developed with Townhomes. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 70 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |58 j. Structured parking garages may be used for required parking Structured parking garages may be used for required parking Structured parking garages may be used for required parking for Urban Residential uses. Urban Residential uses.Urban Residential uses. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 71 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |59 k. Roof top equipment shall be screened from view from a person standing at the sidewalk abutting and the top of the equipment shall not be higher than the top of the parapet. 6. Loading & Trash Zones for Residential: Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + iv.a.Loading zones are not required for Urban Residential buildings. NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.15" + Tab after:0.25" + Indentat:1.45",Tabstops:Not i.b.Either one (1) dumpster location, measuring 10' -0" x 10%0", shall be at0.25" provided for each Urban Residential building or one (1) compactor location provided for each Urban Residential building or one (1) compactor location provided for each Urban Residential building or one (1) compactor location Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + shall be provided for each grouping of six (6) Urban Residential buildings. NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 0 + shall be provided for each grouping of six (6) Urban Residential buildings. shall be provided for each grouping of six (6) Urban Residential buildings. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.15" + Tab They shall be accessed and located along serviceways or alleys along the They shall be accessed and located along serviceways or alleys along the They shall be accessed and located along serviceways or alleys along the after:0.3" + Indentat:1.45",Tabstops:Not backs of the Urban Residential buildings. at0.3" G. PARKING GUIDELINES: 1. Street Parking: a.Street parking within 300'-0" of a proposed use shall be counted toward Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + 0" of a proposed use shall be counted toward 0" of a proposed use shall be counted toward NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + satisfying the parking requirements for such use. satisfying the parking requirements for such use.satisfying the parking requirements for such use. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.2" + Tabafter: 0.2" + Indentat:1.4",Tabstops:Notat0.2" b.Street parking shall not be assigned or reserved other than as required Street parking shall not be assigned or reserved other than as Street parking shall not be assigned or reserved other than as for accessible parking. c.Street parking may be deleted where the Property Owner is Street parking may be deleted where the Property Owner is Street parking may be deleted where the Property Owner is providing a valet drop-off/pick-up lane. off/pickoff/pickup lane.up lane. providing a valet dropproviding a valet drop ---- d.Parking is permitted between the facade of a building fronting on Parking is permitted between the facade of a building fronting onParking is permitted between the facade of a building fronting on Indian Creek Drive and the right-of-way for Indian Creek Drive. Indian Creek Drive and the right-Indian Creek Drive and the right- ofof 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 72 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |60 Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Hanging: a.2.Surface Parking.Surface parking lots within the 0.25",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: 1,2,3, … + Startat: 2 + Alignment:Left + development that accommodate 75 or more cars within one contiguous area Alignedat:2.06" + Tabafter:2.26" + Indent shall only be permitted with a Special Site Plan (SSP) approval by Town at:2.26" Staff. Applications for an SSP for a Surface Parking lot shall include a phasing plan for development on the site that would be in compliance with the standards in this Ordinance. A Surface Parking lot may be converted into a building site with Site Plan approval at any time. b.3.Garaged Parking: i.a.Garaged parking within 300'-0"of an associated non-residential use residential residential shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements for that use. shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements for that use. shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements for that use. Garaged parking is considered to be shared equally by all associated non- by all associated nonby all associated non residential uses. ii.b.Garaged parking within 300'-0" of an assigned Urban 0" of an assigned Urban 0" of an assigned Urban Residential unit shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements Residential unit shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements Residential unit shall be counted toward satisfying the parking requirements for that Urban Residential unit. iii.c.Notwithstanding anything contained herein, garaged parking in Building B Notwithstanding anything contained herein, gNotwithstanding anything contained herein, garaged parking araged parking in Building B shall apply to required parking for Urban Residential uses in Building B. Urban Residential uses Urban Residential uses in Building Such required spaces may be gated and assignedto the Urban Residential and assignedand assignedto the Urban Residential to the Urban Residential and assignedand assigned unitsin Building B. Excess and guest parking in the parking garage in Excess and guest parking in the parking garage in Excess and guest parking in the parking garage in Building B may be used forvalet parking. valet parking.valet parking. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.11",Numbered + iv.d.Above-ground parking garages may be open parking structures and Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start shall have minimum 3-ft. exterior masonry screening walls on all levels. at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + Tabafter:0.2" + Indentat:0.7",Tabstops: Structured parking garages with open ground floor frontages shall have Notat0.2" minimum 3-ft. high landscape screening on the ground floor. Post tensioning cable design shall be prohibited onexterior facing walls, but may be used on interior walls. Parking garages fronting on the SH 114 frontage road shall not have exposed concrete finishes and shall match the architectural standards of the contiguous buildings. v.e.Below grade parking garages may be used for required parking of Urban Residential buildings. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 73 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |61 vi.f.Disposition of Parking within Garages: i. Within structured garage parking, individual parking spaces or groups of parking spaces may be reserved, assigned, and designated for the use of specific tenants, for the use of Urban Residential parking, for short term parking, or for employee parking. ii.Parking provided in Urban Residential garages may be used for required parking for any other use on the Property. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.06",Numbered + vii.g.Location of Garages Relative to Streets: Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 7 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.2" + Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:0.45" i.Structured parking garages may have frontages and Structured parking garages may have frontages and Structured parking garages may have frontages and Formatted:Indent:Left:1.59",Numbered + vehicular access to all streets. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start i.ii.Where structured parking garages have ground floor at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.6" + Where structured parking garages have ground floor Where structured parking garages have ground floor Tabafter:0.35" + Indentat:0.95",Tab frontages, decorative building components, low walls, or frontages, decorative building components, low walls, or frontages, decorative building components, low walls, or stops:Notat0.35" landscaping approximately 3 '-0" high shall be provided asa 0" high shall be provided a0" high shall be provided a headlight screen on the ground floor. Solid enclosed walls of headlight screen on the ground floor. Solid enclosed walls of headlight screen on the ground floor. Solid enclosed walls of structures facing Type "A" streets, shall have exterior masonry structures facing Type "A" streets, shall have exterior structures facing Type "A" streets, shall have exterior walls on the ground floor. All other floors shall have exterior walls on the ground floor. All other floors shall walls on the ground floor. All other floors shall have exterior masonry walls, 3 '-0" in height for headlight screening. 0" in height for headlight screening.0" in height for headlight screening. iii.Parking spaces shall be allowed at sloped garage floors or decks Formatted:Indent:Left:1.56",Hanging: 0.38",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: per the Property Owner's discretion. i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 3 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:2.31" + Indentat:2.56" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 74 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |62 Formatted:Indent:Left:1.49",Numbered + i.iv.The facades of parking garages that are visible from Trophy Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start Trophy Trophy The facades of parking garages that are visible from The facades of parking garages that are visible from at: 4 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.4" + Club Drive, Indian Creek Drive, or from the east boundary line Club Drive, Indian Creek Drive, or from the east boundary line Club Drive, Indian Creek Drive, or from the east boundary line Tabafter:0.45" + Indentat:0.85",Tab must be of a similar color as the adjacent building. Screening of stops:Notat0.45" building. Screening of building. Screening of the adjacent the adjacent internal parking garages is not required. required.required. ii.v.The elevated levels of structured parking garages may utilize The elevated levels of structured parking garages may The elevated levels of structured parking garages may bridges to provide direct pedestrian circulation from garage bridges to provide direct pedestrian circulation bridges to provide direct pedestrian circulation from garage levels to Non-Residential and Residential uses as set forth in Residential and Residential uses as set fResidential and Residential uses as set f Exhibits "E" and "F". 4. Parking Ratios: a. Parking calculations shall be based on enclosed air-conditioned areas Parking calculations shall be based on enclosed airParking calculations shall be based on enclosed air only. Non-Residential use areas included in Supplemental Use Zones, Residential use areas included in Supplemental Residential use areas included in Supplemental exterior waiting, dining, beverage service, vestibules, public seating in Public Access Open Areas, and structured parking garages shall not be included in parking calculations. b. Required Parking Ratios by Use. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.54",Numbered + ii.i.Retail/Restaurant/Office — 1 parking space per 275 sf of gross floor Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.8" + area Tabafter:0.4" + Indentat:1.2",Tabstops: iii.ii.Urban Residential —one (1) parking space per efficiency unit and Notat0.4" one (1) parking space per bedroom 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 75 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |63 iv.iii.Hotel — 1 parking space per guest room plus 1 parking space per 275 sf of gross meeting/convention floor area v.iv.All other uses — 1 space per 300 sf of gross floor area. c. Shared parkingstudy: The applicant/property owner may submit a request to the Town Staff for approval of a maximum of 25% reduction of required parking based on an assessment of parking demand by uses proposed at any time. Town Staff will evaluate the proposal based ona parking study of any proposed development, specific demand for the uses proposed, any proposed parking management and/or valet parking. 5. Stacked Parking:Stacked parking is permitted within the Property subject to compliance with the following standards: i.a.Stacked Parking shall only be permitted in conjunction with a valet parking Formatted:Indent:Left:1.06",Numbered + Stacked Parking shall only be permitted in conjunction with a valet parking Stacked Parking shall only be permitted in conjunction with a valet parking Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start plan. at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.2" + ii.b.Each parking space in stacked parking shall be at least 8 feet wide by 18 Each parking space in stacked parking shall be at least 8 feet wide by 18 Each parking space in stacked parking shall be at least 8 feet wide by 18 Tabafter:0.5" + Indentat:0.2",Tabstops: feet long.Notat0.5" iii.c.An area reserved for stacking spaces may not double as a An area reserved for stacking spaces may not double as aAn area reserved for stacking spaces may not double as a circulation driveway or maneuvering area. 6. Valet Parking:Valet parking is permitted within the Property. The following Valet parking is permitted within the Property. The following Valet parking is permitted within the Property. The following standards shall apply: Formatted:Indent:Left:1.06",Hanging: ii.a.A valet parking plan shall be required and submitted to the Town Staff for 0.25",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: A valet parking plan shall be required and submitted to the Town A valet parking plan shall be required and submitted to the Town a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + review and approval. Alignedat:0.95" + Tabafter:0.45" + Indent at:1.4",Tabstops:Notat0.45" iii.b.A valet parking plan shall require the following information: A valet parking plan shall require the folA valet parking plan shall require the following information:lowing information: Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + iv.i.A plan of the proposed pick up/drop off area, NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + A plan of the proposed pick up/drop off area,A plan of the proposed pick up/drop off area, Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.6" + Tabafter: i.ii.The number of spaces required. The number of spaces required.The number of spaces required. 0.3" + Indentat:2.05",Tabstops:Notat0.3" v.iii.A plan of the proposed area to be used for parking including where A plan of the proposed area to be used for parking including A plan of the proposed area to be used for parking including stacked parking is to be used; Formatted:Indent:Firstline:0",Numbered stacked parking is to be used;stacked parking is to be used; + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Start at: 0 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.6" + H. SIGNAGE, CLOCK TOWER AND MISCELLANEOUS: SIGNAGE, CLOCK TOWER AND MISCELLANEOUS:SIGNAGE, CLOCK TOWER AND MISCELLANEOUS: Tabafter:0.35" + Indentat:1.6",Tabstops: Notat0.35" 1.Signage:All signs shall comply with the Town's sign regulations except All signAll signs shall comply with the Town's sign regulations except s shall comply with the Town's sign regulations except Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + as those regulations are modified herein. In addition to signs permitted by NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + regulations are modified herein. In addition to signs permitted by regulations are modified herein. In addition to signs permitted by Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.6" + Tabafter: the Town's Zoning Ordinance, the following additional signs and/or revised sign Zoning Ordinance, the following additional signs and/or revised sign Zoning Ordinance, the following additional signs and/or revised sign 0.3" + Indentat:2.05",Tabstops:Notat0.3" definitions and standards are permissible: Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + a.General: for purposes of signage, the entire Property is considered one lot. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.25" + Indentat:0.5" b.Monument signs Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + i. Monument signs, for the sole purpose of identifying Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indent the development only (not tenants) (see picture to the left below) at:1.5" may be located anywhere on the private property side of property Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + lines without setback restrictions, except for vehicular vision Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indent triangles as set forth by the Town of Trophy Club's Ordinances. at:1.5" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 76 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |64 ii. Monument signs may be lighted internally or externally and shall comply with all applicable Town ordinances. iii. Maximum number of monument signs: 5. iv. Maximum height of monument signs along Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive: 10' with a Maximum effective area of 200 square feet per side. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 77 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |65 c.Freestanding development identification signs (as shown in the picture to Formatted:Indent:Left:0.81",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start the right above) — by Specific Use Permit (SUP) at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" i. Number of signs, location, size, and lighting shall be determined by the SUP. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.81",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start d.Direction Signs at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" ii.i.Direction signs are to direct the public to various locations within the Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: development such as (but not limited to) retail, office, Urban 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: Residential, hotel, parking lots and structured parking garages. i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Residential, hotel, parking lots and structured parking garages. Residential, hotel, parking lots and structured parking garages. Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent at:1.1",Tabstops:1.56",Listtab + Notat iii.ii.Directi Directi 0.55" on signs may be freestanding, post mounted, wall mounted, on signs may be freestanding, post mounted, wall on signs may be freestanding, post mounted, wall mounted, mounted, projecting or flat mounted. iv.iii.Where Where Where mounted to a vertical support the directional sign size shall not mounted to a vertical support the directionmounted to a vertical support the directional sign size shall al sign size shall exceed 50 sf and not exceed 5'-0" in width. 0" in width.0" in width. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 78 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |66 Formatted:Indent:Left:0.81",Numbered + e.Banners Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" v.i.Banners may be mounted to a vertical support, building, Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: structured parking garage, street light pole, or may span an 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + internal street of the PD property. Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent at:1.1",Tabstops:Notat0.55" vi.ii.Banners may display artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to the development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic events. vii.iii.Maximum area: 50 square feet per side. viii.iv.Banner design is at the sole discretion of the Property Owner. Banner design is at the sole discretion of the Property Owner.Banner design is at the sole discretion of the Property Owner. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 79 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |67 Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + f.Directory Map Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" ix.i.Directory maps shall identify the location of streets, tenants, Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: amenities, service, and features within the development. i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent x.ii.The directory map may be freestanding, post mounted, wall at:1.1",Tabstops:Notat0.55" mounted, kiosk mounted, projecting or flat mounted. xi.iii.The directory map shall not exceed 50 sf in size. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.81",Numbered + g.Architectural Roof Signs Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" i.An architectural sign is a sign which may extend above or on top of An architectural sign is a sign which may extend above or on top of An architectural sign is a sign which may extend above or on top of the roof top or highest point of a building roof line. the roof top or highest point of a building roof line.the roof top or highest point of a building roof line. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: a.ii.Architectural Roof Signs are prohibited on frontages along 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: Architectural Roof Signs are prohibited on frontages along Architectural Roof Signs are prohibited on frontages along i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 2 + Alignment:Left + Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. Trophy Club Drive and ITrophy Club Drive and I Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent at:1.1",Tabstops:Notat0.55" Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: b.iii.Architectural roof signs shall not exceed 150 sf, or exceed 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 2 + Alignment:Left + 9'-0" in height. They shall be limited to two per building/roof. Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent at:1.1",Tabstops:Notat0.55" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 80 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |68 Formatted:Indent:Left:0.81",Numbered + h.Signage at Sloped Roofs Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" e.i.Tenant signage may be allowed at sloped roofs and/or parapets to Tenant signage may be allowed at sloped roofs and/or parapets to Tenant signage may be allowed at sloped roofs and/or parapets to Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: meet signage requirements of the Tenant based upon the building quirements of the Tenant based upon the building quirements of the Tenant based upon the building i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Facade design. Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent at:1.1",Tabstops:Notat0.55" f.ii.Signage shall be installed at the lower leading edge of a sloping Signage shall be installed at the lower leading edge of a sloping Signage shall be installed at the lower leading edge of a sloping roof, canopy, or parapet and not extending above the top edge of the roof, canopy, or parapet and not extending above the top edge of the roof, canopy, or parapet and not extending above the top edge of the sloping roof material. sloping roof material.sloping roof material. g.iii.Roof signage shall not exceed one-third of the height of Roof signage shall not exceed oneRoof signage shall not exceed one the sloping roof as seen in true elevation. the the sloping roof as seen in true elevation.sloping roof as seen in true elevation. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.69",Numbered + i.Projecting Blade and Hanging Signs Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start Projecting Blade and Hanging Signs Projecting Blade and Hanging Signs at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" i. Projecting blade and hanging signs shall be allowed within i. Projecting blade and hanging signs shall be allowed within i. Projecting blade and hanging signs shall be allowed within the limits of the development for the use by Tenants and Property limits of the development for the use by Tenants and Property limits of the development for the use by Tenants and Property Owner. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 81 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |69 h.ii.Projecting bladeand hanging signs may project a maximum of 6'- Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: and hanging signs may project a maximum of 6'and hanging signs may project a maximum of 6' 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: 0" into the public right-of-way or public easement, into any way or public easement, into any way or public easement, into any -of- -of- i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 2 + Alignment:Left + Supplemental Zone, or from the face of any building. Projecting Supplemental Zone, or from the face of any building. Projecting Supplemental Zone, or from the face of any building. Projecting Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.5" + Indent blade signs and hanging signs are to be mounted such that their at:1.05",Tabstops:Notat0.5" blade signs and hanging signs are to be mounted such that their blade signs and hanging signs are to be mounted such that their lowest edge is at least 8'-0" above the typical fmished sidewalk, or east 8'0" above the typical fmished sidewalk, 0" above the typical fmished sidewalk, - the minimum height to meet ADA regulation. the minimum height to meet ADA regulation.the minimum height to meet ADA regulation. i.iii.Projecting blade and hanging signs shall not exceed 50 sf. Projecting blade and hanging signs shall not exceed 50 sf.Projecting blade and hanging signs shall not exceed 50 sf. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.69",Numbered + j.Murals Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" ii.i.Murals are permitted upon approval of Town Staff. Murals are permitted upon approval of Town Staff.Murals are permitted upon approval of Town Staff. Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: iii.ii.Murals may be painted or attached to the exterior building Murals may be painted or attached to the exteriMurals may be painted or attached to the exteri i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + walls of any structure. Alignedat:0.55" + Tabafter:0.55" + Indent walls of any structure.walls of any structure. at:1.1",Tabstops:Notat0.55" iii.Murals may incorporate artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to Murals may incorporate artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to Murals may incorporate artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to the development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic events by means easily understood by a general audience. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 82 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |70 Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start k.Wall Signs at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indentat:1.5" i.Only one sign and one logo shall be permitted per tenant per street Formatted:Indent:Left:1.31",Hanging: 0.25",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: (public and private) frontage. i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.3" + Tabafter:0.7" + Indentat: ii.The smallest rectangle encompassing all the letters may not exceed 1",Tabstops:1.56",Listtab + Notat0.7" 30 inches in height, nor 40 feet in length nor 75% of the length of the frontage of the demised premises. iii.Businesses located on a corner may be permitted one sign on each frontage. iv.Signage shall be located on the wall surface above the storefront Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: Signage shall be located on the wall surface above the storefront Signage shall be located on the wall surface above the storefront 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: windows and above the storefront awnings or canopies. windows and above the storefront awnings or canopies.windows and above the storefront awnings or canopies. i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.3" + Tabafter:0.7" + Indentat: 1",Tabstops:1.56",Listtab + Notat0.7" v.Logos or Business marks, measured separately, may not Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Hanging: 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: exceed 30 SF, and may be located on the facade wall or on the i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + business awning over the primary entry. Alignedat:0.3" + Tabafter:0.7" + Indentat: 1",Tabstops:1.56",Listtab + Notat0.7" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 83 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |71 Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + l.Sign Kiosks Indentat:1.5" i. Freestanding kiosk structures, permanent or temporary, may be Freestanding kiosk structures, permanent or temporary, may be Freestanding kiosk structures, permanent or temporary, may be placed within public right-of-ways and/or public easements, with the ways and/or public easementways and/or public easements, with s, with the the exception of vehicle vision triangles. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 2 + A.ii.Kiosks are limited in height to 15%0". Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.05" + Tab after:0.55" + Indentat:1.5",Tabstops:Not at0.55" 1.iii.The total allowed signage for each kiosk in public right-of-ways and/or The total allowed signage for each kiosk in public rightThe total allowed signage for each kiosk in public right Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + public easements is 40 sf. The allowed gross vertical (not roof) surface area public easements is 40 sf. The allowed gross vertical (not public easements is 40 sf. The allowed gross vertical (not NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + for each kiosk in public right-of-ways and/or public easements is 80 sf. ways and/or ways and/or ofpublic easements is 80 sf.public easements is 80 sf. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.05" + Tab for each kiosk in public right-of- after:0.45" + Indentat:1.5",Tabstops: 1.5",Listtab + Notat0.45" 1.iv.The total allowed signage for each kiosk within the lot limits is 60 sf. The The total allowed signage for each kiosk within the lot limits is 60 sf. The The total allowed signage for each kiosk within the lot limits is 60 sf. The Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + allowed gross vertical (not roof) surface area for each kiosk in public right- allowed gross vertical (not roof) surface area for each kiosk in public rightallowed gross vertical (not roof) surface area for each kiosk in public right NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + of-ways and/or public easements is 120 sf. ways and/or public easements is 120 sf.ways and/or public easements is 120 sf. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.05" + Tab after:0.45" + Indentat:1.5",Tabstops: 1.5",Listtab + Notat0.45" 2.v.Kiosks may incorporate directional signage, directory maps, public service iosks may incorporate directional signage, directory maps, public iosks may incorporate directional signage, directory maps, public announcements, artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains to the announcements, artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains announcements, artwork, photos, and/or text that pertains development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic development district, special events, activities, exhibits, holidays, or civic events. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + 2.vi.Kiosks may incorporate lighting and ambient audio. Kiosks may incorporate lightinKiosks may incorporate lightin Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.05" + Tab after:0.45" + Indentat:1.5",Tabstops: 3.vii.Kiosks installed within the lot limits are not limited in number and may 1.5",Listtab + Notat0.45" display commercial content. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.56",Numbered + 2.Seasonal decorations.Seasonal decorations are permitted within the Property and may Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.25" + be attached to building elevations. Decorative tree lighting is allowed year round. Indentat:0.5" 3.Existing Clock Tower.The existing clock tower, as shown on the Concept Plan, shall may remain in its current location within the Propertyor be removed orrelocated within the Property. A new Clock Tower, of similar size and scale of the existing Clock Tower ,and of an architectural style compatible with surrounding structuresshall may be allowed to replace the existing Clock Tower. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 84 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |72 4.Vendor Kiosks.Vendor kiosks are permitted on the Property subject to the following requirements: Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + 1.a.Vender kiosks are intended for pedestrian ("walk-up") customers only. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:0.75",Tab 2.b.During hours of operation, merchandise display and customer waiting may extend stops:1",Listtab + Notat0.25" beyond the kiosk enclosure. 3.c.Kiosks are to be located in or immediately adjacent to pedestrian areas with the express intent of providing inviting and convenient casual shopping and service opportunities suitable for an active pedestrian urban environment. 4.d.Merchandise display and patron waiting areas may be covered by awnings or Merchandise display and patron waiting areas may be covered by awnings or Merchandise display and patron waiting areas may be covered by awnings or canopies. Merchandise display and customer waiting area may extend beyond the isplay and customer waiting area may extend beyond the isplay and customer waiting area may extend beyond the kiosk enclosure in all directions (this area is to be vacated during nonoperating kiosk enclosure in all directions (this area is to be vacated during nonkiosk enclosure in all directions (this area is to be vacated during nonoperating hours). 1.e.During non-business hours the kiosk and all merchandise is to be business hours the kiosk and all merchandise is to be business hours the kiosk and all merchandise is to be fully secured. 2.f.Food preparation and sales must meet applicable health ordinances. Food preparation and sales must meet applicable health ordinances.Food preparation and sales must meet applicable health ordinances. Deliveries to kiosks are to be made during designated times coordinated by the g. Deliveries to kiosks are to be made during designated times coordinated by Deliveries to kiosks are to be made during designated times coordinated by Town Manager's Designee. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + 1.h.Kiosk may not exceed 15 feet in height exclusive of architectural Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start Kiosk may not exceed 15 feet in height exclusive of architectural Kiosk may not exceed 15 feet in height exclusive of architectural at: 8 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + and decorative features. Tabafter:0.25" + Indentat:0.75",Tab stops:1",Listtab + Notat0.25" 2.i.Kiosks may not exceed400 sq. ft in floor area. 400 sq. ft in floor area.400 sq. ft in floor area. J.Awnings or canopies, fixed or retractable, may extend in all directions beyond the Awnings or canopies, fixed or retractable, may extend in all directions beyond the Awnings or canopies, fixed or retractable, may extend in all directions beyond the kiosk enclosure itself with specific extent to be determined on a case-bycase basis by kiosk enclosure itself with specific extent to be determined on a casekiosk enclosure itself with specific extent to be determined on a case the Development Management. the Development Management.the Development Management. k.Kiosk construction mustmeet all applicable municipal building and life safety codes Kiosk construction mustKiosk construction mustmeet all applicable municipal building and life safety codes meet all applicable municipal building and life safety codes and shall be secure after business hours. and shall be secure after business hours.and shall be secure after business hours. 1. Kiosks may have electrical, gas, water, cable TV/data, and/or telephone 1. Kiosks may have electrical, gas, water, cable TV/data, and/or telephone 1. Kiosks may have electrical, gas, water, cable TV/data, and/or telephone service. All utility services are to be routed underground (no overhead wiring/cabling is allowed). m. Permanent signage pertinent to the primary business of the kiosk tenant may be mounted on the kiosk itself. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.5",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start 5.Environmental standards.Development and uses within the Property shall at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.25" + comply with all Town environmental standards including, but not limited to glare, noise, Indentat:0.5" vibration, and odors. 6.Utility Placement and Routing: 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 85 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |73 Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start a.Utility Services shall be defined as electrical service and distribution, at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + telecommunications, data and cabling, electrical service for street lighting, signal Indentat:1.5" cabling and wiring, proprietary cabling, natural gas service, water, sanitary sewer & storm sewer. b.Overhead utility lines are prohibited within the limits of the development. c.All utility lines within the limits of the development shall be placed underground from the provider connection into each serviced building and in general conformance with the location set forth in Exhibit "G". d.Major provider electrical distribution, natural gas distribution, and water utilities shall be routed below drive paving within public right-of-ways and/or public easements. e.Private utilities shall be routed through Serviceways and similar Private utilities shall be routed through Serviceways and similar Private utilities shall be routed through Serviceways and similar Circulation Zones and physical building separations internal to each block. Individual Circulation Zones and physical building separations internal to each block. Individual Circulation Zones and physical building separations internal to each block. Individual taps, meters, disconnects, and distribution should be located in these same areas, ted in these same areas, ted in these same areas, grouped in a purposeful and planned manner, easily accessed for reading and accessed for reading and accessed for reading and service, but visually screened into alcoves, fenced enclosures, or similar areas. fenced enclosures, or similar areas.fenced enclosures, or similar areas. 7.LIGHTING. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.63",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.25" + a.Exterior lighting shall be architecturally integrated with the building's style, Exterior lighting shall be architecturally integrated with tExterior lighting shall be architecturally integrated with t Indentat:0.5" material, and color. material, and color.material, and color. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.88",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start b.Lighting intensities shall be controlled to ensure that excessive light spillage and at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.5" + Lighting intensities shall be controlled to ensure that excessive light spillage and Lighting intensities shall be controlled to ensure that excessive light spillage and Indentat:0.75" glare are not directed toward neighboring areas and motorists. are not directed toward neighboring areas and motorists.are not directed toward neighboring areas and motorists. c.Pedestrian level lighting of building entrance-ways shall be provided. Pedestrian level lighting of building entrancePedestrian level lighting of building entrance d.Illuminations of portions of buildings, direct or indirect, may be used for safety or aesthetic results. e.Lighting shall not exceed zero foot candles at property line. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + 8.“DESIGN AND LOCATION OF STORMWATER DETENTION FACILITIES NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.25" + Indent at:0.5" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 86 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |74 a.Detention or facilities shall be utilized to reduce peak discharges where conditions prevent conveying storm water to an adequate discharge point. Detention facilities shall be privately maintained. b.Location of any detention facility shall be consistent with the recommendations of the accepted flood and drainage study for the site and shall be indicated on the final site plan and final plat. c.Any detention facility shall require the final approval of the Town Engineer.” Formatted:ListParagraph,Left,Nobulletsor numbering d.The wall facing Indian Creek Drive shall be consistent with the following exhibit: Formatted:ListParagraph,Left,Nobulletsor numbering Formatted:Indent:Left:1.25",Nobulletsor numbering Formatted:Indent:Left:1.13",Nobulletsor numbering 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 87 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |75 III.PROCEDURES: Formatted:Indent:Left:0.25",Firstline:0", Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:A,B, C, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Aligned A.Summary of the Process: at:0.29" + Indentat:0.54" 1.PD Standards.Development of the Propertyshall comply with the standards set Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start forth in this Ordinance and with all other Town regulations not otherwise in at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + conflict with these planned development regulations. Indentat:1.5" 2.Concept Plan.Development of the Property shall generally comply with the Concept Plan attached hereto, including all modifications as authorized and approved by this Ordinance. 3.Preliminary Site Plan.Development of the Property shall generally comply with the Development of the Property shall generally comply with Development of the Property shall generally comply with Preliminary Site Plan attached as Exhibit "I" The Preliminary Site Plan is Preliminary Site Plan attached as Exhibit "I" The Preliminary Site Plan is Preliminary Site Plan attached as Exhibit "I" The Preliminary Site Plan is subject to change with staff approval after design charette process. Town Staff subject to change with staff approval after design charette process. Town Staff subject to change with staff approval after design charette process. Town Staff shall approve a modified Preliminary Site Plan if it complies with the standards shall approve a modified Preliminary Site Plan if it complies with the standards shall approve a modified Preliminary Site Plan if it complies with the standards set forth in the planned development district. 4.Site Plan and Facade Plans.Applicant shall submit a SitePlan and Facade Applicant shall submit a SiteApplicant shall submit a SitePlan and FacadePlan and Facade plans for each phase of development to Town Staff for approval. Development of plans for each phase of development to Town Staff for approval. Development ofplans for each phase of development to Town Staff for approval. Development of the Property shall comply with the Site Plan and Facade plans approved by the the Property shall comply with the Site Plan and Facade plans approved by thethe Property shall comply with the Site Plan and Facade plans approved by the Staff as set forth herein. Phasing.Each phase of development shall comply with steps 3 and 4 of this Each phase of development shall comply with steps 3 and 4 of this Each phase of development shall comply with steps 3 and 4 of this Section III. A. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.31",Firstline:0", B.Concept Plan. Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:A,B, C, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Aligned at:0.29" + Indentat:0.54" 1.Information to be provided on the Concept Plan shall comply with the standards set Information to be provided on the Concept Plan shall comply with the standards setInformation to be provided on the Concept Plan shall comply with the standards set Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + forth in this Ordinance and all other applicable Town Ordinances and shall include: forth in this Ordinance and all other applicable Town Ordinances and shall include:forth in this Ordinance and all other applicable Town Ordinances and shall include: Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + Indentat:0.95" a.i.the general location for proposed landuses; the general location for proposed landthe general location for proposed land Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + b.ii.delineation of all undeveloped open areas except for required yards, delineation of all undeveloped open areas except for required yards, delineation of all undeveloped open areas except for required yards, Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.1" + Tabafter: landscaped areas, areas unobstructed to the sky, and open recreation landscaped areas, areas unobstructed to the sky, and open recreation landscaped areas, areas unobstructed to the sky, and open recreation 0.45" + Indentat:1.55",Tabstops:1.55", facilities such as tennis courts and swimming pools; Listtab + Notat0.45" facilities such as tennis courts and swimming pools;facilities such as tennis courts and swimming pools; c.iii.indication of maximum heights for all structures in feet and stories; indication of maximum heights for all structures in feet aindication of maximum heights for all structures in feet a Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + d.iv.location of all proposed screening between the site and adjacent property; NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.1" + Tabafter: 0.45" + Indentat:1.55",Tabstops:1.55", a.v.location of minimum building setbacks along the site boundaries, on Listtab + Notat0.45" dedicated streets; Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 1 + e.vi.approximate location of major access points and rights-of-way to be Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.1" + Tabafter: 0.45" + Indentat:1.55",Tabstops:1.55", dedicated to the Town; and Listtab + Notat0.45" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 88 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |76 Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:i,ii,iii, … + Startat: 0 + b.vii.indication of each phase of development if separate phases are proposed. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.1" + Tabafter: 0.45" + Indentat:1.55",Tabstops:1.55", 2.There shall be no expiration date for an approved Concept Plan. Listtab + Notat0.45" Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + C.Modified Preliminary Site Plan. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + Indentat:0.95" 1.A request for a modified Preliminary Site Plan shall be submitted and may be Formatted:Indent:Left:0.25",Firstline:0", approved by Town Staff as set forth herein. Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:A,B, C, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Aligned at:0.29" + Indentat:0.54" 2.Modified Preliminary Site Plans shall contain the following information: Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + a.Delineation of the Property; Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + b.Proposed public rights-of-way; Indentat:0.95" c.Proposed uses; Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + d.General building footprints, and locations of vehicle and pedestrian Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.25" + Indent General building footprints, and locations of vehicle and pedGeneral building footprints, and locations of vehicle and pedestrian at:1.5" ingress and egress; e.Total number of dwelling units proposed; f.General location of parking; g.General location of parks and open space with the general locations of General location of parks and open space with the general locations of General location of parks and open space with the general locations of existing tree clusters; and, Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + 3.Process: Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + a.The Applicant shall submit the Modified Preliminary Site Plan and The Applicant shall submit the Modified PreliminaThe Applicant shall submit the Modified Prelimina Indentat:0.95" general facade standards to the Town Staff. general facade standards to the Town Staff.general facade standards to the Town Staff. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + b.The Town Staff shall review the documents. If Town Staff determines NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + The Town Staff shall review the documents. If Town Staff determines The Town Staff shall review the documents. If Town Staff determines Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.3" + Indentat: that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan complies with the Concept Plan and that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan complies with the Concept Plan and that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan complies with the Concept Plan and 1.55" the provisions of this planned development district,Town Staff shall the provisions of this planned development district,the provisions of this planned development district, approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan. If the Modified Preliminary approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan. If the Modified Preliminary approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan. If the Modified Preliminary Site Plan does not comply with this Ordinance, Town Staff shall specify the Site Plan does not comply with this Ordinance, Town Staff shall specify the Site Plan does not comply with this Ordinance, Town Staff shall specify the deficiencies. deficiencies.deficiencies. c.Town Staff shall return one copy of the Modified Preliminary Site Plan to Town Staff shall return one copy of the Modified Preliminary Site Plan Town Staff shall return one copy of the Modified Preliminary Site Plan the Applicant with review comments which indicate the e Applicant with review comments which indicate the e Applicant with review comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any non-compliance with noncompliance from this Ordinance or any nonnoncompliance from this Ordinance or any non prevailing standards of health, safety, welfare, or infrastructure standards of prevailing standards of health, safety, welfare, or infrastructure standards of prevailing standards of health, safety, welfare, or infrastructure standards of the Town. d.Town Staff shall review the re-submittal and respond whether all deviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. Should Town Staff determine that the re-submittal complies with this Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan or repeat the notice of noncompliance set forth above. e.The Applicant may appeal any Town Staff decision to the Planning and 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 89 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |77 Zoning Commission which shall review the Modified Preliminary Site Plan and make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the Commission determines that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan and the provisions of this planned development district. The Town Council shall review the Modified Preliminary Site Plan and the recommendation of the Commission, and upon making adetermination that the Modified Preliminary Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan and the provisions of this planned development district Town Council shall approve the Modified Preliminary Site Plan. No public hearing or landowner notification shall be required for the appeal process authorized by this subsection. f.There shall be no expiration date for an approved Modified Preliminary Site There shall be no expiration date for an approved Modified Preliminary Site There shall be no expiration date for an approved Modified Preliminary Site Plan. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.25",Firstline:0", D.Site Plan:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:A,B, C, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Aligned 1.Prior to the issuance of a building permit application for a building to be at:0.29" + Indentat:0.54" Prior to the issuance of a building permit application for a building to bePrior to the issuance of a building permit application for a building to be constructed on the Property, a Site Plan shall be approved as set forth herein. rty, a Site Plan shall be approved as set forth herein.rty, a Site Plan shall be approved as set forth herein. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Startat: 1 + 2.Site Plans shall contain the following information: Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + Indentat: a.Metes and Bounds of Site Plan area; 0.95" Formatted:Indent:Left:1.31",Numbered + b.Proposed Lot lines; Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.8" + c.Proposed Public Rights-of-way with curbing, sidewalk, street tree way with curbing, sidewalk, street tree way with curbing, sidewalk, street tree Indentat:2.05" locations and parking space indicated. The drawing shall also show the locations and parking space indicated. The drawing shall also show the locations and parking space indicated. The drawing shall also show the location of existing or proposed traffic signals, location of existing or location of existing or proposed traffic signals, location of existing or location of existing or proposed traffic signals, location of existing or proposed median cuts, acceleration/deceleration lanes, and turn lanes proposed median cuts, acceleration/deceleration lanes, and turn lanes proposed median cuts, acceleration/deceleration lanes, and turn lanes with traffic control signage and a description of special paver treatment if with traffic control signage and a description of special paver trewith traffic control signage and a description of special paver tre proposed. d.Proposed uses. Proposed uses.Proposed uses. e.Building footprints, gross area in square feet per floor and cumulative area Building footprints, gross area in square feet per floor and cumulative Building footprints, gross area in square feet per floor and cumulative of all floors, number of floors above and below grade, and of all floors, number of floors above and below grade, and of all floors, number of floors above and below grade, and proposed uses for each floor, and all locations of vehicle and pedestrian proposed uses for each floor, and all locations of vehicle and pedestrian proposed uses for each floor, and all locations of vehicle and pedestrian ingress andegress to all proposed blocks and buildings and parking egress to all proposed blocks and buildings and parking egress to all proposed blocks and buildings and parking areas. f.Total number of dwelling units proposed and the square footage of each of the proposed dwelling units. g.Parking: On-street parking shown with parking counts, surface parking shown with parking counts, garage parking shown with parking counts. Parking Counts shall be shown by block and in total and the parking 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 90 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |78 demand shall be shown by block and in total. For purposes of calculating parking, the entire property shall be considered one lot. h.Parks, Open Space and trails shall be shown with calculation of areas to confirm compliance with these regulations. Landscape plans are not required, but the Site Plan shall show the approximate number of proposed trees to be planted and general locations of existing tree clusters, providing average size and number and indication of species. i.Proposed and existing grading in 1'0" contour lines. j.Dumpster locations and proposed screening devices. k.Location, size and lighting of Project Identification Sign(s), Monument Location, size and lighting of Project Identification Sign(s), MonumentLocation, size and lighting of Project Identification Sign(s), Monument Sign(s), Kiosks in public ROW's, or other major feature readily visible Sign(s), Kiosks in public ROW's, or other major feature readily visible Sign(s), Kiosks in public ROW's, or other major feature readily visible from viewpoints off-site. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + 3.Process: Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + a.The Applicant shall submit the required number of copies of the Site Plan The Applicant shall submit the required number of copies of the Site Plan The Applicant shall submit the required number of copies of the Site Plan Indentat:0.95" to the Town Staff. Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + b.Town Staff shall review the documents to determine if they comply with NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + Town Staff shall review the documents to determine if tTown Staff shall review the documents to determine if they comply with Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.3" + Indentat: the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of this the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of this the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of this 1.55" planned development district. If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan planned development district. If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan planned development district. If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan complies with the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of complies with the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of complies with the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan and the provisions of this planned development district, Town Staff shall approve the Site Plan. t district, Town Staff shall approve the Site t district, Town Staff shall approve the Site If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan does not comply with this If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan does not comply with If Town Staff determines that the Site Plan does not comply with Ordinance, Town Staff shall specify the deficiencies. Ordinance, Town Staff shall specify the deficiencies.Ordinance, Town Staff shall specify the deficiencies. c.Town Staff shall return one copy of the Site Plan to the Applicant with Town Staff shall return one copy of the Site Plan to the Applicant with Town Staff shall return one copy of the Site Plan to the Applicant with review comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance omments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance omments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any non-compliance with prevailing standards of health, safety, compliance with prevailing standards of health, safety, compliance with prevailing standards of health, safety, welfare, or infrastructure standards of the Town. welfare, or infrastructure standards of the Town.welfare, or infrastructure standards of the Town. d.Town Staff shall review the re-submittal and respond whether all Town Staff shall review the reTown Staff shall review the re deviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. deviations, pdeviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. reviously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. Should Town Staff determine that the re-submittal complies with this Should Town Staff determine that the reShould Town Staff determine that the re Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Site Plan or Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Site Plan or Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Site Plan or repeat the notice of noncompliance set forth above. repeat the notice of noncompliance set forth above.repeat the notice of noncompliance set forth above. e.The Applicant may appeal any Town Staff decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission which shall review the Site Plan and make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the Commission determines that the Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan, and the provisions of this planned development district. The Town Council shall review the Site Plan and the recommendation of the Commission, and upon making a determination that the Site Plan conforms to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Planand the provisions of 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 91 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |79 this planned development district, Town Council shall approve the Site Plan. No public hearing or landowner notification shall be required for the appeal process authorized in this subsection. f.There shall be no expiration date for anapproved Modified Preliminary Site Plan. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.25",Firstline:0", E.Facade Elevations: Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:A,B, C, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Aligned at:0.29" + Indentat:0.54" Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + 1.Development of the Property shall comply with Facade Elevations which Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + substantially comply with the standards set forth herein and with all other Town Indentat:0.95" regulations not otherwise in conflict with these planned development regulations. these planned development regulations. these planned development regulations. Facade Elevations are required to be submitted by an owner, developer or Facade Elevations are required to be submitted by an owner, developer or Facade Elevations are required to be submitted by an owner, developer or subdivider and reviewed and approved by the Town Staff prior to the issuance of subdivider and reviewed and approved by the Town Staff prior to the issuance of subdivider and reviewed and approved by the Town Staff prior to the issuance of a building permit. Facade Elevations may be submitted individually for separate ly for separate ly for separate a building permit. Facade Elevations may be submitted individuala building permit. Facade Elevations may be submitted individual buildings rather than for all structures to be constructed on the Property. buildings rather than for all structures to be constructed on the Property.buildings rather than for all structures to be constructed on the Property. 2.Submittal requirements for Facade Elevations shall include: Submittal requirements for Facade Elevations shall include:Submittal requirements for Facade Elevations shall include: a.Data block including project name, legal description (Town, county, Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + Data block including project name, legal description (Town, county, Data block including project name, legal description (Town, county, NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + state, survey and abstract, subdivision, lot and block, existing and ion, lot and block, existing and ion, lot and block, existing and state, survey and abstract, subdivis state, survey and abstract, subdivis Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.3" + Indentat: proposed zoning, overlay districts), gross acreage, drawing title, drawing 1.55" proposed zoning, overlay districts), gross acreage, drawing title, drawingproposed zoning, overlay districts), gross acreage, drawing title, drawing scale, preparation/revision and submission dates, contact information scale, preparation/revision and submission dates, contact information scale, preparation/revision and submission dates, contact information (name, address, phone, and email) of the property owner, architect, (name, address, phone, and email) of the property owner, architect, (name, address, phone, and email) of the property owner, architect, engineer,surveyor, and landscape architect. surveyor, and landscape architect.surveyor, and landscape architect. b.Elevations of every side of every building shown on the Site Plan, Elevations of every side of every building shown on the Site Plan, Elevations of every side of every building shown on the Site Plan, drawn at a scale sufficient to depict building detail Small scale drawings drawn at a scale sufficient to depict building detail Small scale drawings drawn at a scale sufficient to depict building detail Small scale drawings may be supplemented with large scale portions of the building facade. may be supplemented with large scale portions of the building facade.may be supplemented with large scale portions of the building facade. c.Locationplan keying the drawings of the elevations to their location plan keying the drawings of the elevations to their location plan keying the drawings of the elevations to their location within the site plan and the extent of the proposed facade on each within the site plan and the extent of the proposed facade on each within the site plan and the extent of the proposed facade on each building. building. building. d.Identification and tabulation of ground floor areas relative to residential or Identification and tabulation of ground floor areas relative to residential or Identification and tabulation of ground floor areas relative to residential or non-residential uses. residential uses.residential uses. e.Identification and area tabulation of material fmishes, including areas of Identification aIdentification and area tabulation of material fmishes, including areas of nd area tabulation of material fmishes, including areas of glass, masonry, and EIFS. Tabulation does not include sloping roof glass, masonry, and EIFS. Tabulation does not include sloping roof glass, masonry, and EIFS. Tabulation does not include sloping roof surfaces. f.Windows, window and door jamb, sill and head dimensions, balconies, balcony rail details, finishes, and parapets. g.Roof in elevation or plan, as appropriate, with slopes and material identifications. h.Identification and dimension of floor levels. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + i.Vertical property lines through buildings where applicable. Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start 3.Process: at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + Indentat:0.95" 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 92 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |80 a.The Facade Elevation submittal shall be reviewed by Town Staff for Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + compliance to design requirements cited in this Ordinance. Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.3" + Indentat: b.Town Staff shall review the submittal and respond whether the Facade 1.55" Elevations meet the standards set forth by this Ordinance or shall specify the deficiencies. Should Town Staff determine that the submittal complies with this Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Facade Elevations, the submittal shall be so noted "Approved", with copies retained by Town Staff for Town records, and one (1) copy returned each to the Property Owner and Designer. Once the Facade Elevations has been reviewed and approved, then the Applicant may apply for a building permit. c.Should Town Staff identify items that are not compliant, one copy of the Should Town Staff identify items that are not compliant, one copy of the Should Town Staff identify items that are not compliant, one copy of the Facade Elevations shall be returned to the Property Owner with review wner with review wner with review comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any comments which indicate the noncompliance from this Ordinance or any non-compliance with prevailing codes or Ordinances. d.Town Staff shall review the re-submittal and respond whether all submittal and respond whether all submittal and respond whether all deviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. deviations, previously noted, have been clarified anddeviations, previously noted, have been clarified and/or corrected. /or corrected. Should Town Staff determine that the re-submittal complies with this submittal complies with this submittal complies with this Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Façade Elevations, Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the Ordinance's requirements, Town Staff shall approve the FaçadeFaçade Elevations, Elevations, the re-submittal shall be so noted "Approved", with copies retained by submittal shall be so noted "Approved", with copies submittal shall be so noted "Approved", with copies retained by Town Staff for Town records, and one (1) copy returned each to the Town Staff for Town records, and one (1) copy returned each Town Staff for Town records, and one (1) copy returned each Property Owner and Applicant's Designer. Property Owner and Applicant's Designer. Property Owner and Applicant's Designer. e.The Applicant may appeal any decision of Town Staff to the Planning and The Applicant may appeal any decision of Town Staff to the Planning and The Applicant may appeal any decision of Town Staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the and make a recommendation of approvaand make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if l to the Town Council if Commission determines that the Facade Elevations conform to the Site Commission determines that the Facade Elevations conform to the Commission determines that the Facade Elevations conform to the Plan and the provisions of this planned development district. The Town Plan and the provisions of this planned development district. The Plan and the provisions of this planned development district. The Council shall review the Facade Elevations and the Council shall review the Facade Elevations and theCouncil shall review the Facade Elevations and the recommendation of the Commission, and upon making a determination recommendation of the Commission, and upon making a determination recommendation of the Commission, and upon making a determination that, the Facade Elevations conform to the Site Plan and the provisions that, the Facade Elevations conform to the Site Plan and the provisions that, the Facade Elevations conform to the Site Plan and the provisions of this planned development district, the Council shall approve the of this planned development district, the Council shall approve the of this planned development district, the Council shall approve the Facade Elevations. Facade Elevations. Facade Elevations. f.Once the Site Plan and Facade Elevations have been approved, Once the Site Plan and Facade Elevations have been approved, Once the Site Plan and Facade Elevations have been approved, Construction Documents and Specifications may be reviewed for uction Documents and Specifications may be reviewed for uction Documents and Specifications may be reviewed for building permit in accordance with the Town's Building Code. building permit in accordance with the Town's Building Code.building permit in accordance with the Town's Building Code. g.There shall be no expiration date for an approved Facade Elevation, There shall be no expiration date for an approved Facade Elevation, There shall be no expiration date for an approved Facade Elevation, other than the specified expiration periods that apply to all Preliminary other than the specified expiration periods that apply to all Preliminaother than the specified expiration periods that apply to all Prelimina Plats and Final Plats. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.25",Numbered + F.Process for Minor Modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan, Site Plan or Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:A,B,C, … + Start Facade Elevations: at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.29" + Indentat:0.54" 1.Minor modifications to the Concept Plan, Preliminary Site Plan, Site Plan Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Numbered + or Facade Elevations including, but not limited to components, colors, Level: 1 + NumberingStyle:1,2,3, … + Start locations, extent, number, size, area, and detailing, may be approved at: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + Indentat:0.95" administratively by Town Staff, provided, however that Town Staff may not 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 93 of 262April 21, 2016 March 8, 2016 Page |81 approve any one or more of the following : Formatted:Numbered + Level: 1 + a.A requested land use that is not expressly allowed under this NumberingStyle:a, b, c, … + Startat: 1 + planned development district; Alignment:Left + Alignedat:1.85" + Indent at:2.1" b.A proposed modification that increases maximum densities permitted under this planned development; c.A proposed modification that increases maximum heights permitted under this planned development; and/or, d.A proposed modification that changes required parking count except as otherwise specifically provided for in this ordinance. Formatted:Indent:Left:0.75",Hanging: 2.Changes to accommodate the requirements of a Tenant may be considered a minor Changes to accommodate the requirements of a Tenant may be considered a minor Changes to accommodate the requirements of a Tenant may be considered a minor 0.31",Numbered + Level: 1 + NumberingStyle: modification provided the changes comply with this Ordinance and all applicable e and all applicable e and all applicable 1,2,3, … + Startat: 1 + Alignment:Left + Alignedat:0.7" + Indentat:0.95" codes and Ordinances. 3.Minor modifications as described above shall be incorporated into the construction Minor modifications as described above shall be incorporated into the construction Minor modifications as described above shall be incorporated into the construction documents prepared for building permits, and considered to comply with documents prepared for building permits, and considered to comply with documents prepared for building permits, and considered to comply with the approved Site Plan and Facade Elevations reviews and approvals. levations reviews and approvals. levations reviews and approvals. 4.The Applicant may appeal any decision of the Town Staff to the Planning The Applicant may appeal any decision of the Town Staff to the Planning The Applicant may appeal any decision of the Town Staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review andmake a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the make a recommendation of approval to the Town Council if the Commission determines that the proposedmodification satisfies the standards Commission determines that the proposedCommission determines that the proposedmodification satisfies the standards modification satisfies the standards set forth in this ordinance. The Town Council shall approve the proposed set forth in this ordinance. The Town Council shall approve the proposed set forth in this ordinance. The Town Council shall approve the proposed modification if the Council determines that the modification satisfies the modification if the Council determines that the modification satisfies the modification if the Council determines that the modification satisfies the standards set forth in this ordinance. standards set forth in this ordinance.standards set forth in this ordinance. 15838215v.4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 94 of 262April 21, 2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-214-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/14/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:4/21/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2007-15, PD Planned Development District No. 27, Village Center, Permitted Uses, in order to allow the use of a Veterinary Clinic with an Outdoor Pet Run, and a request to approve an amendment to the approved Site Plan on Lot 2, Block 1, Trophy Club Village Centre, located at 2600 Bobcat Blvd. Case PD-AMD-16-049. Attachments:Staff Report.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf Exhibit F.pdf Exhibit G.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoamendOrdinanceNo.2007-15,PDPlannedDevelopment DistrictNo.27,VillageCenter,PermittedUses,inordertoallowtheuseofaVeterinaryClinicwithanOutdoorPetRun, andarequesttoapproveanamendmenttotheapprovedSitePlanonLot2,Block1,TrophyClubVillageCentre,located at 2600 Bobcat Blvd. Case PD-AMD-16-049. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 95 of 262April 21, 2016 STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission April 21, 2016 PD-AMD-16-049: PD 27 Amendment allowing use of an Outdoor Pet Run and Site Plan Amendment for 2600 Bobcat Blvd. SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2007- 15, PD Planned Development District No. 27, Village Center, Permitted Uses, in order to allow the use of a Veterinary Clinic with an Outdoor Pet Run, and a request to approve an amendment to the approved Site Plan on Lot 2, Block 1, Trophy Club Village Centre, located at 2600 Bobcat Blvd. Case PD-AMD-16-049 REQUEST: The applicant, MK Development,is requesting approval of a revised Site Plan for Trophy Club MOB Phase 2located at the southwest corner of Parkview Drive and Bobcat Boulevard and is also requesting approval of an outdoor pet run which will be part of a proposed Veterinary clinic to be located in the new building. ZONING: The subject property is zoned Planned Development No. 27 (PD-27). The “Village Center” portion of the ordinance applies to the property, which provides local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of the surrounding area, to accommodate general retail shopping and to accommodate low intensity businesses or professional offices that are designed and sited to be compatible with nearby residential uses and which primarily provide services to residents of the community. CURRENT CONDITIONS: The subject propertycontains 1.24 acres andis currently undeveloped. Phase 1 of the project, located at 625 ParkviewDrive, wasconstructedin 2015.The adjacent properties include Byron Nelson High School to the north, Independence Park East to the south and east, and Medlin Middle School to the west. HISTORY: The zoning for PD-27 was approved by the Town Council on May 8, 2006. The concept plan of the original PD document wasapproved on January 22, 2007.The site plan for Page 1 of 4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 96 of 262April 21, 2016 the phase 1was approved by the Town Council on December 16, 2013. The original site plan for phase 2was approved by the Town Council on January 13, 2015. A copy of the January 13, 2015 approved site planis attached. REQUEST DETAILS: PD AmendmentRequirement: The PD 27 regulations currently allow a veterinary clinic given the following use listed in the permitted use table in the PD 27 ordinance: “Pet services including veterinarian (without outdoor kennels)”. Given the specific prohibition against any outdoor kennels, staff’s interpretation is that no outdoor pet use of any kind is allowed. Therefore, the applicant is requesting an additional use of an “outdoor pet run”. Given this request, staff proposes the following use be added/modified to the PD 27 regulations: “Pet services including veterinarian (without outdoor kennels). Veterinary clinics may contain an outdoor pet run provided said area does not create a nuisance, does not contain any one pet for a period longer than 15 minutes, and is visually screened from the view of any public area including but not limited to a parking lot.” Proposed Outdoor Pet Run Details: According to the attached application, the veterinarian that would occupy the proposed building states that the purpose of the pet run is to keep the animals from escaping and to prevent them from wearing a leash which could harm the animal after certain surgeries.Staff would walk the animals three to four times daily. Only dogs would be allowed in the pet run area. The proposed pet run would beapproximately 2,500 square feet in size and be contained by a six (6)foot wrought iron fence with a flat top and bottom with 45, five gallon,Nellie Stevens Holly shrubs plantedaround the enclosure for screening purposes. For reference purposes, a copy of the Town’s animal control regulations is attached. Site Plan Amendment Details: The current siteplan for the subject propertywas approved by the Town Council on January 13, 2015. The following is a summary of changes from the current site plan to the proposed site plan: CurrentProposed Building Area: 8,280 s.f. 7,461 s.f. Building Tenants: four unknown Parking: 77 57 Exterior Wall: Brick/Stucco Brick/Stone Page 2 of 4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 97 of 262April 21, 2016 Windows/Openings Visible FromStreet: 16 14 Roof Articulation: 5 breaks to street 2 breaks to street Landscaping: 36 trees 30 trees 326 shrubs 404 shrubs 25.29% LA* 36% LA* *LA = Landscaped area Other changes: Building elevations: Both the current and the proposed north building elevations contain eight articulation breaks in the façadewallvisible from the street.However,the proposed elevations are somewhat deficient in articulation compared to the existing elevations as follows: 1.There are fewerroof breaks and no decorative dormers on the proposed elevations. 2.Thereis no articulationon the south (rear) and west elevation of the proposed building.The VillageCenter design standards require the ground floor ofcommercial/retail buildings to utilize a combination of corbelling, molding, string coursing, ornamentation, changes in material and color, or other sculpturing of the baseincluding recessed windows or other techniques to distinguish the windows in the façade such asarches, pediments and mullions. The north and eastelevations, the building portions most visible from the street, contain this requirement. 3.Not all of the north and eastelevation(front)entryways are recessed a minimum of four feet.The Village Center design standards state that entrywaysshall be recessed at least four feet. None of the south and west elevation entryways are recessed. Fire lane: The west fire lane shown on the current site plan has been removed to accommodatethe outdoor pet run. The proposed fire lane configuration has been reviewed and approved by the Fire department and the proposed building will contain a fire suppression system. Dumpster enclosure: The dumpster enclosureservicing the phase 1 and 2 buildings has been moved onto the site per the proposed site plan. The enclosure must be mustbe screened on all four sidesandbe composed of masonry materialto a minimum height of seven feet or one foot above the receptacle. Monument signage is not indicated on the site planand thereare no changes proposed to the current photometric plan. Page 3 of 4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 98 of 262April 21, 2016 With the exception of the building design issues noted above, all other portions of the amended site plan request comply with the Code of Ordinances and the PD 27 regulations. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The applicant is requesting to allow an outdoorpet runas part of a new veterinary clinic. Approval of the pet run requires explicit language to be added to the PD 27 regulations allowing such use. Additionally, the applicant is requesting approval of an amended site plan for the site. The amended site planmeets all of the requirements of the Code of Ordinances and the PD 27 regulations with the exception of the PD 27 Village Center design requirements, specifically as it relates to the recessing of the entrywaysand exterior wall articulation requirements on the south and west elevations. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve the site plan with conditions. However, waivers to code requirements cannot be approved through the site plan approval process Staff recommends approvalof the request subject to the entryways on the east and north elevations being recessed a minimum of four feetwith the expanded definition of pet services as described above. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Application and Supporting Materials Exhibit “B”– Proposed Revised Site Plan Package Exhibit “C”– Current Approved 2015 Site PlanPackage Exhibit “D” – PD 27 Village Center Regulations Exhibit “E” – PD 27 General Regulations Exhibit “F” – Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations Exhibit “G” – Staff Exhibits Page 4 of 4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 99 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit A - Application and Supporting Materials Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 100 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit A - Application and Supporting Materials Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 101 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit A - Application and Supporting Materials Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 102 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit A - Application and Supporting Materials Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 103 of 262April 21, 2016 TROPHY CLUB MOB - PHASE 2 - 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 76262 LL HI P TO WEIVEKAL YTIC TIMIL YELHSA H SA A GNILOOHCS A IM C EWOH ROD NAM RUT REN C YTI BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE PRIVATE GENERAL NOTES LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE CITY SITE PLAN LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC DRIVE MEDLIN M.S. BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE EROSION CONTROL PLAN LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC DRIVE MEDLIN M.S. BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE DETAILS EROSION CONTROL LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. AND PAVING PLAN TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE DIMENSIONAL CONTROL LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC 12' BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. GRADING PLAN TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC DRIVE MEDLIN M.S. BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE AREA MAP EXISTING DRAINAGE LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE AREA MAP PROPOSED DRAINAGE LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC DRIVE .S.M NILDEM BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE STORM DRAIN PLAN LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC DRIVE MEDLIN M.S. BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE STORM DRAIN PROFILE LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC FL: 18" = 599.84 Q100 = 2.59 cfs HGL IN:601.30 1-5' CURB INLET INSTALL: HGL OUT:601.20 STA: 2+21.83 STORM LINE A FL: 18" = 599.66 Q100 = 0.67 cfs 1-18"x8" TEE INSTALL: HGL IN:601.19 CONNECT 8" ROOF DRAIN STA: 1+94.29 STORM LINE A HGL OUT:601.09 FL: 18" = 599.54 1-18"x8" TEE INSTALL: HGL IN:601.07 CONNECT 8" ROOF DRAIN HGL OUT:600.97 STA: 1+76.47 STORM LINE A FL: 18" = 599.38 1-18"x8" TEE INSTALL: HGL IN:600.95 CONNECT 8" ROOF DRAIN HGL OUT:600.85 STA: 1+51.97 STORM LINE A FL: 18" = 599.22 1-18"x8" TEE INSTALL: HGL IN:600.82 CONNECT 8" ROOF DRAIN STA: 1+27.83 STORM LINE A HGL OUT:600.72 1-18"x8" TEE INSTALL: CONNECT 8" ROOF DRAIN HGL IN:600.69 EQUAL STA: 0+00.00 STORM LINE B STA: 0+91.55 STORM LINE A HGL OUT:600.59 FL: 24" = 598.52 FL: 18" = 598.52 Q100 = 2.77 cfs HGL IN:600.52 1-5' CURB INLET INSTALL: HGL OUT:600.42 STA: 0+21.87 STORM LINE A FL: 24" = 598.40 Q100 = 5.45 cfs W/ CONCRETE COLLAR HGL IN:600.40 CONNECT TO EX. CURB INLET STA: 0+00 STORM LINE A BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE UTILITY PLAN LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC ( P R I V A T E ) BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE DETAILS PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE STANDARDS & DETAILS TOWN PAVEMENT LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE STANDARDS & DETAILS TOWN WATER & SEWER LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC BYREVISIONDATENo. WWW.CLAYMOOREENG.COMBEDFORD, TX 76021 PHONE: 817.281.05721903 CENTRAL DR. SUITE #406 TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. TROPHY CLUB VILLAGE CENTRE STANDARDS & DETAILS TOWN DRAINAGE LOT 2, BLOCK 1 TROPHY CLUB VET CLINIC 6"6" 6" VAR. - 2'-0" + 7"6" 2" 12"6" "8"21 A 6" 6" Exhibit B - Proposed Revised Site Plan Package Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 121 of 262April 21, 2016 DR. RACHEL WEBSTER DVM PROJECT NO.: 15021DRAWN:ERN TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 76262 1 CIMARRON CT. ELEVATIONS 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. BUILDING DR. RACHEL WEBSTER VETERINARY CLINIC NEW CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DR. RACHEL WEBSTER DVM PROJECT NO.: 15021DRAWN:ERN TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 76262 1 CIMARRON CT. ELEVATIONS 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. BUILDING DR. RACHEL WEBSTER VETERINARY CLINIC NEW CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS DR. RACHEL WEBSTER DVM PROJECT NO.: 15021DRAWN:ERN TROPHY CLUB, TX 76262 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 76262 1 CIMARRON CT. 2600 BOBCAT BLVD. DR. RACHEL WEBSTER SITE DETAILS VETERINARY CLINIC NEW CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations J.Village Center: 1. Permitted Uses: a. Bakery b. Bank c. Barber or beauty salon d. Bookstores e. Cafes with or without patio f. Community Facilities to include libraries g. Day Care h. Day spa (hair salon, facial treatment, massages) i. Dry cleaning and laundry (pickup/drop-off only) j. Financial institutions k. Florist (no outdoor storage) l. Furniture sales (no outside sales or display) m. Kindergarten n. Municipal facilities to include Fire, Police, and EMS o. Pet services including veterinarian (without outdoor kennels) p. Professional and administrative offices q. Religious Institutions r. Restaurants s. Schools, Private or Public t. Specialty Shops 2. Architectural and Site Design Standards: These design standards shall apply to all Permitted Uses except Day Care, Kindergarten, Schools (Private or Public), and Religious Institutions. These uses shall meet the Town of Trophy Club design requirements. 37 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 133 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations a. Building Walls and Roofs 1) An expression line shall delineate divisions between floors of all buildings, and a cornice shall delineate the tops of facades that do not utilize a pitched roof. 2) All buildings shall be designed such that no mechanical equipment (HVAC, etc.) and satellite dishes are visible from the public right-of-way or open space, whether the equipment is located on the ground, exterior walls or the roof. To screen rooftop mechanical equipment, other appurtenances, and flat or built-up roofs, all structures having a 6,000 square feet or less footprint shall be constructed with a pitched roof. Those structures having a footprint greater than 6,000 square feet shall be constructed with either a pitched or parapet roof system enclosed on all sides. 3) Mansard roofs and flat membrane-type roofs that are visible from ground level are prohibited. 4) For retail storefronts, a transom, display window area and bulkhead at the base shall be utilized. 5) Ground floor retail building plate heights should provide for at least fourteen feet (14Ó) in height. 6) Generally, windows shall be oriented vertically. 38 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 134 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations 7) Columns and piers generally shall be spaced no farther apart than they are tall. 8) Transparency: i. Each floor of any building façade facing a park, plaza or street shall contain transparent windows covering from fifteen percent (15%) to seventy-five percent (75%) of the façade area. ii. In order to provide clear views of merchandise and to provide natural surveillance of exterior street spaces, the ground-floor along the retail storefront facade shall have transparent storefront windows covering no less than fifty percent (50%) of the façade area. iii. Entryways recessed at least four feet (4Ó). b. Permitted Finishes: 1) At least eighty percent (80%) of the exterior of all new buildings (excluding doors and windows) shall be finished in one or more of the following materials: i. Brick, stone, cast stone, or stucco. ii. Split face concrete block, poured-in-place concrete, and tilt-wall concrete. It is the intent that any use of concrete products shall have an integrated color and be textured or patterned. Tilt-wall concrete structures shall include reveals, punch-outs, or other similar surface characteristics to enhance the façade on at least twenty percent (20%) of each façade. iii. Side facades and rear facades shall be of finished quality and of the same color and materials that blend with the front of the building. Rear facades may be painted tilt-wall or painted block matching the same color of the rest of the building if the rear façade faces an alley or is not viewable from a public street or right-of-way. 39 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 135 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations 2) To improve the pedestrian orientation, the ground floor of commercial/retail buildings shall utilize a combination of the following, unless otherwise approved by the Town: i. Corbelling, molding, string coursing, ornamentation, changes in material and color, or other sculpturing of the base; ii. Recessed windows or other techniques to distinguish the windows in the façade such as arches, pediments and mullions; and iii. Entryways recessed at least four feet (4Ó). 3) The utilization of repetitive storefronts for ÐarchitecturalÑ consistency is discouraged in order to maintain an interesting street experience; although the utilization of common architectural elements shall be considered to facilitate a certain level of functional continuity. c. Building Orientation and Pedestrian Site Design: 1) Any building (excluding parking garages and other accessory buildings) viewed from a public right-of-way or public open space shall either face such right-of-way or open space, or shall have a façade facing such area in keeping with the character of the front façade, including the utilization of similar fenestration and materials. 2) Pedestrian Elements To improve the walkability and access of commercial and retail areas, the following are encouraged in the site design of a project: i. Patio/café seating areas ii. Bicycle racks iii. Continuous walkways linking stores vi. Shade provided by building orientation, canopies and/or trees vii. Decorative Trash receptacles 40 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 136 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations 3) Parking Lot and Building Frontage Landscaping and Design i. A minimum of fifteen (15) square feet of landscaping including tree islands for each parking space shall be provided within the paved boundaries of the parking lot, with the landscaped areas protected by raised curbs except where wheel stops are utilized at the front of parking spaces along a landscaped median between parking bays, and pavement no closer than three feet (3Ó) from the trunk of trees. ii. Landscaped islands of a minimum of five feet (5Ó) in width and extending the entire length of the parking stall generally shall be located at the terminus of all parking rows and shall contain at least one three inch (3Ñ) caliper tree consistent with the Tree List in Section VI Î Development and Design Standards. iii. Parking spaces shall be a minimum depth of 18 feet and a minimum width of 9 feet; to encourage better shade patterns, parking bays shall be separated by a minimum five foot (5Ó) wide landscaped median (See illustration below), with three inch (3Ñ) caliper shade trees planted every thirty feet and wheel stops placed so as to allow the front of vehicles to encroach over the landscaped median without hitting the trees. 41 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 137 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations iv. Foundation plantings are required for buildings or groups of buildings greater than 40,000 square feet and where the front building facade does not abut a public sidewalk, including a 3.0 inch caliper shade tree for every 10,000 square feet of gross building area consistent with the Tree List as set forth in Section VI. Small ornamental trees are permitted on a ratio of 4 to 1 instead of 3.0 inch caliper shade trees. This is intended to enhance the pedestrian experience in front of larger buildings and to break up large impervious surfaces between parking areas and the building. Foundation planting trees shall be planted within approximately 30 feet of the front façade and are required in addition to any street trees required herein. Tree grates shall be utilized for trees planted less than four (4) feet back of curb. Tree spacing shall not impede sign visibility or pedestrian safety but shall be placed so as to provide an effective shade environment in front of the building. d. Loading Areas and Trash Receptacles: 1) Loading and service areas shall be located at the side of or in the rear of buildings. Every effort should be made to reduce the need for segregated loading and service areas by ensuring that deliveries are made off-hours. Such uses as grocery stores, however, may require a loading dock area. Where tractor/semi-trailer delivery may conflict with 42 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 138 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations land uses on or adjacent to the site, then the following standards shall be followed: i. Loading and service areas shall be located at the side or rear of buildings. ii. Off-street loading areas shall be screened from view of any street public open space or adjacent property. iii. Loading areas shall be enclosed on three sides by a wall or other screening device not less than 10 feet in height. iv. Loading areas shall not be located closer than 50Ó to any residential lot, unless wholly within an enclosed building. v. Screening materials shall be comprised of a wall that has a similar finish to the primary structure, or a combination of trees and shrubs that will result in solid screening within 2 years. vi. However, when adjacent to a residentially zoned district a screening wall with landscaping shall be used. 2. Trash/Recycling Receptacles: i. Commercial trash/recycling containers shall be located on the side or rear of the building and screened from public view. ii. Such containers shall be located at least 50Ó away from adjacent residential property lines. iii. Such containers shall be screened on 4 sides, ’ using an enclosure that is 7 tall or of a height that is a minimum of 1Ó above the top of the container, whichever is taller. Screening shall be comprised of brick, stone, reinforced concrete, or other similar masonry materials that have a similar finish to the primary finish; and all fence posts shall be rust- protected metal, concrete based masonry or concrete pillars. 43 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 139 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations iv. 6Ñ concrete filled steel pipes shall be located to protect the enclosure from truck operations. v. Such container enclosures shall have steel gates and tie-backs to secure them in an open position, and fasteners to keep them closed. vi. Screening shall be maintained at all times. e. Signage 1) General: Signs shall be flat against the façade, projecting from the façade or ground monument mounted. No signs shall project above the façade unless approved as part of a site plan as a Ðlandmark signÑ such as a theater marquee or other special sign located in an prominent location and intended to provide a special character to the district and orientation to visitors. 2) Lighting: Signs shall generally be externally lit. Only individual letters and symbols may be internally lit. Neon signs shall be prohibited. 3) Finish Materials: Materials shall complement the architecture of the building, and may include woodÏ painted or natural; metalÏcopper, brass, galvanized steel; painted canvas; paint; engraving directly on façade surface; and brick or stone for monument signs. 4) Wall Signs: i. One and a half (1.5) square feet of signage is permitted for each linear foot of the primary facade of the building, excluding wing walls. (E.g. a 100Ó long building façade would allow for 150 square feet of wall sign area on the building.) ii. Only one building façade with a primary entrance may be used to calculate wall signage. iii. Wall signs may be placed on any face of the building except if adjacent to a residential lot. iv. Maximum area of any single sign mounted perpendicular to a given façade shall not exceed 10 square feet unless it protrudes above the top of the facade. 44 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 140 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit D - PD 27 Village Center Regulations v. Protruding or hanging signs shall maintain a minimum clear height of eight (8) feet above the sidewalk. 5) Monument Signs: i. Monument signs up to eight (8) feet in height are the only permanent freestanding signs allowed. ii. Maximum area of a monument sign shall be 96 square feet per sign face. Monument signs may have only two (2) sign faces. iii. If a Commercial Neighborhood extends over 1000 linear feet, then one monument sign per 500Ó of frontage is permitted. (E.g. a site with 1,000Ó or more of frontage may have two (2) monument signs, a site with 1,500Ó or more may have three (3) signs, etc.). iv. The structure of monument signs shall be constructed of materials and colors utilized on the primary buildingÓs faŒade. v. Monument signs must be spaced a minimum of two hundred fifty feet (250Ó) apart, unless approved otherwise at Detailed Site Plan. 6) Parking: Retail and office uses shall meet the TownÓs parking standards at the time of development. 45 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 141 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations ORDINANCE NO. 2007-15 P&Z Including Amendments: 2010-01 P&Z Council Approval 2/1/10, Restaurants – Village Center (Pg. 37, Guidelines added from Page 46) 2009-30 P&Z Council Approval 11/2/09, Neighborhood 8 Revisions (Pages 19, 29-31, 33-36, 47-49, 53, 55, 57-58, 70) 2009-01 P&Z Council Approval 1/5/09, Key Lot Definition; Fencing (Pages 18, 54) 2008-39 P&Z Council Approval 12/1/08, Correction to Table No. 4-1 for Lot Type 3 Side Yard Setback (Page 32) 2007-30 P&Z Council Approval 11/5/07, Lot Coverage for Lot Type 2 Lots, Neighborhoods 3 & 4 (Pages 22-24) FOR A 696.9 ACRE TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS PD-27 THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Exhibit “A” – Legal Description Exhibit “B” – Development Standards Exhibit “C” – Concept Plan Exhibit “D” – Street Type Exhibits Exhibit “E” – Park Plan Concepts Exhibit “F” – Pathway Plan 1 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 142 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract D - 608.207 acres BEING a tract or parcel of land situated in the R. Allen Survey, Abstract number 5, the T. Allen Survey, Abstract Number 7, the T. Allen Survey, Abstract Number 8, the R. Allen Survey, Abstract Number 17, the T. Calloway Survey, Abstract Number 272, the J. Eads Survey, Abstract Number 392, the J. Henry Survey, Abstract Number 529, the J. Michael Survey, Abstract Number 820, and the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract Number 829, in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, and being part of ÐTract 8AÑ called 559.3807 acres conveyed to Beck Properties Trophy Club, L.P. by deed recorded in Clerk File Number 93-R0087516, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas, and being all of ÐTract IÑ called 16.369 acres conveyed to Beck Properties Trophy Club, L.P. by deed recorded in Clerk File Number 95-R0079125, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a one half inch iron rod found at the most northerly northeast corner of Northwest Independent School District East Campus Addition, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Cabinet O, Slide 263, Plat records, Denton County, Texas, in the south line of Marshall Creek Road (apparent prescriptive Right-of-Way); THENCE North 00'01'25" East a distance of 20.00 feet to an ÐXÑ cut in concrete found for corner at the apparent centerline of existing Marshall Creek Road, said point being the Southwesterly corner of a tract of land conveyed to Northwest Independent School District by deed recorded in County Clerk File No. 2004-52884, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas, said point also being at the beginning of a curve to the right whose THENCE in a Easterly direction along the Southerly line of said Northwest Independent School District Tract and said curve to the right having a central angle of 9Ó55'45", a radius of 2020.05 feet, and an arc length of 350.07 feet to an ÐXÑ cut in concrete found for corner at the apparent centerline of existing Marshall Creek Road; THENCE South 77Ó29'04" East along the Southerly line of said Northwest Independent School District Tract a distance of 909.47 feet to an ÐXÑ cut in concrete found for corner at the apparent centerline of existing Marshall Creek Road at the beginning of a curve to the right whose chord bears South 73Ó38'23" East, 138.36 feet; THENCE in a Easterly direction along the Southerly line of said Northwest Independent School District Tract and said curve to the right having a central angle of 7Ó41'21", a radius of 1031.76 feet, and an arc length of 138.46 feet to an ÐXÑ cut in concrete found for corner at the apparent centerline of existing Marshall Creek Road THENCE North 10Ó17'45" East departing the apparent centerline of said existing 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 143 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Marshall Creek Road and following the Easterly line of said Northwest Independent School District tract, a distance of 125.56 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 19Ó40'49" East a distance of 103.70 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 13Ó01'41" East a distance of 96.22 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 04Ó12'10" East a distance of 306.42 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 08Ó40'34" East a distance of 429.62 feet to a iron rod with cap found or corner; THENCE North 40Ó51'30" East a distance of 95.57 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 36Ó12'01" East a distance of 52.34 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 41Ó42'41" East a distance of 91.51 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 77Ó46'53" East a distance of 102.76 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE South 87Ó10'43" East a distance of 157.55 feet to a concrete monument found for corner in the Southerly line of United States of America Tract F-540; THENCE North 64Ó45'38" East along the Southerly line of said United States of America Tract F-540, a distance of 346.42 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; THENCE North 29Ó34'13" East a distance of 231.84 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; THENCE South 78Ó21'24" East a distance of 438.20 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; THENCE South 75Ó43'24" East a distance of 228.65 feet to a concrete monument found at the southeast corner of said United States of America Tract F-540; THENCE North 00Ó45'24" West along the east line of said United States of America Tract F-540 a distance of 328.35 feet to a concrete monument found at the southwest corner of Tract E-406-1 conveyed to the United States of America by deed, recorded in Volume 425, Page 306, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 144 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations THENCE along the south line of said United States of America Tract E-406-1, the following calls: South 82Ó20'24" East a distance of 929.61 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; South 05Ó40'36" West a distance of 449.69 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; North 47Ó40'45" East a distance of 673.97 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; North 89Ó15'58" East a distance of 399.90 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; eet to a concrete monument found for corner; North 32Ó11'36" East a distance of 505.10 feet to a concrete monument found for corner in the southwest corner of Tract E-406 conveyed to the United States of America by deed recorded in Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE along the south line of said United States of America Tract E-406, the following calls: North 81Ó59'36" East a distance of 1179.80 feet to a one half inch iron rod with cap found for corner, from which a concrete monument found bears North 58Ó08'13" East a distance of 3.93 feet; North 63Ó54'36" East a distance of 949.80 feet a one half inch iron rod with cap found for corner, from which a concrete monument found bears North 38Ó37'20" East a distance of 3.75 feet; North 21Ó17'06" East a distance of 1535.00 feet to a one half inch iron rod with cap found for corner, from which a concrete monument found bears North 21Ó17'06" East a distance of 135.10 feet; THENCE South 03Ó23'03" East a distance of 809.63 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; THENCE South 82Ó20'24" East a distance of 129.90 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; THENCE South 82Ó22'24" East a distance of 77.70 feet to a fence corner found for corner in the west line of a tract of land conveyed to Harold D. Shanklin by deed recorded in Clerk File Number 93-R0036404, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; 4 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 145 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations THENCE South 01Ó58'36" West along the Westerly line of said Shanklin tract, a distance of 646.30 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE South 87Ó09'20" East a distance of 170.66 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE South 00Ó27'13" East a distance of 1039.05 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 75Ó53'28" East a distance of 15.44 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE South 00Ó27'13" East a distance of 856.86 feet to a iron rod with cap found for corner in the North line of said Marshall Creek road; THENCE South 89Ó12'06" West along the apparent North line of said Marshall Creek road a distance of 1717.11 feet to a one half inch iron rod with cap found for corner at the apparent northeast corner of said R. Allen Survey Abstract Number 5; THENCE South 00Ó38'24" East along the east line of said R. Allen Survey Abstract Number 5 a distance of 593.60 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; THENCE South 00Ó25'54" East continuing along the east line of said R. Allen Survey Abstract Number 5 a distance of 1125.30 feet to a concrete monument found for corner in the southeast line of a United States of America perpetual flowage easement recorded in Volume 462, Page 422, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE along the southeast line of said United States of America perpetual flowage easement, the following calls: South 48Ó28'36" West a distance of 229.66 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; South 34Ó01'36" West a distance of 463.31 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; South 09Ó25'36" West a distance of 491.80 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; South 39Ó20'36" West a distance of 599.25 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; North 87Ó03'24" West a distance of 248.30 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; South 15Ó23'24" East a distance of 406.80 feet to a five-eighths inch iron rod found at 5 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 146 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations the northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 2 The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Cabinet M, Slide 148, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE along the east, north, and west line of said The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, the following calls: South 74Ó36'36" West a distance of 112.82 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 85Ó06'19" West a distance of 56.38 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 73Ó18'22" West a distance of 63.83 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; North 15Ó23'24" West a distance of 346.42 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 63Ó32'40" West a distance of 291.35 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 80Ó03'55" West a distance of 162.02 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 67Ó40'19" West a distance of 279.96 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 32Ó07'45" West a distance of 112.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 00Ó33'24" East a distance of 20.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 77Ó55'47" West a distance of 158.91 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 64Ó45'24" West a distance of 363.09 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 00Ó22'41" East a distance of 293.30 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 40Ó17'42" East a distance of 123.57 feet to a point for corner; North 12Ó49'16" East a distance of 107.20 feet to a point for corner; North 34Ó52'09" East a distance of 762.50 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 50Ó05'36" East a distance of 516.70 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 11Ó26'32" West a distance of 220.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 82Ó25'37" West a distance of 327.53 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 60Ó48'42" West a distance of 402.83 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 84Ó19'51" West a distance of 553.26 feet to a point for corner; 6 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 147 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations South 65Ó33'18" West a distance of 281.03 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 89Ó26'36" West a distance of 209.85 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 82Ó25'57" West a distance of 182.43 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 79Ó57'31" West a distance of 156.45 feet to a five-eighths inch iron rod found for corner; South 62Ó18'10" West a distance of 479.65 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 38Ó18'10" West a distance of 629.86 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 28Ó48'10" West a distance of 460.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 34Ó14'36" West a distance of 210.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 38Ó26'58" East a distance of 87.55 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 80Ó10'27" East a distance of 100.01 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 52Ó50'00" East a distance of 117.45 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 66Ó45'07" East a distance of 229.25 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 21Ó14'03" East a distance of 489.09 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 04Ó18'24" East a distance of 730.69 feet to a point for corner; South 15Ó47'04" West a distance of 188.63 feet to a point for corner at the most westerly southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of said The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club in the north line of a called 294.7047 acre tract of land conveyed to Cobblestone Texas, Inc. by deed recorded in Clerk File Number 93-R0087511, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE departing the West line of said The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club and along the North line of said Cobblestone Texas, Inc. 294.7047 acre tract, the following calls: South 50Ó29'36" West a distance of 120.90 feet to a point for corner; South 62Ó14'36" West a distance of 122.55 feet to a point for corner; South 83Ó14'41" West a distance of 653.82 feet to a point for corner at the most easterly southeast corner of The Quorum Condominiums, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Cabinet C, Slide 358, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 148 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations THENCE along the east and north line of said The Quorum Condominiums, the following calls: North 34Ó27'24" East a distance of 117.13 feet to a point for corner; South 85Ó31'04" West a distance of 761.36 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 88Ó07'51" West a distance of 312.34 feet to a point for corner in the East line of Trophy Club Drive (40 foot-wide Right-of-Way at this line) at the beginning of a non- tangent curve to the left whose chord bears North 23Ó05'59" East a distance of 626.30 feet; THENCE along the east line of said Trophy Club Drive and along said non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 1325.00 feet, a central angle of 27Ó20'29", and an arc distance of 632.29 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE continuing along the east line of said Trophy Club Drive, the following calls: North 09Ó25'44" East a distance of 225.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner at the beginning of a tangent curve to the right whose chord bears North 28Ó40'43" East a distance of 576.97 feet; In a northeasterly direction along said tangent curve to the right having a radius of 875.00 feet, a central angle of 38Ó30'03", and an arc distance of 587.97 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner at the beginning of a reverse curve to the left whose chord bears North 23Ó40'45" East a distance of 718.75 feet; In a northeasterly direction along said reverse curve to the left having a radius of 875.00 feet, a central angle of 48Ó29'58", and an arc distance of 740.67 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 00Ó34'16" West a distance of 619.43 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the northeast corner of Lakes of Trophy Club Phase 3, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Cabinet R, Slide 169, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas THENCE South 89Ó29'08" departing the east line of said Trophy Club Drive and along the West line of said Lakes of Trophy Club Phase 3 a distance of 1549.31 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the northwest corner of Lakes of Trophy Club Phase 2, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Cabinet O, Slide 323, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas, said point also being in the east line of Parkview Drive (variable-width Right-of-Way); THENCE North 00Ó51'47" East along the east line of said Parkview Drive a distance of 390.16 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the most westerly southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1 Trophy Club Recreation Center, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Clerk File No. 02-110526, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; 8 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 149 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations THENCE along the south, east and north line of said Lot 1, Block 1 Trophy Club Recreation Center, the following calls: South 44Ó49'00" East a distance of 13.97 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 89Ó30'13" East a distance of 352.38 feet to a point for corner at the beginning of a tangent curve to left whose chord bears North 61Ó05'03" East a distance of 475.92 feet; In an easterly and northeasterly direction along said tangent curve to the left having a radius of 500.00 feet, a central angle of 56Ó50'20", and an arc distance of 496.01 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner at the beginning of a reverse curve to the right whose chord bears North 42Ó24'11" East a distance of 186.06 feet; In a northeasterly direction along said reverse curve to the right having a radius of 550.00 feet, a central angle of 19Ó28'36", and an arc distance of 186.96 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 29Ó37'08" West a distance of 36.96 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right whose chord bears South 81Ó40'09" West a distance of 270.76 feet; In a westerly direction along said non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 845.00 feet, a central angle of 18Ó26'19", and an arc distance of 271.93 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 89Ó06'42" West a distance of 568.09 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner in the east line of said Parkview Drive at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right whose chord bears North 28Ó53'16" East a distance of 210.43 feet; THENCE along the east line of said Parkview Drive, the following calls: In a northeasterly direction along said non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 745.99 feet, a central angle of 16Ó12'58", and an arc distance of 211.13 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 36Ó59'44" East a distance of 114.24 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the beginning of a tangent curve to the left whose chord bears North 18Ó56'05" East a distance of 514.70 feet; Along said tangent curve to the left having a radius of 830.00 feet, a central angle of 36Ó07'33", and an arc distance of 523.33 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; North 00Ó52'12" East a distance of 60.08 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner at the beginning of a tangent curve to the right whose chord bears North 5Ó33'24" East a distance of 125.83 feet; 9 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 150 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations In a northerly direction along said tangent curve to the right having a radius of 770.00 feet, a central angle of 9Ó22'24", and an arc distance of 125.97 feet to a five-eighths inch iron rod found for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right whose chord bears North 36Ó11'13" East a distance of 20.14 feet; In a northeasterly direction along said non-tangent curve to the right having a radius of 2100.01 feet, a central angle of 0Ó32'58", and an arc distance of 20.14 feet to a point for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left whose chord bears North 85Ó28'20" West a distance of 346.33 feet; THENCE in a westerly direction along said non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 2000.05 feet, a central angle of 9Ó56'01", and an arc distance of 346.76 to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 608.207 acres, more or less, Save and Except 21.338 acres. Tract E Î 88.709 acres BEING a tract or parcel of land situated in the R. Allen Survey, Abstract number 5, the R. Allen Survey, Abstract Number 17, the J. Henry Survey, Abstract Number 529, the J. Michael Survey, Abstract Number 820, and the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract Number 829, in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, and being part of ÐTract 8CÑ called 97.4335 acres conveyed to Beck Properties Trophy Club, L.P. by deed recorded in Clerk File Number 93-R0087516, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the northeast corner of The Quorum Condominiums, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Cabinet C, Slide 358, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 34Ó27'24" West along the east line of said The Quorum Condominiums a distance of 117.12 feet to a point for corner in the north line of a tract of land conveyed to Clubcorp Golf of Texas, L.P. by deed recorded in Clerk File Number 00- 00131448, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE along the north line of said Clubcorp Golf of Texas, L.P. tract, the following calls: North 83Ó14'41" East a distance of 653.82 feet to a point for corner; North 62Ó14'36" East a distance of 122.55 feet to a point for corner; North 50Ó29'36" East a distance of 120.90 feet to a point for corner at the most westerly southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2 The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club recorded in Cabinet M, Slide 148, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas; 10 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 151 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations THENCE along the south line of said Lot 1, Block 2 The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, the following calls: South 78Ó29'24" East a distance of 110.00 feet to a point for corner; South 44Ó47'48" East a distance of 498.14 feet to a point for corner; 01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE 56Ó41'36" East continuing along the south line of said Lot 1, Block 2 The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club a distance of 177.29 feet to a one-half inch iron rod with cap found at the most easterly southeast corner of said Lot 1, Block 2 The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE along the south and east line of said Lot 1, Block 2 The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, the following calls: North 33Ó18'24" West a distance of 120.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 56Ó41'36" West a distance of 80.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 33Ó18'24" West a distance of 519.80 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 04Ó18'24" West a distance of 743.13 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 21Ó14'03" West a distance of 601.04 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 68Ó57'37" West a distance of 175.88 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the most northerly northeast corner of said Lot 1, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; South 55Ó36'30" West a distance of 267.82 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the northwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE North 66Ó45'10" West departing the northwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club a distance of 118.39 feet to an iron rod with cap found in the south line of Lot 2, Block 2, of said The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE along the south and east line of said Lot 2, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, the following calls: North 55Ó36'25" East a distance of 262.29 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 37Ó16'43" East a distance of 408.19 feet to a five-eighths inch iron rod found for corner; 11 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 152 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations North 38Ó09'25" East a distance of 509.37 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 62Ó19'57" East a distance of 403.36 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 89Ó26'36" East a distance of 110.02 feet to a point for corner at the southeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; North 00Ó33'24" West a distance of 250.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the northeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE North 89Ó26'36" East departing the east line of said Lot 2, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club a distance of 70.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 2, of said The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE along the west and south line of said Lot 3, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, the following calls: South 00Ó33'24" East a distance of 250.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 89Ó26'36" East a distance of 940.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 28Ó01'52" East a distance of 140.57 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 38Ó36'14" West a distance of 500.16 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 34Ó01'21" West a distance of 500.40 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 05Ó29'13" East a distance of 206.91 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 00Ó22'41" West a distance of 54.87 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the southwest corner of said Lot 3, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; South 89Ó37'19" East a distance of 50.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the southeast corner of said Lot 3, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE South 00Ó22'41" West departing the south line of said Lot 3, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club a distance of 90.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 2, of said The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE along the west and north line of said Lot 4, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, the following calls: North 89Ó37'19" West a distance of 50.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; 12 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 153 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations South 00Ó22'41" West a distance of 54.68 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 17Ó10'44" East a distance of 129.53 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 67Ó49'36" West a distance of 664.92 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 25Ó22'05" West a distance of 758.05 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 33Ó18'20" East a distance of 251.74 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the southwest corner of said Lot 4, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club in the south line of a perpetual flowage easement recorded in Volume 464, Page 321, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; North 56Ó41'36" East along the common boundary line between said perpetual flowage easement tract and said Lot 4, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club a distance of 640.00 feet to a point at the most westerly southeast corner of said Lot 4, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club in the southeast corner of a perpetual flowage easement recorded in Volume 462, Page 422, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas from which a concrete monument found bears North 1Ó18'11" East a distance of 0.86 feet; THENCE departing the south line of said Lot 4, Block 2, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club and along the north line of said perpetual flowage easement tract, the following calls: North 75Ó22'36" East a distance of 120.89 feet to a point for corner from which a concrete monument found bears North 14Ó54'20" West a distance of 0.74 feet; South 78Ó46'24" East a distance of 393.24 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; North 33Ó08'36" East a distance of 299.10 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; South 74Ó10'24" East a distance of 958.80 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; South 10Ó12'24" East a distance of 221.55 feet to a concrete monument found for corner; THENCE North 58Ó14'36" East a distance of 105.24 feet to a point for corner in the west line of Lot 1, Block 1, of said The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club; THENCE along the west and south line of said Lot 1, Block 1, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club, the following calls: South 34Ó59'13" East a distance of 92.19 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; 13 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 154 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations South 08Ó32'02" East a distance of 56.44 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 40Ó03'13" East a distance of 34.00 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 58Ó07'10" East a distance of 56.35 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 34Ó59'13" East a distance of 345.32 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 66Ó09'36" East a distance of 717.36 feet to an iron rod with cap found at the south corner of said Lot 1, Block 1, The Fourth Nine At Trophy Club in the north line of said Clubcorp Golf of Texas, L.P. tract; THENCE along the north line of said Clubcorp Golf of Texas, L.P. tract, the following calls: North 67Ó38'33" West a distance of 1384.32 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; North 62Ó57'33" West a distance of 641.35 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 75Ó13'48" West a distance of 331.67 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; South 61Ó56'48" West a distance of 876.80 feet to a point for corner; North 11Ó01'02" West a distance of 104.10 feet to a point for corner; North 11Ó54'37" East a distance of 40.71 feet to an iron rod with cap found for corner; THENCE North 85Ó06'19" West a distance of 471.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 88.709 acres, more or less. 14 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 155 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations ZONING MAP 15 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 156 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations EXHIBIT “B” DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I.PROJECT LOCATION The Highlands at Trophy Club consists of approximately 696.9 acres of land generally to the north of Oakmont Drive, Oak Hill Drive and the Quorum Condominiums, east of The Lakes Subdivision and Parkview Drive, south of the Corps of EngineerÓs property, and west of the TownÓs eastern town limit. 16 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 157 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations II.PURPOSE AND INTENT A.Purpose and Intent : The purpose of the district is to create a master planned community featuring a mixture of housing types and commercial uses in a manner that will encourage sustainable neighborhoods and attract investment to the area. purpose 1. The of this district is: a. To provide development and land use flexibility within the framework of a Planned Development zoning district. intent 2. The of this district is: a. To design streets and buildings which will contribute to creating safe neighborhoods. b. To provide an attractive environment for pedestrians which include such things as buildings framing public space, street trees, lighting and canopies that will attract pedestrians. c. To contribute to the definition and use of public parks and plazas. 3. The Highlands at Trophy Club PD is intended to provide the community with a mixture of housing types in a pattern and amount that will encourage sustainable neighborhoods and development. 4. The Highlands at Trophy Club Concept Plan delineates the boundaries of the respective neighborhood areas (Exhibit B). The Development Standards shall apply to the entire Highlands at Trophy Club District unless indicated otherwise. Housing mix, street types, building types and frontage standards for any particular area shall be controlled by the neighborhood areas delineated on the plan. Applicability: B. This Ordinance shall apply to all development within the PD boundaries. Unless otherwise stated herein, all ordinances of the Town shall apply to The Highlands at Trophy Club. 17 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 158 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations III.DEFINITIONS Accessory Building:A subordinate building or structure of masonry and/or wood construction that is detached from the main building and customarily incidental to the principal building. Block: A continuous street edge along any one side, between any intersections with a Street, Mews, or Court. Court:A street with buildings fronting across the street from a central green or open space. Covered Front Porch: An area of at least 60 S.F. covered by the main roof or an architectural extension. Gifts to the Street:Building enhancements that improve the feel and experience of the street, including porches, stoops, bay windows, balconies, masonry clad chimneys, attached pergolas and colonnades. Green:A publicly accessible space with turf and landscaping fronted by buildings either directly or across the street. Key Lot: Any lot which has a street adjacent to both its front and side building lines, and its rear property line is also the side property line of an adjacent lot. (Added by Ordinance 2009-01 P&Z, Approved 1/5/09) Kiosk Sign:A sign that contains individual panels and that is generally used to provide direction to residential subdivisions from major thoroughfares or to provide direction to schools, amenities, information centers, community facilities and neighborhoods within a residential subdivision. The Highlands at Trophy Club Concept Plan (Exhibit C): The graphic plan for The Highlands at Trophy Club that establishes and delineates the respective PD sub-districts such as the Village Center and other Neighborhoods. Public Open Space: Whether maintained by the school district through a joint use agreement, private association or public improvement district, publicly accessible parks, greens, squares, courtyards, plazas, parkways, medians, commons and tot lots, shall constitute Public Open Space. Pull Through Garage:A garage that is sited at the rear of a lot and behind the principal structure that requires a driveway adjacent to the principal structure to connect the garage with the street fronting the principal structure. Shall: A term requiring compliance. Shared Parking:Parking areas that provide parking for multiple commercial sites or pads. Should: A term encouraging compliance. 18 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 159 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Side Street:A street that principally is fronted by the side of a residential or commercial building on a corner lot. Transparency:Windows, glass doors and other clear façade treatments that provide a sense of openness to a structure. 19 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 160 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations IV.LOT TYPE REGULATIONS The Highlands at Trophy Club will include a variety of lot types in order to achieve the goals established for the district. The lot types and requirements for each shall be as follows: A.Lot Type 1: 1. Purpose:This lot type is designed to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. 2. Permitted Uses:Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Section 13 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the following: a. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within Lot Type 1 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 35, Accessory Structures. b. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the Lot Type 1 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 44, Conditional Use Permit. c. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. 3. Plan Requirements:No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Record. 4. Height Regulations:No building shall exceed forty feet (40Ó) or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height. 5. Area Regulations:The following minimum standards shall be required as measured from property lines: Lot Size: 12,000 square feet; For lots abutting the golf course, the minimum lot size shall be increased by 1,000 square feet. Lot Coverage: The combined area covered by all main buildings and accessory structures shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. 20 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 161 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Minimum Floor Area: The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance with the following: Type of Structure Golf Course Lots All Other Lots One story residence 2,500 2,000 One and one half story or two 2,500* 2,000* story residence * Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet. (Including garage area) Front Yard: 25 feet minimum Rear Yard (Golf Course): 35 feet minimum Rear Yard: 25 feet minimum (No rear yard shall face any street without approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission; provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town.) Side Yard (Golf Course): 10 feet minimum Side Yard: 10 feet minimum; provided that the distance between buildings and structures on contiguous lots remains a minimum 20 feet, the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet. Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 20 feet minimum Lot Width: 90 feet minimum; (measured at the front building line) Lot Width Adjacent to Side Street: 100 feet (measured at the front building line) Lot Depth: 110 feet minimum Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac lot): 100 feet minimum Garage: May not face front street unless set back at least 30 feet from front building line; may not face side street unless set back 50 feet from side street right-of-way. 21 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 162 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations B.Lot Type 2: 1. Purpose:This lot type is designed to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. 2. Permitted Uses:Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Section 13 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the following: a. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within Lot Type 2 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 35, Accessory Structures. b. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the Lot Type 2 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 44, Conditional Use Permit. c. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. 3. Plan Requirements:No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Record. 4. Height Regulations:No building shall exceed forty feet (40Ó) or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height. 5. Area Regulations:The following minimum standards shall be required as measured from property lines: Lot Size: 10,000 square feet; For lots abutting the golf course, the minimum lot size shall be increased by 1,000 square feet. Lot Coverage: The combined area covered by all main buildings and accessory structures shall not exceed thirty- five percent (35%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. Of Additional regulations for Neighborhoods 3 & 4: the 238 Type 2 Lots, not to exceed 119 lots can have up to 45% lot coverage; of the remaining lots the combined area covered by all main buildings and accessory structures shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining 22 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 163 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations maximum building coverage. (Added by Ordinance 2007-30 P&Z, Approved 11/5/07) Minimum Floor Area: The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance with the following: Type of Structure Golf Course Lots All Other Lots One story residence 2,250 2,000 One and one half story or 2,250* 2,000* two story residence * Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet. (Including garage area) Additional regulations for Neighborhoods 3 & 4: (Added by Ordinance 2007-30 P&Z, Approved 11/5/07) Type of Structure Golf Course Lots All Other Lots One story residence 2,7002,700 One and one half story or 2,700*2,700* two story residence Front Yard: 25 feet minimum Rear Yard: Golf Course: 35 feet minimum Rear Yard: 25 feet minimum (No rear yard shall face any street without approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission; provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town.) Side Yard: Golf Course: 10 feet minimum Side Yard: 7.5 feet minimum; provided that the distance between buildings remains a minimum of 15 feet, the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet Side Yard: Adjacent to Street: 15 feet minimum Lot Width: 80 feet minimum (measured at the front building line) Lot Width: Adjacent to Side Street: 90 feet minimum (measured at the front building line) 23 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 164 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Lot Depth: 110 feet minimum Lot Depth: Corner or cul-de-sac lot: 100 feet minimum Garage: May not face front street unless set back at least 30 feet from front building line; may not face side street unless set back 50 feet from side street right-of-way. Additional regulations for Neighborhoods 3 & 4: Any lot that exceeds coverage in excess of 40% must have a 3-car garage. (Added by Ordinance 2007-30 P&Z, Approved 11/5/07) 24 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 165 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations C.Lot Type 3: 1. Purpose:This lot type is designed to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than eight thousand, four hundred (8,400) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. 2. Permitted Uses: Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Section 13 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the following: a. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within Lot Type 3 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 35, Accessory Structures. b. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the Lot Type 3 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 44, Conditional Use Permit. c. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. 3. Plan Requirements:No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Record. 4. Height Regulations:No building shall exceed forty feet (40Ó) or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height. 5. Area Regulations:The following minimum standards shall be required as measured from property lines: Lot size: 8,400 square feet Lot Coverage: The combined area covered by all main buildings and accessory structures shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. Minimum Floor Area: 1,800 square feet Front Yard: 25 feet minimum 25 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 166 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Rear Yard: 20 feet minimum (No rear yard shall face any street without approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission; provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town.) Side Yard: 5 feet minimum Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 15 feet minimum Lot Width: 70 feet minimum (measured at front building line) Lot Width Adjacent to Side Street: 80 feet minimum (measured at front building line) Lot Depth: 110 feet minimum Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac lot): 90 feet minimum Garage: May not face front street unless set back at least 30 feet from the front building line; may not face side street unless set back 50 feet from the side street right-of-way. 26 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 167 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations D.Lot Type 4: 1. Purpose:This lot type is designed to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than seven thousand, two hundred (7,200) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. 2. Permitted Uses:Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Section 13 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the following: a. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within Lot Type 4 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 35, Accessory Structures. b. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the Lot Type 4 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 44, Conditional Use Permit. c. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. 3. Plan Requirements:No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Record. 4. Height Regulations:No building shall exceed forty feet (40Ó) or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height. 5. Area Regulations:The following minimum standards shall be required as measured from property lines: Lot Size: 7,200 square feet Lot Coverage: The combined area covered by all main buildings and accessory structures shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. Minimum Floor Area: One-Story = 1,650 square feet Two-Story = 1,800 square feet Front Yards: Front yard setbacks shall vary and shall be shown on the Final Plat for the subdivision. To create a variety of front yards on each street, a relatively equal number of lots shall 27 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 168 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations be platted with 20Ó, 23Ó, and 26Ó minimum front yards. Rear Yard: 20 feet minimum (No rear yard shall face any street without approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission; provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town.) Side Yard: A minimum of five (5) feet on each side. Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 15 feet minimum Lot Width: 60 feet minimum (measured at front building line) Lot Width Adjacent to Side Street: 70 feet (measured at front building line) Lot Depth: 100 feet minimum Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac lot): 85 feet minimum Garages: May face front or side street. At least 75% of garages shall be set back 2Ó from the main faŒade. Garage doors facing a street must have one of the following: 1) Covered by a minimum 4Ó deep Porte-cochere or eave, or 2) Set back 10Ó minimum from main façade; and at least one of the following: 3) Architectural enhancements to garage doors, which can include decorative hardware, decorative windows, or panel detailing. 28 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 169 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations E.Lot Type 5: 1. Purpose: This lot type is designed to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than five thousand, two hundred fifty (5,250) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses. 2. Permitted Uses: Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Section 13 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the following: a. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within Lot Type 5 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 35, Accessory Structures. b. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the Lot Type 5 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 44, Conditional Use Permit. c. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. 3. Plan Requirements:No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all the requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Record. 4. Height Regulations:No building shall exceed two (2) stories in height, the maximum height of two stories not to exceed forty (40) feet. 5. Area Regulations:The following minimum standards shall be required as measured from property lines: Lot Size: 5,250 square feet minimum 65 lots larger than 6,000 sq. ft. 30 lots larger than 7,000 sq. ft. Lot Coverage: The combined area covered by all main buildings and accessory structures for lots: less than 6,000 sq. ft. shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total lot area; equal to or greater than 6,000 sq. ft. shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. Minimum Floor Area: 1,800 square feet. 29 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 170 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Front Yard: 15-ft. minimum for main façade of home; Garage door must have a minimum 20-ft. front setback. Rear Yard: 20 feet minimum Side Yard: 5 feet Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 10 feet minimum Lot Width: 50 feet minimum (measured at the front building line) Lot Width Adjacent to Side Street: 55 feet minimum (measured at the front building line) Lot Depth: 100 feet minimum Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac lot): 85 feet minimum Garages: May face front or side street. Must have a minimum 20-ft. front setback. All garage doors must be stained cedar. All garages must have a minimum 2-ft. offset between the front elevation of the house and the garage. 6. Gifts to the Street: In addition to the three (3) ÐGifts to the StreetÑ required in Section VI, Development and Design Standards, Subsection F.1, each Lot Type 5 single family home in Neighborhood 8 must utilize three of the following improvements: Exposed aggregate driveway 10/12 pitch roof Masonry arches Two 3-inch trees Two carriage lights on the front of the home Divided light windows 7. Screening Regulations: Perimeter landscaping and screening adjacent to Trophy Park Drive shall match the existing landscape and screening on the opposite side of Trophy Park Drive. Materials and construction specifications shall be approved by Town prior to construction. Perimeter landscaping and screening adjacent to Trophy Club Drive shall match the existing landscape and screening constructed on Trophy Club Drive within The Highlands at Trophy Club development. Materials and construction specifications shall be approved by Town prior to construction. 30 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 171 of 262April 21, 2016 2,000 s.f. 2,000 s.f. Others Min. Dwelling Square 2016 31 21, 1,800 s.f. 1,650 s.f. 1,800 s.f. April Footage 2,500 s.f 2,500 s.f Golf Rear *25Ó *25Ó 20Ó 20Ó 20Ó 2008-39 P&Z, Approved 12/1/08) **15-ft. minimum for main façade of home; Garage door must have a minimum 20-ft. front setback. Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Yard Setbacks To Street Adjacent Summary of Lot Type Regulations Side 20Ó 15Ó 15Ó 15Ó 10Ó TABLE NO. 4-1 *Additional Golf Course Lot Requirements. Refer to Lot Type Regulations. 262 of (Side Yard Setback for Lot Type 3 Typographical Error corrected by Council, Ordinance Side *7.5Ó *10Ó 172 5Ó 5Ó 5Ó Page 15Ó/20Ó** 20Ó-26Ó Front 25Ó 25Ó 25Ó 110Ó 110Ó 110Ó 100Ó 100Ó Depth Min. Width Min. 90Ó 80Ó 70Ó 60Ó 50Ó 100Ó x 120Ó 70Ó x 120Ó 60Ó x 120Ó 50Ó x 105Ó 80Ó x 125 Dimension Typical Commission s Zoning *12,000 s.f. *10,000 s.f. 8,400 s.f. 7,200 s.f. 5,250 s.f. Footage Square and Min. Planning Type Lot 1 2 3 4 5 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations V.NEIGHBORHOOD REGULATIONS A.Neighborhood 1: Neighborhood 1 shall include the following four (4) lot types: Lot Types 1 and 2 shall be required along Trophy Club Drive and represent approximately 20 lots with Lot Type 1 at the corner lots of the one-way courts facing Trophy Club Drive. Lot Type 3 - Approximately 22 lots. Lot Type 4 - Approximately 177 lots. Total Number of Lots: 219 B.Neighborhood 2: Neighborhood 2 shall include the following two (2) lot types: Lot Type 1 shall be required along Trophy Club Drive at the corner lots of the one-way courts facing Trophy Club Drive and represent approximately 6 lots. Lot Type 2 - Approximately 144 lots. Total Number of Lots: 150 C.Neighborhood 3: Neighborhood 3 shall include the following two (2) lot types: Lot Types 1 shall be required along Trophy Club Drive at the corner lots of the one-way courts facing Trophy Club Drive and represent approximately 4 lots. Lot Type 2 Î Approximately 136 lots. Total Number of Lots: 140 D.Neighborhood 4: Neighborhood 4 shall include the following two (2) lot types: Lot Type 1 shall be located adjacent to the Golf Course and represent approximately 80 lots. Lot Type 2 - Approximately 104 lots. Total Number of Lots: 184 32 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 173 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations E.Neighborhood 5: Neighborhood 5 shall include the following three (3) lot types: Lot Types 1 and 2 shall be required along Trophy Club Drive with Lot Type 1 required at the corner lots of the one-way courts facing Trophy Club Drive and represent approximately 34 lots. Lot Type 3 - Approximately 137 lots. Total Number of Lots: 171 F.Neighborhood 6: Neighborhood 6 shall include the following two (2) lot types: Lot Type 1 shall be located at the corner lots of the one-way courts facing Trophy Club Drive and adjacent to the Golf Course between NH-4 and NH-6. Lot Type 1 shall represent approximately 35 lots. Lot Type 2 - Approximately 136 lots. Total Number of Lots: 171 G. Neighborhood 7: Neighborhood 7 shall include the following two (2) lot types: Lot Type 1 Î One (1) lot. Lot Type 3 - Approximately 222 lots. Total Number of Lots: 223 H.Neighborhood 8: Neighborhood 8 shall include the following one (1) lot type: Lot Type 5 shall represent a maximum of 185 lots. Total Number of Lots: 185 The Private Open Space within the Neighborhood 8 property limits will be maintained by a Homeowners Association. A connector trail in Neighborhood 8 behind open space is required. 33 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 174 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations I.Neighborhood 9: Neighborhood 9 shall include the following lot type: Lot Type 1 - Approximately 46 lots. Total Number of Lots: 46 The maximum number of lots permitted within the Highlands at Trophy Club PD District shall not exceed 1,489 lots. The number of lots for any given lot type in a neighborhood can increase by a maximum 5% but the total number of lots can not exceed 1,489 lots and the total number of Lot Types 3-5 shall not exceed the totals listed in Table 5-1 (for each Lot Type individually). 34 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 175 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations FIGURE NO. 5-1 35 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 176 of 262April 21, 2016 2016 36 21, Density April N/A N/A N/A Net 3.4 2.4 2.6 2.1 3.2 2.3 2.7 3.5 2.4 2.6 - Density Gross N/A N/A N/A 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.8 3.5 2.4 2.2 - Acreage 580.15 596.74 63.81 61.95 53.53 88.72 53.87 75.34 82.04 52.66 19.23 16.59 29.22 Net - 100.18 Space 20.50 26.04 39.03 Open 0.00 5.28 0.00 9.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Acreage 121.07 680.33 696.92 Gross 84.31 61.95 58.81 88.72 79.91 84.67 52.66 19.23 29.22 16.59 Neighborhood Lot and Density Summary - 1. Net Acreage Î Net of FEMA Floodplain and Flowage Easement. 100.0% 1,489 1,489 Total 219 150 140 184 171 171 223 185 N/A N/A 46 TABLE NO. 5-1 262 of 177 Page 12.4% 5,250 185 185 5 - - - - - - - - - 11.3% 7,200 177 177 4 - - - - - - - - - 25.6% 8,400 137 222 381 22 3 - - - - - - - 10,000 38.0% 144 136 104 136 566 16 30 2 - - - - 12,000 12.1% 180 80 35 46 1 4 6 4 4 1 - - Commission Residential Total Zoning Village Center Percentage Public Park Min SF Notes: Type Total and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NH Planning Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations J.Village Center: 1. Permitted Uses: a. Bakery b. Bank c. Barber or beauty salon d. Bookstores e. Cafes with or without patio f. Community Facilities to include libraries g. Day Care h. Day spa (hair salon, facial treatment, massages) i. Dry cleaning and laundry (pickup/drop-off only) j. Financial institutions k. Florist (no outdoor storage) l. Furniture sales (no outside sales or display) m. Kindergarten n. Municipal facilities to include Fire, Police, and EMS o. Pet services including veterinarian (without outdoor kennels) p. Professional and administrative offices q. Religious Institutions r. Restaurants s. Schools, Private or Public t. Specialty Shops 2. Architectural and Site Design Standards: These design standards shall apply to all Permitted Uses except Day Care, Kindergarten, Schools (Private or Public), and Religious Institutions. These uses shall meet the Town of Trophy Club design requirements. 37 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 178 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations a. Building Walls and Roofs 1) An expression line shall delineate divisions between floors of all buildings, and a cornice shall delineate the tops of facades that do not utilize a pitched roof. 2) All buildings shall be designed such that no mechanical equipment (HVAC, etc.) and satellite dishes are visible from the public right-of-way or open space, whether the equipment is located on the ground, exterior walls or the roof. To screen rooftop mechanical equipment, other appurtenances, and flat or built-up roofs, all structures having a 6,000 square feet or less footprint shall be constructed with a pitched roof. Those structures having a footprint greater than 6,000 square feet shall be constructed with either a pitched or parapet roof system enclosed on all sides. 3) Mansard roofs and flat membrane-type roofs that are visible from ground level are prohibited. 4) For retail storefronts, a transom, display window area and bulkhead at the base shall be utilized. 5) Ground floor retail building plate heights should provide for at least fourteen feet (14Ó) in height. 6) Generally, windows shall be oriented vertically. 38 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 179 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 7) Columns and piers generally shall be spaced no farther apart than they are tall. 8) Transparency: i. Each floor of any building façade facing a park, plaza or street shall contain transparent windows covering from fifteen percent (15%) to seventy-five percent (75%) of the façade area. ii. In order to provide clear views of merchandise and to provide natural surveillance of exterior street spaces, the ground-floor along the retail storefront facade shall have transparent storefront windows covering no less than fifty percent (50%) of the façade area. iii. Entryways recessed at least four feet (4Ó). b. Permitted Finishes: 1) At least eighty percent (80%) of the exterior of all new buildings (excluding doors and windows) shall be finished in one or more of the following materials: i. Brick, stone, cast stone, or stucco. ii. Split face concrete block, poured-in-place concrete, and tilt-wall concrete. It is the intent that any use of concrete products shall have an integrated color and be textured or patterned. Tilt-wall concrete structures shall include reveals, punch-outs, or other similar surface characteristics to enhance the façade on at least twenty percent (20%) of each façade. iii. Side facades and rear facades shall be of finished quality and of the same color and materials that blend with the front of the building. Rear facades may be painted tilt-wall or painted block matching the same color of the rest of the building if the rear façade faces an alley or is not viewable from a public street or right-of-way. 39 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 180 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 2) To improve the pedestrian orientation, the ground floor of commercial/retail buildings shall utilize a combination of the following, unless otherwise approved by the Town: i. Corbelling, molding, string coursing, ornamentation, changes in material and color, or other sculpturing of the base; ii. Recessed windows or other techniques to distinguish the windows in the façade such as arches, pediments and mullions; and iii. Entryways recessed at least four feet (4Ó). 3) The utilization of repetitive storefronts for ÐarchitecturalÑ consistency is discouraged in order to maintain an interesting street experience; although the utilization of common architectural elements shall be considered to facilitate a certain level of functional continuity. c. Building Orientation and Pedestrian Site Design: 1) Any building (excluding parking garages and other accessory buildings) viewed from a public right-of-way or public open space shall either face such right-of-way or open space, or shall have a façade facing such area in keeping with the character of the front façade, including the utilization of similar fenestration and materials. 2) Pedestrian Elements To improve the walkability and access of commercial and retail areas, the following are encouraged in the site design of a project: i. Patio/café seating areas ii. Bicycle racks iii. Continuous walkways linking stores vi. Shade provided by building orientation, canopies and/or trees vii. Decorative Trash receptacles 40 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 181 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 3) Parking Lot and Building Frontage Landscaping and Design i. A minimum of fifteen (15) square feet of landscaping including tree islands for each parking space shall be provided within the paved boundaries of the parking lot, with the landscaped areas protected by raised curbs except where wheel stops are utilized at the front of parking spaces along a landscaped median between parking bays, and pavement no closer than three feet (3Ó) from the trunk of trees. ii. Landscaped islands of a minimum of five feet (5Ó) in width and extending the entire length of the parking stall generally shall be located at the terminus of all parking rows and shall contain at least one three inch (3Ñ) caliper tree consistent with the Tree List in Section VI Î Development and Design Standards. iii. Parking spaces shall be a minimum depth of 18 feet and a minimum width of 9 feet; to encourage better shade patterns, parking bays shall be separated by a minimum five foot (5Ó) wide landscaped median (See illustration below), with three inch (3Ñ) caliper shade trees planted every thirty feet and wheel stops placed so as to allow the front of vehicles to encroach over the landscaped median without hitting the trees. 41 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 182 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations iv. Foundation plantings are required for buildings or groups of buildings greater than 40,000 square feet and where the front building facade does not abut a public sidewalk, including a 3.0 inch caliper shade tree for every 10,000 square feet of gross building area consistent with the Tree List as set forth in Section VI. Small ornamental trees are permitted on a ratio of 4 to 1 instead of 3.0 inch caliper shade trees. This is intended to enhance the pedestrian experience in front of larger buildings and to break up large impervious surfaces between parking areas and the building. Foundation planting trees shall be planted within approximately 30 feet of the front façade and are required in addition to any street trees required herein. Tree grates shall be utilized for trees planted less than four (4) feet back of curb. Tree spacing shall not impede sign visibility or pedestrian safety but shall be placed so as to provide an effective shade environment in front of the building. d. Loading Areas and Trash Receptacles: 1) Loading and service areas shall be located at the side of or in the rear of buildings. Every effort should be made to reduce the need for segregated loading and service areas by ensuring that deliveries are made off-hours. Such uses as grocery stores, however, may require a loading dock area. Where tractor/semi-trailer delivery may conflict with 42 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 183 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations land uses on or adjacent to the site, then the following standards shall be followed: i. Loading and service areas shall be located at the side or rear of buildings. ii. Off-street loading areas shall be screened from view of any street public open space or adjacent property. iii. Loading areas shall be enclosed on three sides by a wall or other screening device not less than 10 feet in height. iv. Loading areas shall not be located closer than 50Ó to any residential lot, unless wholly within an enclosed building. v. Screening materials shall be comprised of a wall that has a similar finish to the primary structure, or a combination of trees and shrubs that will result in solid screening within 2 years. vi. However, when adjacent to a residentially zoned district a screening wall with landscaping shall be used. 2. Trash/Recycling Receptacles: i. Commercial trash/recycling containers shall be located on the side or rear of the building and screened from public view. ii. Such containers shall be located at least 50Ó away from adjacent residential property lines. iii. Such containers shall be screened on 4 sides, ’ using an enclosure that is 7 tall or of a height that is a minimum of 1Ó above the top of the container, whichever is taller. Screening shall be comprised of brick, stone, reinforced concrete, or other similar masonry materials that have a similar finish to the primary finish; and all fence posts shall be rust- protected metal, concrete based masonry or concrete pillars. 43 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 184 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations iv. 6Ñ concrete filled steel pipes shall be located to protect the enclosure from truck operations. v. Such container enclosures shall have steel gates and tie-backs to secure them in an open position, and fasteners to keep them closed. vi. Screening shall be maintained at all times. e. Signage 1) General: Signs shall be flat against the façade, projecting from the façade or ground monument mounted. No signs shall project above the façade unless approved as part of a site plan as a Ðlandmark signÑ such as a theater marquee or other special sign located in an prominent location and intended to provide a special character to the district and orientation to visitors. 2) Lighting: Signs shall generally be externally lit. Only individual letters and symbols may be internally lit. Neon signs shall be prohibited. 3) Finish Materials: Materials shall complement the architecture of the building, and may include woodÏ painted or natural; metalÏcopper, brass, galvanized steel; painted canvas; paint; engraving directly on façade surface; and brick or stone for monument signs. 4) Wall Signs: i. One and a half (1.5) square feet of signage is permitted for each linear foot of the primary facade of the building, excluding wing walls. (E.g. a 100Ó long building façade would allow for 150 square feet of wall sign area on the building.) ii. Only one building façade with a primary entrance may be used to calculate wall signage. iii. Wall signs may be placed on any face of the building except if adjacent to a residential lot. iv. Maximum area of any single sign mounted perpendicular to a given façade shall not exceed 10 square feet unless it protrudes above the top of the facade. 44 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 185 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations v. Protruding or hanging signs shall maintain a minimum clear height of eight (8) feet above the sidewalk. 5) Monument Signs: i. Monument signs up to eight (8) feet in height are the only permanent freestanding signs allowed. ii. Maximum area of a monument sign shall be 96 square feet per sign face. Monument signs may have only two (2) sign faces. iii. If a Commercial Neighborhood extends over 1000 linear feet, then one monument sign per 500Ó of frontage is permitted. (E.g. a site with 1,000Ó or more of frontage may have two (2) monument signs, a site with 1,500Ó or more may have three (3) signs, etc.). iv. The structure of monument signs shall be constructed of materials and colors utilized on the primary buildingÓs faŒade. v. Monument signs must be spaced a minimum of two hundred fifty feet (250Ó) apart, unless approved otherwise at Detailed Site Plan. 6) Parking: Retail and office uses shall meet the TownÓs parking standards at the time of development. 45 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 186 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations K. RESTAURANT DESIGN GUIDELINES – VILLAGE CENTER PURPOSE The Highlands at Trophy Club has many desirable aesthetic qualities and neighborhoods with unique character. These attributes are closely guarded and nurtured to protect the community and ensure design excellence. The Restaurant Design Guidelines – Village Center is intended to be responsive to developers while promoting good design. These guidelines are applicable to all restaurant types as they are structured to respond to the varying conditions and constraints inherent to individual sites within Village Center. DESIGN GUIDELINES These guidelines are intended to address exterior elements of restaurant design to help promote cohesive design and enable comprehensive review of all new buildings. All proposals should be in accordance with the zoning ordinance and PD-27 architectural and site design standards, as Site well as adhere to the requirements stated in this guideline in the following five areas: Design, Architecture, Landscape Design, Lighting, and Signage/Corporate Identification . Site Design The components of a restaurant to be considered in site design include, but are not limited to: Primary structure, entry and associated outdoor waiting area Outdoor dining Service, utility infrastructure, refuse and storage area Pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems, and parking Drive through windows and associated equipment and stacking lanes Primary Structure, Entry and Associated Outdoor Waiting Area: All development proposals should show evidence of coordination with the site plan requirements as shown in the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 13, Article V, Supplementary District Regulations and the Architectural and Site Design Standards required in PD-27, Village Center. Development proposals should show evidence of coordination with contextual influences of neighboring properties in regard to building setbacks, orientation, and relationship of structures to each other and to the street. The layout of the site should respect and build upon the arrangement of buildings, open spaces and landscape elements of adjacent sites. Where a common setback from the street is evident, new buildings should respect the established setback. Variation is allowed if the resulting arrangement of buildings defines a useful public space such as a plaza or open space. Building entries should be convenient to parking, but also seek and develop shared vehicular access points with adjoining sites where feasible, and seek and develop pedestrian linkages between adjacent properties. Outdoor Dining: Outdoor dining areas are encouraged in Tract 2, oriented toward Northwest Park. Outdoor dining areas should be located away from neighboring residential areas and other sensitive uses. 46 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 187 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Service, Utility Infrastructure, and Refuse Area: The clustering of service and refuse areas is encouraged where adjacency of similar uses would allow such areas. Service areas and refuse enclosures should be screened from public view and screened from adjacent sites. Identify the location of utility infrastructure facilities early in the design process. When possible, locate utility cabinets, switching cabinets, transformers, cable boxes, communications infrastructure, backflow preventors, irrigation control boxes and other similar above ground utilities in locations that do not conflict with featured views, outdoor dining areas and circulation patterns. Utility cabinets should not be located within parking lot landscape islands or in highly visible locations within the right-of-way. Utilities should be screened to the extent allowable by operation requirements. Pedestrian and Vehicular Circulation Systems, and Parking: Site design shall accommodate a logical and safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation pattern that minimizes conflicts. Links for pedestrians should be direct and avoid circuitous routes that are not easily understood. Drive Through Windows and Associated Equipment and Stacking Lanes: Drive-through windows, menu boards and associated stacking lanes should be carefully located to minimize the impacts on neighboring residential areas and should be adequately screened from the street, from public view, and from the view of adjacent sites. Drive-through elements should be architecturally integrated into the building, rather than appearing to be applied or “stuck on” to the building. Drive-through window circulation shall provide a minimum stacking distance of 100 feet to provide adequate length of stacking that does not interfere with the movement of traffic or pedestrians on or off-site. A facility with a separate ordering point and pick-up window shall provide stacking space for at least three (3) vehicles in advance of each ordering point and stacking space for at least two (2) vehicles between each ordering point and pick-up window. Entrances to drive-up lanes shall be at least 50 feet from driveways entering a public street. The minimum width of each drive-through lane shall be 12 feet. The entrance to the lane and the direction of traffic flow shall be clearly designated by signs, or pavement marking, or raised curbs. When residential adjacency exists, drive-through windows are not permitted. Architecture Each building will be evaluated with regard to the guidelines below to achieve a final building of good proportion and scale. Buildings that derive their image predominantly from applied treatments that express corporate identity are discouraged. A building should conform to the Village Center Architectural and Site Design Standards first. Awnings may be used on street level windows and doors and should be functional and provide maximum shade to the window area. Awnings are to be made of predominately natural or natural-appearing fabric or canopies. Awnings should not be internally lit. The bottom of an awning must be placed below the top of the window, but above the door. 47 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 188 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations If a tract is divided into pad sites that will support more than one restaurant, the restaurants should share similar design characteristics and design vocabulary. Precise replication is not necessary or desirable, but consideration should be given to similar color, material, and texture found within the architecture of the buildings. Shading for outdoor dining should be architecturally integrated with the main structure. Landscape Design The landscape design of the site should contribute to the overall appearance and function of the site and streetscape. Landscape should blend with the dominant existing or planned streetscape and character of the area. Landscaping should be provided at the base of buildings to anchor them to the surrounding environment and soften the structure. In-ground landscaping should comprise the majority of the landscaping requirement and be maximized to provide shade and to reduce heat build-up and glare. Raised planters are acceptable when designed to accentuate the architecture and/or create pedestrian seating areas. Landscaping should be placed to maximize screening from neighboring residential areas. Dense landscaping and architectural treatments should be used in combination to screen unattractive views and features such as storage areas, trash enclosures, utility cabinets, and other similar elements. The use of mature trees is encouraged to provide an immediate impact especially when used in buffering adjacent uses. Proper maintenance and timely replacement of plant material is expected and required by ordinance. Lighting Site lighting and architectural lighting of restaurants should provide the user with illumination levels appropriate for the designed activity (i.e., parking, walking, outdoor dining). Illumination levels should also be reasonably uniform throughout the site and absent of glare. A lighting design and plan is required. The lighting plan must include, but is not limited to: type of lighting equipment, lamp source and wattage, fixture locations, mounting height, shielding, mounting details, photometric data including point-by-point horizontal illuminance at ground level and uniformity ration, etc. (per consultant). All illumination of the site, including architectural lighting, should be taken into account in the lighting plan. Avoid competing light levels and maintain balanced light levels on-site and between adjacent properties. The exterior lighting design must take into account the background lighting levels, lighting from other sources, and characteristics of the surrounding area. Signage/Corporate Identification Restaurant signage plans should reflect a balance between providing adequate signage for business identification while protecting the visual aesthetics of Trophy Club’s streetscapes. Treatments used to achieve business identity such as awnings, paint, or signage should be used judiciously and should not be the dominant architectural feature. All signage should be architecturally integrated with their surroundings in terms of size, shape, color, texture, and lighting so as to not visually compete with the architectural of the 48 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 189 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations building and site. Signs should be integrated such that they become a natural part of the building façade. When multiple restaurants share one site, signs should be integrated as one unit to create shared identity for the property to the extent permitted by the ordinance or be located and/or designed as a package. Building design should anticipate signage, providing logical sign areas and allowing flexibility for new users (if applicable). Repetitious signage information on the same building façade should be avoided. Signs composed of individual letters are encouraged. Back lit or indirectly lit individual letters are generally desirable. Visible raceways and transformers for individual letters are discouraged. 49 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 190 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations VI.DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS A.Street Types: The following street types shall establish the criteria for streets allowed within The Highlands at Trophy Club PD District. Section drawings for each street type are illustrated in Exhibit D. 1. Trophy Club Drive (C4D Î Major Collector, Divided, 90Ó Right-of-Way). Classification: Designed to handle the large volumes of traffic from one area of Town to another and to serve as the major point of ingress/egress to the Town. Direct residential driveway access is not allowed. Public Right-of-Way Width: 90Ó Design Speed: 40 m.p.h. Pavement Width: Two (2) - 25Ó B/B Curb Radii: 30Ó Minimum Centerline Radius for Curves: 700Ó Minimum Tangent between Reverse Curves: 50Ó Minimum Sidewalk Width: 4Ó Landscape Median (Measured from Back-of-Curb): 18Ó in Width Parking: No parking allowed. 2. Minor Collector (C2U Î Minor Collector, 60Ó Right-of-Way) Classification: Designed to carry neighborhood traffic to the major collectors. Direct residential driveway access is not allowed. Public Right-of-Way Width: 60Ó Design Speed: 30 m.p.h. Pavement Width: 41Ó B/B Curb Radii: 30Ó Minimum Centerline Radius for Curves: 300Ó Minimum Tangent between Reverse Curves: 50Ó Minimum Sidewalk Width: 4Ó Parking: Parking allowed on both sides of street. 3. Residential Avenue, 60Ó Right-of-Way Classification: A street internal to the neighborhood designed to carry neighborhood traffic to minor collectors and thoroughfares. Public Right of Way Width: 60Ó Design Speed: 30 m.p.h. Pavement Width: 37Ó B/B Curb Radii: 25Ó Minimum Centerline Radius for Curves: 300Ó Minimum Tangent between Reverse Curves: 50Ó Minimum Sidewalk Width: 4Ó Parking: Allowed on both sides of street. 50 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 191 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 4. Local Street (L2U Î Local Street, 50Ó Right-of-Way) Classification: Designed to provide access to residential areas. Public Right of Way Width: 50Ó Design Speed: 30 m.p.h. Pavement Width: 27Ó B/B Curb Radii: 25Ó Minimum Centerline Radius for Curves: 300Ó Minimum Tangent between Reverse Curves: 50Ó Minimum Sidewalk Width: 4Ó Parking: Allowed on both sides of street. 5. Local Two Î Way Court, 40Ó Right-of-Way. Classification: Designed to provide access to residential areas. Use of this street section is restricted to single loaded streets adjacent to open space. Public Right-of-Way Width: 40Ó Design Speed: 30 m.p.h. Pavement Width: 27Ó B/B Curb Radii: 25Ó Minimum Centerline Radius for Curves: 300Ó Minimum Tangent between Reverse Curves: 50Ó Minimum Sidewalk Width: 4Ó Parking: Allowed on one side only. Parking is prohibited on the side of the street adjacent to open space. 6. Local One Î Way Court, 35Ó Right-of-Way. Classification: Designed to provide driveway access for homes facing Trophy Club Drive. Street is single loaded and has an open space buffer between the street and Trophy Club Drive. Number of lots served by this street section shall be limited to 30. Public Right-of-Way Width: 35Ó Design Speed: 20 m.p.h. Pavement Width: 24Ó, or, 20Ó with 4Ó Hard Surface for Fire Access Curb Radii: TBD* Minimum Centerline Radius for Curves: TBD* Minimum Tangent between Reverse Curves: TBD* Minimum Sidewalk Width: 4Ó Parking: Allowed on one side only. Parking is prohibited on the side of the street adjacent to open space. Sidewalk: Sidewalk is not required for homes facing a one-way court. * To be determined at time of platting 51 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 192 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Existing platted streets shall conform to the standards established in The Highlands at Trophy Club Street Types when subject to redesign. However, this will not change already-platted right-of-way. The Town Engineer shall have the discretionary authority to consider and approve exceptions to the Street Design Standards based on compelling evidence of hardship on a case-by-case basis. 52 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 193 of 262April 21, 2016 53 2016 Min Tangent Between 21, Reverse Curves April TBD*** 50' 50' 50Ó 50' 50' Width Median 18' - - - - - Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Centerline TBD*** Minimum 300Ó 300Ó 300Ó Radii 700' 300' Notes: * Design Speed does not imply speed limit. Speed Limit set in accordance with Town ordinance. TBD*** Return Radii 30' 30' 25Ó 25' 25' Curb Roadway Standards TABLE NO. 6-1 262 Parkway Width of 11.5' (one side 10' (one side 194 11.5Ó 11.5' only) only) 9.5' 11' Page Pavement Width 2 - 25' Street 24'** 41' 37Ó 27' 27' All Street Pavement widths are to back of curb. ** Or 20Ó with 4Ó Hard Surface for Fire Access. Width Street 60Ó 90' 60' 50' 40' 35' ROW *** To be determined at time of platting Speed* Design 40 30 30 30 30 30 Commission Local Two - Way Court Local One - Way Court C2U - Minor Collector C4D - Major Collector Residential Avenue L2U - Local Street Street Type Zoning and Planning Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations B.Accessory Structures: All development within The Highlands at Trophy Club Planned Development District shall comply with Section 35 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of Town Council approval of this ordinance. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as preventing any Architectural Control Committee with jurisdiction over any neighborhood from further restricting permission, location, and type of any accessory structure. C.Screening and Fences: All development within The Highlands at Trophy Club Planned Development District shall comply with Section 45 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of Town Council approval of this ordinance, with the following modifications: 1. Fencing on corner lots facing side streets shall be enhanced wooden fences (board-on-board or other design, with a top cap). All enhanced fencing within any neighborhood shall be consistent, and shall be approved with the Detailed Site Plan. 2. Fencing facing open space, parks, floodplain, or flowage easement shall be wrought iron (or tubular steel) as required by Town Ordinance, with the exceptions of the following that may be solid wood fencing: a) Facing gas well sites. b) Facing active use park areas (ball fields, swim center, neighborhood center, etc.) c) Facing other areas specifically approved at the time of Detailed Site Plan. 3. Side Yard Adjacent to Side Street: Side yard fences adjacent to a side street for Lot Types 1 and 2 shall be located 10-ft. from the property line, and must be 10-ft. behind the front façade; no differential for key lots. (Added by Ordinance 2009-01 P&Z, Approved 1/5/09) 4. Side Yard Adjacent to Side Street: Side yard fences adjacent to a side street for Lot Types 3 and 4 shall be located on the property line, and must be 10-ft. behind the front façade; no differential for key lots. (Added by Ordinance 2009-01 P&Z, Approved 1/5/09) 5. Side yards adjacent to perimeter fencing may connect to the perimeter fencing and the side yard fence must be located a minimum of ten feet (10-ft.) behind the front façade. The HOA will maintain the perimeter fencing; the homeowner will maintain the fence connecting to the perimeter fencing. (Added by Ordinance 2009-01 P&Z, Approved 1/5/09) D.Landscape Standards: All development within The Highlands at Trophy Club Planned Development District shall comply with Section 47 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of Town Council approval of this ordinance. 54 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 195 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 1. Additional Requirements: a. The median within Trophy Club Drive shall have trees, minimum 3Ñ caliper, spaced at fifty foot (50Ó) intervals. b. Common areas adjacent to streets shall have trees, minimum 3Ñ caliper, spaced at fifty foot (50Ó) intervals. 2.Tree Requirements: A minimum of one (1) tree per 30Ó of lot front yard width is required. Lot Type 2 shall have a minimum of two (2) trees. Trees are allowed in the parkway. Trees shall be a minimum 3Ñ caliper and be one of the trees listed below to count toward tree requirements. Tree List Bald Cypress Bradford Pear Cedar Elm Chinese Pistachio Homestead Elm Lace Bark Elm ÐLittle GemÑ Magnolia Live Oak October Glory Maple Southern Magnolia Texas Red Oak E.Off-Street Parking Requirements: All development within The Highlands at Trophy Club Planned Development District shall comply with Section 48 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance. F.Residential Architectural Standards: 1. Gifts to the Street: All buildings shall utilize at least three (3) of the following design features to provide visual relief along the front of the residence: Architectural garage doors Architectural pillars or posts Bay window Brick chimney on exterior wall (front of house) Cast stone accents Covered front porches Cupolas or turrets Dormers Gables Garage door not facing street Metal roof accents Multiple types of masonry materials 55 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 196 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations Recessed entries, a minimum of three (3) feet deep 812 Primary roof pitch Separate transom windows Variable roof pitch Shutters At least 20 percent of the houses constructed within each phase of the Planned Development Site Plan shall have a covered front porch. Buildings on corner lots shall be constructed with a Gift to the Street on both the front and side street elevations. 2. Building Materials: a. All residences shall be constructed primarily of masonry as set forth below. Masonry shall be defined for The Highlands at Trophy Club as brick, stone, and stucco. Other materials of equal or similar characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. i. For one-story homes and for the first story of two-story homes, 100% of all exterior wall surfaces shall be constructed of masonry, excluding doors, windows, boxed or bay windows, ornamental trim, dormers, areas under covered porches one story in height, and other architectural projections. ii. For areas above the first story of two-story homes, a minimum of 80% of all exterior wall surfaces shall be constructed of masonry, excluding doors, windows, boxed or bay windows, ornamental trim, dormers, areas above a roof line, areas under covered porches not extending to the first floor, and other architectural projections. iii. For all homes, the front and street sides shall have 100% of all exterior wall surfaces constructed of masonry, excluding doors, windows, boxed or bay windows, ornamental trim, dormers, areas above a roof line, area under covered porches not extending to the first floor, and other architectural projections. b. Roofs shall be constructed of a process and of materials that shall have a minimum installation and manufactureÓs warranty of thirty (30) years. Minimum roof pitch shall be a 6/12, except for the roofs of sheds and porches. Seamless and standing seam metal roofs are permitted provided that they are of architectural quality. No wooden shingles shall be used on roofs. 3. Garages: All residential lots shall provide a two-car (or larger) garage. The minimum dimension of two-car garages shall be 19.5Ó in width and 21.5Ó in depth. Garages shall not face a golf course. 56 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 197 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 4. Signage in Residential Areas: Monuments signs at the entry-ways of neighborhoods shall be allowed that conform to the monument standards approved by the Town. Ornamental hanging signs suspended from a decorative post shall be allowed in lieu of monument signs for entry-ways of neighborhoods. 5. HVAC Screening: All buildings shall be designed such that mechanical equipment (HVAC, etc.), excepting vents and stacks, is not visible from the public right-of-way or open space, or is screened by two (2) or more shrubs. The minimum height of shrubs at the time of installation/planting shall be at least three feet (3Ó) in height. 6. Lighting: Street lights shall be installed and located as required by the TownÓs Subdivision Regulations. Homeowner alley lighting shall be located on garage walls facing the alley, shall be directed in a downward direction, and shall not exceed 100 watts. Detailed typicals of street lights shall be determined at the time of Planned Development Detailed Site Plan. 7. Elevations: Single family house plans for Lot Types 1 Î 5 shall vary from lot to lot as follows: a. The same floor plan with the same elevation shall be separated by a minimum of 4 lots (between them) on the same side of the street, and by a minimum of 2 lots (between them) on the opposite side of the street, with no two elevations located on an adjacent lot directly to the rear. b. The same floor plan with a different elevation shall be separated by a minimum of one (1) lot on the same or on the opposite side of the street. 57 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 198 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations VII.PARK AND OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS The Highlands at Trophy Club Planned Development District contains approximately 115-acres of floodplain and flowage easement. A minimum of 100-acres shall be dedicated to the Town as public open space and utilized for passive uses. In addition to the floodplain and flowage easement area, a minimum of two (2) public park sites shall be dedicated to the Town. The two (2) park sites within the Highlands of Trophy Club shall be a minimum 10-acres each, and the total park dedication shall be a minimum of 29-acres. A park site is proposed near Neighborhood 7 and adjacent to the Village Center as shown on the Concept Plan. The park location, size and configuration shall be approved by the Town with the Detailed Site Plan. Conceptual park plans are included in Exhibit C. The Developer shall construct a trail system consisting of a 8' trail pathway through the flowage easement that connects the proposed park sites. The Developer shall also provide park benches and other improvements along the trail. Sidewalks internal to the development will be used to connect the neighborhoods to the trail system. Where the trail utilizes sidewalks within the development, the sidewalk pathway shall be at least 6' wide. A Pathway Plan is included in Exhibit F. Maintenance shall be provided for all public and semi-public places including roadway medians and parkways by the Developer for 12 months. Park Dedication Area Summary Total Area Active Use Area Passive Use Area Location(Acres)(Acres)(Acres) Northwest Park Addition 13 11 2 Northeast Park 16 8 8 Open Space 100 100 Total: 129 19 110 58 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 199 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations VIII. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Date Total Lots nd 2 Quarter 2008 Deliver 300 Lots 2009 450 2010 600 2011 800 2012 1000 2013 1200 2014 1400 2015 1489 Home construction anticipated through the end of 2016. 59 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 200 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations EXHIBIT “C” CONCEPT PLAN 696.9 Acre Concept Plan Village Center 60 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 201 of 262April 21, 2016 2016 61 21, April Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 262 of 202 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations EXHIBIT “D” STREET TYPE EXHIBITS Trophy Club Drive Î (C4D Î Major Collector, Divided. 90Ó Right-of-Way) Minor Collector Î (C2U Î Minor Collector, 60Ó Right-of-Way) Residential Avenue Î (60Ó Right-of-Way) Local Street Î (L2U Î Local Street, 50Ó Right-of-Way) Local Two Way Court - (40Ó Right-of-Way) Local One Way Court Î (35Ó Right of Way) 62 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 203 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 6363 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 204 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 6464 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 205 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 65 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 206 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 6666 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 207 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 6767 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 208 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 6868 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 209 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 6969 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 210 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations EXHIBIT “E” PARK CONCEPT PLANS Northeast Park Northwest Park 70 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 211 of 262April 21, 2016 2016 21, 71 April Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 262 of 212 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 72 21, April Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 262 of 213 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations EXHIBIT “F” PATHWAY PLAN 73 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 214 of 262April 21, 2016 2016 21, 74 April Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 262 of 215 Page Commission Zoning and Planning April 201621, Exhibit E - PD 27 General Regulations 216 262of Page ...\\Exhibits\\SITEPLAN-2.dgn 11/14/2007 5:52:12 PM Commission Zoning and Planning Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations CHAPTER2 ANIMALCONTROL ARTICLE 2.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS.................................................................................2-7 Sec. 2.01.001Definitions.............................................................................................2-7 Sec. 2.01.002Penalty;injunctiverelief......................................................................2-11 Sec. 2.01.003Enforcement........................................................................................2-11 Sec. 2.01.004Fees......................................................................................................2-12 Sec. 2.01.005Exceptions...........................................................................................2-12 Sec. 2.01.006Humane careof animals......................................................................2-13 Sec. 2.01.007Maximum number of animals.............................................................2-13 Sec. 2.01.008Prohibitedactions againstanimals......................................................2-13 Sec. 2.01.009Sanitary conditions..............................................................................2-15 Sec. 2.01.010Defecationof animals on public andprivateproperty........................2-15 Sec. 2.01.011Animals atlarge...................................................................................2-15 Sec. 2.01.012Animal noise........................................................................................2-16 Sec. 2.01.013Authoritytoimpound,killormuzzle certain animals.........................2-16 Sec. 2.01.014Dangerous dogs...................................................................................2-16 Sec. 2.01.015Keepinglivestock orwild or prohibited animal..................................2-18 Sec. 2.01.016Confinement ofanimalinvolvedinattack..........................................2-18 Sec. 2.01.017Vicious animals...................................................................................2-18 Sec. 2.01.018Rabies control;vaccination of dogs andcats.......................................2-19 Sec. 2.01.019Licensesandtags.................................................................................2-19 Sec. 2.01.020Specialrequirementsforkeepingminiaturepigs andferrets..............2-20 ARTICLE 2.02IMPOUNDMENT............................................................................................2-21 Sec. 2.02.001Generally.............................................................................................2-21 Sec. 2.02.002Releaseof unvaccinatedanimals.........................................................2-23 Sec. 2.02.003Adoption ofimpoundedanimals.........................................................2-23 ARTICLE 2.03 DANGEROUS WILDANIMALS...................................................................2-24 Division1.Generally...............................................................................................................2-24 Sec. 2.03.001Inspectionofpremises.........................................................................2-24 Sec. 2.03.002Relocationor dispositionof animal.....................................................2-24 Sec. 2.03.003Attack by animal;escapeof animal.....................................................2-24 Sec. 2.03.004Careandtreatment;transportation......................................................2-25 Sec. 2.03.005Liabilityinsurance...............................................................................2-26 Sec. 2.03.006Transfer of ownership..........................................................................2-26 Sec. 2.03.007Offenses...............................................................................................2-26 Sec. 2.03.008Civil penalty........................................................................................2-26 Division2.Certificate ofRegistration.....................................................................................2-27 Sec. 2.03.041Required..............................................................................................2-27 Sec. 2.03.042Application..........................................................................................2-27 Sec. 2.03.043Denial orrevocation............................................................................2-28 Sec. 2.03.044Effective date.......................................................................................2-29 Sec. 2.03.045Display.................................................................................................2-29 Sec. 2.03.046Exemptions..........................................................................................2-29 2-1 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 217 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl ARTICLE 2.04 ANIMALSHELTERADVISORYBOARD...................................................2-30 Sec. 2.04.001Creation;organization.........................................................................2-30 Sec. 2.04.002Appointment;terms.............................................................................2-31 Sec. 2.04.003Staffliaison..........................................................................................2-31 Sec. 2.04.004Duties ofboard....................................................................................2-31 Sec. 2.04.005Meetings..............................................................................................2-31 Sec. 2.04.006Staffliaison duties...............................................................................2-31 \[Nextpageis 2-7.\] 2-2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 218 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl * ARTICLE 2.01 GENERALPROVISIONS Sec. 2.01.001Definitions Abandon.Todump,desert,orleaveanyanimalonpublicorprivatepropertywiththeintentof terminatinganyfurtherresponsibilityforsaidanimal,andshallalsomeanfailingtoproperly redeem or properlyreleaseany animalimpoundedorquarantined bythetown. Animal.Anylivingcreatureclassifiedasamemberoftheanimalkingdom,includingbutnot limitedtodogs,cats,cows, horses,birds,fish,mammals,reptiles,insects,fowl,andlivestock,but specifically excluding human beings. Animalcontrolservicesordivision.Anestablishmentthatisoperated,controlled,orcontracted withbythetownfortheconfinement,safekeeping,controland/ordestructionofanimalswhich comeintothecustody ofthetown. Animalcontrolofficer.Anyindividualemployed,contractedwith,orappointedbythetownfor thepurposeofaidingintheenforcementofthisactoranyotherlaworcoderelatingtothe licensureofanimals,controlofanimals,orseizureandimpoundmentofanimals,andincludes anystateorlocallawenforcementofficerorotheremployeewhosedutiesinwholeorinpart includeassignmentsthatinvolvetheseizure andimpoundment of any animal. Animalshelter.Afacilityoperatedbythetownorwithwhichthetownhascontractedforthe purpose ofimpounding or caringfor animals held underthe authority ofthischapter orstatelaw. Atlarge.Shallmeanwhenananimalisnotconfinedtothepremisesofitsownerbyafenceof sufficientstrengthand/orheighttopreventtheanimalfromescapingtherefrom,insidethehouse orotherenclosure,orsecuredonsuchpremisesbyaleashofsufficientstrengthtopreventthe animalfromescapingfromthepremises,andsoarrangedthattheanimalwillremainuponsuch premiseswhentheleashisstretchedtofulllengthinanydirection.Ananimalshallnotbe considered“atlarge”whenheldandcontrolledbyapersonofadequatestrengthbymeansofa leash,cord,chain,orropeofproperstrengthandlengthtocontroltheactionsoftheanimal,or whileconfinedwithinavehicle.An“invisiblefence”willsufficeassufficientrestraintsolongas theanimalisnotfoundoutsidethepremisesoftheownerandtheinvisiblefenceisregistered withtheanimal controlservices ordivision. Bite.Any abrasion,scratch, puncture,tearorpiercingofskin causedby an animal. Cat.All domesticspeciesorvarietiesof Felis catus,maleorfemale,alive ordead. Certificateofregistration.Thetownshallregisterandissueacertificateofregistrationanda licensetoanypersonlivinginthetownwhoownsorpossessesadogorcatrequiringvaccination topreventrabieswhofilesanapplicationmeetingtherequirementsofthischapter.Such certificateofregistrationisforthepurposeofowneridentificationandincaseswherethedogor catmight becomeimpounded,lostorinjured.Applicationforthecertificate ofregistration/license shallbemadebytheowner,inwritingorinperson,andbeaccompaniedbyproofthatthedogor catiscurrentlyvaccinatedagainstrabiesinaccordancewiththeTexasAdministrativeCode,title * Statelawreference– Healthandsafetyofanimals,V.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCode,ch.821etseq. 2-7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 219 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl 25,part1, chapter169(ZoonosisControl,RabiesControlandEradication).Ifthereisa changein ownership,thenewownershallhavetheidentificationtagtransferredtohisnamewithinten(10) days aftertaking possession oftheanimal. Dangerous dog.Any dogthat,accordingtotherecords oftheappropriate authority: (1)Hasbitten,attacked,orendangeredorhasinflictedsevereinjuryonahumanbeing on publicorprivate property; (2)Hasmorethanonceseverelyinjuredorkilledadomesticanimalwhileoffthe owner’s property; (3)Hasbeenusedprimarilyorinpartforthepurposeofdogfightingorisadogtrained fordogfighting;or (4)Has,when unprovoked, chased or approached a personuponthestreets,sidewalks, or anypublicgroundsin amenacingfashionorapparent attitude ofattack,providedthat such actionsare attestedtoinaswornstatementbyoneormorepersonsanddutifully investigated bythe appropriate authority. Dangerouswild animal. (1)Alion; (2)Atiger; (3)An ocelot; (4)A cougar; (5)Aleopard; (6)A cheetah; (7)Ajaguar; (8)A bobcat; (9)Alynx; (10)Aserval; (11)A caracal; (12)A hyena; (13)A bear; (14)A coyote; (15)Ajackal; 2-8 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 220 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (16)A baboon; (17)A chimpanzee; (18)An orangutan; (19)Agorilla;or (20)Any hybrid of ananimallistedinthissection. Dog.Alldomesticatedmembers ofCanisfamiliaris,male and female,alive ordead. Euthanasia.To humanelycausethedeath of an animalby amethodwhich: (1)Rapidlyproducesunconsciousnessanddeathwithoutvisibleevidenceofpainor distress; or (2)Utilizesanesthesiaproducedbyanagentwhichcausespainlesslossofconsciousness withdeathfollowingsuchlossof consciousness. Harboringorharboringofanimal.Thekeepingandcaring,includingbutnotlimitedtofeeding and providingwater,forananimalforseventy-two(72) hoursorlonger. Impound.Toseizeandholdinthecustodyofthelocalrabiescontrolauthorityorotherauthority suchas a veterinarian. Invisiblefence.Anyfencewhichcannotbeseenwiththehumaneyebutthatisdesignedtokeep ananimalenclosedinaspacebymeansoflasertechnologyorsoundtechnology.Suchinvisible fencemust notbecapableof causing pain or discomforttoany human beingthatcrossesitspath. Lawenforcementofficer.Thoseauthorizedtoenforcetheprovisionsofthischapter,namely,the localrabiescontrol authority, any animal controlofficer, oranylaw enforcementofficer. Livestock.Anyhorses,mules,donkeys,cattle,hogs,goatsandsheepofanyandallkinds,and shallincludeboththemaleandfemalespecies ofsuchanimals. .Theanimalcontrolofficerisdesignatedasthelocalrabiescontrol Localrabiescontrolauthority authorityandhasauthoritytoappointrepresentativestoenforcetheprovisionsofthischapter, receivereportsofanimalbites,investigateanimalbites,insurequarantineofpossiblyrabid animalsandotherwisecarryoutprovisionsofstatelawpertainingtocontrolanderadicationof rabies. Neuter.Thesurgicalremovalofthemalereproductiveorgansofananimaltorenderitunableto reproduce. Owner.Apersonwhoharbors,keeps,possesses,orpermitstobeharbored,kept,orpossessedan animalinhiscare,on or abouthis premises,withoutregardtotitle,purchase,oracceptanceofthe animal asagift. Person.Anyindividual,firm, association, partnership, or corporationorany otherlegal entity. 2-9 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 221 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl Policedog.Anydogusedbyalawenforcementagencyoritsofficersintheadministrationof officialduties. Pot-belliedpig.Avarietyofswinethatisnomorethaneighteeninches(18")inheightat shoulderlevelwhenfullgrown,\[having\]shorterectears,andastraighttail.Swineshallnotbe consideredapot-belliedpigifitsweightexceedssixty(60)pounds,orunlessregisteredwitha licensed breeder. Prohibitedanimal.Ananimalnotnormallyconsidereddomesticated,including,butnotlimited to,avenomouslizard,poisonoussnake,boa,python,raccoon,skunk,fox,bear,elephant, kangaroo,monkey,chimpanzee,antelope,deer,anyprotected,threatened,orendangeredspecies asdefinedbythestateparksandwildlifecommissionandtheU.S.FishandWildlifeService,or anyotherwildanimalcapableof,orinflicted\[inclined\]todo,seriousbodilyharmtohumansor other animals orfowl. Properenclosureofadangerousdog.Shallmean,whileontheowner’sproperty,adangerous dogissecurelyconfinedindoorsorinasecurelyenclosedandlockedpenorstructure,suitableto preventtheentryofyoungchildren(nine(9)yearsof ageoryounger) anddesignedtopreventthe animalfromescaping.Suchpenorstructureshallhavesecuresidesand,whereappropriate,a securetoptopreventthedogfromescapingover,under,orthroughthestructureandshallalso provideprotectionfromthe elements. Quarantine.Strictconfinementunderrestraintbyclosedcageorpadlockorinanyothermanner approvedinthischapterorstatelawontheprivatepremisesoftheowneroratafacilityapproved bythestate boardof healthoritsdesignee, orthelocalrabiescontrol authority. Severeinjury.Anyphysicalinjurywhichresultsinbrokenbones,multiplebites,ordisfiguring lacerationsrequiringsutures orreconstructivesurgery. Spay.Thesurgicalremovalofthefemalereproductiveorgansofananimaltorenderitunableto reproduce. Unprovoked.Anactionbyananimalthatisnotinresponsetobeingtormented,abused,teasedor assaultedbyanyperson;inresponsetopainorinjury;orinprotectionforitselforitsfood, kennel,immediateterritory, or nursing offspring. .ProperlyinjectedwitharabiesvaccinelicensedforuseinthatspeciesbytheUnited Vaccinated StatesDepartmentofAgricultureandadministeredbyaveterinarianlicensedtopracticeinthe statein anamountsufficienttoprovideimmunity and satisfiesthefollowing criteria: (1)The animalmust have been atleastfour(4)months ofage atthetime ofvaccination; (2)Atleastthirty(30)days have elapsedsincetheinitial vaccination;and (3)Notmorethantwelve(12)months have elapsedsincethemostrecentvaccination, or, if athree(3)yearvaccination,thennotmorethanthirty-six(36)monthshaveelapsed sincethemostrecentvaccination. Veterinarian.Onelicensedbystateboardofveterinarymedicalexaminers,qualifiedand authorizedtotreatdiseasesandinjuries of animals. 2-10 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 222 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl Viciousanimal.Anyindividualanimalthathasontwopreviousoccasions,withoutprovocation, attackedorbittenanypersonorotheranimal,oranyindividualanimalwhichthelocalrabies controlauthorityorhisrepresentativehasreasontobelievehasadangerousdispositionlikelyto be harmfultohumans orotheranimals. Wildanimal.Includesallspeciesofanimalsthatcommonlyexistinanaturalunconfinedstate, usuallynotdomesticated,andanyspeciesofanimalillegaltoownunderfederal,stateorlocal law.Thisshallapplyregardlessofstateordurationofcaptivity.Thetermshallincludebutisnot limitedtofoxes,panthers,wolves,alligators,crocodiles,apes,elephants,rhinoceroses,andall forms of poisonousor constrictingreptiles, andotherlike animals. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.1,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.2,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.01;Ordinances adoptingCode) Sec. 2.01.002Penalty;injunctiverelief (a)Exceptasspecifically provided otherwise, any personviolating any ofthe provisions ofthis chaptershallbedeemedguiltyofaclassCmisdemeanoruponconvictionandshallbefined, exceptasotherwiseprovidedherein,inasumnottoexceedtwothousanddollars($2,000.00)for eachoffense,andaseparateoffenseshallbedeemedcommitteduponeachdayduringoron which a violation occursorcontinues. (b)Ifthegoverningbodyofthetowndeterminesthataviolationofthischaptercreatesathreat tothepublicsafety,thetownmaybringsuitinthedistrictcourtofthecountyinwhichtheperson whocommittedtheoffenseresidesorhasanofficetoenjointheperson,firm,partnership, corporation,orassociationfromengagingintheprohibitedactivity.Thetownisnotrequiredto give bond as a conditiontotheissuance ofinjunctiverelief. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.36,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.37) Sec. 2.01.003Enforcement (a)Generally.Enforcementofthischaptershallbetheresponsibilityofthetown,including withoutlimitation,thelocalrabiescontrol authority and hisdesignee. (b)Authoritytoissuecitations.Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallhavetheauthorityto issuecitationsforanyviolationofthis chapter. (c)Mailingofcitations.Ifthe personcitedisnotpresent,thelocalrabiescontrol authoritymay sendthecitationtothealleged offender byregisteredor certifiedmail. (d)Interference.Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontointerferewiththelocalrabiescontrol authorityinthe performance ofhisduties. (e)Authoritytodestroyanimals.Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallhavetheauthorityto humanely euthanize and/ordestroy any animalinaccordancewiththe provisionsofthischapter. 2-11 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 223 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (f)Authoritytousetranquilizergun.Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallhavetheauthority to use atranquilizerguninthelawfuldischarge of his/her duties. (g)Exemption of police dogs.Police dogsare exemptfromthe provisionsofthischapter. (h)Right ofentry;searchwarrants. (1)Lawenforcementofficersareherebyauthorizedtoenteruponanyfencedor unfencedlot,tractorparceloflandforthepurposeofcapturing,impoundingand/or quarantininganyanimaluponhavingprobablecausetobelievetheanimaltohave bitten,injuredorotherwiseattackedahumanbeingorotheranimalortohave,or havebeenexposedto,rabiesoranothercommunicablediseaseposingadangertothe publichealth,safetyorwelfare,orotherwiseposeaclearandpresentdangerto humanbeingsorotheranimals.Thisauthorizationisgrantedduetotheemergency createdbythepotentialrabieshazardordangerofinjurytopersonsorotheranimals, andinrecognitionofthelikelihoodthatsuchanimalwillotherwiseescapecapture. Asamatterofpolicy,lawenforcementofficersshallnotenteruponprivateproperty tocaptureand/orimpound anyanimalknowntobelongtotheownerofsuchproperty withoutprobablecausetobelievetheanimalposesathreatordangertoproperty, human beings orother animals. (2)Furthermore,shouldthetownlawenforcementofficershaveprobablecauseto believeananimalhasbeen,orisbeing,cruellytreatedorhasrabiesoranother communicabledisease,thetownenforcementagencymay,pursuanttoV.T.C.A., HealthandSafetyCodesection821.022,obtainasearchwarrantandimpoundsuch animal, evenifitis enclosed on privateproperty. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.2,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.3,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.02;OrdinanceadoptingCode) Sec. 2.01.004Fees Allfeesforlicensing,dailyhandling,impoundment,disposal,quarantine,lostordestroyedtags, and/ortransfertotheanimalshelterarestatedonthescheduleoffees,toberevisedfromtimeto timebythelocalrabiescontrolauthorityandapprovedbythetowncouncil.Thescheduleoffees islocatedinappendixAofthetown’sCodeofOrdinances.Acopyofthescheduleoffeescanbe obtainedfromthelocalrabiescontrolauthorityorthetownsecretary.(Ordinance 1999-32,sec.7, adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.8,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II, adopted7/24/06;Ordinance 2006-43,sec.II, adopted11/6/06;2006Code, ch.2,sec. 1.13) Sec. 2.01.005Exceptions (a)Theprovisionsofsection2.01.011ofthischapter(relatingtoanimalsatlarge)shallnot applytocats ortodogs underthe age offour(4)months. (b)Withthe exceptionofsanitationrequirements,noiseprohibitionandprohibitiononkeeping viciousanimals,theprovisionsofthischaptershallnotapplytodogsorcatsofnonresidentsof 2-12 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 224 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl thetownwhoaretemporarilyvisitinginthetown,whichdogsorcats,whileout-of-doors,are keptsecurely undercontrolby a leash,rope ortrap,orconfinedinavehicle. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.19,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.20,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.22) Sec. 2.01.006Humane careof animals Animalsshallbeprovidedhumanecareandtreatedandtransportedinahumanemannerandnot inviolationofV.T.C.A.,PenalCodesection42.09andV.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCodetitle10 oranyotherprovisionoflaw,includingfederal,stateandlocallaws,ordinancesandrules. (Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.03) Statelawreferences– Crueltytolivestockanimals,V.T.C.A.,PenalCode,sec.42.09;crueltyto nonlivestockanimals,V.T.C.A.,PenalCode,sec.42.092. Sec. 2.01.007Maximum numberof animals (a)Declarationofnuisance.Thekeepingofmorethanthemaximumnumberofanimals permitted bythissectionshallbe considered apublicnuisance. (b)Maximumnumber.Itshall beunlawfultokeeporharbormorethanfour(4)animalsofany onespeciessix(6)monthsofageorolderormorethanatotalofsix(6)animalsonanypremises usedorzonedforresidential purposes andlessthantwo acresinarea. (c)Exemptions.Theprovisionsofsubsection(b)shallnotapplyto:(i)licensedresidential breeders,(ii)licensedresidentialfosterowners,or(iii)aperson(s)whokeepsorharborsmore thanfour(4)dogsandfour(4) catssix(6)monthsofageorolderinviolation ofsubsection(b),if thepersonhasobtainedtowncertificatesofregistrationforeachanimalonorbeforeJuly31, 2006andcontinuouslymaintainscurrenttowncertificatesofregistration.Failuretomaintaina currentlicenseforresidentialbreeders,acurrentlicenseforresidentialfosterownersorcurrent registrationofeachsuchanimalasrequiredinthissectionshallresultinaforfeitureofthis exemption. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.4,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.04) Sec. 2.01.008Prohibitedactions against animals A person commits anoffenseif: (1)Apersonfailstoprovideananimalunderhis controland/orownershipwithadequate wholesomefoodandwater,propershelterandprotectionfrominclementweather, andveterinary carewhenneededtopreventsuffering; (2)Apersonhavingchargeorcustodyofananimalplacesorconfinessuchanimal,or allowssuchanimaltobeplacedorconfined,inamotorvehicle,trailerorother enclosureundersuchconditions,orforsuchaperiodoftime,astoendangerthe 2-13 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 225 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl healthofthe animaldueto heat,lackoffoodorwater, orsuchothercircumstancesas may causeinjury or deathtotheanimal; (3)ApersontreatsananimalinaninhumaneorcruelmannerasdefinedbyV.T.C.A., PenalCodesection42.09 andV.T.C.A.,Healthand SafetyCodech. 821; (4)Apersonknowinglyowns,harbors,trains,sells oroffersforsaleanyanimalwhichis tobeusedforthepurposeoffighting,ortobetrained,tormented,badgeredorbaited forthepurposeofcausingorencouragingtheanimaltoattackhumanbeingsor animalswhennotprovoked, exceptthatthissectionshallnotapplytoguard dogs; (5)Apersonmutilatesanyanimal,whethersuchanimalisdeadoralive.Thissubsection doesnotapplytomedicalorveterinarymedicalresearch,medicalorveterinary medical autopsies,or biology classuseof animalsforeducational purposes; (6)A person causesan animaltofight another animal orperson; (7)Apersonotherthanalicensedveterinariandocksananimal’stail,orcropsan animal’sears, orcastratesan animal;provided,however,thatthissubsectionshall not applytonormallivestockoperationsoccurringwithinthetown; (8)A person dyes orcolorschicks, ducks,rabbits,reptilesor birds; (9)A persontransporting an animalfailsto effectivelyrestrainan animalso astoprevent theanimalfromleavingorbeingaccidentallythrownfromavehicleduringnormal operationofthevehicle,orfailstoeffectivelyrestrainananimalsoastoprevent inflictionofbodilyharmtopassersby;provided,however,thattheprovisionsofthis subsectionshallnotprohibitapersonfromtransportinganeffectivelyconfinedor tethered dogintheopenbed of apickuptruck; (10)Apersonisin controlofamotorvehiclewhichstrikesadomestic animalorlivestock withinthecorporatelimitsofthetownandfailstoreporttheaccidenttoalaw enforcementofficer assoon as practical; (11)Apersonabandonsanyanimal,includingtheabandonmentofanimpoundedanimal attheanimalshelter,withtheintenttoreadopttheanimaltoavoidimpoundment fees;or (12)Apersonplacesanysubstanceorarticlewhichhasinanymannerbeentreatedwith anypoisonoussubstanceinanyplaceaccessibletohumanbeings,birds,dogs,catsor otheranimalswiththeintenttokillorharmanimalsorwithrecklessdisregardforthe harmorinjurythatcouldreasonablyoccur.Thisshallincludeanti-freeze intentionallyorrecklesslyleftexposedtopoisonanimals.Thissection,however, 2-14 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 226 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl doesnotprecludetheuseofcommerciallysoldrodentpoisonswhenappliedin accordancewiththemanufacturer’sdirectionsforsuch use. (Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.05) Statelawreferences– Crueltytolivestockanimals,V.T.C.A.,PenalCode,sec.42.09;crueltyto nonlivestockanimals,V.T.C.A.,PenalCode,sec.42.092;healthandsafetyofanimals,V.T.C.A.,Health andSafetyCode,ch.821etseq. Sec. 2.01.009Sanitary conditions Allpersonskeepinganimalswithinthetownshallkeepthepremisesuponwhichsuchanimalis keptcleanandfreefromnoxiousandunpleasantodorsandshallusesomestandardsprayat reasonableintervalssoastokeepsuchpremisesfreefromflies,mosquitoes,fleasandother insects.(Ordinance1999-32,sec.17,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.18,adopted 5/6/02;Ordinance 2006-43,sec.II, adopted11/6/06;2006Code,ch. 2,sec.1.06) Sec. 2.01.010Defecationofanimals onpublicand private property Itshallbeunlawfulandanoffenseforanypersontofailtopromptlyremoveanddisposeof,ina sanitarymanner,fecesleftbyadog,cat,orotheranimalbeingowned,handled,orcontrolledby that person: (1)Uponapublicarea,includingbutnotlimitedtowalks,parks,recreationareas, sidewalks,parkways,publicstreets,alleys,schoolgrounds,anycommonareasofan apartment house, or any common area of an office building; or (2)Uponprivatepropertyotherthanthepremisesoftheowner,handlerorcontrollerof suchanimal. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.16,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.17,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.07) Sec. 2.01.011Animalsatlarge (a)Itshallbeunlawfulforanyownertoallowadogoranyotheranimalpossessed,keptor harbored by him, otherthan a cat,to be atlarge,as definedinsection 2.01.001ofthischapter. (b)Uponthecomplainttoalocalrabiescontrolauthoritythatacathascausedanuisanceor hazardtothe health orwelfare ofthe human or animal population,such catmaybe determined by alocalrabies control authoritytobe atlarge asdefinedinsubsection(a)ofthissection. (c)Thelocalrabies controlauthorityisauthorizedtoimpoundsuch animals atlarge. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.4,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.08) Statelawreference– Restraint,impoundmentanddispositionofdogsandcats,V.T.C.A.,Healthand SafetyCode,sec.826.033. 2-15 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 227 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl Sec. 2.01.012Animal noise (a)Nopersonshallknowinglykeeporharboranyanimalthatcausesloudandunusualor frequentbarking,howling,orothernoisethatdisturbsthepeaceandquietofanypersonof ordinarysensibilities. (b)Itshallserveasprimafacieevidenceofaviolationofsubsection(a)ofthissectionifan ownerallowsanunprovokedanimaltocausenoisedescribedinsubsection(a)ofthissectionin excess offifteen(15)minutes. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.18,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.19,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.09) Sec. 2.01.013Authoritytoimpound,kill ormuzzle certain animals (a)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallhavetheauthoritytoimpoundananimalwhichis diseased andcould endangerthe health and welfare ofanotheranimal or person. (b)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityoranylawenforcementofficershallhavetheauthorityto killananimalif,inthesoleopinionoftheofficer,suchanimalposesanimminentdangertoa person orproperty, and arealor apparentnecessity existsforthe destructionofthe animal. (c)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallhavetheauthoritytomuzzleorordertheowner, handler,orcontrollerofananimaltomuzzleananimalwhich,inthesoleopinionofthelocal rabiescontrol authority, poses athreattothesafety orwelfareof any person. (d)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallhavetheauthoritytoimpoundanyprohibited animal,wild animal orlivestock possessedinviolation ofthischapter. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.5,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.6,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.11) Sec. 2.01.014Dangerousdogs (a)Adoption ofstatelaw.Theprovisions ofsubchapterD, chapter 822 oftheTexasHealth and SafetyCode, asamended,are adopted by and incorporatedintothischapter. (b)Declaration ofdangerousdog. (1)Ifthelocalrabiescontrolauthorityhascausetobelievethatadogisadangerousdog as defined bythis chapter,hemayfind and declaresuch dog a dangerous dog. (2)Withinthree(3)daysofdeclaringadogdangerous,thelocalrabiescontrolauthority willnotifythepersonowningthedogofitsdesignationasadangerousdogand providehimwithacopyofthischapter.Thenotificationtotheownerwillbe providedinpersonorthroughcertifiedmail.Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshall alsonotifythetownmanager,firedepartment,andpolicedepartmentofthe designationofanydogasadangerousdog.The notificationwilldescribethedog and specifyanyparticularrequirementsorconditionsplaceduponthepersonowningthe dog. 2-16 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 228 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (3)Thenoticeshallinformtheownerofthedogthathemayrequest,inwriting,an appealofthedangerousdogdeterminationwithinten(10)daysfromthereceiptof thecertifiedmailordateofthepersonalnotificationofthedangerousdog declaration,to contestthefinding and designation. (c)Requirementsfor owner. (1)Iftheownerofadogthathasbeendetermineddangerousbythelocalrabiescontrol authorityelectsnottoappealthatdecisionpursuanttosubsection(b)(3)ofthis section,then,withinthirty(30)daysoftheexpirationoftheten(10)daytimeperiod forappeal,theownershallcomplywiththerequirementslistedinthissection.Ifthe ownerofadogthathasbeendetermineddangerousappealsthatdecisiontothe municipalcourt,thensuchownershallcomplywiththerequirementsofthissection withinthirty(30)daysaftersuchdeterminationbythemunicipalcourt.The requirements ofthissectionthatmust be met are asfollows: (A)Registerthedangerousdogwiththelocalrabiescontrolauthorityforthearea inwhichthe dogiskept; (B)Restrainthedangerousdogatalltimesonaleashintheimmediatecontrolofa person orinasecure enclosure; and (C)Obtainliabilityinsurancecoverageorshowfinancialresponsibilityinthe amountspecifiedbystatelawtocoverdamagesresultingfromanattackbythe dangerousdog causing bodilyinjurytoa person. (2)Forpurposesofthissection,apersonlearnsthatthepersonistheownerofa dangerousdogwhen: (A)Theownerknowsofanattackasdescribedinsection2.01.001ofthischapter; and (B)Theownerisinformedbytheanimalcontrolofficerthatthedogisadangerous dog; or (C)Adeterminationismadebythemunicipalcourtthattheanimalisadangerous dog. (d)Appealfrom dangerous dog determination. (1)Appealsfromthelocalrabiescontrolauthority’sdeterminationthatadogis dangerouswillbeheardbythemunicipalcourt.Uponnoticeofappealasprescribed inthissection,themunicipalcourtwillhearthecaseatthenexttrialsettingafterthe requestfor appeal. (2)Theappealisacivilproceedingforthepurposeofaffirmingorreversingtheanimal controlofficer’sdeterminationofdangerousness.Ifthedoghasbeenimpounded,the 2-17 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 229 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl municipalcourtjudgemaywaiveanyandallfeesassociatedwiththeimpoundment andreleasethedogtoitsowneruponreversalofthelocalrabiescontrolauthority’s determination. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.6,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.7,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.12) Statelawreference– Authorityofcitytoregulatethekeepingofdangerousdogs,V.T.C.A.,Healthand SafetyCode,sec.822.041etseq. Sec. 2.01.015Keepinglivestock orwildor prohibited animal (a)Itshallbeunlawfultokeeporharboranylivestockorwildorprohibitedanimalwithinthe town, except atcommercial establishmentsdealinginthesaleor handling ofsuchanimals, having properzoningforsuchcommercialenterprisesandhavingproperfacilitiesforthecareand restraint ofsuchanimals. (b)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthoritymayestablishconditionsunderwhichitwouldbe permissibletokeeporharborlivestockorwildorprohibitedanimalsinthetownonatemporary basis. (Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.16) Sec. 2.01.016Confinementof animalinvolvedinattack Whenananimalhasbitten,scratched,orotherwiseattackedapersonoranimal,anyonehaving knowledgeofsuchincidentshallimmediatelynotifythelocalrabiescontrolauthority.Such animalshallthenbeconfinedinaveterinaryhospitalorapprovedanimalshelterdesignatedby thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityforaperiodoften(10)days.Thecostofsuchconfinementshall bepaidbytheowneroftheanimal.Suchanimalshall,duringsuchperiodofconfinement,be subjecttoinspectionbythelocalrabiescontrolauthority,othertownpersonneloralicensed veterinarian.If,aftertheten(10)dayperiod,theownerfailstopickuptheanimal,thelocal rabiescontrolauthoritymayfollowtheprocedureforadoptionordisposalofanimpounded animal.(Ordinance1999-32,sec.10,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.12,adopted 5/6/02;Ordinance 2006-24,sec.II, adopted 7/24/06;Ordinance 2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06; 2006Code,ch. 2,sec.1.17) Sec. 2.01.017Vicious animals Aviciousanimal,asdefinedinsection2.01.001ofthischapter,shallnotbeallowedinthetown limits.Anyviciousanimalfoundinthetownshallberemovedimmediatelybyorderofthe municipalcourt.Iftheowneroftheviciousanimalfailstoremovesuchanimal,thelocalrabies controlauthoritymayhavesuchanimalimpoundedand/ordestroyed.(Ordinance1999-32,sec. 14,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.15,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II, adopted7/24/06;Ordinance 2006-43,sec.II, adopted11/6/06;2006Code, ch.2,sec. 1.18) 2-18 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 230 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl Sec. 2.01.018Rabiescontrol; vaccinationof dogs and cats (a)ThetownherebyadoptstheRabiesControlActof1981(V.T.C.A.,HealthandSafety Code,section826.001etseq.),andTexasAdministrativeCode,title25,part1,chapter169et seq.,andthestandardsestablishedbythestateboardofhealthasminimumstandardsforrabies controlandquarantineprovisionswithinthetown.Inadditionthereto,alloftherabiescontrol provisionsofthischapter,whichareadoptedpursuanttoV.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCode sections 826.015 and 826.033,shallhave applicationwithinthetown. (b)Theownerorcustodianofeachdogorcatshallhavetheanimalvaccinatedagainstrabies byfour(4)monthsofage.Theanimalmustreceiveaboosterwithinthetwelve(12)month intervalfollowingtheinitialvaccination.Everydogorcatmustberevaccinatedagainstrabiesat aminimumofatleastonceeverythree(3)yearswitharabiesvaccinelicensedbytheUnited StatesDepartmentofAgriculture.Thevaccinemustbeadministeredaccordingtolabel recommendationsand by alegallylicensedveterinarian. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.13,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.14,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.19) Statelawreferences– Rabiesvaccinations,V.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCode,sec.826.021etseq.;rabies reportsandquarantine,V.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCode,sec.826.041etseq. Sec. 2.01.019Licenses andtags (a)Owneridentificationandrabiesvaccinationtagrequired.Apersonwithinthetownwhois theownerorharborerofadogoracatthatisthree(3)monthsofageoroldershallplaceand maintaina collar onthe animalwhich collarshall have: (1)Acurrentidentificationtaglistingtheownerorharborer’sname,currentaddressand currenttelephonenumber;and (2)Atagevidencingcompliancewiththerequirementsofstatelawregulatingrabies vaccinationundertheRabiesControlAct,asamended,andchapter2ofthisCodeof Ordinances. .Apersoncommitsanoffenseifhe (b)Possessionofunlicenseddogorcatprohibited possesseswithinthetownananimalwhichhasnotbeenlicensedaccordingtosubsection(a)of thissection.Theownerofananimalshall,uponrequest,showtothelawenforcementofficer enforcingthischapterthereceiptfortheanimal’stownregistration.Thefailureorrefusalofan ownertoproducetothelaw enforcement officerthereceiptforthe animal’stownregistrationora currentlicensetagshallconstituteprimafacieproofthatsuchanimalhasnotbeenlicensed accordingtotherequirement containedinsubsection(a) ofthissection. (c)Issuanceoftag;wearingoftags.Uponpresentationofthevaccinationcertificateand paymentofthelicensingfee,thetownmanagerorthemanager’sdulyauthorizedrepresentative shallissuetotheowneralicensetag.Thelicensetagandvaccinationtagshallbeaffixedtoa collar,whichshallbeattachedtothe animal’s neck and worn bysuchanimalatalltimes. 2-19 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 231 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (d)Lostordestroyedtags.Intheeventalicensetagislostordestroyed,anewtagshallbe issuedbythetownmanagerorthemanager’sdulyauthorizedrepresentativeuponpresentationof areceiptshowingthepaymentoftheinitiallicensefeeanduponthepaymentofareplacement fee,theamountofwhichistobeasdesignatedonthefeescheduleinappendixAofthiscode. Thereplacementlicensetagshallbevalidonlyfortheperiodoftimethatremainedonthe originallicensereceipt. (e)Failuretoobtainlicensetag.Apersoncommitsanoffense,withoutregardtohismental state,ifhe ownsan animalwithout acurrentlicensingtagfortheanimal. (f)Defenses.Itisa defensetoprosecutionthat: (1)The animalwasyoungerthanthree(3)months ofage;or (2)The owner oftheanimal hasresidedinthetownlessthanthirty(30)days. (g)Transferofregistrationorlicensing.Townregistrationorlicensingofananimalisnot transferabletoanotheranimal. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.14,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.15,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.20;Ordinance2013-42,sec. 2.01,adopted 11/18/13) Statelawreference– Registrationofdogsandcats,V.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCode,sec.826.031etseq. Sec. 2.01.020Specialrequirementsforkeepingminiature pigs andferrets (a)Pot-bellied orminiaturepigs. (1)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontokeep,harbororraisemorethantwo(2)adult pot-belliedpigsin any one(1)residencewithinthetown. (2)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontokeepapot-belliedpigoutdoorsotherthanthose timesnecessaryfortheeliminationofwasteorforexercise.Pot-belliedpigsare subjecttoallapplicablesectionsofthischapter,includingtheprohibitionsagainst animalsatlarge. (3)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontokeep,harbor,orraiseapot-belliedpigwhich has not beenaltered(spayed or neutered), anditstusksremovedfromits body. (4)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontokeepapot-belliedpigatanylocationwithinthe townunlesssuchpersonhasfirstfiledwiththelocalrabiescontrolauthoritya registrationapplicationtokeepsuchananimalandsuchapplicationhasbeen approved.Theinformationrequiredintheapplicationshallbedeterminedbythe animalcontrolservicesordivision.Theapplicationshallbeaccompaniedbythe necessaryveterinarydocumentsandlicensingfeeasrequiredonthescheduleoffees forpot-belliedpigs. 2-20 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 232 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (b)Ferrets. (1)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontokeep,harbor,orraisemorethanfour(4)adult ferretsin any one(1)residencewithinthetown. (2)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontokeep,harbor,orraiseaferretwhichhasnot receivedannualferretrabiesanddistempervaccinationsandthatisnotspayedor neutered. (3)Cagesusedforkeepingofferretsshallbemadetopreventtheanimalfromescaping and beinglarge enoughtoensure compliancewiththischapter. (4)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersontokeep,harbor,orraiseanyferretwhichisnot registeredandlicensedwiththeanimalcontrolservicesordivision.Thelicensingfee forferretsissetoutinthescheduleoffees. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.15,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.16,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.21;OrdinanceadoptingCode) * ARTICLE 2.02 IMPOUNDMENT Sec. 2.02.001Generally (a)Impoundmentofanimalsatlarge.Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshalltakeintocustody anyanimalfoundatlargeinthetownandshallimpoundtheanimalintothecustodyofthepolice department,thepolicedepartment’sdesignatedplaceofanimaldetention,ortheanimalshelter, as defined bysection 2.01.001 ofthis chapter. (b)Holdingperiod.Suchimpoundedanimalshallbeheldforaperiodofnotmorethanthree (3)daysifnotclaimed orsurrenderedbeforethethree(3)day period. (c)Dispositionofunclaimedanimals.Attheendofsuchperiod,iftheanimalhasnotbeen claimedandthefeesassociatedwiththeimpoundmenthavenotbeenpaidtothetown,theanimal isdeemedthepropertyofthetownandmaybeplacedupforadoptionbythetownoreuthanized as determined bythelocalrabies controlauthority. (d)Notificationofowner.Priortoadoptionoreuthanasia,reasonableattemptsinaccordance withthewrittentownanimalcontrolpolicyshallbemadetocontacttheowneroftheregistered animals.Unregisteredanimalswillautomaticallybecomethepropertyofthetownafterthethree (3)dayimpound period. (e)Protective custodyimpounds. (1)Ifananimalisimpoundedastheresultofafire,medicalemergency,hospitalization, custodyarrest,orothernaturalorman-madesituationthatleavestheowner,harborer orpersonotherwiseinpossessionoftheanimaltemporarilyincapableofmaintaining * Statelawreference– Restraint,impoundmentanddispositionofdogsandcats,V.T.C.A.,Healthand SafetyCode,sec.826.033. 2-21 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 233 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl controlof,orcaringfor,theanimal,ananimalcontrolofficermayimpoundthe animal andhouseitattheanimalshelter. (2)Theowner,harborerorthepersonthatwasinpossessionoftheanimalwillbe notifiedofthelocationoftheanimal,theconditionsunderwhichtheanimalmaybe released,andthattheanimalwillbeheldforaperiodofseven(7)days.Iftheowner, orhisdesignee,hasnotclaimedtheanimalwithinseven(7)days,theanimal becomesthepropertyofthetowntobedisposedofbytheanimalcontrolcenter through adoption,transferto an animalrights organization,or euthanasia. (3)Owners,ortheirdesignees,shallfulfillalltherequirementsforredemptionas prescribed bythischapter. (f)Surrender ofanimals. (1)Theownerofadomesticanimalmayseekpermissionfromthelocalrabiescontrol authoritytosurrenderthedomesticanimaltotheanimalshelter.Thelocalrabies controlauthorityshallhavethediscretiontoacceptorrejectthesurrenderofthe domesticanimalbaseduponavailablespaceandresourcesattheanimalshelterand baseduponcompliancewith allrequirementsofthissection. (2)Anownerrequestingtosurrenderadomesticanimaltothelocalrabiescontrol authorityshallcompleteasurrenderformandsubmitasurrenderfeeasrequiredby thefeescheduleinappendixAofthiscode,and,whenapplicable,shallalsopayall costs oftransportation,shelterandimpoundmentforthat domesticanimal. (3)Iftheownersurrenderingthedomesticanimalcanprovidedocumentationthatthe surrenderedanimalhasacurrentrabiesvaccinationandhasbeenspayedorneutered, thesurrenderfeeshallbeone-half(1/2)ofthesurrenderfeefoundinthescheduleof feesofthetown. (4)Uponcompletionofallrequiredforms,paymentofallapplicablefees,includingall feesresultingfromtheimpoundment,transportation,andshelterofadomestic animal,whenapplicable,andacceptanceofthedomesticanimalbythelocalrabies controlauthority,theanimalshallbeimpoundedandshallimmediatelybecomethe solepropertyofthetown.Theimpoundedanimalmaybeplacedupforadoptionor euthanizedas determinedbythelocalrabiescontrol authority. (5)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityisundernoobligationtonotifytheformerownerof asurrendered domestic animalifitis determinedthatthe animalmust be euthanized. (6)Asusedinthissection,theterm“domesticanimal”shallmeananyofthevarious animalsthathavebeentamedandmadefitforahumanenvironmentandthatare permittedtobemaintainedwithinthetownbyordinance,regulationorpolicy,such as dogs, catsandferrets. 2-22 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 234 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (7)Forthepurposesofthissection,anownershallincludeapersonwhoisharboringan animal. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.4,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.5,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.10;Ordinance2008-43,sec. 2,adopted 12/15/08;OrdinanceadoptingCode) Sec. 2.02.002Releaseof unvaccinatedanimals Beforereleasinganyimpoundedanimal,anownershallprovideproofofcurrentrabies vaccinationsfortheimpoundedanimal.Currentisdefinedashavingbeenvaccinatedforrabies withinthelastyeariftheanimalwasgivenatwelve(12)monthvaccineorthree(3)yearsif giventhethirty-six(36)monthvaccine.Iftheownercannotprovideproofofcurrentvaccination, theownershallbegivenawrittenwarningnoticethattheanimalistobevaccinatedwithinfive (5)daysorfaceprosecutionforpossessinganunvaccinatedanimal.Allfeesassociatedwiththe impoundment oftheanimalmust be paid bythe owneratthetime ofrelease oftheanimal.Itis an offense underthissectionforthe owner ofthe animaltofailtoprovidethe proofofvaccinationto theanimalcontrolservicesordivisionwithinfive(5)daysfromthedateofrelease.(Ordinance 1999-32,sec.8,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.9,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006- 24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006Code,ch.2,sec. 1.14;OrdinanceadoptingCode) Sec. 2.02.003Adoptionofimpoundedanimals (a)A personwho desirestoadopt ananimalfromthetownshall: (1)Register andlicensethe animalwiththetown; (2)Havetheanimalvaccinatedforrabieswithinfive(5)daysafteradoption.Ifthe animalisnotofproperageforvaccination,thentheanimalmustbevaccinated withinfourteen(14) daysofreachingtheproper age; (3)Havetheanimalspayedorneuteredwithinfourteen(14)daysafteradoption, providedtheanimalisofproper ageforsuch procedure.Ifthe animalisnotofproper agefortheprocedure,thentheanimalmustbespayedorneuteredwithinfourteen (14)days ofreachingthe properage; and (4)Signapromiseinwritingthattheanimalwillbevaccinatedandspayed/neutered withinthetimelimitsprescribedinsubsections(2)and(3)ofthissubsection.The animalcontrolservicesordivisionshallkeepsuchwrittenpromiseonfile.Itisan offenseunderthissectionfortheowneroftheanimaltofailtoprovideproofof vaccinationtotheanimalcontrolservicesordivisionwithinfive(5)daysfromthe dateofadoption.Itisaseparateoffenseunderthissectionfortheownerofthe animaltofailtoprovideproofofspaying/neuteringtotheanimalcontrolservicesor divisionwithinfourteen(14)daysfromthedateofadoptionorthedatewhenthe animalreachestheproperage.If(i)anownermakesapromisetovaccinateor spay/neuterinwriting,(ii)theanimalisthereafterimpoundedasecondtime,and(iii) itisdeterminedthattheanimalwasnotvaccinatedand/orspayed/neuteredin accordancewiththewrittenpromise,thentheimpoundmentfeeshallbedoubledas requiredinthescheduleoffeesadoptedbythetown. 2-23 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 235 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (5)Foranysubsequentimpoundmentofsuchanimalthatremainsunvaccinatedand/or unspayed/unneuteredatthetimeofimpoundment,anadditionalimpoundmentfeeas setforthinthetown’sscheduleoffeesshallbeassessed. (b)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallmakethefinaldeterminationastowhetheran animalishealthyenoughforadoption.Provided,however,thatsuchadecisionbythelocalrabies controlauthorityshallnotconstituteawarranty,eitherexpressorimplied,ofthehealthorageof theanimal. (Ordinance1999-32,sec.9,adopted12/21/99;Ordinance2002-18,sec.10,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.15;OrdinanceadoptingCode) Statelawreference– Sterilizationofdogorcatreleasedforadoption,V.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCode, ch.828. * ARTICLE 2.03 DANGEROUS WILDANIMALS Division 1. Generally Sec. 2.03.001Inspectionofpremises Anownerofadangerouswildanimal,atallreasonabletimes,shallallowthelocalrabiescontrol authorityoralicensedveterinariandesignatedbythelocalrabiescontrolauthoritytoenterthe premiseswherethe animaliskeptandtoinspecttheanimal,theprimaryenclosureforthe animal, andtheowner’srecordsrelatingtotheanimaltoensurecompliancewiththischapter.(Ordinance 2002-18,sec.28,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006- 43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06; 2006 Code, ch. 2, sec. 1.28) Sec. 2.03.002Relocation or disposition of animal (a)Anownerofadangerouswildanimalmaynotpermanentlyrelocatetheanimalunlessthe ownerfirstnotifiesthelocalrabiescontrolauthorityinwritingoftheexactlocationtowhichthe animalwillberelocatedandprovidesthelocalrabiescontrolauthority,withrespecttothenew location,theinformationrequired bysection 2.03.042ofthischapter. (b)Withinten(10)daysafterthedeath,sale,orotherdispositionoftheanimal,theownerof theanimalshallnotifythelocalrabiescontrolauthorityinwritingofthedeath,sale,orother disposition. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.29,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.29) Sec. 2.03.003Attack by animal;escape of animal (a)Anownerofadangerouswildanimalshallnotifythelocalrabiescontrolauthorityofany attack of ahuman bythe animalwithinforty-eight(48) hoursoftheattack. * Statelawreference– Dangerouswildanimals,V.T.C.A.,HealthandSafetyCode,sec.822.101etseq. 2-24 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 236 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (b)Anownerofadangerouswildanimalshallimmediatelynotifythelocalhealthdepartment andtownpolice department of any escapeoftheanimal. (c)Anownerofadangerouswildanimalthatescapesisliableforallcostsincurredin apprehending and confiningthe animal. (d)Thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityisnotliabletoanownerofadangerouswildanimalfor damagesarisinginconnectionwiththeescapeofadangerouswildanimal,includingliabilityfor damage,injury,ordeathcausedbytheanimalduringoraftertheanimal’sescape,orforinjuryto or deathoftheanimal asaresultof apprehensionor confinement oftheanimalafter escape. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.30,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.30) Sec. 2.03.004Care and treatment;transportation (a)Foreachdangerouswildanimal,theownershallcomplywithallapplicablestandardsof theAnimalWelfareAct(7U.S.C.section2131etseq.)anditssubsequentamendmentsandthe regulations adopted underthatactrelatingto: (1)Facilities and operations; (2)Animal healthand husbandry; and (3)Veterinary care. (b)Anownerofadangerouswildanimalshallmaintainaseparatewrittenlogforeach dangerouswildanimaldocumentingtheanimal’sveterinarycareandshallmakethelogavailable tothelocalrabies control authority on request. (c)Thelogmust: (1)Identifythe animaltreated; (2)Providethe dateoftreatment; (3)Describethetype ornatureoftreatment;and (4)Providethe name oftheattendingveterinarian,ifapplicable. (d)Whentransportingadangerouswildanimal,theowneroftheanimal,oradesignated carrierorintermediatehandleroftheanimal,shallcomplywithalltransportationstandardsthat applytothatanimalundertheAnimalWelfareAct(7U.S.C.section2131etseq.)andits subsequent amendments andtheregulationsadoptedunderthat act. (e)Apersonisexemptfromtherequirementsofthissectionifthepersoniscaringfor, treating,ortransportingan animalforwhichthepersonholds aclassAorclassBdealer’slicense 2-25 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 237 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl oraclassCexhibitor’slicenseissuedbytheSecretaryofAgricultureoftheUnitedStatesunder theAnimal WelfareAct(7U.S.C.section2131etseq.) anditssubsequentamendments. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.31,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.31) Sec. 2.03.005Liabilityinsurance Anownerofadangerouswildanimalshallmaintainliabilityinsurancecoverageinanamountof notlessthanonehundredthousanddollars($100,000.00)foreachoccurrenceforliabilityfor damagesfordestructionofordamagetopropertyanddeathorbodilyinjurytoapersoncaused bythedangerouswildanimal.(Ordinance2002-18,sec.27,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-43, sec.II, adopted 11/6/06; 2006Code,ch. 2, sec. 1.32) Sec. 2.03.006Transferofownership Apersoncommitsanoffenseifthepersonknowinglysellsorotherwisetransfersownershipofa dangerouswildanimaltoapersonwhodoesnothaveacertificateofregistrationforthatanimal asrequiredbythissection.(Ordinance2002-18,sec.32,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-43,sec. II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch.2,sec. 1.33) Sec. 2.03.007Offenses (a)A person commits an offenseifthe personviolatessection 2.03.043(b),section 2.03.045, or section2.03.003(a)or(b)ofthischapter.Eachanimalwithrespecttowhichthereisaviolation and each daythataviolation occursor continuesisaseparateoffense. (b)Apersoncommitsanoffenseifthepersonknowinglysellsorotherwisetransfers ownershipofadangerouswildanimaltoapersonwhodoesnothaveacertificateofregistration forthat animal asrequiredbythischapter. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.33,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.34;OrdinanceadoptingCode) Sec. 2.03.008Civil penalty (a)Apersonwhoviolatessection2.03.002(a)isliableforacivilpenaltyofnotlessthantwo hundreddollars($200.00)andnotmorethantwothousanddollars($2,000.00)foreachanimal withrespecttowhichthereis a violationandforeachdaytheviolation continues. (b)Thetownmaysuetocollect a civilpenalty andretainthe civil penalty collected. (c)Thetownmay alsorecoverthereasonable costs ofinvestigation,reasonableattorney’sfees, andreasonableexpertwitnessfeesincurredbythetowninthecivilaction.Costsorfees recoveredunderthissubsectionshallbecreditedtotheoperatingaccountfromwhichpayment forthetown’s expendituresweremade. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.34,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.35;OrdinanceadoptingCode) Secs. 2.03.009–2.03.040Reserved 2-26 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 238 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl Division 2. CertificateofRegistration Sec. 2.03.041Required (a)Apersonmaynotown,harbor,orhavecustodyorcontrolofadangerouswildanimalfor anypurposeunlessthepersonholds acertificateofregistrationforthatanimalissuedbythelocal rabiescontrol authority. (b)Anownerofacommercialestablishmentdealinginthesaleorhandlingofdangerouswild animalsmaynotown,harbor,orhavecustodyorcontrolofadangerouswildanimalwithinthe corporatelimitsofthetownforanypurposeunlessthepersonholdsacertificateofregistration forthat animalissued bythetownanimal controlservicesor division. (c)Acertificateofregistrationissuedunderthischapterisnottransferableandisvalidforone (1)year afteritsdate ofissuanceorrenewal unlessrevoked. (d)ThefeechargedtoanapplicantshallbeinaccordancewiththefeescheduleinappendixA ofthis code;provided,however,thatthefeemay notexceedfifty dollars($50.00)for each animal registeredandmaynotexceedfivehundreddollars($500.00)foreachpersonregisteringsuch animals,regardlessofthenumberofanimalsownedbytheperson.Thefeescollectedshallbe used onlyto administerand enforcethis chapter. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.22,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006Code,ch.2,sec.1.23;Ordinanceadopting Code) Sec. 2.03.042Application (a)Anapplicantforanoriginalorrenewalcertificateofregistrationforadangerouswild animalshallfileanapplicationwiththelocalrabiescontrolauthorityonaformprovidedbythe localrabiescontrol authority.The applicationshallinclude: (1)The name, address,andtelephone numberofthe applicant; (2)Acompleteidentificationofeachanimal,includingspecies,sex,age,ifknown,and anydistinguishingmarksorcolorationthatwouldaidintheidentificationofthe animal; (3)The exactlocationwhereeach animalistobekept; (4)Aswornstatementthat: (A)Allinformationintheapplicationis completeand accurate;and (B)TheapplicanthasreadthischapterandsubchapterEofchapter822,Texas HealthandSafetyCode,andthatallfacilitiesusedbytheapplicanttoconfine or enclosethe animal complywiththerequirementsofthatsubchapter;and (5)Anyotherinformationthetowninitscapacityastheanimalregistrationagencymay require. 2-27 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 239 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (b)An applicantshallincludewitheachapplication: (1)The nonrefundablefee; (2)Proof,inaformacceptabletothetown,thattheapplicanthasliabilityinsuranceas required bythis chapter; (3)Acolorphotograph of eachanimalbeingregisteredtakennotearlierthanthethirtieth (30th)day beforethe datethe applicationisfiled; (4)Aphotographandastatementofthedimensionsoftheprimaryenclosureinwhich eachanimalistobekeptandascalediagramofthepremiseswhereeachanimalwill bekept,includingthelocationofanyperimeterfencingandanyresidenceonthe premises; and (5)IfanapplicantholdsaclassAorclassBdealer’slicenseorclassCexhibitor’s licenseissuedbytheSecretaryofAgricultureoftheUnitedStatesundertheAnimal WelfareAct(U.S.C.section2131etseq.)anditssubsequentamendments,aclear andlegiblephotocopy ofthelicense. (c)Inadditiontotheitemsrequiredundersubsection(b)ofthissection,anapplicationfor renewalshallincludeastatementsignedbyaveterinarianlicensedtopracticeinthestatestating thattheveterinarian: (1)Inspectedeachanimalbeingregisterednotearlierthanthethirtieth(30th)daybefore thedateofthefiling oftherenewal application;and (2)Findsthatthecareandtreatmentofeachanimalbytheownermeetsorexceedsthe standards prescribed underthis chapter. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.23,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.24) Sec. 2.03.043Denialorrevocation (a)Ifthetownfindsthatanapplicationforanoriginalorrenewalcertificateofregistration underthischapterdoesnotmeettherequirementsspecifiedherein,orafterinspectionthatan applicanthasnotcompliedwiththischapterorchapter822oftheHealthandSafetyCode,the townshalldenytheapplicantacertificateofregistrationandgivetheapplicantwrittennoticeof thedenialandthereasonsforthe denial. (b)Ifthelocalrabiescontrolauthorityfinds,afterinspection,thataregisteredownerprovided falseinformationinorinconnectionwiththeapplicationorhasnotcompliedwiththischapter, thelocalrabiescontrolauthorityshallrevokethecertificateofregistrationandgivetheowner writtennotice oftherevocationandthereasonsfortherevocation. (c)Apersonmayappealthedenialofanoriginalorrenewalcertificateofregistrationorthe revocationof a certificateofregistrationtothejusticecourtforthe precinctinwhichthe animalis locatedorthemunicipalcourtinthetowninwhichtheanimalislocatednotlaterthanthe fifteenthdayafterthedatethecertificateofregistrationisdeniedorrevoked.Eitherpartymay 2-28 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 240 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl appealthe decisionofthejusticeormunicipal courtto a county courtor county courtatlawinthe countyinwhichthejusticeormunicipalcourtislocated.Thedecisionofthecountycourtor county courtatlawmay not be appealed. (d)Filinganappealofthedenialorrevocationofacertificateofregistrationundersubsection (c)ofthissectionstaysthedenialorrevocation untilthe courtrules ontheappeal. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.24,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06; Ordinance2006-43,sec.II, adopted 11/6/06;2006Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.25) Sec. 2.03.044Effective date Apersonisnotrequiredtoobtainacertificateofregistrationforadangerouswildanimal obtainedunderthischapterbeforeJune1,2002.(Ordinance2002-18,sec.26,adopted5/6/02; Ordinance2006-24,sec.II,adopted7/24/06;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.26) Sec. 2.03.045Display (a)Aholderofacertificateofregistrationshallprominentlydisplaythecertificateatthe premiseswhereeach animalthatisthesubject ofthe certificateofregistrationiskept. (b)Notlaterthanthetenth(10th)dayafterthedateapersonreceivesacertificateof registration,thepersonshallfileaclearandlegiblecopyofthecertificateofregistrationwiththe department ofstate healthservices. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.25,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.27) Sec. 2.03.046Exemptions The provisions ofthis chapterrelatingtodangerouswild animals do notapplyto: (1)Acounty,municipality,oragencyofthestate,oranagencyoftheUnitedStates,or an agentor officialof acounty,municipality, or agency actinginan officialcapacity; (2)Aresearchfacility,asthattermisdefinedbysection1.012(e),AnimalWelfareAct (7U.S.C.section2132),anditssubsequentamendments,thatislicensedbythe Secretary ofAgricultureoftheUnited States underthat act; (3)AnorganizationthatisanaccreditedmemberoftheAmericanZooandAquarium Association; (4)Aninjured,infirm,orphaned,orabandoneddangerouswildanimalwhilebeing transportedfor careortreatment; (5)Aninjured,infirm,orphaned,orabandoneddangerouswildanimalwhilebeing rehabilitated,treated,orcaredforbyalicensedveterinarian,anincorporatedhumane societyoranimalshelter,orapersonwhoholdsarehabilitationpermitissuedunder subchapterC, chapter43,Parks andWildlifeCode; 2-29 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 241 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl (6)Adangerouswildanimalownedbyandinthecustodyandcontrolofatransient circuscompanythatis notbasedinthestateif: (A)The animalisusedas anintegral partofthecircusperformances;and (B)Theanimaliskeptwithinthestateonlyduringthetimethecircusis performinginthestateorforaperiodnottoexceedthirty(30)dayswhilethe circusisperforming outsidetheUnitedStates; (7)Adangerouswildanimalwhileinthetemporarycustodyorcontrolofatelevisionor motionpictureproductioncompanyduringthefilmingofatelevisionormotion picture production; (8)Adangerouswildanimalownedbyandinthepossession,custody,orcontrolofa college or universitysolelyas a mascotforthe college or university; (9)Adangerouswildanimalwhilebeingtransportedininterstatecommercethroughthe stateincompliancewiththeAnimalWelfareAct(7U.S.C.section2131etseq.)and itssubsequent amendments and theregulations adopted underthatact; (10)Anon-humanprimateownedbyandinthecontrolandcustodyofapersonwhose onlybusinessissupplyingnon-humanprimatesdirectlyandexclusivelyto biomedicalresearchfacilitiesandwhoholdsaclassAorclassBdealer’slicense issuedbytheSecretaryofAgricultureoftheUnitedStatesundertheAnimalWelfare Act(7U.S.C.section 2131etseq.)anditssubsequent amendments; and (11)A dangerouswildanimalthatis: (A)Ownedbyorinthepossession,control,orcustodyofapersonwhoisa participantinthespeciessurvivalplanoftheAmericanZooandAquarium Associationforthatspecies; and (B)Anintegralpart ofthatspeciessurvival plan. (Ordinance2002-18,sec.35,adopted5/6/02;Ordinance2006-43,sec.II,adopted11/6/06;2006 Code, ch. 2,sec. 1.36) ARTICLE 2.04 ANIMAL SHELTERADVISORYBOARD Sec. 2.04.001Creation;organization Thetowncouncil doesherebycreate an advisorycommitteeforitsanimalshelterto be namedthe “TrophyClubAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoard,”whichboardshallmeetatleastthree(3)times annuallyandshallbecomprisedofatleastone(1)licensedveterinarian,one(1)countyor municipalofficial,one(1)personwhosedutiesincludethedailyoperationofananimalshelter, one(1)representativefromananimalwelfareorganization,andtwo(2)residentsfromthe community.(Ordinance2013-19,sec. 2, adopted 8/5/13;Ordinance 2013-37 adopted 10/7/13) 2-30 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 242 of 262April 21, 2016 Exhibit F - Trophy Club Animal Control Regulations TrophyClubCodeofOrdinancesChapter2:AnimalControl Sec. 2.04.002Appointment;terms ThemembersoftheTrophyClubAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoardshallserveatthepleasureof thetowncouncil.Members’termsshallbestaggeredassetforthherein,andtermsshallexpireon September30ofthedesignatedyear.Places on theboardshallbenumbered1through6.Places1 and2ontheboardshallserveforatermofone(1)yeareachduringtheimplementationof staggeredseatsontheboard.Places3and4ontheboardshallserveforatermoftwo(2)years eachduringtheimplementationofstaggeredseatsontheboard.Places5and6ontheboardshall serveforatermofthree(3)yearseach.Uponexpirationofeachofimplementationtermsset forthabove,allsix(6)seatsshallbeappointedtoserveonaregularthree(3)yearterminterval. ImplementationofstaggeredtermsshallcommenceonOctober1,2014,andtheboardmembers shallbeappointedinaccordancewiththetown’shandbookforelectedandappointedofficials. (Ordinance 2013-19,sec.3, adopted8/5/13;Ordinance2014-24 adopted8/26/14) Sec. 2.04.003Staffliaison Thechiefofpoliceorhisdesigneeshallserveasaliaison(hereinafter“staffliaison”).Thestaff liaisonshallbethepointofcontactformembers,anditshallbetheresponsibilityofthestaff liaisontoschedulemeetings,topostagendas,andtoprovideinformationnecessaryforthe TrophyClubAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoardtoperformitsduties.(Ordinance2013-19,sec.4, adopted8/5/13) Sec. 2.04.004Dutiesof board Dutiesoftheboardshallincludethemakingofrecommendationstothetowncouncilconcerning thetown’sanimalshelterandtheshelter’scompliancewithchapter823oftheHealthandSafety Code,asamended,andallotherapplicablestateandlocallaws.(Ordinance2013-19,sec.5, adopted8/5/13) Sec. 2.04.005Meetings AllmeetingsshallbeopentothepublicandshallbeheldinaccordancewiththeTexasOpen MeetingsAct andwiththeparameterssetforthinthisarticle.Thestaffliaisonshallworkwiththe TrophyClubAnimalShelterAdvisoryBoardtodetermine appropriatemeetingdatesandtimesas necessarytofulfillalllegalobligations,withaminimumofthree(3)meetingsoftheboardbeing required annually.(Ordinance 2013-19,sec.6, adopted8/5/13) Sec. 2.04.006Staffliaison duties Thestaffliaisonshallattendallmeetings,shallberesponsibleforpreparationandpostingofthe meetingagendas,andshallensurethatminutesarepreparedfortheboard’sreviewandaction. Thestaffliaisonshallberesponsibleforensuringthatallclericalsupportisprovidedbytown staff.(Ordinance 2013-19,sec. 7,adopted8/5/13) 2-31 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 243 of 262April 21, 2016 2016 21, April Property Subject Exhibit G - Staff Exhibits Location Map 262 of 244 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Property Subject Exhibit G - Staff Exhibits Zoning Map 262 of 245 Page City of Roanoke Commission Zoning and Planning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-215-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:4/14/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:4/21/2016 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of the Site Plan for the new Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility located at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-16-036. Attachments:Exhibit A SP-16-036.pdf Exhibit B SP-16-036.pdf Staff Report SP-16-036.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult DiscussionandrecommendationregardingapprovaloftheSitePlanforthenewTownHallandCriminalJusticefacility located at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-16-036. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 246 of 262April 21, 2016 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 247 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 248 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 249 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 250 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 251 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 252 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 253 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 254 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 101 Turtle Creek Blvd. Dallas TX 75207O 214-658-9000 | F 214-658-9002 Architectural Lighting Alliance www.alatx.com 2016 21, User Defined Factor April 03 TNO 'RF .GD LB CABT ES K Avg/Min 11.26 N.A. 5.533.474.978.30 1.0001.0001.0001.0001.0001.0001.000 N.A.N.A. Min Light Lost Factor 15.610.1 Max 0.8080.8080.9030.8080.8080.8080.9030.8080.808 2.217.882.431.761.491.66 Avg Ballast Factor Units FcFcFcFcFcFc 1.0001.0001.0001.0001.0001.0001.000 N.A.N.A. Calc. Height (Ft.) Total Input Watts K C 000000 A 27.86 B 43.437.2 182 9170698047 T E S Total Lumen Output Calculation Grid Location . Calculation Summary G OLD CANOPY AREA D FRONT WALKWAY BACK WALKWAY L SECURED LOT B 1112322246 2788701629271969168223662028 BUILDING E PARKING D I S 5 1 MH: 25 .' . SA .41.1 D MH: 25 WST LED 2 10A700_40K SR4 MVOLT ELCW SA MH: 25 I A SB LE DSX0 LED 40C 700 40K T4M MVOLTDSX0 LED 40C 700 40K T4M MVOLT G E N MH: 25 N Manufacturer / Catalog Number R E A SA UI CSXW LED 30C 700 40K T4M K S P CR E WSL 107W 12 30 35KWSL 107W 12 30 35K R BLL-1-4TL500-R5-45 MH: 25 SB F E R 6979LED OW1316 FU T Exhibit A U 262 of Qty IF 933651464 A Luminaire Schedule 16-03-29 255 Page 1 of 1 MH: 25 ER ENL R MH: 25 SA E Type SB SASBSCZ7Z6 MH: 9.75 WRET 15.611.610.5 MH: 12 Page U F MH: 9.75 Symbol MH: 9.75 9.15.9 T B F WMH: 12 13.48.313.614.213.4 T T W MH: 15 E Z6 P MH: 15 A MH: 12 Z6 C MH: 15 D W S Z6 MH: 15 Z6 MH: 25 N L SA A ' 0 4 K C A MH: 25 MH: 25 MH: 12 SA Y SA & W B S T T MH: 12 E L E SC L F MH: 9.5 2.5 D G A L A E B H S MH: 7 C R MH: 7 D MH: 12 N E R SC MH: 7 I B W R L I S MH: 12 O ' MH: 7 W 5 U MH: 7 1 R T MH: 25 E R P SA N A 5.20.7 MH: 15 Z7 MH: 15 MH: 12 L Z7 I SC MH: 15 E 1,531 S.F.MH: 12 F 1.41.0 R Z7 11,143 S.F. MH: 15 W Z7 MH: 15 Z7 MH: 15 D Z7 R A T Y N O R F 5 ' 4 MH: 9.75 MH: 25 5.14.5 SA T 0.40.5 Commission 0.3 K A C nufacture. E B T S . G D LT B 5. Sylvania lamp data used unless otherwise noted. LED luminaire uses integrated photometric lamp data, which is provided by ma N O R F 3 ' 0 4. Luminaire description do not necessarily reflect specification model number. Contact salesperson for verification. Zoning 6. Lighting power density is calculated based on estimated ballast/driver energy consumption. Engineer to verify. and Planning 1. Surface reflectances: Vertical/Horizontal - 50/20. PROJECT: TROPHY CLUB TOWN HALL FILE: 160329_TROPHYCLUBSITE_V5 2. Calculation values shown at grade. SALESPERSON: JIM MORROW 3. Mounting heights: As shown. CALC BY:JM SCALE:1:30 Notes: 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 256 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 257 Page Commission Zoning and Planning 2016 21, April Exhibit A 262 of 258 Page Commission Zoning and Planning City of Southlake Property Subject 2016 21, April Location Map Exhibit B 262 of 259 Page Commission Zoning and 1 1 Planning 4 H S 2016 21, April Property Subject U G Zoning Map Exhibit B 262 of 260 Page 1 1 4 H S Commission Zoning and Planning STAFF REPORT Planning and Zoning Commission April 21, 2016 SP-16-036: Site PlanApproval for New Town HallBuilding One Trophy Wood Drive SUBJECT : Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of the Site Plan for the new Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility located at One Trophy Wood Drive on Lot 4, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, Case SP-16-036 REQUEST: The Town of Trophy Clubis requesting approval of the site plan package for the new Town Hall and Criminal Justice facility to be constructed at One Trophy Wood Drive. CURRENT CONDITIONS AND ZONING: The subject property contains 5.596 acres, is platted and undeveloped. The current zoning of the property is GU-Government Use. DEVELOPMENT DETAILS: The proposed development includes a single building, which will be 23,874 square feet in size and contain 123 parking spaces. The building will be a single storystructure with the exterior wall composed of brick and stone. The plans submitted include the following: Site Plan Landscape Plan Photometric Plan Building Elevations Conceptual Sign Exhibits The plans meet the requirements of the Code of Ordinances and the GU zoning district with the following exception: The Code of Ordinances requires a minimum eight (8) foot masonry wall to be constructed between non-residential uses and residential uses. Therefore, said wall is required to be constructed along the northern property line adjacent to existing single family homes. The required wall is not shown on the plans. Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 261 of 262April 21, 2016 An existing six foot wood fence with masonry columns is located along said property line. STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : With exception of the screening wall requirement, the proposed development complies with the GU zoningand Code of Ordinances requirements.Representatives from the architectural and engineering design firms and the construction management company will be present at the meeting toanswer any questions. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit “A” – Site Plan and other Plans Exhibit “B”– Location and Zoning Map Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 262 of 262April 21, 2016