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Attachments:MeetingMinutes 010313.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Title Review and approve the minutes of the January 3, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. 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BF>DHEG .,,*+)/#1<V&),<#1*#R6?7# M4M ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo n&("-#*+",%")-J# !"#$%&!' ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo $&'3.H)#I811!)-J#$3((8)!+H#K"L".3,(")+#K!'"+3' Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 12 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2012-665-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:1/2/2013 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Discussion and Recommendation regarding granting a Special Privilege Request to the Trophy Club women's Club to hold two Community Garage Sale Events in 2013. Applicant: Sally Freeman on behalf of the Trophy Club Women's Club. 2013 Staff Report - PZ - Garage Sale Request.pdf Attachments: 2013 TCWC Garage Sales Events - Special Event Application.pdf 2013 - Public Safety Approval.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Title Discussion and Recommendation regarding granting a Special Privilege Request to the Trophy Club women's Club to hold two Community Garage Sale Events in 2013. Applicant: Sally Freeman on behalf of the Trophy Club Women's Club. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 13 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 17, 2013 SUBJECTDiscussion and Recommendation regardinggranting a Special : Privilege Request to the Trophy Club Women’s Club to hold two Community Garage Sale Events in 2013. Applicant: Sally Freeman on behalf of Trophy Club Women’s Club. STAFF COMMENTS: On behalf of the Trophy Club Women’s Club, Ms. Freemanis requesting permission to hold two community-wide garage sale events in Trophy Club in 2013. The Women’s Club has submitted a “Special Event” application and the Special Event Committee have determined that no Town permit or fee is necessaryfor this event over and above the recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval of the Town Council. The Springgarage sales eventwill be held on Saturday, April 20,2013 and the Fall garage salesevent will occur on Saturday, October 19, 2013.No alternate rain dates will occur. The Trophy Club Women’s Club is requesting that the event be allowed from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is a change from previous years in that the garage sales officially did not begin until 8 a.m. As required by ordinance, the Department of Public Safety reviewed and approved the operations of the event and the proposed locations of the garage sale sites. Trophy Club Code of Ordinance, Chapter 13-Zoning allows a community garage sale by special privilege upon approval by the Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The ordinance stipulates that only civic organizations or non-profit organizations shall be granted Special Privilege for a garage sale event and that such events shallnot occur more than twice annually; and each event shall be one day in duration. Attachment: Special Event Application Police Chief Scott Kniffen Review and Approval Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 15 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 16 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 17 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 18 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 From:Scott Kniffen Sent:Monday, January 07, 2013 1:53 PM To:Carolyn Huggins Subject:Women's Club Garage Sale Events for 2013 The Police Department has no objections to the garage sale dates. G. Scott Kniffen, GMI Chief of Police Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Office - 682-831-4650 Fax - 817-491-9886 ATTENTION PUBLIC OFFICIALS Please note that any correspondence, such as e-mail or letters, sent to Town staff or Town officials may become a public record and made available for Public/media review. Also, a “Reply to All” of this e-mail could lead to violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act. Please reply only to the sender. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 19 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2013-11-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:1/7/2013 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a Replat of Lot 2R, Block B to Lot 2R-1 and 2R-2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Applicant: Highway 114 Prospect, LTD, Property Owner. (RP-12-019). Staff Report - PZ 011713.pdf Attachments: Application.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Title Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a Replat of Lot 2R, Block B to Lot 2R-1 and 2R-2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Applicant: Highway 114 Prospect, LTD, Property Owner. (RP- 12-019). Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 20 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT January 17, 2013 Case No. RP-12-019 Replat Lot 2R-1 and 2R-2, Block B Trophy Wood Business Center SUBJECTDiscussion and Recommendation regarding a request for : approval ofaReplat of Lots 2R-1 and 2R-2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Centerbeing a replat of Lot 2R, Block B. Applicant: Highway 114 Prospect, LTD, Property Owner EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: This property is currently vacant. It is currently platted as Lot 2R, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center and contains approximately 3.252 acres of vacant land.The planned development (PD) zoning and concept plan for this site were approved in December 2002. ADJACENT ZONING/EXISTING LAND USES: North:PD-25/Tract 6/Vacant/Retail Uses South:Access Road to State Highway 114, Town of Westlake, Texas East:PD-25/Tract 5/Value Place Hotel West:PD-25/Tracts 1 & 2/Vacant/Retail Uses STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant, Highway 114 Prospect, Ltd., is requesting approval of a Replat of Lot 2R, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. The applicant is dividing the lot into two lots, Lot 2R-1 and Lot 2R-2, to match the concept plan outlined in Planned Development No. 25 (PD-25) regulations, which governs the development and use of these lots. The PD-25 zoning document assigns an approximate size to each “tract” of land. Per the zoning document, Lot 2R-1 shall contain approximately 1.55 acres of land and Lot 2R-2 shall contain approximately 1.5 acres of land. With this replat, the applicant is requestinga subdivision of land with Lot 2R-1 containing 1.2 acres and Lot 2R-2 containing 2.052 acres. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 The allowed uses on these two lots are office uses, retail uses, and restaurants. THOROUGHFARE PLAN: This commercial property located at the southeast corner of Trophy Club has special thoroughfare requirements. Much of the PD- 25 property is located adjacent to a one-way frontage road along Highway 114. In order to ensure adequate circulation, the Thoroughfare Plan indicates a commercial collector to extend through the property, providing access to Highway 114 as well as the rest of the commercial development located at this commercial node. These requirements have been previously met by the developer when he built Trophy Wood Drive and Plaza Drive. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: This site is located within the area identified on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Commercial/Professional uses. STAFF REVIEW: Staff and the Town Engineer have reviewed the plat and determined that it complies with Town’s subdivision rules and regulations as well as the obligations outlined in PD-25. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of RP-12-019, a replat of Lot 2R, Block B into Lot 2R-1 and 2R-2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. ch Attachments: Application 24 x 36 Plat Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 22 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 23 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2012-636-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/8/2012 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a Preliminary Plat of Lot 1, Block A, The Church at Trophy Lakes, 11.603 acres located at 800 Trophy Club Drive. Applicant: Shane Harris, RGA Architects on behalf of The Church at Trophy Lakes (PP-12-022). Staff Report - PZ 011713 - Prel Plat.pdf Attachments: Application - Prel Plat.pdf Preliminary Plat Requirements.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Title Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a Preliminary Plat of Lot 1, Block A, The Church at Trophy Lakes, 11.603 acres located at 800 Trophy Club Drive. Applicant: Shane Harris, RGA Architects on behalf of The Church at Trophy Lakes (PP-12-022). Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 24 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT January 17, 2013 PreliminaryPlat Lot 1, Block A The Church at Trophy Lakes Addition SUBJECTDiscussion and Recommendation regarding a request for : approval ofaPreliminary Plat for The Church at Trophy Lakes Addition located in the Jessie Eads Survey, Abstract No. 392, consisting of one (1) lot and being 11.603 acres of land. The applicantis RGA Architects on behalf of The Church at Trophy Lakes (PP-12-022) APPLICANT Shane Harris,RGA Architects : 301 S. Oak St. Roanoke, TX 76262 OWNER : The Church at Trophy Lakes 800 Trophy Club Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 LOCATION :At the Intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive ZONING: “NS” Neighborhood Services HISTORY: As requiredby ordinance (attached), the preliminary plat shows the existingpermanent structures within the subdivision. The church was built in 1985 prior to Town incorporation. Eventually the church added a day care business within the building. The church now wishes to remodel and expand the building to add a private school and larger sanctuary, which requires platting and site plan approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The church also rezoned from “R-12” Single Family Residential to “NS” Neighborhood Services. The rezoning was approved by Council on December 10, 2012. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 25 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 The preliminary plat is being reviewed in accordance with the approved REVIEW: subdivision regulations as well as the approved development standards for “NS” zoning. The first review of the preliminary plat was completed and sent to the applicant on December 10, 2012. The applicant submitted the revised preliminaryplat on January 7, without the requested drainage information. The applicant has been asked to resubmit the preliminary plat and drainage study, and address the outstanding drainage comments on the infrastructure construction plans. . C6 – Grading Plan, C7 & C8– Detailed Grading Plan 1.The grading improvements associated with this project are private, and no formal review is provided. Any ADA accessibility requirements and grading improvements are subject to the review by TAS/TDLR inspector and is the full responsibility of the design engineer. 2.Provide existing and proposed drainage area maps and table with flows for the 5yr, 25yr, 50 yr and 100 yr. 3.Show how and where the drainage from existing and proposed areas is being directed and to which public storm drain system. Provide calculations that the existing storm drain system can handle the proposed flows. Tree Preservation: Chapter 12-Subdivision Rules and Regulations, Article 8- Tree Preservation and Removal, requires including the location of treed areas on the preliminary plat, or by a separate tree survey drawing. The applicant provided a tree survey (Sheet T1) which indicates that one (1) “protected” tree is to be removed from the site which will require mitigation of 1-1/2 caliper inches. The protected tree to be removed is 10 caliper inches and the applicant will plant five (5) three inch (3”) caliper trees in mitigation. Those trees are shown on Sheet L1. RECOMMENDATION :Theapplicant is asking the Planning and Zoning Commission to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat to the Town Council. If the Commission chooses to do so, staff asks that the recommendation be with the stipulation that all comments must be addressed prior to Council consideration of this item on February 4, 2013. ch Attachments: Application Section 3.07 - Preliminary Plat Requirements Preliminary Plat Package (5 pages) - Hardcopy Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 26 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 27 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Section 3.07 Preliminary Plats A. Preliminary Plat Required: A Preliminary Plat shall be required for all parcels of land on which the filing of a plat is required by State Law or Town Regulations and Ordinances. An exception shall be allowed in the event: 1. A Preliminary Plat has been submitted within the last six (6) months; or 2. Platting is being submitted in accordance with Section 3.10, Short Form Plat. B. Criteria: The Preliminary Plat shall meet all the criteria of Preliminary Plat submission as required in Regulations and Ordinances of the Town and procedures as listed in these Regulations. C. Preparation: The Preliminary Plat shall be prepared by qualified professional. D. Public Meetings: A Preliminary Plat does not require a public hearing. However, action on the Preliminary Plat, by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council, is required at a public meeting. Notice of a public meeting must be posted seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting. E. The Preliminary Plat Shall Contain the Following Information: 1. Names and addresses of the subdivider, record owner, land planner, engineer, surveyor, or qualified professional. 2. Proposed name of subdivision. 3. Names and lot patterns of contiguous platted subdivisions within one hundred feet (100Ó) of the subdivision. 4. Vicinity map showing street location of tract by reference to existing street or highways. 5. Subdivision boundary lines, indicated by heavy lines, and the approximate area expressed in acres. 6. Location of Town limit lines, if they either traverse the subdivision, form part of the subdivision, or are contiguous to the subdivision boundary. 7. Dimensions, names and descriptions of all existing or recorded streets, alleys, reservations, easements or other public rights-of-way within the subdivision, intersecting or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries, as determined from existing records. The distance from the centerline of the roadway of the boundary street to the proposed platted property shall also be shown. 8. The locations, dimensions, names and descriptions of all existing or recorded lots and blocks, parks, public area and permanent structures within or contiguous to the subdivision. 9. The locations, sizes, and descriptions of existing and proposed utilities, (above and/or below grade), within the subdivision or adjacent thereto. Chapter 12 Î Subdivision Rules & Regulations Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 28 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 10. The approximate location, dimensions, descriptions and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, drainage structures, parks, open spaces, natural features to be preserved, improvements to be installed for beautification, other public areas; reservations, easements, or other rights-of-way; blocks, lots and other sites within the subdivision specifically indicating the connection of improvements in adjacent subdivisions. 11. Identification and location of proposed uses within the subdivision to include tracts intended for residential, commercial, churches, parks, governmental or other uses and also indicating existing and proposed zoning classifications for each use. 12. Topographical information based on 2-foot vertical contour intervals except where excessively steep grade prohibits graphical representation, in which case 5-foot vertical intervals may be used. 13. Centerline of water courses, creeks and ravines, existing drainage structures and other pertinent data shall be shown. 14. Areas subject to flooding shall be shown, delineating the 100-year flood limits if applicable. 15. A drainage study shall be required to provide the information as recorded in Town of Trophy Club Design Guidelines. 16. A number to identify each lot and a number or letter to identify each block; an indication of the typical lot size; the area of the smallest lot. 17. Building setback lines on all lots and sites adjacent to streets. 18. Title, date of preparation, scale and north arrow. 19. Current description of the property to be subdivided which includes survey name and tract numbers from Town or County records. 20. Such additional terms and conditions including design standards as the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council deems necessary. F. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission: The decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be approval, disapproval, or conditional approval of the Preliminary Plat. 1. Approval shall constitute acceptance of the Preliminary Plat. 2. Conditional approval of the Preliminary Plat shall constitute approval; however, conditional approval means that the plat is subject to compliance with prescribed conditions as specified by the Planning and Zoning Commission and shall effectively constitute disapproval until all such conditions are met. Conditionally approved Preliminary Plats need not be addressed by the Planning and Zoning Commission again. The conditions attached to the Preliminary Plat shall be met upon filing of the Final Plat. 3. Upon disapproval of the Preliminary Plat by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, the Preliminary Plat shall be deemed completely rejected as submitted. The applicant may then choose to re-initiate the subdivision approval procedure, including all fees required in the process. 4. Upon the approval of the Preliminary Plat by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, the Preliminary Plat shall be submitted to the Town Council for consideration. Chapter 12 Î Subdivision Rules & Regulations Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 29 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 G. Action by the Town Council: The decision of the Town Council shall be approval or disapproval of the Preliminary Plat. A three-fourths (¾) vote of the members of the Council present and voting shall be required to overturn a unanimous decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission. In all other instances, a majority vote of the Council shall be required. 1. Approval of a Preliminary Plat shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision, but is only authorization to proceed with the preparations of engineering plans and Final Plat. Approval of the Preliminary Plat shall be subject to all conditions specified by the Planning and Zoning Commission either being complied with or documented and approved by the Town Council. 2. Disapproval signifies rejection completely of the Preliminary Plat as submitted. The applicant may then choose to re-initiate the subdivision approval procedure, including all fees required in the process. H. Action by the Town Council: The decision of the Town Council shall be approval or disapproval of the Preliminary Plat. A three-fourths (¾) vote of the members of the Council present and voting shall be required to overturn a unanimous decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission. In all other instances, a majority vote of the Council shall be required. 1. Approval of a Preliminary Plat shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision, but is only authorization to proceed with the preparations of engineering plans and Final Plat. Approval of the Preliminary Plat shall be subject to all conditions specified by the Planning and Zoning Commission either being complied with or documented and approved by the Town Council. 2. Disapproval signifies rejection completely of the Preliminary Plat as submitted. The applicant may then choose to re-initiate the subdivision approval procedure, including all fees required in the process. I. Deadline and Submitted Material The applicant shall, when filing the preliminary plat, submit twelve (12) copies of the Preliminary Plat measuring a minimum of 18 inches by 24 inches to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which it is to be addressed. 1. The applicant shall, when filing the Preliminary Plat, submit an eight and one half inches by eleven inches (8ďÑx11Ñ) reproducible reduction of all maps included in the submittal material. 2. The applicant shall, when filing the Preliminary Plat, submit a completed application and pay all fees required for Preliminary Platting as specified in Section 3.7, Preliminary Plats, item 9, Preliminary Plat Review Fee of this document. 3. Upon action of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant shall submit twelve (12) copies of the preliminary plat to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator within five (5) days following the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which action was taken. These copies will then be forwarded to the Town Council for review. Chapter 12 Î Subdivision Rules & Regulations Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 30 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 4. Failure to submit the material and pay all fees as required herein, as determined by the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator, shall constitute an incomplete submittal and the application shall not be accepted by the Town for filing or processing. J. Preliminary Plat Review Fee: A Preliminary Plat review fee, in accordance with the schedule of fees as adopted by the Town, shall be paid the Town upon submission of a Preliminary Plat application. A schedule of these fees is available upon request at the Town offices and is provided with the application for Preliminary Plat. K. Effective Period a. The approval of a Preliminary Plat shall be effective for a period of twelve (12) months. In the event that the Final Platting process has not been initiated by the developer within twelve (12) months from the date of approval of the Preliminary Plat, the Preliminary Plat shall require re- approval. The entire approval process including payment of fees will be required. b. The applicant may receive one (1) extension of the Preliminary Plat. Upon written request by the owner at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the one (1) year period, the Preliminary Plat shall be placed on the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda for consideration for extension. Code of Ordinances Cross Reference: (Preliminary Plat Fees), Chapter 1, § 8.04 Chapter 12 Î Subdivision Rules & Regulations Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 31 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2012-637-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/8/2012 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A, The Church at Trophy Lakes, 11.603 acres located at 800 Trophy Club Drive. Applicant: Shane Harris, RGA Architects on behalf of The Church at Trophy Lakes (FP-12-053). Staff Report - PZ 011713 - Final Plat.pdf Attachments: TNP 011113 Approval - Final Plat.pdf Application - Final Plat.pdf Final Plat Requirements.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Title Discussion and recommendation regarding approval of a Final Plat of Lot 1, Block A, The Church at Trophy Lakes, 11.603 acres located at 800 Trophy Club Drive. Applicant: Shane Harris, RGA Architects on behalf of The Church at Trophy Lakes (FP-12-053). Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 32 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT January 17, 2013 Final Plat Lot 1, Block A The Church at Trophy Lakes Addition SUBJECTDiscussion and Recommendation regarding a request for : approval ofaFinal Plat for The Church at Trophy Lakes Additionlocated in the Jessie Eads Survey, AbstractNo. 392, consisting of one (1) lot and being 11.603 acres of land. The applicantis RGA Architects on behalf of The Church at Trophy Lakes (FP-12-022) APPLICANT Shane Harris,RGA Architects : 301 S. Oak St. Roanoke, TX 76262 OWNER : The Church at Trophy Lakes 800 Trophy Club Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 LOCATION :At the Intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive ZONING: “NS” Neighborhood Services The Final Plat was reviewed byStaff and the Town Engineer STAFF REVIEW: in accordance with the Town’s SubdivisionRules and Regulations as well as the development standards as set forth in “NS” Neighborhood Services zoning district. The plat meets the requirements and staff recommends approval. ch Attachments: Town Engineer Approval Application Section 3.08 Final Plat Requirements Final Plat (1 page) – Hardcopy Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 33 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 www.tnpinc.com engineers surveyors landscape architects PLAN REVIEW To: Town of Trophy Club From: Tom Rutledge Date: January 11, 2013 RE: The Church at Trophy Lakes – Final Plat, Final Review Final plat comments have been addressed. The final plat is ready to proceed to P&Z and Council Fort Worth 1100 Macon StreetFort Worth, Texas 76102817.336.5773 Dallas 17304 Preston Road, Suite 1340Dallas, Texas 75252214.461.9867 Denton 1517 Centre Place Drive, Suite 320Denton, Texas 76205940.383.4177 Sherman 200 North Travis Street, Suite 500Sherman, Texas 75090903.870.1089 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 34 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Registered by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, No. F-230Registered by the Texas Board of Professional Surveyors, No. 100116-00 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 35 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Section 3.08 Final Plats A. Order of Platting: After obtaining approval of a Preliminary Plat and compliance with all necessary fiscal agreements, including all fees and/or other assessments, the applicant may submit a Final Plat. The Final Plat shall be accompanied by a completed application and shall be in accordance with all requirements of this ordinance. B. Preparation: The Final Plat may be prepared by a qualified professional but must be certified by a Registered Public Land Surveyor by the State of Texas. C. Public Meetings: A Final Plat does not require a public hearing. However, action on the Final Plat, by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council, is required at a public meeting. Notice of a public meeting must be posted seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting. D. Final Plat Information: The final plat shall contain the following information shown on the drawing or attached thereto as appropriate: 1. Title or name of development, written and graphic scale, north point, date of Plat and key map. 2. Location of the development by Town, County, and State. 3. Accurate boundary survey and property description with tract boundary lines indicated by heavy lines. 4. A metes and bounds description of the subdivision, and locate the same with respect to a corner of the survey or tract or an original corner of the original survey of which it is a part. 5. Accurate plat dimensions with all engineering information necessary to reproduce the Plat on the ground. 6. Approved name and right-of-way width of each street, both within and adjacent to the development. 7. Locations, dimensions and purposes of any easements or other rights-of-way and all building lines. 8. Identifications of each lot or site and block by number or letter. 9. Record owners of contiguous parcels of un-subdivided land, names and lot patterns of contiguous subdivisions within one-hundred (100) feet of the subdivision. 10. Boundary lines, dimensions and descriptions of open spaces to be dedicated for public use. 11. Certification of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and other public uses signed by the owner or owners. Chapter 12 Î Subdivision Rules & Regulations Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 36 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 12. Designation of the entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of any commonly held property and a waiver releasing the Town of such responsibility. A statement that Ðshould the entity responsible for maintenance of common held property fail to perform the function, the Town has the authority to provide appropriate maintenance and repair and collect appropriate fees and reimbursementsÑ. 13. Dimensions and locations of all streets, alleys, squares, parks or other portions of the subdivision intended to be dedicated to public use. 14. Space for signatures attesting approval of the Plat by the Mayor, the Planning & Zoning CommissionÓs presiding officer, and Town Secretary. 15. Seal and signature of the Registered Public Land Surveyor responsible for surveying the development and/or the preparation of the Plat. 16. Compliance with all special requirements developed in Preliminary Plat review. 17. A statement indicating that the Town or the MUD, as applicable, shall issue no permit until the completion of all dedicated improvements and acceptance of such improvements associated with the subdivision are approved by the Town. 18. Space provided for signatures of electric company, gas company, cable company, phone company, Trophy Club MUD, or any other public utility entity. Stating that said utility has reviewed the Final Plat and is in agreement with the location of all easements and rights-of-way shown on the plat. E. At least seven (7) days prior to the submission of a Final Plat application with the Town, the subdivider shall submit to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator three (3) copies of engineering plans prepared, signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. The subdivider shall also be responsible for submitting the engineering plans to the Town engineer for his/her review and recommendation. These plans shall make adequate provision for all surface and storm drainage within and across the subdivision; shall provide for the construction of a water distribution system, including fire hydrants, adequate to serve the subdivision with water with adequate pressure for fire protection, domestic consumption and/or light commercial use together with such mains as may be required to connect with the existing system; shall provide for a sanitary sewer system adequate to serve each lot or building site within the subdivision and shall provide for the construction of such other improvements as may be required. These Plans shall be in accordance with provisions of this ordinance and all other ordinances, policies, and procedures of the Town as related in the Design Standards for Paving, Drainage and Utility Improvements. The subdivider shall pay the full cost of all public improvements. F. Action by the Planning and Zoning Commission: The decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be either approval or disapproval of the Final Plat. 1. Approval shall constitute acceptance of the Final Plat. 2. Upon disapproval of the Final Plat by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, the Final Plat shall be deemed completely rejected as submitted. The applicant may then choose to re-initiate the subdivision approval procedure, including all fees required in the process. Chapter 12 Î Subdivision Rules & Regulations Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 37 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 G. Upon the approval of the Final Plat by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, the Preliminary or Final Plat shall be submitted to the Town Council for consideration. H. Action by the Town Council: The decision of the Town Council shall be approval or disapproval of the Final Plat. A three-fourths vote of the members of the Council present and voting shall be required to overturn a unanimous decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission. In all other instances, a majority vote of the Council shall be required. 1. Approval of a Final Plat shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision, but is only authorization to proceed with the engineering construction associated with the subdivision. 2. Disapproval signifies complete rejection of the Final Plat as submitted. The applicant may then choose to initiate the subdivision approval procedure again, including all fees required in the process. 3. Table with Waiver: In the event that the Town and/or the applicant should desire that action on the final plat should be extended to a subsequent meeting that would be beyond the Ð30 dayÑ period for action, said table may occur in the event that the applicant has provided written documentation waiving their right for action within the thirty (30) day time limitation. I. Deadlines and Submitted Materials - Final Plat: 1. The applicant shall, when filing the Final Plat with the Town, submit twelve (12) copies of the Final Plat measuring 18 inches by 24 inches (18Ñx24Ñ) to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which it is to be addressed. 2. At least seven (7) days prior to the submission of the Final Plat, the subdivider shall submit, to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator, three (3) copies of engineering plans prepared, signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. The subdivider shall also be responsible for submitting the engineering plans to the Town engineer for his/her review and recommendation. 3. The applicant shall, when filing the Final Plat with the Town, submit an eight and a half by eleven inches (8ďÑx11Ñ) reproducible reduction of the Final Plat. 4. The applicant shall, when filing the Final Plat with the Town, also submit the completed application and pay all fees required for Final Platting in accordance with the Schedule of Fees adopted by the Town. 5. Upon action of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant shall submit twelve (12) copies of the Final Plat to the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator within five (5) days following the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which action was taken. These copies will then be forwarded to the Town Council for review. 6. Failure to submit the material as described above, as determined by the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator, shall constitute an incomplete submittal and shall cause the application to not be accepted for filing or processing. J. Final Plat Review Fee: A Final Plat review fee, in accordance with the schedule of fees as adopted by the Town, shall be provided at the time the Final Plat application is submitted. A schedule of these fees is available upon request at the Town offices and is provided with the application for Final Chapter 12 Î Subdivision Rules & Regulations Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 38 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2013-26-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:1/14/2013 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for the Church at Trophy Lakes, 800 Trophy Club Drive. Applicant: Shane Harris, RGA Architects. Attachments:Staff Report - PZ 011713 - Site Plan.pdf Application.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult TITLE Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for the Church at Trophy Lakes, 800 Trophy Club Drive. Applicant: Shane Harris, RGA Architects. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 39 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT January 17, 2013 Site Plan The Church at Trophy Lakes SUBJECTDiscussion and recommendation regarding a request for : approval ofaSite Plan for The Church at Trophy Lakes, 800 Trophy Club Drive. Applicant: Shane Harris, RGA Architects. CURRENT STATUS: There is a 12,218 sq. ft. existing church on the site, and within the church building a day care/school is operated throughout the week. The site consistsof 11.603 acres and is bordered by Trophy ClubDrive to the east, Trophy Lake Drive to the southeast, and Village Trail to the south. To the west there are seven (7) homes, zoned Planned Development No. 15 (PD-15) which is residential zoning, that share a property line with the church. The church also shares a property line to the north with PD-15. The PD-15 property to the north is a lake, which is private property owned by the PD-15 HOA. The church property is zoned “NS” Neighborhood Services and the purpose of the NS district is to provide lowimpact service type facilities to residential areas. The uses allowed in the NS district should not have an adverse effect on adjacent residential areas, and may be located close to residential uses, with appropriate buffers and landscaping. ANALYSIS Total Land:11.603 acres Existing Structure:12,218 Square FeetChurch operating a day care/school throughout the week Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 40 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Proposed Expansion/Remodel The church plans to remodel and expand the existing building. They propose to add 16,085 square feet tothe building, including classrooms, bathrooms, a gymnasium, an expanded sanctuary and parking. The church is adding a day care (18 months to pre-K) and a private school (K through Grade 3). Height Regulations Buildings In the NS district, any building or structure adjoining or contiguous to a residentially zoned district shall not exceed 28-ft. or one (1) story in height.The applicant indicates the new private school will be one story in height but then indicates that all new construction will not exceed 40-ft. maximum building height. As the church property is platted as one lot, it is adjacent to residential and all buildings are restricted to one-story or 28-ft. in height.Any building exceeding one story or 28-ft.in height will require a waiver by the Planningand Zoning Commission and Town Council.The applicant has indicated that the gymnasium will exceed 28-ft. in height. Steeple The church has a steeple that is 85-ft. in height. A waiver is required for the steeple to remain at this height. The Commission has approved tall steeples at other churches in Town --Methodist Church,76 ft. tallsteeple – and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has a 70-ft. tall steeple. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 41 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Area Regulations Minimum Open Space– 20% shall be devoted to non-vehicular open space. The applicant has indicated that 72% of the site is devoted to open space. Maximum Building Coverage – The combined area covered by all main and accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed 60% of the total lot area. The applicant has indicated that the buildings and structures cover 6% of the site. Maximum Impervious Area– The combined area occupied by all buildings, structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed 80% of the total lot area. The applicant has indicated that the impervious area equals 28%. Depth of Front Yard – 30 feet minimum. Approximately 20 existing parking spaces encroach into the 30-ft. front building line. In nonresidential districts, front yardsurface parking may extend to the front property line provided the required screening and landscaping is met. The frontparking lot of the church is adjacent to Trophy Club Drive and if an automobile parking lot is located in the front yard of a non-residential use and faces a residential lot, the parking shall be suitably Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 42 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 screened with a minimum 4-ft. masonry wall. The property directly across the street is zoned “CR” commercial recreation. Therefore screening is not required for the front parking lot, although the applicant has provided one tree per 30 linear feet as required by the landscape regulations. Depth of Rear Yard – 30 feet minimum. This requirement has been met. Width of Side Yard on Each Side – 15 feet minimum. This requirement has been met. Buffered Area Regulations Whenever an NS development is located contiguous to an existing residential development or an area zoned for residential purposes, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of forty (40) feet fromthe adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to provide visual and acoustical privacy and to adequately buffer adjoining uses. This requirement has partially been met in that all buildings are set back 40+ feet from the adjoining residential property lineto the west and north. The setback areato the west, however, does not contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to provide visual and acoustical privacy for adjoining uses. The church does not plan to provide buffering at this time as the closest buildings are over 300-ft. away from theadjoining residential property line. Delaying this requirement at this time will require approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Refuse Disposal No outdoor storage, except for refuse disposal, shall be permitted. Refuse disposal areas shall be landscaped and screened from view. In non-residential areas, garbage, refuse and trash collection/storage areas shall be gated and fully screened from public view by a masonry fence or wall of at least eight (8) feet in height. The applicant needs to identify the dumpster enclosure on the site plan and proper masonry screening and landscaping is required. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 43 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Existing Dumpster on Church Site Lighting/Photometrics Lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any adjacent residential area. Lighting facilitieswithin the parking facilitiesshall provide illumination not to exceed one foot candle at ground level, and shall distribute not more than two- tenths (0.2) of one foot candle of light upon any adjacent residentially zoned district. This requirement may be met but the applicant has not provided a photometrics plan to verify that the requirementhas been met. The parking that will be added when the sanctuary is expanded will be within 90-ft. of adjacent residential. A photometrics plan that meets the Town’s regulations is required with the siteplan. Masonry All principal and accessory buildings and structures shall have 100% of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone or stucco. The applicant has asked to be allowed to use EIFS instead of stucco. The following is a transcript of the discussion at the January 3 P&Z meeting: Mr. Harris stated that the church will ask for permission to use EIFS (exterior insulation and finish system) rather than stucco. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that it looks like Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 44 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 stucco when it is finished and it is seen today in a lot of commercial construction. Mr. Harris stated that the two main advantages it has over stucco is the flexibility so it doesn’t crack as much with settlement and the fact that it is insulation. It provides us an opportunity to get the continuous layer of insulation which is required by the new energy code. Mr. Gilliland stated that the technology of EIFS has come a long way. The product they will be using is not the bad rap in residential construction where it created mold issues. He stated they will be using a drainable system. He stated that the vast majority of the EIFS they are using is above roof so it is not subject to abuse, traffic, poking and weed eaters. It will be up high. He stated that the benefit of it from an insulation standpoint…. “well, plaster is a very rigid cementitious material that any movement at all creates cracks and you can control the cracks by putting in control joints and stuff like that but ultimately it is not a very flexible material and with most of it being roof structure supported, in other words, its above the roof, the potential for flexing of the roof structure is higher than not and so the idea was to use a light weight, highly insulated material that does not really have a lot of the negative problems that are conjured when lay people are typically throwing out the idea of what EIFS is and the thing is in the ordinance it says that EIFS is an allowed material with P&Z approval so for us to do EIFS on this project as opposed to stucco, which is allowed, and visually would be identical, we’ve got to get your approval so this one is all about we’ve got to get your approval to use EIFS much like the three stories above grade at the hotel that just went on at Trophy Wood Drive is using… and stuff like that… I mean it’s not a material that is not being used in Trophy Club and there is probably a lot more of it on the hotel than we are going to be using in the all truthfulness.” Vice Chairman Stephens asked Mr. Harris to point out on the buildings where theEIFS would be. Mr. Harris did so. Commissioner Sheridan stated that EIFS is a very viable building material with the current codes. “My question is does the Town have the proper expertise to be able to inspect the construction of this.” Ms. Huggins responded that the Building Official does and he is the one who does all of the commercial construction inspections and the church would be considered a commercial construction project. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 45 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Commissioner Lancor asked Mr. Harris and Mr. Gilliland to clarify (point out) what type of materials would be used in certain areas of the building(s). They did so. Commissioner Reed asked if they were doing this for economic reasons. Mr. Gilliland stated that it is a better material. Mr. Reed responded, “Then why not use it for the entire building?” Mr. Gilliland stated that they are looking for a combination of materials and textures and a usage that will make the building more attractive. The existing building is brick and they wanted to use brick in the new structure. As part of Phase 2 they will introduce stone around the front of the building to combine the brick and stone, but the EIFS will allow them an additional accent material that will create a little bit a contrast in texture. He stated that if they don’t receive approval to use EIFS, they will substitute stucco which will look exactly the same for this use but it would force them to do some things with the building that would be much more difficult to do because with the new energy codes they are required to have continuous insulation in all the exterior walls. At the EIFS portions, it is just applied over that continuous insulation. Stucco, because it is so rigid and brittle, “you can’t do that over a foam insulation and so then you are having to do other things to create the insulation barrier that this is a more natural solution. If we don’t get this allowance to use EIFS, we wouldn’t change anything about how the building looks, we would just be changing materials and then we would have to come up with an actual inferior solution for the insulation side.” Vice Chairman Stephens stated that EIFS allows an envelope that meets the energy codes and it is going to look just like stucco but without the maintenance. Pat Cooke, the Town of Trophy Club Certified Building Official offers the following comments: 1.Amajority of EIFS problems have been in residential applications, but that does not exclude commercial applications. There have been many failures in commercial applications in the Metroplex.The problem is that EIFS does crack. It may be very small or almost imperceptible, but these micro-cracks allow moisture. Usually this occurs around openings or other architectural transitions. This allows moisture and starts the deterioration, damage, discoloring, and or failures that may take place. This does not happen in all applications and the products are much better than in years past; but, in my opinion there is presently still no comparison from EIFS to real 3 coat stucco Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 46 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 in terms of long term quality. Stucco, being a masonry based product,will “breath” to allow the transfer of moisture. 2. Elevating the installation point of the EIFS is an effort to avoid the ground level physical damage of which the product is very prone.It does not do away with the problem, but elevates it so that it is harder to detect. 3.In my opinion as a Certified Building Official, stucco is superior to EIFS products in regard to flexibility. Even properly installed EIFS is more prone to cracking than stucco. Stone, for instance,has no flexibility, but is a superior product to EIFS and stucco. The key is in the installation. 4.The energy code can be satisfied with EIFS or Stucco. The use of EIFS requires approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. Blank Wall Expanse A wall facing Village Trail has a large amount of blank wall expanse. Likewise, a wall facing toward the northwest adjacent residential homes and lake also has a large expanse of blank wall. Although the applicant proposes some aesthetic treatment with masonry detail, the relief of the wall is, for the most part, unbroken. Staff recommends false windows, doors, and columns may break the monotony of these two walls. Northwest Façade South Façade (facing Village Trail) Fencing Where a non-residential use abuts a residential lot, use or district, the side and rear property lines abutting said residential lot, use or district shall be solidly Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 47 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 fenced to a height of eight (8) feet with a wall of masonry construction, unless other material has been approved by the Town Council upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, so as to obscure the view from the residential lot, use of district to the non-residential use. The developer of the non-residential property shall erect the fence or wall required by this Section. The church abuts residential on the north and west. The church is requesting a waiver from this requirement. The residentially zoned property to the north contains a retention pond (lake) with no occupied homes on the property. The residential property to the west has seven (7) homes, six (6) of which are occupied at this time.Town staff has sent letters to the homeowners, as well as the HOA, to get their input regarding this requirement. Staff will provide feedback at the P&Z meeting on January 17. In addition, as the church/school grows, and if the long range master plan is followed, eventually parking will be close to the adjacent residentially zoned properties to the west. Town regulations require that parking facilities that are within 60-ft. of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said district by a decorative masonry wall at least 8-ft. high or a combination of berm, fence, or wall at least 8-ft. in height. A waiver of the 8-ft. masonrywallrequirement willrequire approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. Tree Preservation There are three (3) trees on this sitewhich will be removedwith the remodel/expansion.Two are within the buildable area of the remodel/expansion and are not subject to mitigation. One 10” caliper American Elm must be mitigated (1.5 caliper inches for each caliper inch removed) and the applicant plans to provide five (5) three inch (3-in.) caliper trees in mitigation for the removal of the 10” American Elm. LANDSCAPING On Sheet L1, the applicant indicates that a total of 80 trees are provided on the site and the plan seems to indicate 80 trees. However, the “Plant List” legend does not list 80 trees. The applicant should clarify this prior to Council consideration of the Site Plan. Applicant should also remove duplication of the word “approval” in Landscape Note No. 1 on Sheet L1. Interior Landscaping In accordance with the Town’s requirements, a minimum of 10% of the gross parking areas shall be devoted toliving landscaping which includes grass, ground cover, plants, shrubs and trees. Additionally, the ordinance provides that Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 48 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 one (1) tree is to be planted for each 400 square feet or fraction thereof of required interior landscape area. The applicant is providing 28trees. This exceeds the 24trees required by ordinance. Interior landscaping areas shall be protected from vehicular encroachment of overhang through appropriate wheel stops or curbs. The applicanthas not indicated curb stops will be addedto the existing and new parking spaces. Interior areas of parking lots shall contain planter islands no further apart than every twelve (12) parking spaces and at the terminus of all rows of parking. Islands shall contain at least one tree. See sheetL1 for the applicant’s parking lot landscape plan. The plan does not meet the requirementsof the ordinance, but the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council have authority to approve an alternateplan. Perimeter Landscaping The landscape regulations require trees to be planted along the frontage of major streets(Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive), one for each 30 linear feet. As shown on Sheet L1, the applicant appears to meet this requirement. Number of ParkingSpaces The church is required to provide the following parking: 1 space per 4 seats in main sanctuary, or 1 space for each 28 sq. ft. in the main sanctuary, or 1 space for each 200 sq. ft. of building area, whichever is greatest. 420 seats in proposed sanctuary. 1 parking space per 4 seats = 105 5,014 sq. ft. in proposed sanctuary. 1 parking space per 28 sq. ft. = 179 30,440 buildable area. 1 parking space per 200 sq. ft. = 152 179 spaces are required for the site. The applicant states that they cannot afford to build 179 parking spaces at this time. Staff has suggested a phasing approach to the site. Phase 1 – allow the church to expand the building to allow the day care and school to become operational and use the existing parking (a total of 105 parking spaces). Phase 2 – the main sanctuary expansion will occur and the additional parking, to a total of 179 spaces, will be constructed at that time. (There is no guarantee that Phase 2 will ever occur.) This request will require a waiver by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 49 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 SUMMARY The following items are outstanding and direction is needed by the Planning and Zoning Commission: The fire lanes are not identified on the site plan.Required width is 24-ft. All buildings cannot exceed one story or 20-ft. in height. Existing steeple exceeds 40-ft. Buffered area landscaping adjacent to residential (west property line) is required. 8-ft. masonry screening walls along the north and west property lines are required. Dumpster area is required tohave masonry on 3 sides and a gate on the th side. Landscaping is required. 4 A photometrics plan is required meeting Town regulations. EIFS is indicated on the exterior walls.Requires approval from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council. Should landscaping or other articulations berequired for blank wall expanse facing Village Trail and the wall facing the northwest adjacent residential. Plant List on Landscape Plan does not list 80 trees. Appropriate wheel stops or curbs are required for parking. Planter islands are required in the parking lots. 179 parking spaces are required. The Planning and Zoning Commission can make a motion for approval with stipulations (the Town regulations must be met, or the Town regulations are waived). ch Attachments: Application Site Plan (Hardcopy – Rolled Set of Plans) Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 50 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 51 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2013-27-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:1/14/2013 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for Lakeview Elementary School, 100 Village Trail. Applicant: RLK Engineering on behalf of Northwest ISD. Attachments:Staff Report - PZ 011713 - Lakeview Elementary Site Plan.pdf Application.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult TITLE Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for Lakeview Elementary School, 100 Village Trail. Applicant: RLK Engineering on behalf of Northwest ISD. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 52 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT January 17, 2013 Lakeview Elementary School Site Plan Approval SP-12-015 SUBJECTDiscussion and recommendation regarding a request for : Site Plan approval for Lakeview Elementary School, 100 Village Trail. Applicant: RLK Engineering on behalf of Northwest ISD. APPLICANT Engineering :RLK 111 West Main Allen, TX 75013 OWNER Northwest Independent School District : P.O. Box 77070 Fort Worth, TX 76177 LOCATION : Lakeview Elementary School 100 Village Trail Trophy Club, TX 76262 ZONING: “R-12”Single Family Residential REVIEW :Northwest ISD is proposing to expand the Lakeview Elementary School site by adding 12,500 sq. ft. of new classrooms, an addition to the library of 4,150 sq. ft., and a new dining and kitchen area addition of 15,000 sq. ft. The bus loop at the front of the school will be revised to extend the loop an additional 200’. The parking at the front of the school will be increased from 32 stalls to 75 stalls, which includes an additional handicap stall and ADA loading zone. The parent drop-off loop to the east side of the school will be revised to increase the amount of available stacking and fire protection to the rear ofthe school. The existing turnaround will be removed anda fire lane will added that Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 53 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 will direct parents to a new roundabout northeast of the existing playground. A new parent drop-off lane adjacent to the new cafeteria addition will be constructed with a new ADA loading zone. The eastern parking lot will be increased from 43 stalls to 65 stalls with an additional 2 handicap stalls. The existing garden at the north side of the school will be replaced with a hard- surface play area that will also double as a fire lane turnaround to increase fire protection. A new water line will loop will be installed around the school to provide fire hydrants along the new fire lanes. A new storm sewer system will be installed to convey the roof and paving storm water runoff to the existing drainage channel at the north endof the site. The increased runoff created with the added impervious area will be detained by a new detention pond at the northeast corner of the site. The detention pond will reduce the site runoff as to not impact downstream properties. Height Regulations Buildings In the R-12 district, no building shall exceed forty feet (40-ft.) or 2-1/2 stories in height. The plans indicate that no building will exceed one story and 28-ft. in height. Area Regulations Minimum Open Space– All areas not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off-street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable landscape material. The northwest half of the site is used as soccer fields. All other areas have been included in the landscape plan. Maximum Building Coverage – The combined area covered by all main and accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed 35% of the total lot area. The applicant has indicated that the buildings and structures cover 13.1% of the site. Depth of Front Yard – 25 feet minimum. A few existing parking spaces encroach into the 25-ft. front building line. Depth of Rear Yard – 25feet minimum. This requirement has been met. Width of Side Yard – 10feet minimum. This requirement has been met. Masonry Requirements – All principal and accessory buildings and structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least 80% of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone, or stucco. The requirement appears to be met. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 54 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Refuse Disposal The refuse disposal area should be indicated on the site plan. The area shall be gated and fully screened from public view by a masonry fence or wall of at least eight (8) feet in height. The applicant needs to identify the dumpster areaon the site plan and provide information to verify proper screening. Lighting/Photometrics Lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any adjacent residential area. Lighting facilities withinthe parking facilities shall provide illumination not to exceed one foot candle at ground level, and shall distribute not more than two- tenths (0.2) of one foot candle of light upon any adjacent residentially zoned district. This requirement has been metbut the applicant submitted the photometrics plan separately from the site plan package and to a different scale than required by ordinance. The photometrics plan should be properly scaled and inserted into the site plan package. The applicant will havea copy of the photometrics sheet to give to each Commissioner at the P&Z meeting on January 17, 2013. LANDSCAPE PLAN Overview All existing trees to be saved near construction zones shall be surrounded by tree protection fencing. All disturbed areas willreceive solid sod. No hydro- mulch is planned to be used on the site. New planting beds will be installed at the main building entry to both enhance the entry and signify it as the main entry. A shrub hedge is being added along the existing building façade to the northwest in part to screen a/c condensers and in part to soften the building. Ornamental trees will be added in this area as a secondary layer for the same purpose. As shown on Sheet LP 1.01, sixteen (16) trees will be removed during the construction of the remodel/expansion. Five of those trees require mitigation at 1.5 caliper inches per 1 inch removed. Forty-seven (47) caliper inches are being removed, requiring 71 caliper inches to be planted. A total of 77 trees are necessary to meet the landscape requirements. The landscape architect states that twenty-one (21) existing trees are to be saved as noted on the Tree Mitigation Chart on Sheet LP 1.01. He stated that 67 new trees will be planted as noted in the legend on Sheet LP 5.01. By ordinance, 39 of the 77 trees must be located in the front yard. The landscape architect states that there are 39 trees located in the front yard. IRRIGATION The entire irrigation system around the building from the street to the side property line andup to the edge of the city irrigated soccer fields will be replaced with all new equipment and pipe. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 55 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Parking For an elementary school, one (1) space per 20 students is required. NISD has indicated that the school will service 650 studentswhich triggers a requirement for 33 parking spaces. The applicant has indicated that 140 spaces, and 7 handicap spaces, are provided. SUMMARY Northwest ISD is requesting a recommendationof approval of the Site Plan for Lakeview Elementary School. ch Attachments:Application Site Plan – Hardcopy (24”x36”) Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 56 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 57 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2012-635-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/8/2012 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Discussion of changes to permitted uses in "NS" Neighborhood Services and "CR" Commercial Recreation zoning districts, and other sections of Chapter 13-Zoning as relevant to the discussion of permitted uses in NS and CR zoning districts. Use Tables.pdf Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult 1/3/20131Planning & Zoning Commission 12/20/20121Planning & Zoning Commission Title Discussion of changes to permitted uses in "NS" Neighborhood Services and "CR" Commercial Recreation zoning districts, and other sections of Chapter 13-Zoning as relevant to the discussion of permitted uses in NS and CR zoning districts. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 58 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Article III Establishment of Districts Section 3.01 District Classifications The Town of Trophy Club is hereby divided into the following zoning districts, which districts are shown and described on the Zoning Map of the Town of Trophy Club, which Map is incorporated herein by this reference: R-15 Single Family Residential District: A zone designed to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 15,000 square feet in area. R-12 Single Family Residential District: A zone designed to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 12,000 square feet in area. R-11 Single Family Residential District : A zone designated to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 11,000 square feet in area. R-10 Single Family Residential District: A zone designed to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 10,000 square feet in area. R-9 Single Family Residential District: A zone designed to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 9,000 square feet in area. R-8 Single Family Residential District : A zone designed to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 8,000 square feet in area. R-Fairway Village; R-Twenty In Trophy; R-Oak Hill; R-Oak Hill Patio; R-Summit : These are zones designed to accommodate single family residential areas already platted and either developed or undeveloped on the date of adoption of this ordinance. MH-HUD Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing District: A zone designed to provide adequate space and restrictions for the placement of HUD-Code Manufactured Homes and Industrialized Housing in the Town within designated subdivisions. (This does not include mobile homes as defined in this Ordinance.) The MH District is also established to provide housing densities compatible with existing and proposed neighborhoods by providing alternative housing types both in construction and economy within the MH District. PD Planned Development District : A zone designed to accommodate development with a variety of types of uses in accordance with a site plan. NS Neighborhood Service District: A zone district designed to provide limited low impact service type facilities to residential areas, and not including retail uses. PO Professional Office:A zone district designed to providedfor attractive, low to moderate intensity office and professional uses. CG Commercial General District : A zone designed to provide locations for local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of the surrounding area, to accommodate general retail shopping and to accommodate low intensity business or professional offices that are designed and sited to be compatible with nearby residential uses and which primarily provide services to residents of the community. CR Commercial Recreation District: A zone designed to accommodate development of privately owned recreational areasand low intensity business offices that are directly related to and designed and sited to be compatible with the recreational use. Chapter 13 – Zoning Revised - Carolyn Dec 2012 Page 1 of 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 59 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 GU Governmental Use District : A zone intended to apply to those lands where national, state or local governmental activities are conducted and where title to such lands is held by a governmental entity. H Historic Landmark Designation District: A designation intended to apply to areas of historic, architectural, archaeological or cultural importance or value which meritprotection, enhancement and preservation in the interest of the culture, prosperity, education and welfare of the public. (Ord No. 98-29, § XI, 12-1-98, Repealed by Ord. No. 2000-06 P&Z § XI, 3-21-00) Chapter 13 – Zoning Revised - Carolyn Dec 2012 Page 2 of 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 60 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Section 3.02 Classification of New and UnlistedProperties A.Referral to Planning and Zoning Commission: The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall refer the question concerning any new or unlisted use to the Planning and Zoning Commission, requesting an interpretation as to the zoning classification into which such use should be placed. The referral of the use interpretation question shall be accompanied by a statement of facts listing the nature of the uses and whether it involves dwelling activity, sales, processing, type of product, storage,and amount and nature thereof, enclosed or open storage, anticipated employment, transportation requirements, the amount of noise, odor, fumes, dust, toxic material and vibration likely to be generated and the general requirements of public utilities, such as water and sanitary sewer. B.Assignment to Use District: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the nature and described performance of the proposed use and its compatibility with the uses permitted in the various districts and determine the zoning district or districts within which the use should be permitted. C.Recommendation to the Town Council: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit its findings and recommendations to the Town Council as to the classificationproposed for any new or unlisted use. The Town Council shall, by ordinance, approve the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission or make such determination concerning the classification of such use as it determines appropriate, based on its findings. (Ord No. 98-29, § XII, 12-1-98, Repealed by Ord. No. 2000-06 P&Z § XII, 3-21-00) Chapter 13 – Zoning Revised - Carolyn Dec 2012 Page 3 of 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 61 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Section 3.03Classification of New and Unlisted Properties The following table presents the zoning district classifications and the permitted and conditional uses within those classifications: Denotes a Prohibited Use P Denotes a Permitted Use by Right C Denotes of Conditional Use Permit Required S Denotes a Specific Use Permit Required District Classifications Permitted Uses R- R-15R-12R-11R-10R-9 R-8 R-FVR-TTR-OHR-S MHCGCRNSPOGU OHP A.RESIDENTIAL 1.Caretaker or Guard C Residence 2.Dwelling, Duplex 3.Dwelling, Manufactured P Housing 4.Dwelling, Multi-Family Apartment 5.Dwelling, Mobile Home 6.Dwelling, One Family Attached 7.Dwelling, One Family P P P P P P P P P P P P Detached 8.Family HomeCCCCCCCCCCCC 9.Home for Developmentally P Disabled 10.Hotels 11.Motels 12.Nursing, Rest & PC Convalescent Home 13.Recreational Vehicle Campgrounds 14.Religious Convent, PC Rectory, Monastery 15.Retirement Home, PC Orphanage B.RELIGIOUS AND PHILANTHROPIC 1.Churches, Temples & C C C C C C C C C C C C P PCP P P Synagogues 2.Eleemosynary Institutions C.EDUCATIONAL 1.Children’s Day Care P P Center & Kindergarten 2.Junior Colleges, Colleges & Universities 3.Schools, Private P Business & Professional 4.Schools, Primary & P P P P P P P P P P P P P PCP P P Secondary 5.Schools, Vocational, Technical & Trade Chapter 13 – Zoning Revised - Carolyn Dec 2012 Page 4 of 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 62 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 District Classifications Permitted Uses R- R-15R-12R-11R-10R-9 R-8 R-FVR-TTR-OHR-S MHCGCRNSPOGU OHP D.COMMUNITY FACILITIES 1.Athletic Field, PC Stadium, Auditorium, Gym 2.Cemetery and P Mausoleums 3.Commercial PC Swimming Pool 4.Cultural Buildings and C C C P Facilities 5.Golf Course, Clubhouse, Related PC Facilities 6.Gov. Maint Bldg, C C C Storage Yards 7.Municipal Admin, P P P P P P P P P P P P P PCP P P Public Service Facilities 8.Park, Playground, P P P P P P P P P P P P P PCP P P Playlots, Related Facilities 9.Privately Owned & C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Operated Playground 10.Public Animal Pounds & Shelters 11.Public Safety FacilitiesPPPPPPPPPPPPPPCPPP 13.Radio, Television C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Microwave Towers 14.Social, Recreational, P PCP Assembly Bldgs 15.Tennis, Handball, PC Racquet Ball Clubs 16.Utility Facilities, Garage, Storage C C Bldg/Yard 17.Utility Facilities, PCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPCPC Distribution Lines 18.Utilities Facilities, C C Energy Plant 19.Utility Facilities, OfficePCC E.PROFESSIONAL 1.Accounting OfficePP 2.Admin, Executive, P P Editorial Office 3.Architectural, Eng, P P Planning Office 4.Attorney’s OfficePP 5.Hospital 6.Insurance OfficePP 7.Extended Stay Surgery Center 8.Personal/Family P P Counselor 9.Physician and/or P P Dentist 10.Public SecretaryPP Chapter 13 – Zoning Revised - Carolyn Dec 2012 Page 5 of 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 63 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 District Classifications Permitted Uses R- R-15R-12R-11R-10R-9 R-8 R-FVR-TTR-OHR-S MHCGCRNSPOGU OHP F.BUSINESS 1.Barber, Beauty, P P Styling Shops 2.Health, Athletic ShopsPPCP 3.Massage Shops 4.Medical, Dental, Chiropractic, P P Optometry, etc. 5.Real Estate OfficePP 6.Tanning SalonP 7.Travel Bureau or P P Agency 8.Weight Reduction P PCP Studio G.RETAIL 1.Art StudioP 2.Art Supply Store P 3.Arts, Crafts, Hobby P Shops 4.Bakery ShopsP 5.Bicycle ShopP 6.Beer & Wine Sales S*S*S*S*S*S* (Off-Premise Consumption Only) 7.Confectionary Shop P 8.Dairy Food ShopP 9.Dance StudioP 10.Drug Store, P Apothecary, Pharmacy 11Dry Cleaners, Pick-up P and Drop-off 12Dry Cleaning Plan 13Duplication and P Mailing Service 14Electrical Goods and P Fixtures 15Fabric and Knitting P Shop 16FloristP 17Grocery StoreP 18Hardware Store P 19Household Appliance P Store 20Household P Furnishings, Fixtures 21Ice Cream ShopP 22Jewelry, Watch StoreP 23Liquor StoreS 24Music StoreP 25Tanning SalonP 26Pawn Shop P 27Photograph Service & PP Studio 28Printing, Publishing, P Engraving 29RestaurantCCC 30Restaurant, Drive-In 31Restaurant C C C w/Alcoholic Beverage Sales Chapter 13 – Zoning Revised - Carolyn Dec 2012 Page 6 of 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 64 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 District Classifications Permitted Uses R- R-15R-12R-11R-10R-9 R-8 R-FVR-TTR-OHR-S MHCGCRNSPOGU OHP G.RETAIL CONT’D 32Sale of Mixed Beverages in Restaurants by Food S*S*S*S*S*S* & Beverage Certificate Holders Only 33Sporting Goods StorePPC 34Wallpaper, Paint P Store 35Wearing Apparel P Store H.RECREATIONAL 1.Community Center C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P (Non-Profit) 2.Country Club, Private PC 3.Golf CoursePC 4.Private Health ClubPPCP 5.Private Stable PC 6.Swimming Pool PC (Private Club) 7.Swimming Pool, C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P Tennis Court (Non- Profit) 8.Tennis Court (Private C C C C C C C C C C C C Residence) Chapter 13 – Zoning Revised - Carolyn Dec 2012 Page 7 of 7 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 65 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2013-25-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:1/12/2013 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/17/2013 Final action: Title:Future Agenda Items and discussion Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Title Future Agenda Items and discussion Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 66 of 66Meeting Date: January 17, 2013