RES 2016-20 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2016-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUBAPPROVING A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FOR THE NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PLACE A PORTABLE CLASSROOM BUILDING AT BECK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED AT 401 PARKVIEW DRIVE AND PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the Northwest Independent School District(NISD) has filed a temporary use permit application and formally requested to place a portable classroom building behind Beck ElementarySchool located at401 Parkview Drive in Town of Trophy Club; and WHEREAS, Section 14.02.251 – Temporary Uses in the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances requires a temporary use permit to be approved by the Town Council through a Resolution. NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE , TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: Section1. Thatthe request by NISD for a temporary use permit for a portable classroom building at Beck Elementary School located at 401 Parkview Drive is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (A)The portable classroom building shall be located on the site as shown on the attached Exhibit A; (B)The portable classroom building shall be consistentwith the provisionsand specificationsstatedand describedin Exhibit B; (C)The color of the portable classroom building shall be “desert tan”; (D)The portable classroom building shall be removed from the property no later than threeyears from approval date of this resolution; (E)The fire alarm and communication system in the building shall comply with the provisions is Exhibit B; (F)The temporary use permit application requirements contained in Section 14.02.251(e) of the Code of Ordinances are hereby waived for this portable classroom building. Section 2.That the temporary use permit authorized by this Resolution shall comply with all Town of Trophy Club codes and ordinances, exempt where specifically exempted herein. Section 3.This Resolution shall take effect from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED and APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas on this 23rdday of August2016. C. Nick Sanders, Mayor Town of Trophy Club, Texas \[SEAL\] ATTEST: Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas APPROVED TO AS FORM: David Dodd, Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas RES 2016-20 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A Exhibit B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 76262 PH) 682.831.4680 FAX) 817.490.0705 Town Website:www.trophyclub.org GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT ADDRESS:401ParkviewDrive,TrophyClub,Tx.76262 SELECT PERMIT TYPE ELECTRICALMECHANICALPLUMBINGIRRIGATIONRE-ROOF ( ) ( )( )( )( ) Setupofa24'X64'modulardoubleclassroombuilding. NorthwestISD,MaintenanceDepartment APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: 1800StateHwy114 BUSINESS ADDRESS: Justin,Texas,76247 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: 817-215-0019,817-215-0020 817-215-0077 WORK PHONE #:FAX #: jsadler@nisdtx.org EMAIL ADDRESS: PLEASE GIVE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED: Weneedtomoveinandsetupaindustrialized24'X64'doubleclassroombuildingtoaccommodate increasedenrollment.ThisbuildingwasmanufacturedbyIndicom,locatedinBurlesonTexas.Thisbuilding willbeadryinstallationandwillnothavewaterorrestroomfacilitieslocatedinit.Thisportablewillbe equippedwitha"standalone"FireAlarmsystem,whichwillbeslavedtothemainsystemintheSchool.The powerforthisbuildingwillbetiedintothemainbuilding. AccesswillbeprovidedviaaADAcompliantramp&landing,constructedonsite. $25,000.00 VALUATION OF PROPOSED WORK $ *INDICATE SHINGLE MATERIAL AND WARRANTY FOR RE-ROOF PERMITS *STATE HEIGHT AND MATERIALS USED AND INCLUDE SITE PLAN/SURVEY SHOWING FENCE WORK FOR FENCE PERMITS *PLEASE INCLUDE SITE PLAN/SURVEY SHOWING LOCATION OF SIGN FOR SIGN PERMITS PERMIT FEE: $75.00 JimSadler 05/17/2016 SIGNATURE:DATE: Exhibit B Exhibit B Exhibit B