Minutes P&Z 08/18/2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive
TOWN OF Trophy Club,Texas 76262
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
August 18, 2016 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
Chairman Sheridan called the August 18, 2016, Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:03 p.m.
and announced a quorum present (6 members).
Present: 6- Commissioner Windland, Commissioner Pipkins, Chairman Sheridan, Vice
Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Baron
Absent: 1 - Commissioner Ross
Ron Ruthven, Town Planner
Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary
Recording Secretary Note: The agenda items were presented in the following order:
(item no. 1) 2016-462-T; (item no. 2) 2016-463-T,. (item no. 3) 2016-464-T,'
(item no. 7) 2016-468-T,. (item no. 4) 2016-465-T; (item no. 5) 2016-466-T,.
(item no. 6) 2016-467-T,. (item no. 8) 2016-469-T,. (item no. 9) 2016-470-T; 7
Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the
Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.
2016-462-T Public hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, PD
Planned Development District No. 25 in order to approve the signage plan for
Bread Winners Cafe, on Lot 2R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, located
at 3000 State Highway 114. Case PD-AMD-16-051.
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.
2016-463-T Public hearing regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy Club's Code of
Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.052 -General Definitions, Section 14.02.103 -
Use Table and Section 14.02.252 -Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in order to amend
regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages in the Town. Case ADM-16-
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.
2016-464-T Public hearing regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy Club's Code of
Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and amending Article 14.02 -
Zoning Ordinance by creating a new section to be called Section 14.02.356 -Solar
Panel Systems in order to provide comprehensive standards for the construction,
placement and maintenance of solar panels in the Town. Case ADM-16-14.
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.
2016-468-T TABLED ITEM: Discussion and recommendation regarding a request by the
Northwest Independent School District for a temporary use permit in order to allow
a portable classroom building at Beck Elementary School, located at 401 Parkview
Drive. Case TUP-16-008.
Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments.
• Tim McClure, NWISD District Architect Planner, 2001 Texan Drive,Justin, TX 76247
Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report.
Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner.
Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Snell to recommend approval subject to the
following conditions:
• The building color shall be"desert tan";
• The site plan submitted to the Commission at the meeting shall replace the site plan provided in
the packet;
• The building shall be removed after three years maximum;
• The building shall be anchored per the manufacturer's current recommendations for this area.
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 4 Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Baron,
Commissioner Snell
Against: 2 Commissioner Windland, Commissioner Pipkins
2016-465-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No.
2002-41 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25 in order to approve the
signage plan for Bread Winners Cafe, on Lot 2R2, Block B, Trophy Wood Business
Center, located at 3000 State Highway 114. Case PD-AMD-16-051.
Chairman Sheridan asked for Applicant comments.
• Luke Allbritton, National Account Manager with Chandler Signs, 3201 Manor Way, Dallas, TX 75235
Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report.
Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner.
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Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Baron to deny request.
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote.
The motion carried (6-0). The Commission wished to forward to Council their concerns which include:
• The roof sign on the west elevation is too big and should not project above the roof line;
• The projecting sign on the south elevation is too big and should not be illuminated with neon;
• The plans should not contain options but should be the final detailed plans for the signs;
• The plans submitted at the dais are different from the plans that were in the packet;
• Roof signs and projecting signs are not allowed in the Town's sign regulations and should not be
2016-466-T Discussion and recommendation regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy
Club's Code of Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.052 - General Definitions,
Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and Section 14.02.252 - Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
in order to amend regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages in the
Town. Case ADM-16-13.
Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report.
Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner.
Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Pipkins to approve subject to the following
For bars/taverns: the bar/tavern shall be no closer than 1,500 from another bar/tavern as
measured from front door to front door using the measurement methodology already in place in
the code.
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in
Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote.
The motion carried (6-0).
Chairman Sheridan asked staff for the Ordinances approved February 9, 2016 and amended April 12,
2016 on cd's as well as printed copies be provided to the Planning and Zoning Commission members.
2016-467-T Discussion and recommendation regarding amendments to the Town of Trophy
Club 's Code of Ordinances, amending Section 14.02.103 - Use Table and
amending Article 14.02 - Zoning Ordinance by creating a new section to be called
Section 14.02.356 - Solar Panel Systems in order to provide comprehensive
standards for the construction, placement, and maintenance of solar panels in the
Town. Case ADM-16-14.
Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questions from the commissioners.
Chairman Sheridan asked if there were any public requests to speak.
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Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Baron to recommend approval of this
ordinance as presented with the following changes:
• Section a(1): add "solar panel system and any related technology" beginning the paragraph;
• Section b(3): New sub-section to be worded: "The solar panel color shall match the roof color";
• Section c(3): add "from adjacent property" (screening);
• Section d(1)c(vi): New sub-section to be worded: "Screening, if required"
Commissioner Pipkins motioned to amend motion, seconded by Commissioner Windland as follows:
Change wording to read:
Section a(1): -:: " - - .- -- -- --
add "and/or photovoltaic generating apparatus" after"solar panel system" beginning
the paragraph;
Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote to approve amendment to motion.
The amended motion carried (6-0).
Commissioner Windland motioned to amend motion, seconded by Chairman Sheridan as follows:
• Section a(1): add "or small solar panels not to exceed 18"x 18" at the end of the paragraph;
Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote to approve amendment to motion.
The amended motion carried (6-0).
• Section a(1): add "and/or photovoltaic generating apparatus" after"solar panel system" beginning
the paragraph;
• Section a(1): add "or small solar panels not to exceed 18"x 18" at the end of the paragraph;
• Section b(3): New sub-section to be worded: "The solar panel color shall match the roof color";
• Section c(3): add "or from any adjacent property"to the end of the paragraph;
• Section d(1)c(vi): New sub-section to be worded: "Screening, if required"
Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote.
The motion carried (6-0).
2016-469-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated 07-21-2016.
Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or corrections from the commissioners or staff.
Staff reported the following amendment to the P&Z Minutes dated 07-21-2016:
Chairman Sheridan called the July 21, 2016, Planning and Zoning Commission werkshep to order
at 7:01 p.m. and announced a quorum present (6 members).
Present: 6-Commissioner Windland Ross, Commissioner Pipkins, Chairman Sheridan,
Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Baron
Absent: 1 -Commissioner Windland
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion made by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to approve the P&Z
Minutes dated 07-21-2016 as amended.
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Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote.
The motion carried (6-0).
2016-470-T Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission;
Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes and
comprehensive planning.
Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff updates.
Staff updates were given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. The following items were discussed:
• Comprehensive planning
• Semi-weekly development project updates to begin in upcoming meetings.
• Next P&Z meeting: September 15`, 2016. (one item plus minutes).
• Current issues -Alcohol SUP-Holiday Inn -denied by Town Council without prejudice.
• Drees Homes construction
• Reviewing our Commercial Recreation Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland to adjourn.
The motion carried (6-0).
The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 P.M.
Dennis S eridan, Chairman Robbie Killingswort eRecoru g Secretary
Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development
Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas
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