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Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult CaseRP-16-002(SH114ROW,TractA-R)Publichearing regardingarequestforareplatforthepurposeofdedicating right-of-wayonapproximately1.616acresofland,generallylocatednorthofSH114and1,470feeteastofTrophyClub Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 62January 5, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-706-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/28/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Case RP-16-002 (SH 114 ROW, Tract A-R) Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH 114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive. Attachments:PZ Staff Report 010517.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult CaseRP-16-002(SH114ROW,TractA-R)Discussionandrecommendationregardingarequestforareplatforthe purposeofdedicatingright-of-wayonapproximately1.616acresofland,generallylocatednorthofSH114and1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 6 of 62January 5, 2017 STAFF REPORT Planning & Zoning Commission January 5, 2017 RP-16-002– SH 114 ROW, Tract A-R SUBJECT : Public Hearingand Recommendation regarding a request for areplat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on approximately 1.616 acres of land, generally located north of SH 114 and 1,470 feet east of Trophy Club Drive. REQUEST: The applicant, Town of Trophy Club,is requesting approval of a replat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on Town property so the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has the legal ability tobuild the sound wall required bythe Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ).This proposal does not affectproperty lines or location of easements.Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. LOCATION: The subject property is located north of SH 114, south of Lake Forest Village subdivision, west of Lake Cities Church of Christ, and east of the PD-30 property. ZONING: The subject property is currently zoned R-12, but is notcapable of developing as such. The sound wall will be allowed by-right. HISTORY: The final plat, Lake Forest Village, Phase Three,which included our subject property, Tract A, plus 44 residential lots was recorded on December 17, 1979.The final plat shows Tract A running along SH 114 and containing a35’ utility easement. STAFF REVIEW : Approval of the proposed replat will enable TxDOT to start construction on the coming sound wall that has become necessary due to the noise pollution caused by SH 114. Dedication of right-of-way on this land abutting residential lots is needed for an entity such as TxDOT to legally build a structurefor this purpose. There is an existing 35’ utility easement that is being used byseveral utility companiesthat will remain in place. TxDOT is working closely with these companies to ensure there is no future interruption Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 7 of 62January 5, 2017 of service. TxDOT is eager to start construction once this replat is recorded with Denton and Tarrant Counties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION : The proposed replat has been reviewed for compliance with the Town’s Subdivision Ordinance. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit A – Location Map Exhibit B – Proposed Replat Exhibit C – Recorded Final Plat Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 8 of 62January 5, 2017 2017 5, January of 62 9 Page Commission Zoning and Planning January 20175, Page 62of 10 Commission Zoning and Planning Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-707-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:12/28/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Case RP-16-003 (SH 114 ROW, Tract C-R) Public hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH 114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult CaseRP-16-003(SH114ROW,TractC-R)Publichearing regardingarequestforareplatforthepurposeofdedicating right-of-wayonapproximately4.841acresofland,generallylocatednorthofSH114and1,030feetwestofTrophyClub Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 12 of 62January 5, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-708-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/28/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Case RP-16-003 (SH 114 ROW, Tract C-R) Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on approximately 4.841 acres of land, generally located north of SH 114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive. Attachments:PZ Staff Report 010517.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult CaseRP-16-003(SH114ROW,TractC-R)Discussionandrecommendationregardingarequestforareplatforthe purposeofdedicatingright-of-wayonapproximately4.841acresofland,generallylocatednorthofSH114and1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 13 of 62January 5, 2017 STAFF REPORT Planning & Zoning Commission January 5, 2017 RP-16-003 – SH 114 ROW, Tract C-R SUBJECT : Public Hearingand Recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on approximately 4.841acres of land, generally located north of SH 114 and 1,030 feet west of Trophy Club Drive. REQUEST: The applicant, Town of Trophy Club,is requesting approval of a replat for the purpose of dedicating right-of-way on Town property so the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has the legal ability to build the sound wall required by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ).This proposal does not affectproperty lines or location of easements.Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. LOCATION: The subject property is located north of SH 114, south of Trophy Club, Section 8 subdivision, west of 7-Eleven, and east of Walgreen’s. ZONING: The subject property is currently zoned R-9, but is not capable of developing as such. The sound wall will be allowed by-right. HISTORY: The final plat, Trophy Club, Section 8, which included our subject property, Tract C, plus 98residential lotswas recorded on October 3, 1977.The final plat shows Tract C running along SH 114 and containing a 35’utility easement. STAFF REVIEW : Approval of the proposed replat will enable TxDOT to start construction on the coming sound wall that has become necessary due to the noise pollution caused by SH 114. Dedication of right-of-way on this land abutting residential lots is needed for an entity such as TxDOT to legally build a structurefor this purpose. There is an existing 35’ utility easement that is being used by several utility companies that will remain in place. TxDOT is working closely with these companies to ensure there is no future interruption Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 62January 5, 2017 of service. TxDOT is eager to start construction once this replat is recorded with Denton County. STAFF RECOMMENDATION : The proposed replat has been reviewed for compliance with the Town’s Subdivision Ordinance. Staff recommends approval. Attachments: Exhibit A – Location Map Exhibit B – Proposed Replat Exhibit C – Recorded Final Plat Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 15 of 62January 5, 2017 ExhibitA Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 16 of 62January 5, 2017 January 20175, Page 62of 17 Commission Zoning and Planning Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-709-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:12/28/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Case PD-AMD-16-053 (PD-21 Window Signage) Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Lake Drive. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult CasePD-AMD-16-053(PD-21WindowSignage)PublicHearing regardingarequesttoamendExhibitC,SectionB(7) Signs,ofOrdinanceNo.2013-39P&Z,PDPlannedDevelopmentDistrictNo.21,generallylocatedonthenortheast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Lake Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 19 of 62January 5, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-710-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/28/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Case PD-AMD-16-053 (PD-21 Window Signage) Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Exhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21, generally located on the northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Lake Drive. Attachments:PZ Staff Report 010517.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult CasePD-AMD-16-053(PD-21WindowSignage)DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoamendExhibit C,SectionB(7)Signs,ofOrdinanceNo.2013-39P&Z,PDPlannedDevelopmentDistrictNo.21,generallylocatedonthe northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Lake Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 20 of 62January 5, 2017 STAFF REPORT Planning & Zoning Commission January 5, 2017 PD-AMD-16-053 – PD-21 Window Signage SUBJECT : Public Hearing and Recommendation regarding a request to amendExhibit C, Section B(7) Signs, of Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 21,generally located on the northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Lake Drive. REQUEST: The applicant, Sunwest Real Estate Group, is requesting approval to amend thesign package controllingthe PD-21 properties.The request includes allowingLED “OPEN” signsand window signage as permitted by the Code of Ordinances. CURRENT CONDITIONS AND ZONING: The subject property is zoned PD-21 and includes Walgreen’s, Bank of America, Tom Thumb, and many smaller businesses in a retail strip center.The original PD was approved by Town Council on July 6, 1999, but has been amended several timesfor various reasons.However, the ordinance has only been amended once before for signage revisions. In 2013, the ordinance was revised to allow LED signage at Tom Thumb fuel center and to allow taller monument signs. The applicant wishes amend the ordinance to allow the businesses on the subject property to use LED “OPEN” signs and to be able to installwindow signagethat covers up to 25% of the total window square footage, just as the Code of Ordinances allows(see attached signage table). The reason for this request is due to tenants’ concern that customers cannot tell ifthe businesses are open or closed. Permission to add the business name and hours ofoperation are a common request. Section B(7)(b) and Section B(7)(e)of the PD 21 development standards state: b. “LED Signage –Allowed for Tom Thumb fuelsignage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013. No other LED signage is allowed in the Plaza Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 62January 5, 2017 Shopping Center without approval of the Town Council upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission.” e. “No signage and/or advertising of any type shall be displayed in window areas of any building. No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign is not available at opening.” The applicant requests that the language be revised to say: b. “LED Signage –Allowed for Tom Thumb fuelsignage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage, not to exceed one per business, shall also be permitted and calculated as window signage, per the Code of Ordinances, for all other businesses, including the use of “OPEN” signs. Chasing, blinking, strobing, moving, and changing lightsare prohibited on all LED signs. LED string lights are strictly prohibited.Neon is strictly (Deletion of the sentenceprohibiting other businesses to prohibited.” have LED signageand addition of permitted LED sign use in windows, subject to restrictions.) e. “No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign (Deletion of the first sentence prohibiting is not available at opening.” window signage.) STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The proposed amendment to the signage section of the development standards of PD-21 in Ordinance No. 2013-39 P&Zare logical and necessary due to the confusion of operating hours and individual business entrance locations in the retail center. The allowance of LED and 25% window signage will be a helpful tool for customers and good for the economy.Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. Staff recommends approval of the PD amendment. Attachments: Exhibit A – Location Map Exhibit B – Application and Letter of Intent Exhibit C – Existing PD-21 Development Standards Exhibit D – Signage Criteria Table per the Code of Ordinances Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 22 of 62January 5, 2017 2017 5, January of 62 23 Page Dr.LakeTrophy Commission Zoning and Planning Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 24 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 25 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 EXHIBIT C DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SHOPPING CENTER TROPHY LAKE DRIVE & TROPHY CLUB DRIVE TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS approximately 13.07 acres of land shall be in accordance with the PD Site Plan of the a part of this Ordinance, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 98-29 P&Z), all other applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Trophy Club, and the following Development Standards, conditions and requirements: A.Purpose: This Planned Development is designed to accommodate a variety of retail commercial uses. For development purposes, the Land is divided into three tracts (Tracts 1 2 & 3 as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto (PD Site Plan)), and the use and development of each of the tracts shall be in accordance with the following: 1.: The following standards shall apply to Tracts 1, 2 & 3: (a) Size of tracts:Tract 1 shall contain approximately 10.99 acres of land. Tract 2 shall contain approximately 1.14 acres of land. Tract 3 shall contain approximately 1.85 acres of land. (b)Uses generally: In the development and use of Tracts 1, 2 & 3, no land shall be used and no building or structure shall be installed, erected or converted to any use other than the following: (c) Permitted uses: (i)All uses listed in Section 13 of the Use Table in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance under Divisions E-Professional, F-Business, and G-Retail. (ii)Other uses permitted include: Antiques Store Audio, Video, Stereo (no arcade games or adult rentals) Bank Building & Drive Through Bath Shop Book Stores Cameras/Fi1m Processing Cards and Gifts Children's Wear China and Glassware Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 26 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 Computer/Software Cosmetics/Beauty Supply Curtains and Drapes Electronic Cigarette Supplies Store Fitness/Workout Facility (Ordinance No. 2007-26 P&Z, October 1, 2007) Floor Coverings Food Service Formal Wear/Rental Fuel Station Accessory to Grocery Store or Other Anchor Type Use (Only allowed in Tract 1) (Ordinance No. 2012-02 P&Z, January 23, 2012) Furniture Grocery Store Ice-cream Store Juice Store Kitchen Store Lamps Laundry and Dry Cleaning (on-site dry cleaning facility limited to ExxonDF-2000 or equivalent). This facility shall not provide equipment or services for another laundry or dry cleaning location. (Ordinance No. 2000-14 P&Z, July 18, 2000) Liquor Store (with SUP and only allowed in Tract 1) (Ordinance No. 2011-27 P&Z, July 18, 2011) Luggage and Leather Mailing And Packaging/Post Office; Men's Wear Nail Salon Newspaper/magazine Office Supplies Party Supplies Pharmacy Picture Framing Records and Tapes Restaurants Shoe Repair Shoes Sporting Goods Store Stationery-School Supplies Tailor Telephone Store Tobacco Toys Women's Ready-To-Wear/Women's Specialty (iii)Outdoor pay phones shall not be permitted. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 27 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 (d) *General Provisions: The Landlord and tenant of said dry cleaning facility agree to assume jointly and severally liability in regards to any clean-up costs, fines, or penalties assessed or incurred as related to the spillage or release of any substance into the waterways. (e) Conditional uses: Conditional uses may be permitted in accordance with regulations provided in Section 6.01, Conditional Use Permit, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. (f) Limitation of uses: Any use not expressly permitted herein or allowed by permit is prohibited. (g) Area and building regulations: (i) Maximum building coverage: The combined area of all main and accessory buildings shall not exceed 21% of the total site area. (ii) Maximum floor area, number of buildings: The maximum combined square footage of all main and accessory buildings shall be 126,563 square feet. No more than six (6) buildings shall be constructed or located in Tracts 1, 2 & 3. No building shall contain more than 64,100 square feet. (Ordinance No. 2012-02 P&Z, January 23, 2012) (iii) Maximum impervious area: The combined area occupied by all buildings, structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the total site area. (iv) Minimum open space: All areas (but in any event at least twenty percent (20%) of the total site area) not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off-street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs, or other suitable landscape material. (v) Depth of front yard, feet*: There shallbe a front yard having a depth of not less than thirty (30) feet. (vi) Depth.of rear yard, feet*: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not lessthan ten (10) feet. (vii) Width of side yard on each side, feet*: A minimum of a ten (10) foot side yard shall be required. (viii) Height: No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height (1 story maximum) to the eave line and a maximum of forty-five (45) feet to the gable or ridge line. Building and/or structure heights shall be measured from the adjacent finished sidewalk elevation. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 28 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 * All yards shall comply with Section 5.05, "Required Yards," of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. (h) Parking, loading regulations: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be one (l) space for each 215 square feet of building area. In all other respects, off-street parking shall comply with Section 7.04, Off- Street Parking Requirements of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Off-street loading shall be in accordance with Section 7.05, Off-Street Loading Regulations of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Landscaped islands shall, on an overall site plan average, be provided for every twelve (12) parking spaces. Handicapped parking, including van accessible spaces, shall be provided according to Town standards. B.Additional development standards applicable to this Planned Development District: 1. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 7.03, Landscaping Regulations," of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and with the following: (a) Berming shall be utilized along street frontages, when possible, to screen parking from public view. (b) All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. (c) Landscaping shall be maintained by the developer/owner of the Land. Any dead plant material shall be removed and replaced within three (3) months. (d) All plant materials must be selected from the mandatory plant list attached hereto as Exhibit "F". (e) Landscaping shall be provided and maintained in the street rights-of-way abutting the development as part of the total landscaping package. Said landscaping shall consist of that area and material as indicated on the Landscape Plan (LP-1). (f) In addition, off-site landscaping shall be installed as part of this development, and in the initial stage of this development, in the west right- of-way of Trophy Lake Dr., extending from Village Trail Drive to Shasta Drive. Particular attention shall be paid to the general vicinity of the cul- de-sacs of Paint Rock Ct. and Round Rock Ct. A total of fifty-seven (57) trees shall be planted between and adjacent to Paint Rock Court and Round Rock Court. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 29 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 (1) Landscaping shall consist of live tree planting consisting of 4" caliper trees planted a maximum of 15 feet on centers. Trees shall include the Bradford Pear variety, providing rapid growth and dense foliage, as well as evergreen type trees such as Live Oaks which bear leaves year round. Tree planting material shall be integrated and spaced such that Paint Rock Ct. and Round Rock Ct. are screened and maintained with significant foliage during the winter mouths. Screening for these courts may be achieved by utilizing a decorative masonry wall in coordination with live screening. Effective height of combined screening shall be six (6) feet measured from the top of curb on Trophy Lake Drive. Screening for Paint Rock Court and Round Rock Court each shall consist of sixty (60) lineal feet of shrubbery and decorative masonry wall with five-gallon, container-grown, Nellie R. Stevens holly planted three (3) feet on center.Decorative masonry wall, when used, shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in length. (2) Screening consisting of tree material, at a minimum, shall be placed along the side property lines of residences to augment the screening capability of existing fences. Said screening shall be presented as an integrated and coordinated landscape system. (3) Maintenance of the landscaping at this location shall be the responsibility of the developer/owner for a period of twelve months fromthe completion of the planting. The Town of Trophy Club shall assume maintenance and care after 12 months. The irrigation for the off-site landscaping shall, after the initial installation, be the responsibility of the Town of Trophy Club. (g) The caliper of a tree is defined as the diameter of the tree trunk as measured at a point twelve (12) inches above the finished grade in accordance with standard nursery practice. The Landscape Concept Plan (Exhibit "F") has been included with this Ordinance to generally illustrate the intent and location of landscaping tree massing. Trees shall be 3- 4- installation. Detailed landscape plans, sealed by a registered landscape architect, shall be provided on each tract at the time of final Site Plan submittal. 2. Median cut. The developer/owner of the Land has voluntarily agreed to and shall provide one new median cut and one modification median cut in Trophy Lake Drive as shown on Exhibit "B (Site Plan). Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 30 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 3. Hours of operation of uses: Hours of operation for the uses set forth herein shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. except the Grocery Store, Pharmacy, Fuel Station Accessory to Grocery Store or Other Anchor Type Use, and Fitness/Workout Facility shall be twenty four (24) hours. No outside sales of any kind shall be conducted, including but not limited to, truck lot, pedestrian walkway, tent or other sales. Hours of delivery services shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Ordinance No. 2012-02 P&Z, January 23, 2012) 4. Building materials: All main and accessory buildings shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having one hundred percent (100%) of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of stone, concrete or other masonry or material of equal characteristics in accordance with the Town's Building Code and Fire Code. All buildings and structures shall be veneered with stone, texture coated concrete, a dull finish metal type roof, ElFS trim and wood brackets. All windows and doors shall be of aluminum construction. Typical elevations are provided with this Ordinance (see Exhibit "D") to illustrate the conceptual architectural style and detail. Alternate materials may be used if approved by Planning & Zoning Commission. Color selection for roof material shall be approved by the Town Council upon recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to issuing of the building permit. 5. Development schedule: Tracts 1, 2 & 3 shall be developed in accordance with the following schedule submitted by the developer/owner: Start Construction: Summer 1999 Occupy Space: Summer 2000 If, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Council, the developer/owner has failed to meet the approved development schedule, the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Council may initiate proceedings to amend all or part of the zoning onthe Land or to amend the provisions of this Ordinance. Upon receiving the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, after all hearings have been held as required by law, the Town Council may amend all or part of the zoning of the Land and/or amend the provisions of this Ordinance to extend the development schedule or adopt such new development schedule as may be indicated by the facts and conditions then existing. 6. Lighting: All parking lot lighting shall be located approximately as shown on the PD Site Plan (Exhibit B). Poles shall be a maximum of 30 feet in height on 24" concrete bases in the parking lots, and 12 feet ornamental street lights at the perimeter drive approaches. Pole lighting shall be oriented down and away from all adjacent properties. Building lighting shall be mounted to building face or in ground fixtures and oriented to wash building with light.Wall mounted down directional lights will be on the rear of buildings A & B. Perimeter lights will be shielded to minimize overspill. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 31 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 7. Signs:Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Land or any part thereof, an overall sign plan, accompanying the final site plan for the Land, shall have been approved by the Town Council. Upon approval of the sign plan, the plan shall become a part of this ordinance as if copied herein in its entirety. The signs reflected on the sign plan shall conform to applicable ordinances of the Town and with the following: a. Monument signs -- Four (4) Monument type signs located within landscaped area as shown on the PD Site Plan. Three of the signs located at the entrances/exits of Trophy Lake Drive to be a maximum of eight (8) feet in height, above finish grade of the adjacent concrete curb within the highway right-of-way and twelve (12) feet in length. The monument sign along Highway 114 will be taller than 6' above the adjacent grade to get the sign 6' above Highway 114 street grade. b. LED Signage Allowed for Tom Thumb fuel signage as shown on the Site Plan presented to Town Council on February 25, 2013. LED signage allowed on the north, west, and east canopies. Size is limited to the north canopy LED size signage shown on the Site Plan as presented to Council on February 25, 2013. No other LED signage is allowed in the Plaza Shopping Center without approval of the Town Council upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. c. Building Signage Internally lighted aluminum channel letters with plexiglass fronts, type signage shall be permitted on the building face. d. Directional Signage -all directional, safety and handicapped signage shall be of a character so as to complement the project and conform to Town standards. e. No signage and/oradvertising of any type shall be displayed in window areas of any building. No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building with the exception of the grand opening and if the permanent sign is not available at opening. f. All signage shall be located so as to avoid traffic obstructions and outside of any sight easements. g. Special sign considerations may be approved by the Town Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission. h. This planned development shall provide two (2) illuminated school crossing signs on Trophy Lake Drive in the vicinity of Village Trail at locations to be determined by the Director of Public Safety of the Town of Trophy Club. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 32 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 8. Fire lanes: Fire lanes are as shown on the site plan. Location and detail shall be provided at the time of Final Site Plan approval and shall be approved by the fire department. 9. Final Site Plan: Any Final Site Plan shall include, among other things: (a) The detailed site plan per Town standards; (b) The final architectural elevations and materials; (c) The final landscape and irrigation plans. Upon approval, the said Site Plan shall become a part of this Ordinance. 10. Outdoor storage: No outdoor storage, except for refuse disposal shall be permitted on the land. A dumpster may be located or relocated at a convenient location on any lot. Such location shall be subject to the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Dumpsters are to be enclosed on all sides with Masonry walls and gates of similar architectural style of the buildings. Minimum height of the enclosures shall be determined by the height of the dumpster. When possible, landscaping shall provide additional screening for the enclosure. Operating hours for trash service shall be in accordance with the Town of Trophy Club standards. 11. Outdoor Display: Outdoor display is allowed only on the sidewalk in front of the grocery store as shown on the PD Site Plan, and as expressly set forth below: Outdoor display of propane, for sale inside the store, at Walgreen #06047, 541 Trophy Lake Dr. is allowed.No more than two cabinets allowed (maximum size remain on sidewalks, may be placed on either side of the front entry, and shall be in compliance with all ADA requirements. (Ordinance No. 2010-20 P&Z, August 2, 2010) 12. Mechanical and electrical equipment: Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units, shall be designed, installed and operated to minimize noise impact on surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from public view. 13. Amendments to the Site Plan: Amendments to the Site Plan for items that are not determined to be substantial by the Planning & Zoning Administrator shall be permitted. The Planning & Zoning Administrator shall determine items as not substantial. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 33 of 62January 5, 2017 With Amendments through 2013-39 14. On all building elevations, the tenant signs shown are included for purposes of illustration only and, with the exception of Tom Thumb Grocery, are not intended to identify a specific tenant. 15. Traffic impact analysis will be subject to the approval of the Town Engineer priorto the issuance of building permits. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 34 of 62January 5, 2017 Exhibit D Signage Criteria Table Sign TypeMaximum NumberMaximum Size & Maximum Zoning DistrictPermanent/ HeightDurationTemporary A-frame/sandwich boardProhibited Apartment1 per entry50 sq. ft.Life of permitResidentialPermanent AwningProhibited BanditProhibited Banner, feather flag, tear 1 per premises or lease 36 sq. ft.N/A30 daysNonresidentialTemporary drop flag, wind device, space no more than 2 bow flagtimes annually BillboardAlong property which To be determined by the town council NonresidentialPermanent abuts State Highway 114upon recommendation of the planning & zoning commission Builder/contractor2 per premises6 sq. ft.4 ft.Removed upon All districtsTemporary sale, lease, rental Bulletin boardTo be determined by the town council upon recommendation of ResidentialPermanent the planning & zoning commission Canopy25 sq. ft. or 10% of the face of the canopy of Life of structureNonresidentialPermanent which it is a part of or to which it is attached, whichever is greater Contractor serviceNo limit provided total 6 sq. ft.4 ft.14 days after All districtsTemporary combined sq. footage completion of does not exceed 6 sq. ft.service CEVMS1 per premises with 50 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permitAll districtsPermanent approval of the town council upon recommendation of the planning and zoning commission; not allowed on billboards Development1 per project/premises32 sq. ft.5 ft.Residential: All districtsTemporary 90% of all lots/houses sold Commercial: Completion of project Directional6 sq. ft.3 ft.Life of permitAll districtsPermanent Directional temporary real Prohibited except as allowed with a special event permitTemporary estate Directory1 per premisesTo be determined by the town council NonresidentialPermanent upon recommendation of the planning & zoning commission Electronic message 1 per premises with 50 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permitAll districtsPermanent boardsapproval of the town council upon recommendation of the planning and zoning commission; not allowed on billboards Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 35 of 62January 5, 2017 FenceProhibited FlashingProhibited Government permanentNo limit -as requiredAll districtsPermanent Government temporaryRestrictedTemporary Ground1 per entry/premises16 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permitAll districtsPermanent Illuminated1 per premises50 sq. ft.Life of permitNonresidential Permanent Inflatable1 per premisesTo be determined by the town council All districtsTemporary upon recommendation of the planning & zoning commission Institutional1 per entry/premises50 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permitNonresidentialPermanent Model home1 per model home16 sq. ft.4 ft.Removed upon Residential Temporary sale, lease, districts rental Monument1 per entry/premises50 sq. ft.10 ft.Life of permitAll districtsPermanent Nameplate1 per lease space2 sq. ft.1 ft.Life of permitNonresidentialPermanent Off-premisesProhibited Political36 sq. ft. 8 ft.60 daysAll districtsTemporary PortableRestricted ProjectingProhibited Protective2 per premises1 sq. ft.2 ft.Life of structureAll districtsTemporary or Permanent Real estateRestricted RiderAllowed with real estate sign RoofProhibited Special purpose 1 per premises/lot6 sq. ft.4 ft.14 days All districtsTemporary prior/24 hr following Temporary pole1 per premises/lot32 sq. ft.5 ft.1 year from All districtsTemporary temporary permit issuance Wall 1 per lease space40 sq. ft. or the Life of permitNonresidentialPermanent product of 2 times the lineal width of the wall, whichever greater. Shall not exceed 75% of the width or the height of the available wall area or store frontage for a tenant’s space WindowNo limit provided total combined sq. footage Life of permitNonresidentialPermanent does not exceed 25% of the visible window area available in the absence of any signs Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 36 of 62January 5, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-711-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Public Hearing File created:12/28/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Case PD-AMD-16-054 (PD-23 Baylor Addition) Public Hearing regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Exhibit C, Section A(1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH 114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult CasePD-AMD-16-054(PD-23BaylorAddition)PublicHearing regardingarequesttoamendtheSitePlan,Elevations, andExhibitC,SectionA(1)(e)Off-StreetParking,ofOrdinanceNo.2004-11P&Z,PDPlannedDevelopmentDistrictNo. 23,toaccommodateanadditiontothebuilding,generallylocatednorthofSH114and1,100feetwestofTrophyWood Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 37 of 62January 5, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-712-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/28/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Case PD-AMD-16-054 (PD-23 Baylor Addition) Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend the Site Plan, Elevations, and Exhibit C, Section A(1)(e) Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23, to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located north of SH 114 and 1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive. Attachments:PZ Staff Report 010517.pdf Exhibit A.pdf Exhibit B.pdf Exhibit C.pdf Exhibit D.pdf Exhibit E.pdf Exhibit F.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult CasePD-AMD-16-054(PD-23BaylorAddition)DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoamendtheSite Plan,Elevations,andExhibitC,SectionA(1)(e)Off-StreetParking,ofOrdinanceNo.2004-11P&Z,PDPlanned DevelopmentDistrictNo.23,toaccommodateanadditiontothebuilding,generallylocatednorthofSH114and1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 38 of 62January 5, 2017 STAFF REPORT Planning & Zoning Commission January 5, 2017 PD-AMD-16-054 – PD-23Baylor Addition SUBJECT : Public Hearing and Recommendation regarding a request to amendthe Site Plan, Elevations, and Exhibit C, Section A(1)(e)Off-Street Parking, of Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 23,to accommodate an addition to the building, generally located northof SH 114 and1,100 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive. REQUEST: The applicant, Baylor Medical Center of Trophy Club, is requesting approval to amend the site plan, elevations, and parking languageof PD-23 in order to build an addition onto the hospital.The request is primarily to change the parking ratio to the State standard for health-related uses. CURRENT CONDITIONS AND ZONING: Thesubject property is zoned PD-23 and includes a medical office building (Part 1) and a hospital (Part 2) run by Baylor Health.The original PD was approved by Town Council on August 19, 2002 to establish development standards and site criteria for a medical plaza.In 2004, the ordinance wasrevised in reference to landscape screening along residentially zoned properties and hours of operation. The applicant wishes to amend the ordinance to allow thehospital to add onto the existing buildingso more hospital beds for extended stay can be added.The building addition extends to the north(back sideof the building) into the closest row of parking spaces and takes out a few ornamental trees with it.The applicant has agreed to replace the disturbed trees,and an additionalrequirement for landscaping has been added to the development standards.With the construction of a new section of the building will come new elevations, but they conform to the existing PD standards and have anequivalent appearance to the existing façade. The hospital may add onto its existing building by-right, thus, the effecton parkingis the reason for the proposed amendment to the PD. The existing parking standards calculate according to the size of the surgeryand imaging centers, and even the kitchen. Currently, the parking lot is not fully utilized or necessary. The proposed parking calculation comes Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 39 of 62January 5, 2017 from the Texas Department of State Health Services, and their published rules look to the number of people on shift at one time plus the maximum number of hospital patients. The State’s required parking ratio is: “One space shall be provided for each day shift employee + one space for each patient bed.” Because of this State law, the applicant requests revising the off-street parking section of PD-23 from the current ratio: (2) “Parking Ratio for Phase 2 – Extended Stay Surgery Center – (Surgery Center – 1/345, Imaging Center – 1/390, Kitchen/Dining – 0)” To this proposed parking ratio: (2) “Parking Ratio for Phase 2 –Extended Stay Surgery Center – (1 space per day shift employee, 1 space per patient bed)” The site plan will be revised with the updated parking ratioas well. Due to the building addition being located over the site of some ornamental trees, the following will be added to the development standards: (xiii) “All landscaping within and surrounding the parking lot is required to be replaced on site, within forty-five (45) days, with comparable species and size of removed or dead landscaping.” STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 2004-11 P&Z is a reasonable request to allow the hospital to continue to thrive. The introduction of the State’s parking standards for this particular use, plus an added landscaping requirement, providesfor asite that continues to have a logical flowand a conscious effort to maintain pleasing aesthetics. The new elevations are planned toblend seamlessly with the existing façade.Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law. Staff recommends approval of the PD amendment. Attachments: Exhibit A – Location Map Exhibit B – Application Exhibit C – Existing Site Plan Exhibit D – Proposed Site Plan Exhibit E –Existing and Proposed Elevations Exhibit F – Existing PD-23 Development Standards Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 40 of 62January 5, 2017 2017 5, January of 62 41 Page Commission Zoning and Planning Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 42 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 43 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 44 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 45 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 46 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 47 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 48 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 49 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 50 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 51 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 52 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 53 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 54 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 55 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 56 of 62January 5, 2017 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 57 of 62January 5, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-713-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/29/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/5/2017 Final action: Title:Review and approve the minutes of the October 27, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments:MeetingMinutes 102716.DRAFT.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Review and approve the minutes of the October 27, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 58 of 62January 5, 2017 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ October 27, 2016 7:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Vice Chairman Oldham called the October 27, 2016, Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced a quorum present (6 members). Present: 6 - Commissioner Windland, Commissioner Pipkins, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Baron, Commissioner Malmberg, Commissioner Beach Absent: 1 - Chairman Sheridan STAFF PRESENT: Ron Ruthven Interim Town Planner Lisa Reich Incoming Town Planner Robbie Killingsworth Recording Secretary Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5 CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Vice Chairman Oldham asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. REGULAR SESSION Vice Chairman Oldham welcomed the new commissioners Jeffrey Beach and Eric Malmberg. 2016-634-T Nomination and Election of Vice-Chairman . Vice Chairman Oldham asked for nominations. Motion by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Windland to re-elect Vice Chairman Oldham for Vice Chairman. Vice Chairman Oldham declined the nomination. Motion by Vice Chairman Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Beach to nominate Commissioner Pipkins for Vice Chairman. Commissioner Baron withdrew his motion to re-elect Vice Chairman Oldham for Vice Chairman. Commissioner Windland withdrew his motion to re-elect Vice Chairman Oldham for Vice Chairman. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a vote. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 59 of 62January 5, 2017 The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5 Commissioner Windland, Vice Chairman Oldham, Commissioner Baron, Commissioner Malmberg, Commissioner Beach Abstain: 1 Commissioner Pipkins PUBLIC HEARING: CONVENED INTO PUBLIC HEARING START TIME 7:05 P.M. 2016-629-T Public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for on-premise consumption in conjunction with a restaurant use to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive. Case SUP-16-010. Vice Chairman Oldham asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. Vice Chairman Oldham for applicant comments. No comments at this time. James Ling, 313 Copper Mountain, New Braunfels, Texas 78130, General Contractor for applicant PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:07 P.M. REGULAR SESSION: RECONVENED INTO REGULAR SESSION START TIME 7:07 P.M. 2016-630-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the P&Z Minutes dated September 1, 2016. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Pipkins, seconded by Commissioner Baron to approve the P&Z Minutes dated September 1, 2016. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a vote. The motion carried (6-0). 2016-631-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for on-premise consumption in conjunction with a restaurant use to be operated as part of a Holiday Inn Hotel, on Lot 3R3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center located at 725 Plaza Drive. Case SUP-16-010. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for Applicant comments. No comments at this time. Raj Patel, LLC., 207 Hillside Lane, Lindsay, TX 76250, applicant Vice Chairman Oldham asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Interim Town Planner. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for comments or questions from applicant and staff. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for comments or questions from the commissioners. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a motion. hĭƷƚĬĻƩ ЋАͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ќ Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 60 of 62January 5, 2017 Motion by Commissioner Baron, seconded by Commissioner Pipkins to approve request subject to the following condition: That a representative from Green Hill restaurant be present for council meeting when this item is presented. Council date: 11/08/2016 Vice Chairman Oldham asked if there were any further comments or questions from the commissioners. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a vote. The motion carried (6-0). 2016-632-T Consider Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend the approved site plan for Trophy Club Country Club located at 500 Trophy Club Drive. Case SP-16-037. Applicant contacted staff asking that the request be withdrawn at this time. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Windland, seconded by Commissioner Malmberg to withdraw request to amend approved site plan Case SP-16-037. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a vote. The motion carried (6-0). Agenda item no. 5 (2016-632-T) has been withdraw. 2016-633-T Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Vice Chairman Oldham asked for the staff updates. Staff updates were given by Ron Ruthven, Interim Town Planner. ADJOURN Vice Chairman Oldham asked for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Beach, seconded by Commissioner Malmberg to adjourn. The motion carried (6-0). The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 P.M. ____________________________ ________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, Chairman Robbie Killingsworth, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas hĭƷƚĬĻƩ ЋАͲ ЋЉЊЏ aźƓǒƷĻƭ tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ќ Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 61 of 62January 5, 2017 Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2016-714-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:12/29/2016 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action: Title:Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult TownPlannerUpdates;updateonpreviouscasesheardbytheCommission;DiscussiononcurrentTowndevelopment issues and development codes. Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 62 of 62January 5, 2017