Agenda Packet P&Z 07/06/2017
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Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 2 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
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Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 3 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #:2017-288-T Version:1 Name:
Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session
File created:6/29/2017 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda:7/6/2017 Final action:
Title:Case SP-AMD-17-001 (Wonderland Plaza)
Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for
Wonderland Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 460 feet west of
Trophy Club Drive.
Attachments:PZ Report 7.6.17.pdf
Exhibit A - Letter of Intent.pdf
Exhibit B - Site Plan.pdf
Exhibit C - Grading Plan.pdf
Exhibit D - Fencing Details.pdf
Exhibit E - Landscape Plans.pdf
Exhibit F - Landscape Details.pdf
Exhibit G - Irrigation Plan.pdf
Exhibit H - Irrigation Specifications.pdf
Exhibit I - Irrigation Details.pdf
Exhibit J - Canopy Plan.pdf
Exhibit K - Patio Site Plan.pdf
Exhibit L - Patio Details.pdf
Exhibit M - Patio Elevations.pdf
DateVer.Action ByActionResult
Case SP-AMD-17-001 (Wonderland Plaza)
Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Wonderland Plaza, generally
located south of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 460 feet west of Trophy Club Drive.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
To: Planning & Zoning Commission
From:Lisa Reich, Town Planner
CC: Thomas Class, Town Manager
Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary
Re: Case #SP-AMD-17-001
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, Thursday, July 6, 2017
Agenda Item:
Case SP-AMD-17-001 (Wonderland Plaza)
Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for
Wonderland Plaza, generally located south of Bobcat Boulevard and approximately 460 feet
west of Trophy Club Drive.
The applicant, Homeyer Engineering, Inc., is requesting approval ofan amendment to the
approved site plan and landscape plan, accompanied by the approved grading plan and
approved irrigation plans for understanding, and adding a fencing plan, canopy plan, and patio
plans in regards to Wonderland Plaza.
Proposed Amendments:
Wonderland Plaza retail building and Wonderland Montessori have both recently earned their
Certificates of Occupancy (CO) and are open for business. These two buildings in PD-27 are on
two separate lots of the same plat and the same site plan, as well as having a common owner.
As the buildings were constructed, it was apparent there were certain necessities for the
businesses that had not been imagined in 2014 when the site plan was originally approved or in
2015 when the site plan was amended. The proposed amendments are as follows:
1.Allow artificial turf in the play area to the south of the Montessori building.
2.Allow three canopies of varying sizes to be constructed inside the play area to provide
3.Allow 4’ tall black, decorative metal fencing internal to the 6’ tall black, decorative metal
perimeter fence of the play area to separate age groups.
4.Allow a miniature golf area in the most southern point of the play area.
5.Allow a basketball court in the east side of the play area surrounded by a 10’ tall, black,
vinyl coated chain link fence.
6.Allow a 6’ tall black, decorative metal fencealong the eastern property line, whichstops
short of the front of the building, for outdoor classroom space.
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7.Allow removal of shrubs with proximity to the play area.
8.Allow six Windmill Palms, in excess of the required trees,in the large landscape island
adjacent to the entrance of the Montessori.
9.Allow the removal of the two fountains originally planned to be near the entrances of
both buildings.
10.Allow the addition of a patio for seating on the east side of the retail building that is
surrounded by a 4’ tall black, decorative metal fence and covered by a 13’ tall+/-, open-
air cedar pergola.
11.Allow the addition of standing seam metal awnings on the retail building.
To briefly explain the proposed amendments, artificial turf is proposed to replace sod for a
miniature golf area and to provide padding around the playground equipment as required by
the State, which the Montessori owner can provide more specifics on, and the three canopies
are proposed to keep the kids and the playground equipment cool. The Grading Plan has been
included inExhibit C to ensure drainage wouldn’t be affected by the artificial turf versus living
sod. The canopies are proposed with dimensions of 20’x30’, 26’x36’, and 28’x91’, with 10’ tall
tan metal posts and a peak heights ranging between 13’ and 17’; each canopy will have blue
fabric providing the shade as shown in Exhibit J.
Inside the Montessori’s play area, the owner has decided to fence off sections for certain types
of play, and along the grassy, eastern side of the building, he would like to provide space for
fenced-in outdoor classrooms. These spaces are proposed with 4’ tall and 6’ tall black,
decorative metal fencing, respectively. The proposed 10’ tall black, vinyl coated chain link
fencing surrounding the basketball court is due to the notion that the height of the fence will
greatly decrease the number of balls lost or balls having to be retrieved from other properties;
the chain link material was chosen for its flexibility for when children run into, fall into, or are
pushed into the fence, which is common in basketball. Black vinyl coating is proposed on the
chain link fence to help it blend in with the other fencing and provide a nicer aesthetic than
bare chain link. There will be no parallel fences, and the owner has already replaced the chain
link fencing that fell on the common property line with the baseball fields owned by the Town
at Independence Park West, with 6’ tall black, decorative metal fencing, as requested by the
Commission and Council a few years ago. Exhibit D provides fencing details.
The number of shrubs was reduced by 47 from the approved Landscape Plan as the owner
suspects the plantings will suffer and die due to being inside the children’s play area. However,
six Windmill Palms are proposed to be planted in the large landscape island at the end of the
porte-cochere. These trees will certainly draw interest to the site, and Irrigation Plans have
been included in Exhibit G to confirm that they will be maintained. The two fountains, one at
the entrance of each building, have been removed from the project. The Palm trees are
replacing that space at the Montessori.
Lastly, a covered patio is proposed to accommodate the easternmost suite in the retail building.
A rough cedar pergola is planned to extend approximately 11’ into the 15’+/- sidewalk and
travel about 27’ along the side of the building. Four-foot tall black, decorative metal fencing
with a 3’ wide gate will be installed with the pergola to contain outdoor seating. In addition,
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standing seam metal awnings are proposed over the windows not shieldedby the pergola, as
shown on Exhibit M. These two items require separate building permits and will be reviewed
for Code compliance at that time.
Staff Recommendation:
Even though some of theproposed items were installed prior to applying for a Site Plan
Amendment, the owner has met staff’s expectations and hasbeen very agreeable to revisions.
The owner was given permission to leave proposed items that had already been installed on
site, with the understanding that they may be required to be removed at his expense. Although
staffrecommends requiring some of the removed shrubs to be planted elsewhere on the
property, due to understanding the necessity of the proposed items, staff ultimately
recommends approval.
Exhibit A – Letter of Intent
Exhibit B – Site Plan
Exhibit C – Grading Plan
Exhibit D – Fencing Details
Exhibit E – Landscape Plan
Exhibit F – Landscape Details
Exhibit G – Irrigation Plan
Exhibit H – Irrigation Specifications
Exhibit I – Irrigation Details
Exhibit J – Canopy Plan
Exhibit K – Patio Site Plan
Exhibit L – Patio Details
Exhibit M – Patio Elevations
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DATE: 04/10/13
972-906-9987 FAX972-906-9985 PHONE
4.516 ACRES
DATE: 04/10/13
972-906-9987 FAX972-906-9985 PHONE
4.516 ACRES
DATE: 04/10/13
972-906-9987 FAX972-906-9985 PHONE
4.516 ACRES
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Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #:2017-289-T Version:1 Name:
Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session
File created:6/29/2017 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda:7/6/2017 Final action:
Title:Case PD-AMD-17-003 (Holiday Inn Screening)
a.Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2016-28 P&Z, PD
Planned Development District No. 25, to amend the Elevations, and add Screening Plans and
Signage Plans for Holiday Inn on Lot 3R3 of Trophy Wood Business Center, generally located on the
northeast corner of Plaza Drive and East T.W. King Road.
b.Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2016-28
P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, to amend the Elevations, and add Screening Plans
and Signage Plans for Holiday Inn on Lot 3R3 of Trophy Wood Business Center, generally located on
the northeast corner of Plaza Drive and East T.W. King Road.
Attachments:PZ Report 7.6.17.pdf
Exhibit A - Letter of Intent.pdf
Exhibit B - Screening & Signage Plans.pdf
Exhibit C - Screening Color Choice.pdf
Exhibit D - PD-25 Development Standards.pdf
DateVer.Action ByActionResult
Case PD-AMD-17-003 (Holiday Inn Screening)
Trophy Wood Business Center, generally located on the northeast corner of Plaza Drive and East T.W. King Road.
King Road.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
To: Planning & Zoning Commission
From:Lisa Reich, Town Planner
CC: Thomas Class, Town Manager
Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary
Re: Case #PD-AMD-17-003
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, Thursday, July 6, 2017
Agenda Item:
Case PD-AMD-17-003 (Holiday Inn Screening)
a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2016-28 P&Z, PD
Planned Development District No. 25, to amend the Elevations, and add Screening Plans and
Signage Plans for Holiday Inn on Lot 3R3 of Trophy Wood Business Center, generally located
on the northwest corner of Plaza Drive and East T.W. King Road.
b.Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2016-28
P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 25, to amend the Elevations, and add Screening
Plans and Signage Plans for Holiday Inn on Lot 3R3 of Trophy Wood Business Center,
generally located on the northwest corner of Plaza Drive and East T.W. King Road.
The applicant, Shri, Siddhi, Vinayak Hospitality, LLC, is requesting an amendment to the
approved elevations due to unscreened rooftop mechanical equipment, thus providing new
screening plans, and amending the restaurant signage plans for the Holiday Inn building.
Current Conditions:
The subject property is within the PD-25 zoning district and contains the Holiday Inn hotel
which is currently nearing completion of construction. The new sign plan is due to a change in
the future restaurant management and name, but it accompanies an unforeseen screen that
has become necessary to block a less than aesthetically pleasing view.
Exhaust ducts and fans coming from the restaurant’s kitchen have been installed on top of the
canopy which covers outdoor dining for the restaurant, stretching from the hotel exterior wall
to the edge of said canopy, looking over the parking lot. These ducts were not shown to extend
from the wall on the approved plans, but Code requires commercial exhaust fans to be at least
10’ away from any wall, due to the extreme heat being emitted and likelihood of combustion.
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Mechanical equipment is required to be screened if exterior to the building, so options have
been discussed in relation to aesthetics, material, Code compliance, design, and color (see
Exhibit C), and the applicant is proposing a gray powder coated or resin coated screen that’s
made of metal louvers that are slanted upward to allow air to pass through, but the mechanical
equipment can’t be seen from the ground. As seen in the plans, the screen is proposed to be
approximately 45’ long across the front of the canopy with 10’ returns on each side to block the
view from many angles. Approximately a 3’ gap is shown between the hotel’s exterior wall and
the return of the screen on each side to allow for maintenance access. The screen is planned to
be 5’-10” in height which will cover the height of the exhaust fans. The applicant has provided
screening plans and renderings in Exhibit B to show what the screen will look like, as well as
how the proposed restaurant sign will appear during the day and at night.
The new restaurant, Magnolia Bar & Grill, will be run by Holiday Inn and is replacing The
Crooked Pint, which never opened for business. Magnolia’s sign will consist of illuminated black
channel letters that glow white at night, as seen on the small rendering numbered 05/A401C in
Exhibit B. Installing the sign on the screen will provide an extra buffer between the mechanical
equipment and the public in Magnolia’s outdoor dining area and in the parking lot. A full view
of the front exterior of the Holiday Inn with the proposed screen and sign is also available in the
Staff Recommendation:
Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law; staff
has received no calls inquiring about the zoning change. PD-25 requires elevations and sign
plans to be approved as an amendment to this ordinance, so the subject plans will be added to
PD-25, if approved. The applicant has kept in constant communication with staff in hopes of
presenting a solution that is acceptable to the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town
Council. The screening and signage proposal appears to be the most logical resolution in this
particular case. Staff recommends approval of the PD amendment.
Exhibit A – Letter of Intent
Exhibit B – Screening & Signage Plans
Exhibit C – Screening Color Choice
Exhibit D – PD-25 Development Standards
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Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #:2017-290-T Version:1 Name:
Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session
File created:6/29/2017 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda:7/6/2017 Final action:
Title:Case PD-AMD-17-002 (7-Eleven Signage)
a.Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C of Ordinance No. 2016-02
P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 13, generally located on the northwest corner of SH 114
and Trophy Club Drive.
b.Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Exhibit C of Ordinance
No. 2016-02 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 13, generally located on the northwest
corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive.
Attachments:PZ Report 7.6.17.pdf
Exhibit A - Letter of Intent.pdf
Exhibit B - Table of Signage Criteria.pdf
Exhibit C - Revised PD-13 Development Standards.pdf
Exhibit D - Adjacent Sign Photos.pdf
Exhibit E - Sign Plans.pdf
DateVer.Action ByActionResult
Case PD-AMD-17-002 (7-Eleven Signage)
Development District No. 13, generally located on the northwest corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive.
Planned Development District No. 13, generally located on the northwest corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 37 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
To: Planning & Zoning Commission
From:Lisa Reich, Town Planner
CC: Thomas Class, Town Manager
Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary
Re: Case #PD-AMD-17-002
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, Thursday, July 6, 2017
Agenda Item:
Case PD-AMD-17-002 (7-Eleven Signage)
a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Exhibit C of Ordinance No. 2016-02
P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 13, generally located on the northwest corner of
SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive.
b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Exhibit C of Ordinance
No. 2016-02 P&Z, PD Planned Development District No. 13, generally located on the
northwest corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive.
The applicant, Barnett Signs, is requesting approval to amend PD-13’s Development Standards
in reference to updated sign plans for 7-Eleven on Tract 2 of The Village at Trophy Club.
The Village was established as PD-13 in 1995 by Ordinance No.95-20 and currently contains
two retail strip centers, a bank, a restaurant, and a convenience store with gasoline sales. The
applicant is proposing to update the signage for the convenience store, 7-Eleven, on Tract 2.
This would not normally require approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town
Council, but the sign restrictions within PD-13’s Development Standards and the Sign Ordinance
within the Code of Ordinances are outdated and not specific in some areas.
PD-13’s Development Standards have been amended many times; Sec. A(2)-Tract 2 alone has
been subject to adding a drive-through restaurant as a permitted use, adding sign standards for
that restaurant, and allowing extended hours and outdoor display at 7-Eleven. Sec. B(16)-Signs
contains some restrictions that are outdated in regards to lighting or silent on the size of
building signage (wall signs), which reverts back to the Sign Ordinance in the Code of
Ordinances, allowing only one wall sign per tenant and only one illuminated sign on site. While
that is adequate for typical tenants in a retail strip center, 7-Eleven has two accessory uses to
advertise (gasoline sales and car wash), plus itsown monument sign to publicize that store’s
price of gasoline.
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In addition, the 7-Eleven logos on the canopy faces comply, but if the existing stripes are
counted as signage, they exceed the allowed advertising area for canopies. Please note that the
three logos are proposed to be illuminated (currently, only one is), but no stripes are proposed
with illumination.
As for 7-Eleven’s monument sign, it is proposed to be encased in masonry, havean LED display
for the price of gasoline, and stand taller than allowed in an attempt to be seen over a
decorative wall near the entrance. According to the Sign Code, LED lighting must be approved
by the Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission, and an
example of that is the 2013 approval of LED gas prices at Tom Thumb. The Development
Standards of PD-13 allow a monument sign to be up to 4’ tall, 15’ wide, and 60 square feet; the
proposed sign is 8’ tall, 12’ wide, and 96 square feet. The existing sign itself falls within PD-13’s
parameters, but it does not have a masonry component, and rather, is sitting upon a 19” post
on top of a concrete slab on a small landscaped berm, making the overall height about 6’ tall.
For comparison, 7-Eleven’s neighbor, Meat U Anywhere, got approval for a monument sign that
is 7’ in height that sits upon an existing 2’ masonry wall, creating a 9’ tall monument sign.
The proposed wall signs consist of replacing the main 7-Eleven sign over the front door and
adding signage to the car wash building. The car wash signage is for identification and traffic
flow purposes, and although it’s on a separate building, when combined with the wall sign over
the front door, it is still within the allowed square footage in relation to the length of 7-Eleven’s
tenant space.
Furthermore, to protect any current or future business that leases the other space in the 7-
Eleven building, that space is entitled to its own wall sign as permitted to any tenant space in
the Sign Code.
The proposed updates to 7-Eleven signage can be found below and are listed in Section A(2)
entitled “Tract 2” of the attached Development Standards just as the signage for the obsolete
drive-through restaurant is listed. Exhibit E – Sign Plans is attached and will become part of this
ordinance, if approved.
(f) Convenience Store with Gasoline Sales: In addition to the standards set forth
herein, a convenience store with gasoline sales shall comply with and be subject
to the following standards:
(i)Signs: Notwithstanding other ordinances or regulations of the Town
relating to signs, the following exterior signs for the convenience store
and its accessory uses shall be permitted (maximum size of signs is
indicated in attached exhibits):
(aa)One monument sign with LED price of gasoline as depicted in and
located as shown on Exhibit E;
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(bb)One convenience store wall sign as depicted in and located as
shown on Exhibit E;
(cc)Three gasoline canopy signs as depicted in and located as shown
on Exhibit E; and,
(dd)Three car wash wall signs as depicted in and located as shown on
Exhibit E.
Any business that occupies the other suite in the convenience store
building is entitled to wall signage as allowed per the Sign Ordinance
within the Code of Ordinances.
In addition to the applicant’s request, staff would like to revise Subsection (e) of Section B(16)
entitled “Signs” of the attached Development Standards for the previously mentioned reason of
outdated lighting standards. It currently reads:
e. All signage shall be externally lighted only. No neon or similar type lighting is
Due to advances in technology, staff proposes to replace the above wording with:
e. Exposed neon, exposed LED, CEVMS, and electronic message boards require
approval of the Town Council upon recommendation of the Planning & Zoning
Commission. Neon and LED sources that are concealed inside or behind signage
are allowed by right.
Staff Recommendation:
Notice of a public hearing has been given within the parameters set by Texas state law; staff
has received three calls inquiring about the zoning change, but no residents had any concerns.
The proposed signage amendments to the Development Standards of PD-13 are requested as 7-
Eleven is updating signage at many, if not all, of its stores. Staff recommends approval of the PD
Exhibit A – Letter of Intent
Exhibit B – Code of Ordinances Table of Signage Criteria
Exhibit C – Revised PD-13 Development Standards
Exhibit D – Adjacent Sign Photos
Exhibit E – Sign Plans
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Barnett Signs, Incorporated - 4250 Action Drive - Mesquite, Texas 75150 - (972) 681-8800 Phone - (972) 681- 8824 Fax
Town of Trophy Club
Tommy Bell
7-Eleven - 2101E. Hwy 114 Trophy Club
We are seeking to amend the current the PD so that we can increase the height of the monument sign,
allow for LED price sign, and also allow for internal illuminationfor all signs.The signis 330 from the
intersection of Trophy Club and we feel we are blocked by the grading and cannot be seen very well
from the intersection.The existing sign is currently 6 OAH, If we can increase the height to 8 we feel we
would have a better chance of being seen. Also both sites beside us have a taller sign than ours so we
get dwarfed a little bit, plus both signs have internal illumination so dont feel this is going to change the
feel of the area at all with approval.
Iappreciate all your help.
Tommy Bell
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 41 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Sec. 3.09.092 Table of signage criteria
Sign TypeMaximum Number Maximum Size & Maximum Zoning District Permanent/
Height Duration Temporary
A-frame/sandwich board Prohibited
Apartment 1 per entry50 sq. ft. Life of permit Residential Permanent
Awning Prohibited
Bandit Prohibited
Banner, feather flag, tear 1 per premises or lease
36 sq. ft.N/A30 days Nonresidential Temporary
drop flag, wind device, space no more than 2
bow flag times annually
Along property which To be determined by the town
Billboard Nonresidential Permanent
abuts State Highway 114 council upon recommendation of
the planning & zoning commission
Removed upon
Builder/contractor2 per premises 6 sq. ft. 4 ft.All districts Temporary
sale, lease,
Bulletin board To be determined by the town council upon recommendation of Residential Permanent
the planning & zoning commission
Canopy 25 sq. ft. or 10% of the face of the canopy of Life of Nonresidential Permanent
which it is a part of or to which it is attached,
whichever is greater
No limit provided total 14 days after
Contractor service 6 sq. ft. 4 ft.All districts Temporary
combined sq. footage completion of
does not exceed 6 sq. ft. service
CEVMS 1 per premises with 50 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permit All districts Permanent
approval of the town
council upon
recommendation of the
planning and zoning
commission; not allowed
on billboards
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 42 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Development 1 per project/premises32 sq. ft.5 ft.Residential: All districts Temporary
90% of all
Completion of
Directional 6 sq. ft. 3 ft.Life of permit All districts Permanent
Directional temporary Prohibited except as allowed with a special event permit Temporary
real estate
Directory 1 per premises To be determined by the town Nonresidential Permanent
council upon recommendation of
the planning & zoning commission
Electronic message 1 per premises with
50 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permit All districts Permanent
boards approval of the town
council upon
recommendation of the
planning and zoning
commission; not allowed
on billboards
Fence Prohibited
Flashing Prohibited
Government permanent No limit -as required All districts Permanent
Government temporary RestrictedTemporary
Ground 1 per entry/premises16 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permit All districts Permanent
Illuminated 1 per premises 50 sq. ft. Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent
Inflatable 1 per premises To be determined by the town All districts Temporary
council upon recommendation of
the planning & zoning commission
Institutional 1 per entry/premises50 sq. ft.4 ft.Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent
Model home1 per model home 16 sq. ft.4 ft.Removed upon Residential Temporary
sale, lease,
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 43 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Monument 1 per entry/premises50 sq. ft.10 ft. Life of permit All districts Permanent
Nameplate1 per lease space 2 sq. ft. 1 ft.Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent
Off-premises Prohibited
Political 36 sq. ft.8 ft.60 days All districts Temporary
Portable Restricted
Projecting Prohibited
Protective 2 per premises 1 sq. ft. 2 ft.Life of All districts Temporary or
structure Permanent
Real estate Restricted
Rider Allowed with real estate sign
Roof Prohibited
Special purpose 1 per premises/lot 6 sq. ft. 4 ft.14 days All districts Temporary
prior/24 hr
Temporary pole 1 per premises/lot 32 sq. ft.5 ft.1 year from All districts Temporary
permit issuance
Wall 1 per lease space 40 sq. ft. or the Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent
product of 2 times
the lineal width of
the wall,
whichever greater.
Shall not exceed
75% of the width
or the height of
the available wall
area or store
frontage for a
tenant’s space
No limit provided total combined sq. footage
Window Life of permit Nonresidential Permanent
does not exceed 25% of the visible window
area available in the absence of any signs
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 44 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
The development of the Land described in Exhibit A consisting of approximately 9.947
acres of land shall be in accordance with the PD Site Plan of the development(attached hereto as
Exhibit B), all other Exhibits attached to or to be made apart of this Ordinance, the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 94-09), all other applicable ordinances and
regulations of the Town of Trophy Club, and the following Development Standards, conditions
and requirements:
A.Purposes, development standards, uses within individual tracts: This Planned
Development is designed to accommodate a variety of retail commercial and commercial office
uses. For development purposes, the Land is divided into four tracts (Tracts 1, 2, 3, and 4 as
shown on Exhibit B attached hereto (PD Site Plan)),and the use and development of each of
the tracts shall be in accordance with the following:
Tract 1 (Retail uses, as depicted in Exhibit “B”if used):
1. The following
standards shall apply to Tract 1:
(a)Size of tract: Tract 1 shall contain approximately 3.8 acres of land.
(b)Uses generally: In the development and use of Tract 1, no land shall be used and
no building or structure shall be installed, erected or converted to any use other
than the following:
(1)Permitted uses:
(A) Book Stores (N) Specialty household furnishings
(B) Stationary, card and party and fixtures.
Stores(O) Boutiques
(C)Specialty gift stores (P) Antique Shops
(D)Computer and electronic sales(Q) Neighborhood hardware stores
and service stores (R) Small household appliance stores
(E) Specialty neighborhood (S) Bicycle shops (non-motorized)
(F) Barber, nail and beauty shops (T) Wearing apparel and shoe shops
(G)Art gallery (U) Art supply store
(H) Confectionery shops (V)Electric goods and fixtures
(I) Ice cream shops (W) Sporting goods stores
(J) Drug stores, apothecary and (X) Fabric and knitting shops
pharmacy (Y) Music/video store (no video arcade
(K)Jewelry and watch store machines allowed, no adult video
(L)Florist sales or rentals allowed)
(M) Arts, crafts and hobby stores (Z)All permitted uses in Tracts 3 and 4
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 45 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
(AA) Liquor stores (w/ SUP) (BB) Indoor Canine Retail & Training
(Ordinance No. 2011-26 P&Z, approved 7/18/2011)(Ordinance No. 2015-08 P&Z, approved 4/14/2015)
(2)Accessory uses. Accessory uses shall be permitted in accordance with the
regulations set forth in Section 35 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Outdoor pay
phones shall not be permitted.
(3)Conditional uses. Conditional uses may be permitted in accordance with the
regulations provided in Section 42 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
(4)Limitation of uses. Any use not expressly permitted herein or allowed by permit
is prohibited.
(c) Area and building regulations:
(i)Maximum building coverage: The combined area of all main and
accessory buildings shall not exceed 25% of the total area of Tract 1.
(ii)Maximum floor area, number of buildings: The maximum combined
square footage of all main and accessory buildings shall be 40,000 square
feet. No more than two (2) buildings shall be constructed or located in
Tract 1. No building shall contain more than 20,000 square feet.
(iii)Maximum impervious area: The combined area occupied by all buildings,
structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed eighty
percent (80%) of the total area of Tract 1.
(iv)Minimum open space: All areas (but in any event at least 20% of the total
area of Tract 1) not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off-
street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs, or
other suitable landscape material.
(v)Depth of front yard, feet*: There shall be a front yard having a depth of
not less than thirty (30) feet.
(vi)Depth of rear yard, feet*: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not
less than forty (40) feet.
(vii)Width of side yard on each side, feet*: A minimum of a fifteen (150 foot
side yard shall be required on each side of Tract 1.
(viii)Height: No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in
height (1 story maximum).
*All yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards, of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
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(d)Parking, loading regulations: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces
shall be one (1) space for each 200 square feet of building area. In all other
respects, off street parking shall comply with Section 47 of the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance. Off street loading shall be in accordance with Section 48,
Off-Street Loading Requirements, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
Landscaped island shall be provided for every twelve (12) parking spaces.
Handicapped parking, including van accessible spaces, shall be provided
according to Town standards.
(5)Tract 1 Signs: The following sign regulations apply to signs within Tract 1 only
and are cumulative of all other general sign regulations herein. In the event of a
conflict between these regulations and any other regulations contained in this
ordinance, the following regulations shall control signage located within Tract 1.
(a)Monument Signs. Two monument type signs may be located within the
landscaped area as shown on ExhibitC.1. Each sign shall not exceed a
maximum of ten (10) feet in height and eight (8) feet in length, as shown on
Exhibit C.2. The signs shall be mounted on a stone base with a maximum
height of one (1) foot, six (6) inches above finished grade of the adjacent
concrete curb within the parking lot. The signs shall not exceed a maximum
of eighty (80) square feet in total area, excluding the height of the stone base.
(b)Banners and Temporary Signs. No banner or temporary sign shall be allowed
on the exterior of any building, except as specifically provided herein.
Banners for grand openings may be displayed no more than fifteen (15) days
prior to and thirty (30) days following the date of a grand opening. In no
instance shall the period of display exceed atotal of forty-six (46) days,
including the date of the grand opening. The tenant conducting the grand
opening, or that persons designee, shall obtain a permit from the Town
designating the date and the duration of the grand opening event. Banners for
temporary events shall be permitted a maximum of two (2) times annually for
each tenant, and may be displayed for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days
for each event. The tenant conducting the event or that persons designee
shall obtain a permit fromthe Town designating the date(s) and duration of
the event.
(c)Signs Displayed in Windows: Signs exceeding two (2) square feet in total
area shall require a sign permit from the Town. Signs less than or equal to
two (2) square feet shall be allowed without a permit.
(d)Wall Signs: The size of a wall sign shall not exceed seventy-five (75%)
percent of the width or the height of the available wall area or store frontage
for a tenants space. Such signs shall be centered both vertically and
horizontally on thestore frontage for a tenants space. The maximum copy
height shall not exceed two (2) feet, six (6) inches. The minimum copy height
shall be one (1) foot, two (2) inches. The mounted copy depth shall be five
(5) inches. Wall signs shall not project more than twelve inches from the wall
surface, as shown on Exhibit C.3.
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(e)Internal Lighting: Internally lit, individual aluminum channel letters with a
1/8 Plexiglas front shall be permitted on the building face. The raceway shall
be painted to match the surface upon which it is mounted.
(f)Raceway Requirements: The raceway shall allow appropriate internal
reinforcing and adequate service access for all hardware. No wiring, angle
iron or other supports shall be exposed. The raceway shall contain all
transformers and wiring for the letters.
(g)Internal Illuminated Signs: Illuminated signs which are visible through the
window of a tenants space shall be set back a minimum of one (1) foot from
the face of the window. This distance shall be measured from the front
surface of the sign to the face of the window. If the front surface contains
letters or other symbols that project outward, then the distance shall be
measured from that point.
(h)Temporary Leasing Sign: One leasing sign with maximum dimensions of
eight (8) feet in height and four (4) feet in width, not exceeding a maximum
area of thirty-two (32) square feet shall be permitted. The leasing sign shall
be constructed of wood or aluminum and may not exceed ten (10) feet in
height overall.
(i)Tenants or owners may request a waiver or exception to these provisions as
allowed by the ordinances of the Town.
(Ordinance No. 2001-09 P&Z, Approved 5/7/01)
Tract 2 (Retail/commercial use with gasoline island):
2. The following standards
shall apply to Tract 2:
(a)Size of tract: Tract 2 shall contain approximately 1.8 acres of land.
(b)Permitted uses: In the development of tract 2, no land shall be used and no
building shall be installed, erected or converted to any use other than the
(1)Convenience store with gasoline sales (no truck diesel, no cigarette wrapping
papers, nor any adultmagazine or video sales allowed; no video arcade machines
Hours of Operation: The hours of operationof the convenience store with
gasoline sales may be open to the public and operated for its intended purposes as
allowed by law on a 24-hour, seven day a week basis.
Outdoor Display: The convenience store with gasoline sales may display propane
and ice on the east (only) sidewalk, for sale inside the store. The size of the
propane cabinet shall not exceed: 6-8 wide; 2-3 deep; 6-0 height; and the
size of the ice cabinet shall not exceed 8-0 wide; 3-0 deep; 5-5 height.
(Ordinance No. 2010-28 P&Z, approved 10/4/2010)
(2)All uses permitted in Tracts 1, 3, and 4
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(3) Restaurant with drive-through service
(OrdinanceNo. 97-23 P&Z, approved 10/21/97)
(c) Area and building regulations:
(i)Maximum building coverage: The combined area of all main and
accessory buildings shall not exceed 15% of the total area of Tract 2.
(ii)Maximum floor area, number of buildings: The maximum square footage
of all main and accessory buildings shall be 8,500 square feet. No more
than one (1) building shall be constructed or located in Tract 2.
(iii)Maximum impervious area:The combined area occupied by all buildings,
structures, structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed
eighty percent (80%) of the total area of Tract 2.
(iv)Minimum open space: All areas (but in any event at least 20% of the total
area of Tract 1) not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off-
street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs, or
other suitable landscape material.
(v)Depth of front yard, feet*: There shall be a front yard having a depty of
not less than thirty (30) feet.
(vi)Depth of rear yard, feet*: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not
less than forty (40) feet.
(vii)Width of side yard on each side, feet: A minimum of fifteen (15) foot side
yard shall be required on each side of Tract 1.
(viii)Height: No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in
height (1 story maximum).
*All yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards, of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
(d)Parking, loading regulations: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces
shall be one (1) space for each 200 square feet of building area. In all other
respects, off-street parking shall comply with Section 47 of the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance. Off-street loading shall be in accordance with Section 48,
Off-Street Loading Requirements, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
Landscaped islands shall be provided for every twelve (12) parking spaces.
Handicapped parking, including van accessible spaces, shall be provided
according to Town standards.
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(e)Restaurant with Drive-Through Service: In addition to the standards set forth
herein, a restaurant with drive-through service shall comply with and be subject to
the following standards:
(i) Location: The restaurant shall be located solely in that area shown as
lease space adjacent to Tetco Store as depicted on the Dimensional
Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit L and incorporated herein. The
restaurant use of Tract 2 (and being Lot 2 of the Village at Trophy Club)
shall be in accordance with Exhibit L.
(ii)Signs: Notwithstanding other ordinances or regulations of the Town
relating to signs, the following signs exterior to the building in which the
restaurant is located shall be permitted (maximum size of signs is
indicated in attached exhibits):
(aa)One canopy sign as depicted in Exhibit M attached hereto and
incorporated herein;
(bb)One building sign as depicted in Exhibit M to be attached to the
exterior of the building;
(cc)One directional sign as depicted in Exhibit M to be located as
shown on Exhibit L;
(dd)One menu board sign as depicted on Exhibit N attached hereto and
incorporated herein; to be located as shown on Exhibit L; and
(ee)One monument sign to be located as shown on Exhibit L (a single
monument sign is allowed for all uses (restaurant and all other
uses) on Tract 2 as shown on Exhibit L).
No other signs exterior to the building regarding the restaurant shall be
permitted on Tract 2 or at any other location on the Land.
(Ordinance No. 97-23 P&Z, Approved 10/21/97)
(f) Convenience Store with Gasoline Sales: In addition to the standards set forth
herein, a convenience store with gasoline sales shall comply with and be subject
to the following standards:
(i)Signs: Notwithstanding other ordinances or regulations of the Town
relating to signs, the following exterior signs for the convenience store and
its accessory uses shall be permitted (maximum size of signs is indicated
in attached exhibits):
(aa)One monument sign with LED price of gasoline as depicted in and
located as shown on Exhibit E;
(bb)One convenience storewall sign as depicted in and located as
shown on Exhibit E;
(cc)Three gasoline canopy signs as depicted in and located as shown
on Exhibit E; and,
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(dd)Three car wash wall signsas depicted inand located as shown on
Exhibit E.
Any business that occupies the other suite in the convenience store
building is entitled to wallsignage as allowed per the Sign Ordinance
within the Code of Ordinances.
Tract 3 (Transition from office and commercial to retail):
3.The following
standards shall apply to Tract 3:
(a)Size of tract: Tract 3 shall contain approximately 1.5 acres of land.
(b)Permitted uses: In the development of Tract 3, no land shall be used and no
building or structure shall be installed, erected or converted to any use other than
the following:
(1) Restaurants with no drive-through (4) Photographic service and studio
or drive-in (5) Specialty gourmet food stores
(2) Restaurants with alcoholic (6) Bakery shop
beverage sales (subject to (7)Dry Cleaners (pick-up and
required Town approvals) delivery only)
(3) Office supply (8)Alluses permitted in Tract 4
(c) Area and building regulations:
(i)Maximum building coverage: The combined area of all main and
accessory buildings shall not exceed 15% of the total area of Tract 3.
(ii)Maximum floor area, number of buildings: The maximum square footage
of all main and accessory buildings shall be 8,500 square feet. No more
than (1) building shall be constructed or located in Tract 3.
(iii)Maximum impervious area: The combined area occupied by all buildings,
structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed eighty
percent (80%) of the total area of Tract 3.
(iv)Minimum open space: All areas (but in any event at least 20% of the total
area of Tract 1) not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off-
street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs, or
other suitable landscape material.
(v)Depth of front yard, feet*: There shall be a front yard having a depth of
not less than thirty (30) feet.
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(vi) Depth of rear yard, feet*: There shallbe a rear yard having a depth of not
less than forty (40) feet.
(vii)Width of side yard on each side, feet*: A minimum of fifteen (15) foot
side yard shall be required on each side of Tract 3.
(viii)Height: No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in
height (1 story maximum).
*All yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards, of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
(d)Parking, loading regulations: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces
shall be one (1) space foreach 300 square feet of building area. In all other
respects, off-street parking shall comply with Section 47 of the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance. Off-street loading shall be in accordance with Section 48,
Off-Street Loading Requirements, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
Landscape islands shall be provided for every twelve (12) parking spaces.
Handicapped parking, including van accessible spaces, shall be provided
according to Town standards.
(e) Signs: All permanent on-premise signs installed on Tract 3 of PD #13 shall
comply with the regulations set forth in Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached
hereto and incorporated within.
(Ordinance No. 2016-02 P&Z, Approved 1/26/2016)
Tract 4 (Tracts 4A, 4Bif Exhibit G is used) (Office/commercial uses):
following standards shall apply to Tract 4:
(a)Size of tract: Tract 4 shall contain approximately 2.8 acres of land.
(b)Permitted uses: In the development of Tract 4, no land shall be used and no
building or structure shall be installed, erected or converted to any use other than
the following:
(1)Administrative, executive (13) Specialty neighborhood services
editorial office (14) Title Company
(2) Accounting office (15) Health and athletic services
(3)Architectural, engineering, (16) Weight reduction services
planning office (17) Medical, dental, chiropractic,
(4)Attorneys office optometry, etc.
(5)Physician or dentist (18) Real estate office
(6)Municipal administration and (19) Art studio
(7)Insurance office (20) Dance studio
(8) Personal or family counselor (21) Duplication and mailing service
(9)Public secretary (22) Printing, publishing and engraving
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(10) Bank, savings and loan (23) Educational services
(11) Mortgage company (24) Private health clubs
(12) Interior design and supply
(c) Area and building regulations:
(i)Maximum building coverage: The combined area of all main and
accessory buildings shall not exceed 35% of the total area of Tract 4.
(ii)Maximum floor area, number of buildings: The maximum combined
square footage of all main and accessory buildings shall be 44,000 square
feet. No more than two (2) buildings shall be constructed or located in
Tract 4.
(iii)Maximum impervious area: The combined area occupied by all buildings,
structures, off-street parking and paved areas shall not exceed eighty
percent (80%) of the total area of Tract 4.
(iv)Minimum open space: All areas (but in any even at least 20% of the total
area of Tract 1) not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off-
street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens shrubs, or other
suitable landscape material.
(v)Depth of front yard, feet*: There shall be front yard having a depth of not
less than thirty (30) feet.
(vi)Depth of rear yard, feet*: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not
less than forty (40) feet.
(vii)Width of side yard on each side, feet: A minimum of a fifteen (15) foot
side yard shall be required on each side of Tract 4.
(viii)Height: No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in
height (1 story maximum).
*All yards shall comply with Section 37, Required Yards, of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
(d)Parking, loading regulations: The minimum number of off-street parking spaces
shall be one (1) space for each 300 square feet of building area. In all other
respects, off-street parking shall comply with Section 47 of the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance. Off-street loading shall be in accordance with Section 48,
Off-Street Loading Requirements, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
Landscaped islands shall be provided for every twelve (12) parking spaces.
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Handicapped parking, including van accessible spaces, shall be provided
according to Town standards.
(e)Tract 4 Signs: The following sign regulations apply to signs within Tract 4 only
and are cumulative of all other general sign regulations herein. In the event of a
conflict between these regulations and any other regulations contained in this
ordinance, the following regulations shall control signage located within Tract 4.
(1)Monument Sign: One (1) monument sign, double sided, shall be located
within the landscaped area as shown on Exhibit C.4. The sign shall not
exceed a maximum of five feet (5), six inches (6) in height measured
from the bottom of the footing and eleven feet (11), five inches (5) in
length, as shown on Exhibit C.5. The sign copy shall not exceed a
maximum three feet (3), three inches (3) in height and six feet (6), six
inches (6) in length, and no more than twenty-two square feet (22) in
total area. The monument sign copy shall be internally illuminated with
an aluminum face routed copy, backed with Plexiglas, per logo colors.
Additional copy to be 1surface vinyl.
(2)Banners and Temporary Signs: No banner or temporary signs shall be
allowed on the exterior of the building, except as specifically provided
herein. Banners for grand openings may be displayed no more than fifteen
(15) days prior to and thirty (30) days following the date of the grand
opening event. In no instance shall the period of displayexceed a total of
forty-six days, including the date of the grand opening. The tenant or
property owner conducting the grand opening shall obtain a permit from
the Town designating the date and the duration of the grand opening
Banners for temporary events shall be permitted a maximum of two times
annually for the tenant or property owner, and may be displayed for a
period not to exceed fifteen (15) business days for each event. The tenant
or property owner conducting the event shall obtain a permit from the
Town designating the date(s) and duration of the event.
(3)Wall Signs: A wall sign shall be located on the south elevation of the
building. The letters shall not exceed a maximum height of twenty-two
inches (22). Any logo associated withthe sign shall not exceed a
maximum height of twenty-eight inches (28). Such sign shall be
horizontally centered on the building elevation. Wall signs shall not
exceed more than twelve inches (12) from the wall surface, as shown on
Exhibit C.6.
(4)Internal Lighting: Internally lit, individual aluminum channel letters with
a 1/8 Plexiglas front shall be permitted on the building face. The
raceway shall be painted to match the surface upon which it is mounted.
(5)Raceway Requirements: The sign is to be attached to an eight inch (8) by
eight-inch (8) aluminum raceway, fabricated from .063 aluminum. The
raceway shall enclose all electrical components such as wiring,
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 54 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
transformers, etc., with no secondary wiring to be visible on/from the
front face of the sign.
(6)Installation: A licensed electrician shall perform all electrical hook-up.
All signage shall be mounted on a raceway. All penetration through the
masonry shall be through the mortar joints. No secondary wiring running
between letters shall occur on thefront face of the raceway. The tenant
shall provide the J box, rigid conduit to the panel and wiring.
(7)Additional Requirements: The following additional standards shall apply
to all signage, as applicable:
(i) conformance with the 1997 National Electrical Code, as amended;
(ii)conformance with UL Standards; and
(iii) conformance with Town permitting requirements.
(8)Waiver or Exception: Tenants or owners may request a waiver or
exception to these provisions as allowed by the ordinances of the Town.
(Ordinance No. 2002-23 P&Z, Approved 6/12/02)
(f)Tract 4B Signs:The following sign regulations apply to signs within Tract
4B only and are cumulative of all other general sign regulations herein. In the
event of a conflict between these regulations and any other regulations contained
in this ordinance, the following regulations shall control signage located within
Tract 4B.
(1)Directory Sign: One (1) directory sign, double sided, shall be located
within the landscaped area as designated onthe previously approved site
plan, and shown on Exhibit C.7. The sign shall not exceed a maximum of
three feet, nine inches (39) in height measured from the bottom of the
footing and thirteen feet, (13) in length, as shown on Exhibit C.8. The
sign copy shall not exceed a maximum of three feet, two inches (32) in
height and nine feet, six inches (96) in length. The monument sign face
shall be made of sign grade acrylic, white in color and 3/16 thick. The
can shall be steel frame with aluminum skin. Surface lettering shall be
(2)Installation: A licensed electrician shall perform all electrical hook-up.
(3)Additional Requirements: The following additional standards shall apply
to all signage, as applicable:
(i)conformance with the 2002 National Electrical Code, as amended;
(ii)conformance with UL Standards; and
(iii) conformance with Town permitting requirements.
(4)Waiver or Exception: Tenants or owners may request a waiver or
exception to these provisions as allowed by the ordinances of the Town.
(Ordinance No. 2006-15 P&Z, Approved 6/5/06)
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(B)Additional development standards applicable to this Planned Development
1.Concept plan: An overall concept plan showing all internal streets, drainage
utilities, and exact divisions between land uses shall be submitted simultaneously
with the submission of the first comprehensive site plan for any Tract in this
Planned Development District.
2.Buffered Area:
(a)All principal buildings and structures shall be set back a minimum of forty (40)
feet from the common property line of any adjoining property used or zoned
(b)A thirty (30) foot continuous landscape buffer shall be provided along all single
family residential property lines as indicated on Exhibit B attached hereto (PD
Site Plan) and Exhibit E (Landscape Concept Plan). The buffer shall be graded
so as to closely maintain the existing grades and shall be landscaped with
evergreen trees from the mandatory plant list (attached hereto as Exhibit F) and
incorporated herein). The thirty (30) foot continuous landscape buffer shall be
irrigated. Maintenance of the landscape buffer and irrigation shall be the
responsibility of the owners of the Land. Landscaping and irrigation along the
entire landscape buffer shall commence in the first phase of any development of
any Tract within the Land and shall be entirely completed prior to the issuance of
any certificate of occupancy.
(c)Prior to the issuance of any building permit for the Land, a continuous eight (8)
foot Woodcrete fence (see Exhibit K) shall be provided along the adjacent
single family residential property lines and shall be constructed completely on the
Land. Eight (8) foot Austin stone columns shall be constructedon all property
corners of each adjacent single family residential lot. The height of the fence shall
be measured from the existing grade. The Owner of the Land, at its sole expense,
shall remove all rear wood fencing (constructed on the adjacent single-family
residential fences and the Woodcrete screening fence. Connections shall be of
like construction to existing fences. The fence contractor shall design specific per
lot fence grades per the existing conditions which will not hinder or impede
current utility or drainage conditions. The fence construction shall commence in
the first phase of any development or any Tract within the Land and shall be
entirely completed prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy.
3.Landscaping. Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 46 Landscaping
Regulations, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and with the following:
(a)Berming shall be utilized along street frontages, when possible, to screen parking
from public view.
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(b)All landscaped areas shall be irrigated.
(c)Landscaping shall be maintained by the Owners of the Land. Any dead plant
material shall be removed and replaced in a timely manner.
(d)All plant materials must be selected from the mandatory plant list attached hereto
as Exhibit F.
The Landscape Concept Plan (Exhibit E) has been included with this Ordinance to
generally illustrate the intent and location of landscaping tree massing. Trees shall be 3 ½ 4
½ minimum caliper, as the case may be, at the time of installation. Trees located in the 30 foot
landscape easement adjacent to the single family property shall be located so as to provide a full
screen at the time of maturity. These trees shall be evergreen.
Detailed landscape plans, sealed by a registered landscape architect, shall be provided on
each tract at the time of Final Site Plan submittal.
4.Deceleration and left turn lanes. The Owner of the Land has voluntarily agreed to
and shall provide left-hand turn lanes for both directions of travel located at the ultimate median
opening on Trophy Club Drive as shown on Exhibit B (Site Plan). A deceleration lane will be
provided along Trophy Club Drive as shown on Exhibit B (Site Plan). Construction of the
deceleration and left-hand turn lanes shall be constructed at the same time as the reconstruction
of Trophy Club Drive by the Town.
5.Hours of operation of uses. Hours of operation for the uses set forth herein shall
be no longer than from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Deliveries and service calls shall be allowed only
between the 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. No outside sales of any kind shall be conducted, including
but not limited to, truck lot, pedestrian walkway, tent or other sales.\[See Section A for Hours of
Operation for the 7-Eleven convenience store.\]
6.Accessory uses. Accessory uses shall be permitted in accordance with the
regulations set forth in Section 35, Accessory Buildings, of the Comprehensive Zoning
7. Conditional uses. No conditional uses shall be permitted.
8.Limitation of uses. Any use not expressly provided for in this Ordinance or
otherwise allowed by law is prohibited.
9.Building materials. All main and accessory buildings shall be of exterior fire
resistant construction having at least eighty percent (80%) of the total exterior walls, excluding
doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone or other masonry or material of equal
characteristics in accordance with the Towns Building Code and Fire Code. All buildings and
structures shall be constructed of natural stone with a metal type roof. All windows and doors
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 57 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
shall be of wood construction. Typical elevations are provided with this Ordinance (see Exhibit
I to illustrate the conceptual architectural style and detail.
(a)Vertical walls of each building exclusive of doors and windows shall be of one
hundred percent (100%) masonry. All vertical walls visible from the street shall
be an Austin stone or similar material. Split concrete block or similar material
may be used on rear exteriors not visible from the street.
(b)Wood treatment shall be confined to soffits, gable ends, porch ceilings and
columns. All windows and doors shall be of wooden construction. All windows and
doors shall have gridded lite panes.
(c)The roof of any building shall be galvalum construction and shall be allowed to
weather to a natural color, and shall be of a uniform color. No applicant of a
colored paint shall be allowed. All roofs shall be properly maintained by the
building owner.
10.Development schedule. The Land shall be developed in accordance with the
following schedule submitted by the Owner/Developer:
January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1997
Bank Site
Convenience Site with Gasoline Sales
Office Building 14,000 22,000 square feet
January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1998
Second Office Building 14,000 square feet
Retail Building 16,000 20,000 square feet
January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1999
Complete remaining office and retail development
Every six (6) months following the approval of this Ordinance, the Building Inspector
shall report to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council the actual
development accomplished as compared with the development schedule submitted by the
Owner/Developer of the Land.
If in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Town Council, the
Owner/Developer has failed to meet the approved development schedule, the Planning and
Zoning Commission or the Town Council may initiate proceedings to amend all or part of the
zoning on the Land or to amend the provisions of this Ordinance. Upon receiving the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, after all hearings have been held as
required by law, the Town Council may amend all or part of the zoning of the Land and/or
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 58 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
amend the provisions of this Ordinance to extend the development schedule or adopt such new
development schedule as may be indicated by the facts and conditions existing.
11. Landscaped islands/parking. Per the landscape ordinance of the Town of Trophy
Club, a landscaped island shall be provided for every twelve (12) parking spaces.
12. Additional parking standards. Parking shall be provided in accordance with the
ratios identified on the plan. Shared parking is allowed and can be used in calculations to
provide minimum total spaces for overall site.
13. Handicapped parking. Handicapped/accessible parking, including van accessible
spaces shall be provided per Town standards.
14. Parking lot lighting. All parking lot lighting shall be located approximately as
shown on the PD Site Plan (Exhibit B). Poles shall be a maximum of 20 feet in height. Pole
lighting shall be oriented down and away from all adjacent properties. Building lighting shall be
mounted to building face or in ground fixtures and oriented to wash building with light. Specific
light standards shall be included on final site plan requests and included in final landscape plans
and signage plans.
15. Screening fence. The screening fence shown on the PD Site Plan (attached hereto
as Exhibit B) shall be of woodcrete construction with a wood panel design (see detail attached
hereto as Exhibit K) and a minimum of 8 feet in height. This height shall be measured from
existing grade. Fence shall be constructed completely on the commercial property in accordance
with Town standards. Developer shall construct wooden fence connections between existing
residential fences and proposed woodcrete fence. Connections shall be of like construction to
existing fences. Fence contractor shall design specific, per lot fence grades per existing
conditions and will not hinder or impede current utility or drainage conditions.
16. Signs. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Land or any part thereof,
an overall sign plan, accompanying the final site plat for the Land, shall have been approved by
the Town Council. Upon approval of the sign plan, the plan shall become a part of this
ordinance as if copied herein in its entirety. Except as specifically provided in this Ordinance,
the signs reflected on the sign plan shall conform to applicable ordinances of the Town and with
the following:
(Ordinance No. 2002-23 P&Z, Approved 6/12/02)
a.Main Sign Monument type located within landscaped area at front corner of
site. To be a maximum of four (4) feet in height, fifteen (15) feet in length and
sixty (60) square feet in total area.
b.Site Identification Signage Monument type located within landscaped areas
along street frontages. To be a maximum of four (4) feet in height, ten (10) feet
in length, and forty (40) square feet in total area. No product advertising shall be
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 59 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
c.Building Signage Placard type signage shall be permitted on the building face
and entry doors to identify specific users; signage shall be designed in conjunction
with the building architecture.
d.Directional Signage all directional, safety and handicapped signage shall be of a
character so as to complement the project and be of wooden construction.
e.All signage shall be externally lighted only. No neon or similar type lighting is
permitted.Exposed neon, exposed LED, CEVMS, and electronic message boards
require approval of the Town Council upon recommendation of the Planning &
Zoning Commission. Neon and LED sources that are concealed inside or behind
signage are allowed by right.
f.No signage of any type shall be displayed in window areas of any building. No
banner or temporary sign shall be allowed on the exterior of any building.
g. No pole-type identification signs shall be allowed.
h.All signage shall be located so as to avoid traffic obstructions and outside of any
sight easements.
17.Fire lanes. Fire lanes are as shown on the plan. Location and detail shall be
provided at the time of the Final Site Plan approval and shall be approved by the fire
18.Final site plan. Any Final Site Plan request shall include, among other things:
(a) The detailed site plan per Town standards;
(b)The final architectural elevations and materials;
(c) The final landscape and irrigation plans; and
(d)An updated PD concept plan which illustrates any site planning changes modified
by the proposed Final Site Plan.
Upon approval, the Site Plan shall become a part of this Ordinance.
19.Outdoor storage. No outdoor storage, except for refuse disposal shall be
permitted on the land. A dumpster may be located or relocated at a convenient location on any
lot. Such location shall be subject to the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Dumpsters are to be enclosed on all sided with Masonry walls and gates of similar architectural
style of the buildings. Minimum height of the enclosures shall be determined by the height of
the dumpster. When possible, landscaping shall provide additional screening for the enclosure.
Operating hours for trash service shall be in accordance with the Town of Trophy Club
(Ordinance No. 97-16 P&Z, approved 8/8/97) \[See Section A for Outdoor Display allowed for 7-
Eleven convenience store.\]
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 60 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
20.Mechanical and electrical equipment. Mechanical and electrical equipment,
including air conditioning units, shall be designed, installed and operated to minimum noise
impact on surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from public view.
21. Lighting. Lighting shall be designed to reflect down or away from any adjacent
residential area:
(a)Pole Lamps shall be a maximum of twenty (20) feet in height. Pole lighting shall
be oriented down and away from all adjacent properties. Pole lamps should be of
the quality of a Sternberg Ripon-A fixture. All light will be a white light.
(b)Building Lighting shall be mounted to the building face at a height not to exceed
eight(8) feet or in ground fixtures and oriented to wash the building with light.
All wall or ground fixtures should be made of like materials of the Sternberg
Ripon-A fixture and maintain the verde green color.
An overall site lighting plan shall accompany the final site plan meeting all the requirements of
this Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. The site lighting plan shall be
subject to review and approval by the Town Council.
22. Minor site planning modifications. It is understood that the approval of this plan
does not deny the opportunity to make minor site planning modifications as it relates to building
and lot layout and configuration. The Town shall continue to maintain the intent of this plan in
all subsequent approval processes.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 61 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 62 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #:2017-291-T Version:1 Name:
Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session
File created:6/29/2017 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda:7/6/2017 Final action:
Title:Case O-AMD-17-001 (Tree Houses)
Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Section 14.02.052, “General
Definitions”, Section 14.02.052 entitled “General Definitions” of Division 2, entitled “Definitions” of
Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” of the Town of Trophy Club
Code of Ordinances to include a definition of “Tree House”; and Amend Subsections (1)(A)(ii), (1)(A)
(v), and (6)(A) of Section 14.02.253 entitled “Accessory Structures and Uses” of Division 5, entitled
“Supplementary District Regulations” of Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14
entitled, “Zoning” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to incorporate the regulation of
Tree Houses; and Repeal Subsection (3)(A) of Section 14.02.253 entitled “Accessory Structures and
Uses” of Division 5, entitled “Supplementary District Regulations” of Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning
Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” to allow for Tree Houses.
DateVer.Action ByActionResult
Case O-AMD-17-001 (Tree Houses)
Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Section 14.02.052, “General Definitions”, Section
14.02.052 entitled “General Definitions” of Division 2, entitled “Definitions” of Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of
Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to include a definition of “Tree House”; and
Amend Subsections (1)(A)(ii), (1)(A)(v), and (6)(A) of Section 14.02.253 entitled “Accessory Structures and Uses” of
Division 5, entitled “Supplementary District Regulations” of Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14
entitled, “Zoning” of the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to incorporate the regulation of Tree Houses; and
Repeal Subsection (3)(A) of Section 14.02.253 entitled “Accessory Structures and Uses” of Division 5, entitled
“Supplementary District Regulations” of Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” to allow
for Tree Houses.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 71 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #:2017-292-T Version:1 Name:
Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session
File created:6/29/2017 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda:7/6/2017 Final action:
Title:Review and approve the minutes of the May 4, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.
Attachments:PZ Minutes 5.4.17 DRAFT.pdf
DateVer.Action ByActionResult
Review and approve the minutes of the May 4, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 72 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
May 4, 2017 7:00 p.m. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
Chairman Sheridan called the May 4, 2017, Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:00p.m. and
announced a quorum present (7 members).
Commissioners Present:
Chairman Dennis Sheridan
Vice Chairman Michael Pipkins
Commissioner Daryl Windland
Commissioner Eric Malmberg
Commissioner LuAnne Oldham
Commissioner Jeffrey Beach
Commissioner Dwight Baron
Staff and Guests Present:
Lisa Reich Town Planner
Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tem, Place 5
Citizens are allowed three (3) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over
which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the
ethicsorder, or other policy order.
Chairman Sheridanasked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were submitted.
2017-187-T Case O-AMD-17-001(Tree Houses)
a.Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Section 14.02.052
entitled “General Definitions” of Division 2, entitled “Definitions” of Article
14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” of the Town
of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to include a definition of “Tree House”;
and Amend Subsections (1)(A)(ii), (1)(A)(v), and (6)(A) of Section 14.02.253
entitled “Accessory Structures and Uses” of Division 5, entitled
“Supplementary District Regulations” of Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning
Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” of the Town of Trophy Club Code
of Ordinances to incorporate the regulation of Tree Houses; and Repeal
Subsection (3)(A) of Section 14.02.253 entitled “Accessory Structures and
Uses” of Division 5, entitled “Supplementary District Regulations” of Article
14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” to allow for
Tree Houses.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 73 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
b. Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request to amend Section
14.02.052 entitled “General Definitions” of Division 2, entitled “Definitions” of
Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled, “Zoning” of
the Town ofTrophy Club Code of Ordinances to include a definition of “Tree
House”; andAmend Subsections (1)(A)(ii), (1)(A)(v), and (6)(A) of Section
14.02.253 entitled“Accessory Structures and Uses” of Division 5, entitled
“Supplementary DistrictRegulations” of Article 14.02 entitled “Zoning
Ordinance” of Chapter 14 entitled,“Zoning” of the Town of Trophy Club Code
of Ordinances to incorporate theregulation of Tree Houses; and Repeal
Subsection (3)(A) of Section 14.02.253entitled “Accessory Structures and
Uses” of Division 5, entitled “SupplementaryDistrict Regulations” of Article
14.02 entitled “Zoning Ordinance” of Chapter 14entitled, “Zoning” to allow for
Tree Houses.
Chairman Sheridan asked for public comments. There were none.
Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report, which was presented by Lisa Reich, Town Planner.
Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questionsfrom the Commissioners.Topics considered in
discussionincluded increasing the setback, reducing the maximum structure size, increasing or
decreasing themaximum height, the possibility of habitation or home office, the ability to require permits
for the structure or for the trade work, the capability of trees to hold the extra weight, the possibility of
receiving a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA), as well as many others.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Commissioner Baron motioned, seconded by Commissioner Windland, to table the item give staff the
time to consider the Commissions discussion and return with more specific guidelines to address the
issues that were deliberated.
Chairman Sheridan asked for comments or questionsfrom theCommissioners and the public.
Commissioner Beach stated that after listening to the Commissions discussion, he did not feel that tree
houses neededto be regulated as accessory structures.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote.
The motion to table the item carried unanimously.
2017-188-T Reviewand approve the minutes of the March 2,2017Planning & Zoning
Commission meeting.
Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or corrections from Commissioners. There were none.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Commissioner Beach motioned, seconded by Chairman Windland,to approve the March 2, 2017
Chairman Sheridan asked fora vote.
May 4, 2017 Minutes Page 2 of 3
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 74 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
The motion carried unanimously.
2017-189-T Town Planner Updates:update on previous cases heard by the Commission;
discussion on current Town development issues and development codes.
Chairman Sheridanasked for the staff updates.
Staff updates were given by Lisa Reich,Town Planner.
Chairman Sheridanasked for a motion.
Commissioner Malmberg motioned, seconded by Commissioner Beach,to adjourn.
The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06p.m.
Dennis Sheridan, ChairmanLisa Reich, Town Planner
Planning & Zoning CommissionCommunity Development
Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas
May 4, 2017 Minutes Page 3 of 3
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 75 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017
Town of Trophy Club 100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Legislation Details (With Text)
File #:2017-293-T Version:1 Name:
Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session
File created:6/29/2017 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda:7/6/2017 Final action:
Title:Town Planner Updates:
·Update on previous cases heard by the Commission;
·Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes.
DateVer.Action ByActionResult
Town Planner Updates:
Update on previous cases heard by the Commission;
Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes.
Planning & Zoning CommissionPage 76 of 76Meeting Date: Thursday, July 6, 2017