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Attachments:PZ Report 1.25.18.pdf Exhibit A - Final Plat.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Case FP-16-001 (PD-30 / Town Center Addition) ConsiderandtakeappropriateactionregardingarequestforapprovalofafinalplatforTrophyClubTownCenter Addition,Lots1-51(X),BlockA,locatedinPlannedDevelopmentNo.30,onthenortheastcornerofSH114andTrophy Club Drive. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 4 of 14Page 4 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 To: Planning & Zoning Commission From:Lisa Payne, Town Planner CC: Thomas Class, Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary Re: Case #FP-16-001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, Thursday, January 25, 2018 Agenda Item: Case FP-16-001 (PD-30 / Town Center Addition) Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a final plat for Trophy Club Town Center Addition, Lots 1 - 51(X), Block A, located in Planned Development No. 30, on the northeast corner of SH 114 and Trophy Club Drive. Request: The applicant, Stantec Consulting Services, is requesting approval of a final plat of 26.355 acres for the purpose of creating a mixed-use development to include retail, multifamily, and townhomes. Hotel and office uses are also expected. Location: The subject property is located north of SH 114, east of Trophy Club Drive, south of The Estates of Hogans Glen subdivision, and west of Lake Forest Village subdivision. Zoning: The subject property is zoned PD-30 and is required to comply with the development standards created specifically for this project. Details: The proposed final plat for the PD-30 property, called Trophy Club Town Center Addition, is composed of 5 large development lots, 39 individual townhome lots, 5 HOA lots, and 2 common area lots.The property is currently vacant except for an existing office building in use at the corner of Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. The submitted site plans do not affect the existing building, as it will continue to operate until it is possibly replaced with new development in the future. A creek and its 100-year flood zone is located east of where the townhomes will sit. Some of the townhome lots will have 100-year flood zone in their backyard, but all homes will be built outside of it. The flood zone also extends into the backyards of the homes on the other side of Page 1 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 5 of 14Page 5 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 the creek on Brook Hollow Lane, which is not uncommon adjacent to a waterway. A note has been made on this plat to require an elevation certificate at the time of building permit application for Lots 26 – 45 to protect the future residents. The applicant has completed revisions on the final plat requested by Town staff and Teague, Nall, & Perkins (TNP). In addition, revisions requested from Town staff and TNP have been completed on the civil plans, the retail site plan package, the multifamily site plan package, the townhomes site plan package, and the tree survey. The site plan packages for this project are not required to be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council, per the approved PD-30 development standards. Parkland Dedication has been settled between the Town and the property owner, as documented in an agreement filed with the Town Secretary’s office. A note referring to the Parkland Dedication agreement is found on the final plat. In addition, notes protecting the access easements that run behind the townhomes from being fenced-in are included on the plat. Commission Consideration: The proposed final plat is incompliance with Trophy Club’s Subdivision Ordinance. Attachments: Exhibit A – Final Plat Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 6 of 14Page 6 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-074-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:1/18/2018 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action: Title:Review and approve the minutes of the November 9, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Attachments:PZ Minutes 11.9.2017.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Review and approve the minutes of the November 9, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 10 of 14Page 10 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy WoodDrive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ November 9,2017 7:00 p.m. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom ______________________________________________________________________ CALLTO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called theNovember 9, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced a quorum present (7 members). Commissioners Present: Chairman Dennis Sheridan Vice Chairman Michael Pipkins Commissioner Jeffrey Beach Commissioner Brandon Blake Commissioner Mike Branum Commissioner Jacob Gibson Commissioner Eric Malmberg Staff and Guests Present: Greg Lamont Town Council Philip Shoffner Town Council Lisa Payne Town Planner Julie Smestad Recording Secretary CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairman Sheridanasked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were submitted. REGULAR SESSION 2017-518-T Case TUP-17-009 (HG SplyConstruction Trailer) Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a Temporary Use Permit to allowa construction trailer at the site of a future restaurant, generally located on the northwestcorner of Trophy Wood Drive and SH 114. The applicant’s representative,Robin Jenkins, 3629 Lovell Avenue, Fort Worth, addressed the commission and was available for questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report, which was presented by Lisa Payne, Town Planner. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments. Topics discussed were access from SH 114 and temporary signage. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 11 of 14Page 11 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 Commissioner Sheridan moved to recommend approval with the condition that the trailer is removed before aCertificate of Occupancy (CO)is issued,with a second by Commissioner Malmberg. Commissioner Sheridan called for a vote. The motion was passed unanomiously. 2017-519-T Case #SUP-17-001 (Homewood Suites Alcohol) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request made by Homewood Suites for a Specific Use Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for off-premise consumption, generally located north of SH 114 and approximately 815 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request made by Homewood Suites for aSpecific Use Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for off-premise consumption,generally located north of SH 114 and approximately 815 feet west of Trophy Wood Drive. PUBLIC HEARING – OPENED AT 7:10 p.m. The applicant’s representative,Jay Darsie, Homewood Suites, 2900 E. SH 114,addressed the commission and was available for questions. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff report, which was presented by Lisa Payne, Town Planner. Chairman Sheridan inquired about any public speakers; there were none. PUBLIC HEARING – CLOSED AT7:13 p.m. Chairman Sheridan asked for comments. Topics discussed included TABC rules and compliance with Town ordinances. Commissioner Beach moved to recommend approval with a second by Commissioner Gibson. ChairmanSheridan called for a vote. The motion was passedunanomiously. 2017-520-TReview and approve the minutes of the October 5, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or corrections from Commissioners. There were none. Chairman Sheridanmoved to approve theOctober 5, 2017minutes as written, which was seconded by Commissioner Beach. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion was passed unanomiously. November 9, 2017 Minutes Page 2 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 12 of 14Page 12 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 2017-521-TTown Planner Updates: Update on previous cases heard by the Commission; discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Chairman Sheridan asked for the staff updates. Staff updates were given by Lisa Payne, Town Planner. ADJOURN Commissioner Malmbergmoved to adjourn, and wasseconded byVice ChairmanPipkins. Chairman Sheridan asked for a vote. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:29p.m. ____________________________________________________________ Dennis Sheridan, ChairmanJulie Smestad, Recording Secretary Planning & Zoning CommissionCommunity Development Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas November 9, 2017 Minutes Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 13 of 14Page 13 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-075-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Regular Session File created:1/18/2018 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:1/25/2018 Final action: Title:Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult TownPlannerUpdates;updateonpreviouscasesheardbytheCommission;DiscussiononcurrentTowndevelopment issues and development codes. Planning and Zoning CommissionPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 14Page 14 of 14Meeting Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018