Minutes Animal Shelter 08/24/2016 MINUTES FROM REGULAR SESSION
Tuesday,August 24,2016 at 6:03 P.M.
Police Department Training Room
The Animal Shelter Board for the Town of Trophy Club,Texas, met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, August 24,
2016. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public.
Dr.Bruce Fusselman D.V.M.-Veterinarian
Sgt.Tony Simmons-Municipal Official
Kelly Akin,ACO-Animal Shelter Operations
Susan Edstrom-Chair
Philip Shoffner-Council Liaison
Dr. Bruce Fusselman D.V.M -Veterinarian
Pamela Swan-Resident
PatrickArata,Chief of Police
Sandra Johnson-Resident
Leah Jade Byers-Resident
Zach Angelo-Resident
Victoria Angelo—Resident
Candace Angelo-Resident
Chairman Edstrom called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 6:03 p.m.
Chairman stated there is an opening on the board.
Citizens are allowed three (3)minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or
oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order.
No citizens addressed the Commission.
Chairman Edstrom asked that Item number 4 be moved to Item Number one. Chairman asked if there were any
objections to moving item 4 to Item one. No objections were made and Item 4 was moved to item 1.
1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the Minutes dated June 21,2016.
Tony Simmons motioned to approve. Kelly Akin Seconds the motion.Motion carried and the minutes
of the June 21,2016 meeting are approved. Motion approved by a vote of 5 to 0.
2 Review Shelter Inspection; set timeline for items that need to be addressed; discussion of same.
Chairman Edstrom stated that Kelly and Bruce have not been able to get together for the Animal
Shelter inspection.Chairman Edstrom stated that she would address the inspection at the next
a Review proposed anti-tethering language for inclusion in the Town's Ordinances discussion of the
Kelly said that she wanted to have the specific word "unattended" in the ordinance. Chairman
Edstrom clarified that the word "unattended" to mean that someone walks away from their tethered
dog,or goes inside and leaves the dog tethered. Kelley stated that the ordinance should reflect that a
person should have direct physical control over the dog. Edstrom stated that tethering contributes to
aggressiveness. Philip Shoffner stated the tether ordinance should mirror state law and then build on
4. Review the Town's current contract with Brian Hall regarding sheltering options for stray,trapped
and impounded cats;consider optional agencies as alternative holding facilities, discussion of the
Chairman Edstrom directed the board's attention to the documents provided to board members.
Chairman Edstrom states that the board will hear citizen's comments and then the board will go into
Leah Jade Byers-2805 Chatswood Drive.Ms.Byers related that she had just moved to Trophy Club
because her mother passed away.Ms.Byers stated that from the time she knew"LEO",she didn't
know him very long but he was a good cat.
She said that her cousin Zachary was best friends with the cat.She said that when he found out the
cat passed away her cousin was very upset.She said that the person who put down the cat should
not be allowed to work with animals anymore.
Zachary Angelo-2805 Chatswood -Zachary said that the cat was his best friend and that he saw the
cat every day. Zachary said that he was crying and was in so much pain but that he had moved on. He
said that the cat should have been taken somewhere else where the scanner was working and that it
shouldn't matter if the cat was collared but that it was chipped.
Victoria Angelo-2805 Chatswood-Victoria said that she was sad forthefirstthreedaysthatthe
cat was missingshewassad but the 411day she found out.
Candace Angelo -2805 Chatswood -Candace said that she noticed that the cat went missing on
Monday. She said that she knows that there is a 72 hour policy but that she knows it wasn't followed.
She put the signs up on Monday and found out the cat died on Tuesday. She said no one called her,
including the person that trapped the cat. She feels that no cat, even feral cats should be put down
and that Bryan should be let go. She said that domesticated animals should not be put down but wild
animals should. She stated that other small towns have had issues with Bryan and that one town
suspended their contract and that should be considered.
Chairman Edstrom stated that she wanted to make sure that there are policies and procedures in
place and that there is a contract in place so that this won't happen again. Chairman Edstrom noted
that Chief Arata has arrived at 6:13. Chairman Edstrom asked if anyone else wanted to make a
Sandra Johnson-237 Oak Hill Drive. Stated that she came tonight because she just wanted to hear
the story and that she really wanted for changes to be made.
DISCUSSION-Chairman Edstrom stated that based on what she had been told by ACO Akin and Chief
Arata that the 72 hour hold requirement was not met and the cat was euthanized the same day it
went missing giving no opportunity for the cat owners to find him. She said that the policies that are
in place so that pet owners can locate their animals. She said that Brian was told that the cat was a
feral cat and that the cat was acting Feral. Had the resident who trapped the cat not told Brian that
the cat was Feral that this may have ended differently. She said that she didn't feel like residents have
the authority to say if a cat caught in a trap is a feral cat.
She stated that a very stern letter needs to be sent to Brian the animal guy by the Chief of Police that
he needs to follow our guidelines. She stated that she will make sure that there is a campaign to
register cats. Chairman Edstrom opened the discussion to the other board members.
Chief Arata-Stated we do not house cats and that we are not set up to house cats.The department
is looking into the possibility. He does not excuse what Brian did. Chief Arata related that the City of
Keller has an animal shelter for both cats and dogs with an animal hospital and that he would like to
discuss implementing the Keller shelter.
Chairman Edstrom-stated that she knew that Feral cats are deemed killers and that they do not get
72 hour holds in Keller and that something needs to start in Trophy Club.Chairman Edstrom told
Chief Arata that there needs to be a termination in contract with Brian. Chairman Edstrom provided
ACO Akin with a list of other vendors that she wanted Kelly to check with to find out how much it
would cost to contract with them for animal services. Chairman Edstrom asked the Chief if he wanted
a vote from the board to take the recommendation to council or if he wanted to take the
recommendation to the council himself. Chief Arata stated that they would have to determine the
budget. If it was too much,they would have to take it to council. Chairman Edstrom asked Sergeant
Simmons and ACO Akin if they thought that any of the ordinances should be changed.ACO Akin stated
that the City was following the policy and ordinances correctly and that no changes need to be made.
Dr. Fusselman reviewed the contract and quoted the section stating that cats would be going to the
contractor. Dr. Fusselman asked if Bryan had to follow the town ordinances mentioned in the
contract.ASO Akin confirmed that he is required to comply with Town ordinances. Chief Arata and
ACO Akin responded to a question from Dr. Fusselman relating to the difference between the Keller
and Trophy Club procedures relating to feral cats. Chairman Edstrom stated that if a contract for
animal services were to be obtained from Keller that Keller would be required to adhere to the
Trophy Club Ordinances. Chairman Edstrom stated that item number 4 there was a recommendation
to terminate Bryan Halls' contract.
5. Chairman's update on upcoming PetFest, Saturday, September 17, 2016 and needs for
participation;discussion of same.
ACO Akin stated that she was preparing the registration packet to submit her application for a booth at
PetFest. Chairman Edstrom asked that she request the ACO booth to be placed next to Chairman
Edstrom's and the women's club table.
Chief Arata made a motion to adjourn at 7:34 PM; motion seconded by ACO Akin. Motion approved by a vote of
The meeting adj i d :t 7:34 P
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Patrick Arata Susan Edstrom
Board Liaison Chairman