Minutes P&Z 02/20/2014Tro h Club Entitles 100 Municipal Drive P y Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TOWN OF TROPHY Meeting Minutes CLUB Planning & Zoning Commission Thursday, February 20, 2014 6:30 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Senelly called the February 20, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and announced a quorum present (7 members). Present: 7 - Chairman Richard Senelly, Commissioner Fred Allen, Commissioner Marie Sadley, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Garrett Reed, Commissioner Brent Card, and Vice Chair Larry Vowell STAFF PRESENT.• Community Development Director (and Staff Liaison) Carolyn Huggins Fire Chief Danny Thomas Building Official Pat Cooke Town Attomey Patricia Adams Recording Secretary Robbie Killingsworth Town Engineer Tom Rutledge, TNP Chainnan Senelly announced that this evening's meeting is being videotaped and will be available on the Town website as soon as possible — should be up on the site by Friday evening. He explained that there is a public hearing in association with the PD -30 item on the agenda and that the Commission will be going through some other cases first and then get to the public hearing and consideration of PD -30. The Chairman then convened the Commission into Executive Session and asked everyone but the Commissioners, Staff Liaison, and Town Attorney to leave the room. EXECUTIVE SESSION 2014-923-T Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Annotated, Subchapter 551, Section 551.071 (1) and (2) "Consultation with Attorney", the Council will enter into executive session as authorized by Section 551.071 to discuss the following: {A) Consultation with Town Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the Attorney to the Governmental Body under the Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflict with the Open Meetings Act [§551.071 (2)]. (1) Legal Advice relative to zoning authority, discretion and authority of Planning and Zoning Commission, and pending zoning applications Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 6 Meeting hake: February 20, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 2014 2. 3 4. 3 CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Senelly reconvened into Regular Session the February 20, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting with a quorum of 7 members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2014-866-T Review and approve the minutes of the December 18, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments; MeetinaMinutes 121813.pdf A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Vice Chair Vowell, that this Agenda Item be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 2014-869-T Review and approve the minutes of the January 16, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments; MeetinaMinutes 011614..pdf A motion was made by Commissioner Sadley, seconded by Commissioner Sheridan, that this Agenda Item be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 - Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell Abstain: 1 - Commissioner Allen 2014-867-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Special Privilege Request to the Trophy Club Women's Club to hold two Community Garage Sale Events in 2014. Applicant: Heather Wick on behalf of Trophy Club Women's Club. Attachments; 2014 Staff Report - TC - Garage Sale ReguesLodf 2014 Application.pdf A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Allen, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council, on 0310312014. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7 - Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 2014-857-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a revised Final Plat of Neighborhood 7, Phase 3C, of The Highlands at Trophy Club, an approximate 31.487 acre tract of land, consisting of 107 residential lots and 4 open space lots. Applicant: Peloton Land Solutions on behalf of High Trophy Development, LLC. Attachments; Staff Report - TC 030314 - NH 7 Ph 3C.pdf Town Engineer Review and A roval. df Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 6 Meeting Date: February 20, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 2014 A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan„ seconded by Commissioner Allen, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council,. on 0310312014. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 6. 2014.868-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for Site Plan approval for Samuel Beck Elementary School, 401 Parkview Drive, Lot 3, Block 1, Northwest Independent School District East Campus Addition. Applicant: Rob Morse, RLK Engineering on behalf of Northwest ISD. Attachments: Staff Report - TC 030314 - Beck Elements Site Plan. df TNP - Town EnaineerApproval.pdf Application.pdf A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Sheridan, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council, on 0310312014. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 7. 2013 -76e -T Discussion and recommendation regarding revisions to Town Sign Ordinance relative to political signage. Attachments: Staff Report - PZ - 022014. df Article €V - Sign Regulations ` Redline. pdf City Comparison Chart - Political Signage.pdf A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Allen, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with the following stipulations; Make only the following changes to the sign ordinance: (1) allow the removal of the 24-hour notice from the current ordinances; (2) allow the changes to where directional signs are allowed as shown on pages 15 and 16; (3) allow signs in the right-of-way of residential areas with no restriction on distance; and (4) none of these changes be effective until after the current election season, which would make the effective date past the May election and/or runoff. This item will be considered by the Town Council on March 3, 2014. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell PUBLIC HEARING 8. 2014-870-T Public Hearing regarding a request for approval of amendments to Planned Development No. 30 (PD -30), The Shops at Trophy Club, to amend the Town's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map; and to amend Exhibit "B" entitled "Planned Development District Development Standards" by amending various Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 6 Meeting Date; February 20, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 2014 provisions of Exhibit "B". Applicant: JSB Properties, LP represented by Bill Dahlstrom, Jackson Walker L.L.P. Attachments: Staff Report - TC PD -30 Amendment Reguest.pdf Redline for TC 03-03-14.pdf Concept Plan.pdf Preliminafy Site Plan.pdf Public Hearing Notice - Newspaper - Rescheduled - PD-30.pdf Public Hearing Notice - Residents.pdf ORD 2014-05 Amend PD -30 PZ with Exhibit A & B.pdf Chairman Senelly opened the Public Nearing and the following spoke: Jim Parrow, 8 Brookfield Ct. Larry Mundy, Lot 119. Robert Hoch, 245 Oak Hill Drive. Rhylan Rowe, 404 Skyline Drive. Roland Desjardins, 9 Fair Green Dr. Pearl Ford, 2 Spring Creek Ct. Chairman Senelly closed the public hearing. to the Town Council due back on 03/04/2014 CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING AND RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION 9. 2014-871-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding an Ordinance of the Town Council amending Ordinance No. 2012-04 P&Z, PD Planned Development No. 30, known as The Shops at Trophy Club, amending the Town's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, amending Exhibit "B" entitled "Planned Development District Development Standards" by amending various provisions of Exhibit "B'; providing a penalty for violations; and providing an effective date. Applicant: JSB Properties, LP represented by Bill Dahlstrom, Jackson Walker L.L.P. The commissioners and applicants discussed PD -30 (for approximately two hours). Chairman Senelly then asked the audience if anyone wished to speak. The following came forward Dave Abdulky, 16 Panorama Trail Jarod King, 106 Panorama Ct. Jim Parrow, 8 Brookfield Ct., No others asked to speak. After additional discussion, Commissioner Sadley made the following motion, seconded by Chairman Senelly, to approve the requested PD -30 amendments with the following stipulations: (1) Maximum 33 additional retail ready apartments that must be marketed for retail for 18 months from issuance of a building permit. (2) 1f the 33 units are residential, they shall be a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft. (3) There shall be a separate PDA for the Townhomes. (4) Phasing: retaillapartments Certificate of Occupancy issued at the same time (5) 85% masonry required on the front rear and sides of townhomes_ The vote was 3 for the motion to approve (Sadley, Powell, Senelly) and 4 against. The motion failed. After additional discussion, the following motion was made: Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 6 Meeting Date: February 20, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 2014 A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Vice Chair Vowell, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with the following stipulations; 1) 33 apartments allowed on the ground floor of buildings B4, B5 and B7. Thirty-three (33) additional maximum for a total of 283 apartments allowed in PI] -30. The ground floor units shall be made retait-ready and shall be marketed as retail for a period of two (2) years; the two (2) year timeframe to commence at time of building permit issuance. 2) The 33 ground floor apartments shall be a minimum of 1,200 sq. ft. 3) Townhomes design standards; 7. F] i. and ii. Combine to state that a minimum of 85°/0 of the front, side and rear fagade of Townhome Residential shall be finished in masonry (brick, stone, cast stone, or glass block). This adds a requirement of 85% masonry to the sides of the buildings and removes stucco using the 3 step process as a masonry option. Keep 7. F) iii_ which allows EIFS at or above the second floor for decorative trim, moldings, etc. 4) Parking Garage —no exposed concrete facing State Highway 114; exterior side(s) facing State Highway 114 shall meet architectural standards of adjacent hotel or office 5) Separate POA for Townhomes 6) Remove public facilities, municipal facilities and public safety facilities as permitted uses. 7) Phasing: Area A and B shall be built simultaneously. Apartments cannot be occupled until the retail is finished. Four (4) Commissioners voted to approve the motion (Salley, Vowell, Senelly, Allen). The Chairman announced that the motion passed and did not ask for a show of hands of those opposed. hits. Huggins asked Chairman Senelly if the others were opposed or if anyone was abstaining? Chainnan Smelly asked if anyone wished to explain if they have an abstention or opposition? Commissioners who did not vote in favor of the motion were Reed, Sheridan and Card. Commissioner Sheridan stated that the reason he hesitates to vote is that his mind just got changed based on the definition of the certificate of occupancy_ He stated that he needs to think that one through. Chairman Senelly moved to the next agenda item. Aye; 4- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, and Vice Chair Vowell No; 3 - Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Card 10. 2013-763-T Staff liaison update of current and future items; questions and/or discussion. Staff liaison gave update of current and future items_ 11. 2013-764-T Items for future agendas. 011aIr111:7191 1 None. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 6 Meeting Date: February 20, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 2014 aaAo1; U M j 1 �? Carolyn Huggins, 96mmunity Devel t Director Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 6 Meeting Date: February 20, 2014