Minutes P&Z 06/05/2014Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive r Y Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TOWN OF0•••••F���� TROPHY Meeting Minutes CLUB Planning & Zoning Commission Thursday, June 5, 2014 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Senelly called the June 5, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:02 p.m, and announced a quorum present (5 members). Present: 5 - Chairman Richard Senelly, Commissioner Fred Allen, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Brent Card, and Vice Chair Larry Vowell STAFF PRESENT. Assistant Town Manager (and acting Staff Liaison) Stephen Seidel Recording Secretary Robbie Killingsworth REGULAR SESSION 1. 2014-971-T Review and approve the minutes of the February 20, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments: MeetingMinutes 022014.pdf A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Vice Chair Vowell, that this Agenda Item be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 5- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 2. 2014-1139-T Review and approve the minutes of the April 17, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments: MeetingMinutes 041714.pdf A motion was made by Commissioner Card, seconded by Commissioner Allen, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 5- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 3. 2014-1201-T Discussion and recommendation of applicants to fill one vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission. The applicant will fill a term that will run from appointment by Council to September 30, 2015. Attachments: Steven Oligmueller.pdf LuAnne Oldham.pdf Jon Mills.pdf Frank Snell.pdf Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 2 Meeting Date: June 5, 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes June 5, 2014 ADJOURN By unanimous vote the Commission recommends LuAnne Oldham and Jon Mills to fill vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Commission. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Sheridan, that this meeting be Adjourned. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 5- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 1 ichard Senelly, Chairman ephen Seidel, Assistant Town Manager (Acting Staff Liaison) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 2 Meeting Date: June 5, 2014