Minutes P&Z 11/06/2014T(Ca* �
November 6, 2014
Trophy Club Entities
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
7:03 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
Dennis Sheridan
Larry Vowell
Vice Chairman
Brent Card
Jon Mills
LuAnne Oldham
Susan Ross
Richard Senelly Commissioner
Matt Jones Senior Planner
Robbie Killingsworth Recording Secretary
Brandon Davidson Corwin Engineering
Chip Boyd Standard Pacific
Robert Hoch, 245 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262: Agenda Item #1611
Erich Smith, 243 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262: Agenda Item #1611
Chairman Sheridan called the November 6, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at
7:03 p.m. and announced a quorum present (6 members).
8. Discussion regarding procedural guidelines of the Planning and Zoning
Commission meetings.
Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff review procedural guidelines.
1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the October 2, 2014 Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting minutes.
Chairman Sheridan asked for corrections or comments on the October 2, 2014, Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting minutes. Staff reports misprint has been updated.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion made by Commissioner Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Ross, to accept the October 2, 2014
Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes as recorded and amended. Motion passed with the
following votes:
AYE: 5 - Vice Chairman Vowell, Commissioner Card, Commissioner Mills, Commissioner
Oldham, Commissioner Ross
ABSTAIN: 1 - Chairman Sheridan
2. Conduct a public hearing regarding a request for approval of a zoning change
from "CR" - Commercial Recreation to "PD- 27" - Planned Development 27.
Located at the 2100 Block of Veranda Avenue and more accurately described
as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 4, The Isle of Turnberry, Lots
Chip Boyd, Vice President of Land Development, Standard Pacific Homes, presented a brief overview of
requested zoning change.
Chairman Sheridan asked for staff report. Staff recommends approval.
Robert Hoch, 245 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262. 1 live directly across the golf course from the
larger of the 0.63 acres. My concern is trees and drainage. Trophy Club used to be a tree city. Now it is
a developer's heaven. Planning and Zoning is not perceived as being tough to deal with. The developers
get whatever they want. The drainage, if you've been there, is dreadful. There is stagnant water. It has
been there for months. The West Nile threat did not seem to bother anybody. The M.U.D. ran out of the
little mosquito biscuits that I was going to put in there. The Planning and Zoning should be responsible
for the tree remediation. There were lots of trees that are now gone. I've looked at the plat where it
shows all the trees that are supposedly going to be planted_ I will believe it when I see it. The developer
should be required to plant large diameter live oak trees at the edge of the property wherever it abuts the
golf course for one thing, and replace in kind the trees that they destroyed. The staff report says it does
not have a negative impact on surrounding property owners and does not represent a substantial
increase of density to the overall development. Nobody contacted me. I am a property owner. 14 going
to 16 is a substantial increase.
Erich Smith, 243 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262, directly across the Number 10 fairway from the
new development. I think Bob stated all of our concerns quite well. I think the biggest thing is that even
before the Highlands was developed there was a nice treed area, wildlife was plentiful. Now it is a
bulldozed piece of dirt. We are only asking that some of the effort be made to put trees back after they
have decided where they are going to build houses and everything else so that it does add to the beauty
of the neighborhood, like we have had before. The second thing is we didn't discuss it, it was not even
posted, when the developer came and made this statement, there are two more lots. It would be nice to
see the plot up there [on overhead monitor] and show where the two new lots are going, where the
common areas are and where the land swap took place just so we understand each other. I cannot say
have any big objections to the 0.6 acres they want to add to the plot. I think Bob's statement... that it is
right now a mess for drainage. As everybody knows a mistake was made years ago when we came in
there and the developers put in parts of the Highland along the 14th and 15th holes. We ended up with
streets higher than the golf course. And now, all of a sudden, we have a drainage problem and we
cannot drain the golf course. We do not want the same situation happening when we put in the Isle of
Turnberry over here and we end up with a development that is higher and we are not going to be able to
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drain part of the golf course back into the creek because it is higher than the surrounding area. Those
are my concerns. Hopefully you will take those into consideration. Thank you.
Commissioners and staff discussed tree mitigation.
Response by Chip Boyd, Vice President of Land Development, Standard Pacific Homes.
Robert Hoch, 245 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262, discussed the removal of trees.
Staff discussed proposed plat viewed on overhead monitor.
Response by Chip Boyd, Vice President of Land Development, Standard Pacific Homes.
Robert Hoch, 245 Oak Hill Drive, Trophy Club, TX 76262, asked about stagnant water drainage.
3. Conduct a public hearing regarding a request for approval of an amendment
to PD- 27 - Planned Development 27- The Highlands at Trophy Club. The
purpose of this request is to add additional acreage (0.638 acres) to
Neighborhood 4, The Isle of Turnberry.
No requests to speak at this time. No questions or comments from the Commissioners.
4. Conduct a public hearing regarding a request for approval of a residential
replat for The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 4, The Isle of
Turnberry, Lots 1-16, Block A, and Common areas 1-4, an addition to the
Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Located at the 2100 Block of
Veranda Avenue.
No requests to speak at this time. No questions or comments from the Commissioners.
5. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a zoning
change from "CR" - Commercial Recreation to "PD- 27" - Planned
Development 27. Located at the 2100 Block of Veranda Avenue and more
accurately described as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 4, The
Isle of Turnberry, Lots 1-14.
Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from Commissioners to applicant. Response was
given by applicant.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion made by Vice Chairman Vowell, seconded by Commissioner Mills to approve a zoning change
from "CR" - Commercial Recreation to "PD- 27" — Planned Development 27. Located at the 2100 Block of
Veranda Avenue and more accurately described as The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 4, The
Isle of Turnberry, Lots 1-14. Motion passed unanimously.
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6. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of an
amendment to PD- 27 - Planned Development 27- The Highlands at Trophy
Club. The purpose of this request is to add additional acreage (0.638 acres) to
Neighborhood 4, The Isle of Turnberry.
Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from Commissioners to applicant. No questions or
comments from the Commissioners.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion made by Commissioner Oldham, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell to approve an amendment
to PD- 27 - Planned Development 27- The Highlands at Trophy Club. The purpose of this request is to
add additional acreage (0.638 acres) to Neighborhood 4, The Isle of Turnberry. Motion passed
7. Discussion and Recommendation regarding a request for approval of a
residential replat for The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 4, The Isle
of Turnberry, Lots 1-16, Block A, and Common areas 1-4, an addition to the
Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Located at the 2100 Block of
Veranda Avenue.
Chairman Sheridan asked for questions or comments from Commissioners. Commissioners question lot
Response by staff.
Response by Chip Boyd, Vice President of Land Development, Standard Pacific Homes and Brandon
Davidson, Corwin Engineering.
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion made by Commissioner Oldham, seconded by Commissioner Ross to approve residential replat
for The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 4, The Isle of Turnberry, Lots 1-16, Block A, and
Common areas 1-4, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Located at the 2100
Block of Veranda Avenue with the following stipulations:
• in engineer's notation remove reference to a Lot 16
• correct nomenclature to reflect the lots as they do appear on the depiction, Lots 1 through 8
inclusive, Lot 9R1, Lot 9R2, Lots 10 through 15 inclusive, including title block
Commissioners are trying to eliminate any reference to an unidentified lot. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioners continue discussion on the following items:
• drainage during construction
• tree mitigation [tree count]
• utility easement
Response by Chip Boyd, Vice President of Land Development, Standard Pacific Homes and Brandon
Davidson, Corwin Engineering.
Response by staff.
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9. Future Agenda Items and questions or discussion of current and future items.
• Volunteer Dinner Announcement
• Tentative development schedule for Village Center Medical Office Building- Phase 2
• Tentative development schedule for Village Center, Montessori school and
retail/restaurant development
• Status update on PD -30 development
Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion.
Motion made by Vice Chairman Vowell, seconded by Commissioner Card to adjourn. Motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Dennis Sheri an, hairman
Planning and Zoning Commission
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
Matt Jones, Senior Planner
Community Development
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
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