Minutes P&Z 12/11/2014Tc:*::7-, TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB December 11, 2014 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § Trophy Club Entities Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 6:58 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Dennis Sheridan Chairman Larry Vowell Vice Chairman Brent Card Commissioner Jon Mills Commissioner LuAnne Oldham Commissioner Susan Ross Commissioner Richard Senelly Commissioner STAFF PRESENT: Matt Jones Senior Planner Robbie Killingsworth Recording Secretary APPLICANT(S) PRESENT: Matt Moore Claymore Engineering Rian Maguire CHC Development Rory Maguire CHC Development Steven R. Homeyer Homeyer Engineering Sanjay Joshi Savi Management Company CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Sheridan called the December 11, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 6:58 p.m. and announced a quorum present (7 members). REGULAR SESSION 1. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the November 6, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes. Chairman Sheridan asked for corrections or comments on the November 6, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Vice Chairman Vowell, seconded by Commissioner Senelly, to approve the November 6, 2014, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes. Motion carried 6 to 1 with Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Vowell, Commissioner Card, Commissioner Mills, Commissioner Oldham, and Commissioner Ross voting for and Commissioner Senelly abstaining. 2. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for Lot 2, Block 1, Trophy Club Village Centre, Trophy Club, TX. Staff confirmed Lot 2, Block 1, Trophy Club Village Centre and Wonderland Plaza Addition, Block A, Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas are both in the M.U.D. and have Fire Protection. Applicant, Matt Moore with Claymore Engineering on behalf of CHC Development, presented a brief overview. Rian Maguire and Rory Maguire with CHC Development also answered questions from commissioners. Staff report given followed by commissioner's questions and comments. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Commissioner Mills, to table 2014-1679-T until next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Questions and comments between commissioners, staff, and applicant, Steven R. Homeyer with Homeyer Engineering and Sanjay Joshi with Savi Management Company regarding agenda item 3, agenda item 4, and agenda item 5, prior to moving to discussion and recommendation of agenda item 3, agenda item 4, and agenda item 5. 3. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Preliminary Plat for Wonderland Plaza Addition, Block A (4.52 acres), being situated in the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529, Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, and being located in Planned Development No. 27. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, to approve the Preliminary Plat as drawn. Motion carried 6 to 1 with Chairman Sheridan, Vice Chairman Vowell, Commissioner Senelly, Commissioner Mills, Commissioner Oldham, and Commissioner Ross voting for and Commissioner Card abstaining. 4. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat for Wonderland Plaza Addition, Block A (4.52 acres), being situated in the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529, Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, and being located in Planned Development No. 27. Motion made by Commissioner Senelly, seconded by Commissioner Mills, to approve the Final Plat as drawn. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of proposed Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Wonderland Plaza Addition, Trophy Club, TX. Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. December 11, 2014 Minutes Page 2 of 3 Motion made by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Senelly to recommend approval of a Site Plan of proposed Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Wonderland Plaza Addition, Trophy Club, TX., subject to traffic issues being addressed, specifically: • no parking signs on Bobcat Blvd. • restriping Bobcat Blvd. to accommodate the Site Plan • crosswalk on Bobcat Blvd. to the Byron Nelson High School sidewalk • no signs are part of this approval • complete the sidewalk with the first construction project • parking to be corrected to meet code • fence between the retail and the Parks Department only if required by zoning code • landscape sheet correction as noted to the applicant • fire lane: confirm where and how it is going to service the full Montessori school and show it on the Site Plan • Show a proposed access easement between the parking lot at the front of the property to the LDS Church on the east side. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Future Agenda Items and questions or discussion of current and future items. Staff reports there has been a submittal under review for a Preliminary Plat for Hillside Pointe located in Planned Development No. 33. Future agenda items: Review Development Standards for R-12, R-15, CR, and park land zoning districts. Staff notes a special meeting for Planning and Zoning Commission has been called for January 8, 2015. ADJOURN Chairman Sheridan asked for a motion. Motion made by Chairman Sheridan, seconded by Vice Chairman Vowell, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Dennis idan, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Town of Trophy Club, Texas Matt Jones, Senior Planner Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas December 11, 2014 Minutes Page 3 of 3