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Attachments:PZ Report 8.13.18.pdf Exhibit A - Letter of Intent.pdf Exhibit B - Overall Site Plan.pdf Exhibit C - Site Plan.pdf Exhibit D - Landscape Plan.pdf Exhibit E - Landscape Details & Fencing.pdf Exhibit F - Tree Survey.pdf Exhibit G - Photometric Plan.pdf Exhibit H - Lighting Fixtures.pdf Exhibit I - Playground Equipment.pdf Exhibit J - Artificial Turf Details.pdf Exhibit K - Playground Shade Structure.pdf Exhibit L - Pavilion.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Case SP-AMD-18-001 (Fellowship United Methodist Church) DiscussionandrecommendationregardingarequesttoamendtheapprovedSitePlanforFellowshipUnitedMethodist Church, generally located northwest of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 140 feet southwest of Indian Creek Drive. Planning & Zoning Commission3 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 To: Planning & Zoning Commission From:Lisa Payne, Town Planner CC: ThomasM. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Case SP-AMD-18-001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, August 13, 2018 Agenda Item: Case SP-AMD-18-001 (Fellowship United Methodist Church) Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend the approved Site Plan for Fellowship United Methodist Church, generally located northwest of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 140 feet southwest of Indian Creek Drive. Background and Explanation: Fellowship United Methodist Church, which is zoned NS Neighborhood Services District to act as a transitional district between residential and commercial uses, is seeking approval of the proposed amendment to their site plan. The proposal includes an additional playground with a shade structure and fencing, a new pavilion on a concrete pad to act as a gathering placeand also a basketball court, and a parking lot expansion to the north on the western side of the lot. A new sidewalk is proposed to connect all three new features, and no exterior work is proposed for the church building.Furthermore, two waivers are requested by the applicant to allow artificial turf in the playground area and to allow live screening rather than masonry walls adjacent to residential zoning. As shown on Exhibit B, the new playground is planned to be constructed right next to the existing playground; the two playgrounds are intended to have equipment intended for different age groups. It will be surrounded by a 3.5’ (42”) tall black wrought iron fence with two ADA accessible gates. Decorative benches and tables, as well as a decorative trash receptacle, will be placed inside and adjacent to the playground. Due to State regulations, padding is required under playground equipment so the applicant is requesting a waiver to allow artificial turf within the fenced-in playground area only so that padding may be installed underneath. A detailed drawing of how the artificial turf will be installed is attached (Exhibit J).In addition, a shade structure composed of four triangular windsails is proposed to cover the playground. The steel posts will be powder-coated in brown and stand 8’ tall at the outer edges of the Page 1 of 3 Planning & Zoning Commission4 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 playground. The post at the front of the playground will stand 16’ tall and the green fabric shades will be installed at a slant as they extend down to the 8’ posts. Details are shown on Exhibit K. The new pavilion is proposed to be located northwest of the new playgroundand closer to the expanded parking lot. The 50’ x 60’ pavilion will follow the same color scheme with brown steel posts and green fabric for shade. The posts along the sides will stand 12’ tall and the pavilion will have an arch with the midpoint being almost 19’ high. The pavilion will be installed upon a concrete slab suitable for gatherings and for basketball. Details are included on Exhibit L. On Exhibit C, the expansion to the parking lot is shown to include the addition of 46 overall parking spaces, two new light poles to match the existing, and a Fire Lane that has been approved by the Fire Department. Landscaping is shown to be installed throughout the new portion of the parking lot and a 19.5” Post Oak was specifically protected by designing the parking lot pavement around it. A waiver is being requested for the screening between the Church property and the adjacent residential subdivision, zoned R-11 Single Family District. The Church wants to welcome the community to use their facilities and feels that the exclusivity of building walls will deter residents. Understanding that the nearby residents don’t want to see a parking lot near their homes, the Church has proposed to install large evergreen landscape hedges that are commonly used for screening and will be the required height of a wall. The Code of Ordinances has language in three sections that regulates the screening of parking lots, but the language in each section does not correlate with the other two. The parking regulations in Section 14.02.353 (1)(D) require a parking lot within 60’ of a residentially zoned district to be screened by an 8’ masonry wall or an 8’ combination of berm, fence, or wall. The landscaping regulations in Section 14.02.352(h)(4)(B)(ii) require a parking lot that is abutting residentially zoned or used property to be screened by a wall, fence, hedge, or berm between 4’ – 8’ in height. The screening regulations in Section 14.02.351(k)(3) require the side and rearproperty lines of a nonresidential property to be screened by an 8’ masonry wall when the property abuts a residential lot, use, or district, unless another material has been recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission and approved by Town Council. In the same section, it goes on to require a 4’ masonry wall when the nonresidential property abuts a residential zoning district along a street and if that nonresidential property contains a parking lot facing said street within a residential zoning district. This requirement is also subject to the Planning & Zoning Commission recommending and the Town Council approving a different material. Sunset Drive runs along a rear portion of the Church property, creating an atypical layout on which the Code of Ordinances cannot provide clear direction. The applicant’s landscape plan and plant list (Exhibits D & E) show that 7’-8’ Blue Point Junipers and Nellie R. Stevens are proposed to be planted along the side of the residential lot adjacent to the new parking spaces and are expected to quickly reach a full 8’ in height. These plants are proposed to be installed outside the Woodcrete fence and continue towards Sunset Drive, stopping at the property line. Silverberry Elaeagnus is a large shrub that is proposed along the street-facing portion of the parking lot. The plant is planned to be installed at 3.5’ in height and easily grow to 4’ within a year, as this species is able to reach 6’ in height. Page 2 of 3 Planning & Zoning Commission5 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 The lot is heavily treed in much of the proposed area of construction so tree removal will be necessary. The applicant has provided a tree survey to locate specific trees to be removed and those to be protected. The Church is not required to mitigate for the trees to be removed due to Section 10.02.243(c)(6) of the Code of Ordinances which provides an exception to property that was platted prior to the formation of the Tree Preservation and Removal Ordinance, as long as the property is not being replatted. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the amended site planas well as the requested waivers to allow artificial turf in the playground areaand to allow live screening rather than masonry walls in the specified locations. Attachments: Exhibit A – Letter of Intent Exhibit B – Overall Site Plan Exhibit C – Site Plan Exhibit D – Landscape Plan Exhibit E – Landscape Details & Fencing Exhibit F – Tree Survey Exhibit G – Photometric Plan Exhibit H – Lighting Fixtures Exhibit I – Playground Equipment Exhibit J – Artificial Turf Details Exhibit K – Playground Shade Structure Exhibit L – Pavilion Page 3 of 3 Planning & Zoning Commission6 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 Exhibit A Planning & Zoning Commission7 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 August 201813, FELLOWSHIP U.M.C. Monday, TBPLS Firm No. 10047700TBPE Firm No. 1798 18151 Date: C1 Meeting OVERALL SITE PLAN PAVING SPECIFICATIONS: E ) V . I T . C R . D . D R . D B 8 0 U 2 / L 0 4 7 C . W Y . O . H R ' P 0 8 ( O R T 8 29of E V I ) . E W . V R O. I R ' R 0 5 ( D D T ) E . S D N W . U N O S . R A ' 0 L 5 ( T R O P Commission Zoning & Planning August 201813, FELLOWSHIP U.M.C. Monday, TBPLS Firm No. 10047700TBPE Firm No. 1798 18151 Date: C2 Meeting AMENDED SITE PLAN PAVING SPECIFICATIONS: 82.0% (572,009 sf) (-24,719 sf) 14.1% (98,026 sf) (+24,719 sf) CHURCH/PRIVATE SCHOOLCHURCH/PRIVATE SCHOOL NEIGHBOR SERVICE (NS) 16.014 acres (697,570 sf) 184 (ADDITIONAL 46) 3.9% (27,536 sf) PROPOSED 27,536 sf PARKING REQUIRED (1 SP/200 SF)138 (137 PROVIDED) (7 HC) NEIGHBOR SERVICE (NS) 16.014 acres (697,570 sf) 85.5% (596,727 sf) 10.5% (73,307 sf) 3.9% (27,536 sf) 27,536 sf EXISTING AREA OF IMPERVIOUS SPACE BUILDING COVERAGE BUILDING AREA OPEN SPACE LOT AREA ZONING USE Exhibit C 9 29of E V I ) . E W . V O RI. R R' 0 5 D( D T ) E . S D W N . U N O S . R A ' 0 L 5 ( T R O P Commission Zoning & Planning August 201813, FELLOWSHIP U.M.C. Monday, S TBPLS Firm No. 10047700TBPE Firm No. 1798 A X E 18151 T I Date: P N . S 6 O L1.0 P 2 F 8 N N O 2 Meeting O E S LANDSCAPE PLAN T E A M T A S J REQUIRED: At least one tree planted within the parking area for REQUIRED: Trees shall be planted innon-vehicular open space PROVIDED: 572,009 sq. ft. landscape (83,529 sq. ft. front yard) nonresidential zoning districts, at least 15% of the total site area Planter islands shall be at least 10' by 20' in size and spaced no by hedge not greater than 8' nor no less than 4' in height. Living REQUIRED: Landscaping shall be provided on each developed REQUIRED: A minimum 10' landscape buffer shall be required PROVIDED: Requirement met through preservation of existing REQUIRED: One tree shall be required per thirty linear feet of REQUIRED: All structures shall be treated with landscaping todeveloped site may be credited to the following requirements: further than 12 parking spaces for parking lot/tracts in order to Residential property requires screening from any parking area preserve existing trees in interior parking areas. Such islands landscape is to be 100% watered by an underground irrigation system.Percentage of Site in Non-Vehicular Open Spaces/Tree Ratio REQUIRED: Landscape material shall cover all open ground REQUIRED: At least 10% of the gross parking area shall be to meet requirements. Existing trees that are preserved on a Final landscape plans will meet all Town of Trophy Club development 572,009 sq. ft landscape/697,570 sq. ft. of total site = 0.82% ordinances and maintained according to town standards. All required every 400 square feet of required interior landscape area. required along any property line abutting a right-of-way. enhance the appearance of the structure and to screen Required living barrier must have 2' width planting strip. shall feature landscaping with not less than 50% of the along any property line abutting adjacent property line. Sunset Drive: 221 l.f. of street frontage /30 l.f. = 7 trees REQUIRED: A minimum 15' landscape buffer shall be PROVIDED: 6 shade trees, 1 existing tree (tree 257), lot in accordance with the following standards: In all landscaping being located in the required front yard. Solid row of screening shrubs with 10' planting strip 104,635 x 0.5 = 52,317 sq. ft. of required front yard Solid row of screening shrubs with 5' planting strip 697,570 sq. ft. x 0.15 = 104,635 sq. ft. landscape LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Fellowship United Methodist Church 2,339.5 sq. ft./400 sq. ft. = 5.8 trees required barrier must have a 2' width planting strip. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB pervious, permanently landscaped area. 23,395 sq. ft. x 10% = 2,339.5 sq. ft.Less than 30% = 6 trees/2,500 sq. ft. within 20' of any building or paving. PROVIDED: 4,033 sq. ft. landscape PROVIDED: 15' landscape bufferPROVIDED: 10' landscape buffer Over 50 %= 9 trees/4,000 sq. ft. PROVIDED: 7 new shade trees per Non-Vehicular Open Space30 - 49% = 7 trees/3,000 sq. ft. shall contain at least one tree. NON-VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE and 5 ornamental trees unsightly appearance. PERIMETER LANDSCAPE perimeter area. INTERIOR LANDSCAPE trees. 10 29of E V I ) . E W . V O RI. R R' 0 5 D( D T ) E . S D W N . U N O S . R A ' 0 L 5 ( T R O P Commission Zoning & Planning August 201813, FELLOWSHIP U.M.C. Monday, S TBPLS Firm No. 10047700TBPE Firm No. 1798 A X E 18151 T I Date: P N . S 6 L1.1 O P 2 F 8 N N O 2 Meeting O E S LANDSCAPE PLAN T E A M T A S J Exhibit E 11 29of Commission Zoning & Planning August 201813, FELLOWSHIP U.M.C. Monday, S TBPLS Firm No. 10047700TBPE Firm No. 1798 A X E 18151 T I Date: P N . S 6 T1.0 O P 2 F 8 N N O 2 Meeting O E S TREE SURVEY T E A M T A S J 12 29of E V I ). E W . V R O. I R ' R 0 5 ( D D T ) E . S D N W . U N O S . R A ' 0 L 5 ( T R O P Commission Zoning & Planning August 201813, FELLOWSHIP U.M.C. Monday, S TBPLS Firm No. 10047700TBPE Firm No. 1798 A X E 18151 T I Date: P N . S T1.1 6 O P 2 F 8 N N O 2 Meeting O E S TREE SURVEY T E A M T A S J Yesmultitrunk YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo YesYesYes NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesY esYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes vǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƒğƩźƌğƓķźĭğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƒğƩźƌğƓķźĭğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƒğƩźƌğƓķźĭğ vǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ ƭƷĻƌƌğƷğvǒĻƩĭǒƭ 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Meeting DesritionSymolMAvgAvg/MinMinM/Min 8.7 1.0 N/A0.0 N/A 208 Wttge Light Loss Ftor 1 Lmens Per 1IES File.IES24922 Lm Pole Bases shall not be painted Filenme Cl one 2 Sttistis Sle  1"  20t Nmer Lms Pln View DesritionLm Ctlog Nmer Mntr er SymolLelntity 2 Exhibit G A 15 29of Shedle 0.0 Commission Zoning & Planning 1 o 1 Drwing No. Not to Sle August 201813, 7/10/2018 Smmry Designer Sle Monday, Dte NEW PARING PHOTOMETRIC  FELLOWSHIP U.M.C. Date: Meeting 16 29of Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting Exhibit I of 29 17 Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting J Exhibit of 29 18 Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting K Exhibit of 29 19 Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting K Exhibit of 29 20 Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting K Exhibit of 29 21 Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting L Exhibit of 29 22 Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting of 29 23 L Exhibit Commission Zoning & Planning 2018 13, August Monday, Date: Meeting L of 29 Exhibit 24 Commission Zoning & Planning Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-380-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Draft File created:8/6/2018 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:8/13/2018 Final action: Title:Review and approve the minutes of the August 2, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Attachments:PZ Minutes 08.02.2018 FINAL.pdf DateVer.Action ByActionResult Review and approve the minutes of the August 2, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Planning & Zoning Commission25 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission ______________________________________________________________________ August 2, 2018 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers ______________________________________________________________________ CALLTO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Vice Chairman Pipkinscalled theAugust 2, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced a quorum. Commissioners Present: Vice Chairman Michael Pipkins Commissioner Jeffrey Beach Commissioner Brandon Blake Commissioner Jacob Gibson Commissioner Michael Biggs Commissioner Mike Branum Commissioners Absent: Chairman Dennis Sheridan (excused) Staff and Guests Present: Greg Lamont Town Council Lisa Payne Town Planner Julie Smestad Recording Secretary CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Vice Chairman Pipkins asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were submitted. REGULAR SESSION PUBLIC HEARING - OPENED AT 7:04 p.m. 2018-368-T Case Z-18-001 (Unzoned Parcels) a.Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a Town-initiated request to zone approximately 2.15 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located northeast of SH 114 and 114 Business; to zone approximately 12.81 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located south of Indian Creek Drive and approximately 125 feet west of W. Hillside Place; to zone approximately 0.18 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located southwest of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; to rezone approximately 0.57 acres of land from R-10 Single Family District to GU Governmental Use District, generally located west of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; and to zone approximately Planning & Zoning Commission26 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 Drive 0.51 acres of land to R-10 Single Family District, generally located south of Indian Creek and approximately 30 feet east of Troon Drive, within Trophy Club’s town limits. b.Discussion and recommendation regarding a Town-initiated request to zone approximately 2.15 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located northeast of SH 114 and 114 Business; to zone approximately 12.81 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located south of Indian Creek Drive and approximately 125 feet west of W. Hillside Place; to zone approximately 0.18 acres of land to GU Governmental Use District, generally located southwest of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; to rezone approximately 0.57 acres of land from R-10 Single Family District to GU Governmental Use District, generally located west of the intersection of W. Hillside Place and Meadowbrook Lane; and to zone approximately 0.51 acres of land to R-10 Single Family District, generally located south of Indian Creek Drive and approximately 30 feet east of Troon Drive, within Trophy Club’s town limits. Vice Chairman Pipkinsaskedfor staff report. Staff report was presented by Town Planner, Lisa Payne and she was available for questions. Joe Jefferis, 101 Forest Hill Drive in Trophy Club had questions about the proposed zoning and herecommended GU zoning rather than R-10 zoning for the 0.51acre parcel east of Troon Drive. PUBLIC HEARING – CLOSED AT 7:17p.m. REGULAR SESSION Discussion included whetherrecommended zoning designations were appropriate for each parcel and if there was zoning flexibility if another use became available in the future, especially on the proposed R-10 parcel(s). Vice ChairmanPipkinsasked for a motion. Commissioner Beach moved that the Commission accept staff recommendations and recommend, as documented, approval to the Town Council. Seconded by Commissioner Branum. Vice Chairman Pipkins called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously. 2018-366-T Review and approve the minutes of the July 5, 2018 Planning & Zoning Meeting. Commission Vice Chairman Pipkins asked for questions or corrections. There were none. Vice Chairman Pipkins asked for a motion. Commissioner Blake moved to approve the July 5, 2018 minutes as written, which was seconded by Commissioner Gibson. Vice Chairman Pipkins asked for a vote. The motion was approved unanimously. 2018-369-T Town Planner Updates; discussion on current Town developmentissuesand developmentcodes. Staff updates were given by Lisa Payne, Town Planner. August 2, 2018 Minutes Page 2 of 3 Planning & Zoning Commission27 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 ADJOURN Vice ChairmanPipkins asked for a motion. Commissioner Gibsonmoved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Biggs. Vice ChairmanPipkins askedfor a vote. The motion was approvedunanimously. The meeting adjourned 7:30p.m. ____________________________________________________________ Michael Pipkins, ViceChairmanJulie Smestad, Recording Secretary Planning & Zoning CommissionCommunity Development Town of Trophy Club, TexasTown of Trophy Club, Texas August 2, 2018 Minutes Page 3 of 3 Planning & Zoning Commission28 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 Town of Trophy Club 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2018-381-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Draft File created:8/6/2018 In control:Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:8/13/2018 Final action: Title:Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Attachments: DateVer.Action ByActionResult Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Planning & Zoning Commission29 of 29Meeting Date: Monday, August 13, 2018