ORD 2020-17 Meetings And Rules Of Procedure TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS
WHEREAS, the Town Council establishes rules and procedures to ensure that its
meetings are conducted in an orderly manner; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council has the authority to generally review and make
changes to its procedural rules as it determines appropriate for the orderly conduct of its
meetings; and
WHEREAS, having reviewed the existing procedures and considering the desire
to conduct orderly and efficient meetings, the Town Council hereby repeals Division 2,
"Meetings and Rules of Procedure," of Article 1.03, "Town Council" and adopts a new
Division 2, "Meetings and Rules of Procedure," of Article 1.03, "Town Council' serving the
best interests of the Town and will assist with the conduct of orderly and efficient
That the above and foregoing premises are true and correct and are incorporated
herein and made a part hereof for all purposes.
2.1 Division 2, "Meetings and Rules of Procedure," of Article 1.03, "Town Council' of
the Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, is hereby repealed and a new Division 2,
"Meetings and Rules of Procedure," of Article 1.03, "Town Council' is hereby adopted, so
that Division 2, "Meetings and Rules of Procedure shall be and read in its entirety as
Division 2. Meetings and Rules of Procedure
Sec. 1.03.031 Authority
Pursuant to Section 3.11 of the Home Rule Charter of the town, the Town Council
shall determine its own Rules of Procedure.
The Charter of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, provides for open meetings for
the Town Council at which reasonable opportunity shall be given for Citizens to be
heard under such rules as the Council may provide. The Rules of Procedure
establish guidelines to be followed by all persons attending a Town Council
meeting, including members of the Town Council, Town Staff and visitors.
Sec. 1.03.032 General Rules
(a) Meetings to be public. All official meetings of the town council and all
sessions of a subcommittee of the town council consisting of a quorum of
the council shall be public unless otherwise specified by council.
(b) Quorum. The governing body of the town consists of a Mayor and six (6)
Council Members. Attendance at a council meeting by four (4) of the seven
(7) members of the Town Council constitutes a quorum for the purpose of
a regular or special meeting.
(c) Attendance. As specified in the Town Charter, should a member of the
Town Council fail to attend three consecutive regular meetings without
being excused by the council, his/her office may be declared forfeited by
the council. A member of the Town Council who is unable to attend a
Council Meeting shall notify the Town Secretary of his/her inability to attend
the meeting and shall provide an explanation of the conflict or other reason
that prevents his/her attendance. Written notice to the Town Secretary via
email or followed up with an email shall be provided as soon as practicable
after the member becomes aware that he/she will be absent. The Town
Secretary shall notify the council of the absence prior to the beginning of
the Council Meeting from which the member will be absent or as soon as
the Town Secretary receives written notice.
(d) Misconduct. The Town Council may punish its own members for misconduct
as authorized by state law and town charter.
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(e) Minutes of Town Council meetings. An account of all proceedings of the
town council shall be maintained by the Town Secretary and shall be
entered into a book constituting the official record of the town council.
(f) Questions to contain one subject. All questions submitted for a vote shall
contain only one subject. If two or more points are involved, any member
may require a division, if the question reasonably admits of a division.
(g) Right to floor. Any town council member desiring to speak shall be
recognized by the chairman/mayor. No member shall be allowed to speak
more than once on any one subject until every member wishing to speak
shall have spoken.
(h) Town manager. The town manager or assistant town manager or acting
town manager, shall attend all meetings of the town council unless excused
by the mayor or town council. The town manager, assistant town manager,
or acting town manager may make recommendations to the town council
and shall have the right to take part in all discussions of the town council,
but shall have no vote. The town manager may place an item for discussion
and/or action on the council agenda.
(i) Town attorney. The town attorney or acting town attorney, shall attend all
meetings of the town council unless excused by the mayor or town council
and shall, upon request, give an opinion, either written or oral, on questions
of law. The town attorney shall act as the town council's parliamentarian.
Q) Town secretary. The town secretary or acting town secretary, shall attend
all meetings of the town council unless excused by the mayor or town
council, and shall keep the official minutes and perform such other duties
as may be requested of him/her by the town council.
(k) Officers and employees. Any officer or employee of the town, when
requested by the town manager, shall attend any meeting of the town
council. If requested to do so by the town manager, they may present
information relating to matters before the town council.
(1) Rules of order. Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, as amended by the
council, shall govern the proceedings of the town council.
(m) Suspension of rules. Any provision of these rules may be temporarily
suspended by a two-thirds vote of all members of the town council in
attendance. The vote on any such suspension shall be taken by a show of
hands and entered into the record.
(n) Amendment to rules. These rules may be amended, or new rules adopted
with a favorable vote by four(4) members of the town council in attendance,
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provided that the proposed amendments or new rules shall have been
introduced into the record at a prior town council meeting.
Sec. 1.03.033 Types of Meetings
(a) Regular meetings. The Town Council shall primarily meet in the council
chambers located at 1 Trophy Wood Dr., Trophy Club, Texas, on the second
and fourth Tuesday of each month and each meeting shall commence at
the time and place posted on the agenda.
(b) Special meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or by any
three (3) members of the Town Council. The call for a special meeting shall
be filed with the Town Secretary in written form, except that announcement
of a special meeting, during any regular meeting at which all members are
present, shall be sufficient notice of such special meeting. The call for a
special meeting shall specify the day and the hour of the special meeting,
and shall list the subject or subjects to be considered. No special meeting
shall be held until at least 72 hours after the call is issued or within two (2)
hours for an emergency meeting. Only such business may be transacted at
a special meeting as may be listed in the call for said meeting or as incident
(c) Emergency meetings. In case of an emergency or urgent public necessity,
an emergency meeting shall be called by the Mayor or by three (3)
members of the town council, and shall follow Texas Statutes and be posted
(d) Recessed meetings. Any meeting of the Town Council may be recessed to
a later time, provided that no recess shall be for a longer period than until
the next regular meeting.
(e) Public hearings.
(1) All meetings shall be held in full compliance with the provisions of
state law and codes of the town. Any party in interest may appear in
his/her own behalf or be represented by counsel or agent.
(2) The Town Secretary shall set public hearing dates for the Town
Council as requested, be responsible for timely advertising in the
official newspaper, and notify interested parties according to
requirements of the town council.
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Sec. 1.03.034 Presiding Officer/Mayor
(a) Designation. The Mayor, if present, shall preside at all meetings of the
Town Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro- Tern shall
preside. In the absence of both the Mayor and the Mayor Pro- Tem, the
Town Council shall elect a Presiding Officer.
(b) Call to order. The meetings of the Town Council shall be called to order by
the Mayor. In the absence of both the Mayor and the Mayor Pro-Tem, the
meeting shall be called to order by the Town Secretary.
(c) Preservation of order. The Mayor shall preserve order and decorum,
prevent personalities from becoming involved in debate and confine
members in debate to the question under discussion.
(d) Points of order.
(1) A member may interrupt debate for immediate consideration of
questions relating to rights and privileges of the assembly. The
Mayor will decide the question or may refer to the Town Attorney for
a ruling. The Mayor's decision is subject to appeal to the Town
(2) A member of the council may appeal a ruling of the Mayor by
obtaining the floor and stating, "I appeal the ruling of the Mayor." The
person appealing can interrupt a speaker who has the floor. If
another member seconds the appeal, the procedure is as follows:
the presiding officer puts the question to the members for a vote. The
question cannot be amended and it is debatable unless the
immediately pending question is not debatable, the purpose of the
vote is to decide whether the Mayor's ruling should be sustained. The
Mayor is entitled to speak first and last in any discussion about the
appeal or his/her decision. A majority vote is required to overturn the
decision of the Mayor, and the question can be reconsidered.
(e) Questions to be stated. The Mayor shall state all questions submitted for a
vote and announce the result. The announcement of the result will include
the number of votes for, number of votes against and abstentions, or
state if unanimous.
(f) Substitution of presiding officer. The Mayor may call any other member to
take his place in the chair, such substitution not to continue beyond
Sec. 1.03.035 Order of Business; Agenda
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(a) Agenda. The business of each meeting shall be as contained in the agenda
in the order established by the Mayor. The Town Secretary is responsible
for the preparation of the agenda and providing a draft to the Town Council
the topics to be considered each Thursday preceding the Tuesday Council
Meeting. The agenda may provide for a work session immediately
preceding the Regular Council Meeting in order to allow council discussion
and questions related to one or more of the items posted on the Regular
Council agenda. At the end of each agenda item, the agenda should
specify the first initial and last name of the person(s) adding the item to
be considered on the agenda.
(b) Presentations by members of Town Council; Future Agenda items. The
Future Agenda Items' List shall provide the Mayor or any two (2) Town
Council Members the opportunity to bring an item before the Town Council
for consideration at a future meeting. Pursuant to the Town Charter,
before any item is placed for discussion and/or action on a future Town
Council agenda, a request for its placement on the agenda shall be
made by either the Mayor or by any two (2) Council Members.
(c) Request for Agenda Item by Mayor/Presiding Officer. The Mayor or a
Presiding Officer of a council appointed board, commission, corporation, or
other appointed body requesting that an item be placed on the Council
Agenda for discussion and/or action shall present such request to the Town
Manager in writing in the time frame set forth in subsection (d) below.
(d) Deadline for Submission of Council Agenda item(s). An item for Town
Council consideration shall be submitted to the Town Secretary's office in
writing not later than 5:00 pm on the Monday prior to the 72 hour publication
of the meeting agenda.
(e) Public Comment by citizens or representative(s) of organized groups-
Public Comment by citizens at a council meeting, with or without prior
notification, shall be limited to a total of four (4) minutes.
(f) Presentation by citizens or representative(s) of organized groups; Agenda
Items. For items on the Agenda - Presentations by citizens, with or without
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prior notification, shall be limited to a total of six minutes. The speaker will
be limited to four (4) minutes of time to complete his/her comments prior to
council discussion and two (2) minutes prior to the vote. The Mayor shall
maintain the time and advise the speaker when his/her time has expired.
A person may not give his/her speaking time to another. Persons wishing
to express their position on an agenda item but who do not wish to speak
shall complete a speaker's form and indicate their support or opposition.
The name and respective position of such person(s)shall be read into the
record by the Mayor. Topics of presentations should be limited to matters
over which the Council has authority.
(g) Rules of conduct applicable to citizen's presentations for agenda items,
citizen's presentations, and for public hearings.
(1) Each person addressing the council shall step up to the microphone,
shall give his or her name and address in an audible tone of voice
for the record. If representing an organized group, the speaker shall
identify the group represented. All remarks shall be addressed to the
council as a body, and not to any member thereof. No person, other
than town staff, members of the council and the person having the
floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly
or through the members of the council. No questions shall be asked
of the councilmembers, except through the presiding officer.
(2) All citizens shall refrain from private conversations in the chamber
while the Town Council is in session.
(3) Citizens attending the council meetings shall observe the same rules
of priority, decorum, and good conduct applicable to the
administrative staff. Any persons making personal, impertinent, or
slanderous remarks, or who becomes boisterous while addressing
the Town Council or while attending the council meeting, shall be
removed from the room if the Chief of Police (or his representative)
is directed by the Mayor/Presiding Officer, and such person shall be
barred from further audience before the council during that Council
(4) Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles,
yells and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted by the
Mayor/Presiding Officer, who shall direct the Chief of Police or his
designee to remove such offenders from the room.
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(5) In case the Mayor/Presiding Officer shall fail to act, any member
of the Town Council may move to require the Mayor to enforce the
rules, and the affirmative vote of a majority of all members present
of the Town Council shall require the Mayor/ Presiding Officer to
(6) No placards, banners or signs of any kind shall be permitted in the
council chamber unless exhibits, displays and visual aids are used
in connection with presentations to the Town Council, provided that
such exhibits, displays and visuals aids do not disrupt the meeting.
(7) The Mayor may issue Proclamations as needed without Council
Approval should the proclamation request not satisfy the deadline for
placement on the Council Agenda.
(h) Written communications to Council.
(1) General. Interested parties, or their authorized representatives, may
address the council by written communication in regard to any matter
concerning the town's business or over which the council has control
at any time.
(2) Agenda Items. A written communication relative to a Citizen
Presentation and an item posted for consideration on a Town Council
Agenda may be submitted by direct mail to the council or to the Town
Secretary at least four (4) hours prior to the time for commencement
of the Town Council Meeting at which the item will be discussed.
Upon timely receipt of a communication, the Town Secretary shall
distribute copies to each of the councilmembers and shall make
copies available for public review at a designated location in the
council chambers. The names of those submitting the
communication and the topic addressed will be entered into the
record without the necessity for reading as long as sufficient copies
are available at the meeting for review by members of the
(i) Presentations by Town Manager. Matters requiring the council's attention
which may have developed since the deadline for delivery of the written
communication to the council may be presented orally by the Town
Manager for informational purposes only in accordance with Chapter 551
Texas Government Code.
(j) Requests for Research or Information. The Mayor and individual
councilmembers may request information or research from the town staff
on a given topic through the Town Manager who will make all members of
council aware of the special request, as it may be of interest to them as well.
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Accordingly, the Town Manager will provide the results of the request to all
members of council. In the event the Town Manager believes he cannot
respond in a timely manner, he and the members of council will coordinate
a reasonable and responsible timeframe in which to expect the results
without unduly interfering with other activities of higher priority.
(k) Notification of Significant Activities or Events. The Mayor and
councilmembers expect the Town Manager to notify them, and provide
periodic updates regarding significant activities or events in the town related
to natural or manmade disasters, major criminal activity, accidents involving
town property, or death involving town staff/employees.
(1) Seating Arrangement. The Town Manager, Town Secretary, and Town
Attorney shall occupy the respective seats in the council chamber assigned
to them by the Mayor/Presiding Officer, but any two (2) or more of the Town
Council may exchange seats.
Sec. 1.03.036 Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions
(a) Printed or typewritten form. All ordinances and resolutions shall be
presented to the Town Council only in written form.
(b) Town Attorney to approve. All ordinances and resolutions shall be approved
as to form and legality by the Town Attorney.
(c) Distribution of Ordinances. The Town Secretary shall include drafts of all
proposed ordinances within the agenda packet or provide to all members of
the Town Council at the meeting at which the ordinance is introduced.
(d) Recording of Votes. The show of hands shall be taken and entered upon
the passage of all ordinances and resolutions and entered into the official
record of the council.
(e) Vote required for Approval. Approval of every ordinance, resolution, or
motion shall require the affirmative vote of four (4) of the members of the
Town Council in attendance.
(f) Mayoral Vote. The Mayor shall have a vote on all matters before the council.
(g) Conflict of interest. Should any person on the Town Council have a conflict
of interest pursuant to any state laws and/or town ordinances regulating
conflicts of interest with regard to an item on the council agenda, such
person shall openly declare their conflict prior to any discussion of the item,
shall have completed the conflict of interest affidavit as required by state
law, and have filed it with the Town Secretary,and shall be prohibited from
participating in the discussion or vote on the item.
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(h) Abstention from Voting. Should any person on the Town Council abstain
from voting on an agenda item where no conflict of interest under state law
and/or town ordinance exists, the person's vote shall be recorded as a
negative vote in the minutes of the council meeting.
Sec. 1.03.037 Rules of Decorum
(a) Recognition by Mayor/Presiding Officer. No person shall address the Town
Council without first being recognized by the Mayor/Presiding Officer.
(b) Order. While the council is in session, the members must preserve order
and decorum, and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise,
delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the Town Council nor
disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the
presiding officer. Members of the Town Council shall not leave their seats
during a meeting without first advising the Mayor/Presiding Officer.
(c) Mayor/Presiding Officer may Debate. The Mayor/Presiding Officer may
move only to such limitations of debate as are the rights and privileges of a
Town Council Member by reason of their acting as the Mayor/Presiding
Officer. If the Presiding Officer is engaged in debate and is abusing the
position as Presiding Officer, at the insistence of any three (3) Council
Members, the Mayor/Presiding Officer member must relinquish the chair in
accordance with provisions of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.
(d) Getting the floor, improper references to be avoided. Every member
desiring to speak shall address the Mayor/Presiding Officer, and upon
recognition by the Mayor/Presiding Officer shall confine himself/herself to
the questions under debate, avoiding all personalities and inappropriate
(e) Interruptions. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when
speaking unless it be to call the member to order, or as herein otherwise
provided. If a member, while speaking, is called to order, the Town Council
Member shall cease speaking until the question of order be determined and,
if in order, the Town Council Member shall be permitted to proceed.
Sec. 1.03.038 Parliamentary Motions and Precedence
(a) Discussion of items. The meeting is governed by the agenda and the
agenda constitutes the only items to be discussed. Each agenda item shall
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be considered open for discussion after that item is read by the
Mayor/Presiding Officer. If a member wishes to challenge an agenda item
on the basis that the item is not a proper topic for council discussion, such
member shall state that he or she "objects to the consideration of the
agenda item" during the reading of the item. This action does not require a
second. When the objection is made, the Mayor/Presiding Officer will finish
reading the item after the objection, then shall immediately call the question:
"will the assembly consider this agenda item?" if 2/3 of the members vote
"no," the agenda item will not be considered open. A motion for appropriate
action shall be made after discussion of an item has been concluded.
(1) The Mayor/Presiding Officer should invite the appropriate people to
report on the item, including any recommendation they might have.
(2) The Mayor/Presiding Officer should ask the Members if they have
any technical questions for clarification. At this point, the members
may ask clarifying questions to the people who reported on the item,
and they should be given time to respond.
(3) The Mayor/Presiding Officer should invite resident comments
(limited to 4 minutes or a time determined appropriate by the
Mayor/Presiding Officer) — or if a public hearing, open the public
hearing. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Mayor/Presiding
Officer should announce the public hearing closed.
(b) Motions. After obtaining the floor a motion can be made before the
assembly on the particular subject of discussion. The Mayor/Presiding
Officer should invite a motion from the Members before debate is given on
the merits of the item. The Mayor/Presiding Officer should announce the
name of the Council Members-who makes the motion.
(1) A "second" to the motion must be made by another Council
Member within a reasonable but brief time period which is
determined and recognized by the Mayor/Presiding Officer. The
Mayor/Presiding Officer should announce the name of the Member
who seconds the motion. If no Members wish to second the motion,
then the motion fails, and should be so stated by the
Mayor/Presiding Officer. Without a "second" the motion dies.
(2) If the motion is made and seconded, the Mayor/Presiding Officer
should make certain that everyone (including the audience)
understands the motion. This is done in three ways: a. The
Mayor/Presiding Officer can ask the maker of the motion to repeat
it; b. The Mayor/Presiding Officer can repeat the motion; or c.
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The Mayor/Presiding Officer can ask the Town Secretary to repeat
the motion.
(3) No main motion can be made when another motion is pending.
The Mayor/Presiding Officer should now invite the Members to
discuss the motion. If there is no desired discussion, the
Mayor/Presiding Officer should invite additional resident comments
(limited to 2 minutes or a time determined appropriate by the Chair).
If there has been no input or discussion or a brief discussion,
then there is no need to repeat the motion before taking a vote. If
the discussion has been lengthy, it is a good idea to repeat the motion
before calling for the vote.
(c) Withdrawal of motions. A motion may be withdrawn, or modified, by its
mover without asking permission until the motion has been stated by the
Mayor/Presiding Officer. If the mover modifies his motion, the person who
seconds the motion may withdraw his second. After the question has been
stated, the mover shall neither withdraw it nor modify it without the consent
of the council.
(d) Stating the question. In principle, the Mayor/Presiding Officer must state
the question on a motion immediately after it has been made and seconded,
unless the Council Member is obligated to rule that the motion is out of order
or if the wording is not clear.
(e) Amendments to motions. No motion or proposition of a subject different
from that under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment.
A motion to amend an amendment shall be in order, but one to amend an
amendment to an amendment shall not be in order.
(f) Debate. Debate must be limited to the merits of the immediately pending
question as stated by and by authority of the Mayor/Presiding Officer.
(g) Calling for the question by Mayor/Presiding Officer- ending debate.
(1) The Mayor/Presiding Officer may"call for the question"without a vote
if debate appears to have closed and if there are no objections by
any council member.
(2) A motion for the previous question (call the question) may not
interrupt a speaker who has the floor, must be made and seconded,
is not debatable, cannot be amended, requires an affirmative, two-
thirds vote of members present to pass and in this assembly cannot
be reconsidered. Additionally, in order to protect the democratic
process, any Council Member or member of the public who is on
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record to speak before the motion is made will be permitted to speak
before the vote is taken on the motion for the previous question.
(3) The Mayor/Presiding Officer calls for the vote. Unless a super-
majority is required for passage of the motion, a simple majority vote
determines whether the motion passes or fails.
(4) The Mayor/Presiding Officer announces the results of the vote and
should also state what action (if any) the Members have taken.
Sec. 1.03.039 Creation of Committees, Boards and Commissions
(a) Ad-hoc Committees. The Council may, as the need arises, authorize the
appointment of "ad hoc" committees. Except where otherwise specifically
provided, the Mayor shall appoint the members of the "ad hoc" committees,
subject to the approval of the Town Council. Any committee so created shall
cease to exist upon the accomplishment of the special purpose for which it
was created or when abolished by a majority vote of the Town Council.
(b) Citizen Boards Commissions Corporations and other appointed bodies.
The Town Council may create boards, commissions, corporations and other
council appointed bodies to assist in the conduct of the operation of the
town government with such duties as the council may specify. Memberships
and selection of members shall be as provided in accordance with the
guidelines in the handbook for elected and appointed officials, as amended
from time to time. Any such appointed bodies so created shall cease to exist
upon the accomplishment of the special purpose for which it was created,
or when abolished by a majority vote of the Town Council. No body so
appointed shall have powers other than advisory to the Town Council,
except as otherwise specified by the laws of the state. These rules of
procedure shall apply to council appointed boards, commissions,
corporations, and other appointed bodies in accordance with the Town's
Handbook for Appointed and Elected Officials and shall only be modified as
provided in the enabling ordinances for each such council appointed body."
That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the Town affecting rules
of procedure and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances except in those
instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions
of this Ordinance; whether such ordinances are codified or uncodified, and all other
provisions of the Ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club, codified or uncodified, not in
conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect.
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If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or
its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court
of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed
such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining
portions shall remain in full force and effect.
The Town Secretary of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby directed to engross and
enroll this Ordinance in accordance with the Town Charter and by filing this Ordinance in
the Ordinance Records of the Town.
This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of passage and
publication as required by law.
FIRST READING by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, was
held August 25, 2020.
SECOND READING PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town
of Trophy Club, Texas, September 22, 2020.
C. Nick Sanders, Mayor
Town of Trophy Club, Texas
ti 'a Vac , TRM C/MMC
Town-,Sec r ary MO
J. a 'd dd III, Town Attorney
T w,h of Trophy Club, Texas
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