Agenda Packet P&Z 01/30/2001 - Joint Workshop SessionNOTICE OF JOINT WORKSHOP SESSION FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN COUNCIL & ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 30 JANUARY 2001 4:00 p.m. LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Training Workshop for Planning Practitioners Agenda Description Time — Introductory Remarks Marshal Englebeck, Mayor Donna Welsh, Town Manager 4:00 pm Role and Authority of the Planning & Zoning Commissioner 4:10 pm Dan C. Boutwell, AlCP Patricia A. Adams Bodies Established by the Local Government Code Role of the Council, P&Z, and ZBA in Planning Legal Liability Comprehensive Land Use Plan 5:00 pm What is a Comprehensive Plan What Authority Does it Have Implementing the Comprehensive Plan Break 5:30 pm Working with the Zoning Ordinance 5:50 pm Legal Authority for Zoning Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan Characteristics of Trophy Club Zoning Ordinance Role of the Council, P&Z, and ZBA regarding Zoning Role of the Zoning Board of Adjustment 6:40 pm ZBA's Purpose Authority Provided by State Low Determining a Hardship Testimony and Evidence Working with the Subdivision Regulations 7:20 pm Difference Between Platting and Zoning When is Platting Required Role of the Council, P&Z, and ZBA Regarding Platting What is the 30 Day Rule Public Meeting and Workshops 7:45 pm Differences in Workshops, meetings, and hearings What to Soy in the Meetings Quorums, Procedures, and Motions Closing Remarks 8:25 pm General Questions and Answers from Workshop Participants. jerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator The Planning and Zoning Agenda was prepared in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, and was posted on the 26th day of January 2001, at approximately 5:00 PM. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact Ms. Kerin C. Fleck, Planning & Zoning Coordinator, at 817-430-1911 Ext. 171, so appropriate arrangements can be made. KCF/PLANNING&ZONING/AGENDAS/2001 /JANUARY/01 302001 JOINT SESSION P&Z,TC,ZBA