Agenda Packet P&Z 11/28/2005Town of Trophy Club Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Monday, November 28, 2005 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. A.2 Open Workshop Session B.1 View and discuss a presentation made by the Applicant, D.R. Horton, for an application that will be on the Commission's December 8, 2005 agenda to request an amendment to the Town's Comprehensive Land Use Plan to add the new land use designation of "Traditional Neighborhood Development". The Applicant will be requesting a proposed amendment to change the current land use designation on the Town's comprehensive land use map for certain tracts of land from Low Density Residential, Estate Residential, Commercial Recreational, and Parks and Green Space, to the designation of Traditional Neighborhood Development. B.2 View and discuss a presentation made by the Applicant, D.R. Horton, for an application that will be on the Commission's December 8, 2005 agenda to request a change in the existing zoning on certain tracts of land on approximately 697.4 acres consisting of certain tracts of land located generally to the north of Oakmont Drive, Oak Hill Drive and the Quorum Condominiums, east of The Lakes Subdivision and Parkview Drive, south of the Corp of Engineers property, and west of the Town's eastern town limit from its current zoning of .02 acres MH - Manufactured Housing, 478.9 acres R-12 - Single Family Residential and 218.3 acres R-15 - Single Family Residential, to PD Planned Development No. 27, Trophy Club Village. C.1 Close Workshop Session C.2 Open Regular Session C.3 Citizen Presentations: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter. The Commission is not permitted to take action or to discuss any presentations or comments. C.4 Discuss Horton applications and direct staff and Applicant on additional information needed for consideration of application at December 8 Commission meeting. C.5 Adjournment. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.2 Open Workshop Session (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1 View and discuss a presentation made by the Applicant, D.R. Horton, for an application that will be on the Commission's December 8, 2005 agenda to request an amendment to the Town's Comprehensive Land Use Plan to add the new land use designation of "Traditional Neighborhood Development". The Applicant will be requesting a proposed amendment to change the current land use designation on the Town's comprehensive land use map for certain tracts of land from Low Density Residential, Estate Residential, Commercial Recreational, and Parks and Green Space, to the designation of Traditional Neighborhood Development. STAFF COMMENTS: THE PURPOSE OF THIS WORKSHOP IS TO GIVE THE COMMISSION ADDITIONAL TIME TO REVIEW THE SUBMISSION THAT WILL BE ON THE 8 DECEMBER PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA. THE WORKSHOP WILL ALSO GIVE THE COMMISSION AN OPPORTUNITY TO ADVISE THE APPLICANT AND STAFF OF ANY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR THE 8 DECEMBER MEETING. The Town’s Comprehensive Plan is the guide for zoning property within the Town. The applicant will be requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan as a prerequisite to the zoning requested as part of PD-27. Attached is the applicant’s proposed land use designation. The Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) would replace the current land use designations of Low Density Residential, Estate Residential, Commercial Residential and Parks and Green Space. (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.2 View and discuss a presentation made by the Applicant, D.R. Horton, for an application that will be on the Commission's December 8, 2005 agenda to request a change in the existing zoning on certain tracts of land on approximately 697.4 acres consisting of certain tracts of land located generally to the north of Oakmont Drive, Oak Hill Drive and the Quorum Condominiums, east of The Lakes Subdivision and Parkview Drive, south of the Corp of Engineers property, and west of the Town's eastern town limit from its current zoning of .02 acres MH - Manufactured Housing, 478.9 acres R-12 - Single Family Residential and 218.3 acres R-15 - Single Family Residential, to PD Planned Development No. 27, Trophy Club Village. STAFF COMMENTS: THE PURPOSE OF THIS WORKSHOP IS TO GIVE THE COMMISSION ADDITIONAL TIME TO REVIEW THE SUBMISSION THAT WILL BE ON THE 8 DECEMBER PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA. THE WORKSHOP WILL ALSO GIVE THE COMMISSION AN OPPORTUNITY TO ADVISE THE APPLICANT AND STAFF OF ANY SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR THE 8 DECEMBER MEETING. Attached is the following: Staff Report Proposed PD-27 Zoning and Development Standards, including concept plan, street types, building types, neighborhood sub-areas and development schedule. (kcf) ZONING CASE ZCA.05.007 PURPOSE To conduct a public hearing and consider making a recommendation to Town Council regarding a request to change the zoning of the property located to the north of Oakmont Drive, Oak Hill Drive and the Quorum Condominiums, east of The Lakes subdivision and Parkview Drive, south of the Corp of Engineers property, and west of the Town’s eastern city limit, collectively described as a 697.4 acre tract of land consisting of .02 acres currently zoned MH – Manufactured Housing, 478.9 acres zoned R-12 Single Family Residential and 218.3 acres zoned R-15 Single Family Residential, to PD – Planned Development No. 27, Trophy Club Village, to allow for office, retail, single family residential, townhome, apartment, recreational and park uses. The applicant has requested approval of the concept plan for a mixed-use development comprised of single family residential, including Manor, Estate, Village, Cottage, Casitas and Townhomes; multi-unit houses; live/work units; courtyard apartments; accessory units; clubhouses; recreational amenities including swimming pools, cabanas, hike and bike trails, tennis courts, multi-purpose courts with associated equipments structures; and open space. EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY The property is currently zoned Manufactured Housing (MH), Single Family Residential (R-12) and Single Family Residential (R-15) and is currently vacant land. The property has not been platted; therefore, a final plat must be approved and filed prior to being developed. ADJACENT ZONING/EXISTING LAND USES North Corp of Engineers Property – Outside City Limits East Corp of Engineers Property – Outside City Limits South Trophy Club Country Club Golf Course and Clubhouse (CR); Oakmont Drive (R-10); Oak Hill Drive (R-OH); Quorum Condominiums (PD-11) West The Lakes of Trophy Club Residential Subdivision (PD-15); Town Park (R-12); Middle School (R-12); Town Pool (CR) MISCELLANEOUS Maximum of Number of Units Allowed: 3,000 (includes all residential types and accessory units). A maximum overall density of 4.68 units per acre. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Within the current Comprehensive Plan, there is no land use designation to accommodate this type of proposal. Therefore, the comprehensive plan must be amended to allow for this type of use. The applicant has submitted a proposed designation of Traditional Neighborhood Design, which is similar to those found in other Metroplex comprehensive plans. AREAS OF CONCERN Build-to lines vs setbacks to be shown on plats. Problem: Encroachment issues with title companies and financial institutions as well as administrative problems Solution: Create setback standards such as a minimum of 80% of the units shall be constructed to the front building line. No encroachments shall be allowed. Gifts to the Street. Problem: Only 20% are required to have front porches. Solution: In order to create a traditional neighborhood design, more like 80% should be required to have front porches. Exhibit 3 – Notations for 5, 7 and 8. These are non-existent and the exhibit should be renumbered accordingly. Amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan by way of passage of proposed ordinance. Amendment to the Subdivision Regulations by way of passage of the proposed ordinance. COMPARISIONS Below is a list of comparisons between the current Town standards and the proposed Trophy Club Village regulations. Refer to Exhibit 3 in the applicant’s submission. Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Lot Size (sq. ft.) 8,000 7,700 Manor (Type 1) Estate (Type I) Max Building Coverage 35% Not Provided (R-8) Min Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1,650 - 2,000 1,650- 2,000 Min Front Yard 25’ Not Provided Min Rear Yard 20’ Not Provided Min Side Yard 5’ 5’ Min Side Yard adjacent to Side Street 15’ Not Provided Width of Lot 60’ 70’ Width of Lot adjacent to a side street 75’ Not Provided Depth of Lot 100’ 110’ Depth of Lot, cul de sac/corner lot 85’ Not Provided Buffered Area Regulations adjacent to MH/MF/Non- Residential 20’ Not Provided Garages Required Not Provided Off-street parking 2 2 Height 40’ 44’ Accessory Unit Not Allowed Allowed Masonry 80% 80% Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Village Type 1 Lot Size (sq. ft.) 5,500 5,500 (R-OHP) Max Building Coverage None Required Not Provided Min Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1,200-1,800 1,400 Min Front Yard 15-20 Not Provided Min Rear Yard 20’ Not Provided Min Side Yard 5-8’ 5 Min Side Yard adjacent to Side Street 10 Not Provided Width of Lot 45 50 Width of Lot adjacent to a side street 45 Not Provided Depth of Lot 100 110 Depth of Lot, cul de sac/corner lot N/A Not Provided Buffered Area Regulations adjacent to MH/MF/Non- Residential N/A Not Provided Garages Required Not Required Off-street parking 2 2 Height 28’ 40’ Accessory Unit No Reference Allowed Masonry 80% 80% Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Lot Size (sq. ft.) 3,000 2,000-4,000 Max Building Coverage None Not Provided Min Floor Area (sq. ft. 1,200-2,500 850 Min Front Yard 10’ Not Provided Min Rear Yard 10’ Not Provided Min Side Yard No Reference 0-10 Min Side Yard adjacent to Side Street No Reference None Cottage (Type 2); Casita (Type 2); Cottage on Mews, Court or Zero Lot Line (Type 3); Casita on Mews, Court or Zero Lot Line (Type 3) Width of Lot 40’ 25’-40’ (R-FV) Width of Lot adjacent to a side street No Reference None Depth of Lot 70’ 90’ Depth of Lot, cul de sac/corner lot N/A N/A Buffered Area Regulations adjacent to MH/MF/Non- Residential No Reference Not Provided Garages Required Not Required Off-street parking 2 1 Height 40’ 40’ Accessory Unit Allowed Not Allowed Masonry 80% 80% Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Width of Lot 60’-100’ Depth of Lot 110’ Min Side Yard 5’ Covered Parking Required Off-Street Parking (spaces per dwelling) 1.5 Multi-Unit House (Type 3) Height 44 (No Reference) Min sq. ft. per dwelling 850 Density No Reference None Provided Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Width of Lot 36’ 20’-30’ Depth of Lot 110’ None Townhome (Type 3) Min Side Yard No Reference 5’ Covered Parking No Reference Required Off-Street Parking 2 2 Indian Creek Townhomes Height 30’ 44’ (PD-10) Min sq. ft. per dwelling 962 1100 Density (per acre) 10 None Provided Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Width of Lot 20’-30’ Depth of Lot None Provided Min Side Yard 5’ Covered Parking Required Off-Street Parking 2 Live/Work (Type 3) Height 25’ or 35’ (No Reference) Min sq. ft. per dwelling 1100 – No Max Density No Reference None Provided Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Width of Lot 80’-180’ Depth of Lot None Provided Min Side Yard 10’ Covered Parking Allowed Off-Street Parking 1.5 Apartment Above Retail (Type 3) Height 44’ (No Reference) Min sq. ft. per dwelling 750 Density No Reference None Provided Area Description Town Area Regulation Proposed Regulation Width of Lot No Reference 80’ Depth of Lot No Reference None Min Side Yard 5’ 10’ Covered Parking No Reference Not Required Off-Street Parking (spaces per dwelling) 2 - 2.5 1.5 Courtyard Apartments (Type 3) Height 30’ 44’ Plantation Apartments Min sq. ft. per dwelling No Reference 750 Density 17 None Provided Current Standards Proposed Standards Masonry Residential – Brick, Stone or Stucco for Residential – Brick, Stone or Stucco for Non Residential – Brick, stone or stucco Non Residential – Brick, Stone or Stucco, Spilt Face Concrete Block, Poured In Concrete and Tilt Wall Fencing Fences Between Houses – 8’ Fences Between Houses – 8’ Front Elevation – 10’ behind front Front Elevation – 10’ behind face of front elevation Fences in Front Yard Setback – Not Allowed Fences in Front Yard Setback – Allowed, 42” in height and 48” posts; may be constructed of wood, metal, brick, stone, vinyl Materials – Brick, stone, wrought iron or wood; Architectural-grade metal, decorative pre- cast embossed concrete, concrete masonry unit with decorative facing, colored and embossed poured-in-place concrete, a combination thereof, vinyl or similar materials shall be submitted for consideration to the Planning & Zoning Coordinator or their designee prior to fence permit approval. Materials – Same Landscaping/ Tree Preservation Street Trees – 30’ spacing, 3” caliper Street Trees – 50’ Spacing, 3” caliper Signs Finish Material – None stated Finish Material – Wood (painted or natural), metal (copper, brass or galvanized steel), painted canvas, paint, engraving directly on façade surface, brick or stone Sign Types – Wall Signs: 40 sq ft or the product of 2 times the lineal width of the wall, whichever greater. Shall not exceed 75% of the width or the height of the available wall area or store frontage for a tenant’s space Monument Signs: 10’; 50 sq ft with 2 faces Number Allowed: 1 per entrance with no spacing requirement Sign Types – Wall Signs: 1 1/5 sq ft per each linear foot of building Monument Signs: 8’ max height; 96 sq feet with 2 faces Number Allowed: 1 per every 500’ of frontage, spaced 250’ apart ST R E E T C O M P A R I S O N S Re q u e s t e d C u r r e n t Re q u e s t e d A ll o w e d R e q u e s t e d A l l o w e d R e q u e s t e d A ll o w e d R e q u e s t e d A llowed R e q u e s t e d Sp e e d S p e e d B u i l d - R O W R O W S t r e e t S t r e e t P a r k w a y P a r k w a y M e d i a n M e d i a n C u r b Us e Li m i t L i m i t t o - L i n e W i d t h W i d t h W i d t h W i d t h W i d t h W i d t h W i d t h W i d t h R a d i i TC - 9 0 - 5 0 Tr o p h y C l u b D r i v e a n d co n n e c t i o n t o S H 3 7 7 - n o pa r k i n g ( d i v i d e d ) Ma n o r , E s t a t e , Mu l t i U n i t H o m e , Ap a r t m e n t , a l l ot h e r s m u s t b e Me w s o r C o u r t s 35 3 0 > = 2 5 ' 9 0 ' 9 0 ' 2 - 2 5 ' 2 - 2 5 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 8 ' 1 8 ' n/a A- 8 0 - 3 4 Tw o - w a y A v e n u e w i t h Pa r k i n g ( d i v i d e d ) Al l 30 3 0 2 0 ' - 3 0 ' 8 0 ' 9 0 ' 2 - 1 7 ' 2 - 2 5 ' 1 3 ' 1 1 ' 18' variable width 18'15' S- 5 6 - 3 0 Tw o - w a y S t r e e t w i t h Pa r k i n g ( u n d i v i d e d ) Al l 25 3 0 2 0 ' - 3 0 ' 5 6 ' 6 0 ' 3 0 ' 4 1 ' 1 3 ' 9 . 5 ' n \ a n \ a 15' S- 5 0 - 2 6 Tw o - w a y S t r e e t w i t h Pa r k i n g ( u n d i v i d e d ) Al l e x c e p t Ap a r t m e n t s 20 3 0 1 5 ' - 2 5 ' 5 0 ' 5 0 ' 2 6 ' 2 7 ' 1 2 ' 1 1 . 5 ' n\a n \ a 1 0 ' S- 4 2 - 2 0 Tw o - w a y S t r e e t w i t h Pa r k i n g - 1 s i d e ? (u n d i v i d e d ) Al l e x c e p t Ap a r t m e n t s 15 3 0 1 5 ' - 2 0 ' 4 2 ' 5 0 ' 2 0 ' 2 7 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 . 5 ' n\a n \ a 1 0 ' S1 W - 4 0 - 18 On e - w a y S t r e e t w i t h Pa r k i n g Al l e x c e p t Ap a r t m e n t s 15 3 0 1 5 ' - 2 0 ' 4 0 ' n\ a 18 ' n\ a 11 ' n\ a n \ a n \ a n \ a C- 3 4 - 2 3 Tw o - w a y C o u r t w i t h P a r k i n g - 1 s i d e ? Al l e x c e p t Ap a r t m e n t s 15 3 0 1 0 ' - 2 5 ' 3 4 ' 5 0 ' 2 3 ' 2 7 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 . 5 ' n\a n \ a n \ a C1 W - 2 8 - 17 O n e - w a y C o u r t w i t h P a r k i n g Al l e x c e p t Ap a r t m e n t s 15 3 0 1 0 ' - 2 5 ' 2 8 ' n\ a 17 ' n\ a 11 ' n\ a n \ a n \ a n \ a RA - 2 0 - 1 4 R e s i d e n t i a l M e w s A l l e y Al l 15 n / a 3 ' - 2 0 ' 2 0 ' n\ a 14 ' n\ a 3' n\ a n \ a n \ a n \ a RA - 1 8 - 1 0 Re s i d e n t i a l A l l e y - N o Pa r k i n g Al l 15 n / a 3 ' - 2 0 ' 1 8 ' n\ a 10 ' n\ a 4' n\ a n \ a n \ a n \ a CA - 2 0 - 2 0 Co m m e r c i a l A l l e y - Te m p o r a r y P a r k i n g n\ a 15 n / a 0 ' 2 0 ' n\ a n \ a n \ a n \ a n \ a n \ a n \ a n \ a No t a l l o w e d / a d d r e s s e d i n cu r r e n t s t a n d a r d s Ex c e e d s c u r r e n t s t a n d a r d s St r e e t T y p e Do e s n o t m e e t c u r r e n t st a n d a r d s Town of Trophy Club Trophy Club Village PD TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Purpose and Intent 17 II. Definitions 17 III. Applicability 20 IV. Relationship To Subdivision Standards 20 V. Land Use 21 VI. General Urban Design Standards 23 VII. Sub-District Area Standards 33 EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Concept Plan Exhibit 2 Street Types Palate of Street Types and Streetscaping Exhibit 3 Building Types Palate of Building Types Exhibit 4 Neighborhood Sub-Areas Unit Types in each Neighborhood Developer: D. R. Horton Applicant: Carter Burgess Submitted: 17 September 2005 Revised: 20 October 2005 Revised: 11 November 2005 I. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of the Trophy Club Village PD is to create sustainable development that will attract investment and re-investment over time. The goals of this district are 1. To provide development and land use flexibility within the framework of a form- based Planned Development zoning district. 2. To provide for a mix of residential, retail and office uses in a pedestrian-friendly environment. The intent of this district is 3. To design streets and buildings which will contribute to creating safe neighborhoods. 4. To provide an attractive environment for pedestrians which include such things as buildings framing public space, street trees, lighting and canopies that will attract pedestrians. 5. To encourage the construction of buildings in close proximity to the sidewalk and street in order to enhance the “small town” feel. 6. To contribute to the definition and use of public parks and plazas. 7. In the Village area, to construct continuous building frontage along block faces except where it is desirable to provide for pedestrian and auto pass-throughs to parking at mid block. 8. In the Village area, to provide shared parking both on-street and in the center of blocks that will benefit the entire district. The Trophy Club Village PD is intended to provide the community with a mixture of housing types and additional commercial/retail development in a pattern and amount that will encourage sustainable neighborhoods and development. The Trophy Club Village PD District provides the design and development standards for the subject area delineated within the Trophy Club Village Concept Plan (Exhibit 1). The Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types), the Trophy Club Village Building Types (Exhibit 3), and the respective Explanatory Regulations accompanying those matrices constitute binding regulations and standards for the Trophy Club Village PD District and are incorporated herein by reference. The Trophy Club Village Concept Plan delineates the boundaries of the respective neighborhood sub-areas (Exhibit 1). The General Urban Design Standards shall apply to the entire Trophy Club Village District unless indicated otherwise. Housing mix, street types, building types and frontage standards for any particular area shall be controlled by the pertinent sub-areas delineated on the plan. II. DEFINITIONS Accessory Unit: A dwelling unit constructed over a garage for a Manor, Estate or Village House, which may have kitchens and bathrooms but shall not require a separate water meter apart from the main house. Block: A continuous street edge along any one side, between any intersections with a Street, Mews, or Court. Build-to Line (BTL): the build-to-line on a block is the platted line of a uniform distance away from the property line, up to which the front building facades are required to be built but cannot encroach except when allowed for corner lots. The build-to-line shall be established and platted for each street within the parameters established by the Trophy Club Village Street Standards for a given street type as set forth in the Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types). Court: A street with buildings fronting across the street from a central green or bosque. The Trophy Club Village Street Type (Exhibit 2 Street Types) delineates the cross- section dimensions for a Court. Form-Based Code: Zoning and Subdivision standards that help to create attractive public and common areas in development by focusing on the arrangement of uses and the design of publicly visible building, street and pedestrian areas. Its overall objectives are to create “places” — ƒ where people want to be; ƒ which encourage safe and attractive pedestrian environments; ƒ which support the social interaction of neighbors; and ƒ which supports strong property values and attracts re-investment over time. Gifts to the Street: Building enhancements that improve the feel and experience of the street, including porches, stoops, bay windows, balconies, masonry clad chimneys, attached pergolas and colonnades. Gifts to the street may encroach over the build-to line. Green: A publicly accessible space with turf and landscaping fronted by buildings either directly or across the street. Landmark Sign: A sign intended to be an attractive feature in a development. It may extend above the roof line, but no more than 5 feet. It may include a Marquee Sign, and must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Live/work Dwelling: A fee simple dwelling unit, similar to a multi-story townhome, which contains a commercial component on the ground floor, either office or retail. The first floor of the unit shall be designed and constructed in conformance with Commercial Building Code standards Commercial Fire Code standards and Americans with Disabilities Act Commercial standards. Marquee Sign: Any permanent roof-like structure projecting beyond a building or extending along and projecting beyond the wall of the building, generally designed and constructed to provide protection from the weather. A marquee sign shall only announce existing or future entertainment events or attractions and shall have a copy area of no more than 90 square feet. Mews: A street behind buildings fronting directly on a green. It usually is a little wider than an alley and contains a little more parking capacity. The Trophy Club Village Street Type (Exhibit 2 Street Types) delineates the cross-section dimensions for a Mews. Multiple-Unit House: A house built as a large single family home but may contain up to 4 units. Parking shall be behind the structure via an alley or pass-through drive. From the street it shall have a single front door and for all intents and purposes appear to be a single family home. Mews Example Public Space: Whether maintained by the school district through a joint use agreement, private association or public improvement district, publicly accessible parks, bosques, greens, squares, courtyards, plazas, commons and tot lots, shall constitute Public Open Space. Public Streetscape: The section of right- of-way between the property/lot line and the vehicular lanes, and generally consisting of a parkway/planting strip for street trees at the street’s edge and continuous sidewalks. The public streetscape also includes elements such as lighting and street furnishings, and intersection features such as crosswalks and bulb-outs. Multi-Unit House with 3 Units in Fairfax, VA Pull Through Garage: A garage that is sited at the rear of a lot and behind the principal structure that requires a driveway adjacent to the principal structure to connect the garage with the street fronting the principal structure. Round-about: A circular street at the intersection of several streets with vehicles traveling in one direction only, designed to facilitate the flow of traffic; also known as a rotary or traffic circle. Shall: A term requiring compliance. Shared Access: Off-street access drives that provide joint-access between different commercial sites or pads. Shared Parking: Parking areas that provide parking for multiple commercial sites or pads. Should: A term encouraging compliance. Side Street: A street that principally is fronted by the side of a residential or commercial building on a corner lot and may facilitate alley ingress/egress. Transparency: Windows, glass doors and other clear façade treatments that provide a sense of openness to a structure. Trophy Club Village Concept Plan (Exhibit 1): The geographic plan for Trophy Club Village that establishes and delineates the respective PD sub-districts such as the Village Center and other Neighborhoods. Type 1 Residence: Manor, Estate or Village house, as delineated in the Trophy Club Village Building Type (Exhibit 3). Type 2 Residence: Cottage or Casita house not fronting on a Green, as delineated in the Trophy Club Village Building Type (Exhibit 3). Type 3 Residence: Cottage on a Mews, Court or “Zero” lot line; Casita on a Mews, Court or “Zero” lot line; Multi-Unit House; Townhome; or Courtyard Apartment, as delineated in the Trophy Club Village Building Type (Exhibit 3). “Zero” Lot Line: The utilization of a side yard minimum lot dimension that enables the opposing side façade to act as a privacy wall for the subject residence. III. APPLICABILITY This ordinance applies to all development within the PD boundaries. IV. RELATIONSHIP TO SUBDIVISION STANDARDS A. The Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types) shall establish the street cross-section criteria and standards for subdivision platting within the Trophy Club Village PD District. B. A Landscape Plan shall be submitted and processed concurrently with any Preliminary Plat Application or Development/Site Plan Application, whichever occurs first and must be in accordance with the Town’s landscaping regulations as set forth in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations. C. Any approved Final Subdivision Plat must substantially conform to the approved Development Standards and the Planned Development Site Plan. D. Subdivision access requirements shall be satisfied by a lot sited directly adjacent to any street type in the Trophy Club Village Street Type (Exhibit 2 Street Types) or any intervening public open space, except for the RA-18-10 alley and CA-2020 alleys. V. LAND USE A. Permitted Uses in Neighborhoods 1. Dwellings, single family residential (Manor, Estate, Village, Cottage, Casita, Townhome), Multi-Unit House, Live/Work Unit, Courtyard Apartment and Accessory Unit as defined in Exhibit 3 Building Types and allowed and limited in Exhibit 4 Neighborhood Sub-Areas. 2. Accessory buildings 3. Clubhouses 4. Recreational amenities, including swimming pools, cabanas, hike and bike trails, tennis courts, multi-purpose courts and associated equipment structures 5. Open space B. Permitted Uses in Village Center 1. Professional and administrative offices 2. Athletic facilities (indoors) 3. Bakery 4. Bookstores 5. Financial institutions 6. Cafes with or without patio 7. Restaurants without drive-ins 8. Florist (no outdoor storage) 9. Day spa (hair salon, facial treatment, massages) 10. Barber or beauty salon 11. Drugstore or pharmacy 12. Pet services including veterinarian (without outdoor kennels 13. Dry cleaning and laundry (pickup/drop-off only) 14. Furniture sales (no outside sales or display) 15. Hardware store 16. Printing or reprographics shop (retail only) 17. Small Grocery (less than 5,000 sf) 18. Shopping Center and other like retail establishments 19. Specialty Shops 20. Residential Uses limited to Townhome, Live/Work, Apartment above Retail and Village Apartments 21. Day Care 22. Kindergarten 23. Schools, Private or Public 24. Parks and Recreational uses (including athletic facilities) 25. Open Space 26. Religious Institutions 27. Community Facilities to include libraries 28. Theater 29. Parking Structures as an ancillary use C. Permitted Uses in Mixed Use Area 1. Dry cleaning and laundry (pickup/drop-off only) 2. Small Grocery (less than 2,000 sf) 3. Specialty Shops 4. Residential Uses allowed for second story or higher 5. Day Care 6. Kindergarten 7. Schools, Private or Public 8. Open Space 9. Parks and Recreational uses (including athletic facilities) 10. Professional and administrative offices 11. Athletic facilities (indoors) 12. Bakery 13. Bookstores 14. Financial institutions 15. Cafes with or without patio 16. Florist (no outdoor storage) 17. Day spa (hair salon, facial treatment, massages) 18. Barber or beauty salon 19. Theater 20. Parking structure as an ancillary use D. Mix of Unit Types and Sizes The mix of allowed unit types and sizes shall be established in Exhibit 4 Neighborhood Sub-Areas. This shall determine the density in each neighborhood area. E. Maximum Number of Residential Units/Density (Including all residential types and accessory units) The maximum number of residential units within the entire Trophy Club Village PD shall not exceed 3,000, or a maximum density of 4.68 units per acre over the entire PD area. VI. GENERAL URBAN DESIGN STANDARDS A. Transportation Network 1. Street Connectivity a. The terminating end of a street shall terminate into another street unless geographic or environmental conditions necessitate the use of a cul-de-sac. At every termination point of a street, or where it makes a ninety (90) degree turn (plus or minus 15 degrees), the street shall terminate on a building or vertical element in order to establish a terminated vista, unless the street terminates into a golf course, park, trail or natural area. b. For new blocks, the perimeter shall not exceed 2,400 feet in length. Where a block face exceeds 800 feet, a 20-foot pedestrian access shall be provided through the block, except where adjacent to a golf course, unless otherwise approved. c. For development projects in the Village Center, parking lot access, internal circulation and building sites shall generally be laid out in a manner that provides street and sidewalk connections to surrounding development. 2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Network a. All streets shall provide an accessible sidewalk or trail on each side as established in the Concept Plan and finally in the Planned Development Site Plan. Trails shall be constructed in accordance with the Town’s Design Standards. 3. Intersections a. Intersections, whether conventional or roundabouts, shall be designed to facilitate safe pedestrian crossings and to minimize the actual pedestrian crossing distances of vehicular lanes. b. Design elements, which should be incorporated where feasible in the specific intersection design include wide crosswalk striping, special paving treatments, median “refuge islands,” and sidewalk “bulb-outs.” c. Asymmetric intersections are allowed up to 55 degrees. d. Curb Return Radii are delineated in the Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types) B. Street Types 1. The Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types) shall establish the streets allowed within the Trophy Club Village PD District 2 Existing platted streets shall conform to the standards established in the Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types) when subject to redesign. However, this will not change already-platted rights of way. 3. The adoption of the Trophy Club Village PD District constitutes an amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan within the subject area delineated in the Trophy Club Village Concept Plan (Exhibit 1). C. Streetscape Standards 1. General a. The streetscape standards of Trophy Club Village are based on safety, comfort and walkability. Trophy Club Village is conceived as the sum of a number of interconnected, walkable neighborhoods, and the arrangement of streetscape elements that make walking much more safe and desirable by creating a buffer from the vehicular lanes of the street, providing shade, calming auto traffic speeds, and enhancing the street’s aesthetics. Proper species selection and placement of street trees also creates a “comfort zone”—an outdoor room created by the street trees and the fronts, stoops and porches of adjacent homes that allows for casual conversation, chance meetings and strong neighbor-to-neighbor relationships that enhance neighborhood stability and security. b. The public streetscape and the private frontage shall be integrally designed. The public streetscape shall recognize existing conditions such as existing woodlots, specimen trees, a dramatic view or an attractive rural landscape character. c. Whenever possible, buildings should not back on to any street, they should either “side” or “face” on to all streets in order to eliminate the need for screening walls. 2. Trophy Club Drive a. Trophy Club Drive’s streetscape is defined in the Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types) b. Street trees selected from Tree List below shall be spaced regularly, no more than 50 feet apart and aligned in a regular alee. Street trees shall be a minimum of 3.0 inches in caliper. 3. Residential Avenues, Streets, Mews, Courts and Alleys a. The Residential Streets’ streetscape is defined in the Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types). b. Street trees shall be selected from the Tree List below and be spaced regularly at no more than 50 feet apart and aligned in a regular allee. c. Residential Alley trees selected from Tree List below shall be planted in alignment with the property line separating residential lots, and be planted within the property line parallel to alley but outside the rear fence line. d. Mews trees selected from Tree List below shall be planted in alignment with the property line separating residential lots, and setback four (4 ) to twelve (12) feet from the paved section of the Mews. e. Residential Street Trees shall be a minimum of 3.0 inch caliper; Alley and Mews trees shall be a minimum of 1.5 inch caliper. 4. Tree List a. Trees along Trophy Club Drive commercial frontages and within parking lots of the Village Center shall be chosen from Cedar Elm, Texas Red Oak, Homestead Elm, Lace Bark Elm, Bald Cypress, Chinese Pistachio, Live Oak and October Glory Maple. b. For residential streets, alleys, mews and the residential frontages of Trophy Club Drive, the above list can be expanded with the addition of Southern Magnolia, Bald Cypress and “Little Gem” Magnolia. 5. Built-To Line a. A Build-To Line (BTL) shall be established and platted for each street. b. No less than 80% of the buildings along a block shall conform to the BTL. c. For the Side Street side of buildings on corner lots, the minimum side yard dimension shall serve as the BTL. For non-residential uses, all streets shall be considered a front yard with the same build-to lines. D. Residential Architectural Standards 1. Gifts to the Street a. All buildings shall utilize at least three (3) of the following design features to provide visual relief along the front of the residence. All other residential structures shall utilize at least two (2) of the following design features: i. Dormers ii. Gables iii. Recessed entries, a minimum of three (3) feet deep iv. Covered front porches v. Cupolas vi. Architectural pillars or posts vii. Bay window, a minimum 12” projection b. "Gifts to the Street” may encroach beyond the set BTL no more than 6 feet for a given street, except the encroachment shall not exceed 5 feet on side streets. c. At least 20 percent of the houses constructed within each phase of the Planned Development Site Plan shall have a porch. 2. Building Material All residential structures shall comply with the standards outlined below: a. All principal buildings and structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least 80% of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone or stucco. All exterior chimney surfaces shall also be of brick, stone or stucco. Other materials or equal or similar characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. b. Roofs shall be constructed of a process and of materials that shall have a minimum installation and manufacture’s warranty of twenty (20) years. Minimum roof pitch shall be a 6/12, except for the roofs of sheds and porches. Seamless and standing seam metal roofs are permitted provided that they are of architectural quality. No wooden shingles shall be used on roofs. 3. Signage in Residential Areas a. Monuments signs at the entry-ways of neighborhoods shall be allowed that conform to the monument standards approved by the Town. b. Ornamental hanging signs suspended from a decorative post shall be allowed in lieu of monument signs for entry-ways of neighborhoods. E. Commercial, Retail, Mixed-Use Architectural and Site Design Standards 1. Building Walls and Roofs a. An expression line shall delineate divisions between floors of all buildings, and a cornice shall delineate the tops of facades that do not utilize a pitched roof. b. All buildings shall be designed such that no mechanical equipment (HVAC, etc.) and satellite dishes are visible from the public right-of-way or open space, whether the equipment is located on the ground, exterior walls or the roof. To screen rooftop mechanical equipment, other appurtenances, and flat or built-up roofs, all structures having a 6,000 square feet or less footprint shall be constructed with a pitched roof. Those structures having a footprint greater than 6,000 square feet shall be constructed with either a pitched or parapet roof system enclosed on all sides. c. Mansard roofs and flat membrane-type roofs that are visible from ground level are prohibited. d. For retail storefronts, a transom, display window area and bulkhead at the base shall be utilized. e. Ground floor retail building plate heights should provide for at least 14- feet in height. f. Generally, windows shall be oriented vertically. g. Columns and piers generally shall be spaced no farther apart than they are tall. h. Transparency i. Each floor of any building façade facing a park, plaza or street shall contain transparent windows covering from 15 to 75 percent of the façade area. ii. In order to provide clear views of merchandise and to provide natural surveillance of exterior street spaces, the ground-floor along the retail storefront facade shall have transparent storefront windows covering no less than 50% of the façade area. iii. Entryways recessed at least four (4) feet. i. Permitted Finishes i. At least 80% of the exterior of all new buildings (excluding doors and windows) shall be finished in one or more of the following materials: • Brick, stone, cast stone, stucco; • Split face concrete block, poured-in-place concrete, and tilt-wall concrete. It is the intent that any use of concrete products shall have an integrated color and be textured or patterned. Tilt-wall concrete structures shall include reveals, punch-outs, or other similar surface characteristics to enhance the façade on at least 20% of each façade. ii. Side facades and rear facades shall be of finished quality and of the same color and materials that blend with the front of the building. Rear facades may be painted tilt-wall or painted block matching the same color of the rest of the building if the rear façade faces an alley or is not viewable from a public street or right-of-way. j. To improve the pedestrian orientation, the ground floor of commercial/retail buildings shall utilize a combination of the following, unless otherwise approved by the Town: i. Corbelling, molding, string coursing, ornamentation, changes in material and color, or other sculpturing of the base; ii. Recessed windows or other techniques to distinguish the windows in the façade such as arches, pediments and mullions; and iii. Entryways recessed at least four (4) feet. k. The utilization of repetitive storefronts for “architectural” consistency is discouraged in order to maintain an interesting street experience; although the utilization of common architectural elements shall be considered to facilitate a certain level of functional continuity. 2. Building Orientation and Pedestrian Site Design a. Any building (excluding parking garages and other accessory buildings) viewed from a public right-of-way or public open space shall either face such right-of-way or open space, or shall have a façade facing such area in keeping with the character of the front façade, including the utilization of similar fenestration and materials. b. Pedestrian Elements: to improve the walkability and access of commercial and retail areas, the following are encouraged in the site design of a project: i. Patio/café seating areas ii. Pedestrian plaza areas iii. Drinking fountains iv. Water features with sitting areas v. Bicycle racks vi. Continuous walkways linking stores vii. Shade provided by building orientation, canopies and/or trees viii. Decorative Trash receptacles c. Parking Lot and Building Frontage Landscaping and Design i. A minimum of 15 square feet of landscaping including tree islands for each parking space shall be provided within the paved boundaries of the parking lot, with the landscaped areas protected by raised curbs except where wheel stops are utilized at the front of parking spaces along a landscaped median between parking bays, and pavement no closer than three (3) feet from the trunk of trees. ii. Landscaped islands of a minimum of five (5) feet in width and extending the entire length of the parking stall generally shall be located at the terminus of all parking rows and shall contain at least one 3.0 inch caliper tree consistent with the Tree List above. iii. Parking spaces shall be a minimum depth of 18 feet and a minimum width of 9 feet; and to encourage better shade patterns, parking bays shall be separated by a minimum five (5) foot wide landscaped median (See illustration below), with 3” caliper shade trees planted every thirty feet and wheel stops placed so as to allow the front of vehicles to encroach over the landscaped median without hitting the trees. iv. Foundation plantings are required for buildings or groups of buildings greater than 40,000 square feet and where the front building facade does not abut a public sidewalk, including a 3.0 inch caliper shade tree for every 10,000 square feet of gross building area consistent with the Tree List above. Small ornamental trees are permitted on a ratio of 4 to 1 instead of 3.0 inch caliper shade trees. This is intended to enhance the pedestrian experience in front of larger buildings and to break up large impervious surfaces between parking areas and the building. Foundation planting trees shall be planted within approximately 30 feet of the front façade and are required in addition to any street trees or streetscaping trees required herein. Tree grates shall be utilized for trees planted less than four (4) feet back of curb. Tree spacing shall not impede sign visibility or pedestrian safety but shall be placed so as to provide an effective shade environment in front of the building. 3. Loading Areas and Trash Receptacles a. Loading and service areas shall be located at the side of or in the rear of buildings. Every effort should be made to reduce the need for segregated loading and service areas by ensuring that deliveries are made off-hours. Such uses as grocery stores, however, may require a loading dock area. Where tractor/semi-trailer delivery may conflict with land uses on or adjacent to the site, then the following standards shall be followed: i. Loading and service areas shall be located at the side or rear of buildings. ii. Off-street loading areas shall be screened from view of any street public open space or adjacent property. iii. Loading areas shall be enclosed on three sides by a wall or other screening device not less than 10 feet in height. iv. Loading areas shall not be located closer than 50’ to any single family lot, unless wholly within an enclosed building. v. Screening materials shall be comprised of a wall that has a similar finish to the primary structure, or a combination of trees and shrubs that will result in solid screening within 2 years. vi. However, when adjacent to a residentially zoned district (not in a mixed use district), a screening wall with landscaping shall be used. b. Trash/Recycling Receptacles i. Commercial trash/recycling containers shall be located on the side or rear of the building and screened from public view. ii. Such containers shall be located at least 50’ away from adjacent residential property lines. iii. Such containers shall be screened on 4 sides, using an enclosure that is 7’ tall or of a height that is a minimum of 1’ above the top of the container, whichever is taller. Screening shall be comprised of brick, stone, reinforced concrete, or other similar masonry materials that have a similar finish to the primary finish; and all fence posts shall be rust-protected metal, concrete based masonry or concrete pillars. iv. 6” concrete filled steel pipes shall be located to protect the enclosure from truck operations. v. Such container enclosures shall have steel gates and tie-backs to secure them in an open position, and fasteners to keep them closed. vi. Screening shall be maintained at all times. 4. Signage a. General. Signs shall be flat against the façade, projecting from the façade or ground monument mounted. No signs shall project above the façade unless approved as part of a site plan as a “landmark sign” such as a theater marquee or other special sign located in a prominent location and intended to provide a special character to the district and orientation to visitors. b. Lighting. Signs shall generally be externally lit. Only individual letters and symbols may be internally lit, and neon signs are not allowed. c. Finish Materials. Materials shall complement the architecture of the building, and may include wood—painted or natural; metal—copper, brass, galvanized steel; painted canvas; paint; engraving directly on façade surface; and brick or stone for monument signs. d. Wall Signs i. One and a half (1.5) square feet of signage is permitted for each linear foot of the primary facade of the building, excluding wing walls. (E.g. a 100’ long building façade would allow for 150 square feet of wall sign area on the building.) ii. Only one building façade with a primary entrance may be used to calculate wall signage. iii. Wall signs may be placed on any face of the building. iv. Maximum area of any single sign mounted perpendicular to a given façade shall not exceed 10 square feet unless it protrudes above the top of the facade. v. Protruding or hanging signs shall maintain a minimum clear height of eight (8) feet above the sidewalk. e. Monument Signs i. Monument signs up to eight (8) feet in height are the only permanent freestanding signs allowed. ii. Maximum area of a monument sign shall be 96 square feet per sign face. Monument signs may have only two (2) sign faces. iii. If a Commercial Neighborhood extends over 1000 linear feet, then one monument sign per 500’ of frontage is permitted. (E.g. a site with 1,000’ or more of frontage may have two (2) monument signs, a site with 1,500’ or more may have three (3) signs, etc.). iv. The structure of monument signs shall be constructed of materials and colors utilized on the primary building’s façade. v. Monument signs must be spaced a minimum of 250’ apart. VII. SUB-DISTRICT AREA STANDARDS A. Neighborhood Zones 1. Street Types Allowed and Associated Building Types The Trophy Club Village Street Types (Exhibit 2 Street Types) establishes the street types and cross-section dimensions, with the corresponding building types allowed on a particular street type. 2. Building Types/Uses/Housing Mix a. Approved Planned Development Site Plans establish the lot size and building types for an area, as set out in Exhibit 3 Trophy Club Village Building Types. b. Exhibit 4 Neighborhood Sub-Areas establishes the allowable mix of uses and building types in each Neighborhood Sub Area. 4. Public Open Space and Trails For the purposes of this sub-section, Public Open Space refers to open space for the use and enjoyment of neighborhood residents. It will provide visual amenity and be used by residents as a local gathering place. It does not refer to the Town’s Parks and Open Space Plan. a. At least ten (10) percent of the gross area of the Planned Development Site Plan shall be comprised of Public Space as defined herein . Flood plain areas utilized for Public Space shall count towards the ten (10) percent minimum requirement. For every 40 acres, at least 1 acre of Public Space shall be contiguous. b. If a building backs onto trails or natural areas, it shall utilize a rear fence that is metal and not opaque in order to enhance visual security of the Public Space, trails or natural areas. c. Eighty (80) percent of all building lots shall be located within 800 feet of a Public Space, including publicly accessible parks, bosques, greens, squares, courtyards, plazas, commons, tot lots and golf courses, with minimum dimensions set forth below. d. Perimeter fencing within Public Spaces shall not be more than four (4) feet in height, set back at least 18 inches from the public sidewalk and be shielded by landscaping unless decorative metal, and provide at least one (1) public gate for each street frontage side. e. A trail master plan for the entire PD area shall be submitted with the first development site plan. 4. Parking—the Trophy Club Village Building Types (Exhibit 3) establishes the off street parking standards. 5. Fences a. Fences between houses may be up to 8 feet in height and solid, and shall be located a minimum of 10 feet behind the front elevation of the primary structure. In side yards adjacent to a street, fences must be located within the building side yard setback. Decorative metal style fence with vegetation is allowed. b. Fences along a rear alley may be up to 8 feet in height and located at least 2 feet back from the property line. They may also be solid unless facing a trail or open space. The area between the fence and alley must be irrigated and planted with grass, ground cover, shrubbery or trees. c. Allowed configurations i. Front yard picket fences shall be a minimum of 30% open and include corner posts. They may be a maximum of 42 inches in height with posts up to 48 inches in height. No arbors shall be allowed. Materials include painted rot- resistant wood or metal. ii. Other fences may be constructed of brick, stone, wrought iron or wood. Architectural grade metal, concrete masonry unit with decorative facing, vinyl or other similar materials shall be submitted for consideration to the Planning and Zoning Coordinator or their designee prior to fence approval. iii. The finished side of all perimeter fencing which is visible from a public area or right-of-way shall face outward. 6. HVAC Screening All buildings shall be designed such that mechanical equipment (HVAC, etc.), excepting vents and stacks, is not visible from the public right-of-way or open space, or is screened by 2 or more shrubs. 7. Lighting a. Street lights shall be provided at all intersections of streets and streets with alleys, unless the intersection is adequately lit by a nearby street light. b. Homeowner alley lighting shall be located on garage walls facing the alley, shall be directed in a downward direction, and shall not exceed 100 watts. c. Detailed type of street lights shall be determined at time of Planned Development Detailed Site Plan. 8. Maintenance Each project shall provide funding and maintenance for neighborhood common spaces through a combination of a Public Improvement District (PID) and a Home Owners Association (HOA). Maintenance shall be provided for all public and semi-public spaces including roadway medians and parkways. B. Village Center Zone 1. Public Space shall be provided in accordance with the Concept Plan. 2. Parking a. Retail and office uses shall meet the Town’s parking standards at the time of development. b. The Town Manager may approve reduced parking standards for qualified shared access and shared parking plans based on a parking study provided by the applicant. Such reductions are strongly encouraged. 3. Architectural Standards and Site Design Standards a. See applicable standards in Subsection VI.E. above. Exhibit 1 Concept Plan Exhibit 2. Street Types Exhibit 3. Building Types Exhibit 4. Neighborhood Sub- Areas Gross Area Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Neighborhood (Acres) Min. % Min. % Min. % Max. % Neighborhood #1 71.6 20 20 20 30 Neighborhood #2 65.5 20 20 20 30 Neighborhood #3 50.9 20 20 20 30 Neighborhood #4 88.7 20 20 0 30 Neighborhood #5 106.6 20 20 20 30 Neighborhood #6 103.3 20 20 0 20 Neighborhood #7 145.8 20 20 0 20 Neighborhood #8 18.2 20 20 0 30 Mixed Use 3.8 0 0 100 100 Village Center 43.0 0 0 100 100 Trophy Club Village Development Schedule Date Total Lots Fall 2006 Deliver 300 Lots 2007 700 2008 1100 2009 1500 2010 1900 2011 2300 2012 2700 2013 3000 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1 Close Workshop Session (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.2 Open Regular Session (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.3 Citizen Presentations: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter. The Commission is not permitted to take action or to discuss any presentations or comments. (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.4 Discuss Horton applications and direct staff and Applicant on additional information needed for consideration of application at December 8 Commission meeting. (kcf) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-28-2005 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.5 Adjournment. (kcf)