Agenda Packet P&Z 09/21/2006Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 51 21 September 2006 Town of Trophy Club Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing & Regular Session Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. B.1 Public Hearing: Consider an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, the same being PD- 25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 5, including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures Illustrations, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: David Johnston, Quanah Hospitality Partners, LP, (SP-06-006). C.1 Discuss and take appropriate action relative to: Final Plat for Tract 1, Block 1 of The Trophy Club Country Club, an approximate 289.9 acre tract of land located in the M. Medlin Survey, A-832, J. Eads Survey, A- 392, J. Henry Survey, A-528, C. Medlin Survey, A-823, J. Michael Survey, A-821, W. Medlin Survey, A-829, J. Michael Survey, A-820, N. Pea Survey, A-1045. Applicant: Bob Terry, Survcon Inc. C.2 Discuss and take appropriate action relative to an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, the same being PD-25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 5, including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures Illustrations, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: David Johnston, Quanah Hospitality Partners, LP, (SP-06-006). C.3 Discuss proposed amendments to Article V entitled, "Supplementary District Regulations" of Chapter 13 entitled, "Zoning", of the Town's Code of Ordinances, specifically Article 5.03, "Accessory Structures" specifically relating to new regulations for accessory structures located on lots abutting public and private parks or the golf course. D.1 Adjournment. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 51 21 September 2006 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-21-2006 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. (kcf) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 of 51 21 September 2006 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-21-2006 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1 Public Hearing: Consider an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, the same being PD- 25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 5, including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures Illustrations, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: David Johnston, Quanah Hospitality Partners, LP, (SP-06-006). (kcf) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 51 21 September 2006 STAFF REPORT TO: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 21 SEPTEMBER 2006 SUBJECT: PD AMENDMENT – TROPHY WOOD BUSINESS CENTER FINAL DETAILED SITE PLAN – TRACT 5 PURPOSE: ZONING: To hold public hearing and consider making a recommendation to the Town Council regarding an amendment to Town Ordinance 2002- 41 P&Z - PD-25, Tract 5 of the Trophy Wood Business Center, by adopting a Detailed Final Site Plan, including: 1. building elevations 2. sight line studies 3. civil site plan 4. photometric plan and light fixtures illustrations 5. sign criteria 6. retaining wall and fencing criteria 7. a development schedule APPLICANT: David Johnston Quanah Hospitality Partners, LP 16610 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1300 Dallas, Texas 75248 EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: The subject land was rezoned to PD-25 in 2002. The Planning & Zoning Commission and the Town Council approved a Replat for Tract 5 in August 2006. Currently, the land is vacant and undeveloped, as are all tracts within this zoning district. ADJACENT ZONING/EXISTING LAND USES: North: PD-26, Vacant South: Outside Town Limits/ SH114 Access Road East: Outside Town Limits/ TW King Road West: CG – Vacant COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area as Commercial/Professional. The applicant is proposing to construct a 4 story hotel facility. This request appears to be in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 51 21 September 2006 STAFF ANAYLSIS: PD-25 was adopted in December 2002, and consists of tracts 1- 9 for the Trophy Wood Business Center, by Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z. Section B(12) of PD-25 requires the final approval of the seven items listed above. The applicant was provided staff review comments 6 September 2006. The following is an analysis of the individual components which require approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. FINAL SITE PLAN: The applicant has submitted a Final Detailed Site Plan which illustrates the layout of all proposed structures on the lot, provisions for parking, vehicular circulations within the site, and existing utilities within or adjacent to the site. The proposed hotel will consist of 121 rooms and will be 42,984 square feet. Required parking for a hotel use per PD-25 is 1 space per room. The following chart depicts zoning required for the Site Plan and how the applicant has addressed each provision. Zoning Requirement Applicant’s Proposal Location of all existing and planned structures on the subject property and approximate locations of structures on adjoining property within 100 feet Shown Design of ingress and egress Shown Off-street parking and loading facilities, and calculations showing how the quantities were obtained Shown Proposed Use 4 story hotel use Maximum building coverage: 60% 35% (Exceeds) Maximum impervious area: 80% 72% (Exceeds) Minimum open space: 20% 28% (Exceeds) Front Yard: 30’ 30’+ (Exceeds) Rear Yard: 10’ 10+ (Exceeds) Side Yard: 10’ 30’+ (Exceeds) Height: 65’ or 4 stories Approx 50’/4 stories (Meets) Parking: Min 1 space for each room 124 (Exceeds) LANDSCAPE PLAN & PLANT LIST: A tree removal permit with the required tree survey indicating the location, species and caliper size of existing trees for four (4) different areas on the site has been submitted to the Community Development Department, for the purpose of conducting geotechnical studies. The remainder of the site will be submitted for tree removal permit following favorable action of the Final Detailed Site Plan by the Town Council. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a tree removal permit in accordance with the Planning & Zoning Commission Page 6 of 51 21 September 2006 Subdivision Regulations must be submitted and approved by the Community Development Director prior to the removal of any additional trees on the site. A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the site is required to be landscaped with a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the interior landscape area to be provided as landscaping. The applicant has provided 30.7% of the site in landscaping and 10.2% of the interior landscape area with landscape. An irrigation plan has not yet been submitted for the project and must be submitted to staff prior to review from Council. Zoning Requirement Applicant’s Proposal Hedges/berming along street frontages Shown Irrigation Not submitted 15’ min landscape strip along SH 114; 10’ along Trophy Wood Dr all common drives Shown Interior Landscape Required10% 1.06% (Exceeds) Total Trees Required 105 107 (Exceeds) A tree survey meeting the requirements of the Subdivision Regulation. Shall show location of all trees to be preserved, relocated, replanted and/or removed. Partial survey submitted; applicant Is aware the remainder of the site must be provided prior to permit issuance Location of all plants and landscaping material to be added, including but not limited to plants, paving, benches, screens, fountains, statues or other landscape features shall be shown on the landscape plan. Shown Species of all plant material to be used shall be identified on the landscape plan; provided however that as required by the SR, trees shall be species as required by the SR Shown (Meets) Size of all plant material to be used shall be identified on the landscape plan. Tree sizes shall be the requirements of the SR Shown (Meets) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 7 of 51 21 September 2006 BUILDING ELEVATIONS: Front, rear and side building elevations have been provided and appear to be in compliance with PD-25. The Ordinance requires that 100% of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches be constructed of natural or manufactured stone, concrete, brick, stucco, split face concrete block or other material of equal characteristics; however all buildings are required to have stone veneer as part of the exterior construction materials. In addition, all buildings must have a dull finish metal type roof and the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Town Council shall approve the color selection for roof materials. The proposed building will be constructed of a combination of stone and stucco and appears to meet the requirements for building materials. The elevations indicate provision of a standing seam metal roof. The proposed roof color is Hemlock Green (Dark Shade). The applicant has been asked to provide a color sample for the Commission at the public hearing. SIGHT LINE STUDIES: The applicant has provided sight line studies that indicate the view from Trophy Branch Drive and SH114. The sight line studies appear to be in compliance with PD-25. CIVIL SIGHT PLAN: The final site plan submitted contains sufficient information to be considered as the civil site plan. Previous analysis of the detailed site plan addressed all site plan related issues. PHOTOMETRIC PLAN & LIGHT FIXTURE ILLUSTRATIONS: A photometric plan illustrating building lighting, parking area lighting and foot-candle illumination for the entire site has been provided. The applicant is proposing to construct seven (7) 454 watt light fixtures for parking are illumination and ten (10) 193 watt light fixtures to be attached to the proposed building. Zoning Requirement Applicant’s Response 2.5 average foot-candle 1.7 (Exceeds) 8.0 maximum foot-candle 8.0 (Meets) SIGN CRITERIA: The building elevations indicate the locations of proposed signs and are referenced as “Federal Heath Sign Detail Drawings”. An overall Federal Heath Sign Company plan has been provided in accordance with Section (B)(6) of PD-25. The applicant is proposing one (1) monument sign to be located at the eastern corner of the property adjacent to SH114 and Trophy Branch Drive and three (3) attached wall signs on the building. All signs will be the typical Value Place signage containing predominately red, yellow and black coloring. The signage criteria submitted appears to be in compliance with PD-25. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 8 of 51 21 September 2006 RETAINING WALL AND FENCE CRITERIA: PD-25 requires a minimum eight foot (8’) fencing/screening to be constructed adjacent to any residentially zoned property. No portion of this property is adjacent to residentially zoned property; however, the site plan indicates a proposed screening wall located along the southeast property line. A detailed retaining wall section and elevation has been provided. The proposed wall will be constructed of a stone veneer which will match the stone veneer on the building. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE: A development schedule indicating the proposed date for start and end of construction is required. Construction is scheduled to begin approximately the last week of November 2006 with completion scheduled for June 2007. STAFF FINDINGS: The following outstanding issue has been identified by staff and has been outlined in this STAFF REPORT: 1. The irrigation plan must be submitted to staff prior to review from the Town Council. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A – ZONING MAP ATTACHMENT B – AERIAL ATTACHMENT C- PD-25 ZONING ORDINANCE Planning & Zoning Commission Page 9 of 51 21 September 2006 ZONING MAP Planning & Zoning Commission Page 10 of 51 21 September 2006 AERIAL MAP Planning & Zoning Commission Page 11 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 12 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 13 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 14 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 15 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 16 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 17 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 18 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 19 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 20 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 21 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 22 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 23 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 24 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 25 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 26 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 27 of 51 21 September 2006 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-21-2006 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1 Discuss and take appropriate action relative to: Final Plat for Tract 1, Block 1 of The Trophy Club Country Club, an approximate 289.9 acre tract of land located in the M. Medlin Survey, A-832, J. Eads Survey, A- 392, J. Henry Survey, A-528, C. Medlin Survey, A-823, J. Michael Survey, A-821, W. Medlin Survey, A-829, J. Michael Survey, A-820, N. Pea Survey, A-1045. Applicant: Bob Terry, Survcon Inc. (kcf) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 28 of 51 21 September 2006 STAFF REPORT TO: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 21 SEPTEMBER 2006 SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT – TROPHY CLUB COUNTRY CLUB PURPOSE: To consider approval of a Preliminary Plat for approximately 289.9 acres. APPLICANT: Bob Terry Survcon, Inc. 5757 Woodway, Ste 101W Houston, Tx 77057 EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: The land is currently zoned CR- Commercial Recreation. The Preliminary Plat was approved in February 2006. STAFF FINDINGS: The applicant is requesting a waiver to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. In May 2006, the applicant received a review letter from the Town stating that all easements be located for public utilities and drainage. The applicant has tried to accomplish this task, however has been unable to determine the location of certain utilities. The applicant is therefore seeking permission to create a “blanket easement”. This basically means wherever there is a utility line, there is an automatic easement. The language they have proposed for the blanket easement is as follows: Per this Plat, a blanket easement is hereby created over and across the entire property for the purpose of covering any existing utilities that may exist on the property. Any future public utilities constructed across the property will require the dedication of the new easements to cover said utilities and such new easements will need to meet the requirements of and be approved by the Town of Trophy Club. Per Chapter 12, Article VI, Section 6.04 of the Code of Ordinances: Section 6.04 Waivers to Subdivision Regulations A. The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club shall have the ultimate power to grant or reject waivers to the Subdivision Regulations upon receipt of a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Town Council may authorize a Planning & Zoning Commission Page 29 of 51 21 September 2006 waiver from these Regulations when, in its opinion, undue hardship will result from requiring strict compliance. In granting a waiver, the Town Council shall prescribe only conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable in the public interest, which will substantially secure the objectives of these Regulations. In making the findings hereinbelow required, the Town Council shall take into account the nature of the proposed use of the land involved, existing uses of land in the vicinity, the number of persons who will reside or work in the proposed subdivision, and the probable effect of such waiver upon traffic conditions and upon the public health, safety, convenience and welfare in the vicinity. No variance shall be granted unless the Town Council shall make findings based upon evidence in each specific case that: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that the strict application of the provisions of these Regulations would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of the land; and 2. The conditions upon which the request for variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are not applicable generally to other property; and 3. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant; and 4. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area; and 5. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the provisions of these Regulations. B. Such findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council, together with the specific facts upon which such findings are based, shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the Town Council meeting at which such waiver is granted or denied. Waivers may be granted only when in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan and these Regulations so that the public health, safety and welfare may be secured and substantial justice done. Pecuniary hardship standing alone shall not be deemed to constitute undue hardship. The Town Council determination shall be final. C. An application for waiver shall be submitted in writing by the applicant at the time when the preliminary plat or final plat is filed for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The application shall state fully the grounds for the application and all of the facts relied upon by the applicant. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 30 of 51 21 September 2006 D. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend the grant or denial of a waiver based upon the considerations outlined in Section 6.04(A). E. The Planning and Zoning Commission, in their recommendation of a waiver to the Town Council, shall submit to them a letter containing all the specific facts and pertinent data upon which such a waiver has been based applying the criteria listed in Section 6.04(A). STAFF FINDINGS: Given the complexity and unique nature of the utilities situation on the golf course, that the land has gone unplatted for 25+ years, staff recommends approval of the request. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 31 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 32 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 33 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 34 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 35 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 36 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 37 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 38 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 39 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 40 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 41 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 42 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 43 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 44 of 51 21 September 2006 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 45 of 51 21 September 2006 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-21-2006 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.2 Discuss and take appropriate action relative to an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, the same being PD-25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 5, including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures Illustrations, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: David Johnston, Quanah Hospitality Partners, LP, (SP-06-006). (kcf) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 46 of 51 21 September 2006 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-21-2006 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.3 Discuss proposed amendments to Article V entitled, "Supplementary District Regulations" of Chapter 13 entitled, "Zoning", of the Town's Code of Ordinances, specifically Article 5.03, "Accessory Structures" specifically relating to new regulations for accessory structures located on lots abutting public and private parks or the golf course. Staff has been asked to address the issue of accessory structures on the golf course. The following is a draft for discussion purposes only. The changes are highlighted in yellow. (kcf) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 47 of 51 21 September 2006 Section 5.03 Accessory Structures and Uses An accessory structure shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this ordinance applicable to the main structure, and in accordance with the following: A. All residentially zoned districts shall be subject to the following regulations. 1. Permitted Accessory Structures a. Except as otherwise provided herein, and excluding pools and covers, accessory structures less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor area shall not require a building permit. Hard top pool covers not greater than the allowable fence height for that property shall not require a permit. Storage/utility buildings, regardless of size shall require a permit on all lots abutting public and private parks or the golf course. b. The following structures and uses shall be permitted as accessory to the principal structure provided that none shall be a source of income to the owner or user of the principal single-family dwelling, i. Detached private garage in connection with any use, provided that no such garage shall face a golf course; and provided that any detached garage which faces a street be located a minimum of forty-five feet (45’) from the front property line; and provided, however, that the requirement that no such garage face any street shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town, unless otherwise provided by ordinance. ii. Cabana, pavilion, gazebo iii. Storage/utility buildings (masonry or wood) iv. Greenhouse (as hobby, not business) v. Home workshop vi. Flag Pole less than twenty feet (20’) vii. Tennis court/Basketball court viii. Guest House ix. Swimming Pool/Hard Top Pool Cover x. All other uses and structures which are customarily accessory, and clearly incidental to the structures, and which are allowed within the applicable Zoning District. c. In all residentially zoned districts, when any of the foregoing permitted residential accessory uses are detached from the principal single-family dwelling, such accessory uses shall be located: i. Behind the front building setback; and Planning & Zoning Commission Page 48 of 51 21 September 2006 ii. A minimum of twenty feet (20’) from any street right of way; and iii. A minimum of six feet (6’) from rear and side lot lines. d. An accessory use shall not be located within any identified easement. In addition, accessory structures permitted in these districts shall not exceed one story in height, except for storage/utility structures which shall not exceed 8 feet in height. e. Height Requirements/Screening i. Hard top pool covers shall not exceed four feet (4’) in height above the outside perimeter of the pool. ii. Accessory structures permitted in these districts shall not exceed one story in height, except for storage/utility structures which shall not exceed six feet (6’) in height. iii. Hard top pool covers located on lots abutting golf courses or public or private parks shall be screened from public and private view by the use of live screening as required by this Section. Live screening shall reach a minimum height of four feet (4’) within one (1) year after the date of initial planting; provided however, that such live screening shall at no time exceed the height of an existing fence or six feet (6’) in height, whichever is less. B. Non-Residential Accessory Structures: All non-residentially zoned districts shall be subject to the following regulations. The following shall be permitted as accessory uses, provided that such use shall be located not less than twenty feet (20’) from any street right-of-way: 1. Permitted Accessory Structures and Uses in CG-Commercial District and in NS Neighborhood Service District: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses: a. Screened garbage storage on a concrete pad and no nearer than fifty feet (50’) to a residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building and any street right-of-way. b. Temporary uses incidental to the primary use, provided the same is properly screened and provided they conform to the standards set forth in Section 5.01, Temporary Uses. 2. Permitted Accessory Structures and Uses in CR-Commercial District: The following structures and uses shall be permitted as accessory structures and uses. a. Cabana, pavilion, gazebo or roofed area b. All other uses and structures which are customarily accessory, and clearly incidental to the structures, and which are allowed within the applicable Zoning District. 3. Permitted Accessory Uses in GU-Governmental Use District and in PO- Professional Office District: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory, provided that none shall be a source of income to the owner or user of the principal use: a. All other uses and structures which are customarily accessory, and clearly incidental to the structures, and which are allowed within the applicable Zoning District. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 49 of 51 21 September 2006 C. Prohibited Structures: The following structures shall be prohibited: 1. Treehouses 2. Metal, vinyl or similar material structures unless otherwise provided herein. 3. Temporary structures on skids D. Location: An accessory structure, with the exception of a flag pole and signs, shall not be located in any front yard, as defined by this Article, and shall be located at least ten (10) feet from any dwelling, building or structure existing or under construction on the same lot or any adjacent lot, except swimming pools, which may be located nearer than the ten (10) feet from any dwelling existing as long as the excavation of the swimming pool does not in any way harm or endanger the existing building or dwelling. Notwithstanding the foregoing, accessory structures are only allowed if they comply with zoning regulations in the district which they are located. E. Garage Requirements: 1. A detached garage, used to meet the minimum off street parking requirement, shall be permitted as an accessory use in a residential district and shall be constructed so as to accommodate the enclosed parking of at least two (2) automobiles. 2. A detached garage, which is provided in addition to the required two (2) car garage, shall be permitted as an accessory structure in a residential district, except as otherwise specifically provided. 3. Any detached garage shall setback at least forty-five feet (45’) from the front property line of a residential lot. 4. Corner lots may have detached garages facing a side street if they set back a minimum of thirty five feet (35’) from the side street; however, no drive cuts will be allowed from any street classified as a major or minor collector street. F. Design Criteria: All accessory structures shall conform to the following design criteria: 1. The exterior surfaces of all accessory structures shall be consistent with the regulations as specified by the applicable zoning district. However, accessory structures that are normally constructed in such a manner that masonry exterior surfaces are neither practical nor appropriate are excluded from the masonry requirements, including but not be limited to gym sets, playhouses, and greenhouses. 2. Open-air structures, such as gazebos and pavilions, are permitted to be constructed with an aluminum material so long as that material resembles wood-like construction and such material has been approved by the Town’s Planning and Zoning Coordinator. 3. For lots abutting public and private parks or the golf course, all storage/utility buildings shall be constructed of eighty percent masonry materials. The exterior surface shall match the main structure to the greatest extent possible in materials and color. G. Screening: 1. Storage/utility buildings and greenhouses shall be screened from public and private view by: Planning & Zoning Commission Page 50 of 51 21 September 2006 a. An opaque fence a minimum of six feet in height; or b. Live screening. i. Storage/utility buildings located on lots abutting golf courses or public or private parks shall be screened from public and private view by the use of live screening as required by this Section. Live screening shall reach a minimum height of six feet (6’) within one (1) year after the date of initial planting; provided however, that such live screening shall at no time exceed the height of an existing fence or eight feet (8’) in height, whichever is less. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 51 of 51 21 September 2006 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-21-2006 Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1 Adjournment. (kcf)