Agenda Packet P&Z 08/16/2007Town of Trophy Club Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, August 16, 2007 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. B.1 Review and approve minutes of the July 2, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. C.1 Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Trophy Club Drive, Phase 1 Master Improvements (FP-07-022). Consideration of a request from Carter & Burgess, Inc. on behalf of 831 Trophy, L.P./Centurion Acquisitions, L.P. to approve a Preliminary and Final Plat of Trophy Club Drive, Phase 1 Master Improvements (2.341 acres). C.2 SP-07-008 Public Hearing to consider an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, the same being PD-28, Northwest High School No. 2, to approve a Final Site Plan. Applicant: MJ Thomas Engineering, LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD. C.3 SP-07-008 Consider an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, the same being PD-28, Northwest High School No. 2, to approve a Final Site Plan. Applicant: MJ Thomas Engineering, LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD. C.4 FP-07-021 Final Plat Approval for NISD High School No. 2, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1 & 2, Block 2. Consideration of a request from MJ Thomas Engineering, LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD to approve a Final Plat of NISD High School No. 2, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1 & 2, Block 2 (92.655 acres). D.1 Adjournment. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 8-16-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 8-16-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1 Review and approve minutes of the July 2, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. (ceh) Attachment: July 2, 2007 P&Z Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JULY 2, 2007 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on July 2, 2007, at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Public Services Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill Present Vice Chairman Stephens Present Commissioner Ashby Present Commissioner Reed Present Commissioner Sheridan Present Commissioner Sanchez Present Currently One Vacancy on this Board STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator Tom Rutledge Teague, Nall and Perkins Dean Stuller Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. Jim Wiegert Carter & Burgess Steve Lenart 831 Trophy L.P. A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. B.1 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 2007, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. Chairman Hill called for comments, questions, or a motion for the minutes of the June 21, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made to approve. Motion: Commissioner Reed Second: Commissioner Ashby Ayes: Hill, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby Action: 6-0, Approved Motion carried. C.1 FP-07-010 CONSIDER A REQUEST FROM CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ON BEHALF OF 831 TROPHY, L.P./CENTURION ACQUISITIONS, L.P. TO APPROVE BOTH PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATTING OF THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB MASTER THOROUGHFARE/INFRASTRUCTURE TO BE KNOWN AS A FINAL PLAT OF TROPHY CLUB DRIVE & TROPHY CLUB PARK DRIVE (23.685 ACRES). Jim Wiegert, Carter & Burgess, asked for approval of the Final Plat for Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Club Park Drive which are the master improvements which include road improvements with the associated storm drainage and also a water line. There is sanitary sewer which will serve the neighborhoods of the Highlands of Trophy Club and connect into the existing sewer system just upstream of the treatment plant. A water model has been submitted for the design and construction of the water line improvements. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) was also submitted. Dean Stuller, Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. (ITS) reviewed the TIA submitted by Carter & Burgess and agrees with the TIA except for signalization at Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive. The TIA calls for signalization at the end of Stage 3. ITS recommends signalization of the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive at the end of Stage 2 construction in The Highlands. Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, stated that Teague, Nall and Perkins have had several reviews of plans submitted by Carter & Burgess and all comments have been addressed. Chairman Hill asked that “Street A” on the Sheet 2 plat be designated as Galloway Blvd. as that is what will go before Town Council next week on the Highlands Neighborhoods 3 & 4 plats. Mr. Wiegert agreed to make that change. Chairman Hill asked if Northwest Parkway was a correct street name on Sheet 4 for the road in the vicinity of the high school. Mr. Rutledge stated that nothing has been formalized but in meetings that have taken place with Carter & Burgess, Town Staff, Roanoke, Marshall Creek, and the School District, comments have been made that Northwest Parkway is an acceptable name. Chairman Hill stated that at that intersection there seems to be a common area which juts out into the traffic lanes. Is that going to be a future traffic problem? Mr. Wiegert explained that it designates where the right-of-way is; it is not an indication of the curb line. There will not be a jut in the pavement. Chairman Hill asked for an explanation of the drainage easements (by separate instrument) shown on Sheets 5, 6, and 7. Mr. Wiegert explained that the ultimate drainage area for the road flows naturally toward the street. It is collected within the subdivisions and taken down with the grade to the south and eventually to the creek. Once those lots are constructed, there will be a drainage swale to keep the drainage from overloading onto the street and at that time the drainage easements will be abandoned. Chairman Hill asked if the temporary turnaround easement and drainage easement on Sheet 7 will be abandoned once the road is elongated. Mr. Wiegert confirmed. Commissioners Ashby, Sanchez, Reed and Vice Chairman Stephens had no questions. Commissioner Sheridan asked for an explanation of the breakdown of the right-of-way on Trophy Club Drive on Sheet 2. It is stated as 45-ft. and 5-ft. Why isn’t it listed as 50- ft.? Mr. Wiegert explained that the right-of-way is required to be 90-ft. and 45-ft. calls out the dimensions of the centerline of the road. Mr. Rutledge added that this plat is unique in that lots are not being platted but rather right-of-way is being platted. He explained that on Sheet 2 the centerline is listed. The road that currently exists is built on an 80-ft. right-of-way and the standards have now changed to 90-ft. The centerline is indicated to reflect current standards. Commissioner Sheridan asked that the 45-ft. line be designated as “centerline” on each sheet so that the meaning is clearer. Commissioner Sheridan asked that Note 2 on Sheet 2 indicate the name of the entity responsible for maintenance of common held property. Mr. Wiegert indicated the entity will be the Town of Trophy Club; staff will either clarify or have the note removed. Commissioner Sheridan asked why there is a 50-ft. access easement across the common area into the slip road. Mr. Wiegert responded that the developer, Hillwood, wanted to have an access point at midway of the slip road as that is where the model homes are to be located. It is temporary and will eventually be removed. Mr. Rutledge recommended that it be stated as “temporary” on the plat. Commissioner Sheridan asked that Durango Drive be labeled on the plat for reference. Commissioner Sheridan asked for an explanation of the difference between Stage 2 and Stage 3. Mr. Wiegert explained that a set number of homes are planned for each stage but those numbers were not readily available. [This information was provided to the Commissioners in an email following the meeting. Stage 1 – 741 homes, Stage 2 will add 485 additional homes for a total of 1,226, and Stage 3 will add 338 additional homes for a total of 1,564.] Commissioner Sheridan asked for clarification that the name “Northwest Parkway” is not a part of this plat and therefore if the name changes this plat will not need to be amended. Mr. Rutledge confirmed. On page 2, for the slip roads, Commissioner Sheridan noted that there is an indication of “common area” and on other sheets such as page 4 in the upper right this area is designated as “HOA Tract No. 2”. He asked if there is a difference. Mr. Wiegert stated that there is not a difference. Commissioner Sheridan asked Mr. Wiegert to pick one and be consistent throughout. As there were no further comments or questions the Chairman called for a motion. Motion: Commissioner Sheridan motioned to approve with the following stipulations: 1) that Street A be designated as Galloway Blvd (Page 2); 2) the 45-ft. right-of-way line on each sheet be designated as “centerline” (Pages 2-7); 3) delete note 2 on Sheet 2: “Should the entity responsible for maintenance of common held property fail to perform the function, the Town has the authority to provide appropriate maintenance and repair and collect appropriate fees and reimbursements.” The “entity” is the Town; therefore this note is not necessary. 4) indicate as “temporary” the 50-ft. access easement across the common area of the slip road (Page 2); 5) label Durango Drive and other streets outside the platted area for reference purposes (Page 2); 6) be consistent with the name of the common area, choosing either “HOA Tract No. 2” or “Common Area” (Pages 2-7); Second: Vice Chairman Stephens Ayes: Hill, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby Action: 6-0, Approved Motion carried. D.1 ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 8-16-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1 Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Trophy Club Drive, Phase 1 Master Improvements (FP-07-022). Consideration of a request from Carter & Burgess, Inc. on behalf of 831 Trophy, L.P./Centurion Acquisitions, L.P. to approve a Preliminary and Final Plat of Trophy Club Drive, Phase 1 Master Improvements (2.341 acres). Case Summary: The Planning and Zoning Commission will recognize this plat as “Sheet 2” of the Master Thoroughfare/Master Improvements plats that the Commission recommended for approval on July 2, 2007. The plats then went to Town Council on July 9, 2007, but were tabled at that meeting, and tabled again at the next Council meeting on July 23, 2007. At the Town Council meeting on August 6, 2007, the applicant requested that the plats be withdrawn from consideration by the Council. The reason for withdrawal is that the Attorney General made a ruling that the Public Improvement District (PID) bonds must be in place prior to work performed that is reimbursable by the PID. The PID is scheduled to be approved by Council in approximately October 2007. Although the applicant could request a delay until after the PID bonds are in place, the improvements to Trophy Club Drive along the western boundary of the Highlands Neighborhoods 3 & 4, are needed now as those two neighborhoods have been released for construction and work has commenced on the infrastructure. Therefore, the applicant withdrew the master improvement plats, splitting this plat out from the rest in order to move ahead with these neighborhoods. The remaining master improvement plats will be resubmitted to the Town after the PID is approved. Traffic Impact Analysis: A memo from Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. is attached providing analysis of the traffic impact for the Highlands Neighborhoods 3 & 4, Phase 1A and 1B which will add 192 homes to the Town. ITS concludes that widening of Trophy Club Drive to a 4- lane divided section is adequate to handle the increased volume of traffic. Staff Review: Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, has reviewed the plans for Phase 1 of the master improvements. The following corrections are needed: 1. Submit Landscape and Irrigation Plans for parkways and medians. Sheet 6 1. Although it is anticipated that the asphalt transition at the north end will be temporary, design transition to accommodate a 40-MPH design speed. Revise radius and length as necessary. 2. Provide access easement for asphalt transition. This can be done either by plat or separate instrument. 3. See the end of concrete pavement at Sta 13+00. Looking at the profile, the gutter elevation of 600.42 is approx. 18” below the existing Right NG. Provide positive drainage relief from the gutter so that water will not pond around the pavement. 4. See station callout “CL STA 14+58.44 TROPHY CLUB DRIVE”. This station appears to be incorrect. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of FP-07-022, the Preliminary and Final Plat of Trophy Club Drive, Phase 1, with the stipulation that the corrections requested by the Town Engineer be completed prior to approval by Town Council. Attachments: Application Withdrawal Letter – Previous Master Improvement Plats Traffic Impact Analysis Memo from Innovative Transportation Solutions Inc. Plats. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 8-16-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.2 SP-07-008 Public Hearing to consider an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2007- 11 P&Z, the same being PD-28, Northwest High School No. 2, to approve a Final Site Plan. Applicant: MJ Thomas Engineering, LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD. Case Summary: The applicant, M.J. Thomas Engineering, LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD is requesting approval of a final site plan for NISD High School No. 2 (Byron Nelson High School). This project is located on 92.655 acres in the northwest corner of the Town of Trophy Club. The Town of Trophy Club “PD” Planned Development District Regulations require that a site plan be approved by the Town Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, in order to ensure that the proposed use complies with design standards, policies, and criteria deemed necessary to the safety, health and welfare of the Town. This includes such items as building height and setbacks, fire lanes and parking lot circulation, exterior lighting, signage, landscaping… etc. Plat Status: A final plat is also on this agenda for consideration. Existing Zoning: The site is currently zoned Planned Development (PD) No. 28, Northwest High School No. 2. Site Design: • The project consists of 4 lots: o Lot 1, Block 1 consists of 82.859 acres and the school buildings and auxiliary uses such as athletic fields and a stadium are located on this lot. o A water tower will be located on Lot 2, Block 1. o Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 2 are open areas created when Northwest Parkway is constructed. These areas will be irrigated and maintained by NISD. • A portion of the tennis courts and the northwest parking lot encroach into the 30’ building line setback. Staff is willing to allow encroachment for grass, turf, asphalt and fencing only. No building structure or bleachers are allowed to encroach into the setback. • There are two dumpster locations. One is located at the southeast corner of the bus parking lot and the other is located southwest of the competition football field (next to the transformer). Both are enclosed on three sides with masonry walls and have a gate of similar architectural style as the buildings. The dumpster by the football field is not labeled on the site plan. This will be corrected prior to Town Council. Site Accessibility and Parking: The site is bordered on the south by Marshall Creek Road and is located north of the existing intersection of Marshall Creek Road and Parkview Drive. Marshall Creek Road is currently a two-lane undivided roadway with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. A new section of road, Northwest Parkway, is planned west of the intersection of Marshall Creek Road and Parkview Drive. The new section will extend north-south (serving as the western border of the high school) and turn to the west once north of the high school and connect with US 377. This section is proposed to be a four lane divided cross-section from US 377 to Parkview Drive. This road will be built in cooperation with The Town of Trophy Club, City of Roanoke, Town of Marshall Creek, Denton County, Texas Department of Transportation, and Centurion American Development, LLC. and is anticipated to be completed by August 2009. Should negotiations fail with these parties, Northwest ISD has agreed to build the portion of the road that will serve as the western border of the high school (letters attached). Access to the high school is possible via four locations: A south access point off of Marshall Creek Road and three access points off on Northwest Parkway; therefore, it is critical that Northwest Parkway exist by August 2009. A Traffic Impact Analysis report for the high school site was prepared by Lee Engineering and has been reviewed and approved by Innovative Transportation Solutions (memo attached) and staff. The facility will have 2,200 students and 200 staff. Parking requirements are 1 space for every 3 persons therefore 800 parking spaces are required for this facility. The applicant is proposing 32 bus parking spaces, 834 typical parking spaces and 22 ADA parking spaces. Building Design: • The 2- and 3-story H-design school buildings are located at the north end of the lot with the majority of the parking lots and the athletic fields between the school buildings and Marshall Creek Rd. (By ordinance, no building or structure shall exceed 85-ft. or three stories in height.) o 475,000 sq. ft. o 750-seat food court cafeteria and coffee shop o 800-seat auditorium for band, choir, drama, and orchestra o 4 gymnasiums (a competition gymnasium w/1,400 seating capacity and three gyms w/1,400 seating capacity for pe, athletics, drills, dance and cheerleading) o 2 weight rooms o Indoor activity center • Building materials consist of traditional brick and cast stone. Signage and Lighting: • Two marquee signs are proposed for the site. One is west of the entrance off Marshall Creek Road and the other is at one of the entrances along Northwest Parkway Drive, south of the tennis courts and west of the practice soccer fields. The proposed signs meet current standards. • The parking lot lighting fixtures are a maximum total height of 30 feet. The athletic fields lighting fixtures have a maximum height of 90 feet. All lighting shall be oriented down and away from adjacent property owners and shall not cause a nuisance to surrounding neighborhoods. Landscaping and Screening: • PD-28 requires that interior areas of parking lots must contain planter islands or berms located no further apart than every 24 parking spaces and at the terminus of all rows of parking. The proposed parking landscaping exceeds the minimum requirements. • Perimeter landscape areas must contain at least one tree for each 50 linear feet. The proposed perimeter landscape plans exceeds the minimum requirements. • Trees must be planted in non-vehicular open space to meet a minimum requirement of 9 trees/4,000 sq. ft. Existing trees preserved on a developed site may be credited toward this requirement. The proposed plan provides 99 existing trees of 8”+ caliper and 1,402 new 4” caliper trees. This is not enough to meet the required minimum. The applicant is asking Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council permission to proceed with less than the required non-vehicular open space minimum tree landscaping. Staff reviewed the landscape plans and found that adding additional trees would require extensive reconfiguration of the campus. Since the plan, as presented, offers a well balanced, manicured high school campus, the Parks and Recreation Director and the Town Manager recommend approval of this request. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the final site plan for the Byron Nelson High School NISD High School No. 2 project. Attachments: Application NISD Letters Pertaining to Northwest Parkway Traffic Impact Analysis Memo from Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. Site Plan Tree Survey Landscape Plans Elevations and Enlarged Plans Photometrics PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 8-16-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.3 SP-07-008 Consider an amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2007-11 P&Z, the same being PD-28, Northwest High School No. 2, to approve a Final Site Plan. Applicant: MJ Thomas Engineering, LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD. (ceh) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 8-16-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.4 FP-07-021 Final Plat Approval for NISD High School No. 2, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1 & 2, Block 2. Consideration of a request from MJ Thomas Engineering, LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD to approve a Final Plat of NISD High School No. 2, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1 & 2, Block 2 (92.655 acres). Case Summary: The applicant, MJ Thomas Engineering LLC on behalf of Northwest ISD is requesting approval of the Final Plat of NISD High School No. 2 (92.655 acres). The site has frontage onto Marshall Creek Road, which is currently a two-lane undivided roadway, and will provide one access point into the high school site. There will be three access points on Northwest Parkway, a new section of road that will extend north-south and serve as the western boundary of the high school. A Traffic Impact Analysis report for the high school site was prepared by Lee Engineering and has been reviewed and approved by Innovative Transportation Solutions (memo included with site plan comments). Current Zoning: The site is currently zoned “PD” Planned Development No. 28, Northwest High School No. 2. Staff Review: Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, has reviewed and approved the engineering plans for NISD High School No. 2. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of FP-07-021, the Final Plat of NISD High School No. 2. Attachments: Application Plats PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 8-16-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1 Adjournment. (ceh)