Agenda Packet P&Z 07/02/2007Town of Trophy Club Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Monday, July 2, 2007 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. B.1 Review and approve minutes of the June 21, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. C.1 FP-07-010 Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for The Highlands at Trophy Club Master Thoroughfare/Infrastructure. Consideration of a request from Carter & Burgess, Inc. on behalf of 831 Trophy, L.P./Centurion Acquisitions, L.P. to approve both Preliminary and Final Platting of The Highlands at Trophy Club Master Thoroughfare/Infrastructure to be known as a Final Plat of Trophy Club Drive & Trophy Club Park Drive (23.685 acres). D.1 Adjournment. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 1 of 30 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 7-2-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. (ceh) Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 2 of 30 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 7-2-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1 Review and approve minutes of the June 21, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. (ceh) Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 3 of 30 MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 21, 2007 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on June 21, 2007, at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Public Services Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill present Vice Chairman Stephens present Commissioner Ashby present Commissioner Reed present Commissioner Sheridan present Commissioner Sanchez present Currently One Vacancy on this Board STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator Shannon DePrater Computer Support Specialist/ Records Management Officer Tom Rutledge Teague Nall and Perkins Scott Booth Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. Dean Stuller Innovative Transportation Solutions, Inc. Jaison Stephen Carter & Burgess Brad Hunstable Hillwood Residential Brian Carlock Hillwood Residential A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. As the Hillwood representatives were not yet present, the Chairman considered the “C” agenda items. C.1 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 19, 2007, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 4 of 30 Chairman Hill called for comments, questions, or a motion for the minutes of the April 19, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Commissioner Ashby asked for an explanation of “late notice” beside his name. Chairman Hill explained that it is an indication of the timeliness of when he received notice that Mr. Ashby would not be able to attend the meeting. A motion was made to approve. Motion: Stephens Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby Action: 6-0, Approved Motion carried. C.2 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MAY 17, 2007, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. Chairman Hill called for comments, questions, or a motion for the minutes of the May 17, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made to approve. Motion: Reed Second: Stephens Ayes: Hill, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby Action: 6-0, Approved Motion carried. C.3 DISCUSS REAPPOINTMENT APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR THOSE COMMISSIONERS (HILL, REED, SANCHEZ) WHOSE TERMS ARE EXPIRING. Chairman Hill announced the item and Ms. Huggins explained that three Commissioners’ terms expire on September 30, 2007: Chairman Hill, Mr. Reed and Mr. Sanchez. If those members wish to be considered for reappointment, they must submit a Reappointment Application by July 31, 2007. Chairman Hill announced that he has already given his application to Lisa Ramsey, Town Secretary. Commissioner Reed gave his application to Ms. Huggins this evening. Commission Sanchez is aware of his need to submit a reappointment application. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 5 of 30 Chairman Hill also announced that there is one vacancy on the Planning & Zoning Commission which will be filled from the applications received from residents of the Town. 7:07 p.m. Chairman Hill recessed the meeting to allow time for the Hillwood representatives to arrive. 7:10 p.m. Meeting resumed. [B.1 No item attached to B.1 – Inadvertently misnumbered] B.2 FP-07-014 FINAL PLAT FOR THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD 3, PHASE 1A. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ON BEHALF OF K. HOVNANIAN HOMES-DFW, L.L.C. TO APPROVE A FINAL PLAT OF LOTS 1-14, BLOCK A, THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB NEIGHBORHOOD 3, PHASE 1A (4.885 ACRES) (LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF TROPHY CLUB DRIVE ADJACENT TO DURANGO DRIVE AND NORTH OF THE QUORUM CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY). Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the applicant to explain his request. Jaison Stephen, Carter-Burgess, stated that he and Brian Carlock and Brad Hunstable (both with Hillwood Residential), were present tonight representing K. Hovnanian Homes and Pacific Standard Homes to ask for approval of the final plats for Neighborhood 3, Phase 1A and Neighborhoods 3 & 4, Phase 1B. He stated that this is part of The Highlands development which was preliminary platted in January 2007. The lots are 10,000 to 13,000 square feet. Phases 2 and 3 will be in subsequent years. Chairman Hill stated that utility easements throughout the proposed development are primarily located at the front lot lines, and since utilities make their own decisions regarding locations of telephone kiosks, cable connection boxes, electrical transformers, etc., will we see most of these at the curbside throughout most of the development? If that is where they are going to be located, is there any means of reducing the visual impact of these features by a more selective location? Brian Carlock, Hillwood Residential, responded that both the phone companies and electric companies have subsurface handholds and the only thing that should be exposed is every four to eight lot lines will have an above ground transformer for electric. Somewhere strategically located in the community will be one switch gear, usually an 8x8 box 3-ft. high. This will also apply to Neighborhoods 3 & 4, Phase 1B. Chairman Hill stated that there is a 10-ft. private drainage easement identified as PDE on the plat and it is shown extending along the rear line of lots 2 through 8 and at the rear line of lot 3. This PDE is also identified as a 10-ft. utility easement. Is this PDE also a utility easement along its full length from lot 2 though lot 8? Jaison Stephen, Carter-Burgess, responded that the lots in Phase 1A naturally drain onto Phase 1B. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 6 of 30 They are installing a rear yard drainage system to pick up the drainage from the lot before it goes onto the adjacent lot. Chairman Hill asked if the lots he is referring to are in Phase 1B, Lots 20-27. Jaison Stephen confirmed that they are. Chairman Hill asked if they are to be underground. Jaison Stephen confirmed that they are. Chairman Hill asked if it would be pipe. He is concerned with how the integrity of the PDE will be protected when fences are erected? Mr. Stephen stated that it would be small PVC pipe, 4” at most, and that in most cases the builder will install a fence rather than a homeowner adding a fence later. Chairman Hill asked if 1B would be subsurface discharging onto Glasgow Drive. Jaison Stephen confirmed that it would discharge onto Glasgow through an opening in the curb. That water will then be picked up by the underground drainage system on Glasgow. Chairman Hill asked who would be responsible for resolving conflicts if someone’s line is leaking or plugged in the future. Mr. Stephen stated that they show the easements so that the home owners will know upfront what they will have on their property. Chairman Hill stated that between lots 10 and 11 of Phase 1A there is a 10-ft. utility easement that does not appear to be aligned with the 10-ft utility easement between lots 19 and 20 of Phase 1B. Jaison Stephen will correct that. Vice Chairman Stephens asked for clarification that the PDE is going to be underground rather than a swale. Jaison Stephen stated it would be underground. Commissioner Ashby asked for further clarification of the utility easement on lot 3 which was previously mentioned by Chairman Hill. Chairman Hill and Jaison Stephen responded. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there is a better way to identify the PDE on the plat so that homeowners know that they are responsible rather than the Town. Especially with the recent flooding, is there a better way to identify that this is private? Jaison Stephen’s response was that it is clearly stated as such on the plat. Commissioner Stephens asked who will be responsible for maintaining the 4” PVC. Jaison Stephen responded that it will be the responsibility of the homeowner. Commissioner Stephens responded that he could see how a homeowner could create headaches for his neighbor. Commissioner Sheridan asked for a better explanation of why this is necessary. Jaison Stephen responded that the area in 1A naturally drains into 1B. Staff wanted that drainage taken underground. It was at the Town’s request that it was done this way. Commissioner Sheridan asked about the elevation differential. Jaison Stephen stated that it ranges from 6-ft. to 2-ft. to zero. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the Town has an ordinance against lot to lot drainage. Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, stated that drainage from one lot to another (one only) is allowed. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 7 of 30 Brian Carlock stated that even if one of the inlet systems got clogged up they are designed to pass the water naturally. He stated that if the whole thing plugged up the side yard swales are designed to carry water between the lots to the street. He stated that an engineer always has to consider that if you are passing water from uphill to downhill you have to make sure you design a swale to carry the amount of water that’s projected from the uphill lot. So there is a safety valve built in. Chairman Hill stated that there have been situations in the Town where there is lot to lot drainage but the lots were not developed continuously and one lot sat vacant for a period of time. Then when the vacant lot was developed, the water discharged in different directions and at a different quantity than expected. Mr. Carlock stated that they are grading the entire site for both phases so there shouldn’t be any issues. Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, explained that we have encouraged them to do this mainly because there are walls that are 4-ft. to 6-ft. high. The upper lot will drain onto the lower lot and if we don’t take this underground there will be water cascading over the retaining wall which can create a maintenance problem with moss growing on the wall or the base of the wall staying wet and the lower property owner is receiving the drainage and there is no way to control it. By putting a system on the uphill side of the retaining wall and then piping it through (it’s really a relatively small amount of water) and then penetrate the curb with it, it was the cleanest way we saw to discharge the water from the upper lot and convey it through to the lower lot. Commissioner Stephens stated that he has a problem where he lives. There was a concrete swale in his backyard but before he bought his house the builder took it out. His neighbors to the east have the concrete swale but the neighbor to the west doesn’t have the swale. He has a copious amount of water that backs into his yard six to eight feet. He lives on a short street. He put in a 6-inch drain to take water from the west to the east to try to cut down the flooding that washes away all of his mulch that stacks up on his neighbor’s fence to the east. Therefore, he is surprised that the engineers say a 4-inch is suitable. Jaison Stephen responded that they will determine what it needs to be but they feel it will be a minimal amount of water. Chairman Hill stated that just this week there was significant flooding to the south of Lot 1 where the Quorum Condominiums are located. The grading that has been done for the neighborhood just to the north of this area has dirt rising 6-ft. above the existing ground level. What effect is this grading and elevation change producing in the water flow through this area and will the resulting berm or retaining wall be stabilized to keep any soils from washing down into that existing channel? Jaison Stephen stated that they did a flood study and what they are proposing does not have any effect on any of the adjacent property owners. The flood study was approved by the Town. The retaining wall will be structurally sound to withstand storms. Chairman Hill stated that his concern is whether or not there is an effect on the drainage channel. It’s not going to divert any water toward the apartments? Jaison Stephen stated that it will have no effect. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 8 of 30 Commissioner Sheridan asked if there are other items on the plat that need to be corrected based on Jaison Stephen’s earlier comment that they are doing a final proofreading of the plat. Commissioner Sheridan stated that this is the first final plat to come through for this area and he doesn’t want to hear on future plats that additional checking is needed. He wants to know that it is right and checked and approved before it gets to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr. Sheridan stated that his biggest concern is traffic. Trophy Club Drive is a 4-lane boulevard and it is only half built. When he heard that this was coming through he expected the 50-ft right-of-way to be part of this plat. It wasn’t. Why? Tom Rutledge explained that the master infrastructure was supposed to be on this agenda and for consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission prior to their consideration of these neighborhood plats. The master infrastructure includes Trophy Club Drive and portions of Marshall Creek, along with the supporting drainage systems and the water and sewer mains. Those plats were not ready for this meeting but will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission at the next meeting and then both will go to the Town Council on July 9, 2007. But, ideally, the master infrastructure, which included the right- of-way, should have been presented first. On future plats, you will see platted and identified right-of-way. Commissioner Sheridan asked about the green belt (Common Area 1). Will that green belt be part of the street plat? The right-of-way plat? Mr. Rutledge responded yes. Commissioner Sheridan asked if it would be 5-ft. Jaison Stephen stated that it is actually 8-ft. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there will be double sidewalks – one in the right-of-way common area 1 and one in front of the houses. Tom Rutledge responded that the plans are consistent with the PD. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the 10-ft. UE on Lot 1 is existing or by plat? Jaison Stephen responded that they will dedicate that by plat. He stated that the sewer line is existing. It was built 10 or 15 years ago but there wasn’t an easement dedicated for that, so it will be shown on this plat. Commissioner Sheridan asked if a correction is needed for other plats for the unrecorded sewer line. Tom Rutledge responded that there are easements being prepared by separate instrument. The Town Attorney is currently reviewing those. Commissioner Sheridan discussed the entrances and exits to Trophy Club Drive from the 14 lots for Phase 1A. He stated that since the median breaks aren’t shown on this plat it’s hard to understand how the residents are going to enter and exit. Mr. Rutledge stated that the slip road in front of the lots is one way going north. Commissioner Sheridan stated that if the residents wanted to go south on Trophy Club Drive, they would have to exit the slip road going north, and make a U-turn at Meadow Ridge to go back southbound. If headed southbound on Trophy Club Drive, to get into the Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 9 of 30 neighborhood it be necessary to go past Durango to Quorum and make a U-turn. Jaison Stephen stated that was correct. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there is anything in this plat that is in the floodplain. Jaison Stephen responded that there is nothing in this plat that is in the floodplain. Commissioner Sheridan asked how close the floodplain is to open space 1, Block A. Jaison Stephen stated that it is south of Quorum. It picks up roughly around Lots 30 and 31 of Phase 1B. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the Town has an ordinance that requires a finished floor elevation if a lot is near a floodplain. Mr. Rutledge responded that it is required to set minimum finished flood elevations when there is floodplain on the property or if there is platting adjacent to it. He stated that they would be required to dedicate any appropriate easements in that case. Commissioner Sheridan stated that for Phase 1A it has already been stated that there is no adjacent floodplain and there isn’t a 6-inch variance from top of floodplain to topo; it’s reasonable. Mr. Stephen confirmed. As there were no further questions, the Chairman called for a motion. Motion: Commissioner Sheridan motioned to approve with the correction noted earlier by Chairman Hill that the 10-ft. utility easement be aligned property between lots 10 and 11 of Phase 1A and lots 19 and 20 of Phase 1B. Second: Stephens Ayes: Hill, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby Action: 6-0, Approved Motion carried. B.3 FP-07-015 FINAL PLAT FOR THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB NEIGHBORHOODS 3 & 4, PHASE 1B. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ON BEHALF OF K. HOVNANIAN HOMES- DFW, L.L.C. AND STANDARD PACIFIC OF TEXAS, L.P. TO APPROVE A FINAL PLAT OF 178 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND 11 COMMON AREAS, THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB NEIGHBORHOODS 3 & 4, PHASE 1B (69.753 ACRES) (LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF TROPHY CLUB DRIVE ADJACENT TO DURANGO DRIVE AND NORTH OF THE QUORUM CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY). Carolyn Huggins distributed a memo from Innovative Transportation Solutions (ITS), the firm that reviewed the traffic impact analysis (TIA) for The Highlands. ITS reviewed the plats for Neighborhood 3, Phase 1A and Neighborhoods 3 & 4, Phase 1B and found no significant traffic impact at this time. Scott Booth and Dean Stuller, both from ITS, were present. Mr. Booth stated that with 192 single family units, the trip generation over a 24-hour period corresponds to approximately 1840 trips per day, with 919 outbound and those same vehicles returning within a 24-hour period. He then reviewed the memo that was distributed to the Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 10 of 30 Commissioners. He summarized that Phase 1A and 1B fall within Stage 1 of the original TIA document prepared by Carter & Burgess. Chairman Hill asked if the main flow would be headed southbound adding to the jam at Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive that feeds onto 114. Mr. Booth responded that about 60% of the trips would be going south, but there would be a distribution -- some will travel to the north and some will ultimately exit to go west. He stated that in the original TIA document, Carter & Burgess prepared a trip distribution which ITS reviewed and approved. Chairman Hill stated that in August 2009 some classes will begin at the high school which will have a significant traffic impact on the town. He asked Mr. Rutledge if there would be a road leading north along the west side of the high school property which will cut over to 377. Mr. Rutledge responded that Carter & Burgess, along with the Town of Roanoke, Marshall Creek, Denton County and Northwest ISD have been meeting bimonthly to coordinate the alignment of that road, along with cost sharing. The design of that road should begin shortly. Commissioner Ashby asked if that road construction will coincide with the construction of the high school. Mr. Rutledge responded that the road must be completed before the high school opens. He stated that he has reviewed the plans and plat for the high school and will be sending comments to their engineer this week which includes the comment that the high school construction is dependent upon the timing of the road. Chairman Hill asked if that will result in the realignment of some of the Marshall Creek intersections in the vicinity of the Roanoke, Marshall Creek, and Trophy Club boundaries. Mr. Rutledge confirmed. Commissioner Stephens asked if Parkview would be realigned in this process. Mr. Rutledge confirmed. Chairman Hill stated that Lot 58 does not show a side building line. Jaison Stephen responded that it would be 10-ft. Chairman Hill stated that common area 9 is not identified as a carryover from the match line of page 1. He asked that it be corrected. Chairman Hill stated that Lot 1, Block E, adjacent to common area 9, does not show a side building line. Jaison Stephen responded that it would be 10-ft. Chairman Hill stated that in Block F, between Lots 14 & 15 there is a PDE from Edinburgh Avenue to the golf course. He asked which direction the drainage would go. Jaison Stephen responded that it would drain to the golf course. Chairman Hill asked if they have worked that out with the golf course. Mr. Stephen responded that whatever is naturally going onto the golf course, they are keeping that same pattern. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 11 of 30 Chairman Hill stated that in Block J, where Sterling Avenue intersects Galloway Boulevard, Lots 1, 2, 16 and 17 have a 10-ft. utility easement that makes a Z-pattern. Why? Jaison Stephen stated that the franchisee utility company decided on that design. Commissioners Stephens, Reed, Ashby and Sanchez had no questions. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the common areas will be maintained by declaration and covenants or by the PID. Jaison Stephen stated that they are private by covenant. As there were no other comments or questions, the Chairman called for a motion. Motion: Commissioner Sheridan motioned to approve with the corrections that side building lines be shown for Lot 58 and Lot 1, Block E adjacent to common area 9; that common area 9 be identified as such on Sheet 2 at the match line; and that the 10-ft. utility easement be aligned property between lots 10 and 11 of Phase 1A and lots 19 and 20 of Phase 1B. Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Sanchez, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby Action: 6-0, Approved Motion carried. The Commissioners and Innovative Traffic Solutions had a brief Q&A discussion of traffic issues related to the Highlands Neighborhoods 3 & 4 plats, the master thoroughfare plats (which will be brought before the Planning & Zoning Commission on July 2, 2007), as well as the road that will be built by the future high school (that plat will be seen by the Planning & Zoning Commission later this summer). C.1 ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 8:12 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 12 of 30 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 7-2-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1 FP-07-010 Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for The Highlands at Trophy Club Master Thoroughfare/Infrastructure. Consideration of a request from Carter & Burgess, Inc. on behalf of 831 Trophy, L.P./Centurion Acquisitions, L.P. to approve both Preliminary and Final Platting of The Highlands at Trophy Club Master Thoroughfare/Infrastructure to be known as a Final Plat of Trophy Club Drive & Trophy Club Park Drive (23.685 acres). PURPOSE: Carter & Burgess, Inc. on behalf of 831 Trophy, L.P./Centurion Acquisitions, L.P. is proposing to plat 23.685 acres to develop the master thoroughfare/infrastructure improvements for Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Club Park Drive (formerly referred to as Marshall Creek Road East). APPLICANT: Carter & Burgess, Inc. 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, TX 75247 OWNER: Mehrdad Moayedi 831 Trophy L.P./Centurion Acquisitions, Inc. 3901 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200 Bedford, TX 76021 HISTORY: Preliminary plat approval of the Master right-of-way (but not the plats) was granted by the Town Council on December 18, 2006. The Master right-of-way was included as part of The Highlands at Trophy Club Neighborhoods 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7. On January 30, 2007, application was made for final platting of the infrastructure/thoroughfare for Trophy Club Drive and Marshall Creek Road East (now named Trophy Club Park Drive). As final platting would not be accomplished within 30 days of preliminary platting, a waiver letter, extending the 30-day action period for preliminary to final platting is provided by Lenart Development Company, L.L.C., the managing agent for 831 Trophy LP. STAFF REVIEW: There was comprehensive staff review for the thoroughfare plats. Bi- monthly meetings also involved the Town of Roanoke, Marshall Creek, Denton County and Northwest ISD to coordinate the alignment of the road to the High School. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 13 of 30 On the final review of the construction documents by the Town Engineer, the applicant was asked to provide a letter agreement from the golf course for the sewer through the golf course. The applicant states that the golf course has agreed verbally with the location of the sanitary sewer line that crosses their property. Tim Dagg, the golf course director, gave a verbal agreement to the location across the golf course at an on-site walk-thru of the sanitary sewer alignment on February 20, 2007. Easements designating this alignment location were prepared and submitted to the Town Engineer and Town Attorney for review on June 19, 2007. After Town approval, the documents will be forwarded to the applicant who will forward them to ClubCorp for approval. In addition, the Town engineer asked that the sanitary sewer manhole cover be changed from a standard rim to a “hinged” rim and the applicant indicated that the plans will be updated once the detail is received from the Town and before final construction sets are published. These two items do not need to be included in the motion by the Planning & Zoning Commission, but are stated here for reference and historical purposes. SUMMARY: The Town Engineer has reviewed the construction documents for The Highlands Master Improvements and has determined that they are consistent with the Town’s standards and regulations for development and construction. Landscaping and irrigation plans were also reviewed by the staff and the Town Engineer and are consistent with the Town’s standards. Innovative Traffic Solutions (ITS) has reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) report submitted by Carter & Burgess for The Highlands at Trophy Club. ITS’s summary of their review (memo dated June 18, 2007) is enclosed. Dean Stuller will be in attendance at the July 2, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting to provide further explanation or answer questions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this request. Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 14 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 15 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 16 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 17 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 18 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 19 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 20 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 21 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 22 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 23 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 24 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 25 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 26 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 27 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 28 of 30 Planning and Zoning Commission July 2, 2007 Page 29 of 30 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 7-2-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1 Adjournment. 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