Agenda Packet P&Z 06/05/2008Town of Trophy Club
Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Thursday, June 5, 2008
7:00 P.M.
A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum.
B.1 Review and approve minutes of the April 3, 2008 Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting.
C.1 Highlands Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H. Consideration of a Request from Jacobs
Carter Burgess on behalf of High Trophy Development, LLC to Approve a Final
Plat of Lots 5-15, Block X and Lots 11-31, Block BB, The Highlands at Trophy
Club Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H (11.047 acres) located in the 2200 Block on the
east side of Trophy Club Drive (see enclosed Site Development Map). (FP-08-
C.2 Water's Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2. Consideration of a Request from
Jacobs Carter Burgess on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to Approve a Final
Plat of Lots 1-5, Block K, Lots 1-5, Block L, Lots 7-42, Block L, and Lots 1-3,
Block M, Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2 (26.925 acres) located to the
north of Katie Lane as a continuation of Hogan's Dr. (FP-08-027)
C.3 Canterbury Hills, Phase 1. Consideration of a Request from Jacobs Carter
Burgess on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to Approve a Final Plat of Lots 8-
22 and 30-32, Block A, Lots 2-19, Block B, Lots 1-5 and 10-14, Block C, Lots 1-
18, Block D, Lots 1-2, Block F, Lots 1-4, Block H, and Lots 1-20, Block J,
Canterbury Hills, Phase 1 (42.434 acres) located to the north and east of Waters
Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2. (FP-08-025)
D.1 Discussion of Planning and Zoning Commission meeting schedule for July and
remainder of 2008 calendar year.
E.1 Adjournment.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 6-5-2008
Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1
Call to order and announce a quorum.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 6-5-2008
Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1
Review and approve minutes of the April 3, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission
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APRIL 3, 2008
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a
Regular Session on April 3, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Public
Services Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262.
Chairman Hill Present
Vice Chairman Stephens Present
Commissioner Reed Present
Commissioner Ashby Present
Commissioner Sheridan Present
Commissioner Sanchez Present
Commissioner Forest Present
Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator
Todd Webb K. Hovnanian Homes-DFW, LLC
Michelle Brown Sales, F&R Adams Luxury Homes
Kyle Salzman Jacobs Carter Burgess
Alvin Jackson Director of Marketing/Sales, Centurion American
Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with seven members present.
Commissioner Forest motioned to approve the minutes of the March 20, 2008, Planning
& Zoning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed.
Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Sheridan, Sanchez, Forest
Nays: None
Action: 7-0, Approved
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Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the applicant to come forward.
Todd Webb, Community Manager, K. Hovnanian Homes, stated that they are making
application for an off-site parking lot which will be located between the two models
homes of K. Hovnanian and Standard Pacific. Their site map shows the proposed
parking and landscaping per City requirements.
Chairman Hill reviewed the request and asked if the Commissioners had any questions
or discussions.
Commissioners Reed and Ashby had concerns regarding the number of handicap-
accessible spots. Ms. Huggins stated that 20% is a guideline, not a requirement.
Commissioner Reed stated that it seems like it is always hard to find handicap parking
places; he hopes that these will be close to the door.
Commissioner Sheridan asked if the Landscaping Regulations require a sprinkler
system. Ms. Huggins stated that the regulations do not require irrigation for a temporary
use. After further discussion with the Commissioners, the applicant agreed to irrigate
the landscaping around the temporary use parking lot.
Commissioner Sheridan asked the applicant if the Town requirements on landscaping
were clear to them and easy to create a submission. Mr. Webb stated that they learned
along the way. Commissioner Sheridan said that indicates that the Town needs to
clarify some of its requirements. Mr. Webb stated that it is their understanding that the
shrubs need to be 2-ft. minimum height at time of planning, the trees must be minimum
3-caliper inch and of an approved species, of which Live Oak is one of those. He stated
that they hope the Town will find that they will far exceed the requirements as they have
a lot invested in this project and want it to be very nice. Commissioner Sheridan stated
that he is trying to see if the Town is giving out enough information to get to the
Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council in a proper, easy manner. He stated
that it sounds like they were clear from Mr. Webb’s statements.
Chairman Hill suggested the following motion:
The Planning and Zoning Commission, having determined that the request of applicant
K. Hovnanian Homes-DFW, LLC, for Approval of a Temporary Use for Off Street
Parking for Model Homes in Planned Development No. 27, Neighborhood 3, Phase 1A,
for a period of time not greater than One Year is in compliance with Town of Trophy
Club regulations relevant to a temporary off-street parking lot and the Town’s
landscaping requirements thereon, recommends that the Town Council approve the
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applicant’s off-street parking lot request for a one year period, providing annual renewal
options as allowed in Town Regulations.
Vice Chairman Stephens so moved and Commissioner Ashby seconded the above
Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Forest, Sanchez, Sheridan
Nays: None
Action: 7-0, Approved
Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the applicant to come forward.
Michelle Brown, Vice President, F&R Adams Luxury Home, stated that they are
requesting permission to use their construction trailer also as a sales trailer to avoid
placing two trailers in the subdivision as their project is small. They are building custom
homes so they will not have models. The construction supervisor will occupy one of the
offices in the trailer and the remainder of the trailer will be for sales.
Chairman Hill read the staff report and asked the Commissioners for questions or
Commissioner Ashby had concerns regarding on-street parking. He asked for the daily
full-time occupancy load of the trailer. Ms. Brown stated that there would be two people
– the superintendent of construction and the sales person on staff for that day.
Commissioner Ashby stated that two things concern him regarding parking along the
street -- there isn’t a designated handicapped parking spot and there isn’t a handicap
ramp to get from the street to the sidewalk. Ms. Brown stated that they have a handicap
ramp from the trailer to the sidewalk and the sidewalk will be wider to accommodate a
wheelchair. Mr. Ashby asked if the sidewalk will be a minimum of 5-ft. Ms. Brown
stated that it would be. Mr. Ashby stated that he feels there should be a designated
handicap parking spot with clear handicap accessibility from the street surface to the
sidewalk leading to the trailer. He prefers that they have on-site parking rather than
street parking. He isn’t opposed to their request for street parking, but he believes it
could create a traffic problem as it is across from a t-bone intersection and he doesn’t
see handicap accessibility. After further discussion with the Commissioners, the
applicant agreed to a curb cut for handicap accessibility.
Vice Chairman Stephens stated that he doesn’t anticipate much traffic for 35 lots. He
suggested they make a handicap designated space in front of the flag poles.
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Commissioner Sheridan stated that he has been in sales scenarios like this in the past
and he does not anticipate heavy traffic for this 35-lot subdivision with homes in a price
range that will draw more realtor traffic than the weekend sign type traffic. Most parking
will occur when they have a realtor party. As far as having parking in front of the trailer
in front of the t-bone, that is a short stretch of road and shouldn’t present problems for
parking. The street is either 24-ft. or 27-ft. back-to-back which allows room to maneuver
in a slow traffic type area. He would not wish to see any parking designation on the
street, but it would be logical to have an ADA ramp in front in conjunction with the
walkway up to the trailer. He asked if the ramps have been installed. Ms. Brown
responded that they have installed the ramp from the walkway to the trailer, but not at
the curb. Commissioner Sheridan stated that as they install sidewalks they will have
ADA ramps on both corners so he suggested placing the ramp in the center so that in
the future when the trailer is gone the ramp would flare out both ways to the sidewalk,
being natural to the neighborhood. It would be convenient to the other side of the street
as well.
Vice Chairman Stephens suggested a pole behind the curb designating a handicap
parking space.
Commissioner Ashby stated that there are certain requirements under Texas
Accessibility Standards (TAS) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that must be
met. He would like to make sure that this sales trailer complies with those requirements
and that there won’t be any issues for the developer or the Town down the road.
Vice Chairman Stephens stated that the applicant should comply with TAS, which, in
Texas, supersedes ADA. He stated that, as Commissioner Sheridan suggested, the
applicant should place the curb cuts (ADA approaches to the sidewalk cut through the
curb) in a place where she would not have to tear them out later. Ms. Brown stated that
the middle coming out would make sense on that side of the road. Commissioner
Sheridan asked if they would be willing to place a pole designating a handicap space.
Ms. Brown stated that they would be willing to do that. Commissioner Ashby stated that
they could place a handicap logo on the pavement which could be removed after the
sales center is taken down.
Commissioner Sheridan asked for additional landscaping on the ends of the trailer,
especially around the tongue on the left side; in other words, wrap the corner. There
are air conditioners on one side and a tongue on the other and he would like to see both
hidden by, for example, an ornamental tree that has some height. It might not be
possible to completely hide the air conditioners but something in front of the air
conditioners would break it up. Commissioner Sheridan would like to see the
landscaping sprinkled as well. Ms. Brown agreed to irrigate the landscaping.
Chairman Hill explained that awnings are prohibited by the Town’s sign regulations and
staff recommends denial of the awnings request and Mr. Hill concurs. All other
Commissioners concurred with denial of the awnings. Ms. Brown stated that the trailer
is very simple looking and she has spent thousands of dollars on the awnings. They
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installed them in case of weather. She stated that they look really good on the trailer
and removing them would change the look of the trailer. Chairman Hill stated that the
Commission understands that but in this situation awnings are prohibited by the
ordinances of the Town. Ms. Brown asked if there is anyway she can keep them as a
temporary use. Commissioner Ashby stated that it couldn’t be approved without a
meritorious reason. Commissioner Sheridan stated that this case goes from P&Z to the
Town Council. He asked if ZBA has authority over the Town Council. Ms. Huggins
responded that ZBA does not have authority in this regard over Council. This request
cannot go to ZBA before or after Town Council. The Town Council is the final authority
for sign regulations. Commissioner Sanchez asked if the awnings have already been
built. Ms. Brown explained that they were added to the trailer. Mr. Sanchez asked if
they obtained a permit for the awnings. Ms. Huggins responded that they obtained a
permit for the trailer and then added the awnings on their own. Ms. Brown was
informed by staff that awnings are prohibited by Town regulations.
Chairman Hill suggested the following motion:
The Planning and Zoning Commission, having determined that the request of applicant
F & R Adams Luxury Homes for Approval of a Temporary Use for a Real Estate Office
(located in a trailer or manufactured housing), for a period of time not to exceed 6
months and located on Lot 19, Block B, which is addressed as 2016 Churchill Downs
Lane, is in compliance with Town of Trophy Club regulations relevant to a Temporary
Real Estate Office, and that the proposed Landscaping meets the Town’s Landscaping
Requirements thereon, recommends that the Town Council approve the applicant’s
request for a 6 month Temporary Use for a Real Estate Office and deny the installation
of awnings on the Temporary Real Estate Office trailer as these items are prohibited by
the Town’s sign ordinance.
Commissioner Reed so moved and Vice Chairman Stephens seconded the above
Commissioner Sheridan requested the following amendment to add that the
landscaping will wrap the ends, a sprinkler system be installed, an ADA ramp and
handicap sign be installed and a minimum of 5-ft. wide sidewalk to comply with TAS
Commissioner Sheridan suggested that the ADA curb cut be in the center of the lot and
flare out in both directions to connect with the sidewalk if allowed by law for distance
The motion and second accepted the amendment.
Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Forest, Sanchez, Sheridan
Nays: None
Action: 7-0, Approved
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Chairman Hill announced the case and asked Ms. Huggins if the owner of the property
had given permission for this request to move forward. Ms. Huggins responded that a
letter was received that morning from the property owner granting permission and
approval of this request.
Kyle Salzman, Jacobs Carter Burgess, on behalf of Centurion American, stated that
they are proposing a modular trailer facility for leasing offices and restroom inside a
general lobby area. They will be providing parking in excess of any published
requirements. The parking will remain after the temporary use is abolished.
Landscaping is detailed on the plan. He is available for any questions.
Chairman Hill asked if the Commissioners were in favor of granting an immediate 6-
month renewal to the applicant. Commissioner Sheridan stated that he wasn’t sure the
ordinance allowed the Planning & Zoning Commission to grant a 6-month renewal on
the front end. He stated that he would be for it if allowed. Ms. Huggins responded that
she would check to make sure it is allowed.
Chairman Hill asked if the parking lot is compliant with Town regulations. Ms. Huggins
stated that the revised site plan was received on Tuesday night and given to the
Commissioners this evening. The plan calls for 13 parking spaces, one of which is
handicap accessible. Staff has given the plan a quick review, a more detailed look is
needed, but an immediate concern is the dumpster. The location has not been
confirmed as in compliance with setbacks. Staff is asking that the Commission require
the applicant to enclose the dumpster with masonry on three sides and gated. The
masonry must match the existing architectural structures, which staff has not yet had an
opportunity to review. Ms. Huggins stated that the Trophy Club Country Club General
Manager wrote in his letter that is in front of the Commission this evening: “Should
additional requirements be needed for existing dumpster, these requirements need to
be added to the site plan.” Ms. Huggins stated that the dumpster requirements need to
be a part of the motion made by the Commission this evening.
Commissioner Sanchez asked if there is a dumpster location present on the premises
now. Ms. Huggins stated that there is one on site that is not in compliance with the
Town regulations. It is not on a paved surface and is not enclosed. Ms. Huggins stated
that Code Enforcement was in the process of contacting the Country Club regarding the
dumpster at the tennis courts as well as the dumpsters in front of the Country Club itself
which are not in compliance with Town regulations. Commissioner Sanchez stated that
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this would then be an improvement to the site. Ms. Huggins responded that it would be
an improvement.
Chairman Hill asked if there were other questions regarding parking. Commissioner
Ashby asked if having only one space complies with ADA requirements. Are there
handicap ramps? He stated that he believes TAS requires a hash mark crosswalk
across that drive as well as a ramp on the other side. Commissioner Sheridan noted
that there are no sidewalks out there now on that side nor are there any intended.
Commissioner Sanchez noted that this is a temporary use; not permanent. Mr.
Salzman stated that they are building the handicap space for the temporary use. The
new parking spaces they build will be available for the tennis courts use, but the existing
tennis court parking lot presumably provides handicap spots. Commissioner Ashby
asked if that handicap space will be eliminated when the temporary use ceases. Mr.
Salzman replied that perhaps they could remove it when the temporary use ceases.
Commissioner Sheridan noted that if it remained it wouldn’t be in compliance. Vice
Chairman Stephens stated that it does comply with the applicant’s requested use. It is
temporary for a temporary sales office and it is in compliance with that use. At the end
of the temporary use the space could be painted over or sandblasted off and it reverts
back to tennis court parking. This use does not need to tie in across the driveway to a
non-existent sidewalk. It will be used for customers coming into the sales office, not
people going to the tennis office.
Vice Chairman Stephens noted that the date on the revised site plan is the same date
as the site plan originally submitted. He would like the site plan date changed to reflect
when it was revised. Mr. Salzman responded that they would revise the date.
Chairman Hill asked if an irrigation system will be installed. Mr. Salzman responded
that they will include an irrigation system for the new landscaping.
Chairman Hill noted that flagpoles do not require P&Z approval, but must have approval
and proper permitting by the Town. He asked if they plan to utilize the three flagpoles
that they previously had on Trophy Club Drive. Mr. Jackson with Centurion American
responded, “yes”.
Chairman Hill asked if the applicant intends to relocate the tennis court sign on the north
side of the driveway. Mr. Salzman stated that they intend to replace it with a more
pleasing sign.
Chairman Hill asked where the signage of the temporary real estate office would be
placed. Mr. Salzman stated that it is on the south side of the drive in the corner.
Chairman Hill asked if they are planning to use the sign that they had on Trophy Club
Drive. Mr. Jackson responded that it is the same sign without the pedestal. It will be
more of a temporary use sign with wooden poles.
Chairman Hill stated that staff recommends denial of the billboard concept for the trailer
as Town sign regulations allow billboards only along property that abuts State Highway
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114. Chairman Hill stated that he does not recommend approval and asked each
Commissioner whether he would recommend with the wrap or without:
Forest: Without.
Sanchez: Without.
Sheridan: Definitely Not.
Stephens: Without.
Reed: No Signs.
Ashby: Unanimous.
Chairman Hill stated that the Commission is unanimously not in favor of the wrap.
Commissioner Ashby suggested at least one additional tree on the south side of the
trailer to help screen the trailer from Trophy Club Drive. Mr. Salzman stated that their
intent was to provide the amount of trees required by ordinance. Commissioner Ashby
suggested an addition of something ornamental to add some height above the berm.
Mr. Salzman agreed.
Commissioner Ashby also asked for an explanation of “decomposed granite” for the
sidewalk. He asked if it is solid as though it is concrete. The response was “no”. Vice
Chairman Stephens explained that it is like walking on pavement if it is stamped. He
stated that a lady with high heels could walk on it and not fall. Commissioner Ashby
stated, “There’s my concern.” Mr. Salzman stated that it has a more natural look than
concrete. It is not cheaper than concrete, but since they are putting in a sidewalk that
goes to nowhere in the future, this material will make it easier to have it scraped up at
the end of the temporary use and grass or sod put in.
Mr. Salzman asked the Commission for permission to discuss the wrap. He stated that
they were looking to place an advertising wrap on the building which the Commission is
obviously opposed to. There will be multiple home builders in the Highlands and each
wants their name on the trailer. Centurion wanted to avoid having a very large sign or a
bunch of smaller signs out there. “Modular buildings are all over the town right now and
will be for a little while with the new homes going in and they are not great looking to
begin with. This wrap is not a bad looking wrap. There are examples we found that
were included in your packet on Beltline and Addison where they deemed it an
improvement to the building. We honestly think this is an improvement to the building.”
Chairman Hill stated that he understands their desire, but the Commission is fully
cognizant of the Town’s attitude towards billboards and signs, which right now is very
negative. He stated that even if P&Z were to suggest he believes it would be tough to
get it approved by the Town Council.
Commissioner Sheridan suggested, as an alternative, that they put some thought into
the regulations set up for this project with the original PD. He stated that at the time this
neighborhood was put together there were many directional signs done by the
developer for the different neighborhoods and they were agreed upon, sandblasted
wood for example. Commissioner Sheridan suggested that they think about a total sign
program for the PD. He explained that they would need to bring that plan back to P&Z
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and Council for approval. He stated that P&Z understands that each builder wants a
presence and P&Z wants them to succeed, but using something like a “billboard” loses
from the start. It is understood that marketing, name identification, and subdivision
identification is needed and he believes they would be more successful in getting it with
an overall PD plan.
Alvin Jackson, Centurion American, stated that he agrees with doing “community sign
programs” within the community to direct the builder partners or potential home buyers
to the community. He stated that one of their intentions with this trailer is to have a
centralized location and so they are trying to adapt a universal sign in the front
entrance. He explained that they were trying to come up with the best type of solution
to improve the fact that there is a trailer there for a certain amount of time as well as
having an opportunity to place builder identification in one location. They wanted to
eliminate the temporary development sign request that each builder partner would want.
Mr. Jackson stated that they don’t want to get to a situation where each builder comes
before permitting to say they want three signs on the same corner which becomes an
obstruction to ingress and egress. They thought the best solution was trying to find a
way to improve the cosmetics of the trailer by advertising in a universal area.
Commissioner Sheridan stated that, “Our response to improve the cosmetics of the
trailer is to hide it with landscaping.”
Commissioner Sanchez stated with whatever plan they bring forward they should not
call it a billboard. Each company has a logo and he suggests they place a sign with a
logo in a very discrete, aesthetic fashion.
Commissioner Sheridan stated that one of the discussion points used in the handout of
the billboard is “will reduce the amount of temporary advertising and bootleg signage
throughout Trophy Club.” He stated that the Town is coming into an unprecedented
time of having a number of builders in the Town. They’ll all want bootleg signs like back
in the days of the 1970s when Trophy Club first opened up and signage like that hasn’t
been seen since. He directed the Commissioners to Page 118 of the Planning & Zoning
Commission packet [which is part of Section 4.05 of the Sign Regulations regarding
“Real Estate Signs”]. He stated that according to the way he is reading it each builder
has a maximum of six directional signs for each premise. If Standard Pacific has three
model home sites because they are in three different neighborhoods that is 18 signs.
They must be 3-ft. off the curb which we’ve never done, and can’t be in the medians,
but Commissioner Sheridan wonders if the Town needs to re-examine these regulations
in light of the development coming forward.
Chairman Hill commented that the meritorious clause (Section 4.10 of the Sign
Regulations) might be an opportunity for appeal or exception. Commissioner Sheridan
agreed that they could appeal a decision through that route but he stated that he is
suggesting a re-examination of the current signage regulations for updating to address
the development coming forward. He stated that in Houston they typically have 50
signs within 50-ft. of each corner. Does Trophy Club need to re-look at this before the
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development is in full swing and complaints start occurring? Hopefully a re-look could
be done in communication with the developers and builders.
Chairman Hill suggested the following motion: The Planning and Zoning Commission,
having determined that the request of applicant Jacobs Carter Burgess on behalf of
Centurion American for Approval of a Temporary Use for a Real Estate Office (located
in a trailer or manufactured housing), for an initial 6 month period of time with a 6 month
renewal, to be located on Commercial Recreation Zoned Property owned by Trophy
Club Country Club, dba Trophy Club Golf of Texas, is in compliance with Town of
Trophy Club regulations relevant to a temporary Real Estate Office, and that the
applicant’s request for a permanent off-street parking lot to be constructed on said
property meets the Town’s Off-Street Parking Requirements and the Town’s
landscaping requirements thereon, recommends that the Town Council approve the
applicant’s request for a 6 month Temporary Use for a Real Estate Office with a 6
month renewal approval and a Permanent Off-Street Parking Lot, denying the request
for wrap of the trailer, adding one additional decorative tree to the back (south side) of
the leasing office between the trailer and Trophy Club Drive (behind the berm area),
landscaping to be irrigated, dumpsters to be screened, removal of handicap parking
space upon termination of temporary use.
Commissioner Sheridan so moved and Commissioner Reed seconded the above
Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Forest, Sanchez, Sheridan
Nays: None
Action: 7-0, Approved
Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 6-5-2008
Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1
Highlands Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H. Consideration of a Request from Jacobs
Carter Burgess on behalf of High Trophy Development, LLC to Approve a Final
Plat of Lots 5-15, Block X and Lots 11-31, Block BB, The Highlands at Trophy Club
Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H (11.047 acres) located in the 2200 Block on the east side
of Trophy Club Drive (see enclosed Site Development Map). (FP-08-026)
OWNER/DEVELOPER: High Trophy Development, LP
3901 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200
Bedford, Texas 76021
ENGINEER/LAND PLANNER: Jacobs Carter Burgess
7950 Elmbrook Drive
Dallas, Texas 75247
SUMMARY: This property is part of the 696.6 tract of land rezoned and approved as PD-27 by
the Town Council in May, 2006. A preliminary plat for Neighborhoods 1, 2, 5, 6 & 7 consisting
of 433.36 acres and 911 lots was recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning
Commission on December 7, 2006 and approved by the Town Council on December 18, 2006.
The Planning & Zoning Commission approved a one-year extension of these plats on December
6, 2007. The final plat for Neighborhood 2, Phase 2H consists of 32 residential, Lot Type 2,
minimum 10,000 sq. ft. lots, with those lots abutting the golf course (Lots 22-31, Block BB) at a
minimum 11,000 sq. ft. per lot. This lot type is designed to allow single family detached
No building shall exceed forty feet (40’) or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height. Each
residence must be a minimum 2,000 sq. ft. dwelling unit unless on a golf course which must be a
minimum 2,250 sq. ft. Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first
floor area of 2,000 sq. ft. (including garage area).
The following setbacks are required:
Front Yard: 25 feet minimum
Rear Yard (Golf Course): 35 feet minimum
Rear Yard: 25 feet minimum
Side Yard (Golf Course): 10 feet minimum
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Side Yard: 7.5 feet minimum
Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 15 feet minimum
The following area regulations are required:
Lot Width: 80 feet minimum
Lot Width Adjacent to Street: 90 feet minimum
Lot Depth: 110 feet minimum
Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac): 100 feet minimum
TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: Offsite traffic improvements are triggered at different
stages of the development of The Highlands at Trophy Club. The development is divided into
three “stages”: Stage I – 741 platted lots
Stage II – 485 platted lots
Stage III – 338 platted lots
This plat will bring the total platted lots to 642 representing 87% of Stage I. Offsite traffic
improvements are not triggered by this plat.
STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff and Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge,
have reviewed the plat and determined that it complies with the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance and Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Staff recommends approval.
Attachments: Application
Site Development Plan
Traffic Impact Analysis Memo
Engineering Approval
PD-27 Lot Type 2 Regulations
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Consulting Engineers
817-336-5773 FAX 817-336-2813
To: Town of Trophy Club
From: Tom Rutledge,
Date: May 28, 2008
Re: NH 2, Ph. 2 - Final
Plan comments have been addressed. The final plat is ready to proceed to P&Z and
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 6-5-2008
Subject: Agenda Item No.C.2
Water's Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2. Consideration of a Request from Jacobs
Carter Burgess on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to Approve a Final Plat of
Lots 1-5, Block K, Lots 1-5, Block L, Lots 7-42, Block L, and Lots 1-3, Block M,
Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen, Phase 2 (26.925 acres) located to the north of Katie
Lane as a continuation of Hogan's Dr. (FP-08-027)
3901 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200
Bedford, Texas 76021
ENGINEER/LAND PLANNER: Jacobs Carter Burgess
7950 Elmbrook Drive
Dallas, Texas 75247
SUMMARY: A preliminary plat of Canterbury Hills (Phase 1 & 2) and Waters Edge at
Hogan’s Glen (Phase 2 & 3) was recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning
Commission on November 15, 2007 and approved by the Town Council on December 3, 2007.
The preliminary plat consisted of a total of 232 lots and 127.88 acres. This final plat for Waters
Edge at Hogan’s Glen, Phase 2 consists of 49 residential lots and 3 common areas for a total of
26.925 acres.
This property is a continuation of an existing private, gated, residential neighborhood, Planned
Development No. 22, requiring a minimum 15,000 sq. ft. lots. The Homeowners Association
(HOA) will maintain the private streets. There will be a gate at Asheville Lane and Indian Creek.
No building shall exceed two and a half (2-1/2) stories. The building height shall be determined
by the pitch of the roof. The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages,
breezeways and porches, shall be 3,500 sq. ft.
The following setbacks are required:
Front Yard: 25 feet minimum
Rear Yard: 20 feet minimum
Side Yard: 5 feet minimum
Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 15 feet minimum
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The following area regulations are required:
Lot Width: 90 feet minimum
Lot Depth: 115 feet minimum
PARKLAND DEDICATION: Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5 – General
Land Use, Article V – Parkland Dedication and Open Space requires a final plat to include “a
clear fee simple dedication of an area of land to the Town for park purposes, which area shall
equal one (1) acres for every 44 proposed dwelling units.” Any area smaller than five acres for
public park purposes is impractical. Therefore, if fewer than 220 dwelling units are proposed by
a plat filed for approval, the developer shall be required to pay the applicable cash in lieu of land
amount. The Town shall have the right to accept the dedication for approval on the final plat, or
to refuse the dedication, after consideration of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission and the Parks and Recreation Director, and to require payment of cash in lieu of
Section 5.03 Money in Lieu of Land sets forth the following: “Any payment of money required
to be paid by this Ordinance shall be in an amount equal to the average per acre value of the
whole property included within the residential development. The acquisition price for land shall
be equal to the appraised value of the land existing in effect at the time of Final Plat approval.”
The applicant has not met parkland dedication requirements nor paid money in lieu of land. The
applicant is in discussion with Town Management and the Parks and Recreation Director
regarding this requirement.
STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff and Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge,
have reviewed the plat and determined that it complies with the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance and Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Staff recommends approval.
Attachments: Application
Engineering Approval
Phase Map
PD-22 Regulations
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Consulting Engineers
817-336-5773 FAX 817-336-2813
To: Town of Trophy Club
From: Tom Rutledge, Gary Teague
Date: May 28, 2008
Re: Water’s Edge @ Hogan’s Glenn Phase 2 - Final
Plan comments have been addressed. The final plat is ready to proceed to P&Z and
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 6-5-2008
Subject: Agenda Item No.C.3
Canterbury Hills, Phase 1. Consideration of a Request from Jacobs Carter Burgess
on behalf of BDMR Development, LLC to Approve a Final Plat of Lots 8-22 and 30-
32, Block A, Lots 2-19, Block B, Lots 1-5 and 10-14, Block C, Lots 1-18, Block D,
Lots 1-2, Block F, Lots 1-4, Block H, and Lots 1-20, Block J, Canterbury Hills,
Phase 1 (42.434 acres) located to the north and east of Waters Edge at Hogan's
Glen, Phase 2. (FP-08-025)
3901 W. Airport Freeway, Suite 200
Bedford, Texas 76021
ENGINEER/LAND PLANNER: Jacobs Carter Burgess
7950 Elmbrook Drive
Dallas, Texas 75247
SUMMARY: A preliminary plat of Canterbury Hills (Phase 1 & 2) and Waters Edge at
Hogan’s Glen (Phase 2 & 3) was recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning
Commission on November 15, 2007 and approved by the Town Council on December 3, 2007.
The preliminary plat consisted of a total of 232 lots and 127.88 acres. This final plat for
Canterbury Hills, Phase 1 consists of 90 residential lots and 8 common areas for a total of 42.434
This property is straight zoning of R-12 except for four lots, Lots 1-4, Block H, located on
Hershey lane, which are zoned R-15.
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than 12,000 sq. ft.
No building shall exceed two and a half (2-1/2) stories. Each residence must be a minimum
2,000 sq. ft. dwelling unit unless on a golf course which must be a minimum 2,500 sq. ft. Those
residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 sq. ft.
(including garage area). A residence on a corner lot must be a minimum 2,500 sq. ft. (all corner
lots whether or not golf course lot).
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The following setbacks are required:
Front Yard: 25 feet minimum
Rear Yard: 25 feet minimum
Side Yard: 10 feet minimum
Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 20 feet minimum
The following area regulations are required:
Lot Width: 90 feet minimum
Lot Width Adjacent to Street: 110 feet minimum
Lot Depth: 110 feet minimum
Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac): 100 feet minimum
single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than 15,000 sq. ft.
No building shall exceed two and a half (2-1/2) stories. Each residence must be a minimum
2,500 sq. ft. dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches. Those residences with
more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 sq. ft. (including garage
The following setbacks are required:
Front Yard: 30 feet minimum
Rear Yard: 25 feet minimum
Side Yard: 12.5 feet minimum
Side Yard Adjacent to Street: 20 feet minimum
The following area regulations are required:
Lot Width: 90 feet minimum
Lot Width Adjacent to Street: 110 feet minimum
Lot Depth: 120 feet minimum
Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac): 100 feet minimum
PARKLAND DEDICATION: Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5 – General
Land Use, Article V – Parkland Dedication and Open Space requires a final plat to include “a
clear fee simple dedication of an area of land to the Town for park purposes, which area shall
equal one (1) acres for every 44 proposed dwelling units.” Any area smaller than five acres for
public park purposes is impractical. Therefore, if fewer than 220 dwelling units are proposed by
a plat filed for approval, the developer shall be required to pay the applicable cash in lieu of land
amount. The Town shall have the right to accept the dedication for approval on the final plat, or
to refuse the dedication, after consideration of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission and the Parks and Recreation Director, and to require payment of cash in lieu of
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Section 5.03 Money in Lieu of Land sets forth the following: “Any payment of money required
to be paid by this Ordinance shall be in an amount equal to the average per acre value of the
whole property included within the residential development. The acquisition price for land shall
be equal to the appraised value of the land existing in effect at the time of Final Plat approval.”
The applicant has not met parkland dedication requirements nor paid money in lieu of land. The
applicant is in discussion with Town Management and the Parks and Recreation Director
regarding this requirement.
STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION: Staff and Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge,
have reviewed the plat and determined that it complies with the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance and Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Staff recommends approval.
Attachments: Application
Engineering Approval
Phase Map
R-12 Single Family Residential District Regulations
R-15 Single Family Residential District Regulations
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Consulting Engineers
817-336-5773 FAX 817-336-2813
To: Town of Trophy Club
From: Tom Rutledge, Gary Teague
Date: March 15, 2008
Re: Canterbury Hills Phase I - Final
Plan comments have been addressed. The final plat is ready to proceed to P&Z and
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 6-5-2008
Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1
Discussion of Planning and Zoning Commission meeting schedule for July and
remainder of 2008 calendar year.
The following Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are scheduled for the
remainder of the 2008 calendar year:
June 19
July 3
July 17
August 7
August 21
September 4
September 18
October 2
October 16
November 6
November 20 (Thanksgiving – November 27)
December 4
December 18
Staff asks if the Planning and Zoning Commission is willing to cancel the July 3 meeting
due to the July 4 holiday.
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From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 6-5-2008
Subject: Agenda Item No.E.1
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