Agenda Packet P&Z 11/20/2008Town of Trophy Club Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, November 20, 2008 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a auorum. B.1 Review and approve minutes of the November 6, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission meetina. C.1 Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to PD — Planned Development District No. 27, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z to correct an inconsistency in the ordinance. (PD AMD -08-028) C.2 Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on an Amendment to PD — Planned Development District No. 27, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z to correct an inconsistencv in the ordinance. (PD AMD -08-028) C.3 Discuss and Take Appropriate Action regarding a request for Replat of Lot 3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center into Lots 3R1 and 3R2, Block B. Applicant: Larry Stewart, Owner, Represented by Pate Surveyors. (RP -08-016) CA Public Hearina to Consider an Amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z the same being PD -25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 7 (Lot 3R1, Block A), including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: Hvdra Hotels. LLC (SP -08-009) C.5 Discuss and Take Appropriate Action relative to an Amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, the same being PD -25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 7 (Lot 3R1, Block A), including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: Hydra Hotels, LLC (SP -08-009) D.1 Adjournment. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 1 of 80 From: (ch) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Date: 11-20-2008 Page 2 of 80 From: (ch) PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1 Date: 11-20-2008 Review and approve minutes of the November 6, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 3 of 80 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 6, 2008 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on November 6, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, and Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill Present Vice Chairman Stephens Present Commissioner Reed Present Commissioner Sheridan Present Commissioner Forest Present Commissioner Ashby Present Commissioner Davidson Present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator Chris King Building Inspector Bill Durham First Texas Homes/Gallery Custom Homes A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present. B.1 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 18, 2008 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. Commissioner Reed motioned to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2008, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ashby. Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Forest, Sheridan, Ashby Nays: None Abstain: Davis Action: 6-0-1, Approved Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 4 of 80 CA DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ON A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A TEMPORARY USE FOR OFF-STREET PARKING FOR MODEL HOMES IN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27, NEIGHBORHOOD 2, PHASE 1A, FOR A PERIOD OF TIME OF NOT GREATER THAN ONE YEAR. APPLICANT: GALLERY CUSTOM HOMES. Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the representative for this case to come forward. Bill Durham, Director of Construction, First Texas Homes, 2535 Woodside Dr., Highland Village, Texas, stated that they will incorporate their model home landscaping into their parking lot. He stated that their actual landscaping will be two to three -fold more than what is shown on the submitted plan in the P&Z Commissioners packet. He stated that Gallery Custom Homes (which is a division of First Texas Homes) and Beazer Homes will use this parking lot, and he can't represent what Beazer will do on their side of the parking lot. He would like to readdress the landscaping when he brings in his request for signs and landscaping for the model. Commissioner Ashby asked if he understood correctly that there is no Beazer commitment for the landscaping plan. Mr. Durham stated that Gallery is putting in the parking lot and Beazer will pay for half of it. As soon as the model home is bricked they will be pulling out the construction trailer and moving it to another site and then dropping in the parking lot. They are looking at December/January on that. Beazer will not do any work on the parking lot other than some landscaping to connect the sidewalk from the parking lot to their model on Lot 10. Ms. Huggins showed a plat diagram of Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A, to give the Commissioners an overview of the eventual layout of Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A which will contain model homes for Lennar, Centex, Gallery and Beazer, as well as two parking lots for the model homes. Tonight, the Commission is considering the model home parking lot for Gallery and next month will see a request for a parking lot for Centex. Commissioner Ashby stated that this will be "model home row". Ms. Huggins confirmed that model homes will be built on this location for those four builders. Mr. Ashby stated that this is not quite what he dreamed of when they went through the eight months and everything after, but he can understand the principle and content of it. Commissioner Ashby asked how there will be access for the handicapped to the model home? Mr. Durham stated that at the van access there will be a break in the curb and Beazer will tie into that with a sidewalk. Mr. Ashby stated that he would like to see the layout properly documented. Commissioner Sheridan stated that he worked for First Texas Homes in the late 80's and early 90's for six or seven years, but does not feel that he has any conflict. Mr. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 5 of 80 Sheridan stated that he has no problem with the parking lot, but the application and display is substandard to what P&Z is used to getting and he is inclined to say postpone and come back with a proper application. Vice Chairman Stephens asked are we considering granting approval of a plan where the Building Inspector must make sure that the drawings are proper so that when presented to Town Council the documentation will be complete. Chairman Hill stated that the motion can incorporate the necessity for the sidewalks from the parking area to where the model homes will be located. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that he is good with that. Commissioner Forest stated that he is not sure what is being voted on tonight. Ms. Huggins apologized for the poor quality of the application. She stated that she agrees with Commissioner Sheridan that she did not obtain enough documentation from the applicant with adequate diagrams to show what the applicant wishes to do. She did not consider a sidewalk would be needed from Beazer's model home. She stated that the documents could be revised prior to Council. Mr. Durham stated that he would be willing to postpone and bring back better documentation to the Commissioners. Commissioner Ashby stated that he has no problem with what Gallery Custom Homes wishes to do, but he wants more detail and documentation of what they are going to do. Commissioner Sheridan asked if this item is postponed how that would affect Gallery's construction schedule. Mr. Durham responded that they are not planning to build the parking lot until January. Commissioner Ashby made a motion to table this item and that the item should come back with revised documentation, with compliance and agreement from Beazer Homes and Gallery Homes on the combined use of the parking lot, and showing hash marks as a handicap accessibility lane. Vice Chairman Stephens seconded the motion. Ayes: Hill, Reed, Ashby, Forest, Stephens, Sheridan, Davis Nays: None Action: Tabled, 7-0 C.2 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27 (PD -27), ORDINANCE NO. 2007-15 P&Z TO CHANGE THE DISTANCE REQUIRED FOR A GARAGE FACING A SIDE STREET, AND TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. (PD AMD -08- 028) Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 6 of 80 Chairman Hill announced the case, opened the public hearing and asked if anyone in attendance wished to speak. There were none and the public hearing was closed. C.3 DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ON AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27 (PD -27), ORDINANCE NO. 2007-15 P&Z TO CHANGE THE DISTANCE REQUIRED FOR A GARAGE FACING A SIDE STREET, AND TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. (PD AMD -08- 028) Chairman Hill asked Ms. Huggins for a staff report. Ms. Huggins asked the Commissioners to throw out their staff report as there are errors in the report. Ms. Huggins stated that this item was brought to the attention of staff by two builders, K. Hovnanian and Standard Pacific, who had two homes in which they wished to build a garage facing a side street and they could not meet the distance requirement of 50 -ft. from side street right-of-way. Commissioner Ashby asked for a definition of right-of-way. Chris King, Building Inspector, explained that there is 11-1/2 ft. of right-of-way on each side of a street. For instance, a 37 -ft. street on a 60 -ft. right-of-way has 11-1/2 ft. on each side of the curb. Ms. Huggins stated that in the staff report she had stated that the right-of-way varies, which is incorrect. The width of the street varies, not the right-of-way. Ms. Huggins stated that in looking at this further, staff does not wish to support this request and believes that the requirement should remain as is; 50 -ft. from right-of-way; and, therefore staff withdraws this request. On the second item requested, the "typo" correction, staff requests a correction from 6 -ft. to 5 -ft. in Table 4-1. Chairman Hill stated that he believes 5 -ft. is correct. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that he does not have a problem correcting the "typo" if in fact it is a typo, and he believes it is. Commissioner Reed asked for an explanation of the difference between 50 -ft. from the side street versus 40 -ft. from the back of curb. Chris King, Building Inspector, explained that 40 -ft. from back of curb would be exactly that — 40 -ft. measured from the curb — whereas 50 -ft. from the side street right-of-way would be 61-1/2 ft. from the curb. So the difference is 21-1/2 ft., which staff feels is too lenient. Commissioner Reed asked how they will include a garage in these circumstances if the change isn't made. Mr. King responded that the option is for the builder to build a little smaller house. The builders are trying to put a huge footprint down and they will need to reduce the overall square footage somewhere to fit the garage 50 -ft. from the right-of- way. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 7 of 80 Commissioner Ashby stated that he doesn't agree on the "typo" error. He believes it should be a 6 -ft. side yard. Commissioner Sheridan stated that Standard Pacific and K. Hovnanian agreed to the right-of-way when the PD was approved and they should abide by it. He asked if a survey of the form boards is required prior to slab inspection. Mr. King responded that they do. Mr. Sheridan asked if he is correct in saying that only a 50 -ft. right-of-way would allow a side drive. Or, he asked, is this a J -drive situation. Mr. King responded that it is a J -drive situation. Commissioner Sheridan stated that regarding the 6 -ft. side yard he is in agreement with Commissioner Ashby. Commissioner Forest and Commissioner Davidson indicated that neither were on the Board when this was originally discussed. Commissioner Sheridan made a motion recommending to the Town Council denial of the garage setbacks and changing the "typo" on Page 25 from 5 -ft. to 6 - ft. Commissioner Ashby seconded the motion. Ayes: Sheridan, Ashby, Forest Nays: Hill, Reed, Davidson Abstain: Stephens Action: Tie Vote, Motion Fails, 3-3-1 Commissioner Reed made a motion recommending to the Town Council denial of the garage setbacks and changing the "typo" on Page 31 from 6 -ft. to 5 -ft. Vice Chairman Stephens seconded the motion. Chairman Ashby asked for an amendment to the motion allowing the garage setback denial to stand and table the "typo" for further research. The motion and second agreed to the amendment. Ayes: Hill, Forest, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Davidson Nays: None Action: Motion Passes, 7-0 D.1 ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 8 of 80 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-20-2008 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.I Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to PD — Planned Development District No. 27, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z to correct an inconsistency in the ordinance. (PD AMD -08-028) REQUEST: To clarify the side yard required for Lot Type 3 lots in Planned Development No. 27, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z, Exhibit "B" Development Standards. SUMMARY: The text for Lot Type 3 Side Yard on Page 25 of the Planned Development Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z states that the side yard for Lot Type 3 lots is 5 -ft. In Table 4-1 on Page 31 of the ordinance, the side yard for Lot Type 3 lots is 6 -ft. Staff would like to correct this inconsistency in the PD ordinance document. February 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting At the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on February 15, 2007, Centurion American requested changes to the PD -27 ordinance. One request was to change the side yard for Lot Type 3 lots from 6 -ft. to 5 -ft. The minutes from the February 15, 2007, meeting are attached, and on page 5 the discussion of this requested change is highlighted in yellow. Pages (relevant to the requested change) from the "packet" of this meeting are also attached. On February 15, 2007, the Planning & Zoning Commission tabled the discussion to the March 1, 2007 P&Z meeting. March 1, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting At the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on March 1, 2007, during the continuation of the discussion of the requested changes to PD -27, Chairman Hill commented that the Commission changed the Lot Type 3 side yard from 6 -ft. to 5 -ft. This comment by Chairman Hill can be found at the 20:22 mark of the tape of this meeting. That comment, highlighted in yellow, has been added to the March 1, 2007 minutes; the minutes are attached. Portions of the packet from this meeting are also attached; those pages indicate that the change was made in the text, but not in Table 4- 1. Chairman Hill requested one more look at the PD amendments and the item was scheduled for P&Z on March 15, 2007. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 9 of 80 March 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting At the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on March 15, 2007, a motion was made to recommend approval of the requested amendments to PD -27. The minutes from this meeting are attached with the motion highlighted. Portions of the packet from this meeting are also attached; those pages indicate the requested change was made in the text but not in the table. The motion to recommend approval of the requested amendments to PD -27 was passed unanimously (Hill, Stephens, Ashby, Moss, Reed, Sheridan). PUBLIC HEARING: Town of Trophy Club regulations require placement of a notice of public hearing in the local newspaper 15 days prior to the hearing date. A notice was published on October 17, 2008 for the November 6, 2008 P&Z meeting. Tabling this item on November 6 continues the public hearing to this meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of a correction to Table 4-1 on Page 31 of Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z changing the side yard from 6 -ft. to 5 -ft. Attachments: February 15, 2007 Minutes Portions of Packet — February 15, 2007 March 1, 2007 Minutes Portions of Packet — February 15, 2007 March 15, 2007 Minutes Portions of Packet — March 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 10 of 80 MINUTES OF A PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 15 FEBRUARY 2007 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, ioxas mot in a Fluk) €c Hociring and a Regular Session on 15 February 2007, of 7:00 pm in the €icordrnnm of the Trophy Club Administration Bu Iding, 100 Mu"iici ul Drive, Irophy Club. Texas 76202, COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Cholfm ar, Hill Present Vice Chdr(non Stephens Excused Commissioner Ashby presen. Commissioner Moss Preset Commissioner Reed Present Commissioner She rid ar) IFesont Commisslaner3lerriub Absent 57AFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerr C. Flec; Ptoa~,ning & Zoning Coordinator JIM wiiegel1 Carter & Burgess Melirdac Mocayedl Ceniwion Arnwlcnn Steve Leriorr Lona& Develoiciment Beth Ann Gregory Community Development Manager A.1 CALL 70 ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. 7:00pm Ch UTI—:ascan H II cxjllod the me ting To cyder o•ltl explained the tormat of the meeting for the bonoft :-:' `he cludlence, PUBLIC HEARING 0A PUBLIC HEARING: A REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVEL[DpMENT DISTRICT NO. 27, KNOWN AS THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB, BY AMENDING THE FOUOWINO SECTIONS OF PD -27: IN EXgIBIT "B" - "DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: SECTION III, "DEFINITIONS SECTION IV, "LOT TYPE REGULATIONS"; TABLE NO, 4-1, "SUMMARY OF LOT TYPE REGULATIONS", SECTION V, "NEIGHBORHOOD REGULATIONS"; TABLE NO. 5-1. "NEIGHBORHOOD LOT AND DENSITY SUMMARY". SECTION VI, "DiEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS"; TABLE NO. 6-I, ' ROADWAY STANDARDS"; SECTION Vll, "PARTE AND OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS"; SECTION VIII, "DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE"'; EXHIBIT"C "CONCEPT PLAN"; EXHIBIT "D" "STREETTYPE EXHIBITS", AND EXHIBIT '7', "PATHWAY PLAN", APPLICANff: CARTER & BURGESS, INC-, AUTHORIZED AGENT OF CENTURION ACQUISITtON5, L.P.. 831 TROPHY, L -P.: Planning & Zoning (Comrni8sion Paac I of 10 FL'intury 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 11 of 80 STANDARD PACIFIC OF TEXAS, LF.; K. HOVNANIAN HOMES - DFW, L.L.C.; C OIL INVESTMENTS LTD. TDAIND-07-0n) Commissioner heed trtadc a motion to open the public hearing. ]'he motion vas secooded by CortltnissionttT M45,,% wid aapprt vixI by all murribm preacral, .lin? Wiegert, Carter & Burgess eanie lirorward and staLell l[MI IliQY aarc taak.ing fair slighl. arnenclmc-nts tci Ihc� PD rwning. As Ift dcvoiopmcnt has mcvcd forward there is more accurate inrormaation, stuvcys and environmental data which prompted clianges to ❑ie PD. Tbey have revised the lot count to more closely reflect what they expect to 4LLildv Tlierr atm Adju'arrwrgl4 to the Pathway Pian and tnore detailed a m, 4 ern Lbov ifscra s""pwc for ct4.divalion to Parks, +4 major S}1atTtgt" is lot chaangcs lei Neighborhood 8, which will be larger lots and the neighhconccx i will he restrictcd to Iowa hortics only. He showed reri,deringc list S, along wiih the landwape wchitects rendering of the enlranccway to this nci�hborhood and the screening matuiaals along Trxaphy Chub Drive and hiarsliall Creek L'.ast. "Phis will he a gu[ml community with a divided enu'y. Them- will hL; as lot uropm space: and a pool and recreation center with parking, There: will he a trail system that will connect through the neigh1arr11041.1 to the gculf mute. Anyonc who lives there and leas a goll' C -MI i:Lauld :access the gulf paalh to thn driving raise_ He showed a su°ectsc.alae with trft2s olid sL:rct cling Ihatl is a combination of masonry, v,muglit iron, I)ea-rns anti live mmoning. He staalcd thaal Lot Type 5 will be 3041. ill width With 1—r -ow L;.rttrY gaaraagQS. Thm will be decorative paving at all nl' Llie inlrr 4-xtium. The landscaping is intended to be more intense. than it alts koeli}n-, Slcvc Gregory, 205 Pebble Beach Drive, stated tliat lie is a ittr;-tnbcr of the Trophy Club Parks and 1�e3creation Board end that Board met just a couple of nights ago and had an nplrr,rtunkv ten review the park.tand plans. He stated that alae Parks and Recreation 110atrd is a ru-SOLrr4C to the Town and the citizens in dial tlieir lix(Roack and input are valuaabtc. Leased ora what they reviewed the otlier night they have same concerns; 1) there is a mduedoai ill uitat Parklaanrl or 4a Lit I0+ arenas, The majority or that land was on the northeael coiner ,)l- Iho plat adjaouni to Marshall Crock 1'ar�k .and the Board v nndemi it sorrie olhor [anal is available to replace that reduction. ?j A majrariLy tol`1lit; land dusignawd as 1';onhcast Pak is a flowage easenient wlti0i is a drain,,ag,4 arm Frum x utility standpoint, Ii -ow valuable is that land ON fat m quality for park developincrW? Can ballftelds, sLsc,:er Bolds, Or 50ds be dvvul:opcd an an,,.- part of it and, if so, w1ml sire? is Ihi:s the: bcslavailable land and piece of property (6r wi active ttsr park? PGrha a there is a better piece of lanai in another location_ A gw—sh on that carne up is who evaluatcs the quality and suitah•ility Of the lo-md thou[ it offumd for park -land dcvclopmem? Is it town staalr' Is it the dewrltsper! PB Z? Parks and Recreation )bard_' The Parks and RecreatieFrt Board would tikL: LG he involved in that prryccss if at all possible, j. U_ Stotts. One Narrow Creek CL-, is aLlyu a n.L,-nlbrrer of the` Parks and kccrcaation Board and he is concerned about changes to the. troail, 114 a;lulurl that IhGrc will be a trail throu;o the ftowagoc era.scniL:ni, wl-iidi is passivc lype park property, on the north side_ In Neighhcir}n cx1 :4; 111c Imil will duck in betk-,,con the last lionie on the ]ell sal Die coal of the cul -do -sac and the gas well pad. and then cross private property 1v Sct Lu the park. Hv bolicvcs this will create issues aiid prtslilirrraS and 111aL it Will not fie in well with the plalrned trails that the Board Is working to ia5`pruvc in Marshall Creek Park, The trail and green space were to be aloLag Lit= LUP siLle Of This devel€opoient arid canna dilwn aacxi to the Nordrwcst LSD high schoot site and therL giro ink) iL Psrla Kann ing. are Zonj rig C';ICTI iitisuim Pagc 2 of 10 Febmary 15,200'7 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 12 of 80 and t;wrte down by lhc; pool and connect into a rtcighborhood. It no longer does drat. It groes irrto a Town Ccnter aria and clotad ends into the back of a 1 ome. )hglat UOLll(l toive Neve u vurttinuc,trs 10011 ti~all ratty delul erad,. Mehrdad Wayedi, Ceaaturimi Anwricatra, .glalt:*1 that 1ht< charge lel NOghlaorhood 8 was prompted by the original mix of 90 -fl, lots backing tap to townitonles- They did riot feel it ;a 8uod Foix, Thev found a desire in the towii liar Orn 4C6Ve WItill cOmrnunily, age restricted, with towrthoanes on srraallei, Iols, w 4 a utuslar budroom can the: First floor. 'they chose a 30-f1 IOL With t1 rrttaalLr hct]r(xrn on the first floor and age restricted, which rnefarati lhty WOUld haVc their own connntuuty ccnter so the pool wouldn't li4vt� ars hunch of kids in it- Flley want their owia corninimity center With activities thELL PrTI yin 10 thorn. Mr. Nioaycdi stated that tltey plan tea bUiM a fa l;00 to 7,OCK) sea. 11. k -,u rmtunity center that has different acti ides I4 r the a utivC garb. It wit] ,ilso be an area close to the golf course so they can bike their own gGIF carts to the c11111hoLme, restaurant and other thing s. 11 will bt a rgawd arca. Active adults trivet s4 loL wid kart. cora -mcd ta11001 steurityr. Thcy aunt to be able to lock up kmd go. He slated that a lot of rosidevis «t' I`rophy Club have given there eery positive input about this community heumjbe 1hey would like to slay in Trophy Club but they don't need a 4,000 it) j,Q(k) sq. R. house anymore, but tlipy wani L9 high gmcle quality town harnc *ilh amunitie-s. N -In Moayvdi slaial that they will work with the. Parks; DupaTimunl to cicatr tip the issues with the trails. Thu o6ginal trails that were there we -m grains to be lorn tip by the builders as huuser; w4_-rc built. He sta(Pd 01.3L they will work with the Parks Department to make. surly 11w Lcrntinuity of the Iratil'.q ariJ pathways arc, thcrc. He stated that they ox,"od 11te amount of park dedication required by ordinance- +C'urrtrnissioncr Moss motioned to noise the Public Healing. The motion was seu)ndcrT by Commissioner Reed. REGULAR SESSION CA DISCUSS AND 7AXE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE 70 A REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 27, KNOWN AS THE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUB, BY AMEN DING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF PD -27. IN EXHIBIT "B" - "DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 5ECnON 111. "DEFINITIONS", SECTION Iv. 'LOT TYPE REGULATIONS"; TABLE NO. 4-1, "SUMMARY OF LOT TYPE REGULATIONS"; SECTION V, "NEIGHOORHOOD REGULATIONS, TABLE NO- 5--1, "NEIGHBORHOOD LOT AND DENSITY SUMMARY", SECTION 'V'I. "DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS"; TABLE NO. 6-1, "ROADWAY STANDARDS"; SECTION ylll, "PARK AND OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS", SECTION 'VIII, "DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE"; EXHIBIT "C', "OONCEPT PLAN"; EXHIBIT "D", "STREET TYPE EX4IBITS": AND EXHIBIT "F", "PATHWAY PLAN". APPLICANT: CARTER & BURGESS, INC., AUTHORIZED AGENT OF CENTURION ACQUISMTMONS, L.P.; 831 TROPHY, LP-; STANDARDS PACIFIC OF TEXAS, L,P-: K. 140VNANIAN HOMES - DFW, L.L-C.; C OIL INVESTMENT LTD. (PDAMD-07- 023) 1'lamiing rbc. Zoning € ornmission Pago 3 0l' ] i] rchruary 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 13 of 80 Tire fiat iltta up hr. consiiltlwd by tflc Commission is a definition for "[Main Fagade'.. "`1'he piwrtii)n of tht saructurc. incluLling Ihc. garagc or parch that is closest to the front building line". The "main far adc"'is refermwed several tines throughout the PT] regarding g araagcs. Chairman Hill stated that in his opinion the rrequestetl detinitiori rrrigh( allow instances whcru a garage would face the street and in ilw:lf bca the main fai�,adc if it is the portion of the structure intrluding the garage or porch. He stated that he eouhl see a garage tiiduwull fray a swim -in garage possibly being the nearest portion to cbt: irLarrt building line, inasmuch as that could he considered tf`e face ofthc strwtut4 in an a]towable situation- Comrnissioner Sheridan recorninends that Ole 40inition be obtngcd to; "I'he portion of the structure, EXC,'LUDIN(I the garage ur fanreh, LIml is closest to the front building line," lir. Lia4Letl that he doesaa't behevv a fk)w J-drivi; or a California swing drive is aipplieablc to thaw nei&hI.x5rhQ ads, it`'ls. Flcck stated that it would he applii; blc in Lot Typic 1. Commissioner Moss statcA That he agrcaq with Nit, ' herida n's idea to exclude the garage and porch, Commissioner Ashby staLtW INLt hu believes the original xording is aLtlN uule. The d+cvclopor was asked Lta vtplain why he wants to make the c.hangr, ! trUe t.s.narl. Lcn rt Development, stated th-m qic exisling PLS mentions the teen "main J'aq.ule" lhrrrugboLLt the 1'D but it is not delltwd, which has caused confusion with thr builders. With offsets in the loonies such aN Ji-ont porches that stick out rather than bcingt rLmssed behind the front walb,, the devctuper wanted to get a firm dtfl inilion so everyone is on the saino page, For inslanec, on the 70-f9t. wide laity wuith ti garage facing the street M-11- bvhir,t3 lkar "main fagade." the hijildvri have plans where if you are standi,rg nn the s and facing the pad, the drivicewa v woLLld be a saving -in, which, tocaans it would swing across the froom Mauro yLrd inlo a two-year bay that faces the side yard. A third ear garage wvoutd set hack hvhirid t.hal at the.. far side of'the lionie- W you 4rc swuling on the street you would,cb a o- ingle cur gmagc all -ft- heliInd the frorit side of the sideways Garage. They ireL;lucic(l "garage or porch" in the ddliarition in cmlcr to make it clear what is nadatrat by "naa+in fa..a del, Chairman hill asked if"litre nf' Lhe sirix-tore. " could be used. Mr. I.enarl Slr,Lltlj lhstt it could lead to splitting bails over the definition of "face"- 4ornc. builduTs, David Wcck[cy, for instanc=e, h,avo w3m.c standard plans where they have a6 w SAI. front porch sittingol7'the Ii°rtnts-Ll-thr: hums: with a eoverrd 4-pitcli roof over ii but the front wall of the lionie i% rat lltr back of that. Commissioner Beed asked if it would he possibtc to center it `sea lar back' fns rn th-c building line and let it ,go at that- twit. l.=a Lrt rc-spondcd that would work vwa- C'r}mmissioncr Sheridan Stated i1,aL [his nnly applies to Lot Type 3. Lot Trac 4 ssy'd thm 75% of the guTages have to be set hack lixanti the main facade so you can't have a garugr as puri of the main faradc- he cuntnicaited that ihe<rc are W. pages Involved in lhi:; Tt;gVCtt and he lilkcs and approciatez, L}ie applicant Mng here, and in imal zing Ibis die iti concentrating on the negative sidle, reul lho pogit.ive., Lind he doesn't weari it) be nt:gativ-c toward the wltole thing. iie is lorry positivc to the over-all request but warilcd to explain that the C:onimissinn is slit-piAin+g the smantics. Mr- Sheridan would lilac Lo sxx this rcquest iter the main iarkade delinilion applicable Fl:gLrning& Zmt Jng Commission Pargo $ of Ali l'Phruaty 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 14 of 80 to a. 101 typo. Tla -lralrxl thal the katal is to avoid a row of garage; doors and "main fagade" is an imporlani dcfnnil.ion. .Mr. Vloayedi stated That this allects Ow 70-11, lc.>ts Wht(h havc 4-t1. side yards. He docs not want to have garages facing the street. They want to havc 541. side yards with ix) kilns garagt i facing the street. They ran do J -swings and bavc 25-11. back up spuou from the garagc on a driveway. Commissioner Rteed suggestsxl tht; durvullraptr work out the wording alang the lines of "no rkrgcs facing the street unlcss they are 30 -ft. back Cmni rite front buil;;lira; lige," Cuinrnissitkn r Sheridan noted that some Ints re€luare 50-11_ 11e w mi 1,,, to avoid making a blanket cliange to the whole docurrwriL. Itr t`FIC clefinitilYn it should r6or to an individual lot typ4a per variations_ Mr. Moayr:di .stated that they are only requesdwn thim kir Txit Typc 3. C'hxairmaan Full asked for language to be drafted by the rte%,elorcr liar the main faq.adc definition. C'lialral.aai TTill then aaskrar:l for an oirpla nation of their request for-pruposW Lul Typc 3 side yard rcquircment" to 5 -ft. front the current 6-11. minimurn. NE MiDayLdi stated that there roust he room for a thmamand ;arva I gut. in and out of thir garage} on the sitie. They are asking to makc the aitle yard S -ft, and they will commit to not having 40.y garugu-s facing the street For that lot type, Mr. Lenart added haat the way they to}rued Moir rec{trt�t is that if the double garage did not face the street it would drulr LkI a :5-11, Netback. In that lot type a ccrtain liem.-totagr cooled logo the ` ntr l and those would stay at Crrft. Me intent is to Pet attire radius tin the swing in and to shake for a more riser friendly ,gar e for pwple. Chairrnan Hill asked for wrarding that dial ra(rt sallow two side vaard widths for the sante typta lnl. Mr_ Lenart stated drat he utide iaUds wham the Chairman is looking li,r and Thal it can be Con missioner Sheridan .%uggt*ted rrwt)rcling so that slim intent is c4,)nveyttl lbw irr this neighhorhorLA the side yard would Fir; 5 -ft. and no garage races Lhe front ninx:t. Ha; stated that +vfw-n this was originally done the 'T"owo wanted wpardlion of houses. He stated that Fie understands wliat ilwy meaty by the saying of the garaSe, bitt Ills questiun to staff is does the Town have a code: over flip concrete dcpih of -a3 sidu swing_ Years ago Arlington had 22-11t. mW 11larw Foram 28-11. anal Garland had 2541 out of the gar. . Mr. I�w'Tasaaycdi stalcrl that �.5-ft is the mirrirnum they want. Dir. Sheridan gal od if it i:4 pnmimc to allow the 5-11. on the gatagc- sick and Mill Stay 12=#1, hutwcurt houses_ Mr, Ptr'lraa yedi Mmed shot m+wt, all the garages will be on the le111 rids: Of Lhc houij-. C haairmaan Hilt stated that it seerns that the. ctitir an tsar would be to go with the 5 -ft - ('111W ri rian -t1_ C"1ia,rrrian Tfi]I trsked that rcfcn;ucc to -�01f course Ir,ls Ior T,ot Type 3 be renioved kiss there krill not be any Lot 1ypc _1 lots on the g0ll' Lrrrrr�u. I'laanin;, & Zoo ('onrmissiQra Page 5 c11- I ll Fclrruary 15. 200 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 15 of 80 Chairman Ilit t then rtsovad to cliscuk-J0II Of 1110 [IM. ORMI dnlir,itiUTI ol-TownHume Structure. The C:liairmar surrrrnariv.ml Thal flit mcpiL!h31Ucl change is ra;dicatly dif crcnt froin what was propo ,m] for Nuighborhaod S and he asked the Dcvcloper for an explanation. Ntr. Moayedi stated that the concert was to try, to have are active adult i omnnunity. He then wunt into detail of density, elovatiuns, lot size, ;rin] finally, marketability. Chairman dill resputidvl UL the Cornrnission waritcd some staggered frontage and lie would lilkc; Ic, Ni`T Ihat rvlurn, Mr, vaycdi staled that it is net ltiOSSible With M 1.5-11, li-untagc:, It is designed to have a certain amount of backyard and if thmy hKvv to staggur the front., they lose the backyards. They chard ---Iu gur wilh a 20--tt, front build Line. Commissioner Sheridan stated that he is all IldvlIC:Jje of Io+tin htlmes and active adults_ He stated Oat in the original public hearings, town homes wcr+c highly controvi rsial- It was a contpromisG ur get 111CM KLncl unc cif the things that made a trig elitiereru — xaaa re.-,r entry with a nicer front fa�,adc. Another plus %vas the U nily-ltwk twoplcx-I},pu townhornc, and the character built ray Ifi4, diffewrnial iti t•aywly �elbacks. He stated that it isn't that Ire doesn t Iriw this dezvcloper, but he duc-sn't tnist the builder two years frons naw. I Ir ir; Irying, Io adiust tea tltc changes 17 from rear entry to a trent entry, aril ) from two houses per building to six hrattses per building, Thc-rx: is rr,atn RV In15vc'MUIl but he isn't sure hOW to MOVE I le is gerirt` back to what the citizens wanted when this was first created and even t1itm i1 was highly controversial and he doesn't want to rklisv that controversy again hmmLst: hr: lhought it was settled. W. toayedi re3ponded Ilia[ Char 5:5-year old clicntelc tikes a hack-yard. The VqLge drams will nr,t lie regular garLtgc doors but will be anAtt tcwnLt doors. Hcy also responded that, withlo rcastan, they are l'lexililt ou the: setbacks. CornTnissioncr Sheridan stated treat it rlty Cur mission wcre to consider I7trra entre, Fre would want to eliminate No- l oro pagu 47 rcgarding the separation: uE' hays. Ki: would avant to concentrala ren Nw K 2, lho covered 4-ft, parte-cochere_ E le wurrlel want Ica Iry to keep that_ Cornniissinner Aslrby is in favor (Ff Mr. 5hcridma's comments regarding Ps,,gc ti, leo. 4, "front }yard set b;WVI anti LIcurrent appearance ofstructures". Tlu; prupt>wd change would create u tow house appearance. Curcrmissioner R-cod does not wont each coil lu bu six., Mr. 'a4oa}Tdi suggested thal tanguago could be added for iwaanotr 25% uuuld be 6, 215% has to be 4". Mr. Reed -tared that he r:-, ;,Lso concemed about the Crum entry garages, lie believes rt will bkf a horrible appearance. hdr. Iwtcaaycdi stated that th0 clientele liar this Ticigvhborhood wants a backyard which farces the grrrx+ge Ira Iho front. Mr. [teed suggeatetl they have: Muth a backyard and the prage in the back. RYlr. Moaycdi stared that the usable strace w°iluld be grCutly reduced with Death in thu Nw.k. Mr. Reed stated that the Town tradilaf.)raa.l,ly der-.sn't have {gages in the front Mince pcople lcave their dins; operl with ilh6r junk in there. NIT. Vloayedi s'Mted that Ihty will decd restrict this neit�trhurhvud, It is a specific use different from the rest of the- Town. Planaung & Zcairtng ;nttaneitisitsn l'agc (i of 11) 170ruary 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 16 of 80 Commissioner Moss stated that it would be marc acceplable it they went with the 2 and 4. He draesrh--t lake Irmit entry garages wither, however, he tutderstands t.ltat it is a gated community and [hopc:fltlly llre I:t=m:ing in the Croru or'this neighborhood will separate thein fronh rhe howses across the street. Perhaps some vcgctat ion would hclp %vith 5hic1ding. -Mr. MoLLwdi asked ifjtul a small perccutagc. of 5's would 14, auccptablca Cone-nissioner Muss respnrhded that he has no problem with that. Mr. Moayedi stated that they will have screening all along Trophy Club Drive and they have prupowd lo hkivu ti be:nn, landscaping and wrought iron with inasonry colmnns. Chairman Hill requcstcd conccpt designs, house elevations, :and a neighborhood ar-angernem with multiple! sizes- MT. Moayedi agreed. Commissioner Sheridan asked where the 2U--ft- right-of-way for driveways will go if t}re gar-agr is shiftcxt Crorn rear ro brant. Mr. 1414raXyWi �,Ikrl4el lhat nurru lots wcrc aaddc;d, incrcasing from 2:07 W 240. The lots arc '" x 105. Mr_ Sheridan askcd if they could increase the frolit setback and still stagger_ Mr. Muayedi stated th€ 1. l:hoy Quul(1. 'v-1r. Slrvridan staalud [hart the rear yard would 11 H1 aJ orianlrrlaPPTr OF I0-ft. is it pOssibic to mcrcaase the min]mum floor area fronl 1350 up'± Mr. Mloaycdi stated that he bclic+acs they could, Itut square Cootage is deperhdoot im the: cxiti J5Clk clientele. Commissioner Shaidam askcd if curbs are required for a pn■rate community, private street. Ms. .Fleck responded that they are required. Are roll r:urhs allowtxj') Can the clrivr avay be restricicd to Ib-li. and if 0 6 privatu with minimal streets can the radius be decreased or eliJniriated:' 44'eutd you consider increasing the: dista,lce h-etweerl huiltiing$? Mr. '+r maymli tx:sp nxivd lhat they w ill give i1 t}ae[r best .shut, Commissioner Reed alwked if the Lwo-car garages will have; two separate garage doors or one laargc one. Mx. Lcmarl, responded that they would leave it up to tlhc hai blur 1hrJ)vkjaxl hn lbllowtj the PD requirci-nents of an architectural Boar_ Mr_ Recxl reAtw)nck!d 111:11 Ohl.L.rr, rulircd f.Aks do a lot better witJh One wide door_ Chairman Hill called for a i-imaute recess banal there rusbanac�.1 Mr. Deed's dixaassion_ Conimissiui-wr Real TLOted, that on page 47 he would like to cli.niinate the reference to two separate bays and require nate large garage- CoTraroik'9ir)ncr 5h+:ridaan added [hat he would like the rcfercn" to two 6cparaw bays to be listed as a requirenhent rather than as a choice as "Orae of the folJcrwing„_ (Commissioner Steed agreed. Chainnan 1101 asked Mr, lt+ ay4di to r word the "Garages” section io refte i [lis: Cornmissirrnir'S reclumis. Mr. Wayedi agreed, Chairman Hill moved to the upclatijig ol-Tablr No. 4-1 [m I ugL 49, 1.crl 5 shoialcl be updated [t reflect the Commissioner's requests that were j u.;t diwussed- The. rear yarrl s4.IbHv.k might Treed to bead,justed based nai tonight's disrsussirm. Chwrrrnwi I Ell then rt�viewtxl changcs lay pages 49-52, neighborhood lot and density suinniary. Mr_ Moawevdi staatcwd that they upped the lot sizes and currently don't mer -1 the aurnher nF60-ff, lents required because a nurnher of them h4vr hren upped to 'lots at the rcelucsi of the 111annino &'ZoningConrnr[ssiorr Plage 7 err 10 February 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 17 of 80 t'auneil. They We clran�ine, {cti�wnr itir�gj the 1LINI rlclrreb�,r Cyt" 6(1-R. 105 in onkr W irwO lhQ Counoil's requm[ for 70-L lits, These c;hangcs arc reflected on pagos 49, 50 and 51 of the packci. Chairman bill asked that the reference to aii "estate" lot be deleted on. (sage 511 under neighborhood ?_ That lot should be referred to as Lot T31m 1 rather than as ail "csitate ' Ent_ Commissioncr Ashby recommended that the Commission require a definition for "age restricted developmcrri". Er_ Mtaayedi suited that it will be "55 or uldcr", Commi."ioncr Reod asked iT Owl mmol that no uric yuungcr than 55 would be allowed to huy- Mr_ Ealoayedi ,3iated that tin one younger than 55 -would he allowed to terry. Commissioncr Moss noted that on Bags 6 "berms" was acldmi La the Prcjposecl �zcx-ning rcgttlations. Many of the residents have a ile4atiVe Crinnutaticin com.L.Tming beans. -Mr. Vloayodi stared that they are iryirtg to do sc:omCL11419 Nit blocks the view of the garage doors. They do not WWIL it 1r) be a sQ]iil wall buil a mixture of wrought irxin, vegetation, trees and larLd. aipi.ng, ThQy thought that a berm with a rolling, hill wauld br:• bust. Chairman [dill suggested that in dcyclop in illusttttirin~; lUr 1hr nrit meeting date they could shGw an exart plo M-the typte ofbr.Krt1 t1tHl will bc: uscxl. Commissioner Moss suggested rhuy ItidLILle maximums (not minimums). C'hainnan Hill rriovcd to Ilarks and Reereaumi, Parks d Recreation Director Adani Adams spoke of the coricerns ol'thL. Pr,itks UTIJ Rmrcatiou Board_ Mr. Adams noted Lhol [bei Prukland Oftlicaticm Ordirimcrz has been met and exceeded by 14 acres, but thv Board is concenied with g1JM11i1Y ,rnd quality, The land to be ded,icawd mirghl i1ok be writable for the curr€nt needs of the Toxvn. The Lrail system Is (if gr"a uunucrn to the Parics .and Recreation Board. In summary. Mr. -Attarrty stMlLd lhal, 1) the dcveloper mean the mininium requimd, 2 j theru was a loss in acreage, and 3) there was a loss {il`conrimti.vay in the trail systern. Mr- 1+lnayedi stated Owl hr, chn!t; not Iml It,qy ary gutting a fair shake. I here are a certain trtnoant uf PID dollars that must be spent on utilities, roadways and things likv 1hH1, and they are spending a couple orrviillion dollar on the Tawn's parks abovc and beyond the land darusiml. A community center will be built in the Town. An activity center will he built. Some of the Village ('enter will he given Hack to parkland_ He stated that every sACp (if the way they have given a Itit more to Parks lhan was here in the I1asL. fie.doesn'il b4lievc the Parks and Recreadon Rourd i2j up-ic>-d tc on what the cltvclopor has dune, t'hairrnLm Chill sia.ttr'd that parkland is incorporated irltO rhe PD and he believes it would be kmcficial for the dcvcloper to meet with the Parks and Recreation Board tel discuss tht• imil systent to see if [fie continuity Gould be tnip ved_ The Planning 4ml Zoning Commission Gixi,sitler r this as a concept plan and looks aL how it lils into OIL. town and how it tits into the PD. '.Mr, :,v1ci,iyCdi responded tliat Open 4rrnet! and p-vs -,s arc one rf1he nwin antcnitios Lhut they rtrc snllin$ in lhcir buildus and residents srs [hey don't wwanl it) sGrcW that up. Oirrrrrris, i,jo icer MDss siatcd that lie is a fr naer triQmbr r of the Park Soard, and as a Planning and Zoning -Commission rmmihur acid as a rLiidcnt of thc'I-ovum be Nett; that discussion bciwccn the dcvcloI)cr and the lnwit t,t ff brie bmn kept confidential_ ]ile lleels it w tiuld help a lot for the Park Board to have sarne idvu of discussions between Elie develupLur and sLaff, Mr. Nfoaycdi responrlrrE halt he clues not vivant to keels any inl�rrwkitintr zonfidcntiai as these are all positive Lhingi. He stated that lie wasn't aware. LIF the Park Board and the need to meet with thrvrrr. Plain ing & ZorkinG Con irni4sion 1'a�e g of l i} Febrtrary 15, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 18 of 80 CommhadoncT Moss stalud LhaL the Park Boanl hasn't bcvn inc luded and doesn't know- "a damn thing' to put it bluntly. lie stated that he has looked at the Northeast Park and lie dwsra't maul r Tiny dc06ori m il's n4npurl. of N: Planning & Zoning Coratnission function. But as a citiron of Lhc "lfovm as far as lie, is conccmctl he doesn't like the location or what can be put out those. He believes better aarrangenierrts can be made_ Commissioncr .Ashby asked what happened to the municipal facility in between the 'Village (,'enter and the Norrhwest Park. heir. Mklayedi staled rhAt th S is Rfit tha ullirnalC tsliaapc;. SiML: Lhis was tirsl presontcd a lot of things have happened, with Roanoke taking on Marshall Creek and other things that have caused changes to this docunrienl. Ry the ncnl rnixting addidm it Oituigu,, will happen. The rnmiulpal cunLcr has gone away. PID dollars will p tn}vard public im fToveinentx. The ring, road is ve 7 innliortant_ .A water iowvr r is very impuri;mC, & diiWh in 6� circa ix ,a $2 Milli4on Fro jcr!l In ovvc'r kip. WQ arc trying to include that in the. budget. Thcrc is a lot of givc and take on the land side, park side and dotlar side. C ornini: s [over Asliby staLml LliaL Ilrt. inuriicipul facility was to proridc a buffer hctbxrcr-tr> the Village Center and the park, besides providing "lire and emergericy sej vices, life safety se�rc i�ea. eto. 14: 111&re a Lilaai to ttplo il.? Mr. Mo4ycdi swcd that studies haavc shown that the existing tiru station is sommhat ade(luatc but Could use equipment inlprovenients arid such- The "1'own, however, desired a g),ninaSIALIY, Coiniiitlllity cenLer and tie {`[Dllarx iimr Lha rriS nivipul 11wility veLL% sllillcsl 10 Lhc OL)rnniriniIy e;.rrnWr t+) he bui.11 ors parlEland. Chairman Hill asked for the width arthe woad leading,-clt iu Lhr C. orp�l pRipc,�y That is halal a -s a icruml park. lair. M(laayctli 'Aaalc:d -hat it is U 41-R. paved section, two lanes, no median, minor arterial, 60 -ft- right-of-way, with 41 -ft- paving._ Mr_ Eli Il stated that it may not I -pe adequate, Mr, Mmytx1i retiliixidctl diaC it ti,•ui,ld ba widr enough iur paTlc to park on cithc-r side and still have two lallcsofmiffic" going through.. FParking. is riot allow -ed.] Commissioncr Reed ask;d how close they would I'!uild to the ga. well siLe_ hire Moayedi C.LaLed that it won't -change froin what is iisleit iii they Pl-)_ He s awd Lhal lh.cy are concerned about how the gas wolls arc: fcntccd in bocausc it leaves a lot of open space arotuld them. Maintonance is an issue. Chainuan Hill responded that the gas well ordinance requires M -It. macAwry lxistn wi;lh wooden pastels_ Ms_ Fleck stated that i rthe developer or F1icarou wants tea 41D roc>rG l.hey wain, b u I Lllc n6irnum is w mated by Chairman MR. Mr. Nloaycdi stated that they will nicet the ininimurn and exceed it. They also wilJ have dtselosure with all ol'their hayers. 101', Moayecli also re-aildra%sed CAlm mentS to C ornmimionrr Abby, uxplaaining thaL they laid out many dirr=nl sc-unairlos on what moiler+ WOUld be Spent'. o1i and they would have given it to wherever the Town wanted it, but overall it was indicated to them that the Town wanted a 4yrimixmiurii. Commissioner Ashby stated that he doesn't necessarily leaai that way because lite saii;Ly is vtery important as wall as the Town's current bigli raring in tllc stale iirr insururice. cmlil lor responu: times. The current fire taciliry response time Lo the tiorOm s;t Sithe ol'The l3ighlan(�; is ,ding, ti) Increase drarnaLicall y acrid Lliw. that rrnpcansn I irnt will irivmasc iristnratam raW~ across Lha Town. Beth Ann C:rrrgury sbilyd 1hal an kd1vrrwjL.' aii.o for municipal facilities is being lookcd at as there is a fairly Hircahle piece ul-prr.,perly beins._ dkinaalcd on the school site for an cic ratcd storage tank s131d Olen,: tare: su,rru. e}prions Lh,=. ialanninC. 7irryira_,[:{,rami N-i(m Paago 9 of 10 Fcbniary 15.200 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 19 of 80 Chairrmin Hill stated its a final corrrtncnt that Nir. Moaycdi sltould clTeck with the golf course regarding their rules for private citizetrs usii7P, their owra g,�l I-oirlrs_ 'a�Tr. ),,Iua °cdi slalcd that they+ are in discusmimna with the gealf euUrsc. regarding improw-mcnrs to their club house and parking lot in trade fbr golf rncniberships which can be passed anto hurneowifen, 116n1er)w1'M-' taro can be driven to the parking lot -of the go I r c4 tuxe and then they muss sw i to I o a smi f w urw earl. C'�arnrnissi4rn r sass m li+mcxl io table the; discussion on the amendments to the I'D until the neat Planning & Zoning Commission niceting scheduled for Mairh 1, 2007_ (.-A) nii,,srcxier Ahby seconded the mo(ion. The rne?r.ivan j)m8exl. C2 Review and approve minutes. a. 7 December 2006 b, 4 January 2007 c. 19 January 2007 Ms. Fleck noted [hot on page 99 Curliriissiurier Sheridan didn't moko the tiornmer' about 1r.e vicinity( recap. That co-nmeri +,vas made, by Commissioner AMby. Chairman HIII nol-e'1 thjl- carr page 1100 item B.b the: Action was Approves 4-1. rather than 4 -Sus CQrrtTT ssioner Ashby vcylod nay. d. 1 February 2007 Chairman Hill is listed 03 oxcusod. wlvch should be carr ted to present. glee ChcairrTion Stephens did not call *ho rnQollng to ofdar. Chairman Hill celled 11-.e meeli g tea order. Ccmmisslone( Moss moliored to uoprove the above, mire.*es 00 correc%ed. The !Ilulic-i wcas seconded by C:ommissiar:or Recd, The motlon passed. D_1 ADJOURNMENT. Chfilm)(irl Hill adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:05 o.m, PhL min€ & honing coirnnission 11age 10 r]1 -1G FL!hTW4TV 15, 20u! Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 20 of 80 STAFF REPORT TO: PLANNING A14D ZONING COMMISSION FROM: TOWN STAFF MEETING DATE: 15 FEBRUARY 2007 PD -27 AMENDMENT PiMPOS Hold a pu,bW-- feariny and consider ul'3`{.!'4 a rucarnmeridallor) Ir- th,, Town Council regarding a requeit to .mend PD -27. The Hi.ghlanrI5 of Trophy 1--b. loon Ordinance No. 2006 1 1 P& -y I -q amending the follow&lg sectior-5 of FD -27: in WiiL)jr W - "DuvrAlopmen, 5rQriG1&C1& SeCtlol) 111. ",Dofk)llions-- Se Clson IV. "I o- Type- Regulatinns' Table No, A-1. "Summary jai Lot Type Regulations": Sec liar Y. Nelghborhood Regulations!': rable No. 5 1, "Neighborhood Lot and Den5i-v Sp0ion VI. 'Devulopmeril ur!d Duig-ri Sluridm&'; Tabic No. 6 1. idway Standards". Secrion VII. "Pc3r-k and ;)pen-SJ7'0C7.e ReqU*arn2nls'; Section %/Ill. "De:ve.opment Sc"dule"; Fxlii-,)it "C Concep, Flsaf,;'; Fxhi.)it 'a'. "S1reuITyperExhibr-..:arid LxHI311 "I", ':'oll, way Plan". !PDAMDUr' ,023) n1j7d 4KITI I yj pi 4 j -1 INU Applir,:(Inl: (-arl�r & gurgpss. Inc. 7950 ElmbTolok Drive [%Aan, Texas 752A7 Ownefs: Cei)turion Acquisitiom 83 a Trophy L -P. 3 1,10 1 We s I Arp or P ree wa y. 21X 399,) I Wesr "port freeway. 2040) Bed'ord, Texas 76621 Bedford, Texas 76021 Siandard Pacific of Texui. LJI 6.333 Noflh Hwy W Irving. Texas 7 1M C. Oil Irvcir' canis. Ltd. 100TTiDPhyCkjbDr1v,q Trophy Club, Tnxd/6262 K. Hovnanian Homes-DFW. I.I.C. 58wos,, Plano Parkway P�n r ). Tk-Kai 75093 EX12EQ C Qf fill UQUM,, -he procerrj voas rezoned in may. 20rM orid consLrs oaf apprciximately 697.4 acres abutting the golf course. 'Me. Army Corps ul Engineers ptuoe7fy tirld the vxlslrrrg 00volopmenis wimw rhe town of Trophy Club. This vac -=t, u-le%ealoped pruper'y has Nva properly owners r3rid COMP654--5 to majority ye_theremaining urdeveloped property in Tawr,. Thpre are six 16J gas well site; located -within this oevel,,oprrlent. PIMREjFLI; & Zoning COMFUJ52JOR 15 1170rWiry 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 21 of 80 ADJACENT ZON'rN(;/F f14MN'G LAND USES: °rh, outside City Limits IETJI J vncanThindeveloped kind jArrrrw Carps ui Ergooc-s,proporlyI th- Ck. R 10 R (,11-1. R' OHR. R TT. PD 5 1, R i I i Single family residen'h" dvaelT tgs, curidorlinuurns unci Trophy Club C:ounfilr Club. Oursodei Ciry Lir-nits fLTJj ! Vacan"/undevolupod land jArrriy Carps cat Errgwtiers propw I y I 4vq�st; •'L) 15 ana Outside City Urrih jMLT-shrill Cfeekl / Single fan -dr/ residoniiral dwellings IThe Lokas in Tiophba (:lut) C --'i',/ Limirsl 1`1901"BRTY C?4YNr`R 140TIFICa RON: S=xty-cine property owners w&ra riali'ic_ri vice Ur i c d toles Poslul S"YIrP on 1 FF:bwary x.",07. As n1 Fridny° F Febr,rnry 2007, vg t h:,s received ane inquiry about the proposers PD amendment. CASE ANALYSIS; T -e- rapplicort has added a definition for 4°toin Forade. ' Ite porMron or trio structure, Inclucilng rho goroge. or parch, thal Is cluse.sl to ii'ae frcirril building line". T "mein fopcade" is reie:reenred several -imee. -hrourghoai! the PD regarctng gi7age}. Examples are -as foaTows: May ret race want srr,eer u.ri&u set hnr. k at feast 30 feet frtam main f+rc]de: may nw roce, rarle soeer vrile"i se, rcrcik .90 Ger from ti;ae .srreel, MCI MCry f.7rr' from ,-Y fr ye syco Ca=ge drys icrcing o sfreet.must have ,ane of rhe fali:rw ng: ' Nwo t71 separtata trays rmirhmrn°n of 6" F.-pnmfion;, :x PJ Crivered .hy 0 minimr-m d Cj e?r,r PrjJt(,'- r-00,fe r,:11 A i4'Y°. iir .3J 4vr b,,)f k FO' rriiri0jurn r(Or'n from far,:Utuc°: unci ul leusr urv? cry Oho fcik rlq. 4) Archrrc=rurd c nhancernemrm fa garage Boars, wtaLch can IeK:i'Qde deccYative,hardwum. decomfive windows. crpanel de!ci,Vrg. 2. Currrenl d+a'flnlMan of Tawnhome Structure: "A S"ruclim cOr11raining no more Than threrra Ill Wgle3 tnmilycst-netted dwelling units. eroposed daMnIMon of Townhorne Siructvre; "A structure containing no rnCre °hitt a� sir�g@P fortidy rslinc_hcA, dWHllirq Ur -it , ea(: -h unit can a separately oleatted lot, which is joined to ano-her sellirg unit on one or more sick s by a porly wall rar rabutlinrg walls." 3. Current let Type 3 SIde Yard Requlre+manh 6 feet minimum Proposed ►of Type 3 Side Ycrd ftequ"menN 6 tee" mirimurn,-�, Intl i,iinr-Iuira,i IIIc sauresuu doin weal lame It'a;fiat),. Planning& frkraing{ummis L+an ISFeirruary 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 22 of 80 4- Lot Type 5= Current NUnlmum fop Square Frsotnge= 2,5l!p sgi!nre '?et Proposed h+ltnhnum Lot Square Footage: 3,000 square feet Current Front Yard set Back: Shall be. 15' or 20' and alterrote or each ,ownhome structure. the minimurn front bullrlh)rg Ilnc �ui er2ch In shall he shuw,+n cri Iho Final pfut far lfie Subdivnion, -o-nreafe a variety of front Yards or each street. Proposed Front Yard Set Back, 2.i M_crl Current Lat Width: 2 fee' Proposed Lest Width., 30 feet Current Length at Shuciures: lam mram three_ ;.3J i, ni-5 per structure, Proposed Length of Structures: Yimdrnurn six 16J unl-s per structure. Current appearance of Structures, All town horse 5trjctUres shall be designed with tre appearance of a single farnily res-icr,lrai 31ruc_Iure. Froposed: Mollie Ihis ficin in ifs Hul-irety Current Car+:agec may fo+ce a residential alley unless approved orhr r 0sc: c . the Site flan Proposbd Garager .Mlo Tact: Irruril ur skf ,, si e.e, . ^arcine ::tints 9.arinc_ r. street rirrtl [mve rine of the f win ' 1 i --c 1 5enarate Days of 6" 5e mra-icni. or 21 d Y, d ininirl7 Gln q' rjgc�Kj Porro-cocr-urc g QgvQ, kr 3) be r Prick 1(J' rTlAnirriurt)"torn main t aCade; and nt IemI one nl -he AI Archi-ecturral erhrronc-f-mt-nh ff- grim le :;oor 'r-hlr'll r::i int ..ce de -,t r "ve rcarclwa JeCera Irec wiriduws, -r purrrj,i I:31 !.:,I. Curren- Screening Regulations: Lilt Type 5 shall be screened from thorouphfarea- Screening materials shall be a S9m#iwt1Qn of masonry, wrought Iron, find plont moterlptg, R-oposed Screening Re0lulatiors: Lott Type 5 shall be screened from thorougkrfares. Screening moteriab shall be a combination of mpgonry, wrought furan, berms, and plant rfmterials, 5. Tabl 4-1 - Upduied to reflect minimum lot square foatoge, anlnimum lot dimensions and ter yard set backs. 6- Sectlon V-Nefghborhood Regulptionrs; Lor counts have beer,,cdPisted to ,e -ler -.t of r.rUnts with the changes nyide to Neghh rhOr>d 8 sou Rrial Flat ct CO- I - ccllculcailons. Pl�LuniILK &'f.uriiILK( 'mrimiNAL111 151rOnviry2003 f Planning 8, Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 23 of 80 7. Table 5-1 - Updr31r In relleOn reviser lel c:uunh R. Pork and Open Space Requireinenls` Sloil recammends rhe, faallowing chor'°ge5 to the mplicar-'5 oroposeo'revi5:ons- VII. PARK AND QFN SPACE REQ41RE.MENTS Thee highlands at Ito^ Club Flamed Deve"rmant District conlains approxinwilelyr 115 -mom ras or floadplcain cmd flQwr3ge rr ement. rririrtl��rn 7i -a7, r -+`;l=�l�< r] tri fl+rgyr..ra_i._pUbfiC open ,pace a�,o utk¢ed 'cr pclssive uses. Jn addition to the `looclplain and 11OWdg(r uusurruril Oid-:a. a w-Tirriurr) ofw:a u� puHIC park sire -,shall be ded�7_n-ed o -tea Tn wrr, The. hL-v l71 t�rark sites within the Highlands of ' Trophy Club scall o mini -num of I� ac"� r 11tif1 Clrl[�__".� '�1rjl ravlk r �.i�Li.YlrJll buirlq ra rrlirlirr um c:l 29 :.li=1E:1. A park %N. ir_ propmea r�nr Nelghlocvhood 7 a^ci adjacent to the Vrlk-age Cenrer om shown on .he , Concept P.nr. 'he park iocatior° side and con!igurat,an shall fie r apprr}ve d oy the rowil wl-h thf-, Doluiled She Plias- Cunc_uoluUl park plans arm it dudea i.. ahibil C. The Developer shall construct o troll system consisting at n 7' hail pca+rlwUy lhrc•::gh. iha `Ic vrncsp esernent that connects the proposed park sites. The l evelope, hG4 cso provide park benches and other impw&rriews alan:� 'tic: 'cull. Sidow alks iniQrncal to the d�qvaloprn : nt will he u5ecj to onnec' the np h at7rhnorj5 tr.. the- fmA gyri rn. Vti'h?re they cetyl u e-5 sidewalks whin -he d�-velcmprnent. the Sidew alx pcarhwr V Shalt be of least 6 wide, A I' D-nwo y P icon -s ir}eluded in bxNbit []. Muirlrer,4xic=e shall be provvdea for cA quhir_ and serni-pt)plCace5 inrlvding roadway mecPajts and parkways by �e Developer for 12 months. Park Dedication Area Summary 9, Development Schecllrle: Cines near has b?en oidded to the schedule i4. Coa°Icepf Plan, 4luricipcal Fucili"r -:as bppn removed Planning & Zoning Comnainsdom 1-'Fehrk ry 14117 uclebem +.trcr ncle6e� vn � uad�_k ftraa re ani:+ IireSUhp�= hrrw:. rr. rY:.rr space. Ucleledl: rti . W n4 a I°rai n!lwn w -h Far,, benerrta. nelecedl; 11,E i tea rr4 w"",'Gamm cord tap talc. ripCWtal 0'011 ben mrirr� d nrkkoa: x �aarei.. Debt_ ; r mrmrg ' acre 3^_L. 6elrffitls �reloeds -i ;r nttei�di Bock Pak. mtated: _ ' Rselelled: niHotn6_ ". i Ueleked: ' ' 5 aKlexr�A= ."! rwlQLd: V OdeL51-1 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 24 of 80 Total Area Active Use Areca fasslwa llse,5i Wcaffgnl AiC3$S F,i:•res a— NrA lmr.sl Pnrk A_.:(IiF,)n 113 1 1 hiaxll7e[Is1 �.�rC rli'. Fs__ _ [ LAJI- S' c;�c Y Ilii 9, Development Schecllrle: Cines near has b?en oidded to the schedule i4. Coa°Icepf Plan, 4luricipcal Fucili"r -:as bppn removed Planning & Zoning Comnainsdom 1-'Fehrk ry 14117 uclebem +.trcr ncle6e� vn � uad�_k ftraa re ani:+ IireSUhp�= hrrw:. rr. rY:.rr space. Ucleledl: rti . W n4 a I°rai n!lwn w -h Far,, benerrta. nelecedl; 11,E i tea rr4 w"",'Gamm cord tap talc. ripCWtal 0'011 ben mrirr� d nrkkoa: x �aarei.. Debt_ ; r mrmrg ' acre 3^_L. 6elrffitls �reloeds -i ;r nttei�di Bock Pak. mtated: _ ' Rselelled: niHotn6_ ". i Ueleked: ' ' 5 aKlexr�A= ."! rwlQLd: V OdeL51-1 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 24 of 80 A re5identiGA Icy' has been added �o rhe northeast carnes ,of the deveiloprnenl, just •aorth pT Fad Site T.3H'. Neighborhood R now aontoim Ovate open space T1. Street Type Exhibits: Residenhal Avenut: has been added T2, Pcmlrs Concept Man, Refer Io number8 above. Plueniog & ZUMMg C:ammisalon 15, February 2W Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 25 of 80 �- WtTvneI 1 E*Mse: This tat type is designed is allow single family detached dw6lliriW on lots of not loss 1harF night lhous�md. f" hundred (0,4001 square f t, f4giether Oth the allowed incidental arks w,4 >e%!5ory ekes. 7 ?-q 2m, Land wRiu and skrudure,s .stn= uzlm!=* writh uses �erwted for single family msic�anbai districts m Secuon 1a of the Town of Tro.. y Club Zoning Ordinance s -A in accordance with the fallowing: a. A€cessery Uses: Ary ssory uses shall be permitted wuhn Lai Type 3 in aWcnrtlnoce. with tree regutWlff $ rwovicw in section 35, Accessory Structures. is CrinclIlwW Utes: Cgrr*kxe:3l uses may b& x,-rntilttxl w1hin thr, Lot Type 3 in accordance with the regttaticrts piTwided in Section 44, Conditonal Use Permit. C Limitation of Uses.: Any use not expressly permltled or allvaed by pure+il hornin k F;rOhibihwj. '1, W� app va. ion for a building permit for the ocagtrualon of a bullding or strix:ture shall he appro'.rd unleys 3 rAit meolinq all the requirements of the Ton of Trophy Club, has been approved by the rrmn Cnunoll and recorded In Crye i]enli)h Goonty Plot Record. 4. HE4.7nt E22uleuoris: No t.4:>' -ding stroll auicaed fcny feet (4G } or two end ono -half f2-112 stouxb in height. 5. ArM F Il�ti ns; The foAcrwing mirtamum standards shall be Tequired as ntOMLIrOd frpnl PrO rty 11M, - Lot size: 8,400 square feet Lot Coverage: The combined area covered by all mein �)uilrtinCp arW accessory stflicl.ures shall rest exceed forty percenl {40%j of the total 101 area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be Included In r etecmin N rrmnee m building clrveraige. Minimum Floc. Area: The minimum square foceage of a &&*icing unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and VirowLi. shall bei ^n at;mrdanco with the fallowing: Plenodn tl& 7.rruing C.'omrnisalon 15 Irehruery 2007 41 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 26 of 80 Type of Structure {aolf CQUF5B Lot* All Othwr Lots. 000 StOry rosirlorlco 7..006 1.8m One and 0110 hall' Story 21006 1.88 or two story residence Front Ya d: 25 feat minimum Rear Yard: 26 flet minlmurn (oNla rear yard shall laop any street without apprcva; from the Planning and 7{A" ing [`.{3111rn1.1' iO6; Iimvi[ierl. however, that this requirement shell not qpp yf wherF the ueir Wird Ci 9 lilt :ibuls 9 street which is camiguaus to the perimeter nr 117* Tore& I Yard: feet minimum _5 feel mir_171um 4 the rlar+J9:N3 {,kaus nELI, f�jr u "lip -1 L' 1mr k Srrfa Yard A4iacent to Street: 15 feet minimum LotWM: 713 feet minimum {.mea zured at front kmildiriq Ilnrk} I p1 IPAO] l Afllacemt to Side Strout; N foot rninimurn g4Tio siurW ai front building line) L 01 f]W.h 110 feet mirw morn Loi De V[h (corner or cul-dE-sw lot}: 90 feet minimum Garage: May face front cv :>wci- strex-i Gamge doors facing a sireet muat ,twe one of the folluOili ; } Two (2) separay.9 bays {minimum of ti' separatkon), or ?} C(wrl.r�J lip^ o rnir7irnUrn d' kkmmp Port$coctera o, earve, or -3) Set Li k 10' minimum from main facade; And at least one of the flowing: 4) ArchlFC -ural a:nharicumunis to garage dam, which can Ind ule decorative hadvam, deeoralive vrim 47ws, oe Krrrpl sf l iliixf, Planaing R Znoing C nlnnii9ulmn 1.5 Fehra ary 2097 42 Fwry ttmi! 3rcart: Urt: IDS Ff, ra��g�•g: �y5 rt, rurrc�r, caa [.clt``kpur} l delated! Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 27 of 80 a z z w J Q Q I G E c I Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 28 of 80 Q,, MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOP THE ' TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 1, 2007 The Planning and Zorrilig C onimission of the "I'm -vi" ul' Truph3' +C'lub,'Tcxas mct in a Public Hearing and a Itegular Se;sioti circ I Marr:,h 2007, al 7;00 pni in the Conference Jtconl or the Public Scrvims RuildiTig100 Municipalorivc, lrophyC:lub,'l'exas.�{oZif2. COM MISSIONElt AT t'ENDAiNC'at: Chairman Hill Present Vice C'hainnan StelAinis Prmeril (:0n)t1*.0,i0n .r,Abhby Absent Cornmissioncr Mass Present {C:'onitnissi ner Rted Prmcnt ConrTni sioncr Sheridan Present Commissioner 4r Tw,,, Resigned - Effc+ctivc Marclt 1, 2007 STA ['10 AINU GULST'S PRRSFNT: Kcrin C. Fleck PWraiireg & 7oriing Coordinator Beth .Arm Gru:� Try Community C3cvr.lopoiienL Manager '0tJi:r4JW Nloayodi Developer, C'eituritm Arrlerivark Jinl Wic"Ort AppliL;,iril, Carter & Burgess A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUOR41M, Ch airrTion Hill odle-d tree meeting to carder at 7:02 prn, 8.1 Continue discussion and lake appropriate action relotiva to a request for amendment to 'Planned Development DislrM No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, by (amending the following sections of PD -27: in Exhibit "B" - "Developrnbnt Standards: Seclion III, "Definitions"; Section IVa "Lot Type Regui alions"; Toble No_ 4-1, "Summary of Lot Type Regurahons`;. Section V, "Neighborhood Regulations"; Table No. 5-1, "Neighborhood Leat and Density Summary"; Section VII, "Davelopmant and assign Stcarxiards", Table No. 6-1, "Roadway Blandards"; Section VII, "Park and Open Space PecluirerrienW; 'Secilon 'VIII, "Development Schedule"; Exhibit M, "Concept Plan"; Exhibit %r, "Street Type Exhibits"'; Exhibit "E""Park Concept Plans", and Exhibit "F" "Palhwayr Plan". Applicant. Carter & Burgess, Inc.. Auihorlxed Agent of Centurion Acquisitions. L.P.; 831 Trophy, L.P.; Standards Pacific of Texas, L.P_; li_ Hovnanian Monies - DFW, Lt -C.; C Oil Investments LTD. {PDAMD-07-023) Uhairrn"vi ]fill upend the mectirg by explaining that this is a caminvatirin of the Fobruary 13, 2007, dimmsgiuri 4PD-27. Plarining & Zoning Commission Page 1 cil-2 Mvcte i, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 29 of 80 Chairinan I lilt asked €AAs altrcl Rcrtvttion Dircolar Adam Adams to report on the h'elsruary ?7, 20(17, awlion of the Parks Land Rue reation Board_ The C';Ilairtniail directed the auiliurluc 1u pargc 60 of the packet. Mr- Adanis stated chat the Parks 13t3ud urwriiirrnusly approved [he iraaii plan and the parkland adoption as. prm-colvd. They would like the boundarics of Clic trail delineatexi aml the 25-11. buffy off the pachway to the adjacent property noted in WT111118. 11ey would like the width of -the pathway leading into Northeast Park to match the natural lstthway width c>I R -R- Tlicy a,,Ac:cl Ihak [he, trait ger into the high school site and Carter 13ttrgtmj mid ]hat if they could they would crass where the ditch washed out and the high whool would then have access to the main trail system- In areas; I ari{l 7 them w}ty uumcrn that the cul- de -sacs ending in the parkland might vrealc ai rnaintimancc problem in the Future. Chairman dill stated that the Planning & 7x)viag +C ommimion's responsibility is to scc; that the land is acquired -- which Baas be air duric. Hu cxplalincd that the Town Council wilt address the dither itermi mentiaired by Mr, ,whams. The C:onm-nissioners and StaWproceeded tlirough the Develapmunl Slo-a durd's paigc by page discussing corrections anti mvisiprl3., Pollowing transer hed lsy C.`..amlyti I Tuggins, 11 I1C /08, during rcvicw of tape: At 20:22 of the transcription tape, Chairman Hill satated- " On Pare 33 we changed [lie minimum selback fivm 6^R, to AL the coneIrislon ofthe discu;sio17 Climrrala n IhI1 Laakted lhaet thy: UoTTiTnasSaTrn would like to SGC this one fnaal time. S11'. ,4tcaye41re%Pk311drrxl Thai. Ihcy are sande-r time constraints to get this to [lie Council in order to move R-irw4°ard with the Public lrnprovcmcnt District (PID). his. fleet€ stated that tliis must gra to {'u„Tacit ass as public hcaaring and nolicc has not }yet been placed in the newspaper Ibr the p0lir. hmiring. Shc stated that the earliest possible date would Iru the 26'1- tired that would mtkiirc as special session by Cowicil. Vire Chairman Stcphmvi slatted that ht: wrruld be willing ito trust staff to review the revisions - Hc a15o slailtd that he-votild attend the t;ouneil meeting orad Wnuld he SlrexAitIg up if the docurnc-ts were not correct aw regve�-,t,ed hy, ihi: Platnning &. Zoning Commission, After further discussion and cunscnsus of the Commission, Chairman Hill announeecl that the Planning & 7011iaig Commission will sec this one final time at the next rriv ling, Mm -r h 15, 2007, and 1hm it will move forward to Council. Ms. fleck will hollow up with the Town Secretary to determine the scheduling ofdie Council rneetirrg, C-1 ADJOURNMENT. C.hciiamon Hill adjoi.ji-ned the meat!rg cit 8:44 prri. Plarinirw & 7oni "g Commission Page 2 of :: 1latrc;h 1, 201"l - Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 30 of 80 PLANNINC AND ZONING CONnUSSION NIEEMOR4,NDU I'nj-ii 7heCltticooft1wP11auijiguid7.orilnp.C(iirrdinwnr Putt:;]-1-21k1e 5uojoa: Agonda Rein No. B.I 470tktuue dkvuRgipn uud irakv appruprulto action relative to a requcnr ffhr amendment to PLaoncd Di -v le,pulirilt TN.itriet Nqi- 27, Imown as 1'hm fthlauds at Tmphv t:lalr, by momdieg the Following smilons of PD -27: in F.01WE "H" - ..Dewiapnlemt Staudartix_ fieatiiim III: "IX-GniLiuns r; Smiun IV, "Lot Type RvgiWaions"; Ta1rLc No. 4-1. "Summary of Lot Type Repolatiuuw"; Lata V. "Notghhorhond ReRulailmn,"; 'l aulo N.D. 5-1, " Ncigbburbeed Lot and demit} Sumin>tr}'"; Suction VI, rBeVCIapMeut and rlaeslFal .Stondurdn"; Tmbls• nlu. h-1, "rinadway Stoadordg"; iieetirnl vil, "Pirrk and Opus Space RequtremenM"; '1av;iiuu VIII, "11mYelopmcnt Suhcdtdc" -: Exhibit "C", "Coklupt Pian"; F'.><Ilihit 111)", "Strce Type E.xhihtts"; F.xlliMt 1,E", s'l'eek C6ac;rlrt Plmm. '; and ELbihit "Puth+rur Plum", Applianmtr Carter & Burgess, [ne, ,luthorlxeal Aguil al Centurion Acquisitkvus, LK, 01 rruphy, L.P.; Stalndards Fariflc a4lrexas, L.F.; K. IluVammAn Ilomus - DFW. L,L.C.; C im ii vestments urD. (PI1.+k1111 F7 p Z) STAFF C'{3MMENT5= Tbn rr ihed d,ocummrs Mosul°ing from the i".srmnres¢ic)u'z I'+ vKhrtnay 1001 Pubhl! 11curu1jr wcrc iweived hW staff xL 4:311Inn im '1711T—iy, %.? I`mbrum7 2jLYts1, sad arc currcudy under ILSiaw.. .4I,rr r rryTfrmenis wiLL be pnovidod co 1ho Coma ssinn priar to cho I kiaoch 2im ,net!trng, I -m Riv.. [.:ommissionsr's bt mBt, suffcomments bavc been incerbed iv -Bovie arem In *how wht! m the dow[operN rrWsted E%,vicioni wtra nni ITwkud as s:burg:s hum the original, agr,_uoved and cur-mal;M;J odupinti f-Umunc:r. 'l:besm chULgcs arc 9110M Orl [hc rikhl. Hanel rnuTgin in bleb. 63ffimest pltPil' EXAr6RE PLANNING 8 ZONING COMMI-ION 1 MARCH 21107 Pagan 3 of 9G Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 31 of 80 C, `aaf Txoa 1 1 Pun�,ow; Thi* Irl lypp cle-3iyned to allow single feny detsoved dwellings cn lots of not less than tight ihws iarld, (our H.un mdf5,400) :,qtltlrri' f6t't, 10i 11 dher wilt' the a1137wex'9 I!tr_Jden� and accessary uses. 2 Porrnitto U4,g k..4inr1 use anti stnicture9 s1isl! Immpty Win uses permlttad for !angle family xeRldental districts Ln Section 13 of the Town of Trophy Club Zoning Ordnance w d in acoordance vrith the following: A. Accessory Uses: Acck-asory uses shall be permitted within Loi Type 3 in anfrndanta with the regulations nrov'ldod in &x -Rion 35. Ar.t4'xurr SIh.10U es b. Ccndlbonsl Uses: Co,)ditbnal uses may be parmdted w4hin the Lot Lype a IJn aocordsiwe with the reglutabons paovided In Section 44, Conditional Use Permit. G L.ir�100un of Usos: Any . rpr; Aryl expressly peri -lined or ally wcd by permit heran is prohlbited. 3.. PfAn Requlr€rsnerim: No oppitrn,.Ian for a building) permit for the conaVaulon of a building or structure shall be approved urlGaea a plat, maeiing all Dw requiremenis of the Tovrn of TrKydhy Club, has been nrjprnY@fj by the Ttmtl C.fjk4nr;il ,Furl for/3rded in mn nenlorl Cul,lnly Pled Record. 4. Hai-qhf Resaular-cine: hftl laWding shall exceed fWy feet (40) or two and One hila 1'2 1.0) :alurv% in hioighL- -. A r 3 RP..{FIJI,3l7r7nS: Tlitp fryit(rlryirvj minirnorn yipriSSatd!� 3htall �V NY41.11red as measured frons progeny vies: Loi size: 8,400 squsre Nol Lol Cmeraga: The wfO ned 0r4%1 cored by all main buildings and accessory striactures shall not excoud forty poruenl (40%) of the total lag area. %Ssnimming pnnls 1ltl sops Slipll nix be inc ;jded in de'ermining maximum bullring .oYer.3g,-. Minimum Floor Area 1;904 &Quare f d ":1111 `{.:I'i;' 20 Feel rr.'n,rr..tl ri PLANNING S ZONING COMMISSION I MARCH 2.Qf17 Page 32 of FU Fnm Mled: Fatter :Clear ffci n'e Peletad, Ihn m�1n1,m syuem± G•�I:.,p, ul a d,wlrra urt1, ss:3uu'.1111 Warps, arma¢cltiars aftd shyl to n acrwdo xt?. Ilia I Nrr J. T, 4 1 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 32 of 80 KP_ar Y."11 Il 26 feet minimum ;Na rear yard shall :ary $trtlet without approval from the Planning and Zoning t`omml mon; pnwidufI, I owriwcr, that Ihis requirement sha^ nai apgl y where the rear yard Q0 a Irg ;ikon's a streeA whir:h ig contiguous to the perimeter of the Town.) $140 Yard: 5feet minlmurA Sirs Yard Ad', -ant la Street: Iv= fFet minimum Lot Width: 70 f"I minimum (measured at front hultdtng line) Lot Width A4apentto Sidle Sireet: 80 feet minlmunF (muasured at front building lineal Lot Depth: 11 G feet minimum LOt Deptn (comer or cu Ato&"y; lut): 00'fees -nin burn May nos face rtont arrest wileaa aot- h',41j j0oxil 30 feeil fmm the fwnt hulldlrtci urs: nY n4k, ,fd�de _uflss sat Lack SU fo•elrk:;rn she 3l gre4t Nht-of:"±qy, PLANNING & ZOHING COMMISSION 1 MARCH 2(107 Page 33 w ?o I Ualeted; a rest Irinmums ? R rm.fed: Pattern: Ckm I'rarm : 6algtr race doe! nd tKV y t'n Siraas �. Formatted: Pattern: Oras (rHi'N") fwlue�: 6+ t Omm U o-" sheet �a�ad` ,liK:.a rc..e n etsN ,rr.� 7:re crra e! Lr rcrkrvri•.T Pelatmd Z •:Y,.T-,I j wpadte hats im nrnum Y E' aspaWIfe l -1 +Y•iasahed W a m ntnuu. 4' doe} A4 ank hal sp u, -n, r—m inn Ir„tia: and at l auahe arms He .QT �.4`+dieit,itn,lu�l 4 gi s.Wrnent5 kU r' ar2*E 4a'afS, W..J, ..,. •_ecaral,+ hwd&u e. dw-stn.v w rine da ;In7.j Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 33 of 80 Q z E :3 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 34 of 80 MINUTES OF A. REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY Ci IJB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 15 MARCH 2407 the Fac ng and Zoning CCamrnlsslon of the Taw-' .:)f Tropny Club, TexUs n,et in ❑ Public Hearlfag rand a Regular Session on 15 March 2007, .at 7:00 pm in, the Conference Roor'n of the Public Services Building. 100 Municipal [give, Trophy flub, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS AMNIDAN CE: Chcimi an i Ill l Vice C:hairmcin Steahers CcrTimiissioner Ashby Commisslonor Mos.; Commissioner Bead Commisslonor Sheridan STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C. i leek Shannon DeProter Mehrood Mayedl kyle Scalzrnor, Keith Allen present present present present presenl presenl Planning & Zc:;nrnQ Coordinator Interim Planning & Zoning Coordinator Centurion Amf3ricC3n A,oplicant, Carter and Burgess. IrY-_. Applicant, rirstSign Sorvlc.e5, In. A.1 CALL TO ORDER ,AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM- C:;n: ii n r n Hill cclller�; il--e -aaeetiriq to arder at 7:0:: D.I Discuss and take approPriale action relative to a fequest for authorization to construct an iron fenee, eight fpol (8') In height, along a tear yard which divides a residential and a non +esidenllsal use, for a pfope4 more particularly described as 3 Michelle Court, Applicant: Jan and Wendy Hill Chairman Hill Intorinea the Comm[mlon tinat applIcol -' i:aas pulled lrs rogUest. Trig CommIsslon will [herefu e refrain from diseusr:nj or taking a:::ilorl. Ms. Fleck said that the applloant may choose to bring thi i itern bock befcfe -he CoMrrIs451or) at a later date. B,2 discuss and lake aPpropriate action relative to a request for M01rit0liOUS Excephm to Article Iv, "Sign Regulations", Section 4.06, "Commercial and Instltuflonal Signs" of Chapter 5, "General Land Use", for one additional Development Sign fCar Phase II of the Eagles Ridge subdivision, to be looalod at 322 Eagles Court. Applicant: First Graphic Services, Inc. Charrnan I 111 ask If there was o repreEentative present to .present this request. No r@pres M,utive frorn First Graphic Ser%Ac s, Inc, was In atlenc*arice, Planukig &. Zoning Conmissiori P�ige I n i MAmll 13, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 35 of 80 A riot►an wets fnade oo table this Item unfel a representofIve co -i i L Ire>;eriI Motlw: Stephens Second: Deed The applicant arrived at trio mooting a5 the Sinha wag being taI en, A rnohon was made to roopon the request for morrtarious exr".eptlon. Motion: Sherldar` Securid; Ashby Ayes; I--II. SfephemL, Azhby, Moss, Reed, Sheridon Aclron: f~ --o Motion carried. Mr, Keith Allen oddre�5ed tie Commission and expaalned the meed for the additional sign. A moti ori was fnade to recommend approval. Morir is Ree[: Secon; ; Muss Ayes Hill: S' pr,ens ASFrty, Moss, Reed, Sh&ldan Action Fr Motion carried. 8.3 Continue discussion and take approptiate action relative to a request far amendment to Planned Development District No. 27, known as The Highlands at Trophy Club, by amending the following sections of PD -27= in Exhibit "B" - "Developrnent Standards." Section III, "Def nitions"; Section IV, "Lot Type Regulalions', Table No, 4-1, "Summary of Lot Typo Regulations"; Section V, "Neighborhood Regulations"; 7able No. 5-3, "Neighborhood Lot and Density Summary"; Section VI, 'Development and Design .Standards"; Table No. 6-1, "Roadway Slondards"; Section V11, "Park and open Spoce Requirements" Section VM, "Development Schedule"; Exhibit "C", "Concept Plan"; Exhibit " D", "Street Type Exhibits Exhlbll "E" "Park Concept Plans'; and Exhibit 7", "Pathway Man". Applicant; Carter& Burgess" Inc-, Authorized Agent of Centurion Acquisitions. LID..- 831 ,ID.;831 Trophy, L -Q.; Standards Pacific of Texas, L.P.; K" Houncinican Homes - DFW, L,L,C,; C oil Invostrrlonls LTD" (PDAMD-07-023) C.ori•missioner Sheridan W. -3d he would like to remove the two m ddI@ sentences under the Front Yord sect on on papa 46 of the doe-ur7 ent, The riew p€ rargraph should mesa: shatl artemate from 2f]' to 23' or 25' for each lownhome structure to create a variety of front yards on each street. A 20' and 25' shall be the typical stagger as long as a 70' pad can be consiructed within the ouilding area of a 30' X 145" lot. A 23' setbac-k :.hail only be used where a 70' pad ca^ not be constructed. The front building_ line for each lot shall be shown on lire Final Plat for fl -H3 subdivision. Planning & ZAning Commission f cgs 2 cf 3 Manic 15, 20017 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 36 of 80 Discussion moved to residential mail boxes, Commissioner Sheridan had concorns that the Postal Service Cx7uld require Custer buxes that may he viewable from Trophy {Club Drive Mr. Mtwodl stated he will work to prevent Pastal Service placement of marl boxes viewable from Trophy Club Drive. Commissioner Ashby asked that the total acreage values throw. hOut the PD -27 docunienl be changed to a consistont nus her of 4396.9 acres prior to tho Town CoundI Meed rig. A molion was made to recammen€1 apprevaI of ltte .requested amendments to PD -27, CON ingent an the recor+lrr+ tided changes being incorpcarated into I" PD -27 document when prese nte. d to the Town Council for adaptron. Mollon; Moss Second; Reed Ayes: F{Ill, Stepherns., Ashby, Moss. Raed. Sh€.*ridan Achon- 6-Q MO7 ' o'1 Mffk3d. B.4 Staff update relative to pending and linolilm•d Planning & Zoning Commission projects: F'iocrlLred e. Zone Change - N15D Hlgh Sc hool No. 2 (PD -28) pending b. Final Plot - The Mighlands (PD -27) Masler InfrostruclUFO C. Final Plal - ChuTchill Downs, 36 Lots d. Final Plot - The Highlc ndS (PD -27) Neighborhood 9, 46 Lots e_ Final Not - The Highlandls (PD -27) Neighborhood 2, Phase 1 Ak & 1 ff, 118 Lots f. Final Plat - The Hlghlandls (PD -27) Neighborhood 3, Phase 111, 14 Lots g_ Final Plal - The Hlghlandls {PD -27) Neighborhoods 3&4, Phase 1 B. 178 Lots h. Final Plot - The Highlands (PD -27) Noighborhood 1, Phase 1 C-1 , 54 Lots 1. Pine) Plot - The Highlands (PD -2?) Neighborhood 5, Phase 1D-1,143 Lots Ms. Fleck addrows o J #hie Comrfils5 u-1 r-)r�d gavo q brief summary of IIie current prciects, She car swered que—.7tions from the Ccnir•7issioners, C.1 Acdiourriawnl, )cjn HIP eacUcuned tho mtwalfing n, ::.5..'3 pm Planning & 7A5ning Commission Pa8c 3 sof _a. March 15, 200? Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 37 of 80 Town of Tmphy Club Planning & :Losing Conimimion Regular Session AgundaX 1110 Municipal Drive Traphy ('In b, Texas 76262 Tha.rrsda y, March 1S. 2007 7:001'.1 L AA Call Ito order and aonutince a rluorum. 13,1 Discum and rake alp_prrapriate action relative to a request For authorization to ionstritel an iron f.rot•evighi Foul IT) in hViy-hl, ailony u rVar vartl whielY i3lvidt�N a residential and a non residential use. for a Property more particulariv described a5 3 kliehtlle Court. Applioa,lll:,Ian and Wendti Bill B.2 Discuss and take a mronriaite action relative to a reouest for Meritorious Exception to Artteh, IV, "Si ri Rt�ula,ui_ns", Se+ctia7rr 4.%N "Commerpial and lil.s[Itutlt,tial 5i -us" of Chap(cr 5, "Gmeral Lind Use for one: a ddilional Dew1upinci t Sisrn for Phase 11 of the Eagles- Ridge suhdivhion. tri be located at 322 I"'ael.ec C'nurl. Applirwit: First Graphic. Servires, lnc, F3,i C rmtfnue diwassfran and take ;w1wopr ate aaa'tinn ri•laliyv lit a FQr arnendmenl to Planned Develo n -rent District No, 2?_. known as 1 -he }liahland's at Trophy Club.- hr _arrieudinp, the following :sretium lir PD -27: In Eyilibil ,"l3" - "Elvvelor]meni Siandarcir.: Sucti-on Ill. "Definitions"; Section IV, "Lot Tvpe Riep-ulaitions", Table No. 4-1, "Summary- of Lot Type Rea±nlations"; Section V "Neieftborhood 1Reaulations": Table leo. 5--1. "Neialihorhood Lot- and Deysity uiriniar}" Sectiony`1, "Develtsit nckii And Disirn Standards"; Tabic No, fi-I, "Ruaatlwa,v Standards"; Section '4'I.i. "Dark and 02en Space 1Reguirernents". Section VI11.11Deyeloynkent �'chLAule,,I'x}iilrYt "t'"', "C`.Lpric1111 Plan"; Exhibit "E)", "91rm.1 Tviw. Exhibits'"; Exhibit "E", "Park Concept Plans"; and Ewhibit 'T", "Pathway Plan". Applicant: Carter &-_l#ur;tess. Inc., Aulhnri ltil Ap_t•nl of Uentnrion ArLg0sitinns, 1..Fg 831 Trtalihi, I., P_; Simuhrds Pat:ilii° of To, v ns, L.P.; K, llls+,nanNu Hearnet.- T1M, V -1-C'_; C" OA Inxr•sirnrnrs 1.,11). II'DAMD-117-0231 BA Staff update relative tp Deluding aiid finalized Planniav & Zonia,ir C'owITiiss!roll ro'ects: Fin ditrt e! a. lone C:'hauim - NISD I IiI;h School Na. 2 (PD -281 pell h, Final Platl - Thv Flrishlands (PO -27) {'blaster Infrastructure C. Final _Ilial, - f'hnr{-11111 DiPvt11s, 35 1.4ils d- Fhial Piai - 1 Ikv IIiuhlanil % f I'll -'7I N60 horhuod 1), 46 Lots 47, final Plal -Tlir ri'1gtikrnlN {I'll- ) _Neimbborhood 2, Phase IA & 1& 1111 Lots f. Finan Mai - ij, Il rahuncla il'LI-27) Neighborhood 3, Phase IA, 14 Lon, %, Final PLO -The Highlands WD -27) 1 Neielihorhoods 11&4, PbaYse 111, 17111_uts Planning & Zoning C ominissloii 85 March 2007 Pari.1 of 94 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 38 of 80 h. Final Plat- Ybe Mahlands SPI)-27�Neighborhood I, Phase IC. -1, 54 Eats i. Finat I"Int- Fbe Hizhlands W D-271_'Srithhorhood i, Phase ID -1,_43 I.cot% C'.ldinurn�Ttient. Pianning& ;Coning Cum mission 1ti March 2I107 Page 2 of 94 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 39 of 80 PLANNING AND ZONINGCOMMISSION ISSION F.r€nn, Th-v Oft-we nl' the Plsujning and Zo ging Coordinator Dam, 3-15-200? Subject- AgenAa Item NoA.3 Continue discussion and take a ppropria3tr aetlon rviaative to a request for amendment to Planned Development District No. 27, known as The IIighUs"(is at. Trnphv Club, by amending the following sections of PD -27: in Exbibit "B" - "Development Standards: Se.ction 111. '"Dcrnili-atts"; Sisvtit"n 1V, "Lit Tvpt Regulations";—Fable No. 4-1, "Sumninry of Lot "Type Regulations", Section V, " NOghborbood R(julatti(ausr"; Tnlrle Ni). 5-I, 11N0glkbr"rhrr)d Lot and Density Summary":. Section V[, "Development and Design Standards"; Table. No. 6-1. "Road"aya Standardg."; Section x'11, "Park and Open Space Requirements'"; Section V[I1, "Developm€gni Schedule"; Exhibit "C"', "Contepl Pig""; Exltiblt ""i}'. "Street Type Evxhibits"; Exhibit "E", "Park Concept Plans"; tend Exhibit "F", "Patllwat Plan", Applicant,. rafter & Burgess, Ittt~,, Aetbortaed Agent of C:enturiun Acquisid-uni. L.P.. 831 Trophy, I—P.; :Sta.nslearsls Pacific of Texas, L.P.; K. Ioynanian ]fames - I)rl+'W, L.L.C.; C Oil lavestmeats I. IPU. (PI)AAID-07-023) STAFF COMMENTS: f9ic following do+cu.n ent is in final Form with the changes discussed tri the C omrnis ion';, 15 February and I Maivh 2f)W rneetings_ AeLlorr on this item has been tabled at cacti of the two pmvious mcclings, thu public, hoar ngww5 Wn€lucidxl antl 0QWd 15 February '2OOT (kcf) Plan uing +' Z.oaing Comnrlmion 15 March 2007 .'age 12 of !t4 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 40 of 80 C_ Lot Type 3: 1. Purpose: This lot type is designed to allow single family detached dw$Ilings on lots of not less than eight Thousand, four hundred (13,400) Square feet, togatdmr with The allowed incidental and accessary uses. 2. Perrnitled Uses; Land use and structures shall comply with uses permitted for single family residential districts in Sntion 13 of the Town of Trophy CIUb Zoning ordinance and in accordance with the failowing: a. Accessary Uses; Accessory uses shall be permitted within Lot Type 3 in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 35, Accessory Structures. b. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the Lot Typo 3 in accordance with the regulations provided in sectiurr 44, Conditional Use Permit_ c. Limitation of Uses: Any use not expressly perniiltod or allmvod by pormit horein is prohibited. 3. Plan Requirements, No application for a building permit for the construclion of a building or strUcture shall he approved unless a plat_ meeting all the requiraments of tho Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Towri Council and recorded in the Denton County Plat Record. 4. Height Rogulstions: No building shall exceed forty feet (40') or two and one-half (2-112) straries in h€aight. 5. Area fie_{julalioo9: The feliowing minimum standards shall be required as measured frorn property lanes; Lot size: 8,400 square feel Lot Coverage: The combined area covered by all main buildings and accessory structures shall not exceed forty peroent (40%) of tho total lot area. Swimming pools and spRs shall not be included in detennining maximum building coverage_ Minimum Floor Area: 1,800 square feet FFont Yard PlaErniva & 7.rrrtilrg Cnnllrilssi011 25 feet minimum 15 h'larcu 2007 Na *.41 kkr9.l Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 41 of 80 Rear Yard 20 fact minimum (No rear yard shall face army street without approval from the Planning and Zoning C:ornmmbionr provided, however, that this requirement shall not appky where the rear yard of a tat abuts a Strut which is contiguous to the perimeter Df the Town.) Side Yard: 5 feet minimum i(le Yard Adjacent la Strut; 15 feat minimum Lot Width: 70 feet minimum (measured at front t Ming line) Lot Width Adjacent to Side Street: 80 feat minimum (measured at front building line) Lot Depth; 110 feet minimum Lot Depth (corner or cul-de-sac tot): 90 feat mini murn Garage: May not fact front street unless set back at least 34 feet from the front building line: may not face side street unless set track 50 feet from the side street right-of-way. l'llanning & Laming Commission 15 I4 Arch 2tHM7 Page 42 nF94 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 42 of 80 w E3 U .5 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 43 of 80 E Vj 6 CD M c:I c iiF a! C� M 0 Lr, RJ EL' LL. w IM 45 u -0 M W.EN Cc) U) -u 45 LL - Q 7z) 4-2 c C3 7 r� OD (D 11M CL x X x x X� 4u cp� em el g 0 vi0 CL N E3 U .5 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 43 of 80 Town of Trophy Club Department of Planning & Zoning 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TO: Alliance Regional Newspapers / DATE: October 14, 2008 Classifieds Dept. FROM: Carolyn Huggins PAGES: 1 RUN DATE: 1 Time: SUBJECT: Public Hearing October 17, 2008 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Thursday, November 6, 2008 TOWN COUNCIL Monday, November 17, 2008 A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 6, 2008, to consider: To amend Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z, the same having amended Ordinance No. 2006-11, PD Planned Development District No. 27, The Highlands at Trophy Club, to amend Exhibit "B" Development Standards. The Town Council will hear the above item on November 17, 2008, in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 44 of 80 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-20-2008 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.2 Discuss and Take Appropriate Action on an Amendment to PD — Planned Development District No. 27, Ordinance No. 2007-15 P&Z to correct an inconsistency in the ordinance. (PD AMD -08-028) (ch) Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 45 of 80 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-20-2008 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.3 Discuss and Take Appropriate Action regarding a request for Replat of Lot 3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center into Lots 3111 and 3R2, Block B. Applicant: Larry Stewart, Owner, Represented by Pate Surveyors. (RP -08-016) PURPOSE: To hold a public meeting and consider making a recommendation to the Town Council regarding the replat of Lot 3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center . The purpose of the replat is to subdivide the lot into two tracts to conform to the zoning of this property. Lot 3R1, the western portion of Lot 3, will consist of approximately 2.124 acres. Lot 3R2, the eastern portion of Lot 3, will consist of approximately 2.809 acres. OWNER: Larry Stewart Highway 114 Prospect, LTD 4011 N. Midland Drive Midland, TX 79707 The applicant is negotiating a sale of Lot 3R2 for development as a full service Holiday Inn hotel. Lot 3R2 is being platted with fire lanes and easements to match the potential site plan of the Holiday Inn concept plan. The Town of Trophy Club has not received an official submittal from Holiday Inn. The current owner of the property and the entity requesting this replat is taking the risk of the necessity of amending this replat if a Holiday Inn is not brought forward for development on Lot 3R2. CURRENT ZONING: The site is zoned as a Planned Development (PD -25). Lot 3R1 (Tract 8) is zoned for retail uses. Lot 3R2 (Tract 9) is zoned for retail or hotel uses. The zoning and PD concept plan for this site were approved in December 2002. This replat will not change the current zoning or uses allowed on these properties. ADJACENT ZONING/EXISTING LAND USES: North: Vacant/PD-26 Trophy Club Physician's Hospital South: Value Place Hotel/PD-25 East: T.W. King Road/City of Southlake West: Trophy Wood Drive/PD-25 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 46 of 80 THOROUGHFARE PLAN: This commercial property located at the southeast corner of Trophy Club has special thoroughfare requirements. Much of the PD -25 property is located adjacent to a one-way frontage road along Highway 114. In order to ensure adequate circulation, the Thoroughfare Plan indicates a commercial collector to extend through the PD -25 property, providing access to Highway 114 as well as the rest of the commercial development located at this commercial node. These requirements have been previously met by the developer when he built Trophy Wood Drive and Plaza Drive. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: This site is located within the area identified on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Commercial/Professional uses. This replat adheres to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. PUBLIC HEARING: Replatting of non-residential property requires a public hearing at final authority (Town Council). The Town Council will hear this item on December 1, 2008, and a notice of public hearing was placed in the local newspaper per ordinance requirements. A courtesy notice was sent to the residents of Hanna and Jamie Cts. STAFF REVIEW, ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: Staff and the Town Engineer have reviewed the plat and determined that it complies with Town ordinances and regulations as well as the obligations outlined in PD -25. The Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances requires the following criteria for plat approval (Chapter 12 -Subdivision Rules & Regulations, Section 3.05 Criteria for Plat Approval): A. The Town shall approve a plat if it conforms to: 1. The general plan, rules and ordinances of the Town and its current and future streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds, and public utility facilities; 2. The general plan, rules and ordinances for the extension of the Town and its roads, streets, and public highways within the Town and in its extraterritorial jurisdiction, taking into account access to the extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities of public utilities; 3. All requirements of the Town's Subdivision Regulations and all rules adopted pursuant to those Regulations or the Town's Zoning Ordinance. 4. An approved preliminary plat. As this replat complies with the Subdivision Regulations, Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and the intent of Planned Development No. 25, staff recommends approval of RP -08-016, a replat of Lot 3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center. Attachments: Application Replat — 2 pages PD -25 Concept Plan Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 47 of 80 Concept Plan for a Holiday Inn Hotel Existing Plat of Lot 3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center Newspaper Public Hearing Notice and Residents Courtesy Notice PLATTING APPLICATION A;AwP & Z 1 DO Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Department of Planning & Zoning Town of Trophy Club 682.831.4681 Case No. Platting: Preliminary ❑ Final ❑ Construction ❑ Short Form ❑ Replat x Amending ❑ PropeLiy Develo ment Information Present Zoning: P❑ -25 Legal Description of Property Platted Property - Lot(s)«lock: lot 3 Wocik B Subdivision: Trophy Wood Business Center Phase: If Replot, List new Lot/Block designation: Explain why a replat is necessary: 'Un -platted Property - Survey Name: NIA A- V property is not platted, attach metes and hounds description. Acres: Owner Information Representaiive/Agent Information lit there is more than one owner, please ottach a separate Leiter with Owner's Information and Signature) ❑ Check here it the property owner is represented by on Firm Name: Pate Engineers, Inc. authorized agent Name: Rusty Prentice, PE Address: 8154 Brook fiver Drive, Ste. S-700 City: Dallas Name: Highway 114 Prospect, LTD Address: 4011 N. Midland Drive State: Texas Zip Code: 75247 Phone No. (214) 357-2981 City": Midland State: Texas Zip Code: 79710 Phone No. f61 21 768-351 0 Fax No. 2141357-2985 Fax No. 512 768-9955 'Email: rprentice ateen .com Special Note INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Email: a gna re epres n wl gens signalwe Daw— }Ij I�ttl ae Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 48 of 80 i .Ix' 'auv'e4:Em^.".N=fi -N ®> �' iS84 n 3N lyix J odeq°.wMmq I x H- III II 'm 6FL4 f7o t II ed� N9 � L "g. JI see �.i r S 5 p35N 8'd E - f NI i — m N Otqb tt �e Sm� inr6 qo,11,111 £4`_�" o _ m t .• I V 9 v0µ VDD �----------~-- -- -- -- OA `m ntl E _ ❑ rowumo Nv cua men ms�N9 soEYrEE'm Ins' a=' crr C'lTr uM ��a�».:¢ ��� EAST T.W. MM R° s F a psi nv y� y ;suQ mzm x Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 49 of 80 #F $e � ip`y 1; l i P rjuq j%q qu - I rif i� rhe $$i= �}x e�� sfiR t�(� ii sFY aEr � g�[;[;q �E _sxg99. e �i�_�k��a ViRyofa�F2€pg iP$e= 1 111 104 ifi$_ '�e8! `g! 2R Y $CE p�4'i ll! iY� �psrq kp��i�{�s``R RRll� ckppE albrY a€ �°!'. vv g"�p a Y !J,M It a R[ 8It R8 E d d $ � x y 7 p: s I � R 3 S M f At E A�� E J,3 I RpR "S Y as �p7 ala k [ ' E2M q!R �=6�ar6mroi � ➢ W' m a n mn ' s mz]m g � Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 50 of 80 �dtia'f2 M �:1328f . CONCEPT PLAN — PD -25 F! F j z F3 F!'IN3' i! 1 1j Fi r [qm i? � ;e� FB�� �� �.� �>�+ �[�� €=�t� l��R �€il� gig}� �` y��� s#_. '.{L� FFi er�� ri �rf .a �$ � F� 9 ! i `J . . f;r ;li: E -ra 'Fs Y�r € !W.-, �� ti:t ;��Fa �#� ff,• i�s� � � f F �i �.# s p4g�# !r � i 1 +� E 1 1fix Fj3 Ili;! I M i fl Ig il' F � �j � r F x gF t• ��i LFF j� � 7 '; �: C:.e3 _¢ � �i �i. �?. � [ :• �� � =jib �'�� ' ° j.f ��� tF� _ s � c � � I G s 6 z �Fn 'P ❑ s ° fl O C 00 S Y 31 i 0 6•bb_pp_n--a z z xCic �F Mh x8 ' s Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 51 of 80 CONCEPT PLAN FOR A HOLIDAY INN HOTEL l ji R� €r�wE€w�csrtEwwu+aowee�a+ca+ma 02&&D OONT—CTM �M -i.d�. COMSwTRUCTICN .NJINT ♦.www. 05c'OL�!CT. rAew M.0 /�A LOMM€RIXAL COL'LEGTQR Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 52 of 80 EXISTING PLAT OF LOT 3, BIOCK B ' TF1E NlLAS �� �• - Ai TROPHY tt� ./ CAB. 'w•. P4 i+7r A . BL 6485 •3Y( a +,cWwi PWT Via > aARTReRY4Y � h [� DROLT 5b5Y3 Y L I i [I•T A, Lc• t` A I • w[we,. CAxp[nY (;kVT'111C SCA!}:. F L[ Li,OYM[EA•2,E.RT !T 0 I � � — •••;.� Y CAR. .D T 1Q e ` j haia'`.i�.�C aYps'�. G VICtMiTy NM !' . BLOCK B..r .wnw wra a I IN ORREF " • \ —Vx,M. a M ar'INA7. P7.AT LOTS I-3• BLOCK FINA"P"T LATS S—B, BLOCK B TROPHY WOOD BUSINESS CENTER. yn..R... VELNC 22.rb7 ACRES "`w°4; PAIS S43 EERB w A aT - Twz [ rtx 1 qLT,� }♦.' iliac a ou. s - 5 s.r aKo +cr n aaP ;a¢wtox ro.7 y'•:.`� µ�..11�, . [v ix n.)sxT-xxen Aza: �.A � eexi� t 4. faP f uiu.M <n.7 T sT Iin F r .t+u tio�u To erv[ µ- o I. C[Ui. PC>,*o« Cevntt, Yc Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 53 of 80 NEWSPAPER PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR TOWN COUNCIL AND RESIDENTS COURTESY NOTICE Town of Trophy Club Department of Planning & Zoning 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TO: Alliance Regional Newspapers / DATE: November 4, 2008 Classifieds Dept. FROM: Carolyn Huggins PAGES: 1 RUN DATE: 1 Time: SUBJECT: Replat of Lot 3, Block B, PD November 7, 2008 NO. 25 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL Monday, December 1, 2008 A Public Hearing will be held by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 1, 2008, to consider a request for a replat of Lot 3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, part of Planned Development District No. 25, Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z. Lot 3, Block B is designated as Tracts 8 & 9 on the PD -25 concept plan. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 54 of 80 COURTESY NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town Council - Monday, December 1, 2008 TIME OF PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 p.m. PLACE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Svore (M.U.D.) Building -- Boardroom 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 4.933 acres of vacant land known as Lot 3, Block B, Trophy Wood Business Center, located east of Trophy Wood Drive, west of T. W. King and north of Plaza Dr. REGARDING: A public hearing to consider approval of a Replat, subdividing Lot 3 into Lot 3R1 (Tract 8) and 31R2 (Tract 9) to conform to the zoning concept plan approved by Ordinance 2002-41 P&Z. Lot 3131 is zoned for retail uses. Lot 3R2 is zoned for retail or hotel uses. This replat does not change the zoning of the property. A concept plan for a full service Holiday Inn has been provided to the Town to indicate a possible intention to develop an Lot 3R2 (Tract 9); however, no official submittal has been made. PUBLIC HEARING: Replatting of non-residential property without vacating a preceding plat requires a public hearing at final authority (Town Council). The Town Council will hear this item on December 1, 2008, and the notice of public hearing appeared in the local newspaper on November 7, 2008. On Thursday, November 20, 2008, the Planning & Zoning Commission will consider whether or not to recommend approval of this replat to the Town Council. Although not a public hearing, this is a public meeting and residents are welcome to attend. TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB REGULATIONS FOR APPROVAL OF A PLAT: The Town of Trophy Club Code of Ordinances requires the following criteria for plat approval (Chapter 12 -Subdivision Rules & Regulations, Section 3.05 Criteria for Plat Approval): A. The Town shall approve a plat if it conforms to: 1. The general plan, rules and ordinances of the Town and its current and future streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds, and public utility facilities; 2. The general plan, rules and ordinances for the extension of the Town and its roads„ streets, and public highways within the Town and in its extraterritorial jurisdiction, taking into account access to the extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities of public utilities; 3. All requirements of the Town's Subdivision Regulations and all rules adopted pursuant to those Regulations or the `fawn's Zoning Ordinance. 4. An approved preliminary plat. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 55 of 80 TO SURROUNDING LAND OWNERS: Property owners in the Town of Trophy Club within 200 -ft. (two hundred feet) of this property receive written notification of this request. (Some additional homeowners outside the 200 -ft. boundary also received courtesy notice of this request.) All interested property owners are encouraged to attend these hearings. Persons wishing their opinion to be part of the record, but are unable to attend may send a written reply prior to the date of the hearing to: Town of Trophy Club, Planning & Zoning Department, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262; Attn: Carolyn Huggins, email: chu ins ci.tro h club.tx.us; telephone: 682-831-4681 NOTIFICATION AREA Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 56 of 80 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-20-2008 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.4 Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, the same being PD -25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 7 (Lot 3R1, Block A), including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: Hydra Hotels, LLC (SP -08-009) PURPOSE: To hold a Public Hearing and consider making a recommendation to the Town Council regarding an amendment to PD -25 for Trophy Wood Business Center for approval of a Final Site Plan including Landscape Plan and Plant List, Irrigation, Building Elevations, Site Line Study, Photometric Plan and Light Fixture Illustrations, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule for a proposed Hampton Inn & Suites Hotel on 2.015 acres of land known as Lot 3R1, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center located at the northwest corner of Plaza Drive and Trophy Wood Drive. APPLICANT/OWNER: Hydra Hotels LLC 1200 W. Walnut Hill Irving, TX 75038 Lane, Suite 3500 EXISTING CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY: This property was recently replatted and is currently zoned PD -25. The applicant is proposing to construct a four (4) story Hampton Inn & Suites. This request is for final approvals of the items listed in Section B.12 of the Trophy Wood Center Development Standards which includes final site plan, landscape plan, building elevations, sight line studies, civil site plan, photometric plan and light fixture illuminations, sign criteria, retaining wall and fence criteria and development schedule. ADJACENT ZONING/EXISTING LAND USES: North: Lot 3R2, Block A/Vacant/PD-25/Office Uses South: Lots 1 & 2, Block A/Vacant/PD-25/Retail Uses East: Trophy Wood Drive and Lot 3, Block B/Vacant/PD-25/Retail & Hotel Uses West: "CG" Commercial General/Vacant Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 57 of 80 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates this area as Commercial/Professional. This request appears to be in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF ANALYSIS: Section B.12 of PD -25 requires the final approval of the items listed and states that these approvals must be made by an amendment to the ordinance creating PD -25. Therefore, this request is for an amendment to Ordinance No. 2002-41 granting final approval of the final site plan, including but not limited to landscape plan and plant list, building elevations, sight line studies, civil site plan, photometric plan and light fixture illustrations, sign criteria, retaining wall and fence criteria, and development schedule. Final Site Plan: The applicant has submitted a final site plan which illustrates the layout of all proposed structures on the lot, provision for parking, ingress/egress, vehicular circulation within the site, and existing utilities within or adjacent to the site. The total square footage of the hotel is proposed at 56,776 square feet and will contain 94 units. Parking is required at a rate of one (1) space per room. The applicant has provided 95 parking spaces. In PD -25, hotels shall not exceed 65 -ft. or four (4) stories in height. The height of the hotel is 4 -stories and 56'-5'/2". The site plan appears to meet all of the minimum setback requirements as approved as part of PD -25 development standards. Access to this property will be from Trophy Wood Drive and Plaza Drive. Landscape Plan and Plant List: A landscape plan, meeting the requirements of PD - 25, Section 47 of the Zoning Ordinance, and Article 8 of the Subdivision Ordinance has been submitted and appears to comply with those provisions. A tree protection/mitigation plan has been submitted as part of the Landscape Plan. All landscaped areas are proposed to be irrigated. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a tree removal permit in accordance with Article 8 of the Subdivision Ordinance must be approved by the Permitting Department before the removal of any trees from this site. The applicant appears to be removing ten (10) trees on this site; five (5) of which are considered protected trees (66 caliper inches). The landscape plan indicates they will be planting 114 caliper inches of trees, thus meeting the tree mitigation provisions as set forth in the subdivision regulations. All proposed trees meet the requirements of the permitted species and consist of Southern Magnolia, Loblolly Pines, Bald Cypress, Chinquapin Oak, Live Oak, and Red Oak. The landscape plan indicates the planting of 85 trees and 254 shrubs. Ground coverage is proposed in Liriope and Bermuda sod. A minimum of 20 percent of the site is required to be landscaping with a minimum of 10 percent of the interior landscape area being provided as landscaping. The applicant is providing 26.67 percent of the site in landscaping with 10 percent of the interior landscape area provided as landscaping. A plant list has been provided on the landscape plan which indicates the species, sizes, spacing, quantities and planting Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 58 of 80 remarks. The applicant appears to be exceeding the minimum required landscape buffer strips along the perimeter of the site. There is a ten (10) foot landscape buffer required along Plaza Drive as well as a 15 foot strip along Trophy Wood Drive. Although the site plan indicates the 15 foot landscape easement, the plan also indicates larger buffer areas in variable locations along Trophy Wood Drive. Along the northwest corner of the site which is the closest point to residentially zoned property, the applicant is maintaining a 30 -ft wide buffer easement and is proposing to plant four (4) trees consisting of red oak, bald cypress and Chinquapin Oak. Building Elevations: Front, rear, and side building elevations have been provided and appear to meet the minimum requirements of the ordinance. The ordinance requires that 100% of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, be constructed of natural or manufactured stone, concrete, brick, stucco, split face concrete block or other material of equal characteristics; however, all buildings are required to have stone veneer as part of the exterior construction materials. In addition, all buildings must have a dull finish metal type roof and the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council shall approve the color selection for roof materials. A color selection is not required for this project as the hotel will have a standard type flat roof line with parapet walls. The proposed building will be constructed of a combination of simulated stone and E.I.F.S. and appears to meet the minimum requirements for building materials. The applicant has provided a color legend for the stone and stucco and that color must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. Sight Line Studies: The applicant has provided sight line studies that indicate the view from Trophy Wood Drive and Plaza Drive. The sight line studies provided appear to meet the minimum requirements of the ordinance. Civil Site Plan: The final site plan submitted contains sufficient information to be considered as the civil site plan. Photometric Plan & Light Fixture Illustrations: A photometric plan illustrating provision for building lighting, parking area lighting and foot-candle illumination for the entire site has been provided. The applicant is proposing the construction of sixteen (16) light poles with a maximum height of 25 -ft which adheres to the development standards for PD -25. Additionally, PD 25 requires ornamental street lights at the perimeter drive approaches, 12 feet in height on a two (2) foot base. The site plan does not appear to meet this requirement and should be corrected prior to Town Council. The applicant has submitted a Photometric Plan that indicates an average light level of 2.5 foot candles with a maximum light level of 7.4 foot candle, all of which are within the requirements of PD -25. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 59 of 80 Sign Criteria: The site plan indicates the locations of proposed signs. The applicant is requesting one (1) monument sign to be located along Trophy Wood Drive. The proposed sign is ten (10) feet in height and is less than eight (8) feet in width, at its widest point. Additionally, the applicant is proposing one (1) wall sign to be located at the top center of the hotel, consisting of 139.33 square feet in area and one (1) wall sign along the right elevation consisting of 81.25 square feet of area. All signs will be the typical sign of Hampton Inn & Suites and will be predominantly deep red in color for the wall mounted signs and blue, white, red and black for the monument sign, as indicated on the signage plans. Section B.6 of PD -25 Development Standards requires that the applicant provide written signage standards to be approved by the Town Council upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission as an amendment to the PD - 25 Ordinance. It appears the signage plans submitted as a part of this final site plan, meet this requirement. In addition, Staff requested the applicant agree to a masonry base for the monument sign; the masonry to match the stone used on the main building. The applicant has agreed and revised the monument signage sheet to reflect a stone base. Retaining Wall & Fence Criteria: The only retaining wall section proposed on this site is located within the area adjacent to the swimming pool area. Prior to building permit issuance, the developer will need to provide the details of this retaining wall, sealed by a professional engineer, and approved by the Town's Engineer. Development Schedule: A development schedule indicating the proposed dates for start and end of construction has been provided. PUBLIC HEARING: Notification of public hearing was placed in the local newspaper on November 7, 2008. Property owners within 200 -ft. of this site were notified. Courtesy notices were sent to additional residences in surrounding neighborhoods outside the 200 -ft. area. STAFF FINDINGS: The requested final site plan meets or exceeds the minimum requirements as set forth in the PD -25 Development Standards, the Zoning Ordinance of the Town, and the Tree Preservation/Mitigation provisions of the Subdivision Regulations. Staff asks that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval to the Town Council of the Hampton Inn & Suites Site Plan, Landscape and Irrigation Plan, Building Elevations, Sight Line Study, Photometrics/Electrical Plan, Signage Criteria, Retaining Wall, and Development Schedule with the stipulation that prior to Town Council the Photometrics Plan must be revised to meet the PD -25 ordinance. Attachments: Application Site Plan Landscape and Irrigation Plan Building Elevations Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 60 of 80 Sight Line Study Photometrics/Electric Signage Criteria Development Schedule Public Hearing and Property Owner Notices Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 61 of 80 ZONING APPLICATION P � 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Department of Planning & Zoning Town of Trophy Club 682.831.4681 Case No - Zoning: Zone Change ❑ Specific Use Permit [] Site Plan X! Conditional Use Permit ❑ Property Development Information Present Zoning: PD -.2- Present Use: Requested Zoning: -P]2-2-5- Intended Use: + - Platted Properly - tot{s]/ Black: nU I-. *Un -platted Property - Survey Name: *!f_ praPerty Is not platter!, Legal Description of Property Subdivision: -N) Y W&4 Burt+lrxs 611ftrPhase: attach metes A - Acres: Owner Information fir there is mpfe than ane owner, please allach G Separate Lefler with owner's Information and Slgnolurep El Check here if the properly owner is represented by anFirm Representative/Agent Information Name: oulhorized agent Name: Name: `fT_-t-5 LLC. Address: City: i Address: Zoo W WAS f-cruL W %-300 State: Zip Code: Phone No, City: j f-VlKt State: j( Zip Code: 75M Phone No. 2 -!q -446 --41st I Fax No. Fax No. JK6&-"6, —4 4D2-- Email: Email: r A,:r @ V -R- i yrs K6AAT. ko W,- _ Special Note INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED veneers signature epresanla gents gna ure -- I S I p`,.' Vale a a A4 C—E-I W FaJ AUG 1 b 2008 Universal Planning & Zoning Applications ` Page i of 1 Rev, Aug 2005 SL.#c, MyY: Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 62 of 80 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 63 of 80 #4! i rd s3 f; Ep@ Fs{3 = eF 1 9 i Hl 000000 5Se91[ � illi�r ll €I Feli� I Fi ��� F�� fF� i3 : i s ! 1 grz� •may �-;� Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 64 of 80 owl wis " �'x NVId 3dVOSQNV I w4¢c 'd'C'I'�?MIIi33Ml`JdV3 M341'14L� Aa -.i �Wai #4! i rd s3 f; Ep@ Fs{3 = eF 1 9 i Hl 000000 5Se91[ � illi�r ll €I Feli� I Fi ��� F�� fF� i3 : i s ! 1 grz� •may �-;� Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 64 of 80 'N9 l-LWxLq.9.. n, ruowoa 39"N'S u .eoxOO" �II � ll Hilld :.- KUNVId NOLLVOI881 � J .. aaa' - aao aao 11 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 65 of 80 If q 3 q ■ f s'3Jill, IF l a gg �;���^��•i� 1:s ��e�i6����i�e���11 .. aaa' - aao aao 11 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 65 of 80 0 0 .5:577771a, Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 66 of 80 IUrI FIN ■1 ML 0 0 .5:577771a, Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 66 of 80 7 i k �e k E ..._ :._--- k c4 , Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 67 of 80 SUMS 'Y NKI XIOMWV Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 68 of 80 IJ 41 rr Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 68 of 80 a� 531410.1s s `s u!vn w surns VuaJawdH f i iV I W Q :o Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 69 of 80 J F Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 70 of 80 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 71 0 80 § d \� �k\�j E/§ - Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 71 0 80 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 72 of 80 Ii MX- Inn S.iS Tr qAy CNN TMw D—Jopw.I &&beide cr-� ��r�e3rr,��r"�:'7�rir7rr_:a�R�rr��nr=ai^crr��rr_sircw;y*.�;�t�r:a��r�-.alr�[>rnrarraT�rr�rarrt�[� Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 73 of 80 Town of Trophy Club Department of Planning & Zoning 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TO: Alliance Regional Newspapers / DATE: November 3, 2008 Classifieds Dept. FROM: Carolyn Huggins PAGES: 1 RUN DATE: 1 Time/ SUBJECT: Hampton Inn & Suites PD - November 7, 2008 AMD, Detailed Site Plan NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Thursday, November 20, 2008 TOWN COUNCIL Monday, December 1, 2008 A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 20, 2008, to consider an amendment to PD -25, Trophy Wood Business Center, to adopt a detailed site plan for Lot 3R1, Block A (Tract 7), generally located on the northwest corner of Plaza Drive and Trophy Wood Drive. Applicant: Hydra Hotels, LLC (Case No. SP -08- 009) The Town Council will hear the above item on December 1, 2008, in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 74 of 80 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Planning & Zoning Commission - Thursday, November 20, 2008 Town Council - Monday, December 1, 2008 TIME OF PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 p.m. PLACE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Svore (M.U.D.) Building -- Boardroom 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Location of Property: 2.015 acres of land known as Lot 3RI, Block A, Trophy Wood Business Center, located at the northwest comer of Plaza Drive and Trophy Wood Drive. Regarding: A public hearing to consider approval of a Final Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Site Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan and Light Fixture Illustrations, Sign Criteria, Retaining Wall and Fence Criteria, and Development Schedule for a proposed Hampton Inn & Suites. To Surroundinc Land Owners: Property owners in the Town of Trophy Club within 200 -ft. (two hundred feet) of this property receive written notification of this request. (Some additional homeowners outside the 200 -ft. boundary also received courtesy notice of this request.) All interested property owners are encouraged to attend these hearings. Persons wishing their opinion to be part of the record, but are unable to attend may send a written reply prior to the date of the hearing to: Town of Trophy Club, Planning & Zoning Department, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262; Attn: Carolyn Huggins, email: chuggins a.ci.tronhyclub.tx.us; telephone: 682-831-4681 NOTIFICATION AREA PLEASE NOTE: Property line location on the north side of Lot 3111 does not reflect recent replat. Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 75 of 80 Jamie Farris & Courtney Reeder Whitney Homes LLC Michael & Kathryn Sutton, 1 Jamie Ct. 6336 Halifax Rd. 3 Jamie Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Fort Worth, TX 76116-2067 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Jerry Baker Randy Rutledge Glenda Kay 4 Jamie Ct. 5 Jamie Ct. 6 Jamie Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 James Forrester, Jr. Robert & Joan Kline Stephen & Opal Andrews 7 Jamie Ct. 8 Jamie Ct. 9 Jamie Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Robert & Elizabeth Perschon Glenn & Jennifer Horowitz Darren Rickey 10 Jamie Ct. 11 Jamie Ct. 12 Jamie Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Mark & Barbara Collins Jeffrey Straiss Matthew & Laura Fenton 13 Jamie Ct. 14 Jamie Ct. 15 Jamie Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 George & Sandra Clements Robert & Valery Miller Brian & Emily Borg 16 Jamie Ct. 17 Jamie Ct. 18 Jamie Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Billie Coston Charles & Betty Harrell Robert & Karin Martin 19 Jamie Ct. 20 Jamie Ct. 21 Jamie Ct, Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Ronald Wade Landplan Development Corp. Quauah Properties LP 22 Jamie Ct. 5400 Dallas Parkway 1661.0 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1300 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Frisco, TX 75034 Dallas, TX 75248-6803 Towden Engineering Kriya Management Group 12655 N. Central Expressway 1200 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 3500 Suite 1016 Irving, TX 75038 Dallas, TX 75243 Brian Dench Engineers Larry Stewart Maguire Partners Pate 8150 BroPate Ener gineers Suite 5-700 141 County Road 3731 9 Village Circle, Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75247 Lampasas, TX 76550 Westlake, TX 76262 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 76 of 80 Michael & Debra Kaler Mark & Cathy Sager Ralph & Constance Reed 17 Hanna Ct. 18 Hanna Ct. 19 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Jimmy & Linda Pearson Johnny & Dleta Posey 20 Hanna Ct. 21 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 David & Shirley Forgan Martin Luther Turner Linda & Joshua Hodnett 1 Hanna Ct. 2 Hanna Ct. 3 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Robert & Dime Hinson .lames & Dawn Hofer Paul Rogers 4 Hanna Ct. 5 Hanna Ct. 6 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Paul Rogers Paul Rogers William Behan 7 Hanna Ct. 8 Hanna Ct. 9 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Jeff & Sandy Morrison Stephen & Summer Maulden Gregory & Lynn George 10 Hanna Ct. 11 Hanna Ct. 12 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Charles & K. Granger Sarah Beach Rosalind & Richard Foster 13 Hanna Ct. 14 Hanna Ct. 15 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Lori Rains Fred Zuber & Christina Posey 16 Hanna Ct. 22 Hanna Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Kenneth & Kara 'W'ittmayer Brian & Jacqueline Stephens 334 Inverness Dr. 336 Inverness Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 77 of 80 Eugene Thie Michael Studer Richard Beaty 16 Hillcrest Ct. 17 Hillcrest Ct. 18 Hillcrest Ct. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Betty Sue Parker Danny Lambeth Douglas & Diana Sheppard 19 S. Hillcrest Ct. 322 Inverness Dr. 324 Inverness Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Patricia Gale Gregory Kuzila Janice Phillips 326 Inverness Dr. 328 Inverness Dr. 330 Inverness Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Trophy Club, TX 76262 Misha Ashby 332 Inverness Dr. Trophy Club, TX 76262 Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 78 of 80 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-20-2008 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.5 Discuss and Take Appropriate Action relative to an Amendment to Town Ordinance No. 2002-41 P&Z, the same being PD -25, Trophy Wood Business Center for Final Detailed Site Plan approval for Tract 7 (Lot 3111, Block A), including a Landscape Plan and Plant List, Building Elevations, Sight Line Studies, Civil Site Plan, Photometric Plan & Light Fixtures, Sign Criteria, and Development Schedule. Applicant: Hydra Hotels, LLC (SP -08-009) (ch) Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 79 of 80 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 11-20-2008 Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1 Adjournment. (ch) Planning & Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 Page 80 of 80