Agenda Packet P&Z 02/21/2013Planning & Zoning Commission Trophy Club Entities Meeting Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Svore Municipal Building Boardroom7:00 PMThursday, February 21, 2013 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM 1.2013-79-T Review and approve the minutes of the February 7, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. MeetingMinutes 020713.pdfAttachments: PUBLIC HEARING 2.2013-80-T Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21), Plaza Shopping Center, to allow monument signs to increase in size. The applicant is CS Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb. Staff Report - PZ 022113 - Amendment to PD.pdf PD-21 200 ft.pdf Property Owner Notification.pdf Attachments: Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 February 21, 2013Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda 3.2013-98-T Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 31 (PD-31) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Tract 1 - Staff Report - PZ 022113.pdf Tract 1 - PD-31 Design Standards.pdf Tract 1 - Legal Description.pdf Tract 1 - Application.pdf R-12 Single Family Residential District.pdf Section 5.05 - Required Yards.pdf Planned Development District.pdf Newspaper - Public Hearing Notice - 013013.pdf Property Owner Notification.pdf Email - 404 Skyline Drive.pdf Attachments: 4.2013-100-T Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32 (PD-32) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Tract 2 - Staff Report - PZ 022113.pdf Tract 2 - PD-32 Design Standards.pdf Tract 2 - Legal Description.pdf Tract 2 - Concept Plan.pdf Tract 2 - Application.pdf Tract 2 - Zoning Exhibit.pdf Attachments: Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 February 21, 2013Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda 5.2013-102-T Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from “R-15” Single Family Residential District to “PD” Planned Development District No. 33 (PD-33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3. Tract 3 - Staff Report - PZ 022113.pdf Tract 3 - PD-33 Design Standards.pdf Tract 3 - Legal Description.pdf Tract 3 - Concept Plan.pdf Tract 3 - Application.pdf R-15 District Regulations.pdf Tract 3 - Zoning Exhibit.pdf Attachments: REGULAR SESSION 6.2013-81-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21), Plaza Shopping Center, to allow two monument signs to increase in size. The applicant is CS Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb. (PD-AMD-13-039) 7.2013-99-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District (PD-31) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. 8.2013-101-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32 (PD-32) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 February 21, 2013Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda 9.2013-103-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from “R-15” Single Family Residential District to “PD” Planned Development District No. 33 (PD-33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3. 10.2013-25-T Future Agenda Items and questions or discussion of current and future items. ADJOURN *THE BOARD MAY CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS POSTED ITEMS AS ALLOWED BY THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE 551.071. Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town Council may be in attendance at this meeting. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Monday, February 18, 2013, by 7:00 P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. Carolyn Huggins Community Development Director If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-831-4600, 48 hours in advance and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by this Board was removed by me from the front window of the Svore Municipal Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on the __________ day of ______________________, 2013. ________________________________, Title: ___________________________ Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-79-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/3/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Review and approve the minutes of the February 7, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments:MeetingMinutes 020713.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Review and approve the minutes of the February 7, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building BoardroomThursday, February 7, 2013 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Hill called the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced a quorum present (7 members). COMMISSION MEMBERS: Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, Commissioner Joe Lancor, and Commissioner Mark Sadley Present:7 - STAFF PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Karen Moore, Recording Secretary GUESTS PRESENT: Ron Yeary, CS Realty (Tom Thumb/Randalls) 2013-64-T1.Review and approve the minutes of the January 17, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. MeetingMinutes 011713.pdfAttachments: A motion was made by Commissioner Forest, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this agenda item be approved. The motion carried by the following vote. Two opposed due to lack of detail in the minutes. Aye:Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Lancor, and Commissioner Sadley 5 - No:Vice Chair Stephens, and Commissioner Sheridan2 - REGULAR SESSION 2013-65-T2.Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for a Tom Thumb Fuel Center, Highway 114 and Trophy Lake Drive in the Plaza Shopping Center, Planned Development No. 21. Applicant: Ron Yeary, CS Realty, on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 February 7, 2013Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Staff Report - PZ 020713 - Site Plan.pdf Application.pdf Property Owner Permission for Fuel Station.pdf MUD - Adrian Womack memo.pdf Attachments: A motion recommending approval of the Tom Thumb Fuel Center Site Plan as presented was made by Commissioner Lancor, seconded by Commissioner Sadley. The Town Council will hear this request on February 25, 2013. The motion carried by the following vote, with Commissioner Sheridan voting against due to the building being a store rather than a pay kiosk only. Aye:Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Lancor, and Commissioner Sadley 6 - No:Commissioner Sheridan1 - ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m. _________________________________________ Gene Hill, Chairman _________________________________________ Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Planning and Zoning Commission Page 7 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-80-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/3/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21), Plaza Shopping Center, to allow monument signs to increase in size. The applicant is CS Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb. Attachments:Staff Report - PZ 022113 - Amendment to PD.pdf PD-21 200 ft.pdf Property Owner Notification.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21), Plaza Shopping Center, to allow monument signs to increase in size. The applicant is CS Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 8 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 SUBJECT: Public Hearing regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan for a Tom Thumb Fuel Center, Highway 114 and Trophy Lake Drive in the Plaza Shopping Center, Planned Development No. 21. Applicant: Ron Yeary, CS Realty, on behalf of Tom Thumb APPLICANT: Ron Yeary, CS Realty 6125 Sherry Lane Dallas, TX 75225 OWNER: Trophy Club 12A, LLC 12411 Ventura blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: ACF Property Management, Inc. The property owner has reviewed and approved Tom Thumb’s plans. PROPERTY LOCATION: Highway 114 at Trophy Lake Drive Plaza Shopping Center ZONING: Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21) PD AMENDMENT APPROVED FOR FUEL CENTER: On January 23, 2012, Council approved an amendment to Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21) to allow a “fuel station, accessory to grocery store or other anchor type use” in Tract 1 of the PD-21 (Plaza) Shopping Center. On February 7, 2013, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended Site Plan approval of the Tom Thumb fuel center. As part of the Randalls/Tom Thumb plan to place a fuel station in the Plaza Shopping Center. Tom Thumb is requesting permission to add PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT February 21, 2013 Amendment to Planned Development No. 21 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 9 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 approximately two (2) ft. to the monument signs located in the shopping center. There are four signs in the shopping center. One is located along Highway 114. The other three monument signs are located at the driveway entrances/exits along Trophy Lake Drive. Tom Thumb currently has plans to add 2-ft. of height to two monument signs on site. The top portion of each sign will be demolished. The existing cabinet will be removed and discarded. A new cabinet will be installed that is internally illuminated with fuel price LED display. New cap stonework will be installed. Building permits and inspections will be required for this work. Increasing the size of the monument sign requires approval of an amendment to PD-21 to allow the following change in the PD-21 development standards: Monument signs – Four (4) Monument type signs located within landscaped area as shown on the PD Site Plan. Three of the signs located at the entrances/exits of Trophy Lake Drive to be a maximum of eight (8) feet in height, above finish grade of the adjacent concrete curb within the highway right-of-way, and twelve (12) feet in length. The monument sign along Highway 114 will be taller than 6’ above the adjacent grade to get the sign 6’ above Highway 114 street grade.” In addition, does the Commission wish to add a new requirement to the PD development standards that no other LED signage is allowed without review and approval by the Town Council upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission? SUMMARY Randalls/Tom Thumb requests approval of an amendment to PD-21 to allow changes to two monument signs in the Plaza Shopping Center. PUBLIC HEARING AND PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION: As required by ordinance, a notice of public hearing is required for an amendment to PD. This request was published in the local newspaper 15 days prior to the public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The publication occurred on February 6, 2013, and the public hearing will be heard on February 21, 2013. In addition, property owners within 200-ft. of the tract were notified of this zoning change request. A total of 28 property owners were notified of this request. As of February 18, 2013, no property owners have contacted the Community Development Director regarding this request. Attachments: Application Property Owners – 200 ft. 022113 Property Owner Notification Change to PD Hardcopy – Signage, 11x17 (10 pages) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 10 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 11 of 78Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 1 2 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 1 3 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 1 4 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 1 5 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-98-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/16/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 31 (PD-31) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Attachments:Tract 1 - Staff Report - PZ 022113.pdf Tract 1 - PD-31 Design Standards.pdf Tract 1 - Legal Description.pdf Tract 1 - Application.pdf R-12 Single Family Residential District.pdf Section 5.05 - Required Yards.pdf Planned Development District.pdf Newspaper - Public Hearing Notice - 013013.pdf Property Owner Notification.pdf Email - 404 Skyline Drive.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 31 (PD-31) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 16 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 SUBJECT: Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 31 (PD-31) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. TRACT 1: This property is zoned R-12 and is located to the north of the golf course. The majority of this property has been platted as Canterbury Hills Phases 1B and 2 and is currently vacant. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT February 21, 2013 Case No. ZCA-13-019 Zoning Change Request Canterbury Hills (Tract 1) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 17 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 PROPERTY OWNER: BDMR Development, LLC 1221 I-35 East, Suite 200 Carrollton, TX 75006 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone from “R-12” Single Family Residential to “PD” Planned Development District CURRENT PROPERTY USE: Single Family Residential on minimum lot size of 12,000 sq. ft. PROPOSED PROPERTY USE: Single Family Residential on minimum lot size of 12,000 sq. ft. SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: North: Town Limits, Corps of Engineers land South: CR, golf course East: R-12, single family residential West: CR, golf course maintenance barn “PD” PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: In certain instances, the purposes of the zoning ordinances may be achieved by the development of planned units which do not conform in all respects with the land use pattern designated on the Zoning Map, the district regulations prescribed by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, or the Subdivision Regulations. The Town Council is empowered to grant permits for planned developments after review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing to develop approximately 136 single family residential lots and six (6) common area lots. The majority of this property is final platted as Canterbury Hills Phases 1B and 2. The applicant is requesting a Planned Development District on this property in order to construct larger homes (minimum 2,800 sq. ft.) than the required minimum home as set forth in the R-12 District. In addition, the applicant is requesting a five percent (5%) increase in the lot coverage requirements with a reduction to the rear setback of 5-ft. (from 25-ft. to 20-ft.). The most significant modification, however, is the provision regarding the construction of garages. The applicant, as required by ordinance, will construct a 2-car garage that does not face the street. However he is then requesting permission with this PD to allow additional garages that would face the street provided the garage door sits back at least 50 feet from the property line that the garage door faces. Further, they have provided that the required two (2) car garage would be constructed to the Town standards of 21x22 feet, interior dimensions and have added dimension standards of 10 ½ x 22 feet per vehicle space for additional garage space. The provision for the garages does not differentiate between attached and detached. This was done intentionally by Town Staff so that the existing Town standards shall apply. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 18 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Development Standards R-12 Proposed PD Min. Lot Size 12,000 sq. ft. 12,000 sq. ft. Min. Lot Width 90 ft. 90 ft. Min. Lot Width Adj. to Street 110 ft. 110 ft. Min. Depth 110 ft. 110 ft. Min. Depth Cul de sac/ Corner 100 ft. 100 ft. Min. Dwelling Size 2,000-2,500 sq. ft. 2,800 sq. ft. Front Yard 25 ft. 25 ft. Side Yard 5-10 ft. (may be reduced to 5-ft. on one side if 20-ft. between structures on contiguous lots) 10-ft. Side Yard Adj. to Street 20 ft. 20 ft. Rear Yard 25 ft. 20 ft. Max. Height 40 ft or 2 ½ stories 40 ft. or 2 stories Max. Lot Coverage 35% 40% SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting modifications to the R-12 zoning district regulations. Third garage facing the street. The Town has approved the garage provision, as submitted by the applicant, in other Planned Development Districts, specifically in PD 22. It does not appear that this modification to the garage standards has been a detriment to the aesthetics of the community. An increase of 5% in maximum lot coverage with a decrease in the rear setback of 5-ft. to accommodate the increase in maximum lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage in PD 22 allows 45% for a minimum 15,000 square foot lot; thus, 40% for a minimum 12,000 sq. ft. lot could be considered a reasonable request. The decrease in rear setback is necessary to accommodate the increased lot coverage. In exchange, the applicant has agreed to keep at least 10-ft. on each side yard, and a maximum of two stories (removing the half story allowance) for height of each home. In addition, the 2,800 sq. ft. minimum house size (which also drives the need for increased maximum lot coverage and decreased rear yard setback) is offered as an enhancement to the value of the properties. The design standards for Planned Development No. 31 (PD-31), Canterbury Hills (Tract 1) are attached in their entirety, including the legal description of the property and the concept plan. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (1997) calls for this property to be used as low density residential. The current and proposed uses of this property meet the Comp Plan. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 19 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 PUBLIC HEARING AND PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION: As required by ordinance, a notice of public hearing for this zoning change request was published in the local newspaper at least 15 days prior to the public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The publication occurred on January 30, 2013, and the public hearing will be heard on February 21, 2013. In addition, property owners within 200-ft. of the tract were notified of this zoning change request. A total of 143 property owners were notified of this request. As of February 18, 2013, four property owners contacted the Community Development Director – three via telephone and one via email (attached). Three are in favor of the request. One is opposed. Attachments: PD-31 Design Standards Legal Description Concept Plan Application R-12 Single Family District Zoning Regulations Section 5.05 – Required Yards PD Planned Development District Regulations Newspaper - Public Hearing Notice Property Owner Notification Zoning Exhibit/200-ft. map Email – Resident - Opposed Planning and Zoning Commission Page 20 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 EXHIBIT “C” DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND SINGLE HOUSING FAMILY REGULATIONS A. GENERAL PURPOSE: To allow single family detached dwellings on lots not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for Canterbury Hills, Tract 1, together with allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to provide a viable and compatible neighborhood for the Town of Trophy Club. By this Ordinance, Canterbury Hills, Tract 1, is established as its own Planned Development with its own design standards as written herein that establish a framework for development that will provide protection of the existing site characteristics and optimize the preservation of the site. B. NON SPECIFIED REGULATIONS: Any regulations not specifically addressed herein shall be governed by the R-12 zoning district regulations of the Town of Trophy Club or all other ordinances amending or replacing the zoning laws and all other ordinances of the Town. C. USES: No land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for, or converted to, any use other than as hereinafter provided. 1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses: (a) Single Family Detached Dwellings. (b) Public Roadways constructed to Town standards. (c) Public and Private Common Areas owned by an authorized Homeowner’s Association. (d) Public and Private Utilities. 2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations provided in the Accessory Uses section for residential development of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as may be amended thereof. 3. Limitation of Uses: (a) All applicable ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club shall govern any uses allowed unless otherwise expressed herein. (b) Any use not expressly permitted, or allowed by permit, or as provided by this district, is prohibited. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 21 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 D. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: No application for a building permit for the construction of any structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of Denton County, Texas. E. HEIGHT REGULATIONS: No building shall exceed two stories or 40-ft. in height. F. AREA REGULATIONS: LOTS: The following minimum standards shall be measured from property line: 1. Lot Size: Lots for any permitted single family use shall have a minimum area of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Open Space: All areas not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or driveways shall be devoted to sod, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable landscape material. 3. Maximum Building Coverage: The combined first floor area covered by all principal and accessory buildings or structures (includes such things as garages, porches, patios, porte cocheres) shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. 4. Minimum Floor Area : The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be two thousand eight hundred (2,800) square feet. 5. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. 6. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum. 7. Width of Side Yard: Ten (10) feet. 8. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Twenty (20) feet minimum. 9. Width of Lot: Ninety (90) feet minimum (measured at front building line). 10. Width of Lot Adjacent to Side Street: 110 feet minimum (measured at front building line). 11. Depth of Lot: One hundred ten (110) feet minimum (measured from front property line). Planning and Zoning Commission Page 22 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 12. Depth of Lot, Cul-De-Sac or Corner Lot: One hundred (100) feet minimum (measured from front property line). G. OFF-STREET PARKING: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of disrepair. H. GARAGES: Every residence shall have a garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 feet by 22 feet. A two (2) car garage is required and may not face the street. Additional garages may face the street if the garage door sits back at least fifty (50) feet from the property line, which the garage door faces. Two (2) car garages shall have a minimum interior dimension of twenty- one (21) feet side to side by twenty-two (22) feet front to back. Any garage structure, provided in addition to the required two (2) car garage, shall have a minimum interior dimension of 10 1/2' x 22' per vehicle space. No garage may be placed closer to the street than the building line of the adjacent lot, if the garage doors face the adjacent lot. I. ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS: All principal buildings and structures shall be constructed of at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone, or stucco. All exterior chimney surfaces shall also be of brick, stone or stucco. 1. All wall surfaces above garage doors shall be masonry to match the residence. 2. Roofing Material: Minimum forty (40) year warranty composition roofing is required. 3. An above ground level swimming pool shall not be allowed. 4. No projections of any type, visible from the street or golf course, shall be placed or permitted to remain above the roof of any residential building with the exception of chimneys and vent stacks. Vent stacks shall be painted to match the color of the roof. Turbine vents are prohibited. 5. Elevations: Single family house plans shall vary from lot-to-lot as follows: (a) The same floor plan with the same elevation shall be separated by a minimum of 4 lots (between them) on the same side of the street, and by a minimum of 2 lots (between them) on the opposite side of the street, with no two same elevations located on an adjacent lot directly to the rear. (b) The same floor plan with a different elevation shall be separated by a minimum of one (1) lot on the same or on the opposite side of the street. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 23 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 J. FENCES: Front, side and rear yard fencing shall comply with all Town ordinances and regulations as amended, including without limitation Chapter 13, Article VII, Section 7.01. 1. Retaining Walls. All retaining walls shall be constructed or veneered with brick or stone compatible to the residence. K. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping and Sprinkler System. Each Lot, on which a residential dwelling is constructed, shall have and contain an underground water sprinkler system for the purpose of providing sufficient water to all front, side and rear yards. Each residential lot shall have a minimum of twelve (12) caliper inches of trees. The twelve (12) caliper inches shall not include any tree less than three (3) caliper inches. A minimum of two 3-inch caliper trees shall be located in the front yard. Caliper inches shall be measured twelve (12) inches above final grade adjacent to the trunk of the tree. L. UTILITIES: All utilities shall be underground. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 24 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 2 5 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 2 6 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 2 7 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 2 8 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 Chapter 13 - Zoning Section 4.02 R-12 Single Family District Regulations A. Purpose: The purpose of the R-12 Single Family District is to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to promote low population densities within integral neighborhood units. B. Application: Lots in a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance which do not meet the minimum lot sizes and area requirements set forth in this Section shall not be considered to be in violation of said requirements and, for purposes of this Section, shall be deemed to conform to the requirements set forth in this Section. C. Uses Generally: In an R-12 Single Family District no land shall be used and no building or structure shall be used for or converted to any use other than as set forth in Section 3.03, Use Tables, and in accordance with the following: 1. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R-12 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 5.03, Accessory Structures. 2. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R-12 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 6.01, Conditional Use Permit. 3. Limitation of Uses: a. Garage sales are prohibited. b. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless: 1. A plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located; 2. Site Plan: A Site Plan for all non-residential uses has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 5.09, Site Plan Requirements. E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 5.04, Height Limits, no building shall exceed forty (40') feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height. F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required measured from property lines: AREA DESCRIPTION AREA REGULATIONS 1. Lot Size Lots for any permitted use shall have a minimum area of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Open Space All areas not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off- street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable landscape material. In addition, all developments shall reserve open space in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 29 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning Town Park Land Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable ordinances of the Town. 3. Maximum Building Coverage The combined area covered by all main and accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. 4. Minimum Floor Area The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be in accordance with the following: Type of Structure Golf Course Lots All Other Lots One story residence 2,500 2,000 One and one-half story or two story residence 2,500* 2,000* Residence on corner lot 2,500* 2,500* * Those residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet. (including garage area) 5. Depth Of Front Yard, ** 25 feet minimum 6. Depth Of Rear Yard, ** 25 feet minimum (No rear yard shall face any street; provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town. 7. Width Of Side Yard ** A minimum of ten (10) feet; provided that the distance between buildings and structures on contiguous lots remains a minimum of 20 feet, the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 5 feet. 8. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Side Street ** 20 feet minimum 9. Width of Lot 90 feet minimum (measured at front building line) 10. Width of Lot Adjacent to Side Street 110 feet minimum (measured at front building line) 11. Depth of Lot 110 feet minimum (measured from front property line) 12. Depth of Lot, Cul-De-Sac or Corner Lot 100 feet minimum **All required yards shall comply with Section 5.05, Required Yards. G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R-12 Single Family development is located adjacent to an existing HUD Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing district, multi-family development or a non-residential district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park or permanent open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain landscape improvements, fencing, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 30 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning berms or trees to adequately buffer adjoining uses. H. Off-Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.04, Off-Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. Every residence shall have a garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 feet by 22 feet. I. Garages: Attached garages shall not face any public dedicated right-of-way or golf course. Detached garages shall comply with Section 5.03, Accessory Structures and Uses. J. Off-Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R-12 Single Family District for residential uses. Off-street loading for conditional uses may be required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. K. Masonry Requirements: All principal and accessory buildings and structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone, or stucco. All exterior chimneys surfaces shall also be of brick, stone, or stucco. Other materials of equal or similar characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Ord No. 98-29, § XV, 12-1-98, Repealed by Ord. No. 2000-06 P&Z § XV, 3-21-00) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 31 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning Section 5.05 Required Yards A. Adjacent to Streets Where the front or side yards facing one side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets is zoned for two (2) classes of districts, the setback on the most restricted district shall apply to the entire block. B. Minimum Requirement The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the Town Council may require a minimum front yard, rear yard or side yard greater than that required as a minimum setback by the specific use categories in the ordinance rezoning any property when the safety of the traveling public and the general health, welfare and morals of the community require greater set back depth. C. Reduced by Platting The front yard or side yard set-back may be reduced by platting if approved by the P&Z and Council for a specific and unusual conditions; but shall not be less than fifteen feet (15’) for a front yard or 10 feet for a side yard, unless otherwise provided by the district or a Planned Development. D. Play Area Equipment Play area equipment shall be located in the required rear yard. (Ord No. 98-29, § XXXVII, 12-1-98, Repealed by Ord. No. 2000-06 P&Z § XXXVII, 3-21-00) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 32 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning Section 4.13 PD-Planned Development District Regulations A. Purpose: In certain instances, the purposes of the zoning ordinances may be achieved by the development of planned units which do not conform in all respects with the land use pattern designated on the Zoning Map or the district regulations prescribed by this ordinance or the Subdivision Regulations. A planned development (PD) is on tracts of land of not to exceed 250 acres and may include a combination of different dwelling types and/or a variety of land uses which creatively complement each other and harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity. The purpose of the district is to encourage creative development of the land, provide locations for well planned comprehensive developments, and provide for variety and flexibility in the development patterns of the Town which promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The Town Council is empowered to grant permits for planned developments only after review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission under the procedure established herein. B. Planned Development Uses: In a PD Planned Development District, no land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for/or converted to any use other than as hereinafter provided. 1. Residential Planned Developments: shall be considered appropriate where the following conditions prevail: a. The project utilized innovative land development concepts and is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use plan and the goals and objectives of the Town. b. Dwelling units are situated such that an appreciable amount of land for open space is available and is integrated throughout the planned development, c. The project utilizes an innovative approach in lot configuration and mixture of single- family housing types, d. Higher densities than conventional single-family projects of the same acreage is achievable with appropriate buffering between existing conventional single-family developments and increased open space. e. The site exhibits environmentally natural features which should be considered for preservation and/or enhancement, f. Aesthetic amenities may be provided in the planned development design which are not economically feasible to provide in conventional single-family projects, and g. The project provides a compatible transition between adjacent existing conventional single family residential projects and provides a compatible transition for the extension of future conventional single family projects into adjacent undeveloped areas. 2. Non-Residential Planned Developments: Shall be considered appropriate where the following conditions prevail: a. The project utilized innovative land development concepts and is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use plan and the goals and objectives of the Town. b. Non-residential uses are situated such that an appreciable amount of land is available for open space or joint use as parking space and is integrated throughout the planned development. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 33 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning c. The site exhibits environmentally natural features which should be considered for preservation and/or enhancement. d. Aesthetic amenities may be provided in the planned development design which are not economically feasible to provide in conventional non-residential projects. e. The project provides a compatible transition between adjacent existing single family residential projects and provides a compatible transition for the extension of future single family projects into adjacent undeveloped areas. 3. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted in a PD in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 5.03, Accessory Structures. Any accessory use permitted within the residential districts of the Town of Trophy Club shall be permitted as accessory uses to a principal use provided that no accessory use shall be a source of income to the owner or occupant of the principal use. 4. Conditional Uses: Any conditional uses as defined in Section 6.01, Conditional Permit, shall be permitted in the PD, Planned Development District. 5. Prohibited Uses: a. Any building erected or land used for other than the use shown on the Planned Development Site Plan, as approved by the Town Council. b. Any use of property that does not meet the required minimum lot size; front, side and rear yard dimensions; and/or lot width, or exceeds the maximum height, building coverage or density per gross acreage as shown in the development's recorded Planned Development Site Plan, as approved by Town Council. c. Any use deemed by the Town Council as being detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the citizens of Trophy Club. C. Density, Area and Height Regulations: The following density, area and height regulations shall apply: 1. Density, area and height regulations for each use shall meet or exceed the maximum and minimum standards applicable to such uses as if those uses were situated in the least restrictive district in which such uses are permitted or as listed in this section, or demonstrate that the intent of the standards has been met in accordance with good planning practices. 2. Modification of the density, area and height regulations contained in this ordinance may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council when all of the following circumstances are met: a. The proposed modifications substantially meet the intent of this ordinance, the Subdivision Regulations and the Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed modification provides for better project design. c. The combination of different dwelling types and/or the variety of land uses in the development will complement each other and will harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity. d. The development will not generate more traffic than the streets in the vicinity can carry without congestion and the development will not overload utilities as determined by the Town Engineer/Planner. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 34 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning e. Financial reasons shall not be the sole reason for modification of standards. 3. In approving the Planned Development Ordinance and Planned Development Site Plan, the Town Council shall, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, specify such land uses, maximum height, area restrictions, density, minimum off-street parking and loading standards, setbacks, site coverage, building spacing, access, screening walls or landscaping, building area, open space pedestrian ways, public or private streets, alleys, and other development and protective requirements considered necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare, and to create a reasonable transition to and protection from property adjacent to a Planned Development District. Such standards shall be specified in the ordinance establishing the district, and in the Planned Development Site Plan, which shall be made a part of the ordinance establishing the district. Approval of the ordinance, resulting in a PD designation being given to the property, may not occur without the Planned Development Site Plan or specific regulations being provided at the time of initial approval. However, conditional to the development of PD zoned property is the requirement that the Planned Development Site Plan and specific density, area, and height regulations must be approved by the Town Council prior to issuance of a building permit by the Town. D. Ownership: An application for approval of a Planned Development Site Plan under the Planned Development District regulations may be filed by a person having a legal interest in the property to be included in the Planned Development Site Plan. In order to ensure unified planning and development of the property, the applicant shall provide evidence, in form satisfactory to the Town Attorney, prior to final approval of the Planned Development Site Plan, that the property is held in single ownership or is under single control. Land shall be deemed to be held in single ownership or under single control if it is in joint tenancy, tenancy in common, a partnership, a trust, or a joint venture. The Planned Development Site Plan shall be filed in the name(s) of the record owner(s) of the property, which shall be included in the application. E. Development Schedule: An application for a Planned Development District shall be accompanied by a development schedule indicating the approximate date on which construction is expected to begin and the rate of anticipated development to completion. The development schedule, if adopted and approved by the Town Council, shall become part of the Planned Development Ordinance and shall be adhered to by the owner, developer, and their assigns or successors in interest. Annually, upon the anniversary date, or more frequently if required, the developer shall provide a written report to the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning the actual development accomplished as compared with the development schedule. The Planning and Zoning Commission may, if in its opinion the owner or owners of the property are failing or have failed to meet the approved development schedule, initiate proceedings to amend the Official Zoning map or the Planned Development District by removing all or part of the Planned Development District from the Official Zoning Map and placing the area involved in another appropriate zoning district. After the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and for good cause shown by the owner and developer, the Town Council may extend the development schedule as may be indicated by the facts and conditions of the case. F. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 35 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning G. Concept Plan: The applicant for any PD Planned Development, shall submit a concept plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council for approval prior to submitting a Planned Development Site Plan. The concept plan shall contain appropriate information to describe the general land use configuration, proposed densities or lot sizes, proposed amenities, and proposed area regulations. H. Planned Development Site Plan: No applicant shall be granted development approval and no building permit shall be issued until a Planned Development Site Plan has been approved by the Town Council in accordance with this Section. The following items shall be shown on the Planned Development Site Plan: 1. The location of all existing and planned non-single family structures on the subject property. 2. Landscaping lighting and/or fencing and/or screening of common areas. 3. General locations of existing tree clusters, providing average size and number and indication of species. 4. Location and detail of perimeter fencing if applicable. 5. Design of ingress and egress with description of special paver treatment if proposed. 6. Off-street parking and loading facilities, and calculations showing how the quantities were obtained for all non- single family purposes. 7. Height of all non-single family structures. 8. Proposed uses. 9. The location and types of all signs, including lighting and heights, for parking lots and common areas. 10. Elevation drawings citing proposed exterior finish materials for all non-single family structures. 11. Location and description of subdivision signage and landscaping at entrance areas. 12. Street names on proposed streets. 13. Proposed water, wastewater collection, and storm sewer lines; proposed grading and drainage patterns. 14. Engineering drawings of all improvements to be dedicated to the Town or M.U.D. if the property is not to be final platted or if engineering drawings have not been previously submitted for the site. If the property is to be final platted, these may be provided at that time. 15. Such additional terms and conditions, including design standards, as the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council deem necessary. (Ord No. 98-29, § XXVI, 12-1-98, Repealed by Ord. No. 2000-06 P&Z § XXVI, 3-21-00) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 36 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Town of Trophy Club Department of Planning & Zoning 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TO: Alliance Regional Newspapers / Classifieds Dept. DATE: January 24, 2013 FROM: Carolyn Huggins PAGES: 1 RUN DATE: 1 Time/ January 30, 2013 SUBJECT: Rezoning Request NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Thursday, February 21, 2013 TOWN COUNCIL Monday, March 4, 2013 A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, February 21, 2013, to consider a request for a zone change for three tracts of land in the Canterbury Hills subdivision. Tract 1 contains approximately 62 acres and is currently zoned R-12 (single family residential) and CR (commercial recreation) and is requesting a rezoning to a Planned Development (PD) for single family residential. Tract 2 contains approximately 11 acres with current zoning of R-12 and is requesting a rezoning to a PD for single family residential. Tract 3 is approximately 3 acres and is currently zoned R-15 (single family residential) and is requesting a rezoning to a PD for single family residential; amending Ordinance No. 2000-06 P&Z of the Town, the same being the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and Amending the Official Zoning Map of the Town by changing the zoning, providing that such tract of land shall be used in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. (ZCA-13-019) The Town Council will hear the above item on March 4, 2013, in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive at 7:00 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 37 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Planning & Zoning Commission - Thursday, February 21, 2013 Town Council - Monday, March 4, 2013 TIME OF PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 p.m. PLACE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Svore (M.U.D.) Building -- Boardroom 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Zoning Change Request The developer who owns Canterbury Hills, Tracts 1, 2 and 3 (exhibit enclosed) has requested a zoning change from R-12 to a Planned Development district. The primary changes are: • Increase the minimum house size to 2,800 sq. ft. R-12 zoning district regulations allow a minimum house size of 2,500 sq. ft. for a golf course lot, and 2,000 sq. ft. for all other lots. The developer is asking to increase all lot types to a minimum 2,800 sq. ft. house. • Increase the maximum building coverage from 35% to 40%. • Allow “additional garages” (3rd garage or more) to face the street if the garage door is setback a specific distance from the street. R-12 zoning district regulations do not allow attached garages to face the street and require detached garages to setback at least 45-ft. from the property line. This request will be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, February 21, 2013, at 7 p.m. in the Svore Boardroom located at Town Hall, 100 Municipal Drive. This request will also be heard by the Town Council on Monday, March 4, 2013. All Property owners within 200-ft. of these tracts of land, as well as all property owners in Hogan’s Glen subdivision receive written notification of this request. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 38 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 The property owners in Hogan’s Glen receive notification of this request because Tract 2 is a part of the Hogan’s Glen Homeowners Association (HOA). Canterbury Hills Tracts 1 and 3 will be their own HOA – not a part of Hogan’s Glen. For additional information, please contact Carolyn Huggins, at the Town of Trophy Club Planning Department, by telephone or email below. All interested property owners are encouraged to attend the hearings. Persons wishing their opinion to be part of the record, but are unable to attend may send a written reply prior to the date of the hearing to: Town of Trophy Club Telephone: 682-831-4681 Attn: Carolyn Huggins Community Development 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 email: chuggins@ci.trophyclub.tx.us Planning and Zoning Commission Page 39 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 40 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 4 1 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-100-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/16/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32 (PD-32) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Attachments:Tract 2 - Staff Report - PZ 022113.pdf Tract 2 - PD-32 Design Standards.pdf Tract 2 - Legal Description.pdf Tract 2 - Concept Plan.pdf Tract 2 - Application.pdf Tract 2 - Zoning Exhibit.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32 (PD-32) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 42 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 SUBJECT: Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32 (PD-32) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. TRACT 2: This property was zoned as part of Planned Development District No. 22 in 2000. It was rezoned from the PD 22 district to the R-12 District in 2003. While it was zoned PD 22, it was considered a “Villa” lot. It is final platted as Canterbury Hills, Phase 1A. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT February 21, 2013 Case No. ZCA-13-020 Zoning Change Request Canterbury Hills (Tract 2) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 43 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 PROPERTY OWNER: BDMR Development, LLC 1221 I-35 East, Suite 200 Carrollton, TX 75006 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone from “R-12” Single Family Residential to “PD” Planned Development District CURRENT PROPERTY USE: Single Family Residential on minimum lot size of 12,000 sq. ft. PROPOSED PROPERTY USE: Single Family Residential on minimum lot size of 12,000 sq. ft. SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: North: CR, golf course South: PD 22, single family residential and Harmony Park East: R-10 and CR, single family residential and golf course West: PD 22, single family residential (Waters Edge @ Hogan’s Glen) ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing to develop approximately 20 single family residential lots and two (2) common area lots. This property was, at one time, part of PD-22. Although this rezoning, if approved, will establish this property as its own planned development district, the applicant has stated that this property will be part of the Homeowner’s Association affiliated with PD-22. The applicant is requesting a Planned Development District on this property in order to construct larger homes (2,800 sq. ft.) than the required minimum home as set forth in the R-12 District with the design of allowing an attached garage to face the street. Development Standards PD 22 (for illustrative purposes only and not included in the Difference) R-12 Proposed PD Min. Lot Size 7,200sf 12,000sf 12,000sf Min. Lot Width 60 ft 90 ft 90 ft Min. Lot Width Adj. to Street None defined 110 ft 110 ft Min. Depth 100 ft 110 ft 110 ft Min. Depth Cul de sac/ Corner None stated 100 ft 100 ft Planning and Zoning Commission Page 44 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Development Standards PD 22 (for illustrative purposes only) R-12 Proposed PD Min. Dwelling Size 2500sf 2000-2500sf 2800sf Front Yard 15 ft 25 ft 25 ft Side Yard 0/10’ – zero lot line lots 5-10ft (20 ft b/t structures on contiguous lots) 10 ft Side Yard Adj. to Street 10 ft 20 ft 20 ft Rear Yard 10 ft 25 ft 20 ft Max. Height 2 ½ stories, height to be determined by pitch of roof 40 ft or 2 ½ stories 2 stories or 40-ft. in height Max. Lot Coverage 65% 35% 40% SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting modifications to the R-12 zoning district regulations. Third garage facing the street. This regulation already exists in PD- 22 and as these lots will be a part of that HOA, this appears to be a good fit. An increase of 5% in maximum lot coverage with a decrease in the rear setback of 5-ft. to accommodate the increase in maximum lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage in PD 22 allows 45% for a minimum 15,000 square foot lot; thus, 40% for a minimum 12,000 sq. ft. lot could be considered a reasonable request. The decrease in rear setback is necessary to accommodate the increased lot coverage. In exchange, the applicant has agreed to keep at least 10-ft. on each side yard, and a maximum of two stories (removing the half story allowance) for height of each home. In addition, the 2,800 sq. ft. minimum house size (which also drives the need for increased maximum lot coverage and decreased rear yard setback) is offered as an enhancement to the value of the properties. The design standards for Planned Development No. 32 (PD-32), Canterbury Hills (Tract 2) are attached in their entirety, including the legal description of the property and the concept plan. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (1997) calls for this property to be used as low density residential. The current and proposed uses of this property meet the Comp Plan. PUBLIC HEARING AND PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION: As required by ordinance, a notice of public hearing for this zoning change request was published in the local newspaper at least 15 days prior to the public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The publication occurred on January 30, 2013, and the public hearing will be heard on February 21, 2013. In addition, property owners within 200-ft. of the tract were notified of this zoning change Planning and Zoning Commission Page 45 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 request. A total of 143 property owners were notified of this request. As of February 18, 2013, four property owners contacted the Community Development Director – three via telephone and one via email. Three are in favor of the request. One is opposed. The public hearing notification, newspaper notification, and email are attached as part of the PD-31 documentation. Attachments: PD-32 Design Standards Legal Description Concept Plan Application Zoning Exhibit/200-ft. map Planning and Zoning Commission Page 46 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 EXHIBIT “C” DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND SINGLE HOUSING FAMILY REGULATIONS A. GENERAL PURPOSE: To allow single family detached dwellings on lots not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for Canterbury Hills, Tract 2, together with allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to provide a viable and compatible neighborhood for the Town of Trophy Club. The lots of Canterbury Hills, Tract 2 are a part of the Homeowners Association (HOA) for the existing private, gated, residential neighborhood of Hogan’s Glen. Although a part of the HOA, the lots of Canterbury Hills, Tract 2, are not a part of the Planned Development for The Villas of Hogan’s Glen (PD-17), The Estates of Hogan’s Glen (PD-19), The Estates of Hogan’s Glen, Phase II (PD-20), and Water’s Edge at Hogan’s Glen (PD-22). By this Ordinance, Canterbury Hills, Tract 2, is established as its own Planned Development with its own design standards as written herein. The purpose for the PD Ordinance is to establish a framework for development that will provide compatibility between the Canterbury Hills lots and the site characteristics of the existing Hogan’s Glen lots. B. NON SPECIFIED REGULATIONS: Any regulations not specifically addressed herein shall be governed by the R-12 zoning district regulations of the Town of Trophy Club or all other ordinances amending or replacing the zoning laws and all other ordinances of the Town. C. USES: No land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for, or converted to, any use other than as hereinafter provided. 1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses: (a) Single Family Detached Dwellings. (b) Public and Private Roadways constructed to Town standards. (c) Public and Private Common Areas owned by an authorized Homeowner’s Association. (d) Public and Private Utilities. 2. Accessory Uses : Accessory uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations provided in the Accessory Uses section for residential development of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as may be amended thereof. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 47 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 3. Limitation of Uses : (a) All applicable ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club shall govern any uses allowed unless otherwise expressed herein. (b) Any use not expressly permitted, or allowed by permit, or as provided by this district, is prohibited. D. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: No application for a building permit for the construction of any structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of Denton County, Texas. E. HEIGHT REGULATIONS: No building shall exceed two stories or 40-ft. in height. F. AREA REGULATIONS : LOTS: The following minimum standards shall be measured from property line: 1. Lot Size : Lots for any permitted single family use shall have a minimum area of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Open Space : All areas not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or driveways shall be devoted to sod, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable landscape material. 3. Maximum Building Coverage : The combined first floor area covered by all principal and accessory buildings or structures (includes such things as garages, porches, patios, porte cocheres) shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. 4. Minimum Floor Area : The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be two thousand eight hundred (2,800) square feet. 5. Depth of Front Yard : Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. 6. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum. 7. Width of Side Yard: Ten (10) feet. 8. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Twenty (20) feet minimum. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 48 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 9. Width of Lot: Ninety (90) feet minimum (measured at front building line). 10. Width of Lot Adjacent to Side Street: 110 feet minimum (measured at front building line). 11. Depth of Lot: One hundred ten (110) feet minimum (measured from front property line). 12. Depth of Lot, Cul-De-Sac or Corner Lot: One hundred (100) feet minimum (measured from front property line). G. OFF-STREET PARKING: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of disrepair. H. GARAGES : Every residence shall have a garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 feet by 22 feet. A two (2) car garage is required and may not face the street. Additional garages may face the street if the garage door sits back at least fifty (50) feet from the property line, which the garage door faces. Two (2) car garages shall have a minimum interior dimension of twenty- one (21) feet side to side by twenty-two (22) feet front to back. Any garage structure, provided in addition to the required two (2) car garage, shall have a minimum interior dimension of 10 1/2' x 22' per vehicle space. No garage may be placed closer to the street than the building line of the adjacent lot, if the garage doors face the adjacent lot. I. ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS: All principal buildings and structures shall be constructed of at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone, or stucco. All exterior chimney surfaces shall also be of brick, stone or stucco. 1. All wall surfaces above garage doors shall be masonry to match the residence. 2. Roofing Material: Minimum forty (40) year warranty composition roofing is required. 3. An above ground level swimming pool shall not be allowed. 4. No projections of any type, visible from the street or golf course, shall be placed or permitted to remain above the roof of any residential building with the exception of chimneys and vent stacks. Vent stacks shall be painted to match the color of the roof. Turbine vents are prohibited. 5. Elevations: Single family house plans shall vary from lot-to-lot as follows: (a) The same floor plan with the same elevation shall be separated by a minimum of 4 lots (between them) on the same side of the street, and Planning and Zoning Commission Page 49 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 by a minimum of 2 lots (between them) on the opposite side of the street, with no two same elevations located on an adjacent lot directly to the rear. (b) The same floor plan with a different elevation shall be separated by a minimum of one (1) lot on the same or on the opposite side of the street. J. DRIVEWAYS AND WALKWAYS: All driveways and walkways shall be constructed of seeded aggregate concrete, stamped and colored concrete, or pavestone acceptable to the Architectural Control Committee of the Homeowner's Association. Seeded Aggregate Concrete shall consist of a minimum four (4) inch thick section with the surface to be floated with seeding of rocks or 1/4" – 3/8" in diameter to cover the entire plan surface (less any accent trim). Minimum concrete strength shall be of 2,5OO psi with steel reinforcement of #3 rebar @ 24" o.c. and dummy joints shall be installed every ten linear feet. K. FENCES: 1. Front Yard Fencing. Fencing will be allowed to extend from the front face of the building to the side property lines. All fencing shall be masonry, identical to the type of material used on the residence located on such lot, or ornamental iron. All gates shall be ornamental iron. Fencing shall not exceed 8' in height. 2. Side Yard Fencing. Fencing between Lots shall not exceed 8' feet in height of masonry (brick, stone or stucco over masonry), or ornamental iron only. 3. Corner Lot. No fence shall be installed closer to the street than the building line of the adjacent lot. 4. Side or Rear Yard Fencing Visible from the Street. Fencing shall be constructed as noted in K 1. above. 5. Retaining Walls. All retaining walls shall be constructed or veneered with brick or stone compatible to the residence. 6. A/C Condensing Unit. Shall not be visible from the street. Screening of a/c unit shall be constructed of the same material as the residence. The minimum height shall totally obscure the a/c unit. L. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping and Sprinkler System. Each Lot, on which a residential dwelling is constructed, shall have and contain an underground water sprinkler system for the purpose of providing sufficient water to all front yards, side and rear yards. Each Lot shall be planted with a least twelve (12) caliper inches of trees; provided, however, any tree used to satisfy this requirement shall contain at least four (4) caliper inches measured 12" above ground. Preservation Planning and Zoning Commission Page 50 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 of existing trees is encouraged and credit may be given toward the planting requirements for trees preserved in a healthy condition. M. UTILITIES: All utilities shall be underground. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 51 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 5 2 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 5 3 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 5 4 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 55 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 5 6 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 Planning and Zoning Commission P a g e 5 7 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-102-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/16/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from “R-15” Single Family Residential District to “PD” Planned Development District No. 33 (PD-33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3. Attachments:Tract 3 - Staff Report - PZ 022113.pdf Tract 3 - PD-33 Design Standards.pdf Tract 3 - Legal Description.pdf Tract 3 - Concept Plan.pdf Tract 3 - Application.pdf R-15 District Regulations.pdf Tract 3 - Zoning Exhibit.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from “R-15” Single Family Residential District to “PD” Planned Development District No. 33 (PD-33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 58 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 SUBJECT: Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from “R-15” Single Family Residential District to “PD” Planned Development District No. 33 (PD-33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3. TRACT 3: This property is zoned R-15 and is currently vacant. This property has been final platted as part of Canterbury Hills Phase 1B, but is not considered contiguous to Canterbury Hills Tract 1 because there appears to be a section of Indian Creek Drive that is not final platted to link the two properties. Therefore, a separate zoning application is warranted. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT February 21, 2013 Case No. ZCA-13-021 Zoning Change Request Canterbury Hills (Tract 3) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 59 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 PROPERTY OWNER: BDMR Development, LLC 1221 I-35 East, Suite 200 Carrollton, TX 75006 REQUESTED ACTION: Rezone from “R-15” Single Family Residential to “PD” Planned Development District CURRENT PROPERTY USE: Single Family Residential on minimum lot size of 15,000 sq. ft. PROPOSED PROPERTY USE: Single Family Residential on minimum lot size of 12,000 sq. ft. SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: North: CR, golf course South: CR, golf course East: CR, golf course West: CR, golf course ANALYSIS: The applicant is proposing to develop four (4) single family residential lots on a cul-de-sac that connects to the proposed Indian Creek Drive extension. The applicant is requesting a Planned Development District on this property in order to construct larger homes (2,800 sq. ft.) than the required minimum home as set forth in the R-15 District with the design of allowing an attached garage to face the street. Development Standards R-15 Proposed PD Min. Lot Size 15,000 sq. ft. 12,000 sq. ft. Min. Lot Width 90 ft. 90 ft. Min. Lot Width Adj. to Street 110 ft. 110 ft. Min. Depth 120 ft. 110 ft. Min. Depth Cul de sac/ Corner 100 ft. 100 ft. Min. Dwelling Size 2,500 sq. ft. 2,800 sq. ft. Front Yard 30 ft. 25 ft. Side Yard 12.5 ft. (7.5-ft. on one side if 25-ft. between structures on contiguous lots) 10-ft. Side Yard Adj. to Street 20 ft. 20 ft. Rear Yard 25 ft. 20 ft. Max. Height 40 ft or 2 ½ stories 40 ft. or 2 stories Max. Lot Coverage 35% 40% Planning and Zoning Commission Page 60 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting modifications to the R-15 zoning district regulations. Third garage facing the street. The Town has approved the garage provision, as submitted by the applicant, in other Planned Development Districts, specifically in PD 22. It does not appear that this modification to the garage standards has been a detriment to the aesthetics of the community. An increase of 5% in maximum lot coverage with a decrease in the front and rear setbacks of 5-ft. to accommodate the increase in maximum lot coverage. Is the decrease in both front and rear setbacks necessary for four lots that have all been final platted at a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet? The decrease in both front and rear setbacks is not necessary to accommodate the increased lot coverage. In addition, should the minimum depth of the lot be decreased? Should the side yard requirement be decreased? These are not necessary to accommodate the increased lot coverage. The design standards for Planned Development No. 33 (PD-33), Canterbury Hills (Tract 1) are attached in their entirety, including the legal description of the property and the concept plan. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (1997) calls for this property to be used as low density residential. The current and proposed uses of this property meet the Comp Plan. PUBLIC HEARING AND PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION: As required by ordinance, a notice of public hearing for this zoning change request was published in the local newspaper at least 15 days prior to the public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The publication occurred on January 30, 2013, and the public hearing will be heard on February 21, 2013. In addition, property owners within 200-ft. of the tract were notified of this zoning change request. A total of 143 property owners were notified of this request. As of February 18, 2013, four property owners contacted the Community Development Director – three via telephone and one via email. Three are in favor of the request. One is opposed. The public hearing notification, newspaper notification, and email are attached as part of the PD-31 documentation. Attachments: PD-33 Design Standards Legal Description Concept Plan Application R-15 Single Family District Zoning Regulations Section 5.05 – Required Yards Zoning Exhibit/200-ft. map Planning and Zoning Commission Page 61 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 EXHIBIT “C” DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND SINGLE HOUSING FAMILY REGULATIONS A. GENERAL PURPOSE: To allow single family detached dwellings on lots not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for Canterbury Hills, Tract 3, together with allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to provide a viable and compatible neighborhood for the Town of Trophy Club. By this Ordinance, Canterbury Hills, Tract 3, is established as its own Planned Development with its own design standards as written herein that establish a framework for development that will provide protection of the existing site characteristics and optimize the preservation of the site. B. NON SPECIFIED REGULATIONS: Any regulations not specifically addressed herein shall be governed by the R-12 zoning district regulations of the Town of Trophy Club or all other ordinances amending or replacing the zoning laws and all other ordinances of the Town. C. USES: No land shall be used and no building shall be installed, erected for, or converted to, any use other than as hereinafter provided. 1. Permitted Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses: (a) Single Family Detached Dwellings. (b) Public Roadways constructed to Town standards. (c) Public and Private Common Areas owned by an authorized Homeowner’s Association. (d) Public and Private Utilities. 2. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted in accordance with the regulations provided in the Accessory Uses section for residential development of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as may be amended thereof. 3. Limitation of Uses: (a) All applicable ordinances of the Town of Trophy Club shall govern any uses allowed unless otherwise expressed herein. (b) Any use not expressly permitted, or allowed by permit, or as provided by this district, is prohibited. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 62 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 D. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: No application for a building permit for the construction of any structure shall be approved unless a plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of Denton County, Texas. E. HEIGHT REGULATIONS: No building shall exceed two stories or 40-ft. in height. F. AREA REGULATIONS: LOTS: The following minimum standards shall be measured from property line: 1. Lot Size: Lots for any permitted single family use shall have a minimum area of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Open Space: All areas not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or driveways shall be devoted to sod, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable landscape material. 3. Maximum Building Coverage: The combined first floor area covered by all principal and accessory buildings or structures (includes such things as garages, porches, patios, porte cocheres) shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. 4. Minimum Floor Area : The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be two thousand eight hundred (2,800) square feet. 5. Depth of Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum. 6. Depth of Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum. 7. Width of Side Yard: Ten (10) feet. 8. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Street: Twenty (20) feet minimum. 9. Width of Lot: Ninety (90) feet minimum (measured at front building line). 10. Width of Lot Adjacent to Side Street: 110 feet minimum (measured at front building line). 11. Depth of Lot: One hundred ten (110) feet minimum (measured from front property line). Planning and Zoning Commission Page 63 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 12. Depth of Lot, Cul-De-Sac or Corner Lot: One hundred (100) feet minimum (measured from front property line). G. OFF-STREET PARKING: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of disrepair. H. GARAGES: Every residence shall have a garage which shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 feet by 22 feet. A two (2) car garage is required and may not face the street. Additional garages may face the street if the garage door sits back at least fifty (50) feet from the property line, which the garage door faces. Two (2) car garages shall have a minimum interior dimension of twenty- one (21) feet side to side by twenty-two (22) feet front to back. Any garage structure, provided in addition to the required two (2) car garage, shall have a minimum interior dimension of 10 1/2' x 22' per vehicle space. No garage may be placed closer to the street than the building line of the adjacent lot, if the garage doors face the adjacent lot. I. ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS: All principal buildings and structures shall be constructed of at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone, or stucco. All exterior chimney surfaces shall also be of brick, stone or stucco. 1. All wall surfaces above garage doors shall be masonry to match the residence. 2. Roofing Material: Minimum forty (40) year warranty composition roofing is required. 3. An above ground level swimming pool shall not be allowed. 4. No projections of any type, visible from the street or golf course, shall be placed or permitted to remain above the roof of any residential building with the exception of chimneys and vent stacks. Vent stacks shall be painted to match the color of the roof. Turbine vents are prohibited. 5. Elevations: Single family house plans shall vary from lot-to-lot as follows: (a) The same floor plan with the same elevation shall be separated by a minimum of 4 lots (between them) on the same side of the street, and by a minimum of 2 lots (between them) on the opposite side of the street, with no two same elevations located on an adjacent lot directly to the rear. (b) The same floor plan with a different elevation shall be separated by a minimum of one (1) lot on the same or on the opposite side of the street. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 64 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 J. FENCES: Front, side and rear yard fencing shall comply with all Town ordinances and regulations as amended, including without limitation Chapter 13, Article VII, Section 7.01. 1. Retaining Walls. All retaining walls shall be constructed or veneered with brick or stone compatible to the residence. K. LANDSCAPING: Landscaping and Sprinkler System. Each Lot, on which a residential dwelling is constructed, shall have and contain an underground water sprinkler system for the purpose of providing sufficient water to all front, side and rear yards. Each residential lot shall have a minimum of twelve (12) caliper inches of trees. The twelve (12) caliper inches shall not include any tree less than three (3) caliper inches. A minimum of two 3-inch caliper trees shall be located in the front yard. Caliper inches shall be measured twelve (12) inches above final grade adjacent to the trunk of the tree. L. UTILITIES: All utilities shall be underground. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 65 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 6 6 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 6 7 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 68 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 P l a n n i n g a n d Z o n i n g C o m m i s s i o n P a g e 6 9 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 Chapter 13 - Zoning Article IV District Regulations Section 4.01 R-15 Single Family District Regulations A. Purpose: The purpose of the R-15 Single Family District is to allow single family detached dwellings on lots of not less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet, together with the allowed incidental and accessory uses, in order to promote low population densities within integral neighborhood units. B. Application: Lots in a subdivision legally approved and properly recorded in the Denton County Plat Record prior to the effective date of this ordinance which do not meet the minimum lot sizes and area requirements set forth in this Section shall not be considered to be in violation of said requirements and, for purposes of this Section, shall be deemed to conform to the requirements set forth in this Section. C. Uses Generally: In an R-15 Single Family District no land shall be used and no building or structure shall be installed, erected for or converted to any use other than as set forth in Section 3.03, Use Tables, and in accordance with the following: 1. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses shall be permitted within the R-15 single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 5.03, Accessory Structures. 2. Conditional Uses: Conditional uses may be permitted within the R-15 Single Family District in accordance with the regulations provided in Section 6.01, Conditional Use Permit. 3. Limitation of Uses: a. Garage sales are prohibited. b. Any use not expressly permitted or allowed by permit herein is prohibited. D. Plan Requirements: No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless: 1. A plat, meeting all requirements of the Town of Trophy Club, has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of the County in which the property is located; 2. Site Plan: A Site Plan for all non-residential uses has been approved meeting the conditions as provided in Section 5.09, Site Plan Requirements. E. Height Regulations: Except as provided by Section 5.04, Height Limits, no building shall exceed forty feet (40') or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height. F. Area Regulations: The following minimum standards shall be required measured from property lines: Planning and Zoning Commission Page 70 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning AREA DESCRIPTION AREA REGULATIONS 1. Lot Size Lots for any permitted use shall have a minimum area of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Open Space All areas not devoted to buildings, walkways, structures or off- street parking area shall be devoted to grass, trees, gardens, shrubs or other suitable landscape material. In addition, all developments shall reserve open space in accordance with the Town Park Land Dedication Ordinance, and other applicable ordinances. 3. Maximum Building Coverage The combined area covered by all main and accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total lot area. Swimming pools and spas shall not be included in determining maximum building coverage. 4. Minimum Floor Area The minimum square footage of a dwelling unit, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches, shall be 2,500 square feet. Residences with more than one (1) story shall have a minimum first floor area of 2,000 square feet. (including garage area) 5. Depth of Front Yard** 30 feet minimum 6. Depth of Rear Yard** 25 feet minimum (No rear yard shall face any street, provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply where the rear yard of a lot abuts a street which is contiguous to the perimeter of the Town.) 7. Width of Side Yard** A minimum of twelve and one-half (12.5) feet; provided, that the distance between buildings and structures on contiguous lots remains a minimum of 25 feet, the width of the side yard on one side may be reduced to not less than 7.5 feet. 8. Width of Side Yard Adjacent to Side Street ** 20 feet minimum 9. Width of Lot 90 feet minimum (measured at front building line) 10. Width of Lot Adjacent to Side Street 110 feet minimum (measured at front building line) 11. Depth of Lot 120 feet minimum (measured at front property lines) Depth of Lot, Cul-De-Sac, or Corner Lot 100 feet minimum **All required yards shall comply with Section 5.05, Required Yards. G. Buffered Area Regulations: Whenever an R-15 Single Family development is located adjacent to an existing HUD Code Manufactured Home and Industrialized Housing district, multi-family development Planning and Zoning Commission Page 71 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Chapter 13 - Zoning or a non-residential district, without any division such as a dedicated public street, park or permanent open space, all principal buildings or structures shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining property line. The setback area shall contain landscape improvements, fencing, berms or trees to adequately buffer adjoining uses. H. Off-Street Parking: Provisions for the parking of automobiles on paved surfaces shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that such shall not be located on a required front yard, with the exception being that a circular drive may be located in the front yard. Parking within a circular drive shall be temporary and may not include permanent parking of recreational vehicles, other vehicles, or vehicles in a state of major disrepair. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.04, Off-Street Parking Requirements, and all other applicable ordinances of the Town. Every residence shall have a garage and shall have a minimum interior measurement of 21 feet by 22 feet. I. Garages: Attached garages shall not face any public dedicated right-of-way or golf course. Detached garages shall comply with Section 5.03, Accessory Structures and Uses. J. Off-Street Loading: No off-street loading is required in the R-15 District for residential uses. Off- street loading for conditional uses may be required as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. K. Masonry Requirements: All principal and accessory buildings and structures shall be of exterior fire resistant construction having at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick, stone, or stucco. All exterior chimneys surfaces shall also be of brick, stone, or stucco. Other materials of equal or similar characteristics may be allowed upon approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. (Ord No. 98-29, § XIV, 12-1-98, Repealed by Ord. No. 2000-06 P&Z § XIV, 3-21-00) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 72 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 Planning and Zoning Commission P a g e 7 3 o f 7 8 M e e t i n g D a t e : F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-81-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/3/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21), Plaza Shopping Center, to allow two monument signs to increase in size. The applicant is CS Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb. (PD-AMD-13-039) Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No. 21 (PD-21), Plaza Shopping Center, to allow two monument signs to increase in size. The applicant is CS Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb. (PD-AMD-13-039) Planning and Zoning Commission Page 74 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-99-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/16/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from "R- 12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District (PD-31) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from "R- 12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District (PD-31) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 75 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-101-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/16/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from "R- 12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32 (PD-32) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from "R -12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32 (PD-32) on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line), also known as Canterbury Hills out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 76 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-103-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:2/16/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from “R- 15” Single Family Residential District to “PD” Planned Development District No. 33 (PD-33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3. Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Title Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from “R- 15” Single Family Residential District to “PD” Planned Development District No. 33 (PD-33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 77 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Trophy Club Entities Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12013-25-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:1/12/2013 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:2/21/2013 Title:Future Agenda Items and questions or discussion of current and future items. Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. ReferredPlanning & Zoning Commission1/17/2013 1 Title Future Agenda Items and questions or discussion of current and future items. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 78 of 78 Meeting Date: February 21, 2013