Minutes P&Z 11/09/1987 - Joint Public Hearing- s MINUTES OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council and Planninq and Zoning Commission met for a Joint Public hearing on November 5th, 1987. The meeting was helld at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open toy the Public. Jib Carter Mayor Aldo Martignago Mayor Pro Tern Dick Venetoff Council Member Tracy Kunkel Council Member Teary Vance Council Member Belverly Foley Council Member Mike Hamper Chairman, P R Z Vance Booker Co -Chairman Bab Paige Commissioner Railph Kemp Commissioner David Schaaf Commissioner Absent were: Commissioners Heistand and Kardish and Marshal Nolte. Alyo present were members of the Town Staff: I John Hill Attorney Dain Boutweli Planner Jack. Jacobs Treasurer DoInna Welsh Secretary CAILL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the Public Hearing to order at 7:05 p.m. INVOCATION Co',uncii Member Vance gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Treasurer Jack Jacobs led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Paloe c PUBLIC HEARING: INDEPENDENT AMERICAN. APPROXIMATELY 991 ACRES Chairman Hamper stated that the Commission was receiving the information on Indeoendent American's Planned Development Districts on a piecemeal basis. They have scheduled a wrIrkshop on November 17th to review the material. Chairman Hamper stated that the Commission needs more time to properly review the material. Mayor Carter urged the Council to be in a"tendance. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on Independent American's P.D.'s to November 30th, Commissioner Paige seconded the motion, motion carried .rranimously. Councilman Vance made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on Independent American's P.D.'s to November 30th, Mayor Pro Tern Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: GIBRALTAR, APPROXIMATELY 45 ACRES Commissioner Kemp made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on Gibraltar's property to November 30th, Commissioner Paige seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayr Pro Tern Marticnapo made a motion to continue the Public hearing on Gibraltar's property to November 30th, C_iOcilwoman Folev seconded, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: BASS DEVELOPMENT, APPROXIMATELY 178 ACRES Commissioner Kemp made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on the Bass property to November 30th, Commissioner Paige seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mavor-Pro Tern Martignago made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on the Bass property to November 30th, Councilwoman Foley seconded, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: SUNBELT PROPERTY Commissionen Kerno made a notion to continue the Public Hearing on the Sunbelt property to November 30th, Commissioner Schaaf seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on the Sunbelt property to November 30th, Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. 4 Il i Paloe c PUBLIC HEARING: INDEPENDENT AMERICAN. APPROXIMATELY 991 ACRES Chairman Hamper stated that the Commission was receiving the information on Indeoendent American's Planned Development Districts on a piecemeal basis. They have scheduled a wrIrkshop on November 17th to review the material. Chairman Hamper stated that the Commission needs more time to properly review the material. Mayor Carter urged the Council to be in a"tendance. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on Independent American's P.D.'s to November 30th, Commissioner Paige seconded the motion, motion carried .rranimously. Councilman Vance made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on Independent American's P.D.'s to November 30th, Mayor Pro Tern Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: GIBRALTAR, APPROXIMATELY 45 ACRES Commissioner Kemp made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on Gibraltar's property to November 30th, Commissioner Paige seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayr Pro Tern Marticnapo made a motion to continue the Public hearing on Gibraltar's property to November 30th, C_iOcilwoman Folev seconded, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: BASS DEVELOPMENT, APPROXIMATELY 178 ACRES Commissioner Kemp made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on the Bass property to November 30th, Commissioner Paige seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mavor-Pro Tern Martignago made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on the Bass property to November 30th, Councilwoman Foley seconded, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: SUNBELT PROPERTY Commissionen Kerno made a notion to continue the Public Hearing on the Sunbelt property to November 30th, Commissioner Schaaf seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to continue the Public Hearing on the Sunbelt property to November 30th, Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. PaIIge 3 PUBLIC HEARING: NELSON PROPERTY, APPROXIMATELY 6.9 ACRES Chairman Hamper reported to the Council that•the Planning and Zoning Commission has thoroughly reviewed Mr. Nelson's P.D. and it meets all of the Town's requirements as set out by the Subdivision Regulations and Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Hamper reviewed several amendments suggested by the Commission and stated that the Commission unanimously voted to pass the P.D. with amendments to the Council. The Council reviewed the P.D. with Mr. Nelson and the Planning and Zoning Commission in detail. Mr. Nelson agreed to all of the amendments suggested by the Commission. Council Member Vance made a motion to accept the Nelson P.D. as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission with amendments. Mayor Pro Tern Martignago seconded the motion, wk,ich carried unanimously. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to continue the Public Hearing to November 30th, Commissioner Paige seconded, motion carried unanimously. i Commissioner Kemp made a motion to adjourn the Planning and Zoning's portion of tonight's Public Hearing, Commissioner Schaaf seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Vance made a motion to continue the Public Hearing to November 30th, Mayor Pro Tern Martignago seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Venetoff made a motion to adjourn the CcIuncil's portion of tonight's Public Hearing, Council Member Vince seconded, motion carried unanimously. MAYOR SECRETARY I'