Minutes P&Z 10/10/1988 - Joint Public HearingMINUTES OF JOINT PUBLIC BEARING TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission met for a Joint Public Hearing on Monday, October 10th, 1988 at 7:15 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Terry Vance Aldo Martignago Beverly Foley George Doran Mike Hamper Vance Booker David Schaaf Bob Paige Janet Kardish Dale Hiestand Kerry Ellen Elliott Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Chairman of Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner P & Z (arrived at 9:30 P.M.) Absent was Council Member Marilyn Hallgren. Also present were members of the Town Staff: David Nolte Jack Jacobs John Hill Dan Boutwell Jill Fiasconaro CALL TO ORDER Town Marshal Town Treasurer Town Attorney Town Planner Secretary Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M. noting a quorum present with the Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission. TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER PRELIMINARY PLAT/SITE PLAN FOR 13 ACRE PARK SITE LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST AREA OF TROPHY CLUB There were several items of concern the Planning and Zoning Commission had discussed at the Regular Meeting held September 15th, 1988. These items were brought to the attention of the Town Council and Public as follows: 7 Residential Lots in Section 14 - dedicated as Park Land Increase size of berms from 3 ft. to 3, ft. minimum Potable Water to be provided at Pavilion Drainage Plans;. Underground Utilities, Landscaping Park Parking Lot Inspections, Lighting CONTINUATION OF MINUTES - OCTOBER 10TH, 1988 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING PAGE 2 Commissioner Paige made a motion to recommend to the Town Council the approval of the Preliminary Plat/Site Plan for 13 Acre Park Site. Commissioner Hiestand seconded the motion. Motion failed 3/2 with Commissioners Paige and Hiestand in favor of the motion and Commissioners Kardish, Schaaf and Elliott opposing the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Vance made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat/Site Plan. Council Member Martignago seconded the motion. Motion carried 3/1 with Council Member Doran opposing the motion. TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER A FINAL PLAT FOR 13 ACRE PARK SITE LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST AREA OF TROPHY CLUB Commissioner Hiestand made a motion to recommend to the Town Council the Final Plat for 13 Acre Park Site be approved with a ten (10) foot easement and site access easement or letter of agreement. Commissioner Paige seconded the motion. Motion carried 5/1 with Commissioner Kardish opposing the motion. Council Member Martignago made a motion to approve the Final Plat of 13 Acre Park Site. Council Member Foley seconded the motion. Motion carried 3/1 with Council Member Doran opposing the motion. ADJOURN Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Kardish seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Prory T_pm Vance made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Foley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Chairman