Minutes P&Z 04/20/1993 - Joint Public HearingMINUTES OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING/PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Public Hearing with the Planning and zoning Commission, followed by a Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 1993. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Jim Carter Mayor Marshall Engelbeck Council Member Doug Glaspell Council Member Gene Hill Mayor Pro Tem Cotton Moore Council Member Patti Stoltz Council Member Planning and Zoning Commission Vance Booker Janet Kardish Charles Kirby Vice -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Chairman Hamper, Commissioners Paige, Schaaf and Williams were unable to attend the meeting. Also present were guests and staff members: Bill Wolston Ed Tweedie Donna Welsh John Hill Dan Boutwell Pauline Shaw CALL TO ORDER NWISD Superintendent NWISD Board President Town Manager Town Attorney Town Planner Director of Public Works Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed Council members, guests and staff. INVOCATION An Invocation was given by Ed Tweedie, NWISD Board President. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE AMERICAN AND TEXAS FLAGS The pledge of allegiance to the American and Texas Flags was led by NWISD Superintendent Bill Wolston. Page 2, Council Meeting, 04/20/93 Mayor Carter asked Mr. Wolston to introduce the school board members present to the Council. CONSENT AGENDA The next order of business was for the Town Council to consider the consent agenda items which were deemed to need little deliberation. As no one wished to remove any items, Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion to approve the consent agenda; Council Member Engelbeck seconded. Motion carried unanimously for items B and C. Council Member Glaspell abstained on item A due to his absence from the meeting. The approved items are as follows: A. Minutes of the March 16, 1993 Council Meeting B. Town Council to consider approving the interlocal agreement for ambulance services with Denton County, taking appropriate action, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the Contract. C. Town Council to consider approval of expending approximately $10,000 of the additional funding from Denton County for the interlocal ambulance agreement on emergency EMS equipment, "The Jaws of Life". TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER RESOLUTION 93-08 RELATING TO CHANGES PROPOSED BY THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE IN THE FUNDING OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS AS FOLLOWS: OPPOSING THE PASSAGE OF PROPOSITION I, (THE EQUALIZATION AMENDMENT); AND SUPPORTING PROPOSITIONS 2 (FUNDING OF FUTURE STATE MANDATES AMENDMENT) AND 3 (THE FACILITIES FINANCE IN AMENDMENT) AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. Mayor requested Mr. Ed Tweedie explain the background for Resolution 93-08, 93-09 and 93-10. After the explanation received from Mr. Tweedie, Council Member Moore made a motion to approve the resolutions as presented. Council member Glaspell seconded; motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER APPROVING RESOLUTION 93-09 C014CERNI14G A GRASS ROOTS MOVEMENT TO REINSTATE PUBLIC PRAYER IN SCHOOLS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. Council Member Stoltz stated she felt it was not appropriate for the Council to consider this resolution. Mayor Pro Tem Hill felt it appropriate to first get a sense of the Community regarding this and other resolutions. Page 3, Council Meeting, 04/20/93 After a discussion period, Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion to approved Resolution 93-09 to reinstate prayer in public schools. Council Member Glaspell seconded; Council Members Engelbeck, Glaspell, Hill and Moore voted for the resolution. Council Member Stoltz voted against. Motion passed four to one. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER RESOLUTION 93-10 OPPOSING LEGISLATION 14ANDATING REQUIRED SEX EDUCATION PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS IN TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. NWISD Superintendent Wolston addressed the Council regarding the proposed sex education mandate from the State. After a discussion period, Council Member Glaspell made a motion to approve Resolution 93-10. Council Member Engelbeck seconded the motion. After further discussion Mayor Pro Tem Hill recommend an amendment to the resolution by deleting the reference mentioning the SEICUS organization. Council Member Stoltz seconded the amendment. A vote to amend the resolution passed with and Council Member Moore opposing. A unanimous vote to approve Resolution 93-10 as amended was given by the Council. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER APPROVING RESOLUTION 93-11 RECOGNIZING AND ACCLAIMING THE EFFORTS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT, STAFF AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION WITHIN THE DISTRICT A14D TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION The Council applauded the superintendent, staff, faculty and Board of Trustees for a job well done. Council Member Glaspell made a motion to approve Resolution 93-11. Council Member Stoltz seconded the motion. A discussion period followed, with Mayor Pro Tem Hill recommending the insertion of faculty in Resolution 93-11. A unanimous vote was given for both the motion and the amendment. PRESENTATIONS BY CITIZENS No one wished to speak. STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Pauline Shaw, Director of Public Works, reported the street repairs were complete for fiscal year 1992-1993. Page 4, Council Meeting, 04/20/93 PRESENTATIONS BY COUNCIL Council Member Engelbeck noted the traffic backup on Highway 114. John Hill, Town Attorney, stated there had been no recent contact with the owners of the land for an east entrance. Mayor Carter stated he had spoken with Mr. Chip Field awhile back regarding land for an east entrance; but Mr. Field only has approximately five acres of land in that area. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER MARCH 1993 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion to approve the March 1993 Financial Statements as presented. Council Member Stoltz seconded; motion passed unanimously. TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL TO CONDUCT A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, WHICH JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WAS TO BE CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 16, 1993, TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: A. AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 91-01, AS SET FORTH AND DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH I.C. OF THE PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY 16, 1993, WHICH PUBLIC NOTICE IS ATTACHED HERETO. The Panning and Zoning Commission did not have a quorum. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER ADJOURNING THE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN ITEM NO. 4 AND/OR CONTINUING THE PUBLIC HEARING TO A DATE CERTAIN. Mayor Pro Tem Hill, upon advise from the Town Attorney, made a motion to continue the public hearing on June 15, 1993. Council Member Moore seconded; motion carried unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL TO CONSIDER TAKING ACTION ON THE RECOMMENDATION FROM THE TOWN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CONCERNING THE T FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE: A. AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 91-01, AS SET FORTH AND DESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH I.C. OF THE PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY 16, 1993 WHICH PUBLIC NOTICE IS ATTACHED HERETO. Page 5, Council Meeting, 04/20/93 The Planning and Zoning Commission made no recommendation due to the lack of a quorum. TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO CONSIDER APPLICATION FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT REGARDING APPROXIMATELY 16 ACRES OUT OF THE C MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT 823, LOCATED NORTH AND WEST ALONG TROPHY CLUB DRIVE AND SOUTH OF MUNICIPAL DRIVE FOR FELLOWSHIP UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. No action was taken due to the lack of a quorum of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Pro Tem Hill made a motion for the Town Council to meet in a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning commission on April 29th, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. to consider and take appropriate action concerning a preliminary plat for the Fellowship United Methodist Church. ADJOURN Mayor Pro Tem Hill a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 p.m., and to meet again on May 18, 1993. Council Member Moore seconded, motion carried unanimously.