Minutes P&Z 06/03/1993MINUTES OF PLANNING AND TOWN OF STATE OF TEXAS tY COUNTY OF DENTON REGULAR MEETING ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB The Planning and Zoning commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Thursday, June 03, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Vance Booker Charles Kirby Dob Paige David Schaaf Roger Williams Commissioners Absent: Mike Hamper Janet Kardish Staff and Guest present were: Dan Boutweli Pauline Shaw Jim Kasson CALL TO ORDER Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner chairman Commissioner Town Planner P & Z Administrator HAP Engineering & Associates Co -Chair Booker acted as Chairman and called the meeting to order at 7:14 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed the Commissioners, staff and guests. Chairman Booker requested Ms. Shaw to update the Commissioners on chairman Hampers condition. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF 4/15/93 AND JOINT PUBLIC HEARING 4/20/93, 5/1S/93 AND JOINT MEETING OF 4/29/93 Commissioner Paige made a motion to approve the minutes oaf the April 15, 1993 regular meeting and the minutes of the Joint Public Hearings of April 20, 1993, May 18, 1993 and the joint Meeting of April 29, 1993 as presented. Commissioner, Schaaf seconded; motion passed unanimously. REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF APPROXIMATELY 16 ACRES OUT OF THE C. MEDLIN SURVEY, ABSTRACT S23, LOCATED NORTH AND WEST ALONG TROPHY CLUB DRIVE SOUTH OF MUNICIPAL DRIVE FOR FELLOWSHIP UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION Chairman Booker asked Mr. Dan Boutwell, Town Planner, to review the replat for the Commissioners. Mr. Boutwell noted the changes to the roadway alignment and the iots are greater than 12,000 sq.ft. The Page 2, P&Z Meeting, 6/03/93 Commissioner chaaf noted the lack of lots to the northwest due tel the cul-de-sac being adjacent to the property or lot line. After a discussion period, Commissioner Paige made a motion to recommend to the Town Council that they approve the preliminary plat for the Fellowship United Methodist Church with an amendment to the preliminary plat to consist of moving the cul-de-sac nearest the property line back along the center line so that it will not be tangent with the property line. Commissioner Kirby seconded the motion. Commissioners Booker, Kirby, and Paige voting for and Commissioner Schaaf voting against. motion passed three to one. DISCUSS AND FINALIZE REFORMATING OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to recommend to the Town council that the joint public hearing from February 1993 on the reformatting of the Zoning Ordinance be continued to a date certain and that date is July 20, 1993. (The date of the Council's July regular meeting) Commissioner Paige seconded; motion passed unanimously. The review of the zoning ordinance was postponed until Thursday, July 15, 1993. There being no further business, Commissioner Schaaf made as motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 P.M. and to meet again Cin July 1, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Paige seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously./' Chairman Secretary