Minutes P&Z 10/21/1993MINUTES OF PLANNING AND TOWN OF REGULAR MEETING ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB STATE OF TEXAS .5 15 COUNTY OF DENTON § The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Thursday, October 21, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Mike Hamper Vance Booker Don Cotton TOM Mayfield Bob Paige David Schaaf Roger Williams Commissioners Absent: Staff and Guest present were: Dan Boutwell Pauline Shaw CALL TO ORDER Chairman Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner commissioner commissioner Commissioner Town Planner P & Z Administrator Chairman Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed the Commissioners, staff and guests. chairman Hamper then welcomed Mr. Don Cotton as a new member of the Commission. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1993 commissioner Schaaf made a motion to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting September 16, 1993. Commissioner Booker seconded; motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Hamper opened a discussion on annexing land from the Corps of Engineers north and northeast of Trophy Club. Town Attorney, John Hill, sent as letter to the Corps of Engineers stating the Town's intent to annex land. A discussion was held with regard to the little white chapel which was the old Methodist Church. A Mrs. Patrick intends to use the church for a wedding chapel. The only access to this property is froM Trophy Club on Monterey Drive. State law mandates access cannot be denied to property which is otherwise landlocked. There is a 30 foot wide parcel of land in the Westlake ETJ inside of the Town of Trophy Club's ETj. Page 2, P&Z Meeting 10/21/93 The Planning and Zoning Commission recommenf-fts that the Town begin talks with the City of Roanoke to disannex the "Land ad3acent to Trophy Club, whIich is cut off from Roanoke by 1-17ighway 114's easement. Chairman Hamper requested Ms. Shaw to update 1--he Commission on the Trophy Club land in bankruptcy. Ms. Shaw state the Bankruptcy Court extended the closing date for the sale of the property until the first week in December. A representative from Beck Properties (purchaser) hopes to close before Thanksgiving. Ms. Shaw mentioned that Mr. Steve Houser informed her that the land adjacent to Village West was for sale and he was not pursuing the Planned Development at this time. The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet again November 18, 1993. MR. DAN BOUTWELL WILL PRESENT EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION FOR DISCUSSION Chairman Hamper request Mr. Boutwell to conduct workshops k-1 from time to time for educational purposes for the Commissioners. He mentioned that the Planning and Zoning Commission needs to revisit, the platting and replatting process at a suture meeting. He further noted he would like to have a joint meeting with the Zoning -Ooar d of Adjustment. chairman Hamper then turned the meeting over to Mr. Boutelf to discuss Non -conforming Uses. Mr. Boutwell first gave an overview of the Planning and Zoning Commission and their powers. ehilafflm There being no further business, Commissioner Booker made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 P.M. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Ch a-Lrman n. Secretary