Minutes P&Z 09/15/1994MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Thursday, September 15, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Mike Hamper Vance Booker Don Cotton Tom Mayfield Bob Paige David Schaaf Chairman Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioners unable to attend meeting. Roger Williams Commissioner Staff and Guest present were: Pauline Shaw P & Z Administrator Mr. Lew Anderton Citizen William J. Sullivan Sales Mgr. James Hardie Bldg. Brian McMullen JEH Co. Sales Rep. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed the Commissioners, staff and guests. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 1, 1994 REGULAR MEETING AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION The Commissioners reviewed the minutes from the September 1, 1994 meeting. Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to accept the minutes with additional language added on page two. Commissioner Cotton seconded; motion passed unanimously. CONSIDER REQUEST OF MR. ANDERTON TO USE "HARDITEX" ON THE EXTERIOR OF HIS HOME AND FENCE AT 403 HILL TOP AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION Mr. Bill Sullivan explained to the Commissioners the content of the product. Ninety percent of the product is made of sand and cement while five percent is wood cellulose. There is a fifty year warranty that is transferable with the product and it has a class A fire rating. Mr. McMullen with JEH Co. stated that "Harditex board" can and is used under "Stoll which the Commissioners approved at a previous meeting. The product is a backer board for various veneer coatings. Page 2, P&Z Meeting 09/15/94 Chairman Hamper asked Mr. Anderton if he was considering the "Harditex" for his house or just for his fence. Mr. Anderton stated the "Harditex" would only be used for his fence. Chairman Hamper then stated that if approved, the "Harditex" product could only be used for fences. After a discussion period, Commissioner Paige made a motion to approve the "Harditex Board" for use on fences. Commissioner Mayfield seconded; motion passed unanimously. CONSIDER ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE TO THE USE, INSTALLATION OR PLACEMENT OF WOOD SHINGLES OR WOOD SHAKES ON ANY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. Chairman Hamper opened a discussion on the proposed additional language to the previously reviewed ordinance. He felt the provision requiring a permit before re -roofing and when at least 50% of the roof needs repair was a must. The Commissioners felt wood shingles should be prohibited unless a warranty that the shingles be fire retardant for 30 years is provided to the Planning and Zoning commission. After the discussion period, Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to recommend to the Town Council their considertation on adopting an ordinance prohibiting the use of wood\shake shingles as presented by the Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Commissioner Booker seconded; motion passed unanimously. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO GRAFFITI AND THE TIMELY REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI FROM PROPERTY AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION The Commissioner reviewed the ordinance as provided by the Town Attorney. After a discussion period, Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to request the Town Council to adopt an ordinance relating to graffiti as presented by the Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Commissioner Mayfield seconded; motion passed five to one. Commissioner Booker voted against the ordinance feeling the ordinance was burdensome on the property owner. OTHER BUSINESS The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission is October 20, 1994. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss; Commissioner Paige made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 P.M. Commissioner Schaaf seconded; motion passed unanimously.