Minutes P&Z 12/10/1998MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 10, 1998 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a regular session on December 10, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Hamper Chairperson Gene Hill Member Clayton Reed Member Roger Williams Member Rick Gilliland Member Donald Cotton Member David Schaaf Member STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Cathy Morgas P&Z Administrator Dan Boutwell Town Planner, MPRG Chairman Mike Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. announcing a quorum was present. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE ISSUES AND CONCERNS OF THE LANDOWNERS ALONG THE WEST SIDE AND NORTH CORNER OF THE "VIL.L,AGE" SHOPS - TRACT 1: (Martha Roberts, 6 Straight Creek Ct. & Marie Pagano, H 06 Sunset Dr.) The following residents addressed the Commission: Martha Roberts 6 Straight Creek Ct. y Alvin Miller 5 Straight Creek Ct. v M. C. Davis 1104 Sunset Dr. v Mark Lester 10 Straight Creek Ct. See attached letter with suggestions for the Commission. The Commission directed Ms. Morgas to schedule a meeting with the developer to discuss specific concerns; no further action taken. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING CHANGES TO ZONING ON TRACT 2 (TETCO) OF THE "VILLAGE" PD 13 (Richard Peacock): Richard Peacock, Real Estate Representative, San Antonio and Bob Farmer, TETCO Representative, discussed specifics regarding the earwash with the Commissioners. Following discussion, The Commission directed Dan Boutwell, Town Planner to draft a letter to Mr. Peacock outlining changes to be made to the PD 13, Tract 2 site plan. Page 2 P&Z Regular Session December 10, 1998 Those changes are as follows: Dimensions on the parking area between the convenience store and the car wash; need the parking lengths and the dimension between the parking areas Indicate stacking lane at the car wash entrance Show dimensions of signage on the face of the car wash Suggestions to have dummy windows on the east elevation Show external lighting y Add more landscaping to give a more upscale look Address traffic flow coming out of car wash Get examples of the metal overhead sectional door that will be used No action taken. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING CHANGES TO ORDINANCE 97- 27 (Fence Ordinance) ALLOWING CHAIN LINK FENCES FOR DOG RUNS: During discussion, the following requirements were presented: ✓ Must be fully contained within an opaque privacy fence. ✓ fencing (1 1.5,12.5 or 14 gauge) and posts and top rail must be galvanized chain Link or ornamental iron (subject to a permit) ✓ no metal or fiberglass roofing will be allowed ✓ maximum height allowed - 4 feet ✓ permit fee $15.00 The Commission directed Cathy Morgas to have the Town Attorney Address the above requirements on the fence ordinance. No action taken. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING ORDINANCE 97-04 (Boat and Trailer Ordinance) TO LOOK AT BANNING OUTSIDE STORAGE FOR BOATS AND TRAILERS (Bryan Phillips, Code Enforcement Town of Trophy Club): The following changes were discussed: u RV's OUT Li Boat and trailers - screened - not to be visible from ground level During discussion the Commission directed staff to rewrite the ordinance to reflect the discussed changes/modifications. Also discussed, was the fence ordinance. The Commission directed the staff to reword the ordinance to make it enforceable and bring it back to the next meeting to discuss the changes. Dan Boutwell suggested taking the fence requirements out of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and include them all in the fence ordinance. Page 3 P&Z Regular Session December 10, 1998 DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A ZONING CHANGE FROM R-12 AND R-15 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS) TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ##20, ESTATES OF HOGAN'S GLEN (PHASE II): John Harbin, VP, Beck Properties, gave a short presentation regarding the zoning change to PD#20. This must be officially shown in a public hearing. No action taken. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: July 2, 1998, July 16, 1998, August 6, 1998, August 20, 1998, September 17, 1998, October 15, 1998 and October 20, 1998. Commissioner Hill moved to accept all as presented. Commissioner Williams seconded; motion passed unanimously. OTHER MATTERS: The Commissioners discussed the upcoming presentation from the Trophy Club Country Club for site plan changes. This will be on the next agenda. Next meeting January 7, 1999. Next Joint Public Hearing January 19,1999. ADJOURN: Commissioner Schaaf moved to adjourn the meeting 10:00 p.m. Commissioner Reed seconded; motion passed unanimously. Mike Hamper, Chairperson athy "Morgas, P& Admi istrat 4/8/99 kin t fi .