Minutes P&Z 06/01/2000MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB I June 2000 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on 1 June 2000, at 6:30 P.M. in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDENCE: Gene Hill present Don Cotton excused absence Rick Gilliland present Clayton Reed present David Schaaf unexcused Roger Williams present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Dan Boutwell Planning Consultant Tiffany Haertling Town Attorney Capt. Danny Thomas Trophy Club/Westlake DPS, Fire Division Robbie Daughtry Trophy Club Municipal Utility District, Wastewater Superintendent Cody Pletz Regency Realty Patrick Krejs Regency Realty Morgan L. Scott Regency Realty Yung Cha Excel Cleaners tenant Alfred Go broker representative for Mr. Cha Vice Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. and announced a quorum was present. 2. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION REGARDING A REQUEST TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 1999-17 P&Z, TROPHY CLUB PLAZA, AS FOLLOWS a. PERMITTING ON-SITE DRY CLEANING FACILITY b. PERMITTING PHOTOCOPY CENTER C. AMEND EXHIBIT "B" PD SITE PLAN, EXHIBIT "D" BUILDING ELEVATIONS, EXHIBIT "F" PLANT LIST & PLAN, EXHIBIT "G" PRELIMINARY GRADING AND EXHIBIT "I" SIGN CRITERIA (APPLICANT: CODY PLETZ, PROJECT MANAGER, REGENCY REALTY). 2a. PERMITTING ON-SITE DRY CLEANING FACILITY Mr. Scott addressed the Commission: Mr. Scott stated that he had responded to all questions asked by the Commissioners at the previous meeting. Commissioner Gilliland asked if there was a secondary containment underneath the machine to act as a backup device to prevent the machine from leaking. Planning & Zoning Regular Session 1 June 2000 Mr. Scott stated that the machine had one hundred ten (110) percent containment. He went on to state that he did not have the precise size of the secondary containment, but he would furnish the Commission with that information. Capt. Danny Thomas asked where the tenant was located in the Plaza complex. Mr. Scott stated that Excel cleaners would be in Retail Building "A" specifically located in the second lease space on the north side. Capt. Danny Thomas stated his concern with the location of the tenant in the retain building. In case of a fire, when the building sprinkler system failed to respond, or if the Fire Department was delayed the fire would spread out the front and back of the building causing a definite vulnerability to the tenants on either side of the dry cleaning facility. Mr. Scott informed Capt. Thomas that more containment would be added if the Fire Department so specified, in addition to the 2- hour fire rated walls. Mr. Scott also gave the telephone number of the representative from Exxon, Beth Tubbs, (800-423-6587, ext. 3303). Capt. Thomas reiterated the safety issue with tenants on both sides in case of a chemical spill. Mr. Scott stated than epoxy seal could be added to the floor if the Fire Department and Building Department would require. Dan Boutwell suggested to the Commission, if this use was granted, to reword the use from "Laundry and Dry Cleaning (Limited to pickup and drop off only)" to "Laundry and Dry Cleaning (including on-site chemicals not to exceed 81.7 gallons). Commissioner Reed asked if the total gallons would exceed 81.7 gallons when the machine was refilled. Mr. Scott clarified how the machine was serviced. Once a year the machine will have a service technician come out and perform the standard yearly service maintenance. At that time, the exact amount of fluid needed to replace the chemical would be evaluated. The service technician would return to the site with the exact amount of chemical, and add it to the machine. Therefore, only the maximum volume capacity of machine would be on-site at any given time. The solvent recycles itself, causing the fluid to be replaced only annually. A small residual amount of the solvent remains in the clothing after processing, causing the total level to decline over the course of a year. Commissioner Gilliland asked Mr. Scott for a complete list of lease spaces in the Metroplex which are currently open for business, whom are currently operating with Exxon DF 2000. Mr. Scott said he would furnish that information. Capt. Thomas asked if Mr. Scott was aware of any other cities with dry cleaning facilities using Exxon DF 2000, that had the same water permit (domestic) as Trophy Club. Mr. Scott stated that he would furnish that list with the other information requests. Mr. Boutwell advised the Commission that a monitoring location approved by the Fire Department and the Building Department could be added as a provision in the ordinance or possibly listed as a conditional use. 2 PKamning& Zoning Regular Session 1June 2000 Mr. Scott again obeked the solvent is 000eotob\e vvaa\e oil under the Clean Water Act and it vv0u|d not bB8S harmful 8Stetrachlorethylene /PERC\. M[. C>GUQhtry confessed that he did not kDOvv what dGOl8g8 the SO|V8nt vvOU|d do to the VV8etevvotor Treatment P|Gnt, but it would definitely C8VS9 S8w8r8 fines to be 8eSeoaed to the Municipal Utility District. Me. Hnert|ing suggested that the Town do additional research on the chemical. Vice Chairman Hill excused Mr. Scott. 2b. PERMITTING PHOTOCOPY CENTER Mr. P|8tzaddneeaed the Commission: K4[ Pl8tz informed the CUDlDliSSiDO that EXHIBIT ^C^ 3UOvvS for GU Us8S listed in Section 13 Of the Use Table in the COrnpn8henSiwa Zoning C)rdin@DC8 under divisions ... G— Retail: printing, publishing, engraving. Mr. BUubweU stated that the ordinance would not need to be amended for the use 2c. AMEND EXHIBIT ^^B', PD SITE PLAN, EXHIBIT °D" BUILDING ELEVATIONS, EXHIBIT '^F'`PLANT LIST & PLAN, EXHIBIT ^^G" PRELIMINARY GRADING AND EXHIBIT "V"SIGN CRITERIA' (APPLICANT: CODY PLETZ, PROJECT MANAGER, REGENCY REALTY). Mr. Pletz continued to address the Commission: Mr. Pletzpresented the Commissioners with 8proposed site plan for the revision tOtract 3 o the Plaza d8v8|OprnenL The footprint Of the structure vvOU|d be fht88O thousand /15.000\ square feat with the same storefront and towers as Retail Building ^B^ The book of the structure would be treated with navea|a, diamonds and a painted texture. Each side would have atone wrap around partially to the book. The front of the elevation would face the Town Thumb grocery store and Trophy Club Drive, and the rear elevation would face SH 114. Commissioner Gilliland asked how the mechanical units would be screened from 8H 114. Mr. Pletz stated that would be decided upon completion and review of the site line study. Commissioner Gilliland eLotOd his concern for the aesthetic nature Of the elevation facing SH 114. He went on the inform Mr. P|etz that the Trophy Lake entrance would be, in the future, the main entrance for the Town, and a tilt wall facing that ingress would not be acceptable. Mr. B0ubwe|| stated the rear elevation vv0u|d have to look like the front S|ev8U0D, however that would beable h]beaccomplished. Mr. Pl8tz [O|d the CD[n0iSSi0n that h8would not be able tOagree to G dU@\ storefront because the tenant spaces would be very difficult to fill from a leasing standpoint. Mr. BOubweUsuggested stone over the tilt wall � Planning & Zoning Regular Session 1 June 2000 Mr. Pletz stated he would confer with his engineers and architects to find an acceptable solution. Mr. Boutwell called attention to the turning radius created by the new site plan off of one of the main drives in the development. Mr. Pletz stated he would also address that concern. Vice Chairman Hill dismissed Mr. Pletz. 3. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, ORDINANCE NO. 98-08, TO INCLUDE: a. CHANGES OR REVISIONS b. SUB -DIVIDER'S AGREEMENT 3b. SUB -DIVIDER'S AGREEMENT Ms. Haertling addressed the Commission: Ms. Haertling explained that the Sub -Divider's agreement included in the Commissioner's packet was actually drafted as an amendment to PD -15, The Lakes. After the continued difficulty the Town endured with the developers, Briscoe Clark, it became necessary to have a document that would ensure the work would be completed in a subdivision or development if the developer failed to do so. The document would have to be signed by the developer before the Town would file the final plat with Denton County. If the developer refused to sign the agreement, the Town would not file the final plat, and the developer would not be legally able to sell land. Mr. Boutwell informed the Commission that when he first read the agreement for PD -15, he felt that it was a bit harsh, however, after investigating Sub -Divider's Agreement's from other cities he represents, he found much of the same content and wording. In some cases, other cities were even much more restrictive with their agreements. Ms. Haertling suggested that requirements for indemnification be language added to the Agreement. This would ensure in the event of litigation, the Town would not be held accountable, therefore not be able to be sued. Ms. Haertling went on to suggest the Town Engineer and Director of Public Works be involved in the review of the document. Ms. Haertling said she would provide a copy of the Sub -Divider's Agreement for the City of Argyle as an example. Vice Chairman Hill asked when the Commission could expect to see the first draft. Ms. Haertling stated six (6) weeks would be a realistic time period. Vice Chairman Hill excused Ms. Haertling. 3a. CHANGES OR REVISIONS Mr. Boutwell informed the Commission that it had suggested to revise the ordinance. The Commission agreed to place this item on the agenda for the first meeting in July. CI Planning & Zoning Regular Session 1 June 2000 4. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS, OTHER MATTERS. The Commission had no comments. 3. REPORTS FROM STAFF. Ms. Fleck had no reports. 8. ADJOURNMENT. Vice Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Gene'HilF,-Vice 'Ch'airman Ke/in C. Fleck, Plannin4 & Zoning Coordinator KCF/PLANNING&ZONING/MINUTES/APR,MAY,JUN/06012000REGMTG [6/2/00 9:22:48 AM] 5