Minutes P&Z 05/18/2000MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 18 MAY 2000 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on 1 June 2000, at 6:00 P.M. in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDENCE: Gene Hill present Don Cotton present Rick Gilliland present [arrived @ 6:09 p.m.] Clayton Reed present David Schaaf present [arrived @ 6:03 p.m.] Roger Williams present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Dan Boutwell Planning Consultant [arrived @ 6:04 p.m Barry Hudson Planning Consultant Cathy Morgas District Manager M.U.D. Cody Pletz Regency Realty Patrick Krejs Regency Realty Morgan L. Scott Regency Realty Donn C. Renwick Resident Paige Pounds-Seabring Resident Sid Seabring Resident Chris Clark Resident Vice Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and announced a quorum was present. Vice Chairman Hill requested one (1) minute of silence in memory of former Planning & Zoning Chairman, Mike Hamper. 2. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A REQUEST TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 1999-17 P&Z, TROPHY CLUB PLAZA, TO ALLOW FOR AN ON- SITE DRY CLEANING FACILITY, (APPLICANT: CODY PLETZ, PROJECT MANAGER, REGENCY REALTY). Mr. Pletz addressed the Commission and introduced Mr. Patrick Krejs, leasing agent and Mr. Morgan Scott, due diligence group involved with special presentations. Mr. Scott addressed the Commission and began his presentation: Regency EnviroPmentall Information General policy is not to allow new dry cleaning plants using tetrachloroethylene (PERC) in centers, but will allow DF2000. Lease contains protective language restricting tenant's use of hazardous materials. Planning & Zoning Regular Session 18 May 2000 Regency Realty has four (4)dry cleaners using Exxon DF 2000inthe Dallas/ Fort Worth area, plus several sites inCalifornia and over aquifers inFlorida. Regency Realty obviously has @vested interest in protecting the environment in and around their centers. Advantages tothe Town: With an On -Sita plant, customers t0this establishment, mostly Trophy Club residents, vvOu|d have the convenience Ofsame day pick up. With @ drop off -only facility, the customer must wait twenty-four (24) hours for their dry cleaning. Regency Environmental Information: Within the last several years, Regency has acquired nine (9) shopping centers, and they have inherited alot ofleases from tenants that have the old style PERCp|8nt. They have had Glot of environmental problems both contaminations of ground water as well as soil. Basically they have a policy of not allowing any new tenant into a center that uses the PERC plant. When lease is renewed, the tenant is required to remove the PERC plant or convert to a more environmental friendly chemical such aathe [}F2O0O. About two (2)years ago Regency began receiving requests b]install the [>F2OU0plants. Regency currently has four (4) dry cleaners using DF 200Ointhe Dallas/Fort Worth area. They have several sites inCalifornia, @Swell ae numerous sites in Florida. Several of the sites in Florida are located over aquifers, and they have not had any complaints from the environmental authorities around such sensitive areas. With approximately 216 shopping centers in their portfolio, Regency has a vested interest protecting the environmental nature in and around their centers. Prospective Tenant Information: The prospective tenant for the Trophy Club site ieExcel Cleaners and the sole owner iaMr. Yung Cha. In addition to this proposed location, Mr. Cha has one additional location and is also @ partner inthree other locations, all under different operating names. Mr. Cha has been inthe dry cleaning business 18 years and has experience in building 15 different dry cleaning plants. He has an extemporary environmental record and has a one hundred (100) percent OSHA r8COn]. Exxon DF 2000: DF 2000 was created as a replacement for PERC and the older Stoddard solvent in 1996. It solves the problem OfSt0dd@nd'Slower one hundred five (1O5)degree flash point with 8higher one hundred forty seven (147) degree flash point. |thas been proven inthe marketplace with approximately five (5) percent dry cleaning volume uses a hydrocarbon solvent. UF2000ie recycled inoperation and noventing uffumes ierequired. Very little waste iagenerated and disposal offilters and lint ianot considered hazardous waste. As far as fi[8 protection is concerned, the building is fully oprink|ered with @ monitored o|orrn panel. If the use is 8ppnoved. Regency will modify the h8noOt plans SO that they are in specific compliance with the National Fina Protection Code hDdeal with this level of flash point. Environmental Regulation: DF 2000 is classified as an oil under the Clean Water Act and no special reporting of spills is required under CERLA8Sitiarequired for PERC. Also, labeling for toxicity under OSHA iSnot required meitiafor PEFlC. Vice Chairman Hill asked Mr. Boutwell if he had any comments. � Planning & Zoning Regular Session 18 May 2000 Mr. Boutwell directed the Commission, when they make their motion, to specifically site DF 2000 or a comparable fluid and prohibit PERC. He also suggested that if it is discharged, it would have to be transferred off-site. The following questions were asked. Mr. Scott did have information to provide the Commission with answers and he was asked to provide the staff with responses. 1. How many gallons of Exxon DF 2000 are in the machine at any time? 2. How much noise does the machine make? 3. How much noise does the additional HVAC units make that are installed to the cool area where the machine is located? 4. What restrictions relating to the dry cleaning machine are placed on the tenant in the lease? Mr. Scott agreed to furnish the information as soon as possible. Vice -Chairman Hill informed the applicant's the Department's of Fire and Wastewater would be in attendance at the next Planning & Zoning meeting 1 June 2000. No action was taken. Mr. Scott was dismissed by Vice Chairman Hill. Mr. Boutwell was dismissed by Vice Chairman Hillat 6:40 p.m. 3. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A REQUEST FOR A WAIVER TO FENCE ORDINANCE NO. 1999-01, AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES: 3a. 336 VILLAGE TRAIL - LOT 29, BLOCK A, LAKESIDE (APPLICANT: DONN C. RENWICK, HOMEOWNER) 3b. 302 VILLAGE TRAIL - LOT 12, BLOCK A, LAKESIDE (APPLICANT: PAIGE POUNDS-SEABRING, HOMEOWNER) 3a. 336 VILLAGE TRAIL - LOT 29, BLOCK A, LAKESIDE (APPLICANT: DONN C. RENWICK, HOMEOWNER) Mr. Renwick addressed the Commission: Mr. Renwick stated that he did not have an approved material. He had a section of the piece available for the Commission to view. This is the same material used on the Plantation golf course. He would like to use it for a seventeen (17) foot length. The material has a lifetime warranty and is easier to maintain than wood. The height will be four (4) feet, black in color. Motion: Gilliland Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Cotton, Schaaf, Williams Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Motion carried. This item will be recommended to the Town Council that this waiver be approved. 3 Planning & Zoning Regular Session 18 May 2000 Commissioner Reed feet in height, for @ Village Trail. suggested the motion be amended to provide approval of fence four (4) distance of seventeen (17) feet along the east side of the property at 336 Amended Motion: Gilliland Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Cotton, Schaaf, Williams Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Motion carried. This dDrn will be n3CODl[DeOded to the TOVVO COUDCi| for approval of fence four (4)feet in heiOht, fora distance of seventeen /17\ feet along the east side of the property at 330 Village 3b. 302 VILLAGE TRAIL - LOT 12,BLOCK A, LAKESIDE (APPLICANT: PAIGE POUNDS-SEABRING, HOMEOWNER) Ms. Pounde'Seobhngaddressed the Commission: The residence located directly behind the applicant was granted a waiver last year. The builder, Plantation Homes, k]|d the applicants that they would be able to have a waiver granted by the Town, because all the other lots have waivers. Ma. Pounds-8eabhng went on to show the Commissioners with photographs, how the fences look at the different positions. lFhmne is e fifteen (15) difference between the fences facing Durango [)hve` and it does not make the neighborhood look the aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, K4a. Pounds-SeabhnQ would like to apply to o fence waiver to move the fence along Durango Drive, out tOthe property line. Commissioner Williams asked about the tree between the street and the fence. Mr. So8bhn0 stated that the tree would bemoved inside the fence. Motion: Williams Second: Cotton Ayes: Hill, GiUi|ond, Reed, Schaaf Nays: Nona Approved: 0-0 Motion carried. This item will be recommended to the Town Council that this waiver be approved. 4' DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE PLANNING & ZONING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000'2001, (APPLICANT: TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB)' Mr. Buxton. addressed the Commission: Both Mr. Buxton and K4S. MOrg3S 8DSvv8rRd questions from the Commissioners. They urged the Commission to work with the Town Council on certain line items. � Planning & Zoning Regular Session 18 May 2000 Vice Chairman Hill r8C8SSed the meeting for five (5) minutes to allow Ma. Fleck to procure copies of the first budget draft the Commission discussed at the 0 Aoh| 2000 regular S8SSi0n meeting. Vice Chairman Hill reconvened the meeting. DieCuSSk]n continued oothe Commission 8vG|U8t8d each line item. /\ determination was made for each budget line. Motion: Williams Second: Cotton Ayes: Hill, Gilliland, Reed, Schaaf Nays: None Approved: 0-0 Motion passed. : The Planning & Zoning budget will be approved as amended to the Town Council. 5. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES. 20 January 2000: Motion: Gilliland Second: Williams Ayes: HiU, Cotton, Reed, Schaaf Nays: K|OD8 Approved: 6-0 Motion : 3 February 2000 Motion: Gilliland Second: Williams Ayes: HiU, CoUVn, Reed. Schaaf Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Motion : W&F-MMEP41 M11 Motion: Gilliland Second: Williams Ayes: Hill, COUOn. Reed. @Ch@Gf Nays: nOOB Approved: 0-0 Motion : Motion: Gilliland Second: Williams Ayes: Hill, Cotton Nays: OOOe Abstain: O -O Motion : Planning & Zoning Regular Session 18 May 2000 Commissioner Gilliland was not present Gtthe 7March 2OOOMeeting. These minutes will b80n osubsequent agenda for approval. 16 March 2000: K4Otk]n: Gilliland Second: Williams Ayes: Hill, Cotton, Reed' Soh@o[ Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Motion : 6April 20OO: Motion: Gilliland Second: Williams Ayes: Hill, CUtbon, Reed Nays: none Abstain: H8rnpar. Suhoe[ Williams Motion : COD101iSSiOn8r Williams was not p[8S8Dt at the 0 Anh| 2000 Meeting. These minutes will be On o subsequent agenda for approval. 6' REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS, OTHER MATTERS' Commission Cotton asked the status of the Pathway Plan. Vice {}hoirrnon Hill inh}[OO8d the {}OrnnniSSiOn that the Sid8vv8|k 8|VnQ Trophy Club Drive vvOu|d be delayed 3-4 vv88ka until a contractor is procured. When the work is complete, landscaping and irrigation will be iOot8||8d. Commissioner Cotton asked the status of Hop Bagge#'a port in the pathway ocnoae from HoQan'e Glen to the highway. Vice Chairman Hill 03(d COrnnniSSiOn8r Cotton he vvOu|d fOUovv up and find out the Town's responsibility inthat matter. Vice Chairman Hill asked the Commissioners if they would be opposed to moving the meeting time back 30 0iDUteS, to begin all P|8ODiDg & Zoning O0CeUOgS at 8:30 p.m. The COrnrnieSi0nenS agreed. In the future the meeting time will be 8:30 p.m. 7. REPORTS FROM STAFF. Ms. Fleck had no reports. Planning & Zoning Regular Session Vice Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Gene H'ill, Vice Chairman Coordinator 18 May 2000 KCRPLANN|NG&ZON|NG0N|NUTESA\PR.MAY.JUN/0518200OREGMTG [6/2000:22:48AM] 7