Minutes P&Z 05/06/2004MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOR THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 6 MAY 2004 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session meeting 6 May 2004, at 7:00 pm in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262, COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE:. Chairman Hill present Vice Chairman Stephens present Commissioner Moss present Commissioner Reed present Commissioner Rodgers excused Commissioner Sheridan present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Karen Mitchell Planning Consultant Kaylee M°Rae Applicant/Resident 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm, and announced a quorum was present. 2. PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO A FENCE WAIVER REQUEST TO THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2002-42 P&Z, SECTION 3 ENTITLED "FENCES", SUBSECTION "C" ENTITLED "TYPE OF FENCE AND CONSTRUCTION" (3) PERTAINING SPECIFICALLY TO CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FOR A FENCE VISIBLE ALONG A SIDE YARD ADJACENT TO A SIDE STREET, FOR A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1 HERITAGE COURT, LOT 246 OF SECTION THREE. APPLICANT: KAYLEE MCRAE (FW -04-016) Ms. Fleck addressed the Commission and gave a brief summary of the applicant's request. Ms. McRae is seeking a waiver to place a black vinyl coated chain link fence in her back yard, The fence location will be visible from Indian Creek drive, however it will be set back approximately sixty feet (60) from the right-of-way, Currently the rear yard has heavy vegetation and Ms. M`Rae is planning to extend ivy along the iength of the proposed fence, making the chain link significantly less noticible. Ms, M`Rae addressed the Commission, Discussion ensued among the Commissioners, N:Ikfleck\Private \PLANNING & ZONING\ MINUTES\ 20041 MAY\ 05062004 REGSESS.dcc Page 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 6 May 2004 A motion was made to recommend denial of the waiver request, as chain link is a prohibited material in the Fence Ordinance. Motion: Sheridan Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Moss, Stephens Nays: None Action: 5-0 Motion carried. 3. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF THE FIRST DRAFT REPEAL TO TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2001-08 P&Z, THE SAME BEING AN AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 2000-06 P&Z, RELATIVE TO WIRELESS ANTENNAS AND ANTENNA FACILITIES. Ms. Fleck introduced the first draft of the antenna ordinance revision. Her goal for the revision is to produce an ordinance that is 1.) easy to read and understand; 2.) easy to administer; 3.) has checklists specifying exactly what is required of applicants when plans are submitted for permit; and 4.) clarifies amateur operator criteria. The Commission reviewed the proposal and made revisions to the first draft. Staff was directed to incorporate the revisions made by the Commission. The second draft will be reviewed by the Commission at their next meeting. 4. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: A. 15 APRIL 2004 A ration was made to table the minutes of 15 April 2004, Motion: Stephens Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Sheridan, Moss Nays: None Action; Approved, 5-0 Motion carried. 4. ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:45 pm. r Gene Hill, Chairman NAkfleck\PdvateTLANNING & ZONING\MINUTES120041MAY105062044 REG SESS.doc (6191{74 3:03:06 PM1 Page 2 P'lanni'ng & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 6 May 2004 k�� pLt�- K rin C. Fleck, Plannirig & Zoning Coordinator NAkfleck\Hvate\PLANNING & ZQNINGIMINUTES120041MAY105062004 REG SESS.doc [619/04 3:03:06 PM] Page 3