Minutes P&Z 02/17/2005MINUTES OF A PUBI.IC HEARING 8 REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 17 FEBRUARY 2005 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Public Hearing and a Regular Session on 17 February 2005, at 7:00 pm in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill present Vice Chairman Stephens present Commissioner Bradley present Commissioner Moss present Commissioner Reed present Commissioner Rodgers present Commissioner Sheridan present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Anna Langley Applicant/Trophy Club Woman's Club A.l CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, announced a quorum was present and explained the format of the meeting for the benefit of the audience. B.l PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO A REQUEST FOR A TEMPORARY USE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE GRANTED BY SPECIAL PRIVILEGE. (APPLICANT: ANNA LANGLEY, TROPHY CLUB WOMEN'S CLUB) Ms. Langley addressed the Commission. The DPS will be involved with traffic control. Similar to last year, an alternate rain day will not be scheduled. The spring event will be Saturday, 30 April 2005, and the fall event will be 1 October 2005. A motion was made to recommend approval of the request for Temporary Use Permit. Motion: Sheridan Second: Stephens Ayes: Hill, Bradley, Moss, Reed, Rodgers Nays: None Action: Approved, 7-0 Motion carried. Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing & Regular Session Meeting 17 February 2005 PUBLIC HEARING C.l PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO OPEN PLlBLlC HEARING. A mo.l.ion was made to open the Public Hearing. Motion: Reed Second: Sheridan Ayes: Hill, Bradley, Moss, Rodgers, Stephens Nays: None Action: Approved, 7-0 Motion carried. C.2 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO 'THE FOLLOWING: Chairman Hill read the caption into the record. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2000-06 P&Z BY AMENDING AR'I'ICLE 3, SECTION 13 ENTITLED "USE TABLE, SUBSEC'I'ION "F" ENTITLED "BUSINESS" AND SUBSEC'I'ION "G EN'TI'TLED "RETAIL" TO INCLUDE TANNING SALONS. (APPLICANT ERNIE KENNEDY, REGENCY CENTERS) AMD-05-017 Ms. Fleck presented this item to the Commission. Ernie Kennedy with Regency Centers recently had a prospective tenant that was a tanning salon use. Upon review of the uses permitted for the location, staff discovered the Zoning Ordinance does not address tanning salon uses and therefore the use is prohibited. Staff recommended Mr. Kennedy request an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Use Table in order to add provisions for the use. The proposed ordinance designates the use be allowed in CG - Commercial General and PD - Planned Development zoning districts. C.3 PLANNING & ZONING COMMlSSiON TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING AND/OR CONTINUE TO A DATE CERTAIN. A motion was made to close the public hearing. Motion: Sheridan Second: Rodgers Ayes: Hill, Bradley, Moss, Reed, Stephens Nays: None Action: Approved, Approved, 7-0 Motion carried. C.4 PLANNING & ZONING COMMlSSlON TO CONVENE INTO A REGULAR SESSION. Chairman Hill opened the Regular Session. N:\kfleck\Private\PLANNlNG 8 ZONING\MEETINGS\MINUTES\2005\002 FEB\02172005 PH 8 REG SESSION.doc [6/16/06 11:12:18AM] Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing & Regular Session Meeting 17 February 2005 *REGULAR SESSION D.1. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE TOWN COU NClL REGARDING: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2000-06 P&Z BY AMENDING ARTICLE 3, SECTION 13 ENTITLED "USE TABLE, SUBSECTION "F" ENTITLED "BUSINESS AND SUBSECTION "G ENTITLED "RETAIL" TO INCLUDE TANNING SALONS. (APPLICANT ERNIE KENNEDY, REGENCY CENTERS) AMD-05-017 The Commission discussed the proposed amendment. Motion: Stephens Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Bradley, Moss, Rodgers, Sheridan Nays: None Action: Approved, 7-0 Motion carried. D.2 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES. A. 3 FEBRUARY 2005 A motion was made to approve the minutes of 3 February 2005, as written. Motion: Reed Second: Rodgers Ayes: Hill, Bradley, Moss, Sheridan Nays: None Abstain: Stephens Action: Approved, 6-0-1 Motion carried. E.l ADJOURNMENT Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:12pm. ~eritf~. Fleck, ~landng & Zonlng Coordinator N:\kfleck\Private\PLANNlNG L?.ZONING\MEETINGS\MINUTES\2005\002 FEB\02172005 PH L?. REG SESSION.doc [6/16/06 11:12:18AM]