Minutes P&Z 11/06/2008 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 6, 2008 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on November 6, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, and Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill Present Vice Chairman Stephens Present Commissioner Reed Present Commissioner Sheridan Present Commissioner Forest Present Commissioner Ashby Present Commissioner Davidson Present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator Chris King Building Inspector Bill Durham First Texas Homes/Gallery Custom Homes A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present. B.1 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 18, 2008 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. Commissioner Reed motioned to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2008, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ashby. Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Reed, Forest, Sheridan, Ashby Nays: None Abstain: Davidson Action: 6-0-1, Approved Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 5 November 6, 2008 Minutes C.1 DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ON A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A TEMPORARY USE FOR OFF-STREET PARKING FOR MODEL HOMES IN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27, NEIGHBORHOOD 2, PHASE 1A, FOR A PERIOD OF TIME OF NOT GREATER THAN ONE YEAR. APPLICANT: GALLERY CUSTOM HOMES. Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the representative for this case to come forward. Bill Durham, Director of Construction, First Texas Homes, 2535 Woodside Dr., Highland Village, Texas, stated that they will incorporate their model home landscaping into their parking lot. He stated that their actual landscaping will be two to three-fold more than what is shown on the submitted plan in the P&Z Commissioners packet. He stated that Gallery Custom Homes (which is a division of First Texas Homes) and Beazer Homes will use this parking lot, and he can’t represent what Beazer will do on their side of the parking lot. He would like to readdress the landscaping when he brings in his request for signs and landscaping for the model. Commissioner Ashby asked if he understood correctly that there is no Beazer commitment for the landscaping plan. Mr. Durham stated that Gallery is putting in the parking lot and Beazer will pay for half of it. As soon as the model home is bricked they will be pulling out the construction trailer and moving it to another site and then dropping in the parking lot. They are looking at December/January on that. Beazer will not do any work on the parking lot other than some landscaping to connect the sidewalk from the parking lot to their model on Lot 10. Ms. Huggins showed a plat diagram of Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A, to give the Commissioners an overview of the eventual layout of Neighborhood 2, Phase 1A which will contain model homes for Lennar, Centex, Gallery and Beazer, as well as two parking lots for the model homes. Tonight, the Commission is considering the model home parking lot for Gallery and next month will see a request for a parking lot for Centex. Commissioner Ashby stated that this will be “model home row”. Ms. Huggins confirmed that model homes will be built on this location for those four builders. Mr. Ashby stated that this is not quite what he dreamed of when they went through the eight months and everything after, but he can understand the principle and content of it. Commissioner Ashby asked how there will be access for the handicapped to the model home? Mr. Durham stated that at the van access there will be a break in the curb and Beazer will tie into that with a sidewalk. Mr. Ashby stated that he would like to see the layout properly documented. Commissioner Sheridan stated that he worked for First Texas Homes in the late 80’s and early 90’s for six or seven years, but does not feel that he has any conflict. Mr. Sheridan stated that he has no problem with the parking lot, but the application and display is substandard to what P&Z is used to getting and he is inclined to say postpone and come back with a proper application. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 of 5 November 6, 2008 Minutes Vice Chairman Stephens asked are we considering granting approval of a plan where the Building Inspector must make sure that the drawings are proper so that when presented to Town Council the documentation will be complete. Chairman Hill stated that the motion can incorporate the necessity for the sidewalks from the parking area to where the model homes will be located. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that he is good with that. Commissioner Forest stated that he is not sure what is being voted on tonight. Ms. Huggins apologized for the poor quality of the application. She stated that she agrees with Commissioner Sheridan that she did not obtain enough documentation from the applicant with adequate diagrams to show what the applicant wishes to do. She did not consider a sidewalk would be needed from Beazer’s model home. She stated that the documents could be revised prior to Council. Mr. Durham stated that he would be willing to postpone and bring back better documentation to the Commissioners. Commissioner Ashby stated that he has no problem with what Gallery Custom Homes wishes to do, but he wants more detail and documentation of what they are going to do. Commissioner Sheridan asked if this item is postponed how that would affect Gallery’s construction schedule. Mr. Durham responded that they are not planning to build the parking lot until January. Commissioner Ashby made a motion to table this item and that the item should come back with revised documentation, with compliance and agreement from Beazer Homes and Gallery Homes on the combined use of the parking lot, and showing hash marks as a handicap accessibility lane. Vice Chairman Stephens seconded the motion. Ayes: Hill, Reed, Ashby, Forest, Stephens, Sheridan, Davidson Nays: None Action: Tabled, 7-0 C.2 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27 (PD-27), ORDINANCE NO. 2007-15 P&Z TO CHANGE THE DISTANCE REQUIRED FOR A GARAGE FACING A SIDE STREET, AND TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. (PD AMD-08-028) Chairman Hill announced the case, opened the public hearing and asked if anyone in attendance wished to speak. There were none and the public hearing was closed. C.3 DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ON AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 27 (PD-27), ORDINANCE NO. 2007-15 P&Z TO CHANGE THE Planning & Zoning Commission Page 3 of 5 November 6, 2008 Minutes DISTANCE REQUIRED FOR A GARAGE FACING A SIDE STREET, AND TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. (PD AMD-08-028) Chairman Hill asked Ms. Huggins for a staff report. Ms. Huggins asked the Commissioners to throw out their staff report as there are errors in the report. Ms. Huggins stated that this item was brought to the attention of staff by two builders, K. Hovnanian and Standard Pacific, who had two homes in which they wished to build a garage facing a side street and they could not meet the distance requirement of 50-ft. from side street right-of-way. Commissioner Ashby asked for a definition of right-of-way. Chris King, Building Inspector, explained that there is 11-1/2 ft. of right-of-way on each side of a street. For instance, a 37-ft. street on a 60-ft. right-of-way has 11-1/2 ft. on each side of the curb. Ms. Huggins stated that in the staff report she had stated that the right-of-way varies, which is incorrect. The width of the street varies, not the right-of-way. Ms. Huggins stated that in looking at this further, staff does not wish to support this request and believes that the requirement should remain as is; 50-ft. from right-of-way; and, therefore staff withdraws this request. On the second item requested, the “typo” correction, staff requests a correction from 6-ft. to 5-ft. in Table 4-1. Chairman Hill stated that he believes 5-ft. is correct. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that he does not have a problem correcting the “typo” if in fact it is a typo, and he believes it is. Commissioner Reed asked for an explanation of the difference between 50-ft. from the side street versus 40-ft. from the back of curb. Chris King, Building Inspector, explained that 40-ft. from back of curb would be exactly that – 40-ft. measured from the curb – whereas 50-ft. from the side street right-of-way would be 61-1/2 ft. from the curb. So the difference is 21-1/2 ft., which staff feels is too lenient. Commissioner Reed asked how they will include a garage in these circumstances if the change isn’t made. Mr. King responded that the option is for the builder to build a little smaller house. The builders are trying to put a huge footprint down and they will need to reduce the overall square footage somewhere to fit the garage 50-ft. from the right-of-way. Commissioner Ashby stated that he doesn’t agree on the “typo” error. He believes it should be a 6-ft. side yard. Commissioner Sheridan stated that Standard Pacific and K. Hovnanian agreed to the right-of- way when the PD was approved and they should abide by it. He asked if a survey of the form boards is required prior to slab inspection. Mr. King responded that they do. Mr. Sheridan Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 5 November 6, 2008 Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 5 November 6, 2008 Minutes asked if he is correct in saying that only a 50-ft. right-of-way would allow a side drive. Or, he asked, is this a J-drive situation. Mr. King responded that it is a J-drive situation. Commissioner Sheridan stated that regarding the 6-ft. side yard he is in agreement with Commissioner Ashby. Commissioner Forest and Commissioner Davidson indicated that neither were on the Board when this was originally discussed. Commissioner Sheridan made a motion recommending to the Town Council denial of the garage setbacks and changing the “typo” on Page 25 from 5-ft. to 6-ft. Commissioner Ashby seconded the motion. Ayes: Sheridan, Ashby, Forest Nays: Hill, Reed, Davidson Abstain: Stephens Action: Tie Vote, Motion Fails, 3-3-1 Commissioner Reed made a motion recommending to the Town Council denial of the garage setbacks and changing the “typo” on Page 31 from 6-ft. to 5-ft. Vice Chairman Stephens seconded the motion. Chairman Ashby asked for an amendment to the motion allowing the garage setback denial to stand and table the “typo” for further research. The motion and second agreed to the amendment. Ayes: Hill, Forest, Sheridan, Stephens, Reed, Ashby, Davidson Nays: None Action: Motion Passes, 7-0 D.1 ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.