Minutes P&Z 08/18/2011Trophy Club Entities =fit -1: Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 75262 Thursday, August 18, 2011 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom Call To Order and announce a quorum. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Present: 7 - Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Mike Davidson, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert STAFF PRESENT' Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Hoover, Mayor Pro Tem GUESTS PRESENT: Jim Popik, Applicant Meritorious Exception Request 1. 2011406-T Review and approve minutes of the July 7, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 5 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert Abstain: 2 - Commissioner Davidson, and Commissioner Forest Citizen Presentation None REGULAR SESSION Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 3 Meeting Date: August 18, 2011 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes August 18, 2011 2011.407-T Discussion and Recommendation regarding a request for Meritorious Exception for Temporary Special Purpose Signs for a "Wounded Warriors" event scheduled for October 1, 2011. The sign regulations allow very limited signage for a special event: • only one sign is allowed, and • that sign cannot exceed a total of 4 -sq. ff., and • the sign is allowed to be displayed only on the premise itself where the special event will be held. Recent approval of a "Special Events Ordinance" by the Town Council gave staff the ability to approve: • one banner, up to 50 sq. ft. in size, and • to allow informational and directional signs on the day of the event — the directional and informational signs cannot exceed 4 -sq. R in size. This request exceeds both the sign regulations and the authority given to staff by the special events ordinance, therefore, a meritorious exception is required. The applicant asks forpermission for two banners each banner may be up to 36 sq. ff. in size placement of the banners for longer than the 14 days prior to the event allowed by ordinance; the applicant is requesting that the banners be out for 23 days prior to the event. • removal of the signs within 48 hours of the event. The applicant, Gene Popik, stated that this event, to be held on October 1, is to benefit wounded warriors and a variety of events will take place, including a 5K run, an all day tennis tournament event, two shotgun golf tcumaments, and a 4 -band country western concert highlighted by Mark Chestnut. He estimates that 288 folks will play golf, 150 for the run, 75-100 for tennis, and 5,000 for the concert. Parking and busing is set up at Byron Nelson High School. The signs will be 4x8 and one will be placed by the clock tower. The other will be placed on the Country Club tennis courts property Mc Popik stated that the signs are being professionally done and will be tasteful He stated that all net proceeds will be donated to the wounded warrior project and the goal is to donate $165,000. Chairman Hill stated that it appears that this event will be very beneficial for the charity and he believes it would be beneficial for the Town to allow the signs for advertising so that everyone will know when, where and how to get to these events. Chairman Hill asked for comments or questions. Commissioner Sheridan asked where the concerts will be held. Mr. Popik responded that it will be held on the Country Club property He stated that when standing where the driving range is located and looking toward where the balls are hit, the stage will be set up to the left hand side with VIP seating and tables and chairs, and then lawn seating from that point back to the No. 9 on the Whitworth green. Vice Chairman Stephens asked if there is a Plan S for inclement weather Mc Popik responded that the event is being marketed as no refund because it is going to a charity. The only thing that has a Plan B is the golf— rain checks will be given. Otherwise, events are cancelled due to weather. Commissioner Forest stated that this is a great cause and he is for the Town approving this in order to help. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 3 Meeting Date'. August 18, 2011 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes August 16, 2011 Adjourn Commissioner Reed stated that itis a good project. Commissioner Davidson stated that it is a good project and the applicant has answered the questions he had. Commissioner Richert stated that he thinks it's great and he is for it. A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan (with nods from all Commissioners), seconded by Commissioner Reed (with all other Commissioners voicing a second and Commissioner Richert asking all the veterans on the Commission to second the motion), that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council. The Council to hear this Item on September 6, 2011. The motion carried by enthusiastic, unanimous vote: Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert The meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Gene Hill, Chairman �Ctl-�J Carolyn Huggins, � ommunity Development Director Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 3 Meeting Date', August 18, 2011