Minutes P&Z 02/07/2011Trophy Club Entities
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Monday, February 7, 2011 3:00 PM Svors Municipal Building Boardroom
Call To Order and announce a quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 2:58 p.m.
Present: 5 - Commissioner Mike Davidson, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman
Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert
Excused: 2- Vice Chair James Stephens, and Commissioner Dennis Sheridan
Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director
Citizen Presentation
Approval of Minutes
2010-674-T Review and approve minutes of the December 16, 2010, Planning and
Zoning Commission meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Reed, seconded by Commissioner
Davidson, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the
following vote.
Aye: 5- Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill,
Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert
Excused: 2- Vice Chair Stephens, and Commissioner Sheridan
2010.675-T Discussion and Recommendation regarding granting a Special Privilege
Request to the Trophy Club Women's Club to hold two Community Garage
Sale Events in 2011. Applicant: Rebecca Freed on behalf of Trophy Club
Women's Club.
A motion was made by Commissioner Forest, seconded by Commissioner
Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 2 Meeting Date: February 7, 2011
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 7, 2011
Richert, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town
Council, on 2/7/2011 and that the permit fee be waived. The motion carried by
the following vote.
Aye: 5 - Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill,
Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert
Excused: 2 - Vice Chair Stephens, and Commissioner Sheridan
This meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Ch i ten
Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director
Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 2 Meeting Date: February 7, 2011