Minutes P&Z 08/16/2012100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club Entities Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
Thursday, August 16, 2012 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
Call To Order and announce a quorum.
Vice Chairman Stephens called the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting
to order at 7:01 p.m. and announced a quorum present (6 members).
Present: 6 - Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Mike Davidson,
Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Dale Forest,
Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert
Absent: 1 - Chairman Gene Hill
Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director
Lauren Gilstrap, Jacobs Engineering
1. 2012-352-T Review and approve minutes of the July 5, 2012 Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Richert, seconded by Commissioner
Davidson, that this Agenda Item be Approved. The motion carried by the
following vote.
Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan,
Commissioner Forest, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert
2. 2012-353-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a
Final Plat for Canterbury Hills, Phase 2, (21.552 acres) located in the M.
Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832. Applicant: Jacobs on behalf of BDMR
Development, LLC (FP -12-050)
Vice Chairman Stephens introduced the item and asked Ms. Huggins for a staff
Ms. Huggins used a map projected in the Council Chamber to point out where the
property is located.
She stated that Staff is asking for a recommendation of conditional approval from the
Planning and Zoning Commission in order to allow the applicant to begin early
grading of this subdivision.
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes August 16, 2012
She stated that the plat is in good shape -- as are the construction plans -- and
normally Staff would be asking for a recommendation of approval of the plat, except
to ask for that, and to move this forward to Council for their consideration, the plat
must stand on its own merit. This plat cannot do that without being considered in
conjunction with Canterbury Hills Phase 1B.
As an example of how Phase 2 cannot stand on its own without Phase 1B, Dover
Lane ends in a dead end on this plat, which would not be allowed — a street should
not just dead end; a temporary turnaround would be required, but we know that
Phase 18 is going to be constructed with this plat and Phase 1B is a continuation of
Dover Lane. So together, the two plats represent orderly development of the
But, at this time Phase 1B is not ready for P&Z consideration. So, Staff will bring
both Phase 18 and Phase 2 back to P&Z for consideration together. In the
meantime, Staff asks for conditional approval of Phase 2 to allow early grading to
Although the Town Engineer is not here this evening, he confirmed that the second
review of the infrastructure construction plans are 90% complete and there are only
minor comments outstanding at this time.
The applicant has submitted a tree survey for Phase 2. With an early grading permit,
the developer will clear and grade the right-of-way and easements and will grade any
lots that do not have trees. For those lots that do have trees, the developer will
require the builder to submit a tree survey with the building permit which must outline
the builder's plans to preserve as many trees as possible on the lot, less the trees
required to be removed for the pad. The following note will be added to the plat.
"With the building permit application, the home builder shall submit a grading plan,
per Town standards, showing the trees to be removed from the lot and providing
mitigation for protected trees removed outside the pad site. "
Vice Chairman Stephens asked the Commissioners for questions.
Commissioner Sheridan asked for confirmation that although granting conditional
approval the Planning and Zoning Commission will see the plat again in final form.
Ms. Huggins confirmed that they would.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner
Reed, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to
the Planning & Zoning Commission, on 10/04/2012. The motion carried by the
following vote.
Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan,
Commissioner Forest, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert
3. 2012-354-T Interview, discussion, and recommendation to Town Council of
appointment for Planning and Zoning Commission vacancies.
Vice Chairman Stephens introduced this item and explained that one of the
applicants, Doyle Anderson, has withdrawn his application for consideration on the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
Vice Chairman Stephens introduced applicant Mark Sadley. Mr. Stephens stated that
he has known Mark for 11 years and that he cares about the Town, and Vice
Chairman Stephens highly recommends him. Commissioner Sheridan stated that Mr.
Sadley's application states what his qualifications are and that he wants to serve the
Town. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that Mr. Sadley is a Buffalo, New York native.
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Mr. Sadley stated that he is actually from Niagara Falls.
Commissioner Sheridan asked how many openings there are on P&Z. Ms. Huggins
explained that there are four. The seats filled by Vice Chairman Stephens and
Commissioners Sheridan, Davidson and Richert are up for reappointment.
Commissioners Davidson and Richert did not apply for reappointment.
Commissioner Richert asked Mr. Sadley to define his interest in the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Mr. Sadley stated that he is interested because of all the places
they have lived, this is the nicest Town. He has read most of PD -30 that was
available on the website. They are going to settle here, live here, it is a great town,
and he would like to see it preserved that way. The way it is going is excellent. His
interest is to try to make sure, as best as he can, that the Town continues its
character as it develops.
Commissioner Sheridan asked if he would have the ability in his spare time to
prepare and do homework for the Thursday night meetings. Mr. Sadley stated that
he has the time to do that.
Commissioner Forest asked to explain, in his own words, what qualifications he
brings to the table. Mr. Sadley stated that he has community interest and he has
knowledge in building trades. He has been a defacto general contractor for camps,
church groups, and children's homes over the years. For Fidelity, he manages the
infrastructure of the data center, which gives him familiarity with things like power and
heating — the things that go into the internals of the building not necessarily the
architecture of the building. His job is involved in maintaining the stability of an
infrastructure. He stated that he looks at things from risk mitigation rather than a
design aspect. He hopes that will be of use with this Commission.
Vice Chairman Stephens then introduced Joe Lancor. Mr. Lancor stated that he is a
practicing architect. His offices are in Honolulu so he does not have conflicts. Vice
Chairman Stephens asked if we could meet at his office tomorrow. Mr. Lancor stated
that he moved here to be near his son and grandchildren. He stated that since he
has been involved in this kind of community effort, he wanted to join up here. He was
a planning commissioner for two terms in Southlake from 2008-2011. He was also a
planning commissioner in San Diego for 2-112 terms.
Commissioner Forest asked the same question as above. Mr. Lancor repeated the
above and added that he has degrees in architecture. He stated that usually he is on
the other side of ordinances trying to get as much as he can from a city in regard to
subdivision ordinances.
Commissioner Sheridan asked how Mr. Lancor is going to serve if his offices are in
Hawaii. Mr. Lancor stated that he just finished four years in Southlake without
missing a meeting.
Commissioner Reed stated that he believes Mr. Lancor's years as a planning
commissioner in Southlake will be beneficial to this Commission. Vice Chairman
Stephens added that he could be especially helpful when P&Z gets to the nuts and
bolts of PD -30. Mr. Lancor stated that PD -30 was what drove him to come forward.
He believes PD -30 could be really nice.
Commissioner Davidson stated that having done this twice in the past, clearly Mr.
Lancor has a passion for this. He asked why he would want to do this again. Mr.
Lancor asked if Mr. Davison was questioning his sanity. [laughter] Mr. Lancor stated
that he believes the PD -30 property could be improved in all its details. He stated
that he has zero political aspirations.
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes August 16, 2012
Vice Chairman Stephens stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission tries to
keep politics out of what they do so that when P&Z recommends something to Town
Council then the politics kick in, but, prior to that, people have tried to politicize the
P&Z but we work hard not to let that happen. He stated that the Commissioners are
not politicians. P&Z is just trying to give the Town Council some good, solid counsel
and advice on what we have seen. The decisions always are ultimately Town
Vice Chairman Stephens then passed the gavel to Commissioner Reed who made
the statement that Vice Chairman Stephens and Commissioner Sheridan are highly
qualified as far as P&Z are concerned and he doesn't believe anyone on the
Commission has any questions about that and he would like to do away with any
further questions and recommend reappointment.
Commissioner Forest stated that he was kind of looking forward to hearing the two
gentlemen tell us something... Commissioner Sheridan stated that he aready talks
enough at these meetings.... Vice Chairman Stephens stated that the Chair would
entertain a motion [recommendation].
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends reappointment of Vice Chairman
Stephens and Commissioner Sheridan to the Planning and Zoning Commission and
appointment of Joe Lancor and Mark Sadley to the Planning and Zoning
A motion was made that this Agenda item be Recommended for Approval to
the Town Council, on 09/24/2012. The motion carried by the following vote.
Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan,
Commissioner Forest, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert
Meeting Adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
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Carolyn Huggins mmunity Deve t t Director
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