Minutes P&Z 01/19/2012R� Trophy Club Entities
Meeting Minutes
` Planning & Zoning Commission
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:00 PM
Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
Call To Order and announce a quorum.
Chairman Hill called the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at
7:01 p.m., and announced a quorum present (7 members).
Present: 7 - Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Mike Davidson,
Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman
Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert
Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director
Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer
Councilman Bill Rose
Approval of Minutes
2011-673-T Review and approve minutes of the December 15, 2011, Planning and
Zoning Commission meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Forest, seconded by Commissioner
Richert, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the
following vote.
Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan,
Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and
Commissioner Richert
2011-674-T Review and approve minutes of the January 5, 2012, Planning and
Zoning Commission meeting.
A motion was made by Commissioner Reed, seconded by Commissioner
Davidson, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the
following vote.
Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan,
Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, and Commissioner Reed
Abstain: 1 - Commissioner Richert
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes January 19, 2012
3. 2011-675-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a
Temporary Use for Off Street Parking for Model Homes in Planned Development No.
22, Waters Edge at Hogan's Glen for a Period of Time of Not Greater Than One
Year. Applicant: Mark Cooper, Ashton Woods Homes
Mr. Cooper, on behalf of Ashton Homes, was present and explained that they have a
two model complex, with the first model on the corner of Reading and Hogan's Drive
and an existing model on the second lot and the parking lot will be located on the
third lot. There will be connecting sidewalks along the street from parking lot to
model homes.
Commissioner Sheridan asked if the parking spaces and sidewalks would be ADA
compliant. Ms. Huggins responded that the building inspector has reviewed the
parking spaces for compliance and minor changes are needed to the two handicap
spaces in order to be ADA compliant. A ramp for the sidewalks will be required at the
intersection of Reading and Hogan's Drive.
Commissioner Sheridan asked for confirmation that Mehrdad still controls the HOA.
Ms. Huggins confirmed that he does. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there were
any comments received for or against this request. Ms. Huggins stated there were
none received.
Recommended for Approval to the Town Council due back on 02/06/2012
4. 2011-677-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Final Plat of Lot 1 R, Block A,
Trophy Club Plaza being a Replat of Lot 1, Block A, Trophy Club Plaza, located on
Trophy Lake Drive between State Highway 114 and Trophy Club Drive. Applicant:
Dorothy Parks on behalf of the Property Owner: Regency Centers, L.P.
Dorothy Parks was present representing Regency Centers, L.P.
Mr. Rutledge, Town Engineer, confirmed that the replat represents the right-of-way
necessary to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Trophy Lake Drive and
Trophy Club Drive intersection.
Commissioner Sheridan asked if the traffic study is still applicable that indicated a
need for a roundabout at the intersection. Mr. Rutledge responded that the TIA
(traffic impact analysis study) required mitigation either by a signal or roundabout.
Commissioner Sheridan asked if the other right-of-way needed for the roundabout
has been taken care of. Ms. Huggins responded that when The Commons property
was platted it took into account the roundabout. The Town is also in the process of
completing the acquisition of the land needed from the church. Commissioner
Sheridan asked if the Town is purchasing the property. [The Town is purchasing
property from the church -- not from The Commons or Regency.]
Ms. Huggins added that a TIA was done by the developer of The Highlands and that
TIA predicted that when the 1500 homes for The Highlands were in existence the
Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive intersection would be impacted.
Commissioner Reed commented on a letter from a resident, Mr. Edstrom, which was
passed out to the Commissioners at the start of the meeting. Mr. Reed stated that
Mr. Edstrom is concerned about the high cost of the roundabout. Mr. Reed asked if
there are viable alternatives to the roundabout. Ms. Huggins stated that there are a
number of alternatives. One was a 3 -way stop sign but that was not a good solution
for The Commons development. Another alternative was a signal, but the Town does
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes January 19, 2012
not have the equipment to maintain a signal. A truck and other equipment would be
needed to provide maintenance for a signal, or hiring a third party to maintain the light
would be required. There was also opposition to bringing a traffic light to Trophy
Club. The roundabout was another option and quite a bit of discussion has occurred
at the Council level over the past two years as to whether or not to proceed with a
roundabout as it is costly, but it also is considered to be a welcoming feature and
attractive aesthetic for the Town.
Mr. Reed asked what the final cost of the roundabout will be without the water
feature. Ms. Huggins didn't have that information available. Mr. Reed made
reference to the Dove Road roundabouts. Ms. Huggins stated that the roundabout in
Trophy Club will be larger -- a two lane roundabout.
Vice Chairman Stephens mentioned concern regarding traffic coming out of Village
Trail. He stated that at certain times Village Trail is backed up and hard to get out of.
In his opinion, the roundabout will make it worse because there will be a continuous
flow of traffic making it even more difficult for residents to turn right or left out of
Village Trail. Ms. Huggins responded that portions of the streets -- Trophy Club Drive
and Trophy Lake Drive — will be replaced along with the intersection roundabout
construction and that the construction of the streets leading up to the roundabout
takes into consideration the traffic on Village Trail. She added that quite a bit of
discussion has been given, and will continue to be, given to that topic. Staff has
discussed the possibility of changing some of the center medians on Trophy Lake
Drive. Some discussion has occurred with Regency about changing some median
cuts along the street to change entrances and exits to the Plaza shopping center as
possible solutions to help alleviate the traffic problems with Village Trail. Vice
Chairman Stephens stated that even since the right and left turn lanes were installed
on Village Trail at Trophy Lake, the right turn lane backs up quite a bit. If there is a
continuous flow of traffic from the roundabout the situation will become worse. Can a
merge lane be added to Trophy Lake Drive to allow the right turn from Village Trail to
have a merge onto Trophy Lake Drive headed to 114? Mr. Rutledge responded that
it is being looked at and will be evaluated.
Commissioner Sheridan asked if the Commission has the right to say no to the replat.
Ms. Huggins responded that if the plat meets the Town standards the Commission
shall recommend approval.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Reed,
that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council, on
02/06/2012. The motion carried by the following vote.
Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan,
Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and
Commissioner Richert
Meeting Adjourned 7:24 p.m.
Gene Hill, Chairman
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes January 19, 2012
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Carolyn Hug s, Community lopment Director
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