Minutes P&Z 02/21/2013it
Trophy Club Entities
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
Thursday, February 21, 2013
100 Municipal Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom
Chairman Hill called the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:00
p.m. and announced a quorum present (6 members), with Commissioner Lancor
arriving as the first item (approval of minutes) was discussed.
Present: 7- Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan,
Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton
Reed, Commissioner Joe Lancor, and Commissioner Mark Sadley
Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director
Karen Moore, Recording Secretary
Ron Yeary, CS Realty (Tom Thumb/Randalls)
Steve Lenart, Lenart Development, LLC (BDMR Development, LLC)
2013-79-T Review and approve the minutes of the February 7, 2013 Planning and Zoning
Commission meeting.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner
Forest, that this Agenda Item be Tabled and returned to the Planning & Zoning
Commission at a future date. The motion carried by the following vote.
Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest,
Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Lancor, and
Commissioner Sadley
2. 2013-80-T Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of an amendment to Ordinance No.
99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No. 21 (PD -21), Plaza Shopping
Center, to allow an increase to the size of monument signs. The applicant is CS
Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb.
Public Hearing will be conducted by Town Council on 02/25/2013.
3. 2013-98-T Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre tract of land from
"R-12" Single Family Residential and a 2.789 acre tract of land from "R-15" Single
Family Residential to a "PD" Planned Development District No. 31 (PD -31) for Single
Family Residential on land generally located to the north and east of Indian Creek
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 2013
Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to the south of
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line).
Attachments: Staff Report - TC 030413 - Tracts 1 & 3.pdf
R-12 Single Family Residential District.pdf
R-15 District Requlations.pdf
Section 5.05 - Required Yards.pdf
Planned Development District.pdf
Newspaper - Public Hearing Notice - 013013.pdf
Property Owner Notification. pdf
All 3 Tracts - zoning exhibit.pdf
Email - 404 Skvline Drive.Ddf
Public Hearing will be conducted by Town Council on 03/04/2013.
4. 2013-100-T Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre tract of land from
"R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 32
(PD -32) on land generally located to the northeast of Indian Creek Drive, just south of
the Trophy Club golf course and to the north of Harmony Park.
Attachments: Tract 2 - Staff Report - TC 030413.pdf
Tract 2 - Application.pdf
Tract 2 - Zoning Exhibit.pdf
Public Hearing will be conducted by Town Council on 03/04/2013.
5. 2013-102-T Public Hearing to consider a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract of land from
"R-15" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development District No. 33
(PD -33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian Creek Drive, and
surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as Canterbury Hills Tract 3.
Attachments: Tract 3 - Staff Report - PZ 022113.pdf
Tract 3 - PD -33 Design Standards.pdf
Tract 3 - Legal Description.pdf
Tract 3 - Concept Plan.pdf
Tract 3 - Application.pdf
R-15 District Regulations.pdf
Tract 3 - Zoning Exhibit.pdf
This item was combined with 2013-80-T, PD -31.
6. 2013-81-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of an
amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z, the same being Planned Development No.
21 (PD -21), Plaza Shopping Center, to allow two monument signs to increase in size.
The applicant is CS Realty on behalf of Randalls/Tom Thumb. (PD -AMD -13-039)
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 2013
Attachments: Staff Report - TC 022513 - Site Plan.pdf
Property Owners - 200 ft.pdf
022113 Property Owner Notification Change to PD.pdf
Property Owner - 2 Shasta Dr.pdf
ORD 2013-05 PZ Fuel Station Monument Signage - PD 21.pdf
Commissioner Sheridan made a motion recommending approval of an
amendment to PD -21 to approve the signs as presented with the restrictions
that this is specific to Tom Thumb and to these designs. Second: Vice Chair
Stephens. The motion passed with the following vote.
Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest,
Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Lancor, and
Commissioner Sadley
7. 2013-99-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a rezoning request of a 59.225 acre
tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential and a 2.789 acre tract of land from
"R-15" Single Family Residential to a "PD" Planned Development District No. 31
(PD -31) for Single Family Residential on land generally located to the north and east
of Indian Creek Drive, to the north of the Trophy Club Country Club golf course and to
the south of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer land (Town Limits Line).
Attachments: ORD 2013-08 PZ PD -31 CANTERBURY HILLS TRACTS 1 and 3.pdf
A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Reed,
that this agenda item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council with
a notation that Mr. Sheridan would like to see some design features on the
garage doors and that if there is a setback conflict between the PD and the
plat, the plat prevails. The Town Council will hear this item on 03/04/2013. The
motion carried by the following vote.
Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest,
Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Lancor, and
Commissioner Sadley
8. 2013-101-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a rezoning request of an 11.165 acre
tract of land from "R-12" Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned
Development District No. 32 (PD -32) on land generally located to the northeast of
Indian Creek Drive, just south of the Trophy Club golf course and to the north of
Harmony Park.
Attachments: ORD 2013-09 PZ PD -32 CANTERBURY HILLS TRACT 2.pdf
A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner
Forest, recommending, to the Town Council, approval of a zoning change from
R-12 Single Family Residential to PD -32 Planned Development No. 32 for single
family residential, with garage door stipulations. The Town Council will hear
this item on March 4, 2013. The motion carried by the following vote.
Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest,
Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Lancor, and
Commissioner Sadley
9. 2013-103-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a rezoning request of a 2.789 acre tract
of land from "R-15' Single Family Residential District to "PD" Planned Development
District No. 33 (PD -33) on land generally located to the to the north west of Indian
Creek Drive, and surrounded by the Trophy Club golf course, also known as
Canterbury Hills Tract 3.
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Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 2013
10. 2013-25-T Future Agenda Items and questions or discussion of current and future items.
Use tables and sign regulations are still pending.
Four new items were submitted this week: Resubmittal of Villas PD -22, NH 8,
Phase 2B Final Plat, Homewood Suites, Veranda Ave. bridge.
Review of Council action on The Church at Trophy Lakes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Carolyn Huggins, tommunity Develop'rWnt Director
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