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Agenda Packet P&Z 11/01/2018
Planning & Zoning Commission Town of Trophy Club Meeting Agenda 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Council Chambers7:00 PMThursday, November 1, 2018 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. REGULAR SESSION 1.2018-524-T Case RP-18-001 (The Highlands, Lot 22R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. PZ Report 11.1.18.pdf Exhibit A - Location Map.pdf Exhibit B - Existing Final Plat.pdf Exhibit C - Proposed Replat.pdf Attachments: Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 November 1, 2018Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda 2.2018-525-T Case RP-18-002 (Oak Hill, Lots 63R & 64R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. PZ Report 11.1.18.pdf Exhibit A - Location Map.pdf Exhibit B - Oak Hill Plat 6.6.1977.pdf Exhibit C - Easement Abandonment Form.pdf Exhibit D - Location of Existing House on Lot 63.pdf Exhibit E - Replat.pdf Attachments: 3.2018-526-T Nomination and Election of Vice-Chairman. 4.2018-527-T Review and approve the minutes of the October 4, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. PZ Minutes 10.04.18 DRAFT.pdfAttachments: 5.2018-528-T Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. ADJOURN *THE COMMISSION MAY CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS POSTED ITEMS AS ALLOWED BY THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT, TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE 551.071. Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town Council may be in attendance at this meeting. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 November 1, 2018Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on Friday, October 26, 2018 by 5:00 P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. Lisa Payne Town Planner If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 682-237-2900, 48 hours in advance and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by this Board was removed by me from the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on the __________ day of ______________________, 2018. ________________________________, Title: ___________________________ Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12018-524-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:10/24/2018 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:11/1/2018 Title:Case RP-18-001 (The Highlands, Lot 22R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. Attachments:PZ Report 11.1.18.pdf Exhibit A - Location Map.pdf Exhibit B - Existing Final Plat.pdf Exhibit C - Proposed Replat.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Case RP-18-001 (The Highlands, Lot 22R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Page 1 of 2 To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: Lisa Payne, Town Planner CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Case RP-18-001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, November 1, 2018 Agenda Item: Case RP-18-001 (The Highlands, Lot 22R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of combining two commonly owned properties into one lot containing approximately 0.29 acres of land and generally located west of Highlands Court and approximately 150 feet north of Morgan Lane. Strategic Link: Nature & Beautification – Maintain Town assets, services, and codes of ordinances that preserve the natural beauty of the Town. Background and Explanation: The property owners of Lot 22 on Highlands Court have acquired 1,802 square feet from the Town at the rear of their lot. This property is tucked in between Gas Well Site #2-H and the applicants’ rear property line. Since that land is not useful to the Town, it was determined on April 24, 2018 by the Town Council that the applicants may secure it for their own use with the condition that the Town is not responsible for any fees associated with the transfer of property. The associated deed has been filed with Denton County and the applicants plan to fence in the newly acquired land to provide for a larger backyard. The proposed replat includes the extension of the existing 15 foot sanitary sewer easement along the western property line of Lot 22R. Just like the existing backyard, the new portion of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Page 2 of 2 the lot is within 200 feet of a gas well head which is allowable as only habitable structures are not allowed to be within 200 feet of a nonproducing well head. The proposed replat conforms to the Town’s Subdivision Regulations. Public notice was published in the newspaper and sent to those who own property within 200 feet of the subject property, as required by State law when considering residential replats. Financial Considerations: None. Legal Review: Town Attorney has reviewed this item and concurs with the Staff recommendation. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the replat. Attachments: • Exhibit A – Location Map • Exhibit B – Existing Final Plat • Exhibit C – Proposed Replat Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 7 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 8 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 CRS5/8" REBAR "JACOBS"1/2" REBAR "BLS 5519"ON LINE AT 39.89'5/8" REBAR "JACOBS""+"5/8" REBAR (BENT)1/2" REBAR "BLS 5519"APPROXIMATE 200' RADIUSLINE FROM GAS WELLAS SHOWN ON DOC. 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.HIGHLANDS COURTDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.LOT 22-R, BLOCK G0.280 OF AN ACRE 12,213 SQUARE FEETLOT 23, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.LOT 21, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.LOT 20, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.LOT 24, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHYCLUB NEIGHBORHOOD 5 -PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXASDOC.# 2008-13746O.P.R.D.C.T.MORGAN LANEDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.50' R.O.W.ALBERT WILHELMDOC.# 2012-84204O.P.R.D.C.T.ELIZABETH A. DAVIS ANDJOHN C. DAVIS, WIFE ANDHUSBANDDOC.# 2013-34400O.P.R.D.C.T.GUY GRIVAS AND MEGAN GRIVAS,HUSBAND AND WIFEDOC.# 2012-117813O.P.R.D.C.T.DERIC S. GARDNERDOC.# 2012-80050O.P.R.D.C.T.ERIC MICHAEL WELLS ANDGRETA RENEE WELSS,HUSBAND AND WIFEDOC.# 2012-32027O.P.R.D.C.T.WELL "2H" LOCATION PERDOC. 2006-81682O.P.R.D.C.T.GAS WELLPAD SITE 2HDOC.# 2006-128658O.P.R.D.C.T10' UTILITY EASEMENTDOC. 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.25' BUILDING LINEDOC.2011-70P.R.D.C.T.N72°43'29"W 135.19'EXISTING 15' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENTDOC.2009-4211O.P.R.D.C.T.LOT 25, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHYCLUB NEIGHBORHOOD 5 -PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.LOT 26, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.LOT 27, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.BRIAN J. YOUNG ANDKELLY A. YOUNGDOC.# 2016-93588O.P.R.D.C.T.FRANK T. ADINOLFI ANDDANEENE ADINOLFI,HUSBAND AND WIFEDOC.# 2012-81179O.P.R.D.C.T.SCOTT J NELSON ANDKERRY L NELSON,HUSBAND AND WIFEDOC.# 2014-123917O.P.R.D.C.T.RADIUS 200.00'GUY GRIVAS AND MEGANGRIVAS, HUSBAND AND WIFEDOC.# 2018-118273O.P.R.D.C.T.N00°00'06"W 102.58'L=65.06', R=340.00'D=010°57'45"S22°45'30"W~64.95'S61°45'41"E 175.05'LOT 19, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 1, PHASE 1C-2CABINET Y, PG. 312P.R.D.C.T.LOT 18, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 1, PHASE 1C-2CABINET Y, PG. 312P.R.D.C.T.RAYMOND J. DERSTEINDOC.#2016-140322O.P.R.D.C.T.DAVID CHANEYDOC.#2011-39856O.P.R.D.C.T.L=65.06', R=340.00'D=010°57'46"N33°43'16"E~64.96'S00°00'06"E56.15'LOT 22, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BDOC.# 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXASDOC.# 2008-13746O.P.R.D.C.T.10' UTILITY EASEMENTDOC. 2011-70P.R.D.C.T.R. ALLEN SURVEYABSTRACT NO. 17BECK PROPERTIES TROPHY CLUB, L.P.DOC# 93-R0087516O.P.R.D.C.TOLD LOT LINE(SEE SURVEYOR'S NOTE NO. 4 AND 5)15' SANITARYSEWER EASEMENT(BY THIS PLAT )JPHLaNdSurveying,In c60'30'Scale: 1" = 30'0SITEVICINITY MAPNOT TO SCALEP.O.B.JPH Job/Drawing No. (see below)2018.200.027 2641 Highlands Court, Trophy Club, Denton Co., Tx- Replat.dwg© 2018 JPH Land Surveying, Inc. - All Rights Reserved807 Bluebonnet Drive, Suite C Keller, Texas 76248Telephone (817) 431-4971 www.jphlandsurveying.comTBPLS Firm #10019500 #10194073 #10193867DFW | Austin | AbileneDrafter:SGTRevision:Revision:Revision:LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONSUnited States Survey FeetTexas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central ZoneNorth American Vertical Datum of 1988Plat Records of Denton County, TexasOfficial Public Records of Denton County, TexasDeed Records of Denton County, TexasVolume/Page/Instrument NumberPoint of Beginning/Point of CommencingRight of WayUS.SyFt.TxCS,'83,NCZNAVD'88P.R.D.C.T.O.P.R.D.C.T.D.R.D.C.T.VOL/PG/INST#POB/POCR.O.W.MONUMENTS / DATUMS / BEARING BASISMonuments are found if not marked MNS or CRS.1/2" rebar stamped "JPH Land Surveying" setMag nail & washer stamped "JPH Land Surveying" setSite benchmark (see vicinity map for general location)Vertex or common point (not a monument)Coordinate values, if shown, are US.SyFt./TxCS,'83,NCZElevations, if shown, are NAVD'88Bearings are based on grid north (TxCS,'83,NCZ)TxDOT Right of Way tapered concrete monument.TxDOT Right of Way bronze cap in concrete.TxDOT Right of Way aluminum cap.CRSMNSTBMTYPE ITYPE IITYPE IIIREPLATLOT 22-R, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BA SUBDIVISION OF 0.280 OF AN ACRESITUATED IN THER. ALLEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 17BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 22, BLOCK GTHE HIGHLANDS AT TROPHY CLUBNEIGHBORHOOD 5 - PHASE 2BDOCUMENT NO. 2011-70, P.R.D.C.T.ANDA 1,802 SQUARE FEET TRACT DOCUMENT NO. 2018-118273, O.P.R.D.C.T.TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, DENTON COUNTY TEXASPREPARED ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2018SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That I, Robert W. Bryan, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land andthat the corner monuments shown thereon as set were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance withthe Subdivision Ordinance of the Town of Trophy Club.PRELIMINARY: THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE AND SHALL NOTBE USED OR VIEWED OR RELIED UPON AS A FINAL SURVEY DOCUMENT.RELEASED FOR REVIEW ON OCTOBER 10, 2018.Robert W. BryanRegistered ProfessionalLand Surveyor No. 5508robertb@jphls.comDate of Survey:TBDSTATE OF TEXAS&2817<2)BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appearedRobert W. Bryan, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed in the foregoing instrument andacknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacitytherein stated.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the ______day of ___________________, 2018.__________________________________Notary Public in and for the State of Texas UTILITY CERTIFICATE This plat correctly represents the required easements for the development.CHARTER COMMUNICATIONSONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERYAT&TATMOS ENERGY CORPORATIONTROPHY CLUB M.U.D.TOWN COUNCIL & PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APPROVALAPPROVED: ______________________________________, 2018BY: _____________________________________________, MAYORATTEST: _______________________________________, TOWN SECRETARYATTEST: _______________________________________, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMANSURVEYOR'S NOTES:1. The sole purpose of this Replat is to combine all of the tract described in the deed to Guy Grivas and Megan Grivas recorded inCounty Clerk's Document Number 2018-118273 in the Official Public Records of Denton County, Texas (OPRDCT) and all of Lot22 in Block G of The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 5 - Phase 2B, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club as recorded inDocument Number 2011-70, O.P.R.D.C.T., into one lot.2. Town or the MUD, as applicable, shall issue no permit until the completion of all dedicated improvements and acceptance of suchimprovements associated with the subdivision are approved by the town.3. No portion of the subject property lies within the 100-year flood plain according to Flood Insurance Rate Map for Denton County,Texas and Incorporated Areas, map no. 48121C0515G, dated 2011/04/18. This property lies within ZONE X (NON-SHADED) ofsaid Flood Insurance Rate Map.4. For lots surrounding gas wells, the distance from wellhead to a habitable structure shall be a minimum of 200 feet.5. To build a habitable structure on a lot adjacent to a gas well, the builder must submit a survey, signed and sealed by a licensedsurveyor, verifying the distance from the nearest point of the habitable structure.6. This survey was performed without the benefit of a commitment for title insurance. Therefore, there may be easements or documentspertaining to the subject tract that are not shown or referenced hereon.7. The field work was completed on September 18, 2018.PREPARED BY:JPH Land Surveying, Inc.807 Bluebonnet Drive, Suite C Keller, Texas 76248(817) 431-4971OWNER/APPLICANT:Guy Grivas and Megan Grivas2641 Highlands Ct, Trophy Club, Texas 76262STATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF DENTONWHEREAS Guy Grivas and Megan Grivas, husband and wife are the owners of that certain 12,213-square foot tract situated in the R. AllenSurvey, Abstract No. 17, Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, said tract being all of the tract described in the deed to Guy Grivas andMegan Grivas recorded in County Clerk's Document Number 2018-118273 in the Official Public Records of Denton County, Texas(OPRDCT) and all of Lot 22 in Block G of The Highlands at Trophy Club, Neighborhood 5 - Phase 2B, an addition to the Town of TrophyClub as recorded in Document Number 2011-70, OPRDCT; the subject tract, surveyed by JPH Land Surveying, Inc., is more particularlydescribed as follows (Bearing basis is grid north per the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, North Central Zone):BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch capped rebar stamped "Jacobs" found at the south corner of said Grivas tract and being the common southwestcorner of said Lot 22 and the northwest corner of Lot 21 in said Block G, said rebar also being in the east line of a 4.209 acretract conveyed to Beck Properties Trophy Club, L.P., as recorded in County Clerk's Document Number 93-R0087516,OPRDCT, said 4.209 acre tract being known as "Pad Site 2H" and being more particularly described as "Save & Except" tractin deed to 831-Trophy, L.P., as recorded in County Clerk's Document Number 2006-128658, OPRDCT;THENCE NORTH 00 degrees 00 minutes 06 seconds WEST, with said east line and the west line of said Grivas tract, a distance of 102.58feet to a 1/2-inch capped rebar stamped "JPH Land Surveying" set for the northwest corner of the herein described tract;THENCE SOUTH 61 degrees 45 minutes 41 seconds EAST, along the north line of said Grivas tract, at a distance of 39.89 feet passing a1/2-inch capped rebar stamped "BLS 5519" found at the common northwest corner of Lot 22 and the southwest corner of Lot 23in said Block G, and continuing along the common north line of said Lot 22 and the south line of said Lot 23, in all a totaldistance of 175.05 feet to a bent 5/8-inch rebar found for the common northeast corner of said Lot 22 and the southeast cornerof said Lot 23, said rebar being in the west right-of-way line of Highlands Court (a variable width right-of-way as shown in saidCounty Clerk's Document Number 2011-70);THENCE 65.06 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left and concave to the southeast, said curve having a radius of 340.00feet, a delta angle of 10 degrees 57 minutes 45 seconds, and a chord bearing and distance of SOUTH 22 degrees 45 minutes 30seconds WEST, 64.95 feet to a 1/2-inch capped rebar stamped "BLS 5519" found at the common southeast corner of Lot 22 andthe northeast corner of the aforementioned Lot 21;THENCE NORTH 72 degrees 43 minutes 29 seconds WEST, with the common south line of said Lot 22 and the north line of said Lot 21,a distance of 135.19 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 12,213 square feet of land area.NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That we, Guy Grivas and Megan Grivas, Owners, do hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as Lot 22-R,Block G, The Highlands at Trophy Club Neighborhood 5 - Phase 2B to the Town of Trophy Club and do hereby dedicate to the public useforever the streets and alleys shown hereon and do hereby reserve the easement strips shown on this plat for the mutual use andaccommodation of garbage collection agencies and all public utilities desiring to use or using same. Any public utility shall have the right toremove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger orinterfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective systems on any of these easement strips and any public utility shallat all times have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon the said easement strips for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing,inspecting, and patrolling, without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. This plat approved subject to all plattingordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas.Witness our hands at Denton County, Texas, this ____ day of ____________________________, 2018. Guy Grivas Megan GrivasSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF ___________Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State on this day personally appeared Guy Grivas, known tome to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same forthe purpose and considerations therein expressed.Given under my hand and seal of office on this the ___ day of ____________________________, 2018.__________________________________Notary Public in and for the State of TexasSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF ___________Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State on this day personally appeared Megan Grivas, knownto me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the samefor the purpose and considerations therein expressed.Given under my hand and seal of office on this the ___ day of ____________________________, 2018.__________________________________Notary Public in and for the State of TexasSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF ___________Suntrust Mortgage, Lien Holder of the certain tract of land shown hereon and described in a deed recorded in Document No. 2012-117813 ofthe Official Public Records of Denton County, Texas, does hereby consent to the replat of said tract as shown hereon, and do further herebyjoin, approve and consent to all plat note requirements shown hereon, and do hereby dedicate to the Town of Trophy Club the streets, alleys,rights-of-way, easements and public places shown hereon for such public purposes as the Town of Trophy Club may deem appropriate. Thissubdivision is to be known as Lot 22-R, Block G, The Highlands at Trophy Club Neighborhood 5 - Phase 2B.TO CERTIFY WHICH, WITNESS by my hand this _____ day of ____________, 20____._____________________________________________________________________________________________________Lien Holder’s Signature and printed name, title and addressSTATE OF TEXASCOUNTY OF ___________Before me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State on this day personally appeared________________________, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument, andacknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed.Given under my hand and seal of office on this the ___ day of ____________________________, 2018.__________________________________Notary Public in and for the State of TexasAPPROXIMATESITELOCATEPlanning and Zoning CommissionPage 9 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12018-525-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:10/24/2018 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:11/1/2018 Title:Case RP-18-002 (Oak Hill, Lots 63R & 64R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. Attachments:PZ Report 11.1.18.pdf Exhibit A - Location Map.pdf Exhibit B - Oak Hill Plat 6.6.1977.pdf Exhibit C - Easement Abandonment Form.pdf Exhibit D - Location of Existing House on Lot 63.pdf Exhibit E - Replat.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Case RP-18-002 (Oak Hill, Lots 63R & 64R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 10 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Page 1 of 2 To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: Lisa Payne, Town Planner CC: Thomas M. Class Sr., Town Manager Holly Fimbres, Town Secretary/RMO Re: Case RP-18-002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, November 1, 2018 Agenda Item: Case RP-18-002 (Oak Hill, Lots 63R & 64R) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for a replat for the purpose of approving setbacks, vacating an easement, and relocating a property line between two commonly owned lots containing approximately 0.62 acres of land and generally located northeast of Hilltop and approximately 170 feet north of Oak Hill Drive. Strategic Link: Nature & Beautification – Maintain Town assets, services, and codes of ordinances that preserve the natural beauty of the Town. Background and Explanation: On Hilltop within the Oak Hill subdivision, Lot 63 contains an existing house and Lot 64 is vacant land. The properties have the same owner and the applicant would like to purchase both. Before a sale can be executed, Lot 63 needs to come into compliance with the Town’s Zoning Ordinance because the existing house encroaches on the common lot line and adjacent easement. In addition, side and rear property lines and setbacks need to be specifically identified to confirm that the house is not encroaching on the required setbacks. The common lot line that separates Lot 63 and Lot 64 is proposed to be shifted south to allow for the existing house on Lot 63 to no longer invade upon said lot line and the adjacent Planning and Zoning Commission Page 11 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Page 2 of 2 easement. The overall plat for Trophy Club Oak Hill (Exhibit B) notes that there is a 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement centered upon side lot lines. Thus, the request also includes establishing a 10 foot drainage and utility easement to be centered on the new lot line and abandoning the 10 foot existing drainage and utility easement that is centered on the current common lot line. The applicant has obtained signatures from utility entities via the Easement Abandonment Form that is attached (Exhibit C). This form requires these entities to verify if abandonment of the easement is acceptable in this specific location and provide direction if there’s a conflict. If the request to move the common property line and associated easement is approved, both lots will continue to exceed the minimum lot size of 8,800 square feet. Due to the unusually shaped lots, there have been different interpretations on how each lot line should be classified, in regards to front, side, and rear setbacks. On Lot 63, the applicant would like to continue considering the lot line that is proposed for relocation as a side lot line with a 5 foot setback, identify the 20 foot front setback at 75 feet in length, confirm the side lot line with a 5 foot setback on the west end of the property, identify the two lot lines on the north end of the property as side lot lines with 5 foot setbacks, and confirm the eastern property line is rear with a 20 foot setback. The applicant’s above classification of lot lines matches the required setbacks in Section 14.02.159 (R-OH Oak Hill Single Family District) of the Zoning Ordinance and finds both lots and the house as conforming. The proposed replat conforms to the Town’s Subdivision Regulations. Public notice was published in the newspaper and sent to those who own property within 200 feet of the subject property, as required by State law when considering residential replats. Financial Considerations: Not applicable. Legal Review: This item has been sent to the Town Attorney for review. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the replat. Attachments: • Exhibit A – Location Map • Exhibit B – Oak Hill Plat 6.6.1977 • Exhibit C – Easement Abandonment Form • Exhibit D – Location of Existing House on Lot 63 • Exhibit E – Replat Planning and Zoning Commission Page 12 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 13 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 14 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 15 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 16 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 17 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 18 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 19 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 21 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Planning and Zoning CommissionPage 22 of 31Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 1 60D SET 7049636.091 2369532.512 648.35 TRANSFORMER BOX 406 HILLTOPDRI VECONCRE T E WOOD FENCE WOOD FENCEWOOD FENCE 11.12’ LOT 63 LOT 64 LOT 63R N VICINITY MAP N.T.S.PLANNERSSURVEYORSENGINEERSAPPROVED BYREVISIONSPROJECT NO.DRAWN BYDATEDATEEKKSHEET 1 OF 1 C DOCUMENT NO: , DATE 5000 THOMPSON ROAD COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS 76034 TEL. (817) 335-9900 FAX (817) 335-9955 F.R.N.1009080 N 09-21-2018180350A.N.A. JOB NUMBER 180350 Copyright 2015 by A.N.A. Consultants, L.L.C.APASCALE : 1" = 30’ SITE TX 114OAKMONTCREEKCOURTS DRCARNOUSTI E DRW ILSHIRE DR SUNSET DR OAKH ILL DR LEE CTCT PALMETTO CO V ESUM MIT I N DI A N C R E E K D R RDTROPHYCLUB R D T R O PHY C L U B RDTROP HYCLUBPREPARED SEPTEMBER 2018 1 1 0.0 0’N31 0 4 ’36"W110.00’S8803’54"W LOT 63 LOT 64 LOT 63R LOT 64R 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRS 5/8" IRS 5/8" IRS56.33’S0156’06"E38.64’N5855’24"E 61.99’S5855’17"W 67.01’N0155’58"W50.00’10’ U.E.10’ U.E.10’ U.E.10’ U.E. 10’ U.E.5’ SIDE B.L. 5’ SI DE B. L. 20’ FRONT B.L.15’ FRONT B.L.5’ SIDE B.L.20’ REAR B.L. 10’ U.E. 5 ’ U.E. 5 ’ U.E. 5’ SIDE B.L. 5’ SIDE B.L. 109.10’N5526’41"E LOT 65 5’ U.E. 5’ U.E. LOT 46 5 ’ U .E .5 ’ U .E .LOT 47 5’ U.E. 5’ U.E.10’ U.E. LOT 49 LOT 50 LOT 51 LOT 52 LOT 62 LOT 4510’ U.E.5’ U.E.5’ U.E.5/8" IRS LOT 66 OAK HILL DRIVE LOT 60 LOT 61 1 0.00’ IRF U.E. B.L.S1632’21"E63.19’71.81’ Eff April 18, 2011. Insurance Rate Map for Denton County, Texas, Panel No.48121C0515G, (area of minimal flood hazard ) according to the FEMA Flood By graphic scale the subject property appears to lie in Zone X, not shaded,TROPHY CLUB OAKHILLLOT 63R AND 64 R,REPLATCOUNTY, TEXAS BEING A 0.619 ACRE VOLUME 14, PAGE 25, PLAT RECORDS DENTON TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL AS RECORDED IN BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 63 AND 64 IN DENTON COUNTY, TX AN ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, LOT 63-R, AND 64-R, TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL SHOWING 13.00’ EDWARD K.KHALIL 5951 0 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 30 60 90 N7449’55"E 154.01’133.45’REPLAT Case no.RP-18-002 THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO MOVE THE COMMON LINE BETWEEN LOTS 63, AND 64 AS SHOWN PER THIS PLAT. 10,509 S.F. 16,466 S.F. 10’ D.U.E. D.U.E. 10’ D.U.E. GENERAL NOTES 1. BEARINGS SHOWN HERON ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE CORDINATE SYSTEM (NORTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAD 83) BASED ON LEICA GEOSYSTEMS NORTH TEXAS SMARTNET NETWORK, DISTANCES AND AREA SHOWN HERON ARE SURFACE AND IN US SURVEY FEET. 2. CAPS STAMPED "ANA" SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.. 3. THE SURVEYOR DID NOT ABSTRACT THE SUBJECT TRACT. 4.THE TOWN OR THE M.U.D. AS APPLICABLE SHALL ISSUE NO PERMIT UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL DEDICATED IMPROVEMENTS AND ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SUBDIVISION ARE APPROVED BY THE TOWN. 5.SELLING A PORTION OF ANY LOT WITHIN THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF STATE LAW AND CITY ORDINANCE AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. 6.THIS PLAT DOES NOT AMEND OR REMOVE EXISTING COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, ON THIS PROPERTY. 7. EASEMENTS AND SETBACK LINES SHOWN HEREON WITHOUT RECORDING INFORMATION ARE BY ORIGINAL PLAT AS RECORDED IN VOL.14, PG. 25, P.R.D.C.T. (PER THIS PLAT) 10’ D.U.E. POB P.R.D.C.T. VOL. 14, PG. 25 TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL My commission expires: ______/______/______ My Printed Name _____________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas __________________________________ Given under my hand and seal of office this _________ day of _____________, 20 . therein stated. executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he personally appeared _____________________________, known to me to be the person Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and State on this day COUNTY OF Denton § STATE OF TEXAS § Title _____________________________________ Owner’s Agent thereon to the publics use unless otherwise noted. we do hereby dedicate to the public’s use forever the streets and easements shown Club Oak Hill, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, and plat designating the herein described real property as Lot 63R, and Lot 64R, Trophy THAT, Elliott Capital LTD, by and through the undersigned, does hereby adopt this NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON: STATE OF TEXAS: acre of land more or less. of said Lot 64, to the Point Of Beginning and containing 26,975 square feet or 0.619 Thence North 01 degrees 55 minutes 58 seconds West, 67.01 feet with the west line 65, in the east right-of-way line of said Hilltop; rod found for the southwest corner of said Lot 64 and the northwest corner of said Lot Thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 54 seconds West, 110.00 feet to 5/8 inch iron northeast corner of Lot 65 of said Trophy Club Oak Hill; with yellow cap stamped ANAset for the southeast corner of said Lot 64, and the Thence South 01 degrees 56 minutes 06 seconds East, 56.33 feet to 5/8 inch iron rod and Lot 46 of said Trophy Club Oak Hill; with yellow cap stamped ANAset for a corner in the common line of said Lot 64 Thence South 16 degrees 32 minutes 21 seconds East, 135.00 feet to 5/8 inch iron rod with yellow cap stamped ANAset for the Northeast corner of said Lot 63; Thence North 74 degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds East, 154.01 feet to 5/8 inch iron rod Lot 63; southwest corner of Lot 51, of said Trophy Club Oak Hill, in the northerly line of said with yellow cap stamped ANAset for the southeast corner of said Lot 52, and the Thence North 58 degrees 55 minutes 24 seconds East, 38.64 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod Trophy Club Oak Hill; said Lot 63, and the northeast corner of said Lot 62, in the south line of Lot 52, in said line of said Lots 63, and 62, to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of Thence North 31 degrees 04 minutes 36 seconds West, 110.00 feet along the common of said Trophy Club Oak Hill; rod found for the Southwest corner of said Lot 63, and the southeast corner of Lot 62, Thence South 58 degrees 55 minutes 17 seconds West, 61.99 feet to a 5/8 inch iron line of Hilltop (50 right-of-way); southeast corner of said Lot 63, in the intersection of the north and east right-of-way Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 64, and the follows: Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described by meets and bounds as recorded in Document Number 2015-138801, and 2015-138785, Deed Records, Volume 14, Page 25, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas, as described by Deed, Hill, an Addition to the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas as recorded in Whereas, Elliott Capital LTD, being the owner of Lots 63, and 64, Trophy Club Oak COUNTY OF DENTON: STATE OF TEXAS:TBPLS F.NO. 10090800 FAX:(817)335-9955(817)335-9900Colleyville, TX.760345000 Thompson TerraceATTEST:_________________________ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHARMAN ATTEST :__________________________ TOWN SECRETARY BY:_______________________________ , MAYOR DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB APPROVED:___________________________________ TOWN COUNCIL & PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISION APPROVAL DATE SIGNATURE ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION ON THE GROUND. CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND WAS PREPARED FROM AN PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR LICENSED IN THE STATE OF TEXAS, DO HEREBY THAT I,Edward Khalil, A REGISTERED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: HILLTOP SURVEYOR A.N.A. CONSULTANTS, L.L.C. OWNERDEVELOPER 76092 SOUTHLAKE, TX 935 W. DOVE ELLIOTT CAPITAL LTD 76092 SOUTHLAKE, TX 2140 E. SOUTHLAKE BLVD RON HOUSTON P.R.D.C.T. VOL. 14, PG. 25 TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL 75.00’ ________________________________________________________TROPHY CLUB M.U.D. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION ________________________________________________ AT&T _________________________________________________________________________ ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE LOCATION OF ALL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS- OF- WAY SHOWN ON THE PLAT THE UNDERSIGNED UTILITY HAS REVIEWED THE REPLAT AND IS IN AGREEMENT UTILITY CERTIFICATE S3429’20"WOLD10’ D.U.E. TO BE VACATED BY THIS PLAT"ANA" SET " IRON WITH CAP STAMPED8 5 IRS IRON ROD FOUND UTILITY EASEMENT BUILDING LINE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT Planning and Zoning Commission Page 24 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 N VICINITY MAP N.T.S.PLANNERSSURVEYORSENGINEERSAPPROVED BYREVISIONSPROJECT NO.DRAWN BYDATEDATEEKKSHEET 1 OF 1 C DOCUMENT NO: , DATE 5000 THOMPSON ROAD COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS 76034 TEL. (817) 335-9900 FAX (817) 335-9955 F.R.N.1009080 N 09-21-2018180350A.N.A. JOB NUMBER 180350 Copyright 2015 by A.N.A. Consultants, L.L.C.APASCALE : 1" = 30’ SITE TX 114OAKMONTCREEKCOURTS DRCARNOUSTI E DRW ILSHIRE DR SUNSET DR OAKH ILL DR LEE CTCT PALMETTO CO V ESUM MIT I N DI A N C R E E K D R RDTROPHYCLUB R D T R O PHY C L U B RDTROP HYCLUBPREPARED SEPTEMBER 2018 1 1 0.0 0’N31 0 4 ’36"W110.00’S8803’54"W LOT 63 LOT 64 LOT 63R LOT 64R 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRF 5/8" IRS 5/8" IRS 5/8" IRS56.33’S0156’06"E38.64’N5855’24"E 61.99’S5855’17"W 67.01’N0155’58"W50.00’10’ U.E.10’ U.E.10’ U.E.10’ U.E. 10’ U.E.5’ SIDE B.L. 5’ SI DE B. L. 20’ FRONT B.L.15’ FRONT B.L.5’ SIDE B.L.20’ REAR B.L. 10’ U.E. 5 ’ U.E. 5 ’ U.E. 5’ SIDE B.L. 5’ SIDE B.L. 109.10’N5526’41"E P.R.D.C.T. VOL. 14, PG. 25 TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL LOT 65 5’ U.E. 5’ U.E. LOT 46 5 ’ U .E .5 ’ U .E .LOT 47 5’ U.E. 5’ U.E.10’ U.E. LOT 49 LOT 50 LOT 51 LOT 52 LOT 62 LOT 4510’ U.E.5’ U.E.5’ U.E.5/8" IRS LOT 66 OAK HILL DRIVE LOT 60 LOT 61 1 0.00’ "ANA" SET " IRON WITH CAP STAMPED8 5 IRS IRF IRON ROD FOUND U.E.UTILITY EASEMENT B.L.BUILDING LINE S1632’21"E63.19’71.81’ Eff April 18, 2011. Insurance Rate Map for Denton County, Texas, Panel No.48121C0515G, (area of minimal flood hazard ) according to the FEMA Flood By graphic scale the subject property appears to lie in Zone X, not shaded,TROPHY CLUB OAKHILLLOT 63R AND 64 R,REPLATCOUNTY, TEXAS BEING A 0.619 ACRE VOLUME 14, PAGE 25, PLAT RECORDS DENTON TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL AS RECORDED IN BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 63 AND 64 IN DENTON COUNTY, TX AN ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, LOT 63-R, AND 64-R, TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL SHOWING 13.00’ EDWARD K.KHALIL 5951 0 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 30 60 90 N7449’55"E 154.01’133.45’REPLAT Case no.RP-18-002 THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO MOVE THE COMMON LINE BETWEEN LOTS 63, AND 64 AS SHOWN PER THIS PLAT. 10,509 S.F. 16,466 S.F. 10’ D.U.E. D.U.E. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 10’ D.U.E. GENERAL NOTES 1. BEARINGS SHOWN HERON ARE REFERENCED TO THE TEXAS STATE PLANE CORDINATE SYSTEM (NORTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAD 83) BASED ON LEICA GEOSYSTEMS NORTH TEXAS SMARTNET NETWORK, DISTANCES AND AREA SHOWN HERON ARE SURFACE AND IN US SURVEY FEET. 2. CAPS STAMPED "ANA" SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.. 3. THE SURVEYOR DID NOT ABSTRACT THE SUBJECT TRACT. 4.THE TOWN OR THE M.U.D. AS APPLICABLE SHALL ISSUE NO PERMIT UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL DEDICATED IMPROVEMENTS AND ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SUBDIVISION ARE APPROVED BY THE TOWN. 5.SELLING A PORTION OF ANY LOT WITHIN THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF STATE LAW AND CITY ORDINANCE AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. 6.THIS PLAT DOES NOT AMEND OR REMOVE EXISTING COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, ON THIS PROPERTY. 7. EASEMENTS AND SETBACK LINES SHOWN HEREON WITHOUT RECORDING INFORMATION ARE BY ORIGINAL PLAT AS RECORDED IN VOL.14, PG. 25, P.R.D.C.T. (PER THIS PLAT) 10’ D.U.E. POB P.R.D.C.T. VOL. 14, PG. 25 TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL My commission expires: ______/______/______ My Printed Name _____________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas __________________________________ Given under my hand and seal of office this _________ day of _____________, 20 . therein stated. executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he personally appeared _____________________________, known to me to be the person Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said county and State on this day COUNTY OF Denton § STATE OF TEXAS § Title _____________________________________ Owner’s Agent thereon to the publics use unless otherwise noted. we do hereby dedicate to the public’s use forever the streets and easements shown Club Oak Hill, an addition to the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas, and plat designating the herein described real property as Lot 63R, and Lot 64R, Trophy THAT, Elliott Capital LTD, by and through the undersigned, does hereby adopt this NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DENTON: STATE OF TEXAS: acre of land more or less. of said Lot 64, to the Point Of Beginning and containing 26,975 square feet or 0.619 Thence North 01 degrees 55 minutes 58 seconds West, 67.01 feet with the west line 65, in the east right-of-way line of said Hilltop; rod found for the southwest corner of said Lot 64 and the northwest corner of said Lot Thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 54 seconds West, 110.00 feet to 5/8 inch iron northeast corner of Lot 65 of said Trophy Club Oak Hill; with yellow cap stamped ANAset for the southeast corner of said Lot 64, and the Thence South 01 degrees 56 minutes 06 seconds East, 56.33 feet to 5/8 inch iron rod and Lot 46 of said Trophy Club Oak Hill; with yellow cap stamped ANAset for a corner in the common line of said Lot 64 Thence South 16 degrees 32 minutes 21 seconds East, 135.00 feet to 5/8 inch iron rod with yellow cap stamped ANAset for the Northeast corner of said Lot 63; Thence North 74 degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds East, 154.01 feet to 5/8 inch iron rod Lot 63; southwest corner of Lot 51, of said Trophy Club Oak Hill, in the northerly line of said with yellow cap stamped ANAset for the southeast corner of said Lot 52, and the Thence North 58 degrees 55 minutes 24 seconds East, 38.64 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod Trophy Club Oak Hill; said Lot 63, and the northeast corner of said Lot 62, in the south line of Lot 52, in said line of said Lots 63, and 62, to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of Thence North 31 degrees 04 minutes 36 seconds West, 110.00 feet along the common of said Trophy Club Oak Hill; rod found for the Southwest corner of said Lot 63, and the southeast corner of Lot 62, Thence South 58 degrees 55 minutes 17 seconds West, 61.99 feet to a 5/8 inch iron line of Hilltop (50 right-of-way); southeast corner of said Lot 63, in the intersection of the north and east right-of-way Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the northwest corner of said Lot 64, and the follows: Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described by meets and bounds as recorded in Document Number 2015-138801, and 2015-138785, Deed Records, Volume 14, Page 25, Plat Records, Denton County, Texas, as described by Deed, Hill, an Addition to the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas as recorded in Whereas, Elliott Capital LTD, being the owner of Lots 63, and 64, Trophy Club Oak COUNTY OF DENTON: STATE OF TEXAS:TBPLS F.NO. 10090800 FAX:(817)335-9955(817)335-9900Colleyville, TX.760345000 Thompson TerraceATTEST:_________________________ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHARMAN ATTEST :__________________________ TOWN SECRETARY BY:_______________________________ , MAYOR DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB APPROVED:___________________________________ TOWN COUNCIL & PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISION APPROVAL DATE SIGNATURE ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION ON THE GROUND. CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND WAS PREPARED FROM AN PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR LICENSED IN THE STATE OF TEXAS, DO HEREBY THAT I,Edward Khalil, A REGISTERED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: HILLTOP SURVEYOR A.N.A. CONSULTANTS, L.L.C. OWNERDEVELOPER 76092 SOUTHLAKE, TX 935 W. DOVE ELLIOTT CAPITAL LTD 76092 SOUTHLAKE, TX 2140 E. SOUTHLAKE BLVD RON HOUSTON P.R.D.C.T. VOL. 14, PG. 25 TROPHY CLUB OAK HILL 75.00’ ________________________________________________________TROPHY CLUB M.U.D. ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION ________________________________________________ AT&T _________________________________________________________________________ ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE LOCATION OF ALL EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS- OF- WAY SHOWN ON THE PLAT THE UNDERSIGNED UTILITY HAS REVIEWED THE REPLAT AND IS IN AGREEMENT UTILITY CERTIFICATE S3429’20"WOLD10’ D.U.E. TO BE VACATED BY THIS PLATPlanning and Zoning Commission Page 25 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12018-526-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:10/24/2018 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:11/1/2018 Title:Nomination and Election of Vice-Chairman. Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Nomination and Election of Vice-Chairman. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 26 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12018-527-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:10/24/2018 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:11/1/2018 Title:Review and approve the minutes of the October 4, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments:PZ Minutes 10.04.18 DRAFT.pdf Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Review and approve the minutes of the October 4, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 27 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018 Town of Trophy Club Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 October 4, 2018 7:00 PM Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Beach called the October 4, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:01 p.m. and announced a quorum. Commissioners Present: Chairman Jeffrey Beach Commissioner Reginald Barbarin Commissioner Brandon Blake (arrived at 7:03 p.m.) Commissioner Michael Biggs Commissioner Mike Branum Commissioners Absent: Vice Chairman Michael Pipkins (excused) Commissioner Jacob Gibson (excused) Staff and Guests Present: Nick Sanders Mayor Greg Lamont Council Member Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Lisa Payne Town Planner Julie Smestad Recording Secretary CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Commission regarding an item over which the Commission has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairman Beach asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were submitted. REGULAR SESSION Chairman Beach moved the Nomination and election of Vice Chairman to after the two items with public hearings. PUBLIC HEARING – OPENED AT 7:02 p.m. 2018-470-Y Case PD-AMD-18-002 (BNHS Addition Ph 2) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2018- 13 P&Z, Planned Development District No. 28, in order to provide a site plan package for a proposed building addition at Byron Nelson High School, within the Northwest Independent School District boundaries, on a property containing approximately 93 acres of land and generally located northeast of the intersection of Bobcat Boulevard and Marshall Creek Road, within Trophy Club’s town limits. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request to amend Ordinance No. 2018-13 P&Z, Planned Development District No. 28, in order to provide a site plan package for a proposed building addition at Byron Nelson High School, within the Northwest Independent School District boundaries, on a property containing approximately 93 acres of land and generally located northeast of the intersection of Bobcat Boulevard and Marshall Creek Road, within Trophy Club’s town limits. Chairman Beach asked for staff report. The staff report was presented by Town Planner, Lisa Payne and she was available for questions. Rob Morse, representing RLK engineering, and Matt Davis, representing Perkins & Will, answered questions from the Commission about building materials and storm shelter requirements. PUBLIC HEARING – CLOSED AT 7:09 p.m. REGULAR SESSION Chairman Beach asked for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Biggs to approve the amendment as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Blake. Chairman Beach asked for a vote. The motion passed unanimously. 2018-472-T Case O-AMD-17-004 (Artificial Turf) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a Town-initiated request to amend Landscaping Regulations in Section 14.02.352(d)(5) and Section 14.02.352(g)(5) of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to allow artificial turf on residentially zoned properties. b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a Town-initiated request to amend Landscaping Regulations in Section 14.02.352(d)(5) and Section 14.02.352(g)(5) of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances to allow artificial turf on residentially zoned properties. PUBLIC HEARING – OPENED AT 7:12 p.m. Chairman Beach asked for the staff report. Staff report was presented by Tommy Uzee, Director of Community Development. He was available for questions. Discussion included responsibility of homeowner, drainage and run-off concerns, necessity of a permit, and restricting colors and public view. PUBLIC HEARING – CLOSED AT 7:52 p.m. REGULAR SESSION Chairman Beach asked for a motion. Commissioner Branum made a motion to accept the staff recommendations as written with the following conditions: A permit is required; Artificial turf is not to be visible to the public eye; and Artificial turf is not allowed on lots adjacent to the golf course. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Biggs. Chairman Beach called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously. 2018-469-T Nomination and Election of Vice-Chairman. Chairman Beach opened the discussion asking about tabling this item until a future meeting where all Commissioners are present. Chairman Beach asked for a motion. Commissioner Biggs moved to table the nomination and election of a Vice-Chairman for a future Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Blake. Chairman Beach called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously. 2018-475-T Review and approve the minutes of the September 6, 2018 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Chairman Beach asked for questions or corrections. There were none. Chairman Beach asked for a motion. Commissioner Branum moved to approve the September 6, 2018 minutes as written, which was seconded by Commissioner Blake. Chairman Beach asked for a vote. The motion was approved unanimously. 2018-476-T Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Staff updates were given by Lisa Payne, Town Planner. ADJOURN Chairman Beach moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Blake. Chairman Beach asked for a vote. Motion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. __________________________________ ________________________________ Jeffrey Beach, Chairman Julie Smestad, Recording Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262Town of Trophy Club Legislation Details (With Text) File #: Version:12018-528-T Name: Status:Type:Agenda Item Regular Session File created:In control:10/24/2018 Planning & Zoning Commission On agenda:Final action:11/1/2018 Title:Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Attachments: Action ByDate Action ResultVer. Town Planner Updates; update on previous cases heard by the Commission; Discussion on current Town development issues and development codes. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 31 of 31 Meeting Date: November 1, 2018