Agenda Packet 05/05/2022Town of Trophy Club
Meeting Agenda Packet
Planning & Zoning Commission
1 Trophy Wood Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
May 05, 2022 7:00 PM Council Chambers
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter. The Board is not
permitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made to the
Board. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Board has
authority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by the
presiding officer. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form that includes the
topic(s) to be presented. You may also email
1.Case ME 22001 (Social Oak Lounge Meritorious Exception for Signage)
Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on Meritorious
Exception for Social Oak Wine & Whiskey Bar generally located a the northeast corner
of SH Hwy114 and Trophy Club Drive addressed as addressed at 2230 E Hwy 114, Suite
550. (H.E. Beadle)
2.Case PP 22001 (Preliminary Plat, 1H at Trophy Club)
Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Preliminary
Plat for 1H at Trophy Club containing +2.788 acres of land located east of Bobcat
Boulevard, south of Halifax Street, and north of Byron Nelson High School. (H.E. Beadle)
3.Case PP 22002 (Preliminary Plat, 1HB at Trophy Club)
Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Preliminary
Plat for 1HB at Trophy Club containing +2.106 acres of land located east of Bobcat
Boulevard, south and east of Halifax Street, and north of Byron Nelson High School. (H.E.
4.Take appropriate action regarding the March 10, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting minutes.
5.Receive updates on previous cases heard by the Commission and active development
in Town.
Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town Council may be in attendance at this meeting.
I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy
Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on May 2, 2022 by 5:00 P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551,
Texas Government Code.
Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please
contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 6822372900, 48 hours in advance and reasonable
accommodations will be made to assist you.
Town of Trophy ClubMeeting Agenda PacketPlanning & Zoning Commission 1 Trophy Wood DriveTrophy Club, Texas 76262May 05, 2022 7:00 PM Council ChambersCALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUMPUBLIC COMMENTSThis is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter. The Board is notpermitted to discuss or take action on any presentations made to theBoard. Presentations are limited to matters over which the Board hasauthority. Speakers have up to four (4) minutes or the time limit determined by thepresiding officer. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form that includes thetopic(s) to be presented. You may also email mcox@trophyclub.orgREGULAR SESSION1.Case ME 22001 (Social Oak Lounge Meritorious Exception for Signage)Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on MeritoriousException for Social Oak Wine & Whiskey Bar generally located a the northeast cornerof SH Hwy114 and Trophy Club Drive addressed as addressed at 2230 E Hwy 114, Suite550. (H.E. Beadle)2.Case PP 22001 (Preliminary Plat, 1H at Trophy Club)Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a PreliminaryPlat for 1H at Trophy Club containing +2.788 acres of land located east of BobcatBoulevard, south of Halifax Street, and north of Byron Nelson High School. (H.E. Beadle)3.Case PP 22002 (Preliminary Plat, 1HB at Trophy Club)Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Preliminary
Plat for 1HB at Trophy Club containing +2.106 acres of land located east of Bobcat
Boulevard, south and east of Halifax Street, and north of Byron Nelson High School. (H.E.
4.Take appropriate action regarding the March 10, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission
meeting minutes.
5.Receive updates on previous cases heard by the Commission and active development
in Town.
Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the Town Council may be in attendance at this meeting.
I certify that the above notice was posted on the bulletin board at Trophy Club Town Hall, 1 Trophy
Wood Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, on May 2, 2022 by 5:00 P.M. in accordance with Chapter 551,
Texas Government Code.
Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please
contact the Town Secretary’s Office at 6822372900, 48 hours in advance and reasonable
accommodations will be made to assist you.
Page 1 of 3
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager
Anita Otterson, Acting Town Secretary
Re: Case ME-22-001 (Social Oak Sign Meritorious Exception)
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, May 5, 2022
Agenda Item:
Case ME-22-001 (Social Oak Sign Meritorious Exception)
Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Meritorious Exception for
Social Oak Wine & Whiskey Bar generally located at the northeast corner of SH Hwy 114 and Trophy Club
Drive addressed as 2230 E Hwy 114, Suite 550.
Strategic Link:
Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment.
Background and Explanation:
Section 3.09.010 of the Town’s Code of Ordinances allows an interested party to make a request for a
Meritorious Exception to the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council to consider a proposal that
does not conform to the sign regulations but may have merit and make a positive contribution to the
visual environment. A request for a Meritorious Exception is necessary for the proposed signs at Social
Oak Wine & Whiskey Lounge because it exceeds the sign height prescribed in the Planned Development
No. 30 (PD-30). The PD states that sign shall fit within:
HEIGHT 2 feet, 6 inches (30 inches)
WIDTH 40 feet
As shown on Exhibits A (Social Oak Front Sign) and B (Social Oak Rear/Back Sign) the proposed dimensions
Social Oak Front Sign HEIGHT 4 Feet
WIDTH 15.46 Feet
Social Oak Back Sign HEIGHT 7.5 Feet
WIDTH 7.5 Feet
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Social Oak Front Sign
Social Oak Back Sign
Financial Considerations:
Not applicable.
Legal Review:
This item is under review by the Town Attorney.
Staff Recommendation:
The request is in keeping with several Meritorious Sign Exceptions approved within PD 30 and Staff
recommends approval of the request.
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Exhibit A-Social Oak Proposed Sign Front
Exhibit B-Social Oak Proposed Sign Back
By tjohnson at 2:53 pm, Feb 21, 2022
By tjohnson at 2:53 pm, Feb 21, 2022
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To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager
Anita Otterson, Acting Town Secretary
Re: Case PP-22-001 (1H at Trophy Club)
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, May 5, 2022
Agenda Item:
Case PP-22-001 (1H at Trophy Club)
Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Preliminary Plat for 1H at
Trophy Club containing ±2.788 acres of land located east of Bobcat Boulevard, south and east of Halifax
Street, and north of Byron Nelson High School.
Strategic Link:
Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment.
Background and Explanation:
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended and the Town Council approved the Planned
Development zoning for the subject property in December of 2021. The property was formerly a gas well
site. The property owner has applied for a Preliminary Plat to facilitate development of the parcel.
1. The plat consists of 22 residential lots and one (1) open space lot.
2. The lots meet or exceed the minimum standards in the adopted PD regulations.
3. The development is proposed as private streets that will be built as 26-foot-wide mutual
access/fire lane easement.
4. The attached Preliminary Plat includes review comments that will need to be corrected and
addressed prior to Town Council agenda preparation (due for staff review by May 12, 2022).
5. A homeowners’ association (HOA) will be created with the filing of the final plat that will maintain
any common elements.
6. Prior to filing the Final Plat, the subdivider will also be required to pay a fee-in-lieu of parkland
dedication and pay any impact fees.
7. The applicant is responsible for verifying that the location of the capped wells is not within the
buildable area of any lot. The Town will not issue a building permit for a building that sits above a
capped well, per Texas Railroad Commission regulations.
Financial Considerations:
Not applicable.
Page 2 of 3
Legal Review:
This item is under review by the Town Attorney.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions:
1. Per Sec. 10.02.174, a waiver to subdivision regulations by Town Council is required to
allow for the overlength cul-de-sac.
2. All homes in the subdivision shall be fire sprinkled and a note shall be added to the
Preliminary Plat and Final Plat.
3. Existing and proposed easements do not read well to understand. Improve line
weights/dashes and labels
4. Will this subdivision be gated at Bobcat Blvd.? If so, provide information. Drive,
location of electronic access, turnaround, etc.
5. Label and complete mutual access and fire lane easement. Provide radius for both
sides of easement.
6. Existing road easement goes through lots. What is the plan to amend the filed
access easement? It does not appear that the road and pipeline easements go
through Save and Except Tract 1, 1.3 acres per document 2004-52884. How does
easement function at property corner and traveling north through 1HB? When will
diagonal 20 foot pipeline easement on Lots 2 & 3, Block C be abandoned/amended?
7. Filed easement identifies 50 feet is access and 25 feet for road. Fire Lane/Mutual
Access Easement from PD zoning states 26 feet.
8. Lot 8X - Is all of the land Open Space? Is any of it detention?
9. Block Labels and Lot Numbers do not make sense.
8. Submit landscape and wall plans. Where is screening wall going to be placed along
western property boundary? Account for screening required along southern
property boundary (high school) per the PD.
9. Provide evidence/permission that a screening wall is permitted withing the 20-foot
pipeline easement.
10. Submit HOA documents for staff review.
11. Parcel Tables reference Blocks A, B, and C. Plat image includes Blocks C & D. Parcel
Table also identifies a Block C?
12. Provide a Subdivision Name. 1H is not appropriate.
13. If this is to be developed as private streets provide labels and note that streets will
be constructed to Town standards and maintained by the HOA.
14. Drainage Plans are for proposed conditions. Submit existing information with
drainage calculations for detention.
15. Contact City Engineer for any outstanding items needed to complete a review for
conditional approval.
16. Improve Location Map information to understand where plat is located.
17. Submit street names for review/approval. Is there one street for all (1H and 1HB)?
Coordinate with Fire for addressing and street name preferences.
18. Setbacks are not labeled and "roads" and lines are confusing.
10. Submit plans for crosswalk and lighting for the trail crossing.
11. Ownership for these parcels appear to be C Oil Investments, LTD and Beck Property
Inc. per DCAD. Update title block and Owners’ Dedication.
19. Plat and accompanying engineering plans are subject to additional review
comments/conditions with plat resubmissions.
Page 3 of 3
Exhibit A – Preliminary Plat 1H at Trophy Club with review comments/conditions.
Page 1 of 3
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Matt Cox, Director of Community Development
CC: Wade Carroll, Town Manager
Anita Otterson, Acting Town Secretary
Re: Case PP-22-002 (1HB at Trophy Club)
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, May 5, 2022
Agenda Item:
Case PP-22-002 (1HB at Trophy Club)
Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Preliminary Plat for 1HB at
Trophy Club containing ±2.106 acres of land located east of Bobcat Boulevard, east of Halifax Street, and
north of Byron Nelson High School.
Strategic Link:
Infrastructure & Development – Foster a business-friendly environment.
Background and Explanation:
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended and the Town Council approved the Planned
Development zoning for the subject property in December of 2021. The property was formerly a gas well
site. The property owner has applied for a Preliminary Plat to facilitate development of the parcel.
1. The plat consists of 14 residential lots and two (2) open space lots.
2. The lots meet or exceed the minimum standards in the adopted PD regulations.
3. The development is proposed as private streets that will be built as 26-foot-wide mutual
access/fire lane easement.
4. The attached Preliminary Plat includes review comments that will need to be corrected and
addressed prior to Town Council agenda preparation (due for staff review by May 12, 2022).
5. A homeowners’ association (HOA) will be created with the filing of the final plat that will maintain
any common elements.
6. Prior to filing the Final Plat, the subdivider will also be required to pay a fee-in-lieu of parkland
dedication and pay any impact fees.
7. The applicant is responsible for verifying that the location of the capped wells is not within the
buildable area of any lot. The Town will not issue a building permit for a building that sits above a
capped well, per Texas Railroad Commission regulations.
Financial Considerations:
Not applicable.
Page 2 of 3
Legal Review:
This item is under review by the Town Attorney.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions:
1. Per Sec. 10.02.174, a waiver to subdivision regulations by Town Council is required to
allow for the overlength cul-de-sac.
2. All homes in the subdivision shall be fire sprinkled and a note shall be added to the
Preliminary Plat and Final Plat.
3. Existing and proposed easements do not read well to understand. Improve line
weights/dashes and labels
4. Will this subdivision be gated at Bobcat Blvd.? If so, provide information. Drive,
location of electronic access, turnaround, etc.
5. Label and complete mutual access and fire lane easement. Provide radius for both
sides of easement.
6. Existing road easement goes through lots. What is the plan to amend the filed
access easement? It does not appear that the road and pipeline easements go
through Save and Except Tract 1, 1.3 acres per document 2004-52884. How does
easement function at property corner and traveling north through 1HB?
7. Filed easement identifies 50 feet is access and 25 feet for road. Fire Lane/Mutual
Access Easement from PD zoning states 26 feet.
8. Lots 8X and 9X - Is all of the land area west of Lots 1 &7, Block A, and Lot 1, Block B
all Lot 9X? It is not all "Open Space."
9. Block Labels and Lot Numbers do not make sense. Just one Block may be enough.
8. Submit landscape and wall plans. Where is screening wall going to be placed along
western property boundary?
9. Provide evidence/permission that a screening wall is permitted withing the 20-foot
pipeline easement.
10. Submit HOA documents for staff review.
11. Notes state Lots 8X and 9X are Open Space Lots. Lot 9X boundary is not clear to
12. Parcel Tables reference Block C & D, plat image includes Block A & B. Parcel Table
also identifies a Block C?
13. According to the legal description on the plat this tract is not within the Thomas
Kelly Survey.
14. Consider revising plat note #9 and/or clearly identify the boundaries of Lot 9X.
15. Provide a Subdivision Name. 1HB is not appropriate.
16. If this is to be developed as private streets provide labels and note that streets will
be constructed to Town standards and maintained by the HOA.
17. Drainage Plans are for proposed conditions. Submit existing information with
drainage calculations for detention.
18. Contact City Engineer for any outstanding items needed to complete a review for
conditional approval.
19. Improve Location Map information to understand where plat is located.
20. Submit street names for review/approval. Is there one street for all (1H and 1HB)?
Coordinate with Fire for addressing and street name preferences.
21. Setbacks are not labeled and "roads" and lines are confusing.
10. Submit plans for crosswalk and lighting for the trail crossing.
Page 3 of 3
22. Plat and accompanying engineering plans are subject to additional review
comments/conditions with plat resubmissions.
Exhibit A – Preliminary Plat 1HB at Trophy Club with review comments/conditions.
Town of Trophy Club
Meeting Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1 Trophy Wood Drive
Trophy Club, Texas 76262
March 10, 2022 7:00 PM Council Chambers
Chairperson Rowe called the March 10, 2022 Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 PM and
announced a quorum.
Commissioners Present:
Chairperson Rhylan Rowe
Commissioner Robert Stevens
Commissioner Reginald Barbarin - ABSENT
Commissioner Michael Biggs
Commissioner Paul Jablonski
Commissioner Mike Branum
Commissioner Jonathan Poole
Staff Present:
Wade Carroll Town Manager
Matt Cox Director of Community Development
Helen-Eve Beadle Interim Town Planner
Alicia Santos Senior Administrative Assistant
Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has
policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order.
Chairperson Rowe asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests to speak were
1. Case SUP-22-001 (Social Oak Lounge Alcohol On-Premises)
a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request made by Social Oak Lounge for a Specific Use
Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for on-premises consumption in conjunction with a
restaurant use, located at 2230 E. Highway 114 #550.
b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request made by Social Oak Lounge for a
Specific Use Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for on-premises consumption in conjunction
with a restaurant use, located at 2230 E. Highway 114 #550.
Chairperson Rowe opened the public hearing at 7:01 PM
Cox presented the staff report and was available for questions.
Chairperson Rowe closed the public hearing at 7:04 PM
Chairperson Rowe asked for discussion or a motion. Commissioner Poole no difference
compared to all the other businesses. Stevens location of bldg. between Blue 22 & Volt
Helen-Eve presented the staff report and he was available for questions.
Chairperson Rowe called for a motion. Stevens to approve second by Rowe. 6-0 approved
2. Case SUP-22-002 (Social Oak Lounge Alcohol Off-Premises)
a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request made by Social Oak Lounge for a Specific Use
Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for off-premises consumption to be sold from The Social
Oak Lounge, located at 2230 E Highway 114 #550.
b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request made by Social Oak Lounge for a
Specific Use Permit for alcoholic beverage sales for off-premises consumption to be sold
from the Social Oak Lounge, located at 2230 E Highway 114 #550.
Chairperson Rowe opened the public hearing at 7:06 PM
Cox, difference for off premises, to sell in a closed container.
Chairperson Rowe closed the public hearing at 07:07 PM
Chairperson Rowe asked for discussion or a motion. Commissioner Biggs, off premises is due to
the pandemic.
Cox, yes is they want to be able to eat and drink and take off site in closed container. Jablonski
is there a wine selling concept or like a beverage to take home. Cox, if you like from there you can take.
Branum, sounds like they will have a small shop retail. Jablonski, how long will they sell. Rowe, it would
be something like Wise Guys. Sounds like pre-packaged. Poole, do the neighbor businesses have the
same type of license. Cox, no this would be the only one to sell off premises. Rowe, does town have
license regulations and we do, have two different types BV.
Chairperson Rowe called for a motion. Branum second by Biggs to approve
Chairperson Rowe called for showing of hands vote. Motion passes 6-0.
3. Case PD-22-001 (54 & 56 Meadowbrook Lane)
a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request made by Steven F Udvar-Hazy Tr Hazy Family
Community Property Trust to rezone approximately 1.0082 acres of land, 54 and 56
Meadowbrook Lane, of the Last Acre Addition Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Denton County, Trophy
Club, Texas, from R-12 Single Family Residential District to a PD, Planned Development District
R-12 to allow for fencing along the front and side of the properties.
b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request made by Steven F Udvar-Hazy Tr Hazy
Family Community Property Trust to rezone approximately 1.0082 acres of land, 54 and 56
Meadowbrook Lane, of the Last Acre Addition Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Denton County, Trophy
Club, Texas, from R-12 Single Family Residential District to a PD, Planned Development District
R-12 to allow for fencing along the front and side of the properties.
Chairperson Rowe opened the public hearing at 7:14 PM
CHRIS HAZY, appreciate for the opportunity to bring this to the commission.
Chairperson Rowe closed the public hearing at 7:24
H-E, presented the staff report and was available for questions. Recommends approval.
Chris Hazy, the goal is for the security of our grandchildren
Chairperson Rowe asked for discussion or a motion. Commissioner Jablonski, how high is the
wall. H-E, the code allows up to 8 feet. Jablonski, is it 8’ from the top. H-E is from the bottom. Rowe,
summarized the R-12. H-E, the code states infront of the property. This home is much closer to the set
back. Rowe, front fence wont extend beyond the property line. What about the value of the fence. H-E,
small strip by the property line, the wall is not going to be closer to the corner. Rowe, how far from the
curve is that fence. It is 25’ from the curve. Rowe, this will not be any closer than any other properties.
Biggs, the difference is only the front side. Cox, the other side is the HOA of Hogans Glen. Branum,
there is no HOA in this area, what about 10-20 yrs from now the condition for long term. H-E, the
Towns code enforcement or department can and will reach out to the property ower for maintenance.
Jablonski, went by are the footers. Poole, concern what if everyone else in the town decides to do the
same, to become a fashionable. H-E, this one is unique and you (town) staff would have the
opportunity to approve. Jablonski, everything around is R-10, but this PD is R-12. Rowe, identified to a
specific (would like to call it another PD other than PD12). Do we have any PD smaller than 1 acre. All
are r-12. Cox, these are R-12 but are extremely large properties. Rowe, might not prevent less than an
acre, possitve development (minimum acreage in the future).
Chairperson Rowe called for a motion. Commissioner Stevens to approve, second Biggs. Poole,
have some of the discussion or amend. Jablonski, would like to look into the smaller acreage lots.
Chairperson Rowe called for showing of hands vote. Motion approved 6-0.
4. Receive updates on previous cases heard by Commission and active development in Town.
Director Cox stated there were none.
Chairperson Rowe motion to adjourn, second by all Commissioners.
Chairperson Rowe called for a vote. The motion was approved unanimously
The meeting adjourned at 7:41 PM
___________________________________ _________________________________
Chairperson Rhylan Rowe Alicia Santos, Sr. Administrative Assistant
Planning & Zoning Commissioner