Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Adopted Budget September 23, 2014 Town of Trophy Club Annual Program of Services Fiscal Year 2014-2015 This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by $752,018, which is a 12.81% increase from last year’s budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $447,923. NAME:TITLE:YES NO Nick Sanders MAYOR X Greg Lamont COUNCIL MEMBER X Jim Parrow COUNCIL MEMBER X Garrett Reed COUNCIL MEMBER X Rhylan Rowe COUNCIL MEMBER X Philip Shoffner COUNCIL MEMBER X 6 0 RECORD VOTE ON ADOPTION OF BUDGET September 23rd, 2014 TOTAL 2013-2014 2014-2015 LAST YEAR CURRENT YEAR Maintenace & Operations $0.384300/$100 $0.380000/$100 Debt $0.115000/$100 $0.110000/$100 Total Property Tax Rate $0.499300/$100 $0.490000/$100 Effective Tax Rate $0.509899/$100 $0.468137/$100 Effective Maintenance and Operations Rate $0.396824/$100 $0.360315/$100 Rollback Tax Rate $0.543569/$100 $0.499140/$100 Debt Rate $0.115000/$100 $0.110000/$100 Tax Supported Debt Service $1,585,842 $1,573,662 MUNICIPAL TAX RATES 1 ADOPTED ON September 23rd, 2014 PREPARED BY: MIKE SLYE TOWN MANAGER STEPHEN SEIDEL ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER STEVEN GLICKMAN FINANCE DIRECTOR JOHN ZAGURSKI BUDGET ANALYST 2 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Nick Sanders Mayor Pro Tem Greg Lamont Council Member Jim Parrow Council Member Garrett Reed Council Member Rhylan Rowe Council Member Philip Shoffner Council Member Vacant APPOINTED OFFICIALS Town Manager Mike Slye Town Attorney Patricia Adams Town Secretary Tammy Ard Municipal Judge Honorable Mark Chambers KEY STAFF Assistant Town Manager Stephen Seidel Emergency Medical Services & Fire Chief Danny Thomas Finance Director Steven Glickman Information Systems Director Mike Pastor Parks & Recreation Director Adam Adams Police Chief Public Information Officer/Marketing Manager Scott Kniffen April Reiling Streets Director Ed Helton 3 January 24-25 Friday & Saturday April 11 Friday April 28 Monday May 5 Monday May 6 - June 5 June 13 Friday • Preliminary GF Expenditures and Revenues Completed July 22 Tuesday • Management Budget Update with Council July 25 Friday July 31 Thursday • Hand Deliver Hard Copy Proposed Budget to Council Members August 1 Friday • Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector provides Effective and Rollback Tax Rates • Council Workshop - Budget Discussion - 1:00 PM August 12 Tuesday • Public Hearing on CCPD Budget • Submit Effective & Rollback Rate Calculations to Town Council • Vote to Propose Tax Rate (if over Effective Rate) • CCPD Budget Adoption • Set Public Hearings for September 9th and September 15th (if applicable) August 29 Friday • Publish Notice of Public Hearing on the Budget • Publish Notice of Public Hearing on PID Service Assessment September 9 Tuesday • First Public Hearing on Tax Rate (if applicable) • Public Hearing on Budget • Resolution accepting proposed SAP & setting Public Hearing date September 15 Monday September 23 Tuesday • Budget Adoption • Tax Rate Adoption • Approve Tax Roll • Public Hearing on PID Service Assessment • Vote to Ratify Property Tax Revenue • Adopt PID Assessment Rate October 1 Wednesday • Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Begins • Second Public Hearing on Tax Rate (if applicable) • Town Council and Management Retreat/Strategic Planning BUDGET CALENDAR Fiscal Year 2015 • Denton Central Appraisal District begins sending out weekly preliminary appraisal totals • Publish Notice of Public Hearing on CCPD Budget • Tarrant Appraisal District submits 1st preliminary appraisal totals • Mid-Year Review Presentation to Council • Certified Appraisal Roll Due from Denton & Tarrant Appraisal • Departmental Budget Meetings • Publish Notice of Proposed Tax Rate and (if applicable) Public Hearings on Tax Rate 4 September 23rd, 2014 Trophy Club Town Council 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, TX 76262 Dear Town Council: In accordance with the Trophy Club Town Charter and the State of Texas Local Government Code, the adopted FY 15 Budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30th, 2015 is presented along with an attached 5-year Capital Improvement Program. The adopted FY 15 Budget presents in financial terms the plan for accomplishment of municipal objectives during the forthcoming fiscal year. Preparation of this document requires a comparison of the anticipated revenues with adopted programs and priorities that are based on Town Council priorities, service demands or prior project commitments. While the adopted budget does not fund all departmental requests, it meets Town Council goals expressed during the planning process. The adopted budget has been formulated by reflecting the core values of:  Providing exceptional governmental services;  Remaining fiscally sound;  Effectively allocating resources to meet citizen needs; and  Valuing our employees The attached document is a responsible financial plan developed utilizing advanced planning methods and Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 34 provisions and complying with the adopted Fund Balance Policy (GASB 54). Prudent financial and operational philosophies have guided budget development. Every budget seeks to allocate scarce resources, and there will always be more needs than available funds. The FY 15 Budget highlights include:  A second Student Resource Officer  A replacement Ambulance 5  A replacement Police Tahoe  A replacement irrigation vehicle for Parks  A replacement zero-turn lawnmower for Parks  Analog to digital radio upgrades for EMS  Various IT related purchases and upgrades  Use of $600,000 in tax note proceeds to fund capital improvements  Capital Improvement Projects totaling $5,369,698  3% Merit increase effective April 1, 2015 for all non-appointed employees FY 15 Budget Development Considerations The adopted budget includes total revenues of $11,662,181 and expenditures of $16,279,695. Expenditures exceed revenues by $4,617,514 due to expenditures of $5,369,698 related to capital improvements in the Capital Projects Fund and Storm Drainage Fund for which debt was issued in prior periods. Excluding the capital improvements, the overall budget contains a surplus (revenues over expenditures) of $752,184, with a deficit of $144,245, due to the transfer of $385,000 to fund capital projects, being attributed to the General Fund. This section discusses, by fund, the major issues addressed in the FY 15 budget. GENERAL FUND Revenues – Each revenue source is carefully evaluated during the budget process to ensure adequate levels of funding. As the Town reaches substantial build out, with accompanying smaller increases in assessed value and sharp decreases in licensing and permitting revenue, it endeavors to diversify its revenue sources to reduce reliance on property taxes. Identified diversification areas include maximization of sales tax revenue along the Highway 114 corridor and accompanying increased franchise fee collections that are included with substantial build- out.  Property Tax – The largest revenue source in the General Fund is the ad valorem tax. A tax rate of 0.49/$100 was adopted, a decrease from the previous year’s tax rate of 0.4993/$100. Property tax revenue in FY 15 is expected to increase by $609,210 over the FY 14 estimate. Of this amount, $347,369 can be attributed to over $90M in new properties added to the tax roll in FY 14. Extensive growth is expected over the next fiscal year, and is a major consideration when projecting future property tax revenues. o Property Tax Rate - The FY 15 Budget is based on a property tax rate of $0.4900 per $100 assessed valuation, a $0.00993 decrease from FY 14. A goal of staff and Council was to propose a tax rate below the FY 14 tax rate. The adopted tax rate includes $0.11 to service debt and $0.38 to fund maintenance and operations. o Property Tax Base - The certified 2014 appraisal rolls show an increase of 15.53% over the 2013 certified values. The majority of the increase, 8.66%, is 6 attributed to new properties added to the tax roll this year, while existing properties increased by 6.87%. The average appraised home value is $319,875. In FY 15 there are a projected 150 homes to be built; this will continue to increase the total assessed value of Trophy Club, which will in turn increase total revenues derived from property tax at the adopted tax rate.  Franchise Fees – The second largest revenue source in the General Fund is franchise fees. The fees are projected based on the past and current trends and franchisee’s estimates. Franchise fees are projected to increase 6.74% in FY 15 over the FY 14 estimate, and should continue to increase as the Town approaches build out.  Licensing and Permits – Licensing and Permits are the third largest revenue source for the General Fund. This revenue source grouping contains Building Permits, Fire Permits, Miscellaneous Permits, Plumbing Permits, and Multifamily Residence License. This revenue source is expected to decrease 17.30% from the FY 14 estimate due to the Town approaching substantial build-out. The deep reduction in revenue derived from licensing and permits is considered when looking to the future. Increased property valuation from new property on future tax rolls will make up for the substantial loss of this revenue source along with any increased collections of sales taxes and franchise fees.  Sales Tax – Sales tax receipts are the fourth largest revenue in the General Fund. The FY 15 budget projects a 2.57% growth in receipts over the FY 14 estimate. Included in the sales tax are general sales taxes and mixed beverage taxes. Sales tax revenue is wholly dependent on the local economic conditions and can fluctuate. The Town does have the potential for major commercial development along the corridor of Highway 114 that could help diversify the Town’s revenue sources in future years. However, in order to remain fiscally responsible, the Town does not assume any major developments will be constructed prior to FY 16.  Fines and Fees – Fines and fees represent revenue generated from the municipal court, development related fees, and recreation based fees. This revenue source is expected to decrease 20% compared to the FY 14 estimate, due to new developments reaching build- out which decreases the number of development related fees collected and further strengthens the Town’s need to diversify its revenue sources. Strategic Management Planning – Vision TC was adopted by Council in April of 2013 and is being utilized to facilitate discussions and decisions. An all Boards and Commissions meeting was held and the plan was presented to them to aid in vertical integration. A charter election was held and provisions were passed, the main change being the addition of a 7th Council seat that was filled by a November 2013 election. 7 Municipal Utility District Services Contract – A significant change to previous years is the relationship between the Town and Utility District. In previous years, the Town and Utility District shared some employee expenses equally at 50%. During FY 10, the Town and Utility District opted to negotiate an agreement that would eliminate the majority of the 50% shared employees except for Fire/EMS personnel, by entering into an agreement for contract services. The FY 15 agreement calls for the Utility District to pay the Town $26,271 for IT Services of $20,101 plus mowing/landscape services of $9,025 less the cost for the Utility District to provide janitorial services of $2,855 for the four offices Town staff occupies in the Svore Complex. The Town will continue to offer Permit services to the Utility District at no charge, and it is agreed that the Utility District will provide their own payroll services and continue to provide building maintenance for the Svore Municipal Building. The Town will be responsible for the building maintenance of the Public Services Annex Building and the Police Department Building. Personnel – Being primarily service oriented, municipal governments are extremely reliant on their employees. The Town of Trophy Club is no different. For a department to add positions a demonstrated need must first exist. Citizens and Council have come to expect the highest level of service at the lowest possible cost, all while being competitive in the marketplace. The adopted budget exemplifies this exact sentiment.  Compensation - The FY 15 Budget includes a 3% merit increase, effective on April 1, 2015, in addition to an annual stipend of $750 per employee. The overall effort to bring employees salaries to competitive rates will continue, and the Town’s strategy will be reviewed annually to determine the extent of future endeavors.  Health Insurance - The Health insurance program in FY 15 continues with the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Employees Benefit Pool (TML IEBP). The Town offers three plans: a PPO, an HRA, and an HSA; rates for the plans increased 5%, 5%, and 12.32% respectively. TML IEBP is a non-profit health provider centered on providing full service health protection of political subdivisions of Texas.  Personnel Changes – Personnel changes are considered on an as needed basis after a demonstrated need exists. As the Town grows, service level demand also grows. In order to meet increasing service demand the FY 15 budget includes the following personnel changes:  A second Student Resource Officer partially funded by Northwest ISD  No plans to fund the following vacated positions:  Community Development Director  Street Maintenance Worker  Economic Development/Marketing Coordinator (Funded 100% by 4B)  Part-Time Accountant/Bookkeeper 8 Services and Supplies – One area where fiscal responsibility can be applied most effectively are in the services and supplies the Town purchases. The services and supplies budget decreased 0.8% from the FY 14 estimate. Any new programs that require the purchase of services or supplies will be carefully examined in the context of any potential revenue they generate and benefit they bring to Town citizens. Equipment Replacement – The Town funds equipment replacement by setting aside an amount each year equal to each department’s equipment depreciation. Expenditures for FY 15 include the following items:  Replacement irrigation truck for Parks  Replacement Ambulance for EMS  Replacement zero turn mower for Parks  Replacement T650 Bobcat split between Parks and Trophy Club Park  Analog to digital radio upgrade in EMS  Various scheduled replacements for Information Services Fund Balance – The Town has a Fund Balance Policy with a goal of 30% of the Town’s annual General Fund expenditures being classified as unassigned fund balance. An unassigned fund balance of less than 15% is a cause for concern unless it is planned or deliberate. The Town’s budgeted fund balance in the General Fund is projected at 34.1% of expenditures, which is well above the Town’s policy. The Town endeavors to maintain its current strong fund balance levels, but will consider use of fund balance to fund major capital projects and /or acquisitions while maintaining an ending fund balance within the Town’s policy. OTHER FUNDS Capital Improvement Program – The five-year Capital Improvement Program includes scheduled construction of major capital improvements such as streets, facilities, parks, etc. These improvements are generally funded by debt, but may be funded by existing fund balances or grants when available. In FY 13 the Town issued $3M in Certificates of Obligation (CO) with $1.3M to fund identified streets projects and $1.7M to fund identified drainage improvements. In FY 14 the Town issued $2.5M in Certificates of Obligation to fund the purchase of land for a joint Town Hall and Police Station. A $600,000 Tax Note is scheduled for issuance at the end of FY 14 to fund various streets projects and park improvements. When considering capital improvements the Town considers federal and state mandates, the effect on Town citizens, and the effect a project will have on future operating budgets. The following projects are included in the Capital Improvement Program for FY 15:  Street and drainage improvements including Indian Creek road rehab project and Meadowbrook Drive (both partially funded by Denton County).  Street and drainage improvements to Pin Oak Court.  Street improvements to Timberline Court.  Street and drainage improvements to Pebble Beach Drive. 9  Land Acquisition for a new joint Town Hall and Police Station.  Broadway Creek improvements and amenity lake slopes.  Independence East bleachers.  Independence East security cameras.  Cypress Court drainage inlets.  Construction of eight practice soccer fields at Lakeview Elementary Debt Service Fund – In FY 13 the Town of Trophy Club dissolved the Economic Development Fund 4A. Before dissolving the 4A Fund the Town defeased debt related to the 4A fund and other debt held by the Town, which in turn decreased total debt service payments from last year’s projections. The Town also issued a $3M CO for streets and drainage projects in FY 13. In FY 14 the Town issued a $2.5M CO for the purchase of land for a joint Town Hall and Police Station. A $600,000 Tax Note is scheduled for issuance at the end of FY 14 to fund street and parks projects. Additionally, in FY 14 the Town adopted a debt management policy and had its bond rating upgraded from AA to AA+ by Standard and Poor’s. The adopted I&S tax rate for FY 15 is $0.11 per $100 of valuation. This is a $.005 decrease from the current I&S tax rate. Economic Development Fund 4B – In FY 13 the Town of Trophy Club dissolved the Economic Development Fund 4A. The 0.50% 4A sales tax was reallocated between the Economic Development Fund 4B and a newly created Crime Control Prevention District. This essentially doubled the revenues for the 4B. Both 4A and 4B combined to service the 2002-A GO Bonds, which were to be defeased prior to dissolving the 4A. Due to a lack of fund balance in 4B the Town defeased the debt with $660,000 of fund balance from the General Fund. To repay this debt the 4B fund has an inter-local agreement with the Town to pay $54,964 every year through FY 28 to the General Fund. Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) - The CCPD was a newly created fund for FY 14. The fund receives its revenues from a 0.25% sales tax. This fund is to help the police department with capital replacement costs, supplies, and activities related to crime control and prevention. The FY 15 CCPD budget contains $36,285 for small equipment such as Taser’s, defibrillators, radar, rapid response equipment, etc, and $47,179 to purchase a replacement patrol vehicle and electronic case file storage. Street Maintenance Sales Tax Fund - In May 2014, citizens reauthorized a 0.25% Street Maintenance Sales Tax. The sales tax is needed to augment the funding provided in the General Fund for the maintenance of Town streets. State law requires that the tax be reauthorized by the citizens after the initial four years. In order for the tax to not lapse, the Council held a reauthorization election on May 8, 2010 in which voters approved the reauthorization of the sales tax. Beginning in FY 10, the Street Maintenance sales tax receipts and expenditures were reported as a separate fund. The FY 15 budget projects a 2.75% growth in receipts. Storm Drainage Utility Fund - The Town of Trophy Club charges a fee to Trophy Club property owners to cover the costs of providing the infrastructure and facilities that permit the safe 10 drainage of storm water, the prevention of surface water stagnation, and the prevention of pollution arising from nonpoint runoff. The Town engaged the services of Freese and Nichols, Inc. (FNI) to conduct a master drainage study in order to better assess current infrastructure and future needs. Phase I of this study was completed and identified five major areas of concern related to storm drainage. The Town also engaged FNI to complete a financial analysis to correctly identify revenue options, appropriate expenses, and residential/commercial storm drainage fees necessary to accomplish these storm water improvement projects. Based on those recommendations, the fee for residential home owners increased from $3 to $6 in FY 13, and commercial entities were increased based on an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) system. The Town has commenced Phase I implementation and issued $1.7 million in Certificates of Obligation backed by storm water fee revenue to address three areas identified by FNI. Additionally, the Town has retained FNI to initiate Phase II which will include a regional analysis on water drainage and the impact on Trophy Club. The Town is looking to partner with surrounding municipalities, counties, and a developer as well as seeking grant funding. Summary & Conclusion Municipal government exists for one reason: to organize and deliver the best service possible with the resources available, in order to provide a safe, high quality of life for our citizens. This year’s budget for fiscal year 2015 represents a collective effort by the Town Cou ncil and the Town Staff to meet that challenge. This budget is more than a financial document, it is a policy document that lays the groundwork for a continuation of current services and stabilizes the future financial position in order to carry on the Town’s duties and responsibilities, while meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the Town’s Strategy Map. The Town staff will continue to work to review, evaluate, and innovate to improve service delivery. I appreciate the opportunity to lead an organization that provides our community with exceptional services, programs, and quality of life. I would like to thank the Town Council for volunteering their time to serve their community and providing leadership to continue to make the Town of Trophy Club “a great place to call home!” Sincerely, Michael T. Slye Town Manager September 23rd, 2014 11 CITIZENS OF TROPHY CLUB MAYOR & COUNCIL MEMBERS Town Secretary TOWN MANAGER Assistant Town Manager IT Director Network Specialist Director of Finance Budget Analyst Chief Financial Analyst Senior Court Clerk Development Services Manager Building Inspector Permit Official Admin Asst Code Enforcement Officer Senior Planner Economic Development Coordinator Storm Water & Drainage PIO/Marketing Manager HR Coordinator Director of Street Services Streets Crew Leader Street Maintenance Workers Director of Parks & Recreation Aquatics/Outdoor Supervisor Recreation Supervisor Trophy Club Park Parks Superintendent Parks Crew Leader Landscape Maintenance Workers Parks Irrigator Irrigation Technician Athletic Crew Leader Athletic Field Technicians Police Chief Police Commander - Operations Patrol Sergeant Patrol Officers Reserve Officers Patrol Sergeant Patrol Officers Reserve Officers Police Sergeant - CID Juvenile Investigator School Resource Officer Animal Control Admin Asst Fire Chief Fire Lieutenants Driver Engineers Firefighters Executive Secretary Town Attorney Town Organizational Chart 12 The General Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund CCPD Fund Street Maint. Fund Stormwater Drainage Utility Fund Trophy Club Park Fund Hotel Occupancy Fund Court Technology Fund Court Security Fund Grants Fund 25th Anniversary Fund EDC 4B Fund TIRZ #1 Recreation Program Fund Total Beginning Fund Balance 2,960,660$ 122,222$ 4,275,854$ 92,246$ 24,268$ 698,793$ 4,389$ 285,590$ 22,071$ 22,526$ 4,687$ 2,114$ 332,636$ -$ 4,000$ 8,848,055$ Revenue Property Tax 5,166,466 1,498,303 12,669 6,677,438 Sales Tax 676,323 147,272 163,636 327,272 475 1,314,978 Franchise Fees 812,506 812,506 Licenses and Permits 710,631 710,631 Intergovernmental 192,901 192,901 Fines and Fees 466,101 402,800 153,752 5,000 3,788 4,000 1,035,441 Charges for Service 260,852 260,852 Grant / Contributions 77,018 200,000 277,018 Occupancy Tax 233,416 233,416 Investment Income 6,000 250 500 100 300 300 7,450 Miscellaneous Income 118,550 21,000 139,550 Total Revenue 8,487,348$ 1,498,553$ 200,500$ 147,272$ 163,636$ 423,900$ 153,752$ 233,716$ 5,000$ 3,788$ -$ -$ 327,572$ 13,144$ 4,000$ 11,662,181$ Expenditures General Government 324,960 324,960 Manager's Office 899,938 899,938 Human Resources 92,495 92,495 Information Services 423,312 423,312 Legal 193,389 193,389 Police 2,110,098 83,464 2,193,562 Emergency Medical Services 1,016,722 1,016,722 Streets & Drainage 411,677 131,300 161,173 704,150 Medians 299,310 299,310 Parks 1,043,416 150,327 1,193,743 Recreation 550,039 4,000 554,039 Community Events 60,201 38,825 99,026 Community Development 572,921 572,921 Finance 387,097 387,097 Municipal Court 85,936 5,730 91,666 Facility Management 111,042 111,042 Debt Service 1,573,662 178,963 1,752,625 Capital - Projects 4,627,524 742,174 5,369,698 Total Expenditures 8,257,593$ 1,573,662$ 4,627,524$ 83,464$ 131,300$ 1,082,310$ 150,327$ 38,825$ 5,730$ -$ -$ -$ 324,960$ -$ 4,000$ 16,279,695$ Other Sources (Uses): Transfers In 11,000 127,350 385,000 523,350 Transfers Out (385,000) (75,000) (25,000) (27,350) (8,000) (3,000) (523,350) Total Other Sources (Uses)(374,000)$ 127,350$ 385,000$ (75,000)$ (25,000)$ (27,350)$ (8,000)$ -$ -$ (3,000)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)(144,245)$ 52,241$ (4,042,024)$ (11,192)$ 7,336$ (685,760)$ (4,575)$ 194,891$ (730)$ 788$ -$ -$ 2,612$ 13,144$ -$ (4,617,514)$ Ending Fund balance 2,816,415$ 174,463$ 233,830$ 81,054$ 31,604$ 13,033$ (185)$ 480,481$ 21,341$ 23,314$ 4,687$ 2,114$ 335,248$ 13,144$ 4,000$ 4,230,541$ All Funds Summary - Fiscal Year 2015 13 Department Item Amount Description Parks Zero Turn Mower 10,000$ Scheduled replacement due to age/condition. Parks Ford F250 Irrigation Truck 29,500$ Scheduled replacement due to age/condition. Parks T650 Bobcat Compact Track Loader (Split with TCP)25,330$ Replaces leased equipment. IS Server Replacement 4,250$ Scheduled replacement of IT Equipment. IS Audio Video Replacement 6,250$ Scheduled replacement of IT Equipment. IS Computer Replacements 14,488$ Scheduled replacement of IT Equipment. IS Software Replacement 3,250$ Scheduled replacement of IT Equipment. IS Printers and Copiers Replacement 3,375$ Scheduled replacement of IT Equipment. EMS Ambulance 155,860$ Scheduled replacement due to age/condition. EMS Radio Upgrade from Analog to Digital 23,500$ Upgrades system from analog to digital on all mobile and base station radios. General Fund Total 275,803$ Department Item Amount Description Police Patrol Tahoe 39,079$ Replaces 2010 Tahoe. CCPD Total 39,079$ Department Item Amount Description Parks T650 Bobcat Compact Track Loader (Split with General Fund)25,330 Replaces leased equipment. Trophy Club Park Total 25,330$ Equipment Replacement Fiscal Year 2015 Capital and Equipment Replacement General Fund Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Equipment Replacement Supplemental Trophy Club Park Equipment Replacement 14 Department Item Amount Description IS Adobe Software Upgrade 8,301$ Upgrade all versions of Adobe Acrobat Standard and Pro to latest versions. IS Fire and EMS Laptops 8,250$ Toughbook for Fire/EMS. (Split with MUD) EMS Radio Upgrade from Analog to Digital 23,500$ Upgrades system from analog to digital on all mobile and base station radios. (Split with MUD) Police SRO/ASAP Vehicle Partitions and Uniforms/Protective Equipment for Replacement Officer 3,400$ Vehicle partitions for SRO/ASAP and uniforms and protective equipment for the new patrol officer that will replace the SRO/ASAP. IS Police RMS Support Service 4,034$ Record Management Support Service. Police SRO/ASAP Personnel Costs 21,517$ Personnel costs associated with a new SRO (net of NISD contribution of $50,677). 69,002$ Department Item Amount Description Police Police E-File Case Storage 8,100$ Electronic case storage for Police. Police SRO/ASAP Lapel Camera 1,150$ Lapel camera for SRO/ASAP. 9,250$ Note: Supplemental items represent new or upgraded programs or equipment to the Town. Total Supplemental (CCPD) Total Supplemental (General Fund) One-Time Expenditures Ongoing Expenditures Fiscal Year 2015 Supplemental Items Crime Control Prevention District (CCPD) One-Time Expenditures General Fund 15 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 Estimate Adopted Planning Planning Planning Planning Beginning Fund Balance 2,627,264$ 2,960,660$ 2,816,415$ 3,015,154$ 3,201,210$ 3,343,831$ Revenue: Property Tax 4,550,075 5,166,466 5,581,239 5,890,028 5,974,757 6,058,045 Franchise Fees 761,169 812,506 838,132 846,633 853,986 869,486 Sales Tax 659,365 676,323 693,731 711,600 803,445 827,381 Licenses and Permits 859,236 710,631 579,537 307,376 278,348 234,651 Fines and Fees 582,638 466,101 445,503 453,285 461,454 468,615 Intergovernmental 231,382 192,901 174,770 176,799 178,908 181,061 Charges for Service 210,685 260,852 265,008 269,235 273,535 277,906 Interest Revenue 2,500 6,000 7,000 8,000 12,000 18,000 Grant Revenue 77,018 77,018 - - - - Miscellaneous 102,000 118,550 105,632 107,745 109,893 112,075 Total Revenue 8,036,068 8,487,348 8,690,552 8,770,701 8,946,326 9,047,220 Expenditures: Personnel 5,713,227 6,027,651 6,247,784 6,394,551 6,541,046 6,690,133 Services/Supplies 1,955,661 1,954,139 1,972,337 1,967,851 2,040,416 2,068,653 Capital 211,863 275,803 282,693 233,243 233,243 233,243 Total Expenditures 7,880,751 8,257,593 8,502,814 8,595,645 8,814,705 8,992,029 Other Sources (Uses): Transfers In 188,897 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Transfers Out (10,818) (385,000) - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)178,079 (374,000) 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Net Increase (Decrease)333,396 (144,245) 198,738 186,056 142,621 66,191 Ending Fund Balance 2,960,660$ 2,816,415$ 3,015,154$ 3,201,210$ 3,343,831$ 3,410,022$ Fund Balance as % of Expenditures 37.57%34.11%35.46%37.24%37.93%37.92% Town of Trophy Club - Five Year Forecast - General Fund 16 Revenues FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Property Tax 3,442,842$ 3,852,874$ 4,149,900$ 4,589,856$ 4,550,075$ 5,166,466$ 5,581,239$ 5,890,028$ Licenses and Permits 792,067 1,112,979 947,870 937,860 859,236 710,631 579,537 307,376 Franchise fees 608,806 693,722 718,952 729,870 761,169 812,506 838,132 846,633 Sales Tax 508,187 606,714 609,889 625,375 659,365 676,323 693,731 711,600 Fines and Fees 554,312 684,807 644,611 497,727 582,638 466,101 445,503 453,285 Intergovernmental 290,498 265,686 184,689 214,008 231,382 192,901 174,770 176,799 Charges for Service 209,305 214,821 235,594 198,763 210,685 260,852 265,008 269,235 Investment Income 4,124 5,632 4,919 5,500 2,500 6,000 7,000 8,000 Grant Revenue - - 75,599 - 77,018 77,018 - - Prior Year Adjustment - (217,750) - - - - - - Miscellaneous Income 91,320 87,000 203,766 85,000 102,000 118,550 105,632 107,745 Total Revenues 6,501,461$ 7,306,485$ 7,775,789$ 7,883,959$ 8,036,068$ 8,487,348$ 8,690,552$ 8,770,701$ Expenditures FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Manager's Office 556,489$ 636,758$ 707,166$ 872,641$ 820,828$ 899,938$ 910,247$ 930,549$ Human Resources 90,060 94,839 102,771 98,382 78,233 92,495 95,654 97,864 Information Services 287,448 330,204 342,319 374,271 377,922 423,312 425,312 428,361 Legal 146,881 154,236 171,157 184,246 208,393 193,389 198,113 202,013 Police 1,463,179 1,638,863 2,068,309 1,963,011 2,050,084 2,110,098 2,240,811 2,286,676 Emergency Medical Services 688,213 695,139 768,367 853,933 817,404 1,016,722 908,937 926,331 Streets 384,513 417,998 766,411 444,452 409,231 411,677 447,702 461,535 Medians - - - 306,772 276,533 299,310 310,430 318,194 Parks 951,328 1,141,216 947,734 980,967 1,005,404 1,043,416 1,132,670 1,101,979 Recreation 523,691 470,550 496,390 553,828 523,317 550,039 566,893 576,404 Community Events 48,114 47,890 47,374 55,915 49,785 60,201 61,935 63,723 Planning & Zoning 154,225 233,134 257,138 241,753 345,585 - - - Community Development 189,425 248,339 319,168 355,601 371,157 572,921 595,258 579,469 Finance 360,548 528,143 372,816 395,440 385,753 387,097 416,875 425,010 Municipal Court 80,260 78,929 68,731 84,994 81,571 85,936 89,047 90,960 Facilities Maintenance 76,483 65,341 75,345 72,200 79,550 111,042 102,929 106,577 Total Expenditures 6,000,855$ 6,781,579$ 7,511,194$ 7,838,406$ 7,880,751$ 8,257,593$ 8,502,814$ 8,595,645$ Other Sources (Uses)FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Transfers In 75,000$ 64,019$ 12,300$ 11,000$ 188,897$ 11,000$ 11,000$ 11,000$ Transfers Out (46,631) (100,615) (780,734) - (10,818) (385,000) - - Total Other Sources (Uses)28,369$ (36,596)$ (768,434)$ 11,000$ 178,079$ (374,000)$ 11,000$ 11,000$ Fund Balance FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning fund balance 2,113,820$ 2,642,792$ 3,131,102$ 2,851,702$ 2,627,264$ 2,960,660$ 2,816,415$ 3,015,154$ Net increase (Decrease)528,975 488,310 (503,838) 56,553 333,396 (144,245) 198,738 186,056 Ending Fund Balance 2,642,795$ 3,131,102$ 2,627,264$ 2,908,255$ 2,960,660$ 2,816,415$ 3,015,154$ 3,201,210$ Fund Balance Detail FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Reserve Fund balance (30% of Total Expenditures) 1,800,257 2,034,474 2,253,358 2,351,522 2,364,225 2,477,278 2,550,844 2,578,693 Assigned Fund Balance 228,138 228,138 228,138 228,138 228,138 - - - Unassigned Fund Balance in Excess (Deficit) of 30% 614,400 868,490 145,768 328,596 368,297 339,137 464,310 622,517 Total Fund balance 2,642,795 3,131,102 2,627,264 2,908,255 2,960,660 2,816,415 3,015,154 3,201,210 Equipment Replacement FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Contribution 44,711$ 435,939$ 231,209$ 216,209$ 194,034$ 233,243$ 233,243$ 233,243$ Capital Purchases (42,777) (314,285) (285,172) (216,209) (149,518) (275,803) (233,243) (233,243) Increase (Decrease)1,934 121,654 (53,963) - 44,516 (42,560) - - Beginning Reserve Balance 32,331 34,265 155,919 101,956 101,956 146,472 103,912 103,912 **Ending Reserve Balance 34,265$ 155,919$ 101,956$ 101,956$ 146,472$ 103,912$ 103,912$ 103,912$ **NOTE: THE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVE BALANCE IS A COMPONENT OF THE GENERAL FUND'S UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE The General Fund 17 The Managers Office -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 424,367 $ 495,717 $ 562,769 $ 711,541 $ 685,851 $ 757,082 10% Services & Supplies $ 132,122 $ 141,041 $ 144,397 $ 161,100 $ 134,977 $ 142,856 6% TOTAL $ 556,489 $ 636,758 $ 707,166 $ 872,641 $ 820,828 $ 899,938 10% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 TOWN MANAGER 1.0 1.0 1.0 ASST TOWN MANAGER 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOWN SECRETARY/HR MANAGER 1.0 1.0 1.0 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 0.0 1.0 1.0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 0.0 1.0 1.0 PIO/MARKETING MANAGER 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL FTEs 4.0 6.0 6.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 18 Managers Office 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries $319,619 $ 382,614 $ 416,592 $ 511,872 $ 491,803 $ 523,682 $ 536,774 $ 547,510 Overtime - - - - - - - - Longevity 1,138 1,288 1,728 2,146 1,583 1,863 2,313 2,763 Stipend - - 10,000 8,400 7,200 4,500 4,500 4,500 Retirement 46,647 53,290 64,353 85,705 93,648 115,002 118,714 121,088 Medical Insurance 19,322 18,770 19,864 42,636 34,580 51,838 44,426 46,647 Dental Insurance 1,155 1,501 1,709 3,055 2,868 3,828 4,019 4,220 Vision Insurance 223 383 422 706 661 819 835 852 Life Insurance & Other 1,847 1,172 3,886 3,224 2,871 3,445 3,531 3,602 Social Security Taxes 20,354 21,813 23,950 31,052 28,215 29,400 30,135 30,738 Medicare Taxes 4,791 5,578 6,250 7,262 7,236 7,686 7,878 8,036 Unemployment Taxes 748 1,086 58 1,297 1,247 1,242 1,242 1,242 Workman's Compensation 887 796 1,192 1,204 1,380 1,327 1,360 1,387 Pre-Employment Physical/Testing 87 62 125 - 105 - - - Auto Allowance 7,094 7,207 12,161 12,000 12,004 12,000 12,000 12,000 Employee Relations 454 157 482 982 450 450 450 450 Total Personnel $424,367 $ 495,717 $ 562,769 $ 711,541 $ 685,851 $ 757,082 $ 768,177 $ 785,034 Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services $ 18,175 $ 9,475 $ 7,500 $ 13,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Records Management 1,949 1,316 1,451 1,500 1,584 1,584 1,630 1,679 Newsletter/Year-In-Review 9,233 10,000 4,720 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,500 11,000 Elections 4,648 5,509 25,627 17,860 16,942 24,000 15,000 16,000 Meals on Wheels 1,200 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 - - - Advertising 3,569 1,661 1,516 1,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 Printing 541 290 94 680 680 2,000 2,000 2,000 Schools & Training 2,953 4,752 1,433 4,440 4,400 3,775 3,825 3,875 Service Charges & Fees 33 723 - - - - - - Telephone 294 750 1,205 718 500 500 520 540 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 3,086 2,094 2,541 4,057 4,240 4,980 4,980 4,980 Independent Labor 1,502 1,783 1,625 1,600 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,800 Dues & Membership 12,348 15,321 12,386 17,975 19,055 19,294 20,315 20,615 Travel & Per Diem 4,143 7,162 3,696 12,065 6,925 7,678 8,195 8,320 Meetings 2,732 7,880 6,591 8,345 5,560 9,608 9,608 9,734 Office Supplies 2,930 4,935 3,041 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,100 Postage 1,453 1,368 2,043 1,400 1,625 2,187 2,300 2,425 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 153 281 283 100 48 48 48 48 Mayor/Council Expense 22,099 44,759 34,298 28,760 24,918 20,402 24,224 25,249 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 35,397 3,764 60 2,000 1,800 - 2,000 2,000 Maintenance Supplies - 82 51 100 100 100 125 150 Contingency Expense - 14,136 24,669 28,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Miscellaneous Expense 3,682 - 7,567 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Services/Supplies $132,122 $ 141,041 $ 144,397 $ 161,100 $ 134,977 $ 142,856 $ 142,070 145,515$ Total Expenditures $556,489 $ 636,758 $ 707,166 $ 872,641 $ 820,828 $ 899,938 $ 910,247 $ 930,549 19 Legal -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 131,900 $ 140,092 $ 147,427 $ 151,546 $ 155,785 $ 162,446 4% Services & Supplies $ 14,981 $ 14,144 $ 23,731 $ 32,700 $ 52,608 $ 30,943 -41% TOTAL $146,881 $154,236 $171,157 $184,246 $208,393 $ 193,389 -7% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 TOWN ATTORNEY 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL FTEs 1.0 1.0 1.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5% 4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 20 LEGAL 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 107,812$ 110,635$ 112,759$ 115,566$ 115,602$ 116,233$ 118,558$ 120,929$ Longevity - - 878 975 968 1,058 1,148 1,238 Stipend - - 2,500 1,800 1,800 750 750 750 Retirement 15,252 15,370 16,265 17,216 21,727 28,203 29,656 30,262 Medicare Insurance 79 4,432 4,463 5,304 5,310 5,570 5,849 6,141 Dental Insurance 6 344 363 362 362 387 406 427 Vision Insurance 1 82 81 81 81 81 83 84 Life Insurance & Other - 366 1,238 729 690 696 710 724 Social Security Taxes 6,734 6,772 6,960 7,337 7,106 7,254 7,399 7,547 Medicare Taxes 1,585 1,601 1,677 1,716 1,716 1,712 1,769 1,804 Unemployment Taxes 159 261 9 187 207 207 207 207 Workman's Compensation 272 229 234 273 216 295 302 308 Total Personnel 131,900$ 140,092$ 147,427$ 151,546$ 155,785$ 162,446$ 166,836$ 170,421$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 4,888$ 4,421$ 13,225$ 20,000$ 43,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ Schools & Training 175 175 250 425 425 450 450 475 Telephone 74 90 258 76 20 76 76 76 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 851 641 564 694 624 624 624 624 Dues & Membership 410 380 390 455 455 475 495 515 Travel & Per Diem 1,040 1,192 1,269 1,739 750 1,500 1,550 1,600 Office Supplies 41 5 132 130 130 130 130 130 Postage - 5 - 10 10 10 10 10 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 7,503 7,235 7,643 9,121 7,144 7,628 7,842 8,062 Miscellaneous Expense - - - 50 50 50 100 100 Total Services/Supplies 14,981$ 14,144$ 23,731$ 32,700$ 52,608$ 30,943$ 31,277$ 31,592$ Total Expenditures 146,881$ 154,236$ 171,157$ 184,246$ 208,393$ 193,389$ 198,113$ 202,013$ 21 Police -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 1,273,131 $ 1,369,690 $ 1,595,505 $ 1,679,317 $ 1,764,950 $ 1,868,734 6% Services & Supplies 175,948 196,453 376,203 248,188 239,023 241,364 1% Capital 14,100 72,720 96,601 35,506 46,111 - -100% TOTAL $ 1,463,179 $ 1,638,863 $ 2,068,309 $ 1,963,011 $ 2,050,084 $ 2,110,098 3% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 POLICE CHIEF 1.0 1.0 1.0 POLICE COMMANDER 1.0 1.0 1.0 POLICE SERGEANT 3.0 3.0 3.0 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 1.0 1.0 1.0 DETECTIVE/JUVENILE INVESTIGATOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 SRO 1.0 1.0 2.0 POLICE OFFICER 11.0 11.0 11.0 POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1.0 1.0 1.0 SEASONAL SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS 3.0 3.6 3.6 TOTAL FTEs 23.0 23.6 24.6 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 22 Police 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 846,645$ 949,328$ 1,137,839$ 1,143,928$ 1,202,309$ 1,249,755$ 1,297,496$ 1,327,446$ Overtime 49,762 59,287 44,773 41,843 44,118 46,324 47,945 48,432 Longevity 8,145 8,578 10,140 10,450 11,828 12,728 14,873 16,373 Stipend - - 20,000 23,000 24,900 15,750 15,750 15,750 Certification 11,868 6,575 1,025 11,100 13,116 12,000 13,158 13,421 Holiday Pay 14,714 17,007 - 23,583 24,135 25,080 26,030 26,550 Retirement 129,840 133,034 157,574 171,527 182,062 217,589 230,753 236,073 Medical Insurance 105,977 80,859 87,756 110,027 110,659 127,636 131,432 138,003 Dental Insurance 6,409 7,072 8,298 8,920 9,243 10,321 10,837 11,379 Vision Insurance 1,121 1,709 1,963 2,166 2,196 2,271 2,316 2,363 Life Insurance & Other 3,120 5,405 14,931 9,814 9,827 10,882 11,100 11,322 Social Security Taxes 54,785 61,328 71,609 75,056 80,503 83,445 86,366 88,341 Medicare Taxes 12,764 14,347 16,749 17,553 18,793 19,752 20,443 21,100 Unemployment Taxes 1,970 6,061 678 5,521 5,521 5,085 5,085 5,085 Workman's Compensation 22,761 17,272 19,382 23,629 23,756 27,116 28,065 28,626 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 1,418 660 2,639 - 184 1,200 1,200 1,200 Clothing Allowance 1,832 1,168 150 1,200 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Total Personnel 1,273,131$ 1,369,690$ 1,595,505$ 1,679,317$ 1,764,950$ 1,868,734$ 1,944,649$ 1,993,264$ Services & Supplies Printing 309$ 583$ 606$ 800$ 400$ 800$ 800$ 900$ Schools & Training 2,644 4,181 4,918 5,500 5,500 5,500 6,000 6,500 Electricity 15,564 12,907 18,317 17,000 17,000 18,500 18,500 18,500 Water 1,278 873 802 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 Telephone 416 975 1,520 960 650 1,000 1,050 1,100 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 8,385 7,045 8,292 9,952 10,732 12,864 12,864 12,864 Building Maintenance 10,186 10,264 148,093 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 10,000 Vehicle Maintenance 23,368 19,041 21,022 23,830 23,830 21,730 22,230 22,730 Equipment Maintenance 2,615 4,120 4,373 3,250 3,250 4,250 4,250 4,250 Cleaning Services 6,714 560 - - - - - - Qualifying Expenses 327 3,168 3,867 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,500 Emergency Management 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Dispatch - Denton County 31,766 45,553 51,141 51,141 51,141 34,600 42,000 42,000 Independent Labor 950 4,150 2,550 6,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 6,500 Dues & Membership 2,026 1,724 2,003 2,135 1,500 2,250 2,250 2,250 Travel & Per Diem 2,187 3,725 3,053 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 Meetings 22 282 75 275 275 375 375 375 Office Supplies 1,971 1,564 2,638 2,800 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 Postage 976 351 383 750 750 900 900 900 Publications/Books/Subscription 73 1,396 - 1,450 1,450 350 1,550 450 Fuel 43,135 40,647 55,886 58,525 53,525 58,995 60,000 61,000 Uniforms 7,004 4,777 12,281 12,900 13,100 14,500 13,000 13,000 Protective Clothing 2,759 3,319 8,334 3,200 3,200 3,950 5,700 3,300 Investigative Materials 1,622 1,780 4,073 5,320 5,320 6,500 6,500 6,500 Golf Cart Stickers - - 425 - - - - - Animal Control 1,604 7,288 4,399 6,250 5,000 6,250 6,250 6,250 Code Enforcement 459 - - - - - - - Small Equipment 2,572 10,696 9,583 5,000 3,000 6,150 5,000 5,000 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 659 225 1,691 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Maintenance Supplies 1,654 2,283 2,370 1,500 2,250 2,000 2,000 2,000 Miscellaneous Expense 572 1,455 736 1,250 750 1,500 1,500 1,500 Programs & Special Projects 1,127 521 773 1,500 3,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Prompt Payment Interest 4 - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 175,948$ 196,453$ 376,203$ 248,188$ 239,023$ 241,364$ 251,119$ 248,369$ Capital Capital Outlay 14,100$ 72,720$ 96,601$ 35,506$ 46,111$ -$ 45,043$ 45,043$ Total Capital 14,100$ 72,720$ 96,601$ 35,506$ 46,111$ -$ 45,043$ 45,043$ Total Expenditures 1,463,179$ 1,638,863$ 2,068,309$ 1,963,011$ 2,050,084$ 2,110,098$ 2,240,811$ 2,286,676$ 23 Emergency Medical Services -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 585,979 $ 588,558 $ 658,408 $ 713,653 $ 710,878 $ 764,304 8% Services & Supplies 66,484 64,702 63,918 68,267 67,826 73,058 8% Capital 66,484 64,702 63,918 68,267 67,826 179,360 164% TOTAL $718,946 $717,962 $786,244 $850,187 $846,530 $ 1,016,722 20% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 DRIVER/ENGINEER 1.5 1.5 1.5 FIRE CHIEF 0.5 0.5 0.5 FIREFIGHTER-EMT-P 4.0 4.0 4.0 FIRE LT 1.5 1.5 1.5 PART TIME FF 0.3 0.3 0.3 TOTAL FTEs 7.8 7.8 7.8 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 24 EMS 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 368,467$ 395,405$ 443,107$ 449,202$ 456,562$ 471,029$ 487,515$ 497,265$ Overtime 54,822 36,777 40,233 44,224 37,544 45,258 46,842 47,779 Longevity 2,733 3,271 4,099 4,768 4,655 5,501 6,101 6,701 Stipend - - 8,575 9,150 9,150 11,250 11,250 11,250 Certification 2,377 1,350 360 4,350 4,933 4,800 4,920 5,018 Holiday Pay 8,778 8,829 - 14,268 13,290 14,749 15,265 15,571 Retirement 59,299 59,260 67,164 75,663 76,115 91,367 98,637 100,610 Medical Insurance 44,233 36,711 41,410 56,350 54,104 59,167 62,125 65,232 Dental Insurance 2,725 3,209 3,775 4,230 4,133 4,387 4,606 4,837 Vision Insurance 440 723 783 977 825 807 823 840 Life Insurance & Others 1,297 2,085 5,835 3,986 3,862 4,030 4,171 4,254 Social Security Taxes 25,280 25,613 28,357 28,769 29,965 33,563 34,738 35,432 Medicare Taxes 5,915 5,990 6,632 6,714 6,947 8,013 8,293 8,459 Unemployment Taxes 902 2,046 206 1,681 1,681 1,620 1,620 1,620 Workman's Compensation 8,377 7,222 7,421 8,771 6,771 8,763 9,070 9,251 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 334 67 451 550 341 - - - Total Personnel 585,979$ 588,558$ 658,408$ 713,653$ 710,878$ 764,304$ 795,977$ 814,120$ Services/Supplies Collection Fees 21,320$ 18,071$ 10,514$ 14,275$ 13,928$ 14,006$ 14,196$ 14,387$ Hazmat Disposal 667 2,576 499 700 700 500 600 600 Radios - - - - 500 500 500 Schools & Training 878 1,989 1,732 1,250 1,250 1,575 1,575 1,575 Electricity - - 4,021 4,800 6,500 6,700 6,900 7,100 Water - - 984 1,260 1,500 1,750 1,750 1,800 Telephone 130 157 226 120 50 120 120 120 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,683 4,870 3,555 2,763 2,616 2,616 2,616 2,616 Building Maintenance - - 110 - 200 200 200 200 Vehicle Maintenance 3,164 3,437 4,859 4,000 4,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 Equipment Maintenance 2,282 1,623 1,541 6,200 4,700 4,700 4,700 4,700 Dispatch - Denton County - - 1,315 1,259 1,295 2,216 2,553 2,553 Dues & Membership 185 474 800 574 1,652 1,332 1,332 1,332 Flags & Repairs 1,959 4,687 2,462 1,700 1,700 2,000 2,000 2,000 Travel & Per Diem - 1,801 1,748 1,174 1,100 1,600 1,600 1,600 Meetings 33 75 22 136 100 100 100 100 Safety Programs - - - - - 500 500 500 Inspection Fees - - - 870 690 - 690 - Office Supplies - 101 103 150 150 150 150 150 Postage 42 53 44 70 70 70 100 100 Publications/Books/Subscriptions - - - 200 200 200 200 200 Fuel 6,530 5,756 6,034 6,466 5,846 6,423 6,500 6,500 Uniforms 3,726 3,177 2,566 1,500 2,504 2,500 2,500 2,000 Medical Control 10,824 3,024 6,924 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Pharmacy 2,979 3,512 2,382 2,500 2,500 2,750 2,750 2,750 Oxygen 576 674 1,241 900 900 900 900 900 Disposable Supplies 6,974 7,739 6,747 5,000 5,000 5,400 5,400 5,400 Small Equipment 1,142 875 2,906 2,200 1,000 2,200 2,500 2,500 Maintenance Supplies - - - - 75 150 150 150 Miscellaneous Expense 389 31 584 1,200 600 400 400 400 Total Services/Supplies 66,484$ 64,702$ 63,918$ 68,267$ 67,826$ 73,058$ 74,982$ 74,233$ Capital Capital Outlay 35,750$ 41,879$ 46,041$ 72,013$ 38,700$ 179,360$ 37,978$ 37,978$ Total Capital 35,750$ 41,879$ 46,041$ 72,013$ 38,700$ 179,360$ 37,978$ 37,978$ Total Expenditures 688,213$ 695,139$ 768,367$ 853,933$ 817,404$ 1,016,722$ 908,937$ 926,331$ 25 Streets -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $261,261 $ 268,816 $ 401,151 $ 264,010 $ 230,100 $ 222,195 -3% Services & Supplies $123,252 $ 149,182 $ 365,260 $ 180,442 $ 179,131 $ 189,482 6% TOTAL $384,513 $417,998 $766,411 $444,452 $409,231 $ 411,677 1% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 DIRECTOR OF STREETS SERVICES 1.0 1.0 1.0 STREETS SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 0.5 STREETS MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 2.3 2.3 1.3 TOTAL FTEs 3.8 3.8 2.8 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 26 Streets 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 178,590$ 188,401$ 270,120$ 174,527$ 152,537$ 148,225$ 152,203$ 155,247$ Overtime 2,137 599 1,773 3,000 1,913 3,000 3,075 3,137 Longevity 1,061 1,752 3,834 2,602 1,894 1,961 2,111 2,261 Stipend - - 8,530 5,286 4,086 2,085 2,085 2,085 Retirement 25,685 26,846 39,794 26,973 23,599 26,229 28,099 28,673 Medical Insurance 25,896 23,692 37,729 23,821 20,793 19,860 20,853 21,896 Dental Insurance 1,532 1,962 3,124 1,629 1,532 1,541 1,618 1,699 Vision Insurance 248 497 710 363 313 298 304 310 Life Insurance & Other 621 1,046 4,239 1,592 1,399 1,288 1,314 1,340 Social Security Taxes 10,771 10,981 15,859 10,861 9,457 9,498 9,830 10,027 Medicare Taxes 2,519 2,563 3,709 2,540 2,212 2,251 2,296 2,342 Unemployment Taxes 411 1,059 70 706 800 573 571 571 Workman's Compensation 11,790 9,418 11,560 10,110 9,455 5,386 5,522 5,632 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing - - 100 - 110 - - - Total Personnel 261,261$ 268,816$ 401,151$ 264,010$ 230,100$ 222,195$ 229,882$ 235,220$ Services/Supplies Professional Services-PID Utility -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ Advertising - - 475 - 350 - - - Schools & Training - 398 693 458 600 600 600 - Electricity 107,027 127,292 173,475 164,988 164,988 173,237 181,899 190,994 Water - 5,017 42,239 - - - - - Telephone 22 76 115 125 125 125 125 125 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,535 2,671 3,980 2,741 2,497 2,580 2,580 2,580 Property Maintenance - 1,295 113,845 - - - - - Building Maintenance - - 2,030 - - - - - Vehicle Maintenance 525 626 4,371 500 - - - - Equipment Maintenance 833 1,312 4,156 6,150 1,523 3,000 3,000 3,000 Storage Rental - - 2,242 - - - - - Dues & Membership 151 155 174 428 428 428 428 428 Travel & Per Diem - 798 567 812 - 812 812 812 Meetings 44 - 37 100 100 150 150 150 Safety Program - - 41 - - - - - Office Supplies 471 192 291 200 250 200 200 200 Postage 9 3 30 100 20 100 100 100 Fuel 7,189 5,436 9,678 - - - - - Uniforms 2,364 1,900 2,086 2,340 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 Small Tools 2,082 2,011 4,565 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Safety Equipment - - 170 - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 123,252$ 149,182$ 365,260$ 180,442$ 179,131$ 189,482$ 198,144$ 206,639$ Capital Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 19,676$ 19,676$ Total Capital -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 19,676$ 19,676$ Total Expenditures 384,513$ 417,998$ 766,411$ 444,452$ 409,231$ 411,677$ 447,702$ 461,535$ 27 Parks -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 454,562 $ 653,640 $ 549,715 $ 627,442 $ 628,405 $ 657,422 5% Services & Supplies 463,230 480,576 299,312 289,344 336,479 321,164 -5% Capital 33,536 7,000 98,707 64,181 40,520 64,830 60% TOTAL $951,328 $ 1,141,216 $947,734 $980,967 $ 1,005,404 $ 1,043,416 4% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 P & R DIRECTOR 0.5 0.5 0.5 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT 1.0 1.0 1.0 CREW LEADER P & R 2.0 2.0 2.0 ATHLETIC CREW LEADER 1.0 1.0 1.0 PARK IRRIGATOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE WORKER 2.0 2.8 3.0 ATHLETIC FIELD TECHNICIAN 1.0 1.0 1.0 APPLICATOR SPRAY TECHNICIAN 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL FTEs 9.5 10.3 10.5 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 28 Parks 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 297,723$ 439,758$ 368,789$ 413,741$ 412,162$ 428,803$ 442,099$ 450,941$ Overtime 15,543 20,119 12,838 12,500 19,134 12,500 12,813 13,069 Longevity 2,860 3,345 2,267 3,002 2,880 3,461 4,051 4,551 Stipend - - 8,750 1,000 10,800 7,125 7,125 7,125 Certification 3,105 1,250 205 12,000 1,500 1,500 1,530 1,561 Retirement 45,066 66,301 55,305 64,335 65,677 76,589 79,270 80,855 Medical Insurance 52,376 64,901 51,148 65,449 60,573 68,640 72,072 75,676 Dental Insurance 3,143 5,007 3,919 4,501 4,304 4,861 5,104 5,359 Vision Insurance 1,210 1,166 887 1,016 979 1,050 1,071 1,092 Life Insurance & Other 1,261 2,982 5,494 4,080 3,524 3,762 3,837 3,914 Social Security Taxes 17,871 27,918 23,050 25,899 25,554 27,668 28,636 29,209 Medicare Taxes 4,147 6,529 5,391 6,057 5,976 6,574 6,804 6,940 Unemployment Taxes 1,096 3,908 243 1,914 2,714 2,174 2,174 2,174 Workman's Compensation 7,221 9,009 8,771 9,533 10,127 10,300 10,619 10,831 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 492 435 503 315 400 315 - - Auto Allowance 1,448 1,012 2,156 2,100 2,101 2,100 2,100 2,100 Total Personnel 454,562$ 653,640$ 549,715$ 627,442$ 628,405$ 657,422$ 679,305$ 695,397$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services -$ 1,015$ -$ 500$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Engineering 35,799 - - - - - - - Advertising 2,071 2,274 175 700 1,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 Printing - - 85 - - - - - Schools & Training 3,183 912 2,731 3,025 2,485 4,596 3,840 2,085 Electricity 25,166 34,195 33,354 42,800 36,300 41,695 42,921 44,790 Water 105,029 145,812 79,152 60,750 58,237 73,315 78,415 79,915 Telephone 148 394 393 425 50 435 450 450 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 5,345 6,131 6,648 7,224 7,310 7,220 7,070 7,070 Property Maintenance 185,947 211,702 89,737 102,900 147,700 113,100 109,636 110,330 Building Maintenance 5,059 3,787 3,155 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,652 2,784 Vehicle Maintenance 4,945 7,692 13,108 8,001 8,500 8,241 8,488 8,912 Equipment Maintenance 10,381 12,053 13,776 10,225 10,225 11,032 12,048 12,590 Equipment Rental/Lease - - 121 - - - - - Storage Rental 538 2,222 6,866 4,200 14,008 14,008 14,008 14,008 Portable Toilets 2,244 1,646 2,693 1,557 4,042 4,243 4,454 4,675 Dues & Membership 249 318 250 780 1,089 1,189 1,189 1,030 Travel & Per Diem 1,206 1,704 1,028 2,967 565 2,155 2,200 210 Meetings 1,120 787 388 1,000 1,000 900 900 900 Safety Program 70 900 18 450 450 464 477 500 Tree City 12,736 - - - - - - - Office Supplies 206 379 444 361 361 372 383 402 Postage 33 15 19 50 50 52 54 57 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 39 151 254 500 500 515 530 556 Fuel 19,830 23,713 23,946 17,727 17,727 17,013 17,523 18,049 Uniforms 6,859 8,705 9,416 7,622 7,500 6,750 6,950 7,150 Small Tools 25,946 12,719 9,464 9,800 9,800 7,000 7,197 7,416 Safety Equipment 1,330 965 947 1,980 1,980 2,039 2,101 2,206 Small Equipment - - 558 - - - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 7,642 285 505 1,000 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,114 Hardware - - 84 - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 9 100 - 300 2,000 300 318 333 Prompt Payment Interest 101 - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 463,230$ 480,576$ 299,312$ 289,344$ 336,479$ 321,164$ 325,865$ 328,532$ Capital Capital Outlay 33,536$ 7,000$ 98,707$ 64,181$ 40,520$ 64,830$ 127,500$ 78,050$ Total Capital 33,536$ 7,000$ 98,707$ 64,181$ 40,520$ 64,830$ 127,500$ 78,050$ Total Expenditures 951,328$ 1,141,216$ 947,734$ 980,967$ 1,005,404$ 1,043,416$ 1,132,670$ 1,101,979$ 29 Medians -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ - $ - $ - $ 158,159 $ 143,486 $ 151,083 5% Services & Supplies - - - 148,613 133,047 148,227 11% TOTAL $ - $ - $ - $306,772 $ 276,533 $ 299,310 8% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 PARK IRRIGATOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE WORKER 2.0 2.0 2.0 TOTAL FTEs 3.0 3.0 3.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 30 MEDIANS 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries -$ -$ -$ 100,984$ 93,589$ 98,876$ 102,163$ 104,206$ Overtime - - - 2,000 1,992 2,000 2,050 2,091 Longevity - - - 1,896 1,063 285 465 645 Stipend - - - 3,600 3,600 2,250 2,250 2,250 Certification - - - 500 - - - - Retirement - - - 15,854 14,983 17,469 18,080 18,442 Medical Insurance - - - 19,683 15,562 16,709 17,544 18,422 Dental Insurance - - - 1,609 1,178 1,442 1,514 1,590 Vision Insurance - - - 357 262 300 306 312 Life Insurance & Other - - - 1,042 879 985 1,005 1,025 Social Security Taxes - - - 6,296 6,164 6,272 6,492 6,621 Medicare Taxes - - - 1,472 1,440 1,499 1,551 1,582 Unemployment Taxes - - - 560 950 621 621 621 Workman's Compensation - - - 2,306 1,824 2,375 2,454 2,503 Total Personnel -$ -$ -$ 158,159$ 143,486$ 151,083$ 156,495$ 160,310$ Services/Supplies Electricity -$ -$ -$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,030$ 1,061$ 1,114$ Water - - - 29,726 28,068 32,273 32,773 33,273 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles - - - 1,413 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Property Maintence - - - 83,553 83,553 84,000 88,641 91,300 Building Maintenance - - - 2,000 - - - - Vehicle Maintenance - - - 1,988 1,988 2,048 2,109 2,172 Equipment Maintenance - - - 3,075 3,075 3,167 3,262 3,359 Meetings - - - 100 100 103 106 109 Safety Program - - - 150 150 155 159 163 Tree City - - - 11,694 - 10,000 10,000 10,000 Fuel - - - 5,388 5,388 5,447 5,610 5,779 Uniforms - - - 2,350 2,350 2,444 2,463 2,537 Small Tools - - - 6,175 6,175 6,360 6,551 6,878 Total Services/Supplies -$ -$ -$ 148,613$ 133,047$ 148,227$ 153,935$ 157,884$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ 306,772$ 276,533$ 299,310$ 310,430$ 318,194$ 31 Recreation -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $325,517 $ 324,287 $ 346,991 $ 373,180 $ 368,211 $ 393,165 7% Services & Supplies 142,164 146,263 149,399 180,648 155,106 156,874 1% Capital 56,010 - - - - - NA TOTAL $523,691 $470,550 $496,390 $553,828 $523,317 $ 550,039 5% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 P & R DIRECTOR 0.5 0.5 0.5 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 0.6 0.6 0.6 RECREATION SUPERVISOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 CAMP DIRECTOR 0.3 0.3 0.3 ASSISTANT CAMP DIRECTOR 0.2 0.2 0.2 CAMP COUNCILOR 1.7 1.7 1.7 ASSISTANT MANAGER 0.3 0.3 0.3 HEAD LIFEGUARDS 0.7 0.7 0.7 LIFEGUARDS 2.0 2.0 2.0 CASHIER 0.9 0.9 0.9 SWIM TEAM 0.7 0.7 0.7 TOTAL FTEs 8.9 8.9 8.9 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 32 RECREATION 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 260,839$ 258,706$ 275,485$ 293,613$ 289,818$ 309,673$ 316,423$ 322,752$ Overtime 4,047 1,616 1,011 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,876 3,954 Longevity 338 383 524 760 760 892 1,072 1,252 Stipend - - 3,650 3,300 3,300 1,575 1,575 1,575 Retirement 15,031 15,716 18,524 19,332 19,674 23,140 24,008 24,488 Medical Insurance 12,355 10,114 11,348 11,851 12,452 13,341 14,008 14,708 Dental Insurance 691 711 835 833 833 891 936 982 Vision Insurance 129 184 199 199 198 199 209 219 Life Insurance & Other 347 769 1,945 1,173 1,177 1,141 1,164 1,187 Social Security Taxes 15,849 17,673 17,274 18,442 17,969 19,491 19,914 20,313 Medicare Taxes 3,707 4,133 4,040 4,313 4,202 4,581 4,696 4,789 Unemployment Taxes 1,655 4,986 165 4,261 3,966 2,198 2,242 2,287 Workman's Compensation 6,340 5,720 6,836 6,498 5,256 7,438 7,600 7,752 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 2,665 2,564 3,000 2,705 2,705 2,705 2,786 2,870 Auto Allowance 1,525 1,012 2,156 2,100 2,101 2,100 2,100 2,100 Total Personnel 325,517$ 324,287$ 346,991$ 373,180$ 368,211$ 393,165$ 402,609$ 411,228$ Services/Supplies Software & Support 8,500$ 8,500$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 4,100$ 4,805$ 6,013$ 5,025$ Collection Fees 2,992 3,531 158 1,650 - - - - Health Inspections - - - 246 253 261 269 277 Advertising 3,202 2,970 862 3,433 2,637 2,716 2,798 2,881 Printing 1,226 2,592 4,749 3,701 1,087 5,813 5,986 6,165 Schools & Training 1,384 1,257 1,227 4,025 1,700 5,733 5,863 5,994 Service Charges & Fees - - 4,440 - 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 Electricity 17,732 7,929 18,958 20,000 19,000 19,500 20,000 20,500 Water 19,235 18,377 9,519 20,000 10,797 13,138 13,538 13,938 Telephone 1,459 1,672 1,681 1,224 1,258 1,295 1,333 1,373 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 2,592 2,562 2,847 3,061 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Insurance - - - 486 486 501 516 531 Property maintenance 17,342 13,656 7,338 9,997 8,000 6,221 6,407 6,599 Equipment Maintenance - 1,182 250 - - - - - Library Services - - 15,000 15,000 15,000 - - - Independent Labor 1,070 408 - 2,742 1,300 2,824 2,909 2,996 Equipment rental/Lease 4,809 4,885 5,454 5,729 5,729 5,901 6,078 6,260 Building rental/Lease - (2,896) - - - - - - Dues & Membership 5,956 6,787 5,807 6,994 7,153 7,367 7,587 7,812 Travel & Per Diem 2,672 5,262 3,197 5,986 5,078 5,910 6,086 6,256 Meetings 753 505 1,083 1,137 1,157 1,191 1,228 1,265 Field Trips 3,877 4,974 4,066 5,500 5,500 5,665 5,835 6,010 Office Supplies 1,602 1,417 824 1,923 1,862 1,988 2,115 2,242 Postage 20 113 483 155 755 777 800 824 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 22 - 208 464 464 478 492 507 Fuel - - 10 - - - - - Uniforms 6,244 9,281 5,809 7,283 7,874 8,110 8,352 8,603 Chemicals 15,373 20,286 18,811 20,688 17,000 19,156 19,656 20,156 Concessions 5,348 8,167 9,885 11,139 9,400 10,400 10,600 10,800 Program Supplies 3,120 3,800 4,573 5,544 3,479 3,578 5,860 3,775 Special Events 1,371 1,322 1,310 1,804 1,858 1,914 1,971 2,030 Community Events - 2,502 - - - - - - Safety Equipment 288 1,271 1,629 1,123 1,155 1,190 1,225 1,262 Small Equipment 2,222 5,893 2,770 4,120 3,200 2,500 2,550 2,600 Furniture/Equipment <$5,000 1,909 2,990 9,900 7,881 5,706 5,509 5,717 5,926 Hardware 7,629 3,463 - 2,000 1,250 1,500 1,500 1,500 Maintenance Supplies 1,606 677 1,042 1,801 1,853 1,909 1,966 2,025 Miscellaneous Expenses 606 928 2,010 312 315 324 334 344 Prompt Payment interest 3 - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 142,164$ 146,263$ 149,399$ 180,648$ 155,106$ 156,874$ 164,284$ 165,176$ Capital Capital Outlay 56,010$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Capital 56,010$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures 523,691$ 470,550$ 496,390$ 553,828$ 523,317$ 550,039$ 566,893$ 576,404$ 33 Community Events -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Services & Supplies 48,114 47,890 47,374 55,915 49,785 60,201 21% TOTAL $ 48,114 $ 47,890 $ 47,374 $ 55,915 $ 49,785 $ 60,201 21% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures Community Events 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Services/Supplies Advertising 1,033$ 3,030$ 300$ 1,250$ 1,250$ 1,288$ 1,326$ 1,366$ Printing 27 783 1,288 3,800 3,800 3,914 4,033 4,153 Schools & Training 240 - - 200 - - - - Event Rentals 32,826 33,073 33,466 36,592 27,867 37,690 38,822 39,986 Dues & Membership 100 - - 120 120 124 131 135 Travel & Per Diem 276 - - 550 550 567 583 601 Uniforms 425 756 - 843 588 606 624 642 Program Supplies 13,185 9,502 12,535 9,860 12,910 13,231 13,551 13,890 Miscellaneous Expense - 746 (214) 2,700 2,700 2,781 2,865 2,950 Prompt Payment Interest 1 - - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 48,114$ 47,890$ 47,374$ 55,915$ 49,785$ 60,201$ 61,935$ 63,723$ Total Expenditures 48,114$ 47,890$ 47,374$ 55,915$ 49,785$ 60,201$ 61,935$ 63,723$ 34 Planning & Zoning -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 89,764 $ 99,378 $ 104,932 $ 179,882 $ 125,071 $ - -100% Services & Supplies 64,461 133,756 152,206 61,871 220,514 - -100% TOTAL $ 154,225 $ 233,134 $ 257,138 $ 241,753 $ 345,585 $ - -100% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 1.0 1.0 0.0 SENIOR PLANNER 0.0 1.0 0.0 TOTAL FTEs 1.0 2.0 0.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures *The Planning & Zoning Department is combined with the Community Development Department in FY 15 35 *The Planning & Zoning Department is combined with the Community Development Department in FY 15 Planning & Zoning 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 68,464$ 76,872$ 78,257$ 131,751$ 93,201$ -$ -$ -$ Longevity 220 280 510 600 600 - - - Stipend - - 2,500 1,800 1,800 - - - Retirement 9,715 10,719 11,380 19,516 14,287 - - - Medical Insurance 5,275 4,432 4,463 13,017 6,258 - - - Dental Insurance 316 344 363 985 428 - - - Vision Insurance 61 82 81 219 96 - - - Life Insurance & Other 241 366 1,034 1,078 606 - - - Social Security Taxes 4,192 4,752 5,001 8,317 5,899 - - - Medicare Taxes 980 1,111 1,170 1,945 1,234 - - - Unemployment Taxes 127 261 9 345 414 - - - Workman's Compensation 173 159 165 309 248 - - - Total Personnel 89,764$ 99,378$ 104,932$ 179,882$ 125,071$ -$ -$ -$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside services -$ -$ 27,459$ 6,000$ 35,000$ -$ -$ -$ Engineering 56,823 115,243 116,150 45,000 180,000 - - - Appraisal - - - 500 - - - - Advertising 595 3,628 357 900 1,100 - - - Printing 276 453 228 200 200 - - - Computer Mapping 1,289 1,829 5,196 4,000 1,000 - - - Schools & Training (565) 455 55 820 - - - - Telephone 145 510 628 400 250 - - - Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 684 616 615 900 624 - - - Dues & Membership 245 334 (425) 305 - - - - Travel & Per Diem 599 525 28 785 - - - - Meetings 157 85 40 176 140 - - - Plat Filing Fees 693 1,657 790 700 1,100 - - - Office Supplies 304 259 402 300 500 - - - Postage 467 61 565 500 100 - - - Publications/Books/Subscriptions 54 - 119 335 200 - - - Miscellaneous Expense 20 31 - 50 300 - - - Planning 2,676 8,070 - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 64,461$ 133,756$ 152,206$ 61,871$ 220,514$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures 154,225$ 233,134$ 257,138$ 241,753$ 345,585$ -$ -$ -$ 36 Community Development -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro)Personnel $ 140,015 $ 185,084 $ 287,778 $ 313,976 $ 301,584 $ 429,897 43% Services & Supplies 49,410 45,891 31,390 37,623 27,748 143,024 415% Capital - 17,364 - 4,002 41,825 - NA TOTAL $189,425 $248,339 $319,168 $355,601 $ 371,157 $ 572,921 54% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 SENIOR PLANNER 0.0 0.0 1.0 BUILDING SERVICES MANAGER 0.0 0.0 1.0 BUILDING OFFICIAL 1.0 1.0 0.0 CUSTOMER SVC/CODE ENFORCEMENT 1.0 1.0 1.0 BUILDING INSPECTOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 PERMIT OFFICIAL 1.0 1.0 1.0 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CD 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL FTEs 5.0 5.0 6.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures *The Planning & Zoning Department is combined with the Community Development Department in FY 15 37 *The Planning & Zoning Department is combined with the Community Development Department in FY 15 Community Development 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 103,245$ 138,963$ 206,471$ 218,000$ 211,375$ 298,068$ 307,541$ 313,692$ Overtime - 247 895 - 2,805 3,000 3,075 3,137 Longevity 1,065 915 1,005 1,360 1,235 1,595 2,045 2,495 Stipend - - 5,500 5,300 4,100 4,500 4,500 4,500 Retirement 14,701 18,943 29,778 32,682 32,255 51,888 55,884 57,058 Medical Insurance 10,880 11,012 21,504 34,061 26,570 38,871 40,815 42,855 Dental Insurance 675 902 2,015 2,333 1,966 2,603 2,733 2,870 Vision Insurance 130 214 450 519 432 543 570 599 Life Insurance & Other 417 950 3,373 1,986 1,946 2,745 2,800 2,856 Social Security Taxes 6,525 8,724 12,777 12,871 13,109 18,765 19,359 19,746 Medicare Taxes 1,526 2,040 2,988 3,010 3,066 4,454 4,610 4,702 Unemployment Taxes 278 1,391 259 934 1,267 1,242 1,242 1,242 Workman's Compensation 508 451 757 920 1,203 1,623 1,672 1,705 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 65 332 7 - 255 - - - Total Personnel 140,015$ 185,084$ 287,778$ 313,976$ 301,584$ 429,897$ 446,845$ 457,456$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services -$ 2,812$ -$ -$ -$ 12,000$ 8,000$ 8,000$ Engineering - - - - - 75,000 75,000 50,000 Plan Review Services 9,203 - 4,709 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 5,000 Appraisal - - - - - 500 500 500 Health Inspections 5,300 6,000 5,975 6,100 6,100 6,100 6,100 6,100 Inspection Services 28,045 16,300 - 5,000 - 8,000 8,000 8,000 Advertising - - 461 100 - 1,100 1,100 1,100 Printing 892 890 734 900 900 1,100 1,100 1,100 Computer Mapping - - - - - 4,000 4,000 4,000 Abatements - 2,055 2,920 1,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Schools & Training 679 1,365 1,187 1,860 1,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 Service Charges & Fees - - 331 - - - - - Telephone 207 337 794 560 200 600 600 600 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,120 1,506 1,609 2,008 2,148 3,672 3,672 3,672 Vehicle maintenance 158 862 869 3,000 4,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 Dues & Membership 400 421 260 667 500 1,627 1,627 1,627 Travel & Per Diem - 517 117 28 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 Meetings 65 22 75 100 - 240 240 240 Plat Filing Fees - - - - - 1,100 1,100 1,100 Office Supplies 789 1,367 1,106 1,500 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 Postage 132 825 798 500 300 500 500 500 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 17 661 454 800 - 700 2,000 500 Fuel 1,824 3,978 6,217 6,000 5,700 6,245 6,245 6,245 Uniforms 356 1,181 1,527 1,900 1,900 2,340 2,340 2,440 Miscellaneous Expense 222 4,792 1,248 600 600 900 900 900 Total Services/Supplies 49,410$ 45,891$ 31,390$ 37,623$ 27,748$ 143,024$ 140,324$ 113,924$ Capital Capital Outlay -$ 17,364$ -$ 4,002$ 41,825$ -$ 8,089$ 8,089$ Total Capital -$ 17,364$ -$ 4,002$ 41,825$ -$ 8,089$ 8,089$ Total Expenditures 189,425$ 248,339$ 319,168$ 355,601$ 371,157$ 572,921$ 595,258$ 579,469$ 38 Finance -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $259,463 $ 259,680 $ 254,187 $ 285,438 $ 268,036 $ 266,946 0% Services & Supplies 101,085 117,624 108,980 110,002 117,717 120,151 2% Capital - 150,839 9,650 - - - NA TOTAL $360,548 $528,143 $372,816 $395,440 $385,753 $ 387,097 0% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 FINANCE DIRECTOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 CHIEF FINANCIAL ANALYST 1.0 1.0 1.0 BUDGET ANALYST 1.0 1.0 1.0 PART TIME ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER 0.0 0.4 0.0 TOTAL FTEs 3.0 3.4 3.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 39 Finance 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 194,234$ 196,650$ 188,446$ 207,457$ 201,418$ 188,912$ 205,524$ 209,634$ Longevity 180 - 135 150 140 270 545 745 Stipend - - 4,500 2,200 3,500 2,250 2,250 2,250 Retirement 26,658 27,484 24,776 30,522 28,113 32,338 36,706 37,465 Medical Insurance 21,874 17,992 19,291 24,876 17,004 23,861 23,618 24,799 Dental Insurance 1,017 1,004 1,262 1,756 1,337 1,665 1,534 1,611 Vision Insurance 175 229 144 414 349 398 364 371 Life Insurance & Other 654 994 2,508 1,706 1,476 1,671 1,704 1,739 Social Security Taxes 10,862 11,148 10,238 12,298 11,042 11,729 12,984 13,243 Medicare Taxes 2,540 2,713 2,394 2,876 2,573 2,776 3,021 3,083 Unemployment Taxes 618 1,044 31 700 635 597 621 621 Workman's Compensation 522 422 398 483 384 479 530 541 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 129 - 64 - 65 - - - Total Personnel 259,463$ 259,680$ 254,187$ 285,438$ 268,036$ 266,946$ 289,400$ 296,102$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 6,830$ -$ 13,320$ -$ -$ 2,100$ 2,100$ 2,100$ Auditing 37,819 58,000 35,000 38,500 34,000 32,750 35,500 34,750 Appraisal 37,831 40,886 43,407 44,157 45,736 46,394 51,178 52,384 Tax Administration 3,971 2,971 3,831 5,526 4,000 4,416 4,637 4,869 Advertising 3,331 2,339 2,140 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 Printing 960 2,135 1,948 2,000 2,300 750 750 750 Schools & Training 1,635 1,666 371 1,481 1,580 2,855 2,005 2,480 Service Charges & Fees 300 - 200 7,000 18,120 18,120 18,620 18,620 PID 112 (84) 87 - 114 100 100 100 Telephone 349 347 222 280 150 100 100 100 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 807 685 664 900 900 900 900 900 Building Maintenance - 6 - - - - - - Dues & Membership 1,021 1,175 1,310 1,470 1,375 1,500 1,575 1,775 Travel & Per Diem 2,452 2,360 1,460 1,688 2,246 2,916 2,760 2,830 Meetings 226 95 311 150 100 100 100 100 Office Supplies 1,685 1,480 1,657 1,200 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Postage 1,476 1,212 891 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 280 26 576 500 250 250 250 250 Furniture/Equipment <$5000 - - 1,150 250 146 200 200 200 Miscellaneous Expense - 2,325 435 100 100 100 100 100 Total Services/Supplies 101,085$ 117,624$ 108,980$ 110,002$ 117,717$ 120,151$ 127,475$ 128,908$ Capital Capital Outlay -$ 150,839$ 9,650$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Capital -$ 150,839$ 9,650$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures 360,548$ 528,143$ 372,816$ 395,440$ 385,753$ 387,097$ 416,875$ 425,010$ 40 Municipal Court -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 64,880 $ 68,308 $ 55,108 $ 70,630 $ 70,625 $ 75,397 7% Services & Supplies 15,380 10,621 13,624 14,364 10,946 10,539 -4% TOTAL $ 80,260 $ 78,929 $ 68,731 $ 84,994 $ 81,571 $ 85,936 5% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 SENIOR COURT CLERK 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL FTEs 1.00 1.00 1.00 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 41 Municipal Court 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 47,397$ 50,763$ 40,796$ 51,500$ 51,350$ 54,747$ 56,628$ 57,761$ Longevity - 140 200 - - 80 155 230 Stipend - - 1,000 500 1,200 750 750 750 Certifications 900 718 557 1,200 - - - - Retirement 6,650 6,854 4,949 7,521 7,474 8,714 9,407 9,596 Medical Insurance 5,385 4,671 3,281 5,304 5,306 5,570 5,849 6,141 Dental Insurance 322 358 261 362 362 387 406 427 Vision Insurance 62 86 58 81 82 81 85 89 Life Insurance & Other 185 343 597 526 505 512 522 533 Social Security Taxes 3,027 3,197 2,636 2,664 3,258 3,399 3,516 3,586 Medicare Taxes 708 748 617 623 762 806 834 851 Unemployment Taxes 126 329 50 226 226 222 222 222 Workman's Compensation 118 101 106 123 100 129 133 136 Total Personnel 64,880$ 68,308$ 55,108$ 70,630$ 70,625$ 75,397$ 78,508$ 80,321$ Services/Supplies Professional Outside Services 976$ 1,458$ 643$ 1,650$ 1,755$ 1,890$ 1,890$ 1,890$ Judge's Compensation 4,500 3,900 3,900 5,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 Advertising 172 - - - 742 - - - Printing 1,249 982 870 1,850 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Schools & Training 850 500 400 750 350 350 350 350 Service Charges & Fees 4,337 1,301 4,949 - - - - - Telephone 119 169 285 160 150 150 150 150 Jury Fees 12 - - 185 144 144 144 144 Prisoner-Sit Out DCSO 40 - - 144 - - - - Dues & Membership 280 101 130 215 130 130 130 130 Travel & Per Diem 1,153 1,043 1,136 2,110 625 625 625 625 Meetings - - 29 - - - - - Office Supplies 408 299 287 450 250 450 450 450 Postage 1,083 465 460 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,100 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 110 - - 150 - - - - Warrant Round-Up 80 272 422 600 - - - - Furniture/Equipment <$5000 - - 113 200 200 200 200 200 Miscellaneous Expense 11 131 - - - - - - Total Services/Supplies 15,380$ 10,621$ 13,624$ 14,364$ 10,946$ 10,539$ 10,539$ 10,639$ Total Expenditures 80,260$ 78,929$ 68,731$ 84,994$ 81,571$ 85,936$ 89,047$ 90,960$ 42 Human Resources -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 86,339 $ 90,623 $ 97,595 $ 92,186 $ 74,438 $ 87,655 18% Services & Supplies 3,721 4,216 5,176 6,196 3,795 4,840 28% TOTAL $ 90,060 $ 94,839 $102,771 $ 98,382 $ 78,233 $ 92,495 18% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 HR COORDINATOR 0.0 0.0 1.0 HR MANAGER 1.0 0.0 0.0 HR GENERALIST 0.0 1.0 0.0 TOTAL FTEs 1.0 1.0 1.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 43 Human Resources 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 56,013$ 56,303$ 60,012$ 50,000$ 42,719$ 51,765$ 53,582$ 54,654$ Longevity 255 473 563 - - 65 140 215 Stipend - - 2,500 - 500 750 750 750 Retirement 7,904 7,824 8,830 7,274 6,328 8,882 9,598 9,800 Medical Insurance 6,063 4,945 4,301 9,074 - - - - Dental Insurance 439 344 353 624 326 387 406 427 Vision Insurance 61 82 79 138 74 81 85 89 Life Insurance & Other 207 366 922 526 346 474 483 493 Social Security Taxes 3,489 3,453 3,911 3,100 2,666 3,213 3,326 3,393 Medicare Taxes 816 808 915 725 639 762 795 811 Unemployment Taxes 117 261 9 187 213 207 207 207 Workman's Compensation 131 111 131 115 92 131 135 138 Employee Relations 1,505 4,475 5,257 7,900 7,735 8,150 8,300 8,750 Tuition Reimbursement 2,311 8,451 7,509 10,104 10,100 10,100 10,100 10,100 Employee Assistance Program 3,051 2,727 2,303 2,419 2,464 2,688 2,880 3,072 Flexible Benefits Administration 3,978 - - - - - - - Total Personnel 86,339$ 90,623$ 97,595$ 92,186$ 74,438$ 87,655$ 90,789$ 92,899$ Services/Supplies Physicals/Testing 1,346$ 1,909$ 295$ 540$ 540$ 540$ 540$ 540$ Printing 103 8 20 - - 150 150 150 Schools & Training 75 299 2,095 1,950 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 Telephone 32 132 89 100 100 100 100 100 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 417 228 857 900 225 900 900 900 Dues & Membership 315 240 255 1,046 250 250 250 250 Travel & Per Diem 87 - 168 100 700 500 500 500 Meetings - 20 - 260 - - - - Office Supplies 416 544 1,030 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,100 Postage 691 236 307 300 300 300 325 325 Publications/Books/Subscriptions 240 600 60 - 180 100 100 100 Total Services/Supplies 3,721$ 4,216$ 5,176$ 6,196$ 3,795$ 4,840$ 4,865$ 4,965$ Total Expenditures 90,060$ 94,839$ 102,771$ 98,382$ 78,233$ 92,495$ 95,654$ 97,864$ 44 Information Services -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Personnel $ 159,921 $ 172,779 $ 181,544 $ 185,804 $ 185,807 $ 191,325 3% Services & Supplies 84,750 92,429 124,270 143,760 147,408 200,374 36% Capital 42,777 64,996 36,506 44,707 44,707 31,613 -29% TOTAL $ 287,448 $330,204 $342,319 $374,271 $377,922 $ 423,312 12% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR 1.0 1.0 1.0 NETWORK SUPPORT SPECIALIST 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL FTEs 2.0 2.0 2.0 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures 45 Information Services 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Personnel Salaries 119,695$ 131,135$ 133,759$ 136,509$ 136,725$ 139,358$ 143,421$ 146,289$ Longevity 825 975 1,125 1,455 1,455 1,620 1,800 1,980 Stipend - - 3,500 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 Retirement 17,002 18,293 19,320 20,507 20,530 24,068 25,852 26,389 Medical Insurance 11,348 9,921 10,166 10,609 10,616 11,139 11,696 12,281 Dental Insurance 632 687 726 723 735 774 813 853 Vision Insurance 122 163 163 162 163 162 165 169 Life Insurance & Other 437 732 1,932 1,356 1,115 1,130 1,153 1,176 Social Security Taxes 7,555 8,167 8,554 8,740 8,742 8,741 8,995 9,175 Medicare Taxes 1,767 1,910 2,000 2,044 2,052 2,066 2,138 2,181 Unemployment Taxes 239 524 18 374 414 414 414 414 Workman's Compensation 300 272 281 325 260 353 364 371 Total Personnel 159,921$ 172,779$ 181,544$ 185,804$ 185,807$ 191,325$ 198,311$ 202,779$ Services/Supplies Software & Support 44,765$ 43,013$ 79,168$ 93,215$ 100,939$ 147,602$ 138,336$ 134,305$ Security 277 1,499 663 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 Schools & Training 750 3,352 2,800 3,500 2,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 Telephone 7,300 5,248 6,218 5,808 5,808 5,808 5,808 5,808 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,489 1,506 2,036 2,483 2,483 2,716 2,716 2,716 Independent Labor 2,428 1,002 1,696 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Copier Rental/Leases 6,193 6,202 6,164 6,834 6,790 7,908 7,908 7,908 Dues & Membership 100 100 300 250 250 250 250 250 Travel & Per Diem 1,654 - 1,534 2,259 577 2,849 2,685 2,022 Meetings 22 - - 22 72 72 72 72 Office Supplies 732 666 852 721 721 721 721 721 Printer Supplies 8,075 9,171 8,030 7,500 8,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 Postage 228 86 108 200 300 250 250 300 Uniforms - - - 125 125 225 125 125 Hardware 10,737 20,584 14,701 16,493 14,993 16,623 8,373 11,598 Total Services/Supplies 84,750$ 92,429$ 124,270$ 143,760$ 147,408$ 200,374$ 182,594$ 181,175$ Capital Capital Outlay 42,777$ 64,996$ 36,506$ 44,707$ 44,707$ 31,613$ 44,407$ 44,407$ Total Capital 42,777$ 64,996$ 36,506$ 44,707$ 44,707$ 31,613$ 44,407$ 44,407$ Total Expenditures 287,448$ 330,204$ 342,319$ 374,271$ 377,922$ 423,312$ 425,312$ 428,361$ 46 Facilities Maintenance -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED % Change (Est. vs. Pro) Services & Supplies $ 76,483 $ 65,341 $ 75,345 $ 72,200 $ 79,550 $ 111,042 40% TOTAL $ 76,483 $ 65,341 $ 75,345 $ 72,200 $ 79,550 $ 111,042 40% ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- 11% 1% 5% 2% 26% 12% 5%4% 13% 7% 1% 7% 5% 1%1% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Percent of General Fund Expenditures Facilities Maintenance 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED 2016 PROJECTED 2017 PROJECTED Services/Supplies Electricity 13,811$ 13,584$ 14,948$ 15,000$ 14,500$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,500$ Water 766 1,027 926 1,500 1,500 1,860 1,916 1,973 Insurance 44,443 42,306 44,241 46,500 51,688 54,265 56,971 59,812 Building Maintenance 5,994 3,029 12,251 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Equipment Maintenance 582 - 150 - 362 250 250 250 Cleaning Services 8,133 2,801 448 1,500 - 17,292 17,292 17,292 Vending Machine Supplies 603 41 - - - - - - Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 - 10,875 - - Maintenance Supplies 2,151 2,553 2,381 2,700 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,750 Total Services/Supplies 76,483$ 65,341$ 75,345$ 72,200$ 79,550$ 111,042$ 102,929$ 106,577$ Total Expenditures 76,483$ 65,341$ 75,345$ 72,200$ 79,550$ 111,042$ 102,929$ 106,577$ 47 Capital Projects Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues 305,705 323,781 61,659 - 101,330 200,500 Expenditures 5,418,119 1,427,344 318,392 3,528,871 991,235 4,627,524 Other Sources (Uses) (45,000) 500,000 1,326,067 - 3,100,000 385,000 ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $4,000,000 $4,500,000 Ending Fund Balance Capital Projects Fund FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 6,757,402$ 1,599,988$ 996,425$ 4,293,136$ 2,065,759$ 4,275,854$ 233,830$ 234,330$ Revenue Contributions/Grants 264,381$ 322,536$ 30,230$ -$ 100,000$ 200,000$ -$ -$ Interest Revenue 6,323 1,245 1,429 - 1,330 500 500 100 Miscellaneous Revenue - - 30,000 - - - - - Intergovernmental Revenue 35,001 - - - - - - - Total Revenue 305,705$ 323,781$ 61,659$ -$ 101,330$ 200,500$ 500$ 100$ Expenditures General Government 27,489$ 2,453$ 51,089$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Bond Issuance Costs - 21,200 29,367 - - - - - Capital Outlay 5,390,630 1,403,691 237,936 3,528,871 991,235 4,627,524 11,700,000 - Total Expenditures 5,418,119$ 1,427,344$ 318,392$ 3,528,871$ 991,235$ 4,627,524$ 11,700,000$ -$ Other Sources (Uses) Debt Proceeds -$ 500,000$ 1,300,000$ -$ 3,100,000$ -$ 11,700,000$ -$ Bond Premium - - 33,794 - - - - - Transfer In 15,000 - - - - 385,000 - - Transfer Out (60,000) - (7,727) - - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses (45,000)$ 500,000$ 1,326,067$ -$ 3,100,000$ 385,000$ 11,700,000$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)(5,157,414)$ (603,563)$ 1,069,334$ (3,528,871)$ 2,210,095$ (4,042,024)$ 500$ 100$ Ending Fund Balance 1,599,988$ 996,425$ 2,065,759$ 764,265$ 4,275,854$ 233,830$ 234,330$ 234,430$ 48 Debt Service Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues 1,252,365 1,287,815 1,911,620 1,370,864 1,361,840 1,498,553 Expenditures 4,254,782 1,360,266 2,750,417 1,585,092 1,399,695 1,573,662 Other Sources (Uses) 3,004,739 81,331 864,253 218,362 40,354 127,350 ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 $160,000 $180,000 $200,000 Ending Fund Balance 49 DEBT SERVICE FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 83,067$ 85,388$ 94,267$ 58,785$ 119,723$ 122,222$ 174,463$ 128,587$ Revenue Property Taxes 1,006,366$ 1,049,656$ 1,163,144$ 1,351,864$ 1,351,864$ 1,490,172$ 1,726,301$ 1,836,318$ Property Taxes/Delinquent 2,402 7,389 11,959 12,000 5,985 4,356 4,819 5,014 Property Taxes/Penalty & Interest 6,220 6,967 5,774 6,000 3,741 3,775 4,197 4,387 Intergovernmental Transfer EDC 232,785 222,922 729,909 - - - - - Interest Income 4,591 880 833 1,000 250 250 250 300 Total Revenue 1,252,365$ 1,287,815$ 1,911,620$ 1,370,864$ 1,361,840$ 1,498,553$ 1,735,567$ 1,846,019$ Expenditures Bond Principal 803,000$ 885,000$ 2,294,000$ 1,138,000$ 998,000$ 1,088,000$ 1,228,000$ 1,258,000$ Bond Interest 549,805 471,016 451,417 445,092 398,945 481,912 676,189 649,372 Paying Agent Fees 2,150 4,250 5,000 2,000 2,750 3,750 4,500 4,500 Bond/CO Issuance cost 74,324 - - - - - - - Refund Cost 2,825,503 - - - - - - - Total Expenditures 4,254,782$ 1,360,266$ 2,750,417$ 1,585,092$ 1,399,695$ 1,573,662$ 1,908,689$ 1,911,872$ Other Sources (Uses) Bond Proceeds 2,790,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Bond Proceeds- Premium 118,904 - - - - - - - Transfer In 95,835 81,331 864,253 218,362 40,354 127,350 127,246 127,136 Transfer Out - - - - - - - - Total Other Sources (Uses)3,004,739$ 81,331$ 864,253$ 218,362$ 40,354$ 127,350$ 127,246$ 127,136$ Net Increase (Decrease)2,321$ 8,879$ 25,456$ 4,134$ 2,499$ 52,241$ (45,876)$ 61,283$ Ending Fund Balance 85,388$ 94,267$ 119,723$ 62,919$ 122,222$ 174,463$ 128,587$ 189,870$ 50 Storm Drainage Utility Fund ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year------Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues 136,093 186,668 375,542 392,034 428,100 423,900 Expenses 156,461 96,488 174,117 378,283 523,936 504,136 Other Sources (Uses) (60,819) (64,382) (37,344) (213,214) (20,607) (27,350) POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 STREETS SUPERVISOR 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL FTEs 0.5 0.5 0.5 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 Ending Working Capital 51 Storm Drainage Utility FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Working Capital 128,370$ 47,183$ 72,981$ 244,766$ 237,062$ 120,619$ 13,033$ 52,770$ Revenue Storm Drainage Fee 136,021$ 180,668$ 370,042$ 386,034$ 390,000$ 402,800$ 410,500$ 414,100$ Hazardous Waste Stipend - 6,000 5,500 6,000 4,000 - - - Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - 34,000 21,000 - - Interest Income 72 - - - 100 100 100 100 Total Revenue 136,093$ 186,668$ 375,542$ 392,034$ 428,100$ 423,900$ 410,600$ 414,200$ Expenses Personnel Services Salaries 14,667$ 15,203$ 23,214$ 23,748$ 23,812$ 24,238$ 25,086$ 25,588$ Overtime 304 118 253 - 741 - - - Longevity 94 171 304 349 349 394 444 494 Stipend - - 750 750 750 375 375 375 Retirement 2,130 2,148 3,433 3,615 3,678 4,224 4,565 4,662 Medical Insurance 2,001 1,657 2,537 2,652 2,653 2,785 2,924 3,070 Dental Insurance 104 115 185 181 312 334 351 368 Vision Insurance 20 27 41 41 40 41 42 43 Life Insurance & Other 60 223 402 245 235 250 259 264 Social Security Taxes 934 946 1,501 1,540 1,551 1,527 1,580 1,612 Medicare Taxes 218 221 351 360 364 363 376 383 Unemployment Taxes 36 86 4 93 104 104 104 104 Workman's Compensation 295 752 1,183 1,355 1,296 1,472 1,524 1,554 Total Personnel 20,863$ 21,666$ 34,156$ 34,929$ 35,885$ 36,107$ 37,630$ 38,518$ Services & Supplies Engineering/Construction 3,509$ 3,998$ 40,339$ 104,000$ 78,624$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ Printing - - - - - - - - Trash Removal/Recycling 6,110 12,896 19,359 16,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Property Maintenance 22 - - - - - - - Vehicle maintenance 1,015 464 - - - - - - Equipment maintenance 3,951 567 0 - - - - - Street Sweeping 3,850 3,850 3,850 4,000 4,720 6,000 6,000 6,000 Independent Labor - 8,000 9,011 16,860 16,860 17,366 17,887 18,781 Dues & Membership 2,444 2,555 2,570 2,494 200 200 200 200 Fuel 3,975 1,675 69 - - - - - Small Tools 3,188 565 - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense - - 110 - - - - - Total Services & Supplies 28,065$ 34,571$ 75,308$ 143,354$ 101,904$ 125,066$ 125,587$ 126,481$ Capital Transfer to Drainage Capital Projects 107,532$ 40,251$ 61,603$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 164,000$ -$ -$ Total Capital 107,532$ 40,251$ 61,603$ 200,000$ 200,000$ 164,000$ -$ -$ Debt Service Principal -$ -$ -$ -$ 140,000$ 140,000$ 145,000$ 145,000$ Interest - - 3,049 - 46,147 38,963 35,400 31,775 Total Debt Service -$ -$ 3,049$ -$ 186,147$ 178,963$ 180,400$ 176,775$ Total Expenses 156,461$ 96,488$ 174,117$ 378,283$ 523,936$ 504,136$ 343,617$ 341,774$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In 3,385$ -$ -$ -$ 6,460$ -$ -$ -$ Transfer Out (64,204) (64,382) (37,344) (213,214) (27,067) (27,350) (27,246) (27,136) Total Other Sources (60,819)$ (64,382)$ (37,344)$ (213,214)$ (20,607)$ (27,350)$ (27,246)$ (27,136)$ Net Increase (Decrease)(81,187)$ 25,798$ 164,080$ (199,463)$ (116,443)$ (107,586)$ 39,737$ 45,290$ Ending Working Capital 47,183$ 72,981$ 237,062$ 45,303$ 120,619$ 13,033$ 52,770$ 98,060$ 52 Strom Drainage Capital Projects FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 Total Previous Balance 578,174$ -$ -$ 578,174$ Sources of Funds - Bond Proceeds - - - - Capital Funding from Operations 164,000 - - 164,000 Total Sources 742,174$ -$ -$ 742,174$ Expenses Indian Creek 313,174$ -$ -$ 313,174$ Cypress Court Drainage Inlets 30,000 30,000 Pin Oak Court 80,000 - - 80,000 Pebble Beach Drive 205,000 - - 205,000 Broadway Creek Improvements and Amenity Lake Slopes 114,000 - - 114,000 Total Expenses 742,174$ -$ -$ 742,174$ Remaining Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ 53 Trophy Club Park Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues 117,019 138,712 130,663 130,000 143,752 153,752 Expenses 98,935 130,185 98,717 121,710 124,893 150,327 Other Sources (Uses) (15,000) - (12,300) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT 0.4 0.4 0.4 TCP GUARD SHACK 1.1 1.1 1.1 TOTAL FTEs 1.5 1.5 1.5 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE $(40,000) $(30,000) $(20,000) $(10,000) $- $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 Ending Working Capital 54 Trophy Club Park FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Working Capital (37,726)$ (34,642)$ (26,115)$ (20,608)$ (6,470)$ 4,389$ (185)$ 27,252$ Revenue Park Revenue 115,658$ 138,712$ 130,663$ 130,000$ 143,752$ 153,752$ 155,290$ 156,842$ Recovery of Prior Year Expense 1,355 - - - - - - - Interest Income 6 - - - - - - - Total Revenue 117,019$ 138,712$ 130,663$ 130,000$ 143,752$ 153,752$ 155,290$ 156,842$ Expenses Personnel Salaries 34,624$ 36,506$ 38,612$ 35,390$ 40,541$ 43,008$ 44,513$ 45,404$ Longevity - - 64 88 88 112 142 172 Stipend - - 600 1,600 600 300 300 300 Retirement 2,913 2,939 3,117 3,318 3,329 4,222 4,349 4,436 Medical Insurance 2,425 1,984 2,029 2,122 2,523 2,826 2,967 3,116 Dental Insurance 126 137 145 145 145 155 163 171 Vision Insurance 25 33 33 32 33 32 33 34 Life Insurance & Other 82 146 357 355 208 211 218 223 Social Security Taxes 2,162 2,240 2,433 2,299 2,508 2,673 2,767 2,822 Medicare Taxes 506 524 569 538 590 630 652 665 Unemployment taxes 206 489 59 261 350 306 306 306 Workman's Compensation 1,041 877 896 799 768 1,033 1,069 1,091 Pre-Employment Physicals/Testing 17 102 4 140 - - - - Total Personnel 44,127$ 45,976$ 48,917$ 47,087$ 51,683$ 55,508$ 57,479$ 58,738$ Services & Supplies Professional Outside Services -$ -$ -$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ -$ -$ Auditing - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Software & Support 1,416 453 3,493 1,928 3,576 3,849 2,897 3,849 Collection Fees - - 1,215 1,300 - - - - Advertising 3,731 1,514 1,808 1,440 1,428 1,500 1,550 1,600 Printing - 712 - 1,375 - 1,416 1,459 1,502 Schools & Training - 879 663 1,280 983 340 375 425 Service Charges & Fees 4,391 6,043 3,298 1,736 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Electricity 2,215 2,068 3,392 2,000 3,500 3,600 3,700 3,800 Water 2,755 2,054 1,650 1,600 1,648 1,697 1,747 1,799 Telephone 681 998 1,178 1,380 1,548 1,600 1,650 1,700 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,722 1,547 1,626 3,483 2,265 1,560 1,560 1,560 Property Maintenance 24,204 37,382 7,131 12,000 12,000 10,500 10,815 11,139 Equipment Maintenance 730 2,176 (911) 2,926 2,129 2,426 2,475 2,525 Independent Labor - - 11,798 10,200 11,600 10,200 10,250 10,300 Portable toilets 4,688 3,590 3,590 4,158 3,939 4,000 4,100 4,200 Dues & Membership 355 200 199 1,450 310 320 330 340 Travel & Per Diem 219 854 424 1,093 1,126 387 450 500 Office Supplies 487 151 294 955 984 1,013 1,044 1,075 Postage 38 169 25 300 309 318 327 336 Fuel 265 259 374 1,404 1,200 1,490 1,534 1,580 Uniforms 381 456 383 845 375 645 700 750 Community Events 3,628 5,587 5,269 6,500 5,300 6,500 6,600 6,700 Consultants 175 - - - - - - - Small Tools 1,962 1,883 1,384 1,400 800 1,400 772 795 Furniture/Equipment<$5,000 - - - 1,720 600 1,720 - - Maintenance Supplies 355 2,185 515 425 438 451 464 478 Miscellaneous Expense 383 426 - 525 302 557 574 591 Prompt Payment Interest 27 - - - - - - - Total Services & Supplies 54,808$ 71,586$ 49,800$ 69,423$ 68,360$ 69,489$ 62,373$ 64,544$ Capital Capital Expenses -$ 12,623$ -$ 5,200$ 4,850$ 25,330$ -$ -$ Total Capital -$ 12,623$ -$ 5,200$ 4,850$ 25,330$ -$ -$ Total Expenses 98,935$ 130,185$ 98,717$ 121,710$ 124,893$ 150,327$ 119,852$ 123,281$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out (15,000)$ -$ (12,300)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ Total Other Sources (Uses)(15,000)$ -$ (12,300)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ (8,000)$ Net Increase (Decrease)3,084$ 8,527$ 19,645$ 290$ 10,859$ (4,575)$ 27,438$ 25,561$ Ending Working Capital (34,642)$ (26,115)$ (6,470)$ (20,318)$ 4,389$ (185)$ 27,252$ 52,813$ 55 Court Security Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues - 3,499 4,699 4,000 3,379 3,788 Expenditures - - - - - - Other Sources (Uses) - 13,949 - (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 Ending Fund Balance Court Security FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance -$ -$ 17,448$ 18,675$ 22,147$ 22,526$ 23,314$ 24,139$ Revenue Municipal Court Security Fee -$ 3,499$ 4,699$ 4,000$ 3,379$ 3,788$ 3,825$ 3,863$ Total Revenue -$ 3,499$ 4,699$ 4,000$ 3,379$ 3,788$ 3,825$ 3,863$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In -$ 13,949$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Transfer Out -$ -$ -$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ 13,949$ -$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ (3,000)$ Net Increase (Decrease)-$ 17,448$ 4,699$ 1,000$ 379$ 788$ 825$ 863$ Ending Fund Balance -$ 17,448$ 22,147$ 19,675$ 22,526$ 23,314$ 24,139$ 25,002$ 56 Court Technology Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues - 4,510 6,265 5,000 4,505 5,000 Expenditures - 1,240 - 4,166 21,214 5,730 Other Sources (Uses) - 29,244 - - - - ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $15,000.00 $20,000.00 $25,000.00 $30,000.00 $35,000.00 $40,000.00 $45,000.00 Ending Fund Balance Court Technology FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance -$ -$ 32,514$ 32,989$ 38,780$ 22,071$ 21,341$ 20,595$ Revenue Municipal Court Technology Fee -$ 4,510$ 6,265$ 5,000$ 4,505$ 5,000$ 5,050$ 5,100$ Miscellaneous Revenue -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,200$ -$ -$ -$ Total Revenue -$ 4,510$ 6,265$ 5,000$ 4,505$ 5,000$ 5,050$ 5,100$ Expenditures Services & Supplies Software & Support -$ -$ -$ 4,166$ 2,494$ 5,730$ 5,796$ 5,862$ Hardware -$ 1,240$ -$ -$ 5,280$ -$ -$ -$ Total Services & Supplies -$ 1,240$ -$ 4,166$ 7,774$ 5,730$ 5,796$ 5,862$ Capital Capital Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,440$ -$ -$ -$ Total Capital Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,440$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures -$ 1,240$ -$ 4,166$ 21,214$ 5,730$ 5,796$ 5,862$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer In -$ 29,244$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ 29,244$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)-$ 32,514$ 6,265$ 834$ (16,709)$ (730)$ (746)$ (762)$ Ending Fund Balance -$ 32,514$ 38,780$ 33,823$ 22,071$ 21,341$ 20,595$ 19,833$ 57 Crime Control Prevention District Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues - - 23,007 152,500 143,690 147,272 Expenditures - - - 85,000 74,452 83,464 Other Sources (Uses) - - - (67,500) - (75,000) ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 Ending Fund Balance CCPD FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ 23,007$ 92,246$ 81,054$ 142,998$ Revenue Sales Tax -$ -$ 23,007$ 152,500$ 143,690$ 147,272$ 150,944$ 154,707$ Total Revenue -$ -$ 23,007$ 152,500$ 143,690$ 147,272$ 150,944$ 154,707$ Expenditures Services & Supplies Small Equipment -$ -$ -$ 40,054$ 29,500$ 36,285$ 14,000$ -$ Total Services & Supplies -$ -$ -$ 40,054$ 29,500$ 36,285$ 14,000$ -$ Capital Capital Outlay -$ -$ -$ 44,946$ 44,952$ 47,179$ -$ -$ Total Capital -$ -$ -$ 44,946$ 44,952$ 47,179$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ 85,000$ 74,452$ 83,464$ 14,000$ -$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out -$ -$ -$ (67,500)$ -$ (75,000)$ (75,000)$ (75,000)$ Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ -$ -$ (67,500)$ -$ (75,000)$ (75,000)$ (75,000)$ Net Increase (Decrease)-$ -$ 23,007$ -$ 69,238$ (11,192)$ 61,944$ 79,707$ Ending Fund Balance -$ -$ 23,007$ -$ 92,246$ 81,054$ 142,998$ 222,705$ 58 Economic Development Corporation 4B Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues 123,737 161,241 246,997 305,100 323,349 327,572 Expenditures 82,317 119,667 441,002 340,100 179,417 324,960 ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 Ending Fund Balance EDC 4B FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 299,715$ 341,135$ 382,709$ 167,530$ 188,704$ 332,636$ 335,248$ 322,552$ Revenue Sales Tax - General 123,374$ 147,391$ 246,997$ 305,000$ 319,311$ 327,272$ 335,431$ 343,794$ Advertising Revenue - 13,850 - - - - - - NTX Magazine Revenue - - - - 3,938 - - - Interest Income 362 - - 100 100 300 450 600 Total Revenue 123,737$ 161,241$ 246,997$ 305,100$ 323,349$ 327,572$ 335,881$ 344,394$ Expenditures Auditing 1,091$ 1,000$ 3,500$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ Election - - 6,116 - - - - - Advertising 787 12,952 2,910 16,500 5,800 3,000 7,200 9,400 Printing - - - 1,000 250 500 500 500 Schools & Training 3,061 1,766 1,955 2,320 1,430 2,120 3,050 2,350 Dues & Membership 450 300 400 600 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,150 Travel & Per Diem 1,711 2,396 153 3,226 52 1,533 1,700 1,775 Office Supplies - 872 523 1,000 700 400 500 500 Community Events - - - - - - - - Miscellaneous Expense 2,523 2,983 12,427 6,750 4,025 7,100 7,450 9,450 EDC Projects 14,766 23,464 123,285 50,744 38,150 11,850 7,750 18,350 Incentive Programs - - - 130,000 - 140,773 160,773 161,773 Transfer to General Fund 31,683 47,151 55,200 71,996 71,996 155,634 157,604 159,633 Transfer to Debt Service 26,246 26,783 234,533 54,964 54,964 - - - Total Expenditures 82,317$ 119,667$ 441,002$ 340,100$ 179,417$ 324,960$ 348,577$ 365,881$ Net Increase (Decrease)41,420$ 41,574$ (194,004)$ (35,000)$ 143,932$ 2,612$ (12,696)$ (21,487)$ Ending Fund Balance 341,135$ 382,709$ 188,704$ 132,530$ 332,636$ 335,248$ 322,552$ 301,065$ 59 Hotel Occupancy Tax -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues 22,645 20,575 108,181 100,100 231,205 233,716 Expenditures 20,500 21,144 22,277 32,840 32,840 38,825 Other Sources (Uses) - - - (67,260) - - ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 Ending Fund Balance Hotel Occupancy FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance (255)$ 1,890$ 1,321$ 1,321$ 87,225$ 285,590$ 480,481$ 777,856$ Revenue Hotel Occupancy Tax 22,645$ 20,543$ 108,169$ 100,000$ 231,105$ 233,416$ 335,750$ 439,108$ Interest Income 1 32 11 100 100 300 450 600 Total Revenue 22,645$ 20,575$ 108,181$ 100,100$ 231,205$ 233,716$ 336,200$ 439,708$ Expenditures Event Rentals -$ 20,719$ 22,277$ 32,840$ 32,840$ 38,825$ 38,825$ 38,825$ July 4 Celebration 20,500 425 - - - - - - Total Expenditures 20,500$ 21,144$ 22,277$ 32,840$ 32,840$ 38,825$ 38,825$ 38,825$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out -$ -$ -$ (67,260)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ -$ -$ (67,260)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)2,145$ (569)$ 85,903$ -$ 198,365$ 194,891$ 297,375$ 400,883$ Ending Fund Balance 1,890$ 1,321$ 87,225$ 1,321$ 285,590$ 480,481$ 777,856$ 1,178,739$ 60 Street Maintenance Sales Tax Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues 123,434 147,391 148,159 152,500 159,264 163,636 Expenditures 123,279 106,142 139,010 112,675 168,409 131,300 Other Sources (Uses) (3,385) - (38,448) (13,287) (13,287) (25,000) ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- POSITION TITLE ACTUAL 2013 ESTIMATE 2014 ADOPTED 2015 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 0.7 0.7 0.7 TOTAL FTEs 0.7 0.7 0.7 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE $- $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 Ending Fund Balance 61 Street Maintenance FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance 37,981$ 34,750$ 75,999$ 29,338$ 46,700$ 24,268$ 31,604$ 41,491$ Revenue Sales Tax 123,374$ 147,391$ 148,159$ 152,500$ 159,264$ 163,636$ 167,715$ 171,897$ Interest Income 59 - - - - - - - Total Revenue 123,434$ 147,391$ 148,159$ 152,500$ 159,264$ 163,636$ 167,715$ 171,897$ Expenditures Personnel Salaries 18,109$ 17,821$ 22,799$ 23,342$ 20,284$ 22,041$ 22,812$ 23,611$ Overtime 59 114 174 - 468 - - - Longevity - 160 340 410 405 - 54 108 Stipend - - 720 864 864 540 540 540 Retirement 2,536 2,517 3,365 3,581 3,233 3,814 4,124 4,274 Medical insurance 3,794 2,962 3,652 3,818 3,666 5,087 5,341 5,608 Dental Insurance 198 198 261 260 252 392 412 432 Vision Insurance 38 47 59 58 58 99 102 105 Life Insurance & Other 65 142 388 241 233 246 255 260 Social Security Taxes 792 1,173 1,490 1,526 1,365 1,367 1,415 1,464 Medicare Taxes 186 280 348 357 319 327 338 350 Unemployment Taxes 54 160 6 134 225 149 149 149 Workman's Compensation 1,145 972 1,166 1,342 1,637 1,338 1,385 1,433 Total Personnel 26,976$ 26,546$ 34,768$ 35,933$ 33,009$ 35,400$ 36,928$ 38,335$ Services & Supplies Vehicle Maintenance -$ -$ 883$ 3,665$ 3,200$ 3,700$ 3,700$ 3,700$ Street Maintenance 48,178 41,495 69,958 51,377 113,500 70,000 70,000 70,000 Signs & Markings 10,865 23,166 27,790 15,000 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Fuel - 2,984 5,611 6,000 6,000 6,500 6,500 7,000 Small Tools - - - 700 700 700 700 700 Total Service & Supplies 59,043$ 67,645$ 104,242$ 76,742$ 135,400$ 95,900$ 95,900$ 96,400$ Capital Capital Outlay 37,260$ 11,951$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Capital 37,260$ 11,951$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Expenditures 123,279$ 106,142$ 139,010$ 112,675$ 168,409$ 131,300$ 132,828$ 134,735$ Other Sources (Uses) Transfer Out (3,385)$ -$ (38,448)$ (13,287)$ (13,287)$ (25,000)$ (25,000)$ (25,000)$ Total Sources Other (Uses)(3,385)$ -$ (38,448)$ (13,287)$ (13,287)$ (25,000)$ (25,000)$ (25,000)$ Net Increase (Decreases)(3,231)$ 41,248$ (29,299)$ 26,538$ (22,432)$ 7,336$ 9,887$ 12,162$ Ending Fund Balance 34,750$ 75,999$ 46,700$ 55,876$ 24,268$ 31,604$ 41,491$ 53,653$ 62 Tax Incremental Reinvestment Zone #1 -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues - - - - - 13,144 Expenditures - - - - - - Other Sources (Uses) - - - - - - ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Ending Fund Balance TIRZ#1 FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,144$ 151,909$ Revenue Property Tax -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 12,669$ 117,661$ 195,532$ Sales Tax - - - - - 475 21,105 29,362 Total Revenue -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,144$ 138,766$ 224,894$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Other Sources (Uses)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Net Increase (Decrease)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,144$ 138,766$ 224,894$ Ending Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,144$ 151,909$ 376,803$ 63 Recreational Program Fund -Budget- Financial Summary 2011 ACTUAL 2012 ACTUAL 2013 ACTUAL 2014 BUDGET 2014 ESTIMATE 2015 ADOPTED Revenues - - - - 13,000 4,000 Expenditures - - - - 9,000 4,000 ----------------Past---------------------Projected Year----- $- $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $3,000.00 $3,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,500.00 Ending Fund Balance Recreation Program Fund FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 ACTUAL FY 2013 ACTUAL FY 2014 BUDGET FY 2014 ESTIMATE FY 2015 ADOPTED FY 2016 PROJECTED FY 2017 PROJECTED Beginning Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ Revenue Recreation Programs -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ Total Revenue -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ Expenditures Recreational Programs -$ -$ -$ -$ 9,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ Total Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ 9,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ Net Increase (Decrease)-$ -$ -$ -$ 4,000$ -$ -$ -$ Ending Fund Balance -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 64 Project Name Fund Funding Source Project Phase Description Total Prior Funding FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Total Annual Operating Budget Impact Indian Creek Reconstruction and Drainage Capital Projects Fund / Storm Drainage Fund 2013 CO & Denton County Contribution Construction Project will reconstruct four lanes of pavement, medians, and storm drainage improvements from Edgemere to Meadowbrook. The project will also construct new sidewalks along Indian Creek. The project also calls for paving and drainage reconstruction improvements along Meadowbrook. 672,437$ 1,159,904$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,832,341$ -$ Pin Oak Court Capital Projects Fund / Storm Drainage Fund 2013 CO Planning Reconstruction of a neighborhood street and any needed storm drainage infrastructure repair or replacement.-$ 383,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 383,000$ -$ Timberline Court Capital Projects Fund / Storm Drainage Fund 2013 CO Planning Reconstruction of a neighborhood street and any needed storm drainage infrastructure repair or replacement. $ - $ 154,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 154,000 $ - Pebble Beach Drive Capital Projects Fund / Storm Drainage Fund 2014 Tax Note & Fund Balance Planning Reconstruction of Pebble Beach Drive from Indian Creak to North Cul-De-Sac. $ - $ 783,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 783,000 $ - Broadway Creek Improvements and Amenity Lake Slopes Storm Drainage Fund 2013 CO / Drainage Fund Operations Planning Drainage improvements to Broadway Creek and Amenity Lake Slopes. $ - $ 114,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 114,000 $ - Independence East Bleachers Capital Projects Fund 2010 GO Planning Install six angle frame bleachers on existing concrete slabs at Independence East Park. $ - $ 23,310 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 23,310 $ - Independence East Security Cameras Capital Projects Fund 2010 GO Planning Install security cameras at Independence East Park. $ - $ 22,484 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 22,484 $ - Cypress Court Drainage Inlets Storm Drainage Fund 2013 CO / Drainage Fund Operations Planning Install drainage inlets along Cypress Court $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ - Lakeview Practice Soccer Fields Capital Projects Fund 2014 Tax Note & Fund Balance Planning Construct eight youth (under age eight) practice soccer fields on leased land from NISD by Lakeview Elementary. $ - $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 200,000 $ 12,765 Municipal and Police Services Facility Land Capital Projects Fund 2014 CO Planning Purchase of land for joint Town Hall / Police Station.-$ 2,500,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,500,000$ -$ Subtotal: Projects in Progress/Currently Funded 672,437$ 5,369,698$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 6,042,135$ 12,765$ Town of Trophy Club - Five Year Capital Improvement Program Projects in Progress and Currently Funded Projects 65 Project Name Fund Funding Source Project Phase Description Total Prior Funding FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Total Annual Operating Budget Impact Municipal and Police Services Facility Capital Projects Fund Proposed Bonds Planning Construction of joint Municipal Complex and Police Station. $ - $ - $ 11,700,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 11,700,000 $ 100,000 Dino Playground Parking General Fund General Fund Operations Planning Add twelve parking spaces to the Dino Playground. $ - $ - $ 49,450 $ 49,450 $ - Indian Creek Drive Capital Projects Fund Proposed Bonds Planning Reconstruction of Indian Creek Drive from Meadowbrook to Harmony Park. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 945,201 $ 945,201 $ 1,890,402 $ - Trophy Club Drive Capital Projects Fund Proposed Bonds Planning Street reconstruction southbound from Durango to Bobcat. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 908,736 $ 908,736 $ 1,817,471 $ - Trophy Club Drive Capital Projects Fund Proposed Bonds Planning Street reconstruction from Marshall Creek roundabout to Meadow Creek. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 259,887 $ 259,887 $ 519,774 $ - Trophy Lake Drive Capital Projects Fund Proposed Bonds Planning Street reconstruction from Village Trail to SH 114. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 579,970 $ 579,970 $ 1,159,940 $ - Phoenix Drive Capital Projects Fund / Storm Drainage Fund Proposed Bonds Planning Reconstruction of a neighborhood street and any needed storm drainage infrastructure repair or replacement.-$ -$ 578,813$ 245,000$ 823,813$ -$ Municipal Drive Street Maintenance Sales Tax Fund Street Maintenance Sales Tax Planning Street reconstruction. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 70,499 $ 70,499 $ - Subtotal: Future Funded Projects -$ -$ 11,749,450$ -$ 3,272,606$ 3,009,293$ 18,031,349$ 100,000$ Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Storm Drainage Fund Capital Projects Fund Capital Projects Fund Fiscal Year 2024 Fiscal Year 2027 Construction of a bridge on Trophy Club Drive over Marshall Creek. Ross Court Llano Drive Fiscal Year 2024 T.W. King Parking Area / Emergency Exit Bobcat Blvd. Cypress Court Trophy Club Drive Bridge Over Marshall Creek Street reconstruction. Street reconstruction. Parking lot / emergency exit construction. Drainage system improvements. Drainage system improvements. Future Funded Projects Future Consideration (Unfunded Projects) Projected Start Date Fiscal Year 2022 Fiscal Year 2022 Fiscal Year 2022 Fiscal Year 2022 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year 2023 Fiscal Year 2024 Fiscal Year 2024 Fiscal Year 2024 Portland Drive Wilshire Court Lee Court Glendale Court Description Street Reconstruction from Indian Creek to cul-de-sac. Project Name Troon Court Drive Murfield Court Street reconstruction. Street reconstruction. Street reconstruction. Street reconstruction. Street reconstruction. Street reconstruction. Woodlands Court 66