Minutes PZ 11/16/2022Town of Trophy Club TC* Meeting Minutes TOWN OF Special Called Meeting TROPHY CLUB Planning & Zoning Commission November 16, 2022 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUCE A QUORUM 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Council Chambers Chairperson Biggs called the November 16, 2022 Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 7:01 PM and announced a quorum. Commissioners Present: Chairperson Michael Biggs Commissioner Rhylan Rowe Commissioner Terry Kesterson Commissioner Paul Jablonski Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Robert Stevens Commissioner Jonathan Poole Vice Chairperson Mike Branum Staff Present: Matt Cox Director of Community Development Helen -Eve Beadle Town Planner Alicia Santos Sr. Administrative Assistant CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS: Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairperson Biggs asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests to speak were submitted. REGULAR SESSION: 1. Case SUP-22-003 (EV Charging Stations) a. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a request to install two (2) electrical EV Charging Stations located at 2240 SH 114, Trophy Club Town Center Addition Blk A, Lot 1, approximately 315 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 200 feet north of SH 114. (M. Cox) b. Discussion and recommendation regarding a request install two (2) electrical EV Charging Stations located at 2240 SH 114, Trophy Club Town Center Addition Blk A, Lot 1, approximately 315 feet east of Trophy Club Drive and approximately 200 feet north of SH 114. (M. Cox) Chairperson Biggs opened the public hearing at 7:02 PM. Director Matt Cox presented the staff report and is recommending leaving the case open for a later date. Chairperson Biggs motioned to continue with this case for a future date. Commissioner Jablonski requested to add questions for the applicant. Commissioner Rowe made a motion to continue this case for the next P&Z meeting, seconded by Commissioner Kesterson. Chairperson Biggs called for a vote. -The motion passed for continuance unanimously. 2. Case FP-22-001 (The Falcon Estates at Trophy Club) Consider and possible act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Final Plat for the Falcon Estates at Trophy Club (formerly The Hawthorn Estates at Trophy Club and Gas Well Site 7H) containing 3.692 acres of land location east of Mona Vale, south of Kent Street and west of Trophy Club Drive. (M. Cox) Town Planner Consultant Helen -Eve Beadle presented the staff report and was available for questions. Beadle presented the staff report and final plat zone R12 consistent with ordinance. HOA responsible for up keeping for this site. Wall will also be around the site. Civil plans were received and being reviewed. Staff recommends approval. Amending service agreement with MUD for utility service. Was available for any questions. Chairperson Biggs asked for discussion or a motion. Commissioner Jablonski moved to recommend approval, seconded by Commissioner Rowe. Chairperson Biggs called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously 4-0 with the following: 1. Documentation regarding -the capped wells 2. Civil plans identification by the Texas Railroad Commission be on the plans. 3. Item 4 on final plat HOA-to be added to on the documents. 4. Wells marked for the construction crew. 3. Case FP-22-002 (The Aspen Estates at Trophy Club) Consider and possibly act on a recommendation to the Town Council on a Final Plat for The Aspen Estates at Trophy Club Drive (formerly Gas Well Site 8H) containing 3.37 acres of land located east of Bobcat Boulevard, south of Trophy Club Drive, north of Strathfield Lane, and southwest of Mossman Lane. (M. Cox) Town Planner Consultant -Helen -Eve Beadle presented the staff report and was available for questions. Staff recommends approval with the four items as the Falcon Estates, the gas wells being capped, Civil plans were received and being reviewed, HOA responsible for the upkeep of the site, screening wall along Trophy Club Drive. All the wells have been marked for the construction crew. - Chairperson Biggs asked for discussion or a motion. Commissioner Rowe moved to recommend approval, seconded by Commissioner Kesterson. Chairperson Biggs called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously 4-0. 4. Take appropriate action regarding the September 2, 2021, November 4, 2021, and December 1, 2021 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting minutes. Director Cox advised regarding the clerical error on the 11.4.2021 minutes. Chairperson Biggs asked for discussion or a motion. Chairperson Biggs moved to recommend approval, seconded by Commissioner Rowe. Chairperson Biggs called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously 4-0. 5. Receive updates on previous cases heard by Commission and active development in town. Director Cox advised there will be more final plat applications coming. Stated staff is working with applicants regarding presentation. Stated Lot 2 Cooks Children is moving quickly, with a plan opening in January 2023 and the shell build out to be completed before the CO is approved. Chairperson Biggs inquired about Trophy Table building and staff advised it is in the works of being purchased and will be a restaurant. ADJOURN Chairperson Biggs called for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Rowe moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Commissioner Kesterson. Chairperson Biggs called f— - ^r= Ts= --A unanimously 4-0. Chairperson Biggs adjourned the meeting at 7:26 PM. Chairpbrson Michael Biggog/ Planning & Zoning Commission Town of Trophy Club, TX Sr. Administrative Assistant Town of Trophy Club, TX