RES 2023-09 Annual AppointmentsTOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2023-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS AND CHAIRPERSONS TO SERVE ON THE ANIMAL SHELTER ADVISORY BOARD; BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION; PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD; PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION; TAX INCREMENT REINVIESTMENT ZONE NO. 1 BOARD; AND ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE CRIME CONTROL AND PRVENTION DISTRICT; ECONOMIC DEVELOMENT CORPORATION; AND ETHICS COMMISSION; DESIGNATING TERMS OF SERVICE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, benefits by having its citizens involved in local government through service on Boards, Commissions, and Corporations; and WHEREAS, the Trophy Club Town Council is responsible for making appointments to the Boards, Commissions, and Corporations serving the Town whose terms are expiring; and WHEREAS, the Town Council is responsible for appointing a Chairperson to the Animal Adivosry Board, Building Standards Commission; Parks and Recreation Board; Planning and Zoning Commission; Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board; and the Zoning Board of Adjustment; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The facts and recitals set forth in the preamble of this resolution are hereby found to be true and correct. SECTION 2. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Animal Services Board with the respective chairperson as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Captain Bobby Tillman Place 4/Municipal Officer 09/30/2025 Brooke Bemis Place 5/Veterinarian 09/30/2025 London Wilson Place 6 09/30/2025 Susan Edstrom To Serve as Chair SECTION 3. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby authorizes and accepts the resignations of Michael Biggs and Terry Kesterson from the Building Standards Commission to continue service on the Planning and Zoning Commission. RESOLUTION NO.2023-09 PAGE 2 SECTION 4. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Buildings Standard Commission with the respective chairperson as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Doug Harper Place 1 and to serve as Chair 09/30/2025 Jonathan Poole Place 2 09/30/2025 Reid Burley Place 3 09/30/2025 James Calaway Place 4 09/30/2024 (unexpired term Garrett Wallace Place 5 09/30/2024 (unexpired term SECTION 5. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Parks and Recreation Board with the respective chairperson as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Patrick Schrein Place 1 09/30/2025 David Durre Place 2 09/30/2025 Jennifer Kashner Place 3 09/30/2025 Chuck Hall Place 4 09/30/2024 (unexpired term Jeffrey Eason Place 8 09/30/2025 Dana Kizer Place 9 09/30/2025 Dean MurrayTo Serve as Chair SECTION 6. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission with the respective chairperson and vice -chairperson as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Rh lan Rowe Place 1 09/30/2025 Paul Jablonksi Place 2 09/30/2025 Mike Branum Place 3 and to serve as Vice -Chair 09/30/2025 Reginald Barbarin Place 4 09/30/2025 Michael Biggs To Serve as Chair SECTION 7. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to service on the Tax Increment Investment Zone No. 1 Board with the respective chairperson as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Aaron Ross Place 1 and to serve as Chair 09/30/2024 (unexpired term Danny Mayer Place 2 09/30/2025 Rebecca Barksdale Place 3/Tarrant County Rep 09/30/2025 Richard Gregory Place 4 09/30/2024 (unexpired term Lisa Finch Place 5 09/30/2024 (unexpired term RESOLUTION NO. 2023-09 PAGE 3 SECTION S. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment with the respective chairperson as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Doug Harper Place 1 /09/30/2025 Reid Burley Place 4 09/30/2025 James Calaway Place 5 09/30/2025 Tom Bath Alternate 1 09/30/2025 Jonathan Poole Alternate 2 09/30/2025 Garrett Wallace Alternate 3 09/30/2024 (unexpired term Nick Sanders Alternate 4 09/30/2024 (unexpired term Stephen Bowman To Serve as Chair SECTION 9. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Crime Control and Prevention District Board as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Christine Udvar-Hazy Place 2 09/30/2025 Christopher McAllister Place 3 09/30/2025 Royce Labor Place 4 09/30/2025 Leo Daniels Place 6 09/30/2025 SECTION 10. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Economic Development Corporation Board as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date John R back Place 2 09/30/2025 Joseph Longo Place 5 09/30/2025 Scott Hinshaw Place 6 09/30/2025 SECTION 11. That the Town Council of Trophy Club, Texas, hereby appoints the following individuals to serve on the Ethics Commission as specified below: Name Place Term Ending Date Jennifer Olson Place 1 09/30/2024 (unexpired term Jennifer Graf Place 3 09/30/2025 Sean Nelson Place 4 09/30/2025 Mindi Bone Place 5 09/30/2025 Amy Mancuso Alternate 09/30/2025 Julie Edwards Alternate 09/30/2025 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-09 PAGE 4 SECTION 12. That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 91h DA of T Ropy ATTEST: w Tammy Dixon, Town S retary APPROVED TO AS FORM: Dea Roggia, Own Attorney CTOBER . `.mil � TIM 9z '